Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Life Coaching, Health, and Success

Life Coaching, Health, and Success
Why is change so difficult? There is a dark secret that
tries to hold us back from all the good we so richly

We are born with the innate ability to overcome any human
hardship whether it be social, emotional, mental, physical,
or financial. The key has to be discovered on our own
personal journey.

Year after year books are published promising happiness,
joy, prosperity, love and health. They just don't tell us
how to do it. Oh, yes, they tell us to think positive or
forget about the past. They offer us chants and "powers"
and even "secrets".

Here's the real secret…As long as your heart or mind or
body remembers that negative incident from how ever long
ago, your ability to change will not be at hand.

In this article I will show you how my life coaching
process will help you have more health, success, and

I've been a social worker for 37 years. Most of you think
you know what a social worker does. My approach has been

This is what you don't know about me as a social worker: I
work with all these people known as the dregs of society,
the losers. I've worked with them for decades. And you know
what? Many of them have found a way to unlock their dark
secret for recovery and healing.

You'll hear more about that later. But for now, just begin
to think there is a way beyond the pain and into a new
life, no matter how far down you've fallen.

Listen for a moment to Kirsten L, a current client of mine,
explain the impact of life coaching:

"I have been visiting with Gary Eby weekly over the last 8
months. During these visits I have learned numerous skills
all of which have been life changing."

"Gary Is teaching me how to live with my negative side,
AKA--the dark secret."

"Everyone of us has a negative side, but through the 'Stop
and Think' process I have learned three steps how to
control it."

"I have learned how to handle anger, set healthy
boundaries, and how to have better relationships."

So, when we are triggered by our negative side or dark
secret, try my stop and think process that includes these
following steps:

1. Slow down and take deep breaths: Hold the inhale for
three seconds and than exhale slowly for 6.

2. Say a mantra of your choosing.

3. Reach out for help to a positive person.

This process that I am calling emotional recovery coaching
hopefully will start you on a journey to achieving more
health, success, and prosperity.

Mr. Eby is a Master Social Worker with more than 30 years
of professional experience. He is the author of Challenging
Your Dark Secret. He currently works as a therapist and
counselor for Options of Southern Oregon, the local mental
health agency. He has also provided online life coaching
services on eBay for many years. Visit his site at

Is It Possible For Easy Weight Loss

Is It Possible For Easy Weight Loss
Is it really possible for weight loss to be easy?

The diet industry portrays that diets are a breeze, easy as
pie, just eat our lovely (and expensive) products and spend
lots of money and you will be as skinny as the skinny
models who advertise our product yet have never used them.

Yet in spite of this, the vast majority of people see
dieting as a struggle (struggling to lose weight), a battle
(battling to lose weight), a fight (fighting to lose
weight) and generally a hardship.

Easy weight loss is entirely possible if you adopt the
right mental attitude. Weight loss is all about having
motivation, and what is motivation except reasons to lose

So, what are your reasons for losing weight?

Do you want to be thinner because your friends are? Do you
want to be thinner because you feel people will like you
more? Or you'll like yourself more? Do you want to be
thinner for health reasons?

There are a lot of potential reasons for losing weight, and
if your reasons are powerful and motivating enough there is
nothing else you can do except lose weight easily. Just
what are your personal reasons for losing weight? Have a
think about them now and decide if they are motivating

You're now probably wondering what on earth this right
mental attitude for easy weight loss is, so let me tell you
now exactly what it is.

Number 1 : Believe that you can succeed. You would be
shocked to find how many people do not believe they can
successfully diet and attain (and maintain) their desired
target weight. Believe you can succeed, and believe it
strongly - your beliefs create the world around you and
whether you believe you can or can't, you're right.

Number 2 : Be realistic. It's lovely for us all to have
those pleasant day dreams, but be realistic. Don't think
you can magically lose a hundred pounds in a week ... it's
not physically possible, and losing too much weight too
quickly is bad for your health. Be realistic about what
you are aiming for and when you will do it.

Number 3 : Believe that you are a thinner person. People
will have their identity tied up with their weight, and
people will do almost anything to protect their identity,
even kill. Is your identity one of a struggling dieter?
Or an overweight person? Or a fat slob? What is your
identity with relation to your weight? If it is negative
and involves you being anywhere other than your target
weight, then you need to change it!

Number 4 : Believer that you are worthy of being a thinner
person. If you are caught up in self loathing and really
dislike yourself you may not think you are worth losing
weight and being at your ideal weight. You will find
yourself struggling and sabotaging your efforts, so believe
you are worthy of this success.

Number 5 : Now this is the one that eludes all but the most
successful dieters. Take REGULAR and CONSISTENT action.
That's all it takes. Easy weight loss comes from taking
consistent action every single day both mentally and
physically. Thinking you want to be thin whilst eating
pizza in front of the television isn't going to work. You
have to combine thought with action to create results.

So now you know how easy weight loss really is when you
have the right mental attitude. Study these five keys and
use them to make your weight loss easy. Search about good
and quality weight loss products and nutritional
supplements that can help you in your weight loss process.
Take care of your health!! Its your TREASURE!!

Get more information about weight loss products and
programs and other health related topics. Just Click ==>

Heart disease - What can be done? What will protect us?

Heart disease - What can be done? What will protect us?
For many years, Heart disease has been the number one
killer in our modern society. It now is battling for first
place with cancers.

In order for our arteries and blood vessels to be healthy,
our body needs a good supply of Vitamin C (Documented by Dr
Linus Pauling (Nobel prize) and Dr Matthias Rath). This
supply is essential for the production of collagen
(Collagen gives strength to the wall of the arteries and
blood vessels) and elastin (Elastin is the elastic fibrous
material that keeps blood vessels and arteries together).

If our body suffers from a long-term deficiency of Vitamin
C, then tiny holes will appear in the arteries. This will
prompt the body to patch these little holes by sticking
lipoprotein fats on top of the holes. This is produced in
the liver. The body produces cholesterol and triglycerides
in its attempt to plug in the tiny breaches. These fatty
deposits on our arteries are known in modern medicine as
"atherosclerosis". It is however a perfectly natural
process of repair the body undertakes when damage occurs on
the arteries through lack of vitamins.

These deposits can in turn be responsible for high blood
pressure and arrhythmia (Irregular heart beat ). Varicose
veins have also been linked to the same cause. Dr Matthias
Rath wrote a book "Why animals don't get Heart attacks -
but people do?" explaining that animals produce vitamin C
in their body and we don't and claims that this is why
animals do not get heart attack.

A complete lack of vitamin C over a short period of time
will result in Scurvy. A long-term deficiency will result
in coronary problems.

Rath and Pauling went on to advise a daily intake of 600mg
to 3g of vitamin C together with vitamin B complex
(especially B3 (nicotinic acid) and B5 (pantothenate)),
proper minerals, trace minerals, coenzyme Q10 and amino
acids (carnitine) will be the foundation for healthy
arteries and the reversal of cardiovascular problems.

Other researchers have also advised on supplementation with
Magnesium, amino acid arginine to lower blood pressure.
Magnesium, calcium, carnitine, coenzyme Q10 have also been
advised to regulate heartbeat (Dr Ralph Matthias).

A study over 10 years of 10,000 people by Dr James Enstrom
(University of California Los Angeles) confirmed that
American taking a minimum of 300mg of vitamin C each day
were 50% less likely (male) and 40% less likely (female) to
develop heart disease.

A further study of 87,000 people has also demonstrated that
a proper vitamin E intake lowers the risk of cardiovascular
problems by one third and vitamin A intake by 30% (Matthias
Raph). A result that has never been matched by any modern
drug. Why is it then that we keep being pumped with
cholesterol lowering drugs when natural vitamins and
nutrients found in everyday food do the trick?

A report published in JAMA by Dr Newman and Dr Hulley
(Carcinogenicity of lipid-lowering drugs published on 6
January 1996 ) of the San Francisco Medical School state
that Cholesterol lowering drugs cause cancer in laboratory

Why are we so depleted of Vitamin C?

The answer is found in our dietary habits. Cardiovascular
problems are very much a disease that increased over the
last 100 years. Our eating habits have completely changed
in that period of time as well. Our ancestors used to eat a
lot of vegetables and fruits. Meat was expensive and few
could afford it.

Our fields were rich in minerals and the food grown on them
contained these important nutrients. Nowadays, through over
farming and extensive use of chemicals, our fields are
depleted from these essential minerals. Our diets are now
rich in animal food (meat and dairy) that further compounds
the problem with its high content of fat.

The stress factor

Our body reacts to stress by producing the hormone
adrenaline. For every molecule of adrenaline produced, one
molecule of vitamin C is needed. A depletion of vitamin C
in the body will lead to cardiovascular problems.

Other factors

Smoking, lack of exercise, alcohol abuse, use of drugs.

The sad thing is..

As you may be aware from the EEC has now passed laws to
restrict the sales of Vitamins, minerals and other natural
products. This means that soon, you will not be able to
purchase vitamins in concentration high enough (if at all)
to help yourself with various health problems.

Patrick Hamouy teaches various forms of "Alternative
Therapies" in West London and Brighton. Topics include
Indian Head Massage, Reiki Healing, Anatomy & Physiology,
Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT), Oriental Diagnosis, Diet &
Psychic Development. He gives consultations in Macrobiotic
Diet, EFT and advises on the removal of toxic products from
the home environment. Full information at:

Dangers and Problems with Rapid Weight Loss

Dangers and Problems with Rapid Weight Loss
People searching for weight loss programs and diets today
seem to be searching more for rapid weight loss than
permanent, healthy weight loss. Unfortunately, it is a fact
that quick diet weight loss programs are seldom without
their dangers, and their results usually range from erratic
to nonexistent.

I would advise anyone seeking to lose weight to substitute
the term 'healthy weight loss program' for 'rapid weight
loss program'. I hope, the following short discussion will
explain my position to some extent.

You, like so many others in today's society, are concerned
about losing weight. Like so many others, you are looking
for some sort of rapid weight loss program or plan. Rapid
weight loss, also often referred to as quick weight loss or
fast weight loss, involves, as its name implies, losing
weight in a short period of time. Claims of such programs
often cite fantastic results in anywhere from two to seven

In the United States, approximately two-thirds of the adult
population is overweight or obese, and hundreds of
thousands of these Americans are understandably interested
in rapidly losing that unwanted weight. Many simply wish to
lose weight before an important event, like an upcoming
vacation or a wedding, while others are willing to accept
the fact that permanent, healthy weight loss is a lifetime

While it is certainly simple to understand how you can want
to lose weight as fast as possible, to tell the truth, you
really need to proceed with caution. Although it is
possible to lose weight, or at least a small part of it, in
a relatively short period of time, you should realize that
there are dangers and problems associated with doing so.

One of the many dangers of rapid weight loss is simply that
which is inherent in some of the many measures that some
people take. For instance, it is common to hear of
individuals who have decided to fast, i.e. not to eat,
while trying to achieve a rapid weight loss goal. Going
without food, for even a short period of time, can be
dangerous to your health. It deprives you of many nutrients
necessary to health and will shortly cause your metabolism
to slow down. At that point, initial weight loss will cease
if it hasn't already. At some future time, when you return
to your normal consumption of calories, as most dieters do,
your body will burn fewer of the calories you take in, and
the excess will be stored as fat...more fat than would have
been accumulated before the rapid weight loss program.

This leads to a situation in which the person, now weighs
more than before the diet or weight loss program. They
attempt to lose the weight by going back on the same diet
or a similar program. This time, the weight loss is harder
to accomplish, the basic metabolic rate may diminish more,
and the person will eventually go off the diet and gain
more weight! This is a cycle often referred to as yo-yo
dieting, and, as you can see, it is a self-defeating

During an extreme diet, one in which as little as two to
three pounds a week are lost, the dieter can experience the
loss of lean muscle mass. Lean muscle mass is the
'incinerator' which burns excess calories, and its loss can
only make healthy weight loss even more difficult.
Additionally, with less lean muscle, the person is less
likely to feel like engaging in activity which could help
burn fat.

While an actual rapid weight loss 'danger' is relatively
small though quite genuine, the results, or lack of same,
when combined with the loss of needed nutrients do not
really seem worth the effort or risk. However, be aware
that in the presence of some clinical conditions or while
attempting to achieve rapid weight loss through extreme
measures, the danger to health, and even life itself, can
be quite real.


A better alternative to simply 'going on a diet' is to cut
back on the food that you do eat, particularly empty foods
such as those sweetened with sugar, or heavily processed
foods, or to just make sure that it is healthy foods which
you are eating. By limiting your calories, you should be
able to achieve at least some small weight loss in the time
that you were looking to. However, it is very important
that you do stick to a healthy eating and living plan.


Along with healthy eating and living practices, another
important component of weight loss should always be
exercise. Unfortunately, many individuals do not realize
that it can take up to one week or more to notice any signs
of results from exercise, and very obvious results will
possibly take weeks or even months. However, in the long
run, exercise, combined with sensible diet, proper
hydration (plenty of water), and rest will result in a more
permanent and more healthy weight loss experience.

Note, by the way, that those beginning an exercise program,
particularly one which includes a strength training it should...might actually notice a small
weight gain at first. This is perfectly normal and is
merely the result of adding lean muscle mass, which is
healthier for the body, and this will help burn fat and
calories. The scary part for the individual is that lean
muscle mass often increases faster than they are losing
fat, hence the temporary weight gain.

With all that having been said, the good news is that the
more weight you need to lose, the sooner it is that you may
actually start seeing results from a combined program of
regular exercise and healthy eating and living.

While exercise should certainly be a major part of any plan
for losing weight in a healthy and permanent manner, it is
very important that you not overdo it. This is especially
important if you haven't previously had a regular exercise
plan. Running on the treadmill for two hours, instead of
twenty minutes, may burn fat faster, but, at the same time,
it may also land you in the hospital. It is much better to
begin at an extremely safe level and gradually work your
way up to more difficult workouts than to start at some
higher point just because you can and either give up
because maintaining that pace is just too difficult, or
because of some exercise injury.


Another problem that should be considered when discussing
rapid weight loss, is the taking of medications or weight
loss products...particularly those sold off the supermarket
shelf or through some magazine ad or an Internet website.
The good news is that while some of these products do work
a little, and some are even safe, you may not be able to
tell what you are getting for your money or what it will do
to your health in the long run. These products, such as the
Alli diet pill, work best, if at all, when used in
combination with a regular program of exercise and proper
nutritional practices anyway. If you are doing that
already, you are probably losing a safe amount of weight at
a safe speed without having to shell out big bucks for a
'helper' which ceases to have any effect as soon as you
stop taking it and produces no permanent health benefit.

If you think you are interested in using a weight loss
product, like a diet pill or a cleanse, to help you lose
weight, it is important that you do the research first.
This should at the least involve checking product reviews,
to see if the product is effective, and speaking with a
healthcare professional such as your personal physician.

It is extremely important that you proceed with the utmost
caution if trying to achieve rapid weight loss still
appeals to you. Although unexpected events or appearances
will occur without much notice, most individuals have at
least a month's worth of time before attending a large
event such as a wedding or even going on a vacation to
someplace where they wear bikinis all day. As soon as you
become aware of your upcoming event, you are advised to
start trying to lose weight then in a healthy and sensible
manner, if you are interested in doing so.

An even better tactic might simply to be to adopt a healthy
lifestyle of proper nutrition combined with exercise. Then
you won't ever have to worry about such events, and you
won't have to 'diet' or try some other means of achieving
rapid weight loss.

Donovan Baldwin is a freelance writer living in Central
Texas. He is a University of West Florida alumnus with a BA
in Accounting, and is a member of Mensa. He and his wife
have an online business which offers natural products for
health and home at .

The most effective and healthy ways to reduce ailments that afflict our lungs, body and skin

As we are increasingly exposed to pollutants in the air
that we breathe and the water that we bathe in, it makes
sense that respiratory and skin problems are on the rise.
These health issues take the form of asthma, no seasonal
allergies, breathing difficulties, skin rashes, and
countless other modern maladies.

Medical researchers are still discovering new ways in which
humans are adversely affected by airborne and waterborne
pollutants. Some people assume that what they eat and drink
are the primary ways in which their environment can affect
their health. But actually your skin and your lungs are
your main interface to the outside world. In fact, your
skin is your body's largest organ, and it plays a crucial
role in regulating your body's temperature, and keeping the
outside... outside! Your lungs and skin can easily absorb
toxins for which they were never intended.

The most effective and healthy ways to reduce or completely
eliminate these ailments that afflict our lungs and skin.

Conventional Western medicine typically turns to
prescription drugs, to try to cure the problems or mask the
symptoms. But these unnatural chemicals often do more harm
than good. Consequently, people interested in more natural
solutions are getting terrific results from speleotherapy
and halo therapy.

Speleotherapy is essentially the treatment of respiratory
diseases using the air found in underground caves. Such air
is typically rich in natural salt microns and ions, which
have been found quite effective in reducing asthma,
allergies, and other breathing problems, in addition to
soothing irritated skin and restoring ionic balance within
the body.

Speleotherapy is most popular in former Soviet bloc areas
-- such as East Germany, Romania, Armenia, and the Ukraine
-- for several reasons. Initially, Eastern European health
practitioners and medical clinics did not have the
financial resources for purchasing expensive Western
pharmaceuticals, and so they turned to more traditional and
lower-cost methods, including speleotherapy. The
mountainous regions of Europe and Asia are well-known as
having the best mines for ancient salt, as well as being
the primary sources for crystal salts. These natural
crystals -- formed countless millennia ago -- are also
handcrafted into beautiful salt lamps that give off healthy
negative ions, which have unique healing properties.

Who uses Speleotherapy and the results

There are numerous medical modalities used by speleotherapy
practitioners. For example, at the world-renowned Ukrainian
Allergologic Hospital (UAH) located in the foothills of the
Ukrainian Carpathian mountains, three major types of
treatment are offered: the healthy microclimate deep in
their salt mines, water from those salt mines, and brine
and mud from a nearby salt lake. UAH utilizes speleotherapy
to treat patients with bronchial asthma, psoriasis,
neurodermitis, allergic dermatitis, post-burn conditions,
nervous system dysfunction, sex disorders, and chronic
nonspecific lung diseases (CNLD). During more than 30
years, an estimated 60,000 patients are reported to have
been cured of their maladies.

As a result of people all over the world learning the
benefits of speleotherapy, clinics outside of Eastern
Europe are simulating the deep cave microenvironments,
offering halotherapy (HT) in specially constructed rooms,
halochambers, whose surfaces are coated with medicinal
salt. Natural ionization of the air is supplemented with a
dry sodium chloride aerosol, to maximize the health
potential of the treatment while the patient is there. Halo
therapy clinics have the advantage that they are more
accessible to people living outside of Eastern Europe. Yet
patients only get exposure to the healthy ions while they
are at the clinic, which might be for only a few days or
weeks per year.

The most cost-effective solution by far is to create your
own mini-halotherapy environment in your own home and/or

Thus you derive the health benefits of this remarkable
therapy, every day that you choose, without having to
travel anywhere. Many experts consider one device, the
Salin Device to be the best air purifier/salinizer, partly
because it is so effective at creating a halotherapy
micro-environment, and also because it is quiet and
well-made. In fact, Canada considers the Salin Device to be
a Medical Device Class I, just as various clinical studies
have demonstrated its value in alleviating respiratory
diseases. Even more portable is the Salt Pipe, which is
made of ceramic porcelain, and whose daily use helps to
flush away impurities from the nasal passages, as well as
helping to heal and calm inflamed lungs and airways. Salt
pipes are now quite popular in Europe, and can be used by
anyone anywhere. The final touches, beautiful glowing salt
lamps from the Himalayas, Poland and Persia .

After doing research, Isabella learned how beneficial
natural salt is and about it's many uses, this prompted her
to create and eventually
launch her own top-selling product lines for the home,
health, beauty and living well utilizing natural salt and
other organic sources.