Monday, November 5, 2007

The Secret Of How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy

The Secret Of How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy
Everyone goes on a diet sometime. Whether it’s for a
day, a week, a month, or a year, odds are that at one time
or other you will need to shift a few stubborn kilos in
order to feel better about yourself, and that’s where
knowing the secret of how to lose weight fast and easy
comes in.

Dieting is an industry that makes millions. Actually no, it
makes hundreds of millions of pounds every year. Why?
Because no-one wants to follow the age-old equation that
hard work and exercise plus a good diet equals weight loss.
Everyone wants to know the secret of how to lose weight
fast and easy. Who wants to work for it if there is a way
to shift the weight quicker and more easily?

So, fad diets, packaged foods, vitamin drinks,
specially-designed clothing, weight reduction pills, and
home exercise equipment (usually easily stored away) are
sold on a massive scale. If there’s a trick or a
knack that will help shed those kilos, the masses want to
know. That’s where the money lies, in people’s
desperation to know how to lose weight fast and easy.

However, you need not spend millions to learn the secret of
how to lose weight fast and easy. In fact, it’s no so
much a secret as a change in attitude. It comprises five
different aspects, each as important as the other and
needless to say, that if you follow it rigidly, you will
have learnt how to lose weight fast and easy.

Firstly, you have to change your way of thinking. By
thinking or saying “I’m on a diet”
automatically you place yourself under stress and
temptation to break it. It’s like someone saying
“Don’t look down” when you’re up
high – as soon as the words have been said you have
an overwhelming urge to look down.

Instead, you should be thinking, “I’m changing
my eating habits” which is a lot less daunting and
much easier to actually do. Changing your eating habits can
take place immediately and provide instant results.

For example, replace salad cream with a little olive oil
and lemon juice; white bread with brown; boiled vegetables
with raw ones; fruit juice and soft drink with water; fried
food with grilled food; and sugar with honey.

In this way, you have not deprived yourself of anything,
nor cut down the amounts of food you are eating, but with
very little effort, you have reduced major sources of fat
and calories.

Secondly, you need to change the way you spend your energy.
The idea of replacing taking a lift with walking up the
stairs is unbearable if you have to go to the 30th floor,
however, if it’s just one floor, then chances are
it’s no more than 25 steps, which is not so bad.

By improving your food intake, and increasing your energy
output – even by just a little – it’s
logical that you will lose weight. How much weight you lose
and over how long a period of time will just depend on how
rigidly you stick to these two criteria, neither of which
is particularly difficult in its own right.

In reality, no-one wants to work really hard for a very
long time, however if you know that it’s going to be
for less than 15 minutes, it can seem a lot more bearable.
E-books such as “12 Minutes to Fit and
Fabulous” available from are a cheap way
to learn how to lose weight fast and easy.

Sugar is a white, sweet and tasty KILLER. Find out the damage it causes to our mind and body

Sugar is a white, sweet and tasty KILLER. Find out the damage it causes to our mind and body
Most manufactured or processed food today contains sucrose
(disaccharide) or an artificial form of sugar. Refined
sugar is completely void of any useful nutrient. Sucrose is
labelled as a “carbohydrate”. This is highly
convenient when manufacturers of certain food wish to hide
the sugar content of some of their products. They simply
label it as containing “carbohydrates”.

When refined sugars enter the stomach, it causes what is
known as a sugar reaction where the stomach is paralysed.
As little as a quarter teaspoon can cause this. Since
refined sugar is strongly alkaloid, the stomach will
secrete an unusually high amount of acid to make balance.
If this process is repeated over a long period of time, an
ulceration of the walls of the stomach will occur.

Our blood normally maintains a weak alkaline condition, and
when strongly alkaline sugar is introduced, the acid
reaction takes place causing the bloodstream to become over
acidic. To compensate for this our internal supply of
minerals is mobilised so as to restore a normal balance.
The minerals in our daily food and reserves should be
sufficient to cope with the situation. However is we eat
refined sugar daily, this supply soon runs out and we must
depend on minerals stored deep within the body,
particularly calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium in
our bones and teeth. If this continues for a long enough
period, the depletion of calcium from the bones and teeth
results in their eventual decay and general weakening and

The body has various back up system when minerals are in
short supply and the blood is acidic. One of them is called
the “Ammonia buffer”. The kidneys start
producing Ammonia which is a strong alkali (PH 9.25). This
balances the PH once again. Unfortunately, if the intake of
sugar carries on, there will result a depletion of minerals
from the bone and the teeth and the “Ammonia
buffer” will eventually damage the kidneys with too
much ammonia and acid.

Excess sugar is stored in various places within the body,
first in the form of glycogen in the liver. When the amount
of glycogen exceeds the liver’s storage capacity of
about 50g, it is then released into the bloodstream in the
form of fatty acid, which is stored in the more inactive
places of the body such as the buttocks, thighs and mid
section (cellulite). Then if the intake of refined sugar is
continued, this fatty acid becomes attracted to the more
active organs such as the heart and the kidneys, which
gradually become encased in a layer of fat and mucus, which
also penetrate the inner tissues of these organs. This of
course weakens their normal function and when excessive
enough causes their eventual stoppage.

This excessive intake of sugar in modern society can be
seen in the increasing incidence of such degenerative
diseases as heart disease. Two out of five people in the US
are now suffering from heart disease. Refined sugar also
directly affects our thinking abilities through the
destruction of the intestinal bacteria which are
responsible for the creation of B-Vitamins necessary for
the synthesis of glutamic acid which is directly involve in
the mental activities carried on the brain. A lack of this
component can result in a lack of memory and ability to
think clearly.

Constant sugar consumption has also been linked to
Parkinson and Alzheimer’s disease. Complete removal
from the diet has seen stunning recoveries from cancer,
diabetes and heart illnesses (Sweet and Dangerous by Yudkin
J - Bantham book).

Dr Joseph Mercola ( wrote these comments on

“Another reason to avoid sugar is to slow down the
ageing process. If you want to stay young it is very
important to limit sugar to the smallest amount possible.
It is the most significant physical factor that accelerates
ageing. It is a negative fountain of youth. It does this by
two mechanisms. The first is to actually attach itself to
proteins in the body forming a new sugar-protein substance
called advanced glycation end-products (AGEs). The higher
the AGE levels, the faster you are ageing. As this study
points out, sugar also increases free radicals in the body
which also accelerate the ageing process.”

The 1931 Nobel laureate in medicine, German Otto Warburg,
Ph.D., discovered that glucose is used as a fuel by cancer.
Do you really want to feed your cancer cells?

In his wonderful web site, Dr Joseph Mercola headed one of
his on pages on health matters “78 Ways Sugar Can
Ruin Your Health”. Some of the problems mentioned are:

Sugar can suppress the immune system, can cause kidney
damage, can promote an elevation of harmful cholesterol
(LDLs), may lead to cancer of the breast, ovaries,
prostate, and rectum. Can cause colon cancer, with an
increased risk in women, can be a risk factor in gall
bladder cancer, can weaken eyesight, can speed the ageing
process, causing wrinkles and grey hair. Can cause
arthritis, can cause asthma, can lead to the formation of
gallstones, can lead to the formation of kidney stones, can
cause varicose veins, can contribute to osteoporosis, can
contribute to diabetes, can contribute to eczema in
children, can cause atherosclerosis, can cause headaches,
including migraines. Can cause depression etc..

Do you really want to damage your body this much? or are
you strong willed enough to give up sugar?

Patrick Hamouy specialises in tuning an unhealthy person's
diet to guide them back to health. Since the end of 1993
when Patrick qualified as a Macrobiotic consultant, he has
guided 100s of customers suffering from disease such as
cancer, heart problems, diabetes, dystonia etc.. to better
health. Patrick gives consultations on the Internet using
Cam, Phone, Yahoo, Messenger or Skype. His web site is

Sugar is a white, sweet and tasty KILLER. Find out the damage it causes to our mind and body

Sugar is a white, sweet and tasty KILLER. Find out the damage it causes to our mind and body
Most manufactured or processed food today contains sucrose
(disaccharide) or an artificial form of sugar. Refined
sugar is completely void of any useful nutrient. Sucrose is
labelled as a “carbohydrate”. This is highly
convenient when manufacturers of certain food wish to hide
the sugar content of some of their products. They simply
label it as containing “carbohydrates”.

When refined sugars enter the stomach, it causes what is
known as a sugar reaction where the stomach is paralysed.
As little as a quarter teaspoon can cause this. Since
refined sugar is strongly alkaloid, the stomach will
secrete an unusually high amount of acid to make balance.
If this process is repeated over a long period of time, an
ulceration of the walls of the stomach will occur.

Our blood normally maintains a weak alkaline condition, and
when strongly alkaline sugar is introduced, the acid
reaction takes place causing the bloodstream to become over
acidic. To compensate for this our internal supply of
minerals is mobilised so as to restore a normal balance.
The minerals in our daily food and reserves should be
sufficient to cope with the situation. However is we eat
refined sugar daily, this supply soon runs out and we must
depend on minerals stored deep within the body,
particularly calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium in
our bones and teeth. If this continues for a long enough
period, the depletion of calcium from the bones and teeth
results in their eventual decay and general weakening and

The body has various back up system when minerals are in
short supply and the blood is acidic. One of them is called
the “Ammonia buffer”. The kidneys start
producing Ammonia which is a strong alkali (PH 9.25). This
balances the PH once again. Unfortunately, if the intake of
sugar carries on, there will result a depletion of minerals
from the bone and the teeth and the “Ammonia
buffer” will eventually damage the kidneys with too
much ammonia and acid.

Excess sugar is stored in various places within the body,
first in the form of glycogen in the liver. When the amount
of glycogen exceeds the liver’s storage capacity of
about 50g, it is then released into the bloodstream in the
form of fatty acid, which is stored in the more inactive
places of the body such as the buttocks, thighs and mid
section (cellulite). Then if the intake of refined sugar is
continued, this fatty acid becomes attracted to the more
active organs such as the heart and the kidneys, which
gradually become encased in a layer of fat and mucus, which
also penetrate the inner tissues of these organs. This of
course weakens their normal function and when excessive
enough causes their eventual stoppage.

This excessive intake of sugar in modern society can be
seen in the increasing incidence of such degenerative
diseases as heart disease. Two out of five people in the US
are now suffering from heart disease. Refined sugar also
directly affects our thinking abilities through the
destruction of the intestinal bacteria which are
responsible for the creation of B-Vitamins necessary for
the synthesis of glutamic acid which is directly involve in
the mental activities carried on the brain. A lack of this
component can result in a lack of memory and ability to
think clearly.

Constant sugar consumption has also been linked to
Parkinson and Alzheimer’s disease. Complete removal
from the diet has seen stunning recoveries from cancer,
diabetes and heart illnesses (Sweet and Dangerous by Yudkin
J - Bantham book).

Dr Joseph Mercola ( wrote these comments on

“Another reason to avoid sugar is to slow down the
ageing process. If you want to stay young it is very
important to limit sugar to the smallest amount possible.
It is the most significant physical factor that accelerates
ageing. It is a negative fountain of youth. It does this by
two mechanisms. The first is to actually attach itself to
proteins in the body forming a new sugar-protein substance
called advanced glycation end-products (AGEs). The higher
the AGE levels, the faster you are ageing. As this study
points out, sugar also increases free radicals in the body
which also accelerate the ageing process.”

The 1931 Nobel laureate in medicine, German Otto Warburg,
Ph.D., discovered that glucose is used as a fuel by cancer.
Do you really want to feed your cancer cells?

In his wonderful web site, Dr Joseph Mercola headed one of
his on pages on health matters “78 Ways Sugar Can
Ruin Your Health”. Some of the problems mentioned are:

Sugar can suppress the immune system, can cause kidney
damage, can promote an elevation of harmful cholesterol
(LDLs), may lead to cancer of the breast, ovaries,
prostate, and rectum. Can cause colon cancer, with an
increased risk in women, can be a risk factor in gall
bladder cancer, can weaken eyesight, can speed the ageing
process, causing wrinkles and grey hair. Can cause
arthritis, can cause asthma, can lead to the formation of
gallstones, can lead to the formation of kidney stones, can
cause varicose veins, can contribute to osteoporosis, can
contribute to diabetes, can contribute to eczema in
children, can cause atherosclerosis, can cause headaches,
including migraines. Can cause depression etc..

Do you really want to damage your body this much? or are
you strong willed enough to give up sugar?

Patrick Hamouy specialises in tuning an unhealthy person's
diet to guide them back to health. Since the end of 1993
when Patrick qualified as a Macrobiotic consultant, he has
guided 100s of customers suffering from disease such as
cancer, heart problems, diabetes, dystonia etc.. to better
health. Patrick gives consultations on the Internet using
Cam, Phone, Yahoo, Messenger or Skype. His web site is

Bodybuilding: A Beginner's Guide

Bodybuilding: A Beginner's Guide
Bodybuilding is simply the process of increasing the muscle
mass of the body and decreasing the amount of fatty tissue
in the body. This is accomplished through the use of
Progressive Resistance Training. Progressive resistance
simply means to progressively use heavier weights as your
muscles get stronger.

Increasing resistance is possible due to the body's ability
to adapt to stress by becoming stronger in response to the
stimulus of exercise. Simply put, when you work a muscle
hard, the fibers are actually damaged or broken down and
the body responds by repairing the muscle and making it
slightly bigger and stronger to prepare for the work to be
repeated. If the work (exercise) is repeated frequently
(with enough rest in between for the repair process to take
place) with increased resistance each time, theoretically,
the muscle will get progressively larger and stronger. That
is the basis of bodybuilding weight training.

It is a simple process, but there are many variables that
can affect how fast and how much the muscle will grow.
These factors include, but are not limited to, the



Intensity of workouts

Frequency of workouts

Nutrition is a huge part of successful bodybuilding. I
would highly recommend reading everything you can get your
hands on dealing with bodybuilding nutrition and
supplementation. One way to keep informed in this area is
to subscribe to a good Bodybuilding magazine such as Flex
or Muscle & Fitness. Both of these fine bodybuilding
magazines have many great articles each month dealing with
diet, nutrition and supplements.

Rest is another important area to consider. In this day and
age, it is not unusual to get less than 6 hours of sleep a
night for a lot of people. I recommend trying to get at
least 8 hours if at all possible, even if you need to take
a nap! Your body does most of it's growing as you sleep, so
get all you can!

Workout intensity is something that entire books have been
written on. I recommend reading up on this topic as well.
Flex and Muscle & Fitness deal with this topic in depth.
Basically you need to find the right amount of intensity to
trigger muscle growth. When a bodybuilder is just starting
out, it does not take much to trigger new muscle growth.
However, the body will quickly adapt to repeated stress and
this can cause muscle growth to slow or stop all together.
When this occurs, bodybuilders refer to it as a "plateau".
This is when changes to workout intensity must occur. The
muscle must be subjected to a new kind of stress that it is
not used to in order to stimulate new growth. Fortunately,
there are many methods of changing the workout intensity,
but that is beyond the scope of this article.

Frequency of workouts is something that will vary from
bodybuilder to bodybuilder. Some bodybuilders workout every
day and some only 3 days per week. You will have to
experiment with this to determine what works best for you.
You must give your muscles enough of a break between
workouts to repair themselves, but you don't want to wait
too long between workouts or you will not get maximum

Getting Started

First and foremost, check with your physician to make sure
you are in good physical condition to start a weight
lifting or bodybuilding program! I recommend that beginners
to bodybuilding start with a simple workout plan. This plan
should consist of one exercise per bodypart, working the
entire body 3 times per week.

Bodyparts are divided as follows:

Chest (pecs)

Back (lats)

Shoulders (delts)

Triceps (back of upper arm)

Biceps (front of upper arm)

Forearms Abdominals (abs)

Quadriceps (front of thigh)

Hamstrings (back of thigh)

Calves (back of lower leg)

Here is an example of a workout:

Bench press

Lat pulldowns

Military Press

Tricep pushdowns

Barbell curls


Leg extensions

Leg curls

Standing Calf raises

You should start out each exercise with a warm up set. For
this set, choose a relatively light weight that will allow
you to do 25 reps without killing yourself. This will get
your muscles ready for heavier weights. Then do 3 sets of
each exercise of 8-10 repetitions.

For your first set, choose a weight that will allow you to
10 reps without struggling too much. Rest for 30-60
seconds, then increase the weight for your second set that
makes 10 reps considerably harder. For your third set,
choose a weight that is heavy enough that you cannot do any
more than 8-10 reps no matter how hard you try. This is
called muscular failure. You must take your muscles to the
point of failure or they will not grow. The last few reps
of the last set are the ones that will trigger your body to
respond by making the muscle bigger and stronger.

Write the weights down for each exercise so you know where
you are for the next workout.

It will take a bit of trial and error until you find the
correct weight in each exercise. Be sure to take care when
you first start out not to load the bar up with some
ridiculous weight that may cause injury to your muscles,
tendons, or your foot when you drop it!

As time goes on and you are diligently following your
training program, you will notice that when you get to rep
number 10 on your last set, you feel like you can do one or
two more. This is good! Go ahead and do one or two more for
a total of 11 or 12. When you are able to do this for 2 or
3 workouts in a row, it is time to increase the weight in
that particular exercise.

If you are training a relatively large muscle group, such
as chest or quads, you may try increasing the weight by 10
or 15 pounds. If you are doing biceps or delts, then maybe
increase only 5 pounds or even 2.5 pounds. The new weight
should limit you to 7 or 8 reps on the last set. Soon you
will be back up to 12 with the new weight, and then you
will bump the weight up even more. These increases are what
you are working so hard for. Increased weight means
increased strength, which means increased muscle mass!

Be sure to write everything down as you train. This is very
important for several reasons. First, you may not remember
what weight you used in a particular exercise the next time
you workout, and you will waste time and effort having to
figure it out again! Second, you need be able to gauge your
progress as time goes on. When you see that you are using
10 or 15 more pounds than you did a month ago, you know
your strength is increasing and this is great feedback! I
recommend getting a good training journal, but you can use
any pad of paper. Create a space for the following data for
each workout:


Muscle Group worked

Exercise name

Number of sets

Number of reps in each set

Weight used each set

Personal Notes

Write things down that may have a positive or negative
affect on your workout, such as energy level, whether you
were tired or still sore from your last workout, or maybe
your left shoulder has been bothering you, etc. If you are
detailed here, you may be able to learn some important
clues as to what makes you have a good workout verses an
"ok" workout. Maybe you'll find that when you workout right
after work you have more energy than when you wait until 8
o'clock. Or maybe certain foods you eat before a workout
help you with your energy and focus. Write down if you have
a cold, or if you are recovering from an injury, or if any
particular exercise hurts you when you do it. These notes
will come in handy sooner or later in the course of your
bodybuilding program.

Use this program for 4-6 months and you should see some
real progress. At that time, you may want to start to
include some advanced techniques to increase your workout
intensity in order to continue making good gains.

David Monyer has been involved in bodybuilding for the last
20 years, making most of his muscle gains in his basement
gym, as well as different clubs and gyms over the years.
For more information on training and recommended protein
supplements, visit
Try Flex or Muscle & Fitness Magazine at a deep discount:

Belly Fat Blasting Oatmeal Recipes That Are Fast And Delicious

Belly Fat Blasting Oatmeal Recipes That Are Fast And Delicious
One of my favorite fat-burning foods that will help women
burn more fat, especially excess belly fat is oatmeal. That
is why I wanted to share some of my quick and tasty recipes
for those of you who don't have a lot of time but want to
slim down and tone up.

If you incorporate oatmeal every day in your fat-burning
menu you will start to notice your belly shrinking rather
than eating a bagel, toast, or sugary cereal. Oatmeal also
is a great source of fiber which we need in order for our
bodies to run like clockwork.

Oatmeal has very little fat, and 27 grams of good complex
carbs for ½ cup. You can use the slow cooking or the
instant (plain). It provides great energy all day long,
and you can also eat this for a post workout meal but just
add some protein powder to it. If you are in a hurry you
can make a big batch of it the night before and warm it up
in the morning or eat it cold. Yes, that's right I said

The following recipes can be prepared by stove top or
microwave use 1/2 cup of water when cooking.

Peanut butter Oatmeal

Ingredients: 1/2 cup oatmeal (use quick or slow cooking
oats without sugar) 1 tbl. of all natural peanut butter

Microwave or cook on stove top stir in peanut butter.

Pumpkin Oatmeal

Ingredients: 1/2 cup oatmeal (use quick or slow cooking
oats without sugar) Dash of cinnamon Dash of nutmeg 2 tbl.
of unsweetened pumpkin 1 tbl of powdered non-fat milk

Egg Oatmeal

Ingredients: 1/2 cup oatmeal (use quick or slow cooking
oats without sugar) Dash of cinnamon 1 packet of splenda

Mix in 4 egg white while cooking oats.

Maple Nut Oatmeal

Ingredients: 1/2 cup oatmeal (use quick or slow cooking
oats without sugar) 1 Tablespoon of no-sugar syrup 8 almonds

Stir in syrup after cooking and top off with almonds.

High Protein Oatmeal

Ingredients: 1/2 cup oatmeal (use quick or slow cooking
oats without sugar) 1-2 scoops of protein powder of your
choice after cooking stir in protein powder

Faux Cookie Dough Oatmeal (Yes that's right)

Ingredients: 1/2 cup oatmeal (use quick or slow cooking
oats without sugar) 1 packet of splenda

Prepare this overnight or put in the freezer after cooking
for about 30 min.

This is an acquired taste but it tastes similar to cookie
dough without the sugar and fat!

Heather Picken, Female Fat Loss Expert, and Co-Founder Of
Fat Loss For Women online community. Learn the secrets to
losing belly fat and inches naturally and the best fat
burning recipes too.
Sign up for the latest fat burning secrets and receive your
FREE copy of "Blast Cellulite Now"

The Secret Of Curing Motion Sickness Symptoms

The Secret Of Curing Motion Sickness Symptoms
Motion sickness is an ailment which affects many people.
It can occur on any form of transportation -- cars, buses,
planes, ships and even trains, and can seriously ruin the
start of a trip. There are lots of ways to prevent or
treat motion sickness, however, and it is possible to enjoy
traveling again even if you do normally suffer from motion

The Symptoms of Motion Sickness

How do you know if you are suffering from motion sickness?
It usually manifests itself through the several symptoms,
such as : cold sweats, vomiting, nausea, paleness of the
skin, dizziness, headache and fatigue. Fortunately, there
are many motion sickness drugs but some need to be
administered before the symptoms occur in order to be
effective. Therefore if you know that you suffer from
motion sickness or anticipate that you may experience
motion sickness, don't wait for the motion sickness
symptoms to actually appear, take the required medications
as directed and nip it in the bud.

Motion Sickness Medication

The two most well known motion sickness drugs are Dramamine
and Bonine. These both need to be taken before the
symptoms of motion sickness appear. They usually come in
tablet form. They have been known to have side effects in
some people, and can also cause problems if you are on
other medication for an existing medical condition. It is
wise to consult a doctor before taking them.

There are also some non-medical remedies. If you want to
combat motion sickness without drugs you can always use
wristbands and bracelets, which work just as well without
the side effects. However, the bands need to be worn
before your motion sickness symptoms occur in order to
prevent it. So if you are aware of your motion sickness
always carry a set of bands on you so you can use them in
advance as required.

You can also try some herbal remedies to prevent motion
sickness or alleviate the symptoms. You can find herbal
remedies in many homeopathic stores. You should still
check with your doctor before taking herbal remedies, and
follow the instructions carefully.

Some Helpful Tips

Remember to consult your doctor before trying any motion
sickness remedies. This is especially important if you are
undergoing treatment for any existing medical conditions,
or if you are pregnant or nursing. Also, motion sickness
medications are not always suitable for children under 12,
so you should check before giving them any medication.
Above all, do some research, and try out some remedies, and
you may find yourself enjoying your next trip.

Don't let motion sickness ruin your vacation! Visit and learn how to sure
motion sickness even before it starts.

Could Your Diet Be A Natural Acne Treatment?

Could Your Diet Be A Natural Acne Treatment?
One of the best acne treatments is a diet which will help
the body eliminate waste so that it won't interfere with
your skin and cause acne. If you are unhealthy on the
inside it will be reflected in your skin. The skin is the
largest organ of the body and it helps other organs with
eliminating waste.

It is the livers job to remove hormones from the body. If
your liver can't remove hormones fast enough you will end
up with too much oil in your skin because hormones are like
an instruction manual telling your skin to produce more
oil. The function of the liver is also to get rid of toxins
as well as many other important things. If there is an
over-load of toxins in your body, the liver can have
problems removing hormones.

So what toxins concern acne sufferes the most? Mycotoxins.
These nasty little chemicals are the 'excreted' waste of
bacteria such as yeast, and usually found in the
intestines. Mycotoxins put a strain on your liver and you
already know what happens when your liver doesn't get rid
of hormones!

Using diet alone as a natural acne treatment was not as bad
as I had thought it would be. There are many foods that
help the liver and help remove waste from the body and give
your insides a thorough cleanout.

What foods are good for cleaning the body? Two of the best
foods are apples and psyllium husks. They both contain
fibers that act like a broom and absorb and push out all
the junk that's stuck in your intestines, sometimes stuff
that has even been there for many years! The 'junk' is also
the perfect breeding ground for the bacteria that produce

And what foods are good for helping the liver? Beetroot.
Beetroot is known for it's exceptional liver cleansing
properties. Another good food, or herb actually, is milk
thistle. Scientific studies have suggested that certain
chemicals in milk thistle protect the liver from damage
caused by viruses, toxins and alcohol.

To cure your acne, you need to correct the internal
problems inside your body that are causing your acne to
begin with. No over-the-counter creams can do this. The
majority of these products simply "hide" your acne or treat
the symptoms but never actually target the root causes of
acne. They can only kill bacteria on your face and help
reduce the redness.

Sign up for my free 30 Day Acne eCourse at:
Acne No More:

This winter put your health first!

This winter put your health first!
We all know that exercise is important. We know that it
improves our mood, helps us to either lose or maintain
weight, increases our energy levels, helps prevent diseases
- the list goes on. It’s so important that the
government has gone as far as to set guidelines for

The government recommends that people exercise five times
per week for 30 minutes at a moderate intensity for general
health; however, studies have proven that vigorous activity
3-5 times a week for at least 20 minutes is what you need
to attain maximum health benefits and increase longevity.

In today’s busy world where people are juggling work
life, home life and a social life, there is little time
left for any kind of exercise regardless of it being
moderate or vigorous. Or is this lack of time just an
EXCUSE to be lazy? After all 20-30 minutes really
isn’t that long. It’s the amount of time we
spend hitting the snooze button every morning, the amount
of time we spend lazing around while dinner is in the oven.

Here are some techniques to help you become a healthier you!

Make the decision. The first step is deciding that your
health comes before everything else. Think of exercise as
the medicine that keeps you well. If you were ill and your
doctor prescribed a medication you wouldn’t think of
not taking it. Think of exercise in the same way.

Start today. It takes 21 days to create a new habit. The
sooner you start the easier it will become. If you can
stick to it for 21 days straight, you’ll be
pleasantly surprised when it no longer feels like a lot of
effort, but rather a regular part of your daily routine.

Find the time. Not having time is nothing more than an
excuse. If you were to become ill, I guarantee you’d
find the time to recover. You’re body wouldn't allow
you to continue with daily activities until you were well.
To find the time write down what you do in an average day
and week. Look at your timetable and see where you have
pockets of spare time.

Schedule it. Once you’ve found that time, schedule
it! Book an appointment with yourself and don’t let
anyone break it. You’re health is just as important
as a scheduled meeting at work. You’re boss
wouldn’t accept you missing a meeting and neither
should you. Be your own boss.

Work hard. Once you’ve made the decision and found
the time, the next step is to make the most of it. Work
hard! As previously mentioned vigorous activity has far
more health benefits than moderate intensity workouts.
Examples of vigorous activities are running, circuit
training, team sports, tennis, badminton, and aerobics,
basically anything that makes you sweat and increases your

Enjoy it. Find an activity you love to do. Whether
it’s running or a gym class use the time to have fun.
Enjoying what you do will set you up for success.
Don’t think of exercise as a chore, rather as a way
of life.

Remember it takes 21 days to create a new habit. Start
yours today! Don’t be lazy. Don’t put it off.
This is your health, your life. Don’t wait for the
New Year to start. New Year’s resolutions are another
EXCUSE to putting things off. Feel great by the time the
New Year comes around!

Rosa Coelho is a Performance Coach, Personal Trainer and
Sports Massage Therapist at Dax Moy Personal Training
Studios in London. Rosa specialises in applying a holistic
approach to health and fitness through The POWER
Principles. For more information about Rosa visit

Honey, Bee Pollen & Propolis, Royal Jelly for Health and Healing

Honey, Bee Pollen & Propolis, Royal Jelly for Health and Healing
We are all familiar with honey as a valuable substitute for
refined sugar or chemical additives which have been shown
to be neurotoxins. We often are unaware of using the
incredible nutritional value of honey for a variety of
health benefits beyond honey’s being a natural

Honey is a natural glucose and fructose sugar that is
readily recognized and used for energy by our bodies. Honey
contains mineral such as magnesium, potassium, calcium,
sodium chlorine, sulphur, iron and phosphate. Honey also
contains small amounts of copper, iodine and zinc. Honey
contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, B5 and B3.

Honey is often used to help us build immunity to pollens
that are responsible for allergic reaction. Honey, because
of its ability to attract water, is also used as a skin
moisturizer and well as a hair conditioner when mixed with
olive oil. Since Honey has powerful antimicrobial
qualities, it can soothe raw tissue such as we experience
with a “sore throat”. Honey is a natural
anti-inflammatory agent containing phytochemicals that
helps heal wounds by killing bacteria, virus, and fungus
that cannot live in honey thus preventing infection. Honey
is being used in Europe and the Middle East to treat ulcers
and burns. The treatment of burns with honey reduces pain
and result in healing with minimal scaring of skin. Honey
reduces the swelling of wounds and is used by our body as
building material for new tissue as honey actually traps
moisture and oxygen around the wound that is vital for
healing and tissue generation.

Honey has sustaining blood sugar concentrations that many
athletes use for endurance training as honey maintains and
stores muscle glycogen as a readily available, metabolized
fuel. Honey promotes muscle tissue repair. Honey acts as a
superior carbohydrate that helps athletes give a peak

Honey contains small amounts of resins found in propolis.
Propolis is used by bees to build and maintain their hives.
Propolis makes the hive safe from bacteria and other
micro-organisms. Propolis is anti-bacterial, anti-viral
and anti-fungal. Propolis contains phytonutrients which
have been shown to have cancer preventing and anti-tumor
properties. Propolis is contained in small amounts in honey
and is available in concentrated supplement form.

Honey contains bee pollen. Bee pollen has been shown to
correct the chemical imbalance that often leads to weight
gain. Therefore, bee pollen has proven to be a valuable
aid for weight loss. Been pollen improves our metabolism,
i.e. the rate at which our bodies burn fat. Bee pollen
dissolves and flushes fat cells from our bodies because of
the high amounts of lecithin it contains. Bee pollen helps
us reduce our cravings for food. Bee pollen has been shown
to lower cholesterol levels. Bee pollen is also beneficial
for our sexual health. Studies have shown that bee pollen
helps restore the health of female reproductive system and
relief from the discomfort of PMS. Bee pollen has been
shown to help increase men’s sperm count, help
maintain erection, and prevent prostate problems. Bee
pollen has been shown to improve our immune systems and
remove toxins from our bodies. In addition, many athletes
use bee pollen for endurance, strength and stamina. Many
of us use bee pollen to help improve mental clarity. Bee
pollen is available in concentrated supplement form.

Royal jelly is the only food source for the queen bee. The
queen bee lives up to forty times longer than the other
bees. Royal jelly contains large amounts of protein and all
eight of the essential amino acids that our bodies cannot
manufacture. Royal jelly is an antioxidant that combats
free radicals. Royal jelly contains large amounts of
natural hormones e.g. pheromones, large amounts of amino
acids and essential amino acids, B vitamins, vitamins A,
C, D and E. Royal jelly contains essential fatty acids and
acetylcholine, a natural neurotransmitter. Royal jelly
contains sterols, phosphorus compounds nucleic acids and
traces of calcium copper potassium, silicon and sulfur.
Royal jelly helps lower cholesterol, promotes mental
alertness and clarity, reduces dizziness and buzzing in the
ears and improves energy levels thus eliminating fatigue.
Royal Jelly has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression
because of its high amounts of acetylcholine that is a
natural neurotransmitter. Many of us report that it helps
slow down the ageing process, improves vitality and energy
levels. Royal jelly improves the conditions of our skin and
improves the strength and condition of our nails and hair.
Royal jelly contains lipids and carbohydrates and aspartic
acid that facilitates growth and repair of cells and
tissue. Royal jell also has antibacterial and antimicrobial
properties. Royal jelly is available in concentrated
supplemental form.

The next time we use honey, we can experience and extra
satisfaction beyond taste, knowing the miraculous and
amazing health benefits we are receiving. We can receive
even more health and healing benefit from taking advantage
of the availability of bee pollen and propolis and royal
jelly in supplemental form. We need to find ways to protect
our bee population and feel deep gratitude for the many
gifts of health and nutrition they have provided us.

Jenny has more than twenty years experience with all
natural health care products. More information about bee
pollen, propolis and royal jelly is available at =>

Lifting Weights Is Not Just For Bodybuilders

Lifting Weights Is Not Just For Bodybuilders
Weightlifting is not a sport restricted to bodybuilders,
although this is a common misconception. In actual fact,
lifting weights on a regular basis can help build muscle,
an increase in which will help you lose weight! This is
because a pound of muscle burns around 12 times more
calories than fat.

Should you just wish to tone your muscles, rather than
build them up, then lifting weights which are much lighter
will help you do the trick. For many women, lifting very
light weights such as half a kilo or one kilo doesn't seem
to make any difference from the outset. However, after a
short period of time, they notice their biceps looking much
more sculpted.

Of course, lifting weights as a form of toning only works
if you have already removed the fat. If the excess fat is
still there - meaning if you still have flabby arms, shall
we say - then you will not notice any difference, but you
will feel it.

Lifting weights is a deceptive sport. Whereas sports such
as running or swimming seem to require more energy,
weightlifting will burn more calories in one session than
either of them, provided the amount of weights lifted is

Common areas that people want to focus on are shoulders,
arms, legs, back, and chest, and there are specific lifting
weights exercises that have been created in order to work
these areas out more. Probably the most well-known of these
exercises is for the biceps: dumbbell curls.

It is very easy for over-ambitious people to try lifting
weights too heavy for them. Should you do this, you
increase the chances of you doing yourself a bad injury,
more than likely concerning your back. Unfortunately, once
you have damaged you back, there is no way to fix it, so
the utmost of care should be taken when lifting weights.

Interestingly enough, studies completed in the US showed
that men and women alike, when asked to choose the weight
they believed to be appropriate for them, opted for weights
that were significantly less than what they would ideally
need to burn fat.

With women traditionally shying away from weight training
and lifting weights, newer franchised gyms - geared solely
and specifically for women - have sprung up internationally
to promote weight lifting and circuit training with
incredible success.

One major reason for this is that until now, lifting
weights has had a stigma attached to it. Whether it was
because of fear of becoming bulky or getting hurt, women
generally stayed away from this type of exercise, favouring
aerobics or pilates instead.

What is generally unknown amongst fad dieters and yoyo
exercisers is that lifting heavy weights is an excellent
way to burn fat in a relatively short amount of time.

The heavier the weight, the better it is for burning fat,
though it does take some time to get used to the feel of
the weights and therefore become able to judge what weight
you should be lifting.

Lifting weights is one of the secrets to losing weight.
With just two workouts a week you will notice a significant
difference in your overall shape, and over time,
particularly in women, lifting weights decreases their
likelihood of contracting osteoporosis.

The best thing about lifting weights is that for the simple
exercises you don't really have to join a gym, as it's just
as easy to do them at home. In addition, a set of weights
in a good investment, as they can be used repeatedly and by
other members of the family.

Get in touch with the industry experts at for more help.
Steve Magill has written several articles with regard to
the weightloss business. As a Fellow in the (FBAE) he is
considered an expert consultant when it comes to helping
people to lose weight.