Thursday, April 3, 2008

5 Strategies for Stress Reduction for Nurses

5 Strategies for Stress Reduction for Nurses
Do you feel as if you are being stalked by a grizzly bear?
Is your system always on high alert? Do you experience
headaches, body aches, digestive distress, anxiety, or
sleeplessness? The common culprit behind these symptoms
could be....STRESS!

What are the stressors in your life? Do you have neck or
low back pain from lifting and transporting patients? Do
you feel pulled in different directions, trying to meet the
needs of your patients and their doctors? Are you trying
to get more done in less time? "Stress" has become such a
common household word that we use it to describe everything
from the rush of the morning commute to the hours of
homework our children complete after their mandatory club
soccer practices.

Stress is harmful because stress imbalances every hormone
system in your body. To achieve optimum health and an
ideal body composition, you must focus on regular stress
management. When you experience a stressor, there are three
phases to your response:1) the stressful event,2) your
inner appraisal of it, and
3) your body's reaction. The stress response is difficult
to handle because once it begins, the mind has no control
over it. Sitting in traffic or being criticized at work
can trigger a stress response 'the "fight-or-flight"
reaction ' that has no hope of being physically carried
out, thus dissipating the hormones that create the body's
call to action.

Although you may not be able to control the stressful event
-- or your body's reaction to it -- your inner appraisal of
it, the link between the event and your reaction, is up to
you. The totally personal way in which you filter all
events determines how stressful they are. Everyone has a
different level of stress tolerance. What seems to create
the greatest perceived threat in any given situation are
these three factors: 1) lack of predictability, 2) lack of
control, 3) lack of outlets for frustration.

5 Strategies to Manage Stress

1. Receive some bodywork. Massage therapy or chiropractic
sessions can reduce the muscular and skeletal stress that
result from tense, overwrought muscles. Caring for the
physical body helps reset the emotional self as well.

2. Develop a practice of breath work. Breathing seems
such a natural event; we often don't realize when our
breath has become shallow and limited. When we breathe
fully and deeply, expanding the air into the bottom of our
lungs, we receive the full benefit of oxygenating our brain
and body. Our brain is 2% of our body's weight and uses
20% of our body's oxygen! Lack of oxygen increases
feelings of helplessness, fatigue, and uneasiness. Full,
deep breaths help balance the nervous system.

3. Meditate. Make time once or twice a day to turn within
and commune with the still small voice that is the "you"
inside your physical body. Even if it is only for five
minutes, turning your attention within can help reset your
thoughts and feelings and refresh your perspective.

4. Exercise. Move your body! Walking, biking, swimming or
dancing all get the blood moving, carrying fresh oxygen to
all parts of your brain and body. The "fight or flight"
response shared by humans and animals is extremely helpful
when you are faced with physical danger, like that grizzly
bear in the first paragraph. If the problem can be solved
by "fighting," taking action to scare the bear away, or by
"flight," running away so fast the bear can't harm you, the
solution itself dissipates the stress and bodily functions
return to normal. When stress is caused by a problem,
situation, or condition that can't be solved through such a
response, the impact extends for a longer period. Exercise
helps dissipate the hormones that accumulate in the body
when it is stressed.

5. Be here now. Keep your thoughts focused on the present
moment. It is really all that you have. Fretting about
past events or worrying about what may happen in the future
both sap your ability to enjoy where you are right now.
Reviewing the past and planning for the future are two
abilities of higher reasoning that humans have that
differentiate us from other mammals. Don't let
circumstances take over your opportunity to see the gift
that this moment brings you—that's why it's called the

Our bodies are wired for health and vitality, not for
illness and disease. Health is how our bodies function,
not how they feel. Health comes from the inside out. And,
importantly, the choices we make play a part in our health
and well-being. For more information on health and
wellness, stress management, weight loss, and releasing
emotional blocks that may be sabotaging your health, go to or

Dr. Michael B. Roth has been a holistic chiropractor for 23
years. His goal is to transform the health care system
from crisis/reactive care to a wellness model of health.
Dr. Roth is a dynamic speaker on health and wellness who
can motivate and transform your audience and you to bring
your own health and well-being to a new level!

Vitamins E and C Effective Against The Common Cold?

Vitamins E and C Effective Against The Common Cold?
Most people are now familiar with the idea that vitamin C
may help protect against and mitigate the symptoms of the
common cold, although this theory is by no means
universally accepted by orthodox medical opinion. But
there's now evidence that supplements of vitamin E may also
play a role in reducing the incidence of infection; leading
some commentators to propose that combined supplements of
vitamins C and E may be highly effective both as prevention
and treatment.

Various recent research studies have suggested that
supplementation with 200 IU of vitamin E, or 1,000 mg of
vitamin C may reduce the incidence of colds by between 20
and 25%, although double-blind/placebo experiments have not
always been able to confirm these results. But even if one
remains sceptical about the value of vitamins E and C as
weapons for combatting the common cold specifically,
there's no doubt that both are highly important in ensuring
the optimal health of the immune system in general, and can
therefore only be of value in warding off the worst effects
of this annoying, albeit usually minor illness.

And there's particularly good evidence that vitamin E
functions as a general immune system booster, preserving
vital red blood cells and stimulating the body's production
of natural antibodies, effects which have been shown to be
particularly pronounced and important in the over 60s,
whose immune systems are commonly beginning to function
less effectively than those of younger people.

Moreover, vitamins C and E are probably the body's two most
important anti-oxidants, liquid and fat-soluble
respectively, and crucial in protecting against the free
radical damage to cells and tissue which left unchecked can
lead to premature signs of ageing, and even the
degenerative diseases which cause much of the misery
associated with advancing years. So for their anti-oxidant
functions alone it would be more than worthwhile to ensure
an abundant supply of both of these vitamins.

When considering supplementation with vitamin E it is
important to look for the tocopherol form, usually d-alpha
tocopherol, which most closely replicates the naturally
occurring form of the vitamin in foods such as wheatgerm,
dairy produce oily fish and certain nuts and seeds.

As is well known, by far the best food sources of vitamin C
are fresh fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits
and juices. But to obtain the kind of intakes generally
recommended for optimal health and the prevention of colds
and other infections, which most nutritional therapists set
at least 1,000 mg (1gram) per day, it is probably necessary
to supplement. Fortunately, ascorbate, the manufactured
form of vitamin C, is highly effective, particularly when
combined with the plant bioflavonoids with which vitamin C
is commonly found in nature. Such supplements are readily

Vitamin C appears to be non-toxic in almost any quantity
which could plausibly be ingested, the only reported side
effect being diarrhea, and even this has been observed only
in cases where tens of grams have been consumed on a daily
basis. Somewhat more caution needs to be exercised in the
case of vitamin E because of its fat solubility. But even
here, however, supplementary doses of several thousand IU
per day ' far in excess of the normally recommended
therapeutic dose of around 400 IU, appear to be very safe.
The only likely contra-indication arises because of vitamin
E's action as an anti-coagulant, meaning that it should not
be taken before surgey or when taking any presecibed blood
thinning medication.

As always in matters of nutrition, however, it is crucial
to adopt a holistic approach. And both vitamins E and C
will require the presence of an abundant supply of all the
vitamins and minerals required by the body if they are to
do their work effectively. Even orthodox opinion,
therefore, whilst ordinarily inclined to cast doubt upon
the therapeutic claims of nutritional therapists, commonly
recommends a comprehensive multi-vitamin and multi-mineral
suppplement as a valuable element in a daily regime for
optimal health.

Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter specialising in
direct marketing and with a particular interest in health
products. Find out more at

Facts of Breast Cancer

Facts of Breast Cancer
When you go to the doctor the last thing that you want to
hear is that you or someone that you dearly love has just
been diagnosed with breast cancer. Until it happens to you
or someone you love, it seems that such a disease as breast
cancer only happens to other people, not within your own
life. All of a sudden you try to remember all of the things
you have heard with the rise of awareness for breast cancer
in the media. After the shock wears off questions about
treatment options and survival rates begin to buzz in your
head. Luckily with all of the advancements in breast cancer
there are quite a few treatment options to choose from
depending on the severity of the case. Also, because of all
of the attention that breast cancer awareness has received
in recent years, there are many places to find the
information that you are seeking whether you are the one
that has been diagnosed or if it is someone you love, there
are many publications that will answer many of the
questions that you might have.

No longer do those diagnosed with breast cancer have to
feel like they are all alone in the world and they don't
have to sit quietly and suffer so that others won't notice
that there is something wrong. Due to all of the people who
have brought awareness to breast cancer it is no longer
something that is kept hushed within the family. Women have
options now and can choose what type of treatment is best
for them and their family. Because of all of the
information available there is no longer a lasting sense of
being lost, families are facing the disease and many women
are beating the odds of breast cancer every day. With the
click of a mouse you can instantly have access to hordes of
information on the different types of breast cancer. Once
you find cases that are similar to yours you can educate
yourself with information found on the internet or that
provided by your doctor.

It doesn't matter if you are the one suffering or if you
are the family member or friend of the person diagnosed;
everyone is affected by this disease in one aspect or
another. No longer are you forced to sit idly by while you
watch the person you love deal with this disease.
Researching breast cancer gives you information you need to
help comfort those or help them find the right treatment
options. By doing research you can also help yourself deal
with the emotional aspect of helping someone else deal with
this disease. There are so many different resources such as
help lines, online communities, and support groups that can
help you and your loved ones deal with the hardships that
accompany being diagnosed and living with breast cancer.
People who are experiencing the same difficulties as you
are waiting to share their experiences in order to help you
through your ordeal.

Breast Cancer Facts at:

Sleeping Problems and Mental Health

Sleeping Problems and Mental Health
People who are suffering from depression or anxiety often
have trouble sleeping. Indeed, one of the first signs of
depression is insomnia, although lack of sleep by itself is
not thought to cause depression.

Regardless of the cause, sleeping problems of any kind are
not pleasant and can significantly lower quality of life
whether or not depression is present. Some of the more
common types of sleep problems include insomnia, sleep
apnoea and snoring.


Insomnia is a condition whereby a person has difficulty in
getting to sleep, or has no problem in getting to sleep but
awakens often during the night, or who wakes up too early
in the morning. Another type of insomnia is sleep state
misperception where a person has managed to sleep during
the night but believes that they didn't.

It's important to note that not everyone requires the same
amount of sleep but a standard 8 hours a night give or take
an hour or so, is probably the ideal for most people to
feel alert and energetic throughout the day.

There are different types of insomnia too. Sleeplessness
that occurs for only a few nights is known as transient
insomnia, or if it goes on for a couple of weeks, short
term insomnia, or when it persists for over a month with
difficulties experienced most nights it is classed as
chronic insomnia. Some factors which could influence an
individual's ability to get a good night's sleep include:

- Too much caffeine during the day
- Some types of medication
- Anxiety, stress and worry
- Depression
- Physical pain
- Noise
- Changes in temperature
- Jet lag
- Underlying physical or mental illness
- Too much alcohol before bed

Obviously, any treatment for insomnia will ultimately
depend upon its underlying cause. For example, if the
insomnia is caused by medication, the problems may cease if
the medication is stopped or changed. Similarly, dealing
with any underlying anxiety, stress or worry may resolve
the problem. Sometimes it's not possible to identify the
cause of insomnia and in some severe cases sleeping pills
on a temporary basis may help, however, these should only
be taken under medical supervision as there are potential
side effects and contraindications to be considered.

Sleep Apnoea

Sleep apnoea can be a potentially serious sleeping disorder
which is characterised by short periods during the night
where breathing stops. Symptoms associated with sleep
apnoea include loud snoring, morning headaches, night
sweats, insomnia, jerking or twitching during the night,
waking up gasping for breath and getting up to go to the
toilet frequently during the night. These symptoms can vary
from mild to severe.

Sleep apnoea is caused by some sort of obstruction in the
airways, the throat or nasal passages which could be a
blocked nose and too much tissue being present, the tongue
slipping back into the throat, enlarged tonsils, or even
the angle of the jaw. One of the most significant factors
though is being overweight.

If you suspect that you or your partner suffers from sleep
apnoea it's important to speak to a doctor for a proper
diagnosis and advice. If the problem is mild then it might
just be a case of losing weight, sleeping on your side, and
not drinking alcohol in the evening, however, if it is
severe then there are other options available including the
wearing of a special mask. People who suffer from sleep
apnoea have a shortage of oxygen reaching the brain and may
also have an increased risk of strokes and heart disease as
well as other health problems.


Snoring is extremely common and is caused by vibration of
the palate and the uvula whilst breathing during sleep. If
the snoring is regular, rhythmic and not very loud and you
wake up feeling alert and refreshed, then there is probably
very little to worry about other than possibly disturbing
others who are trying to get to sleep.

If on the other hand the snoring is loud, accompanied by
snorts and gasps and periods of interrupted breathing, then
you should speak to your doctor as it would indicate sleep

Ways to improve sleep

- Talking therapies can be useful in highlighting ways to
cope with any anxiety and/or depression, which in turn will
improve sleep

- Learn some relaxation and breathing techniques, take up
yoga or meditation, These may help you to relax and unwind
and make falling asleep and staying asleep much easier

- Increasing the amount of physical exercise not only
improves health in general it helps the blood flow to the
brain, relieves stress and anxiety, makes you feel good,
and facilitates a better night's sleep

- Avoid the temptation to lie in bed watching television
and if you do awake during the night and can't get back to
sleep, try getting up for a while

- Avoid drinking too much tea and coffee in the evening or
drinking alcohol just before going to bed

- Remove any computers or television sets from the bedroom
and make your bed a place that is only used for sleeping
and for sex

Depression and anxiety are serious mental health conditions
that can strike anyone at anytime. For more information
about depression and selp help come and visit

Marketing for Nail Technicians

Marketing for Nail Technicians
Traditional marketing methods such as direct mail and
advertising are not working as effectively as they used to.
Generally advertising is one of the least effective ways to
grow your Nail Technicians business. One of the main
reasons for this is because in today's society, we are
bombarded with so many advertising messages, that we have
become somewhat cynical of the messages and either block
them out unconsciously or consciously. Did you know for
example, that:

o Americans make about 4.5 billion brand impressions a day
just through conversation. Keller Fay Group

o "Advertising is so ubiquitous that it's turning people
off. It's desensitizing people to the message." Rance
Crain, editor-in-chief, Ad Age

o In the 1970s the average person was exposed to 500-2,000
ad messages. Now its 3,000-5,000. USA Today, 10/10/2006 o
76% of people don't believe that companies tell the truth
in advertisements. Yankelovich 2005

o The most influential marketing media methods are as
follows: 1. Word of mouth 2. TV 3. Coupons 4. Newspaper
inserts 5. Read article 6. Direct mail 7. Magazines 8.
In-store promotions 9. Cable tv 10. Internet advertising
BIGresearch Simultaneous Media Usage Survey Dec 2005

o Conversations with advocates increases purchase intent by
2 to 7 times depending on industry and brand. Brand
Advocacy Dashboard 2005-06

Word of mouth marketing is the easiest, quickest, least
risky and cost effective way to grow your nail tech
service. Here's why:

1. It doesn't cost you, the Nail Technician anything

2. Studies have proven that referred clients come back more
often and spend more than clients brought in by any other
marketing method.

3. Word of mouth clients make better clients because they
have been referred by a friend and again studies have
proven that they are more trusting of you, complain less,
and are generally more enjoyable to work with.

4. Putting a word of mouth strategy in place will mean that
it is your clients doing your marketing for you, not you!

5. When a current client refers a new client to you, you
not only have a new client, but another new referral
source! If you started with one client who referred you
three people, and then those three new clients referred you
3 people each that would be 9 new clients. If those 9 new
clients each referred you 3 people each that would be 27
new clients and so forth!

6. A good word of mouth strategy can double the size of
your Nail Technician business year on year. If you put the
strategies in place in these pages, you'll find yourself
with too much work ' promise! 7. Referrals tend to be more
persuasive than any other form of marketing because
referrals are made from one person to another, and happen
between people who already know and trust each other. It is
more than just a referral, it is a personal endorsement.

With all of the above benefits, you can understand why
putting a word of mouth action plan in place is your best
time investment in terms of building your number of
clients that will reap you long term rewards.

For more information on guaranteed formulas for growing
your nail technician business, go to and sign up for the free
online newsletter.

Chin and Jawline Augmentation in Male Plastic Surgery

Chin and Jawline Augmentation in Male Plastic Surgery
The facial features most associated with masculinity is the
chin and jawline. A stronger chin and jawline conveys
increased masculinity, smaller chins and ill-defined
jawlines convey timidity and weakness. While this
perceptions may not always be true (and often aren't), they
certainly help create a first impression by their
appearance. In today's plastic surgery, newer generation
implants make this look possible more than ever before.

Chin implants have really evolved over the past decade with
many new styles and sizes. The most important change has
been that they have been extended in their shape rather
than small 'buttons'. The idea is to have an enhanced chin
that flows better into the surrounding jaw. This requires
an implant that 'extends' back from the chin to create a
smooth transition from the augmented chin to the back of
the jaw. These newer implants are longer and more tapered
at the ends, although they can still be placed through a
small incision right under the chin. Because they extend
back further they give an enhanced but natural appearance
to the chin. This is achieved by filling in the jawline
between the chin and the back of the jaw, slightly widening
the anterior jawline making the overall look more balanced.
In addition to jawline width, chin and jawline height can
also be lengthened by having a 'wrap-around' implant that
extends lower than the existing edge of the bone. Prior to
these type of implants, only cutting the bone or bone
grafting could have achieved this look. This increases the
height of the lower third of the face, a very
male-enhancing effect.

New implant options also exist for bolder cheekbones and
more square jaw angles. Small cheekbones generally are not
as obvious as a smaller chin but the effect on the
appearance of the face is just as real. Small cheek bones
create a flatter facial appearance or even a longer thin
face look. Several styles of cheek implants exist to fill
out different areas of the midface, from creating higher
cheekbones to improving that sunken cheek look. Cheek
implants are placed through an incision in the mouth so
there is no scarring. A more square and well-defined jaw
angle is a very masculinizing look and can only be created
with implants. Jaw angle implants can eitehr widen the back
of the jaw, make it more longer and more square, or both.
Like cheek implants they are placed inside the mouth so
scarring is never any issue.

It would not be uncommon to perform several areas of facial
enhancement in the male to get the overall look that they
want. Since an appreciation of facial shape and how the
different areas can be changed and how they would look from
implants mandates that computer-imaging be used. I find it
usually takes at least two consultations to thoroughly
cover all the options and make sure the patient has
complete understanding of the facial look that they desire.

Dr Barry Eppley runs a private plastic surgery practice
through his hospital-based medspa locations at Clarian
Health in Indianapolis. To learn more about the latest
trends in plastic surgery, spa therapies, or skin care, go
to his daily blog, .

Stop looking for the best possible muscle building supplement

Stop looking for the best possible muscle building supplement
I guess it's a sign of the times we live in, but it doesn't
make it any less disturbing. With all the advances that
we've experienced, with all the wonderful technological
breakthroughs of the last century, one of the unfortunate
habits that we've acquired is looking for the next greatest
thing. Whether we're trying to lose weight, build a
successful business, or improve our marriage, we tend to
rely on finding the one magical tool that will instantly
solve all of our problems. Of course, we rarely if ever
find that magic bullet, and this leads us to the inevitable
Dr. Phil moment: How's that working out for you?

When it comes to building muscle, why should things be any
different? Well, I'll tell you why ' because it just
doesn't work this way. Looking for the easy way out will
surely leave you disappointed with your results.

Supplement companies will continue to push the latest and
greatest breakthrough pill from now until the cows come
home. (By the way, I've always wondered about this
expression ' when exactly do the cows come home?) Anyway,
the simple point is that you should forget about trying to
find the perfect muscle building supplement in a body
builder magazine because you won't find it there.

The most important muscle building supplement is
consistency mixed with dedication. Follow a comprehensive
program that includes progressive overload and an adequate
muscle gaining diet.

Are you a little disappointed with that conclusion? Are
you still looking for something that you can spend your
money on, something that excites you when you open the tub
for the very first time? Well, since you insist, I'll
mention a couple of supplements which can be useful to your
muscle building efforts. The first is protein powder, and
this can be a good weapon to have in your pantry because of
its convenience. If you're going to try to build a large
amount of muscle, you're going to need a considerable
amount of protein in your diet. For example, a common
formula given by many is to eat 1.5 g of protein per pound
of body weight. As you start reading labels, you'll see
that it can be difficult to get all of this protein from
whole food. Thus, protein powders can provide a great and
convenient way to get some extra protein each day.

The second supplement you may want to consider is creatine,
a popular supplement trusted by many trainers, which can
replenish your energy reserves and allow you to train
harder. Of course, this supplement will make little
difference if your overall weight training and diet program
are not set up properly. This is where following a
comprehensive muscle building program can really pay off.

Download our free report on how to avoid the top 20
mistakes in the gym.
Visit our web site for the most effective bodybuilding
workouts to gain muscle naturally. Brought to you by

Women Over 40 - Losing Weight Without the Gym

Women Over 40 - Losing Weight Without the Gym
You can become more fit and healthy with or without a gym
membership. As a women over 40 myself, I was not too keen
on making an entrance into the local gym.

Its true, many women over 40 experience weight loss success
at health clubs or gyms, not because of the fancy equipment
but because of the motivation they find there.

However, if you don't have the time or money for a gym
membership, you can effectively sculpt a sexy physique and
even enjoy yourself, without daily visits to a gym. It all
has to do with your approach...

Losing Weight Without the Gym

1. Start your exercise regime with positive thoughts. Don't
tell yourself, "I will never last 30 minutes." Instead if
you're jogging or walking, imagine you're doing it on a
beach or in a place you find peaceful and beautiful.

2. Always begin and end with stretching. You'll reduce the
risk of over extending your muscles or getting muscle
fatigue which will decrease soreness. It can also be
helpful to end with a brief meditation while you slow your
breathing. You may enjoy the cool down so much that you
begin looking forward to your exercise routine.

3. While you're exercising, give yourself the talk test and
make sure you are getting enough air that you can
comfortably have a conversation. If it's too difficult or
your breathing is fast and shallow, slow down. You are
probably exceeding your target heart rate if you can't
speak in a normal voice.

4. Mix up your work outs, varying the intensity and the
activities. This will keep you from getting bored with your
routine. It will also enable you to target specific muscle

5. If you are interested in toning, use small dumbells
which are relatively inexpensive at Target or Wal-Mart.

Tip: Make sure the weights are heavy enough that during the
last few repetitions, you experience some difficulty.

6. Make your workouts fun. If you gather together friends
who have similar fitness goals your exercise will be fun
and social, and you will be more likely to make it a
regular routine. It's also easier to stick to a weight loss
program when you're surrounded by support.

7. Make sure you take enough time between workouts. Take at
least two days off each week so your muscles have time to
recover. If at anytime during your workout you experience
pain, stop! If you experience excessive soreness after your
workouts, lasting for more than a few days, talk to your

8. When you are dreading scheduled workout don't hesitate
to mix it up. Do whatever it takes to "keep moving". You
can walk, dance, jog, rollerblade, practice yoga or
pilates, go for a moderate hike...anything you can do to
move your body for a minimum of 30 minutes will help you
get fit and will aid you in reaching your weight loss goals.

9. Celebrate as much as possible. It is not easy for women
over 40 to lose weight so a positive attitude is crucial.
Set small goals and every time you reach a goal, celebrate.
When you "fall of the wagon" for a day and then fight to
get right back on, celebrate. When someone compliments you
on your weight loss progress, celebrate.

So, who needs the gym when you have everything you need to
get healthy and thin right inside your own head and home?

Debbie endeavors to encourage women to take care of their
bodies and feed their minds with good positive thoughts.
She shares her expertise on natural weight loss for women
over 40 at her blog .

Necessity And '60%' Yoga

Necessity And '60%' Yoga
Donna and I began attending yoga class about eight years
ago, largely due to health concerns. Doctors wanted her to
have surgery on her spine to correct a troubling stress
injury. The prospect of surgery scared us enough that we
were soon looking for every alternative we could find.

We became regulars at a chiropractor's office, one who
specialized in the treatment of athletic injuries, though
Donna's injury was more work related. He recommended
regular massage, so we found a gifted massage therapist. We
often drove to an acupuncture school where we learned the
basics of Chinese medicine, and she found a little relief
there. All these treatments served to strengthen her
muscles and joints, and relieve stress.

We heard about a weekly restorative yoga class at a nearby
church. My doctor encouraged me also to take better care of
myself, to get regular exercise, and because I was driving
anyway, I joined Donna for the class, discovering quickly
that my body liked this restorative pampering and
relaxation. The yoga style we first learned was called
Svaroopa, and I remember using lots of props: cushions,
blocks and straps (bondage?) to hold certain poses,
allowing us to surrender more deeply into them.

A few months later, we decided to relocate to shorten our
commute, giving us more time to get our domestic things in
order, and just plain have a life outside the rush hour
traffic congestion. After our move, we re-thought our
health care, finding a new chiropractor just a couple
blocks away, complete with an acupuncturist and massage
therapists regularly using his extra office space.

Turns out our new chiropractor has treated many yoga
instructors and students for years. He recommended an
instructor who herself began practicing yoga years before,
because of a horse riding injury.

We began enjoying her classes at a new studio for us,
learning more about yoga as a healing practice for our
bodies and minds - and also - very important - how to take
care of yourself in class.

If a teacher doesn't offer alternative postures, or suggest
backing out of uncomfortable positions, or encourage you to
honor your body's abilities, then you're on your own, you
need to do these things for yourself.

It's very easy to want to please a yoga teacher in a yoga
class, in part because they create a safe place to learn
outside your comfort zone, to stretch your limits, doing so
in a compassionate and forgiving way. And the safe place is
central to learning the practice, a learning that takes
years. We have so few truly non-judgmental spaces in our
cities and towns, that this freedom at the yoga studio - to
just be - is refreshing, an oasis and balm to the endless
hustle and stress outside.

We soon found our two weekly basic Iyengar classes with
Lori were making a significant, if gradual, improvement in
Donna's strength and range of motion, and in my own
flexibility and sense of well being as well. The Iyengar
approach, as taught by Lori, was the perfect transition
from the purely restorative to a more active style for us,
with the easy flow between postures serving to get us
moving more comfortably and breathing more deeply in the

I got some razzing from my brothers about turning myself
into pretzels and getting all new age-y around them, as was
to be expected. But when I noticed them complaining about
the inevitable aches and pains of aging, I was able to
offer a couple exercises like the cat-cow and variations on
long deep breathing. They felt some immediate effect, and
soon backed off from their initial skepticism.

It was during this time that I came up with the idea of 60%
Yoga. In this approach, it didn't matter what style of yoga
was being taught, only that the teacher encouraged each
student to think of the experience as their own
personalized class. Each student is always responsible for
taking care of themselves, backing out of uncomfortable
poses, checking in with the teacher whenever they need any
kind of help.

The 60% figure is the result of two self scores. You get
50% just for showing up, starting with a credit rather than
a deficit. And you're required to attempt only 10% of what
the teacher is suggesting, thus 60% total. The showing up
is key, and 10% is never too much to ask, the threshold
always providing an easy permission to begin as modestly
and gently as you wish.

It's important to understand that a yoga practice is about
showing up, becoming more present in your body, in your
interactions with others, in your better estimations of
yourself. If you begin with 10% and hold that as a
baseline, then the time will come when you'll naturally
adjust what that 10% means for you. Each class truly
becomes YOUR class.

I am an often lazy yogi. We've been at this still new
practice for over eight years now. Donna has almost 100%
range of motion back, and much less pain. We've taken up
dance classes for a couple seasons (something that never
could have happened without the yoga) and have several new
projects we're looking to immerse ourselves in,even
entering a new graduate school course of study.

When we found ourselves in yoga teacher training a year
ago, along with an enviably younger and truly enthusiastic
group, my 60% yoga idea required some explanation, so I
refined it, just as I was exploring a new style for me,
kundalini yoga.

Kundalini is not quite as approachable with the 10%
criterion to begin, as it's designed to engage your whole
self, keeping you so busy, inwardly and outwardly, that
there's little room to think. But I do allow myself as a
new student again to take time in the breathing and
movements, some days giving it more like 95%, but always
respecting the journey I've taken, keeping the 60% Yoga as
a kind of beginner's touchstone, one that carries great
value for the skeptical and still reluctant parts of me.

I'm grateful for how far I've come with these varieties of
yoga, especially since this physical yoga experience was
nowhere on my radar of possibility until Donna's injury.

We're both much healthier now, with reasonable strength,
endurance, even a few decent dance moves, and great yoga
friends, some of whom started as we did, with very little
interest beyond feeling better or tagging along with a
spouse, without much more than a 10% capacity to begin.
Some exercises and poses are still uncomfortable, but I
have my own inner permission to back off and take a pass
when that suits me. I do find it interesting how some poses
that were beyond me at the beginning are now a piece of
cake - tree pose for instance. I could not for the life of
me maintain any consistent balance on one leg, and now I
hold myself still as long as I wish. My 10% became 11%,
then more, until it all became easier as I kept showing up
- at class, in the poses, in the breathing, in my life.
And the idea of surgery for Donna was laid aside a long
time ago. There are far better choices, and yoga offers
some surprising new ways of thinking and being, in addition
to the health benefits over time. A great yoga instructor
is worth going out of your way for. Find someone you can
trust, and your life will change - for the better.

Jess Freer attends regular yoga classes with his wife
Donna, and recommends his '60%' approach to anyone,
especially reluctant men interested in seriously improving
their health, but is unsure how to begin.

Alternatives to flouride

Alternatives to flouride
I live in Manchester, England. It's a unique city. Apart
from hosting one of the most famous football teams in the
world, and having one of the dampest climates, (although
Seattle is worse, apparently), it also has one of the
strangest attributes in the country: it has clean water. No
fluoride has been added. As most people know, fluoride is a
rare metal that is hard to find in nature, but since the
1960s British families have been entertaining it every day
- in the water that they drink from the tap.

Fluoride is a poison. You're not advised to take a bottle
of it and swallow it, you'd die. However, in small doses,
it's claimed that it has a rare property: it can save your
teeth from decay. Research has shown, or so it is claimed,
that small quantities of fluoride in the water that we
drink can strengthen the enamel in our teeth and prevent
the formation of cavities. Since English children have some
of the worst teeth in the world, anything that can help to
prevent further decay is seen as a good thing, no matter
how outlandish. Because of course, it's a strange plan.
Here's the proposition: we will add something to your water
that is in itself a hazard, but it will avoid an even worse
problem, tooth decay. Who could possibly vote against that?
Manchester did. They've kept the water free of this
metallic additive for almost two generations, while the
rest of the ground has lapped it up, literally. There's
been mixed results.

In the first place, levels of tooth decay in children are
uncomfortably high. Why is that? Are children in Manchester
bad at cleaning their teeth? Don't they realise the
benefits of flossing? Well, that may be so, but not for
want of trying. School nurses regularly lecture the kids on
the best way of using a toothbrush, and if you go into any
primary school in the city, you will see posters and
pictures on the wall of healthy teeth - the aim, after all.
Maybe there's another reason: good advice, in itself,
doesn't work. That's certainly been the attitude in other
parts of the country. We don't want people to have rotten
teeth, they say, so we're going to add fluoride to the
water and the amount of fillings will go down, whether
people want that or that. Of course they want that, you
say! It's obvious! But no, that's not obvious. If you, or
any member of your family wanted to avoid losing your
teeth, the answer is glaring, right in front of your nose:
eat less sweets and chocolate, and brush and clean more
regularly. Why don't people do that? They say they will,
they promise they will, they even resolve to do that, every
New Year, when they make Resolutions for the coming twelve
months. But just like plans to go to the gym, and great
ideas about giving up other self-destructive habits, the
common behaviour is that all the good intentions fall by
the wayside and the bad habits, and unhealthy ways of life,
spring back to the fore in the Spring.

Fluoridation is a good example of doing something FOR
people, even though, in a logical world, they wouldn't need
it. Because, as every parent knows, there are alternatives.
If you agree that fluoride is good for you, you can buy
toothpaste with it built-in. You can then apply the
potential benefits directly to where it is needed, in your
mouth, without involving anyone else in your health binge.
No, we can't seem to simply do that. Somehow we know that
eating sweet things is bad for us, but we still do it. We
know that brushing and flossing is good for our teeth, but
we don't do it. So someone, in this case Local Government,
steps in and says, Right, we can't trust you to do the
right thing. We're going to have to do it for you, (and
take the decision out of your hands). We'll add the stuff
to water, so you can't avoid it. You will now get the
health benefits, (whether you would choose to have them or
not). Yep, that's a great way of treating people like
children, and forcing 'good behaviour' onto the population,
despite all the efforts we make every day to transform
ourselves into overweight, unhealthy, ugly and toothless.

The biggest consequence is that this sort of overbearing
authority removes consequences from people's lives. In a
logical world it would be simple: you eat sweet things,
your teeth fall out. Now it's up to you. You choose. You
eat those candy bars, you'll get false teeth. Your choice.
In our topsy-turvey world, it's all different. Oops, you're
eating that bad stuff. Well, we don't want to step in and
interfere with your decisions. You've decided to eat it,
(despite our good advice), and we can't stop you. Aah, but
we can add stuff to the water you drink. That'll cure you,
whether you change your way of life, or not. You WILL be

It's a dangerous step. Once you've added some 'medicine' to
the water supply, there's a precedent for finding reasons
to add more, and more. In the 1960s some people thought it
would be a good idea to add LSD to the reservoirs, because,
hey man, we're all too buttoned up. Let's hang loose, baby.
Uh, no, we disagreed with those wild hippies, at the time,
and since. But in our modern world, there are terrorists
trying to add poison to our water too, because they see it
as a good way to persuade our governments to follow their
manifesto. That seems outrageous, until you realise that
the existing water isn't pure anyway, is it? It's already
been tampered with, in the name of making us better
citizens. The terrorists are perhaps merely following an
example set by our very own leaders.

It's a fluid situation. People will always do the
unexpected, and then, leave the experts confounded. In
recent years, people with lots of money and no sense, have
been paying over the odds for bottled water, convinced by
advertising that tells them that what's in the plastic
bottle will do them a whole world of good. Well, maybe the
fluid has been 'filtered by volcanoes' or 'bottled at
source', (which means it's full of minerals, apparently),
but the important thing is that it isn't tap water. Despite
what all the medicators have been trying to do, they have
been fooled by the ultimate put-down: fashion. Suddenly,
it's just not cool to be seen drinking water out of the tap
- no matter how good it is for you - and sucking out of a
plastic teat is now all the rage in our modern world. Bad
luck, legislators. You're just going to have to find some
new way to do people good. They simply aren't downing the
medicated water supplies you've prescribed for them. Who
could have predicted that?

Mike Scantlebury is an argumentative Englander. He lives in
Manchester, home of football and modern music, and sends
out books and opinions to the world through his many web
sites. See his download site for extracts, free, then
follow through to order freshly printed paperback books,
delivered to your door.

How to Prevent and Cure Varicose Veins

How to Prevent and Cure Varicose Veins
Spider veins are those small blue veins which can appear
just below the surface of the skin, and are named such for
their resemblance to spider legs. Often forming on the face
and legs, they can appear on the abdomen as well, usually
happening in expectant mothers.

Not harmful in and of themselves, they are nevertheless
unattractive and embarrassing to the sufferer. Many who are
affected by spider veins refuse to allow any part of their
body having them to be seen. Spider veins are more
prevalent in women than in men.

Fortunately, there are some effective methods to prevent
and cure spider veins. Prevention is far preferable, as the
only way to treat them after they do show up is through a
minor surgical procedure. Prevention of course, can be a
harder sell since the "instant gratification" factor is not
present. People cannot see the results of prevention as
they can with a cure.

Regular exercise is one of the best ways to prevent spider
veins. Walking is effective, having a positive outcome on
the circulation of the legs and improving vein health
overall. Swimming also is a good choice; it is good for
general health and circulation in particular, making it a
good way to prevent spider veins.

In fact, anything improving overall health is a good way to
go. Yoga is very good, as is Pilates. Even old-fashioned
medicine ball exercises are effective in getting yourself
in good shape, and towards avoiding spider vein formation.

One of the best methods to prevent and cure spider veins is
to refrain from standing still for a long time in in place.
When standing still, blood can pool in the veins of the
legs, and the blood doesn't have the benefit of muscular
movement to help push it back towards the heart.

Shift your weight from time to time if you cannot help
standing still for a lengthy period. Bouncing on ones toes
will also help circulation in the legs because of this
muscular movement. A brief walk periodically will be a
great help; do this if at all possible (perhaps a walk
around the block).

Crossing ones legs while seated can worsen the condition as
well. This slows blood flow from the knees on down,
allowing blood to pool in the veins. It also increases
blood pressure in the legs.

Another factor that can put undue pressure on the legs and
contribute to spider veins is high heels. This is because
high heels also slow blood flow to the heart and cause
constriction in the blood vessels of the legs.

Tight clothes have a similar effect on circulation (pants,
even underwear can have this effect) Additionally, such
clothing contributes to cellulite formation, another reason
to eschew these items.

While spider veins are completely curable, they will
however involve a trip to a cosmetic surgeon. They will be
able to resolve the problem through a minor surgical

There are two ways to remove spider veins: sclerotherapy or

Sclerotherapy involves injecting a chemical agent (a
sclerosing agent) into the problem vein. This chemical
causes the vein to dissolve, essentially. In laser
treatment, lasers are used to heat the vein until a clot is
formed, which will destroy the vein.

There are several methods to prevent and cure spider veins.
The best of these is prevention through diet and regular
exercise. As they always told you growing up, an ounce of
prevention is better than a pound of cure.

Get answers to your health related questions at . Find tips and information
about diabetes, asthma, headaches, varicose veins and more.

Spring Cleaning Your Fitness Routine

Spring Cleaning Your Fitness Routine
We all have gone into our garages and closets for a little
spring cleaning. Nothing feels better than having a nice
and clean room. Your workouts and fitness goals can use a
spring cleaning just as much. You might find rejuvenation
for the rest of the year. Revamping your workouts in the
spring can have you ready for the summer and beach season.

Listed below are different areas where your fitness plan
can use some spring cleaning.

Do you have fitness goals all over the place? You want to
lose weight though you want to run a race, or want more
muscle, but can't stop signing up for marathons. Start
your spring clean up by revaluating what are your
priorities for fitness and are you spending your time
towards what you want to achieve. Many people set new
goals, and then go do the same workout everyday.

Have you ever set what you though were great goals, only to
fall short by the time summer hits. This spring make a
list of all possible obstacles to your goals. Once you
identify what are your obstacles you can make updates to
your plan to overcome them. You can only overcome
obstacles once you admit you have them. This is no time to
be in denial. If you didn't accomplish your goals; you
have obstacles.

Next lets look at how much you look forward to your weight
loss and fitness goals. If you first thought about working
out is slouching your shoulders and just oh no, then it may
be time to add some fun to your program. Add activities
that you can do like bike riding, rock climbing, or
exercises using different equipment like bands and balls.
You are always going to get better results when you enjoy
and look forward to fitness.

This spring let's not overlook nutrition. Have you ever
said "oh my nutrition is good?" Let's not fool ourselves;
eating is #1 reason people don't achieve their results. If
you are finding that you can never lose those love handles
or stomach then it is probably your eating. Meal
replacement shakes and bars are a great way to get high
nutrition meals when most people go so wrong in the

I know we often avoid finding out exactly what our fitness
level is. This spring let's measure your body fat,
cardiovascular fitness, and strength. Most people are
shocked to find out how out of shape they are in. Once you
know exactly where you are at you can start making the
right changes to make a difference.

WorldClassNutrition is a leader in discount nutrition
supplements with the largest selection of diet pills,
creatine products, protein powders, and bodybuilding
supplements. Find more information on the products you are
searching for at . Want
more expert advice visit .

The Best Exercises for a Big Chest

The Best Exercises for a Big Chest
For full development of the chest muscles, you'll need to
perform a variety of chest exercises that target your pecs
(pectoral muscles) from a number of different angles.

Building the upper pecs is very important for creating a
full, powerful looking chest. Just focussing on the lower
chest muscles can create a saggy appearance. Targeting both
upper and lower pecs with different exercises will ensure
you get the best chest development possible.

There are many different exercises to choose from. Here are
a few of the best chest exercises to get you started.

Bench Press

The bench press works the overall chest and triceps muscles
and can be performed using either a barbell or with
dumbbells. Using dumbbells will recruit more stabilizer
muscles to keep the weights steady, so you'll probably not
be able to lift as much as you can when using a barbell. If
you don't have a spotter, using dumbbells is slightly safer
than using a barbell as you can drop them to the sides, if
needed, rather than getting trapped under a bar.

The angle of the bench can be changed to target different
parts of the pectoral muscles. A flat bench will work your
overall chest, whilst increasing the incline will place
more focus on your upper pecs. However, any more than a 45
degree angle will start to target your shoulders muscles
(anterior deltoids). If your gym has a decline bench, where
your head is lower than your chest, you can also perform
the bench press on this to work the lower chest muscles.

How to do it:

1) Start by lying face up on a bench with your feet planted
firmly on the ground.

2) Tighten your abs to flatten your back against the bench.
This will protect your lower back.

3) Keep your shoulder blades pinched together to focus the
lift on your chest rather than the front of your shoulders.

4) Push the barbell or dumbbells towards the ceiling
squeezing the chest muscles as you go. Make sure you don't
lock the elbows at the top of the movement.

5) Lower the bar until your upper arms are parallel with
the floor. Lowering any further can place excessive train
on the shoulder joint.

6) Repeat the movement.

Seated Chest Press

This exercise is similar to the flat bench press except
you're sat down and using a machine. The motion is
stabilised by the machine and so the effort is focussed on
the chest muscles.

Because the seated chest press uses a machine, it is safer
than using a barbell on a bench press so you won't need a
spotter and you'll be able to lift a heavier weight. And
heavier weights mean more muscle building (as long as you
use good form).

How to do it:

1) Sit in the seat with the height adjusted so that the
handles are at the same height as the middle part of your
chest muscles.

2) Push the handles forward concentrating on squeezing your
chest muscles.

3) Slowly lower the weight to the starting position just
before the weight stack touches down and then repeat.

Dumbbell Flyes

Like with the bench press, you can perform flyes with the
bench at different angles to vary the emphasis on different
parts of the chest.

How to do it:

1) Lie on the bench after adjusting it to the required

2) Hold the dumbbells out to the sides with your elbows
slightly bent.

3) Move the weights up and over your chest in an arc.

4) Lower back to the starting position.

Cable Crossovers

This is a similar motion to dumbbell flyes. However, whilst
dumbbell flyes are a great exercise, the tension on the
chest muscles reduces as we bring the weights in until
there is almost no effort in the pecs when the weights are
overhead. Cable crossovers, on the other hand, keep more of
the tension on the pectoral muscles at the apex of the
movement. This helps to develop the hard-to-get inner pecs.
Using both exercises in your chest workout programme will
make you get the best all-round chest development.

How to do it:

1) Lock each pulley into a high position, above the level
of your head.

2) With your arms out to the sides, grasp one pulley handle
with each hand. Your body should form a t-shape.

3) Stand with one foot in front of the other.

4) Bring your arms down and together in front of you.
Squeezing your chest muscles and holding for one second at
the peak of the movement.

5) Let the weights slowly pull your arms back to the start
position, giving your chest muscles a good stretch. Then
repeat the motion.

Muscle Building Tips for all these Chest Exercises

The concentric phase (lifting the weight) should take about
1-2 seconds.

The eccentric phase of the exercise (lowering the weight)
should take about 3 seconds. Much of the muscle building
power of resistance exercises comes from this 'negative'
part of the exercise so, once you've lifted the weight,
don't waste it by just dropping it.

At the top of the movement, make sure you don't lock out
your elbows as this can put excessive strain on the joint.
Always keep a slight bend.

Always make sure you've warmed up and have stretched the
muscles before training. This will help prevent injury.
Resistance training tends to shorten muscles, you should
always stretch the muscles you've trained after your
workout to prevent this effect. Stretch your chest muscles
to ensure they don't pull your shoulders forward giving you
bad posture.

---------------------------------------------------- regularly publishes more articles related to
fitness and muscle building

Different Ways to Take Care of Dry Skin

Different Ways to Take Care of Dry Skin
Combating dry skin is a regular challenge for everybody
especially in winter season. The worst results turn to be
in the form of itching, irritation and other such miserable
conditions. Lower level of sebum in the skin is more prone
to sensitivity like dry skin and it does not enable the
skin to retain moisture, which gives it a parched look.
Extremes of temperature, wind and air-conditioning that
cause chap, flake and tightening of the skin exacerbate
dryness in your skin. This type of skin looks dull,
specifically on the area around your eyes and on cheeks.
This may result in appearance of expression lines around
these areas including the corners of the mouth. Extremely
dehydrated and dried skin results in cracking and chapping
of the skin. Therefore, it is very important to take care
of your skin to eliminate the problems cause by skin

Dry skincare can be done in several ways with little
thought on it. You can get effectively better result in the
improved condition of your skin. Avoid using hot water as
well as tap water while cleaning your skin, and try
applying mineral water to freshen up your face. Apply cream
on the surface to seal in remaining natural moisturizer in
the skin. Do not use a rough textured cloth on your face
because it may increase irritation; instead your facial
skin should slowly pat dry.

Dry skin needs to be thorough but mild cleansing, frequent
stimulation by massaging it and needs oil or moisturizer in
a generous quantity. If you wash your skin with water and
soap, it not only removes dirt but also removes natural oil
from your skin, which is essential to protect the natural
texture of skin. Moisturizer is beneficial to increase the
content of water on the outer surface of the skin and
provides moist and softer look to it. You can also apply
baby oil mildly while taking bath or shower.

Give a massage to your facial skin with nourishing creams
before you go to bed. Never touch your face too harshly but
give a gentle touch to it. There are various ways of dry
skincare, which are easily obtainable for you, and you do
not need to put additional effort in it to get your desired
skin. You can apply natural rejuvenator such as orange
juice, rose water and egg yolk which effectively
rejuvenates your skin and retains it health.

Another way is to apply beauty mask including ingredient
like honey, olive oil in treating worse effects of dry
skin. To prevent dryness, daily moisturizer is needed at
daytime and in nighttime as well. In extreme cases, once a
week milk bath also proves beneficial result because it
works wonder to combat dryness. There are several causes
that lead to further dryness of skin. In the process of Dry
skin care, it needs to tackle with the causes first before
going for its treatment. With a little extra care you can
effectively battle with the poor effects of dry skin. Never
scratch dry or itchy spots on the skin because it may
spread the problem more for you. To get immediate relief
from it, apply moisturizing cream or lotion on the affected

More useful knowledge and articles about dry skin care and
organic skin care are available at:

Lacto-fermented Foods another powerful tool to increase the strength of your immune system.

Lacto-fermented Foods another powerful tool to increase the strength of your immune system.
Lacto-fermented Foods another powerful tool to increase the
strength of your immune system and your digestive system!

70% of your immune system is located in your digestive

Often we don't pay attention to our intestinal health
unless we develop an obvious gastrointestinal disease.

In most cases it has to do with ignorance. What can't be
seen, doesn't matter!!

The intestinal world is a complex ecosystem. Some bacteria
can ruin our health while others will be very protective of
our intestinal world.

Bacterial secretions can directly affect the cytochrome 450
detoxification system by which the liver purifies the blood
of harmful chemicals that are both inadvertently created by
the body and ingested from the environment.

As we age, pathogenic bacteria become insidiously more
prominent within us, perhaps due to a progressively
weakening of the immune system, stress, years of poor
diet, or a lifetime of antibiotics.

It is not just a matter of taking pro-biotics since we
have a range of different strains available and they target
different areas. That would be an article on itself!

Disorders of the intestines can lead to all kind of
crippling diseases. For example arthritis is one of them.

Some people underestimate the importance of fermented foods
and health benefits that you can experience include lower
cholesterol, efficient digestive functioning and a stronger
immune system.

It's estimated by the United States Department of
Agriculture that less than 9½ percent of the American adult
population consumes five or more servings of fresh fruits
and vegetables daily.

Yet, almost every major health organization, including the
National Institutes of Health, the American Cancer Society,
the American Dietetics Association, and the American Heart
Association have advised that eating five to nine servings
of fruits and vegetables per day is the public's best
protection against degenerative diseases.

With lacto-fermented foods,the foods are pre-digested.

This is an ancient method of bio-fermentation which
incorporates beneficial micro-organisms (pro-biotics) and
their enzymes into the foods to gently break them down into
their most basic elements; combination of organic and
chemical free, enzyme-rich super-foods.

The energy boost which lacto-fermented power foods
delivers is due to the fermentation process which gives
better assimilation of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and
micro nutrients including vitamins, minerals, flavanoids,
carotenoids and hundreds of other newly discovered small
protective molecules called antioxidants.

The fermentation process used to create this special food
also destroys natural plant inhibitors such as goitrogens
in soya beans which inhibits the thyroid gland and
substances which inhibits mineral absorption such as

An unique blend of fermented beans, grains, sprouts, seeds
and vegetables, which uses 2 strains of special symbiotic
yeast and 12 strains of friendly lactobacilli bacteria
which have been toughened to withstand changes in acidity,
alkalinity and changes in temperature.

Nowadays, a good supply of robust friendly micro-organisms
makes sense because there is an increasing incidence of
bowel disorders, food poisoning and infections with
multiple drug-resistant bacteria, such as golden staph, due
to the overuse of antibiotics.

There is also a surge in the incidence of chronic
inflammatory bowel disorders which also tend to be
associated with the overgrowth of bad bacteria.

Most fermented foods purchased on the shelves have been
pasteurised which destroys the good, as well as the bad

We need to continually replenish our intestines with
friendly bacteria, which are thought to only live from 3 to
10 days.

The lactic acid-producing lactobacilli in this product can
favourably alter the acidity of the intestine, helping
prevent the overgrowth of the unfriendly putrefactive
bacteria, moulds, and yeasts such as Candida Albicans,
giving you a better chance of achieving optimal health and
preventing many chronic disorders.

Last but not least a happy gut will support your sense of
health and well being for years to come.

Information about Free Radical Therapy can be obtained in
Helena Ederveen, Clinical Nutritionist, has worked with the
biochemistry analysis based upon the Free Radical Therapy
for 6 years. Life Style changes are required in order to
influence changes in the biochemistry

Information About Healthcare

Information About Healthcare
Healthcare is something that everyone needs but not
something that everyone has access to. It's quite true that
in theory everyone is able to get some type of healthcare.
Theory states that everyone either has access to healthcare
through their insurance plan at work, or they can purchase
insurance separately. Unfortunately theory is not always a
reality for most. Many are able to choose a healthcare
program at work, if they work enough hours to qualify for
it. Those who do not qualify cannot always afford the
option of buying their own insurance because the premiums
tend to be astronomical. Then there is also the issue of
securing healthcare for the elderly and for dependents such
as spouses and children.

It seems that something such as healthcare should be
available for everyone. After all at one point or another,
everyone gets sick and needs the attention of a qualified
doctor. When someone who doesn't have healthcare gets sick
they tend to wait it out to see if it's serious enough to
justify paying a ton of money to see a doctor. The same
cycle occurs when their children become sick as well. This
of course leads to them missing work and allowing them to
get extremely ill which takes them even longer to recover
once they have gotten the correct medical attention for
themselves or their children. As a direct result their lack
of adequate healthcare then affects their job or jobs and
the company as a whole; when their company suffers it in
turn affects the economy. When the lack of healthcare
available to many is viewed in these terms it is easy to
see how this dilemma affects everyone as a whole and not
just those who can afford healthcare.

Because of such trends as those described above, other
countries have recognized the need for such healthcare and
as a result have implemented programs that are specifically
designed so that everyone has access to the medical
attention they need. Some argue that there are many
programs and organizations that offer free healthcare to
those who don't qualify for it or simply can't afford it.
It seems that such a service should solve the ongoing issue
of lack of healthcare, but in reality it doesn't. Such
services are met by such a magnitude of individuals looking
for free qualified medical help that the organizations that
provide such services find that they can't quite keep up
with the demand. Healthcare is something that everyone has
to deal with.

For those individuals who have access to healthcare, they
find they have a continual fight with insurance companies
to make sure that the insurance company doesn't reject
their claims. Those who do not have such healthcare endure
the constant struggle of having enough money to pay for
medical care when it is truly needed. When the blinders are
taken off, it's quite clear that healthcare is something
that affects everyone. Unfortunately until some steps are
taken to resolve this recurring problem those who have no
choice but to go without the proper healthcare will have to
continue to endure until a solution is found.

More about Healthcare At:

The Brain-Body Connection and Chemical Stress

The Brain-Body Connection and Chemical Stress
Belly fat—lots of people have it! Where does being
fat and overweight come from? The answer is... lifestyle
and environment.

Over the past few years, national attention has started to
focus on the main contributors to the obesity epidemic in
the United States: too much fast food, too many soft
drinks, and lack of physical activity. The movie Super
Size Me tells one man's story of eating only McDonald's
food for one month, and the damage it did to his health.

Since 1980, the total number of obese and overweight
Americans has doubled. California ranks 36th in adult
obesity with 22.7 percent and 32nd in childhood obesity
with 13.2 percent. Obesity is second only to smoking as
the most preventable cause of death.

The percentage of children who are obese has more than
tripled since the 1970s. Seventeen percent of kids are now
obese, which means they are at or above the 95th percentile
for weight in relation to height; an additional 17 percent
are overweight, or at or over the 85th percentile.

The high sugar and fat content of fast food, combined with
lack of exercise, creates a chain of events that put the
body into chemical stress. Chemical stress creates the
hormones that create the belly fat.

The digestive system is down-regulated when the body is
under stress and one of the symptoms is belly fat. There
are four basic body types that determine where fat is
distributed in the body; liver, ovary, thyroid and adrenal,
and each one of these affects the other.

How your body utilizes the carbohydrates and sugar that you
eat determines the ratio of two hormones, insulin and
glucagon. Both are released by the pancreas; glucagon is
released when blood-sugar levels are low, and insulin is
released when blood-sugar levels are high. A higher
proportion of insulin means that more sugar will be stored
as fat. A higher proportion of glucagon means that more fat
will be broken down and will be used as either building
materials or fuel for the body.

When our system is stressed in any of the areas of the
Triad of Health; structural, chemical, or emotional, the
body responds with the same stress response, no matter the
source. The brain stimulates the adrenal glands to release
cortisol, which acts on the liver to break down glycogen
into sugar for "fight-or-flight" which in turn triggers the
release of insulin. The insulin brings the sugar into play
for action, and if none is needed by the muscles, the sugar
goes back to the liver. If not needed there because the
liver has reached its maximum capacity for it, it goes to
fat storage.

Thus, as our bodies adapt to a chronic state of stress, say
a structural or emotional stress, our hormones become out
of balance creating an additional chemical stress on our

In the body, everything truly does affect everything else.

Dr. Michael B. Roth has been a holistic chiropractor for 23
years. His goal is to transform the health care system
from crisis/reactive care to a wellness model of health.
Dr. Roth is a dynamic speaker on health and wellness who
can motivate and transform your audience and you to bring
your own health and well-being to a new level!