Monday, July 23, 2007

14 Inspirational Quotes to Celebrate Wiggle Your Toes Day

August 6th is Wiggle Your Toes Day and what better way to
celebrate than with some inspirational quotes that will
have you kicking off your shoes and letting those toes
loose? As crazy as it may sound, wiggling your toes can be
good for the body and soul. Don't believe me? These 14
inspirational quotes may just change your mind.

1. "The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a
work of art." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

2. "Think of the magic of that foot, comparatively small,
upon which your whole weight rests. It's a miracle, and the a celebration of that miracle." ~ Martha

3. "Dancing is the poetry of the foot." ~ John Dryden

4. "You will never stub your toe standing still. The faster
you go, the more chance there is of stubbing your toe, but
the more chance you have of getting somewhere." ~ Charles
F. Kettering

5. "My mother told me I was dancing before I was born. She
could feel my toes tapping wildly inside her for months." ~
Ginger Rogers

6. "Earth's crammed with heaven, And every common bush
afire with God: But only he who sees takes off his shoes."
~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning

7. "Angels cry because they want to experience what you and
I feel: the moment. They live in eternity. They don't know
what it is like to read a newspaper and get ink on your
fingers. They don't know what it is like to take your shoes
off and wiggle your toes under the dinner table." ~ Carlos

8. "Stretching his hand up to reach the stars, too often
man forgets the flowers at his feet." ~ Jeremy Bentham

9. "Stretch your feet according to your blanket." ~ Turkish

10. "The island is a one-stop shop for wilderness and
outdoor adventure. You can get your feet dirty by day and
be pampered at night." ~ Claire Ellis

11. "What a wonderful beautiful thing, to wiggle your
toes." ~ Dalton Trumbo

12. "The best things in life are nearest: Breath in your
nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties
at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do
not grasp at the stars, but do life's plain, common work as
it comes, certain that." ~ Robert Louis Stevenson

13. "Ten fingers, ten toes. She's laughter and teardrops.
So small and brand new and amazingly angelic. She's sent to
bless you. She's one special baby. The best of life's
treasure and will grant and bless you many hours of great
pleasure." ~ Author Unknown

14. "I recall fondly, as a kid, ... when my dad would
hyperextend my big toe playing the 'This Little Piggy Went
to Market' game. I don't recall it hurting, and I'm pretty
sure I didn't miss a football game, or a game of 'Kick the
Can,' for that matter, because of it." ~ Jeff Fisher

Wiggling your toys may seem like a small, silly and
inconsequential task; however, never underestimate the
power of a good toe tension release. These inspirational
quotes are a wonderful reminder of the big roles our little
toes play in our daily lives.

For more inspirational quotes, check out the popular funny
quotes section at, a
website that specializes in 'Top 10' lists of quotations in
dozens of categories.

Arthritis and Longevity Living

Aging is not a natural process. Contrary to popular belief,
aging is not a consequence of time. Aging is a disease, and
therefore should be treated as one.

As you add on more years to your life, the symptoms of the
disease of aging become more acute, manifested in ailments
and problems commonly attributable to aging. One of them is

Arthritis is common among the elderly; if you live long
enough, you can expect some stiffness in your joints. Wear
and tear of your joints is normal. Osteoarthritis may
develop in the joints that you work hardest, such as your
spine, knees, hips and hands, resulting in inflammation.

In addition to usage and abusage, inflammation in your
joints may be aggravated by toxins from the environment,
such as pesticides, and from your foods that may contain
known cancer-causing agents. The chemicals in the form of
food flavorings, coloring, and enhancers may contribute to
the elevated toxicity level in your body.

In addition, highly refined and processed foods immobilize
your immune system, while tap water loaded with toxic
industrial chemicals stress your body cells to the extreme.
Believe it or not, you may be ingesting more than one
hundred chemicals in your body every day. To make matters
worse, DHEA – your body's hormone machine – gradually
grinds down, as you grow older.

All these accumulative effects of the symptoms of the
disease of aging may ultimately lead to the onslaught of
arthritis, immobilizing your longevity living. The first
step to control your arthritis begins with your body
detoxification. Remove all chemicals from your body.
Detoxify your body through fasting and EDTA chelation
therapy to remove toxins accumulated over the years.

Fasting is one of the simplest and most effective ways of
removing toxins, and may relieve some of the symptoms of
arthritis. But fasting alone may not be a long-term

EDTA chelation therapy employs intravenous drips of certain
man-made amino acid to bind heavy metals and take them
safely out of your body. EDTA chelation therapy is
instrumental in removing calcium from your soft tissues,
such as arteries, joints, and muscles, but not the calcium
in your bones.

You should detoxify your body of toxins on a regular basis.
Use herbs – such as dandelion, licorice root, milk thistle,
and black walnut hull – and foods – such as burdock and
beets – to facilitate the detoxification process.

After your body has been detoxified, a proper diet should
help the rejuvenation process. A vegetarian diet or a
balanced acid and alkaline diet may help you control some
of your arthritis symptoms if you have already developed
them. To find out your toxicity level or the pH level, use
test strips (obtainable in most drug stores) to determine
your body's acid-alkaline level. Avoid all processed foods
in the supermarket. Avoid all non-foods, such as sugar,
artificial sweeteners, food dyes and colorings, additives.

Reduce all dairy products; especially you may not have
adequate lactose enzymes to digest milk proteins, leading
to allergy reactions which may aggravate your arthritic

Cut down, if not eliminate, meat from your diet: the very
process of converting animal proteins into energy is itself
a toxic metabolism process, producing an acid that promotes
inflammation. Animal fats harbor toxic chemicals in your
bones and joints.

Take anti-viral and anti-bacterial supplements, such as
Echinacea. Also, take a dose of 25-50 milligrams of DHEA.

Eat healing foods, such as figs, berries (blackberries,
blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, and cherries) fresh
greens (celery, cucumber, kale, parsley), whole grains,
oats, brown rice, seeds and nuts, and beans and sprouts.
Sprinkle flaxseed in your soup, salad, or just about
anything you eat. Eat at least 30 grams of flaxseed a day.

Include cold water fish in your diet to get your omega-3
fatty acids to fight inflammation in your arthritis.

Use olive or flaxseed oil in your cooking. You already have
too much bad oil in fast food, restaurant food. Don't use
safflower and sunflower oils, and salad oils.

Drink green chlorophyll juices: barley or wheat grass
juices. Drink one glass each day for one week, and then
gradually increase to five or six glasses a day. Other
juices include aloe vera with cabbage, and raw potato
juice, which is especially good for arthritis.

Use common herbs to treat arthritis: Aloe vera (already
used medicinally for thousands of years); avocado/soybean
oil (for relieving osteoarthritis pain); cayenne or red
pepper (blocking osteoarthritis pain of the knee); ginger
(a potent anti-inflammatory agent); glucosamine
(recommended by most doctors); and green tea (containing
anti-inflammation polyphenols).

Drink shitake mushroom (not just any type of mushroom) soup
once a week: ½ cup of shitake mushroom, di-stemmed and
sliced; lb. of tofu (firm);1 kelp leaf;1 Tbs. of barley
miso;4 green onions, sliced;2 cups of vegetable stock

Boil all ingredients, except miso and green onions, and
simmer before adding the rest of the ingredients.

To relieve pain from osteoarthritis, apply cold compresses,
an ice bag, or ice cubes in a plastic bag wrapped in a
towel will help numb your pain. Or, alternatively, use heat
to relieve both pain and stiffness of your joints. Sitting
in a warm bath water for 10 minutes will do just that.

The long-term effect of arthritis is not just the pain
inflicted but the immobility, which may lead to other
far-reaching effects as you continue to age. Mobility is
the closest thing to an anti-aging pill.

Stephen Lau is a writer and researcher, writing synopses of
research of doctors and scientists. He has created
websites such as "Longevity for You" on health and "Golfing
Success Info" on the art of playing golf. His publications
include "NO MIRACLE CURES - Only Wholesome Self-Healing,"
"How To Teach Children To Read" and "Blueprint For Success
In Affiliate Business."

Stop, Drop & Roll! How Exercise On a Foam Roller Relieves Tight Muscles

My idea of a lucky person is someone, who, after half a
lifetime of being physically active, can spring out of bed
without a bit of muscular soreness; no moaning, creaking or
limping. It is a truly lucky athlete that can work their
muscle vigorously for years and not feel the effects of
aging, as in inflexibility and tightness. Most of the rest
of us get to a point where we just cannot keep up the pace.
We cannot keep running the miles we are used to running
without a price to pay when the morning alarm goes off.
Some of this sensation is typical muscle soreness, just the
usual buildup of lactic acid that accumulates a byproduct
of exercise. Every jock recognizes the familiar feeling
when you hustle up a flight of stairs and you feel that
brief burn in your thighs that could kindle a campfire. But
I am talking about a different kind of ache; something
beyond the brief aching of a little extra activity. If
sprinting up a flight of stairs was the only time I ached,
I'd be a happy camper.I've even been known to keep on
working out, even through this quad burn. But I am talking
about a different, more pervasive kind of tightness. The
inflexibility to which I refer still lingers at noon. It is
felt sometimes when you pivot to fasten your seatbelt or
reach down to tie your sneakers. In my case, I tolerated
this limitation in my bodily movement for about six months,
trying all types of stretching, Pilates and tons of yoga
classes. Still, I was limited. I felt flexible, yet tight.
I started to do some research on the Internet by Googling a
few words that described my symptoms. I discovered a new
word. The culprit in my bodily rigidity was something
called FASCIA. Fascia is a type of connective tissue that
surrounds and usually protects the muscles; bones, joints
and even the organs, helping us maintain our upright
posture. All people have fascia. Think of it like a wetsuit
that surrounds our inner body, just below the surface of
the skin. Some people have thicker "wetsuits " than others.
The more physically active you are, the thicker your facial
"wetsuit" will be. This is a response that your body makes
to help support itself during more activity Those lucky
jocks that I enviously spoke of earlier feel minimal
tightness because their fascia deposits are not thick or
layered. Some people just have a tendency to develop more
fascia than others. Many experts believe that this heavier
layering of fascia is related to dehydration, not the type
of" I'm thirsty" dehydration, but a lack of fluid and
therefore fluidity in the connective tissues that no amount
of daily water drinking can quench. In other words, those
lucky, pain-free jocks have more hydration in their
connective tissue.

Us unlucky "stiffs" have the opposite tendency. Our body's
inclination is to manufacture more fascia because of less
hydration in the connective tissues, especially in the
areas of powerful workhorse muscle groups, like the lower
back and the thighs and buttocks. Also consider that as we
age, bodies naturally lose their capacity to maintain
hydration. Think of how many middle-aged men that you hear
of who have torn their Achilles tendon while jumping for a
lay-up in basketball. This type of injury rarely happens in
kids and is due in a big way to lack of fluidity in the
connective tissue.

So this is where the morning stiffness begins. If you keep
exercising the way I did, this facial tightness can become
very limiting to your fitness regime. This is where I
discovered the wisdom in the phrase "Stop, Drop & Roll",
but not just when you are on fire! I got myself a foam
roller based on the fitness advice of New York City expert,
Susan Hitzmann, owner of Longevity Fitness, Inc in New
Yourk City and creator of the M.E.L.T. Method. M.E.L.T. is
an acronym for Myofascial Energetic Length Technique. Some
experts also refer to this foam roller technique as
Myofascial Release. She explained to me that deep
compression of these areas of fascial tightness could
actually rehydrate these stiff body parts and give an
immediate sensation of relief to my aching yet athletic
body. Not only was Ms. Hitzmann right about the foam
roller. She also lives up to her promise of immediate
relief from stiff muscles. She explains that the foam
roller rehydrate connective tissues by first compressing
the area, which decompresses the tissue, allowing hydration
of that area to occur. It is similar to trigger point
therapy, only this technique is superior. This is only my
opinion but having tried both MFR and trigger point
therapy, I believe that the foam roller can and does cover
more anatomical territory, so the release is more profound.
For more information of foam rolling to relieve your aches
and pains, check out Sue Hitzmann at

Penny Love Hoff, 20 year fitness professional . is the
author of the revolutionary CD workout program"Does My
Marriage Make Me Look Fat?", an eight week fitness program
for couples to radically change your body and reawaken your
relationship.You can find her at

Why Niacin Is A Small But Vital Part Of Your Anti-Oxidant Rich Diet

Vitamin B3, commonly known as niacin or nicotinic acid, is
one of the B complex of water soluble vitamins needed by
the body every day.

In its derivative form of nicotinamide, niacin is required
by the body for the production of coenzymes known as, if
you'll forgive the jargon, nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide (NAD) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
phosphate (NADP).

The importance of NAD and NADP may be shown by the fact
that over 200 of the body's other enzymes are dependent on
an interaction with them for an almost infinite variety of
vital functions.

The antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase, catalase and
glutathione, for example, are the body's first line of
defence against highly damaging superoxide free radicals
and work in a closely complementary fashion. Each of these
anti-oxidant enzymes is formed by the body from the amino
acids in the proteins in your diet, and each is needed for
the others to function correctly.

This holistic functioning of the body is also reflected in
the dietary requirements for the successful production of
the enzymes. As well as a good supply of first-class
protein, ie that containing each of the essential amino
acids, a wide variety of vitamins and minerals are required
to allow optimal levels of enzyme manufacture.

So for example, vitamin E cannot do its work in the absence
of an adequate supply of active vitamin C. In its turn,
vitamin C cannot remain active without the presence of
glutathione. And although it is the most prevalent
anti-oxidant enzyme in the body, glutathione cannot act
effectively in the absence of the trace mineral, selenium,
and vitamins of the B complex, including B3 and B6.

In addition to its importance in assisting with the
manufacture of anti-oxidant enzymes, there is also some
evidence that levels of niacin above those required for the
avoidance of deficiency may have some protective effect
against the DNA cell damage that may be a precursor to the
development of cancer.

Intense attention has also been paid to the apparent
effectiveness of niacin (or nicotinic acid) in reducing
blood levels of Low Density Lipids (LDLs), the so-called
"bad" cholesterol, an effect recognised since 1955. It has
also been demonstrated by numerous research reports that
levels of High Density Lipids (HDLs), or "good" cholesterol
may be raised by niacin. This has given rise to
extravagant claims for niacin as a natural alternative to
conventional heart drugs, including statins. But it has to
be stressed that the beneficial effects appear to require
pharmacological doses of several grams a day, which should
only be taken under medical supervision.

In fact the recommended upper safe level of niacin intake
has been set by the Food and Nutrition Board at 35 mg a day
to avoid the unpleasant flushing of the face and body which
is a common side effect of high doses. At the other end of
the scale, the most important extreme deficiency disease
relating to vitamin B3 is known as pellagra.

Symptoms of pellagra affect the skin, the digestive system
and the brain, so sufferers may develop a heavily pigmented
rash on areas of the skin exposed to sunlight; they may
experience vomiting and diarrhea and symptoms similar to
the early signs of dementia. In the most extreme cases
pellagra can even be fatal if allowed to progress untreated.

Fortunately, however, as little as 11 mg of niacin a day
has been shown to be sufficient for the prevention of
pellagra, and the disease should never now be seen in
affluent Western societies. But the Recommended Dietary
Allowance (RDA) has been set at a slightly higher, safety,
level of 16 mg for men and 14 mg for women To put this in
perspective, a small 3oz serving of lean chicken or turkey
will provide between 5 and 7 mg, beef 3 mg; and salmon or
tuna (a particularly rich source) between 8 and 11 mg. An
unfortified cup of cereal may provide 5 mg, fortified
perhaps as much 20 mg or more.

Milk, nuts, beans and leafy green vegetables may be useful
secondary sources, but it should be noted, however, that
unrefined grains such as corn or wheat (even in the form of
wholemeal bread) are relatively poor sources because the
niacin they contain is not easily absorbed by the human
digestive system.

The RDA of 16mg should be easily achieved through a
normally well balanced daily diet, and should be enough to
prevent deficiency disease, but as always in nutrition,
mere absence of disease is not at all the same thing as
optimal health. So the sensible approach to
supplementation, and the one recommended by numerous
authorities to ensure maximum benefits, appears to be to
take a multi-vitamin or B complex supplement sufficient to
raise niacin intake to around 20 mg a day.

Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter specialising in
direct marketing and with a particular interest in health
products. Find out more at

Is Sunshine beneficial or dangerous?

I need my dose of sunshine every year as it is a good
supply of vitamin D necessary for the absorption of calcium
in the body. The sun is a natural element that is very much
part of our life.

I cringe at the sight of people who apply masses of sun
cream to their skin frequently. Sun cream (apart from
making pharmaceutical and cosmetic manufacturers wealthy)
is a strong chemicals that prevent your skin from absorbing
beneficial sun rays. Some of the ingredients in these sun
creams have been demonstrated to be carcinogenic
(encourages the development of cancer cells).

The sun is natural. The cream is not.

We have been told that our planet is being depleted from
Ozone (O3). Scientists have told us that our Ozone layer
currently is 5% depleted and when it is 17% depleted then
it's goodbye from me and goodbye from .. all of us.

The hole in the Ozone layer is getting worse in the North
and South poles we are told. This has been partly triggered
by Chlorofluorocarbons gas (CFC) release in the air from
our aerosols, fridges etc..

We must understand that Ozone is a gas that forms when the
sunlight meets earth's atmosphere. There is very little
direct sunlight in the North and South poles as the sun
strikes at an angle without producing Ozone. This is why
there has always been less Ozone in the 2 poles. Not
because you spray some deodorant (hopefully without
aluminium in it) or anti-perspirant (deadly by the way)
under your arms.

Rule by fear!

Listen to this one: The American government has spent
$19,000,000 to find out if the farting and belching of cows
was damaging the Ozone layer!!!

Having said all this, let me answer the question: Is
sunlight good for you?

Sunlight can Actually Prevent Cancer. Insufficient exposure
to ultraviolet radiation may be an important risk factor
for cancer in Western Europe and North America, according
to a new study published in the prominent Cancer journal
that directly contradicts official advice about sunlight.

The research examined cancer mortality in the United
States. Deaths from a range of cancers of the reproductive
and digestive systems were approximately twice as high in
New England as in the southwest, despite a diet that varies
little between regions. An examination of 506 regions found
a close inverse correlation between cancer mortality and
levels of ultraviolet B light.

The likeliest mechanism for a protective effect of sunlight
is vitamin D, which is synthesized by the body in the
presence of ultraviolet B. The study's author, Dr William
Grant, says northern parts of the United States may be dark
enough in winter that vitamin D synthesis shuts down
completely. While the study focused on white Americans, the
same geographical trend affects black Americans, whose
overall cancer rates are significantly higher. Darker
skinned people require more sunlight to synthesize vitamin

There are 13 malignancies that show this inverse
correlation, mostly reproductive and digestive cancers. The
strongest inverse correlation is with breast, colon, and
ovarian cancer.

Other cancers apparently affected by sunlight include
tumours of the bladder, uterus, esophagus, rectum, and
stomach. Cancer March 2002; 94:1867-75

As Dr Mercola points out on his web site: Most people
believe that sun exposure causes cancer. Nothing could be
further from the truth. As this study published in the
prestigious Cancer journal indicates, exposure to sun
actually decreases cancer rates.

Does this mean that one's sun exposure does not contribute
to skin cancer? Absolutely not. However, skin cancers are
more likely related to the large distortion most people
have in their omega-6 to omega-3 fat ratio. The high excess
of omega-6 fats (from meat and cheese) in most people's
diet puts them at a much higher risk of developing skin
cancer when exposed to excess sun.

So the solution is not to slather sun block on. Sun block
can be quite toxic and should be avoided by most people.
The sensible approach would be to limit sun exposure so you
never get sun burned. It is sunburn in conjunction with
excess omega-6 fats that increases your risk of skin
cancer. But even with the potential increase in skin
cancer, most skin cancers are relatively benign when
compared with breast, colon, and prostate cancers that lack
of sun exposure is associated with.

So you can't have it both ways. Avoid the sun and don't
change your diet and you will lower your risk of skin
cancer, but increase your risk of far more common and
deadlier cancers. So why not change the fat content of your
diet and use sensible sun exposure guidelines and reap the
benefits of sunlight?

It is also important to note that many researchers are
currently evaluating vitamin D and its analogs in the
treatment of cancer (van den Bemd GJ, Chang GT. Vitamin D
and vitamin D analogs in cancer treatment. Curr Drug
Targets. 2002 Feb;3(1):85-94.) Vitamin D can no longer
properly be considered a vitamin. Nevertheless, vitamin D
resembles true vitamins inasmuch as humans -- who are cut
off from the critical solar ultraviolet wavelengths by
reason of latitude, clothing, or shelter -- depend on an
external source of the substance, just as they do for the
true essential nutrients.

The major biologic function of vitamin D is to maintain
normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D
aids in the absorption of calcium, helping to form and
maintain strong bones. It promotes bone mineralization in
concert with a number of other vitamins, minerals, and
hormones. However, it is quite clear that vitamin D does
far more than promote optimized bone health.

In addition to the strong evidence provided in this article
about prevention of cancer vitamin D has also been
associated with improvement in the following conditions:
• Diabetes
• Heart Disease
• Arthritis
• Infertility and PMS
• Fatigue, Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder
• Autoimmune Disorders
• Obesity
• Syndrome X

Some key points to remember.

The vitamin D in milk, and that put in most vitamins is
vitamin D2 and is synthetic. Vitamin D2 is also called
ergocalciferol. It is not the vitamin D that you want to
supplement with. It is not nearly as good as the vitamin D
obtained from sunlight or natural food sources like cod
liver oil which is called vitamin D3 or calciferol. The
best place to get vitamin D is from UV-B from sunlight.

However, darker skinned people require 10 to 20 times the
sun exposure length than lighter skinned people do to build
up the same amount of vitamin D.

That is one of the major reasons why African Americans have
a much higher rate of cancer in North America than other
ethnic groups. Most people, who have skin that is deeply
pigmented, should take extra precautions when living in
North America for health reasons. The only work around for
them to maintain their health would be to optimize their
vitamin D levels.

It is also very important to realize that the RDA of
vitamin D of 400 units is absolutely inadequate for most
people who do not have exposure to regular sunshine. Most
people may need up to 10,000 units per day for a short time
to build their vitamin D levels up to healthy ranges. One
must be very clear however that this should only be done
under supervision with a health care professional who can
monitor vitamin D levels. Vitamin D in excessive doses can
be quite dangerous as it can cause calcium to deposit in
your soft tissues and kidney and this is not easy to turn

So, to resume:

* Sun creams contain strong chemicals that may be

* The sun is natural and needed as an essential source of
Vitamin D * Sunshine can actually lower your risk of cancer

Do not expose yourself for long period of time to the sun.
Expose yourself gradually and never allow yourself to burn.

Patrick Hamouy runs a school of Alternative Therapies with
branches in West London and Brighton (UK). He teaches Reiki
Healing, Indian Head Massage, Emotional Freedom Therapy
(EFT), Anatomy & Physiology, Oriental Diagnosis & Psychic
Development. He sees customers for
Macrobiotic, Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT) and Removal of
toxic products from the home environment Full information
on his web site at: