Tuesday, September 11, 2007

7 Healthy Tips For A Healthier Lifestyle

Incorporate one of these activities into your daily life,
and enjoy healthy long-term weight loss:

1. Drink plain coffee instead of a frappuccino

Flavored coffee drinks may be delicious, but did you know
that they are bursting with calories? Whenever you find
yourself in line at the coffee shop, stick with plain
coffee or tea instead of sugar-filled "dessert drinks".

2. Pass on a doughnut or pastry

A single doughnut may seem innocent enough, besides
everyone is eating them at the office meeting, why
shouldn't you? The truth is that doughnuts and pastries,
though a workplace favorite, are hidden goldmines of fat
and calories. For each doughnut you refuse to eat consider
the 250 calories falling off of your waistline, and smile
to yourself.

3. Jog for 30 minutes

Want in on a little secret? The hardest part about a simple
30 minute jog is the act of getting your shoes on and
walking out the door. It's true. Once you are halfway down
the street you will realize that jogging is actually
fun-add to that the fact that you are burning calories and
you have yourself an all around good deal.

4. Exchange 20 oz of regular soda for water

By now you know that soda pop is not good for you-so why
are you still drinking it? Every time you crave an ice cold
cola picture swallowing spoonfuls of white sugar. Yikes,
talk about a set up for weight gain. Stick with water and
kiss those extra calories goodbye.

5. Swim laps for 30 minutes

If your response to my jogging suggestion was 'I have bad
joints', then you are in luck. Swimming is one of the best
aerobic activities you can do, and it is impact-free. When
you swim you recruit your entire body, a process which
requires lots of energy-AKA calories.

6. Eat an apple instead of a cookie

If you are like most people I know, then you probably get a
hankering for something sweet after dinner. While your
first instinct may be to reach for a cookie or a bowl of
ice cream, why not consider what nature has to offer? Fruit
is sweet, natural and lower in calories than baked goods.

7. Clean house for 60 minutes

Don't think that all calorie burning has to take place in a
gym. Vacuuming, dusting, folding laundry and doing
dishes-they all require a little elbow grease, which
results in calories burned. The next time your house needs
a polish, don't grit your teeth-this means free calorie
burning for you.

And if you really want to kick it up a notch and stoke
those flames – hire a personal trainer who can take you
from start to finish in less time then you think.

Machelle Lee owns and operates The Invisible Gym in Santa
Cruz, CA. Her mission is to inspire people to become
physically active and enjoy the benefits of a balanced,
healthy lifestyle. For more information and questions you
can visit her website.


ADD and Omega 3 Fish Oil

When a child or adult suffers from ADD, their lives can
seem insurmountably difficult. Not only are they unable to
concentrate in their work or school time, but they can also
become easily frustrated by their inability to keep up with
their normal friends. They find themselves moving from one
task to another without being able to complete things as
well as their intelligence might suggest. While science
has tried to create medications that can control this
disruption in the brain's chemistry, often these
medications can cause more troubles than they are worth.

Defining ADD and ADHD

ADD or attention deficit disorder has become a sort of joke
in society. When someone has troubles concentrating, they
are referred to as ADD in a very negative sense. However,
there are many children and adults that are truly suffering
from this condition. Whether it's a condition of their
environment and inability to interact in this environment
without certain skills or if it's a condition in which the
brain chemistry isn't working well, ADD is a serious
condition that is no laughing matter.

ADD occurs when the brain in unable to process the messages
it receives from the outside environment. Often, the brain
is working at too fast a speed to process the information
easily, causing the child or adult to not be able to do
anything with the things they are learning. They can't
keep up with themselves, in a sense, so they're always
looking for new pieces of information to keep them
stimulated. As this happens, they can have troubles
remembering what they are supposed to be doing at their
particular moment or what they have already done.

Children and adults may exhibit symptoms like:

Problems with focussing
Issues with completing tasks on time
Low test scores
Problems with work assignments
Inability to concentrate on long term projects

Many times, they will also have troubles with mood
balancing at the same time. They might become so
frustrated with the way their brain doesn't work that they
can also begin to have troubles with depression and anxiety.

Treatments in ADD Right Now

One of the most popular ways to deal with ADD right now is
with the use of Ritalin as well as other newer prescription
medications. These medications work to slow the brain down
so that it can process information more easily. In many
children, it can be quite effective, but it's not without
side effects that have made many parents unwilling to try
this treatment. For example, there is some concern that
these kinds of medications can actually accentuate feelings
of depression, often resulting in children or adults that
are suicidal. And if the child is always suffering from
depression, this kind of treatment plan is only going to
perpetuate the feelings.

Some newer treatments are including holistic methods like
acupuncture, acupressure, mediation and changes in diet.
These seem to be working well for many patients, but they
are not the only option.

Why More People are Turning to Fish Oil

A few years ago, schools in the UK were actually
considering making fish oil supplementation a part of the
school day because of its promising effects. A study done
by Oxford-Durham in 2005 noted that children that took fish
oil supplements that contained EFA were more likely to
report fewer problems with concentration and anxiety than
those in the placebo group.

By studying 100 students, giving half of the students a
supplement six times per day of fish oil and EFA and the
other half a pill with olive oil in it, researchers noticed
that students that received the EFA were able to spell
better and to read better over the course of the first
three months. As time continued, these results continued
to improve.

Other studies done at Ohio State University noted that
adults can also benefit from fish oil supplementation when
they had been diagnosed with ADD and ADHD.

How to Add Fish Oil to a Child's Day

When you are ready to try to add fish oil supplements to
your child's diet or to your own, you have a number of
options to consider. The easiest way to make sure that the
patient is receiving consistent levels of the essential
fatty acids is through fish oil supplements. High quality
supplements will ensure that the right amount is taken each
day, without needing to prepare anything for a meal.

Of course, if the patient or family has the time to cook,
sources like oily fishes are the best choice. By eating
only two servings of these fishes a week, the benefits of
the fish oil fatty acids can be seen. Since the body can
not make these essential fatty acids on its own, it's
imperative that they be taken into the body via the diet or
by supplements.


If a child or adult is suffering from ADD, adding fish oil
to the diet can be a good way to help to regulate the
symptoms as well as to provide a side effect free way to
help their lives.

Dave McEvoy is an expert in omega 3 fish oil EPA with over
20 years experience; for more information about fish oil
and how it can help come and visit.

Copaiba Oil

There has been a resurgence of natural remedies nowadays.
Some have been widely successful, others have been
disappointments. One of the more successful ones is the
Copaiba Oil.

As a natural remedy, the Copaiba Oil has been around for
centuries. The oil has been used by traditional healers in
the South American regions where it has helped to heal such
skin diseases as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, rashes,
herpes, boils, insect bites, skin wounds and skin injuries.
Copaiba Oil can also be used internally to treat a variety
of medical conditions. It can be used in respiratory
problems as an expectorant and even as a therapeutic aid
for bronchitis. One recommended cure for sore throat is a
mixture of four drops of Copaiba Oil and a spoonful of
honey. Copaiba Oil is also used as a gargle that can
effectively help with tonsillitis and sore throat.

The origins of the Copaiba Oil are traceable back to the
Amazon region of South America. The medicinal properties of
Copaiba Oil first became known through the Jesuits during
the 17th century. Being a medicine distributed primarily by
the Jesuits, it was first known as the Jesuit's balsam. The
Jesuit's balsam was used as topical preparations for the
cure of hemorrhoids and chilblains and for a variety of
other diseases as well.

Currently, the Copaiba Oil has found widespread use. It has
also become known not only for its medicinal benefits but
also for its cosmetic applications. Today, Copaiba Oil is
commonly applied to the skin in order to soften and soothe
it. It has a naturally high content of essential fatty
acids which are skin tissue's building blocks. Added to
that is the effective antibacterial and anti-inflammatory
traits of the Copaiba Oil which has led to it being used as
an ingredient in soaps, bath oils and other cosmetic
lotions and creams.

Continued studies about the medicinal benefits of the
Copaiba Oil have shown that the active ingredients of the
oil can be used for a variety of medical applications.
Aside from its anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties, it
has been discovered that Copaiba Oil also has
gastro-protective properties, that is to say that it can be
used for treating stomach disorders such as stomach ulcers.

Furthermore, Copaiba Oil has also been discovered to have
an anti-cancer reaction against melanoma or skin cancer
cells and metastatic lung tumor cells. However, the study
is still not final and additional research about the matter
is still needed.

The usage of Copaiba Oil should be limited to topical use
only. Internally taking Copaiba Oil is not recommended
unless supervised by a doctor. When applying Copaiba Oil,
it should be kept away from sensitive areas of the body,
especially the eyes as it can act as an irritant. If, while
using Copaiba Oil, rashes are experienced, usage should be
stopped immediately and medical advice should be sought.
Copaiba Oil has not been reported to have any adverse
reactions when used with other conventional drugs but, it
is best if medical advice is consulted before using with
any medication.

Patricia McDougall B.Sc. is a Chartered Herbalist and
graduate of the Dominion Herbal College, British Columbia,
Canada. Originally from Peru, Patricia is the Director of
Research and Development for Amazon Botanicals LLC of
Newark Delaware.

Depression And Your Thinking

Thinking can change your depression – or at least the way
you look at depression.

Buddha believes that obsession with the self is one of the
sources of human miseries. Interestingly enough, most
people with depression are self-centered: they focus on
themselves, thinking of their lack or their own needs.
Depressive people often dwell on the negative aspects of
their lives. They need to change their thinking.

Thinking is a skill that leads to self-knowledge. According
to Buddha, self-knowledge, which is available to everyone,
is the way to true human wisdom. Enlightenment, a result of
pursuit of wisdom, shows you the "emptiness" of feelings
and things, and hence the futility of "attachment."
"Emptiness" in Buddhism does not mean "negation" or
"self-denial" of objectives and goals in life. Rather, it
implies holding your objectives and goals in "emptiness",
allowing them to move along with their natural energy, but
with no attachment of the "self" to them. It is similar to
your creativity: you let it come on its own; you don't
force upon it; you do it, but you give up "striving" and
"struggling" to do it. Just "being present" and "be
available" when it comes. This is the wisdom of "emptiness"
and "non-attachment."

With liberation from "self-preoccupation", you intuit the
wisdom that all pleasant feelings in life just lead you to
desire for more. The initial satisfaction that comes with
the desiret is short-lived, for no sooner have you
satisfied one craving than another arises and there is
another new craving. Buddha says that you suffer by wanting
the things you don't have and having the things you don't
want. Life is not a bed of roses, and it is never supposed
to be one. If you want the roses without the thorns, you
are planting the seeds of depression.

To eliminate the depression-causing desire, you need to
start thinking right. The pursuit of self-knowledge leading
to intuitive wisdom suggested by Buddha is attainable only
through daily meditation in which you dispel all negative
thoughts and replenish your mind with positive images.

Discipline your mind to think in a different way, in
particular to avoid any distorted thinking. According to
many psychologists and therapists, you mood is determined
by the way you think about your own experiences. If you
choose to think of unpleasant things, you will experience
unpleasant emotional responses or moods. Your thoughts are
only what you decide to believe in and continually
reinforce in your mind.

Avoid any thinking that makes you too optimistic that it
releases unrealistic energy precipitating in euphoria and
fantasy, commonly seen in bipolar depression.

Avoid any thinking that leads you to obsess with physical
and sensual matters. Such obsession often underlines a lack
of emotional and spiritual satisfaction in life.

Avoid any thinking that reinforces your fear. Truly, nearly
all of us feel afraid or low at some point in life. But if
you thoughts of insecurity are habitual, and your mind is
reacting to these dark forces daily, then you may have
become overwhelmed by the world around you. It is time you
did some thought discipline.

Avoid any thinking that focuses on material things, such as
career, money, and relationships. If you think you can
control your life through controlling other people or the
possession of wealth, think again.

A single thought can change your life forever. Change the
way you think about yourself. You are and become what you
think you are. You cannot change happenings or people
around you, but you can change the way you think about
them. In Buddha's wisdom, once you have negated the "self",
you attitudes to everything else will be different. You
will be imbued with love and compassion for others. You
will begin to relinquish your hold on material things. You
will become aware of the impermanence of things, and hence
the non-attachment.

Western medicine holds the belief that depression is due to
the imbalance of brain chemicals. There is no dispute to
the role of chemical imbalances in depression. However, it
must be pointed out that mind power can also induce and
initiate the production of certain brain chemicals, thereby
instrumental in triggering off depression. Change your
thinking may change the outcome of your depression.

Stephen Lau is a researcher, writing synopses of medical
research. His publications include "NO MIRACLE CURES - Only
Wholesome Self-Healing," a book on healing and wellness. He
has created several websites, including "Longevity For You"
, "A Healthy Lifestyle Is The Way Of Zen" and " and
"Chinese Natural Healing For Health Rejuvenation."