Saturday, March 15, 2008

10 Things You Need to Know About Kettlebells - Part 2

10 Things You Need to Know About Kettlebells - Part 2
This Part 2 of a 2 part article series covering the top 10
reasons kettlebells are relevant fitness tool for almost
any fitness program.

6. Athletic Conditioning : <br><br> a. Kettlebells are
incredibly mobile, much easier to have available while
conditioning or even at skills practice.<br><br> b.
Kettlebells provide valuable variety in conjunction with
speed, agility, endurance, and quickness work. <br><br> c.
Additionally, what athlete couldn't use a little
development of hip drive along with learning to accelerate
and decelerate load?

These are some of my favorite athletic conditioning drill
and kettlbell combinations:

-Two-handed Swing + Hill Sprint <br><br>-Snatch +
Suicides/Ladders <br><br>-Horn Squat and Press + Squat
Thrust with Jump<br><br> -Cleans + Box Agility Drill

7. Strength Development - One of the knocks on kettlebells
has always been that "they are good for conditioning but
poor for strength development." This argument becomes
pretty much a moot point when you run into the likes of
Steve Cotter and Mike Mahler, both of whom are pretty damn
strong guys. Of course, then the argument becomes that it
doesn't transfer. Again, the answer is that it does
transfer. Coach Ken Black was recently here in Phoenix and
did some strongman training. He was easily able to lap a
300 lb stone and flip a 900 lb tire for several reps. Not
too bad for the first time on both implements. By the way,
Ken does the majority of his training with kettlebells.
Are kettlebells going to make you a 600 lb bench presser or
a 1000 lb squatter? Probably not. However, for the
majority of people out there who want to look good "nekkid"
and have a good amount of strength to boot, there is
definitely merit in using kettlebells for strength
training. Given that kettlebells are available for a good
price up to and beyond 105 lbs, most guys will be able find
a bell that provides more than adequate load stimulus.

8. Unilateral Lifting - The traditional programming for
the kettlebell is unilateral. One-arm cleans and snatches
are the basis of a lot of kettlebell work, but that is just
the start. Two of the most compelling reasons for
performing unilateral kettlebell lifts are:

a. The carrying position of the load while performing
press drills allows the shoulder girdle to open up which is
very beneficial in this day and age of shit posture.
Anything you can do to work against a kyphotic upper back
posture is huge.

b. The height at which the kettlebell hand is held when
performing drills such as the single deadlift is perfect
for quick and smooth transitions through a workout. When
performed in a traditional manner, single leg squats or
pistols place a massive demand on the trunk to provide
stability throughout the entire movement.

Want more unilateral movement and trunk stabilization?

Perform some one-arm cleans and snatches using a
kettlebell. You'll have it figured out after just a few
reps. Sure, all these drills can be performed with
dumbbells, but they are definitely enhanced when performed
with kettlebells, enough to warrant their consideration.

9. Easy Grip Strengthening - About 90% of the people who
walk through the door to my facility have the grip strength
of a nine year old girl. The kettlebell is a very
appropriate tool for improving grip strength because the
handle gets incrementally thicker as the weight gets
heavier. This works perfectly. As clients get
progressively stronger, they are challenged with thicker
handles. One of my favorite introductory drills that kills
two birds with one stone is the kettlebell farmer's walk;
simple yet very effective at accomplishing several training
goals at once.

10. Only One Priority - Whether you are a coach or someone
training hard for a particular goal, there is only one
thing that matters - Getting Results. The majority of
trainees with whom I have contact are very novice and the
mere sight of a barbell could send them running out the
door and leave me with an empty pocketbook. In contrast, I
can have clients deadlifting, squatting, pressing, and
sometimes even cleaning or snatching a kettlebell within
one or two sessions. To me the sacrifice of the barbell is
well worth it, not only from the business aspect, but also
because my clients lay down a solid base of good technique
due to the aforementioned benefits of using kettlebells.
Does this mean I have thrown out my barbell? Hell no! It
does mean, however, I have learned a new way to skin a cat.
A faster tool to teach = faster results. And that's what
really matters to me, and to my clients. (Note: Most women
do well starting with a 12 kg/26 lb bell and a somewhat
experienced male could start with a 24 kg/53 lb bell).

Could you and I argue the pros and cons of kettlebell
training until we were both blue in the face? Yes, and we
probably wouldn't come close to a consensus. Do you need
to own as many kettlebells as I do? Probably not. But you
would be ignoring a very valuable training tool if you
didn't at least consider having kettlebells in your
training toolbox. In addition to everything that I have
discussed here, it's a well-documented fact that
kettlebells can help you become bigger, faster, stronger,
and more athletic. I am pretty sure each and every one of
us is looking to develop at least one of those aspects with
our various training programs.

Troy M. Anderson is the owner of Anderson Training Systems,
a fitness coaching business based in Tempe, Arizona.
Troy is often referred to as "the MacGyver of coaching" for
his unique ability to build effective fitness programs
using only
the most basic equipment.
For more articles and instructional video , visit
Fitness Ain't Pretty-RESULTS ARE!

"Traits of Success" - Jeremy Nelms

"Traits of Success" - Jeremy Nelms
A common trait of people pursuing success is enlisting the
help of a coach or mentor. It is fairly common knowledge
that one of the quickest ways to succeed at a goal is to
find someone who has previously achieved your desired
outcome and then emulate that person.

The person is your role model, a mentor, and teacher. Often
they will be able to provide a step-by-step plan of action
that will help you achieve success and maintain it, far
faster and for far longer than if you had made the attempt
on your own.

Sometimes in the area of successful fat loss, however, such
a mentor is hard to find. Sadly, most of us do not know
many people who have achieved the apparently miraculous
combination of both losing weight and keeping it off. It is
not often that we are able to surround ourselves with such
a group, let alone find a single person that falls into
this elusive category.

Thankfully, such a group exists, and we are going to show
you exactly where to find them.

The National Weight Control Registry is a research project
that tracks the progress, habits, and characteristics of
people who have lost over 30 pounds and kept it off for
longer than a year. They are currently tracking over 5000
people, year after year, studying the traits that enable
perpetual fat loss.

To keep current with the National Weight Control Registry's
(NWCR) findings, be sure to frequent their website at In the meantime, here are five of the key
factors associated with people that have achieved results.

1) One of the best findings of the NWCR is a subject that
appears to be very well known, yet somehow people ignore it
day after day and year after year, as they add pound after
pound. Here it is: successful "losers" lost their weight
with a combination of diet AND exercise. Just dieting does
NOT work! Exercising 2-3 times a week while eating junk
food does NOT work! We all know this, yet why do so many
continue to struggle every single day, ignoring the facts?

2) In one study, the average participant had lost at least
66 pounds and kept the weight off for over 5 years. Pretty
impressive, right? The common characteristic of this group
was that they followed a lower calorie, low-fat diet.
Before you completely kick fat out of your diet and off of
your plate, however, it is important to know that this
group's average daily caloric intake from fat was 24% of
total calories. Fat is an extremely important part of our
diet, so shoot for this percentage as you eat throughout
the day.

3) Nearly 80% of the "biggest losers" ate
breakfast...everyday. Breakfast helps jump start your
metabolism each day, so make it a top priority in your
weight loss program.

4) Participants in the study who were consistent with their
diet throughout the entire week, as opposed to just Monday
through Friday, were 150% more likely to keep their weight
at bay over the course of a year. A cheat MEAL or two per
week can be helpful to keep you sane, but a cheat DAY or
two will probably prevent success.

5) We know that the NWCR group lost weight through both
diet and exercise, but how have they successfully kept it
off for over a year? Drum roll, please, as the results are

They continued to do both diet AND exercise. It's just that

There you have it. The combination of diet and exercise is,
by far, the most important factor in the achievement of fat
loss. The group from the National Weight Control Registry
can be fantastic allies in your weight loss endeavor. Use
them as mentors and role models, and allow the lessons they
have learned to more quickly help you develop new lifelong
habits that virtually guarantee weight loss success!

The author, Jeremy Nelms, and his wife, Alissa Nelms, are
known as "The World's Happiest Fitness Couple!" You can
visit their website and read more articles, as well as
follow their personal training journals and fitness
adventures at .

Small Changes To Your Weight Loss, Part 3

Small Changes To Your Weight Loss, Part 3
How long did it take you to gain weight? It didn't come on
overnight, a week, month or probably in a year. Just as
you gained it over time, you'll lose it over time too. How
unrealistic is it to expect that we'll lose weight in a
short period of time. Long-lasting changes rarely occur
overnight. I've lost weight hundreds of times in my life.
The problem is that I could never maintain my weight. Now,
I've maintained it for over six years.

In working with my clients, a successful strategy in losing
weight and keeping it off is to make one small change at a
time. Do you reach the top of a staircase by a giant leap?
No, you rise to the top one step at a time. The same for
weight loss is to make small changes and allow them to
build success one after the other. Before you know it,
those changes create a momentum of success that move you
forward to your weight loss goals.

1. Eat slowly and calmly. Enjoy the tastes and textures.
Put your fork or spoon down between every bite. Intersperse
your eating with enjoying the company of others joining you
for the meal. Your brain has a delay to your stomach by
about 20 minutes when it comes to the feeling of fullness
and satisfaction. If you eat slowly enough, your brain
will catch up to tell you that you are no longer in need of

2. Eat only when you're hungry. Sounds easy but can be
challenging to differentiate between your head hunger and
hear your stomach truly growling. It is amazing how often
we eat out of boredom, nervousness, habit, hobby,
recreational sport, or frustration. Unfortunately for some
of us that struggle with weight and food issues, we have
actually forgotten what physical hunger and the cues feel
like. Next time, wait until your stomach is growling before
you reach for food. If you're craving a specific food, it's
probably a craving, not hunger. It's probably your head
that's hungry rather than your stomach. If you'd eat
anything you could get your hands on, chances are you're
truly physically hungry.

3. Out of sight, out of mind. The other day I found a
surprise lurking in my refrigerator. It was a holiday
treat from Thanksgiving that got pushed behind other items
in the refrigerator. I didn't see it so I'd forgotten
about it. At this point, it was petrified and looked
awful. Seeing this Thanksgiving goodie that I'd kept that
looked delicious in November to its current appearance was
disgusting. It sure put the food choice into perspective.
If you don't see it, you aren't tempted. Even further, if
you don't buy it or bring it home, you aren't tempted
either. Keep your trigger foods out of your radar.

4. Empower yourself with the trash. Huh? My husband
brought home leftover food from a work function he
attended. It was not the best nutritional choice for
anyone. Rather than keep it around, I threw it away. It
felt so empowering to throw away the unhealthy food item.
I was putting the health of myself and my family first over
the temporary pleasure of eating undesirable food choice.
You and your health are more important than any fleeting
food fix

You don't have to undertake all of the changes in your
lifestyle all at once. You've done that before. Did it
result in long-lasting change? Probably not. Try
something different. If you want different results, try it
in a different way. Small changes build to big changes.
Before you know it, you'll step on the scale and see your
goal weight. Small changes can equal big success.

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147
pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients
achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with
clients to create a weight loss life plan that is
customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the
International Coaching Federation, International
Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition.
Visit Cathy's website:

How to Boost Your Energy Level Without Caffeine or Other Stimulants

How to Boost Your Energy Level Without Caffeine or Other Stimulants
Do you lack the energy you need to make it through the day?
Do you come home from work so exhausted that all you can do
is plop down in front of the TV? If you answered yes to
these questions, take heart in the fact that you are not
alone. Many people are suffering from a lack of energy
these days. Stress, poor diet choices and sedentary
lifestyle are probably a few of the major contributing
factors to your lack of energy. So if you want to learn how
to naturally increase your energy, keep reading as we
unravel the mysteries of natural energy boosters.

One of the first things you should do before you try any
natural energy remedy is to pay your doctor a visit. Have a
complete check up, including blood work, to make sure that
a medical condition is not the cause of your lack of
energy. Sometimes thyroid conditions or other medical
problems can cause you to be tired all the time. So if you
get a clean bill of health from your doctor, you can try
some of the following natural energy boosters.

Herbal supplements can be great energy boosters. There are
many on the market that claims to boost your energy levels.
Ginseng is one supplement that has been shown to increase
energy levels and improve mental alertness. It is a good
idea to research herbal supplements on your own and find
out which ones would work for you. But there are other ways
to increase your energy level without taking supplements.

Getting plenty of sleep will do a lot for your energy
level. Our busy and stressful lives don't leave a lot of
time for rest. But your body needs down time to
re-cooperate. So a good night's sleep is a must if you want
to feel energized the next day.

It is also critical that you watch what you put into your
body if you want to maintain a high energy level. Eat
plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Stay away from
trying to boost your energy level with caffeine. You will
just crash later. Another thing about caffeine is that it
is a diuretic, which means it will dehydrate you.
Dehydration can zap your energy levels very fast. So
instead of high caffeine drinks, start drinking more water.

It is also important that you get more exercise. It may
seem hard to exercise when you are so tired, but the more
exercise that you do, the more energy you will have. The
body was not meant to be stationary. It was designed to
move, so following a good exercise program will boost your
energy level and make you feel better.

So if you find yourself dragging through the day, try some
of these natural energy boosters. When you give your energy
level a boost, you can feel like a kid again!

Natural Energy

Mesothelioma cancer what is it?

Mesothelioma cancer what is it?
The peritoneal form of this is basic relatively uncommon
type of a cancer that also accounts less than quarter of
the cases. Pericardial mesothelioma is also the rarest
type of the three forms. There are also several techniques
which also can prove useful if its basic is suspected on to
the presence of the pleural effusion that are combined with
basic a history of occupational or secondary asbestos
exposure. It does not usually spread to the bone, brain, or
adrenal glands.Moreover, this are not as sensitive to
radiation therapy or chemotherapy as are many other tumors.
Many thousands cases are now diagnosed in United States
each and each year. History of the exposure to the asbestos
may Treatment options for management of the malignant its
include also surgery, chemotherapy also radiation and also
the most treatment. The only known cause of this cancer is

Symptoms of the peritoneal. It`s includes abdominal pain
and weakness also the lose of weight loss of the appetite
also nausea and also abdominal swelling. The most common
form of it is pleural. Sometimes it is hard to tell the
difference between malignant and lung cancer. Asbestos
exposure is the most important factor. Asbestos and
Asbestos cancer, also known as the same is caused by
asbestos exposure, typically found in particular asbestos
sites. Asbestos exposure is the only known cause of the
cancer worldwide. Asbestos is a form of magnesium silicate
which can cause cancer. It is also basic often seen on
older patients, basic more often men that have a history of
the exposure to the asbestos, although other such radiation
and certain viruses have occasionally been implicated.This
disease is basic the most serious of all the asbestos
cancer mesothelioma asbestos related diseases.

Malignant this is basic caused by asbestos exposure in any
of its classifications. the lawyer and asbestos attorney
guide in these States:. Mesothelioma this is also is a form
of cancer linked to asbestos exposure. Cancer cells may
also metastasize spread from their original side to other
parts of the body. Cancers can also be classified by
stages. Cancer cells can also be spread from their original
side to other areas of the body. Cancers of these type can
also be classified by stages. it is also basic considered
localized if cancer are confined to pleura, or the advanced
if it has spread beyond the pleura to other parts of body
such as lungs the chest wall and abdominal cavity or the
lymph nodes.

The peritoneal form of this is basic relatively uncommon
type of a cancer that also accounts less than quarter of
the cases

Stretching Before a Workout?

Stretching Before a Workout?
Not all stretching exercises are created equal. Some types
of stretches will help you perform better if used before
you exercise, while others may put you at risk of injury.

There are 2 kinds of stretches to be aware of:

1. Static Stretching

2. Dynamic Stretching

Static stretching is the kind of stretching where you HOLD
a position for a set amount of time (i.e. - 10, 30, 60
seconds). Dynamic stretching, on the other hand, is the
kind of stretching where you move a muscle throughout its
range of motion ten or more times.

Both types of stretches lengthen your muscles, but static
stretching should NOT be done before you workout. Why?

Your muscle fibers are surrounded by a fatty tissue called
fascia. If the fascia hasn't been properly warmed up
(meaning an increase in temperature and an increase in
blood flow) you risk tearing it. This is bad news.

Static stretching doesn't properly warm up your muscle
fibers and fascia. In other words, when you perform a
static stretch before your workout you can injure yourself.

Also, static stretching actually weakens the muscle fibers.
It does so for only for a short period of time, but this
is why static stretching is best done AFTER a workout.

Dynamic stretching is different. Dynamic stretching can
and should be done BEFORE your exercise routine. It can
also be done after you workout in conjunction with static
stretching for some killer benefits.

Dynamic stretching allows your muscles to properly warm up.
It helps increase blood flow and temperature, which helps
your fascia become more pliable.

This, in turn, cuts down on injury.

Here's an example of a dynamic stretch you can use before
you workout:

1. Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart

2. Clasp your hands in front of your body with your arms

3. With your knees soft (legs straight, but knees slightly
bent) and your back straight bend over as far as you can

4. When you reach the bottom do not pause. Immediately
come upright in a smooth, fluid fashion.

This dynamic stretch will increase blood flow in your hips,
hamstrings, and low back. Perform 10-15 repetitions.

So, the bottom line is: Perform Dynamic Stretches BEFORE
your exercise routine and Static Stretches AFTER your
exercise routine.

This is the safest way to stretch, so give it a whirl. If
you still feel better using static stretching before a
workout feel free. Just be careful and don't complain if
you injure yourself during your workout because your muscle
fibers were weak and tear.

Weston Lyon, KING of the Functional Fitness Jungle, is
widely recognized as a leading expert on functional
fitness. You can receive Weston's weekly tips and FREE
e-book at

Fat Burning Belly Blasting Recipes For Women

Fat Burning Belly Blasting Recipes For Women
Many women want to know what fat burning foods to help them
slim down their hips, thighs, butt, and create a flat

All calories are not created equal so you want to make sure
that you are eating foods that will help burn belly fat,
instead of keep it on. Healthy food does not have to taste

You simply have to be creative with it. I know many women
that cook for their families do not want to cook twice, so
these recipes are not only fat burning, but your whole
family can enjoy.

Turkey Meatloaf

1 package of lean ground turkey meat
pinch of sea salt
1/2 cup spinach
6 chopped walnuts
1 cup chopped spinach
1 bunch of chopped scallions
1/4 cup golden raisins
1/2 packet of buttermilk hidden valley mix
1 tbl. of organic ketchup

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl until meat is
thoroughly combined with ingredients,except ketchup. Place
in baking pan and pat down, then spread ketchup on top.

Place in oven at 375 for 15-20 min. The last few minutes
switch to broil so the top gets a nice golden brown.

The perfect fat burning meal, high in protein and perfect
balance of carbs and fats.

Turkey Burgers

4oz low fat ground lean turkey meat
pinch of salt
1/4 cup spinach
5 almonds (chopped)
2 mushrooms (chopped)
1 tbl. of organic ketup

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl until the meat is
thoroughly combined with ingredients Place in pan on medium
heat and spray with non-stick spray.

Cook each side until lightly brown on medium heat. Serve
with a salad, and/or rice.

Seared Tuna Salad

This took me less than 5 minutes to make.

5 Spice (look in your spice isle)
Salt & Pepper to taste
4oz Tuna-Ahi
2 tsp. Olive Oil
1 cup mixed greens
1 Red onion
1 tbl.Balsamic vinegar

Mix all ingredients in a bowl then coat tuna on both sides.

Place one tsp. of olive oil in pan and sear each side on
medium heat. In bowl put lettuce, onions, balsamic, and
olive oil then toss together.

Cut tuna in thin slices and place on salad.

Crust-Less Quiche Fat-Burning Breakfast

6 egg whites
1 tsp baking powder
pinch of garlic powder
salt and pepper to taste
1 cup broccoli
1 tsp olive oil

Optional ingredients: 1 yolk non-fat cheese or low fat
onions peppers non-fat or low fat cottage cheese Try any or
all of these for variety

Wisk eggs in bowl with dry ingredients until blended bake
in over at 350 degrees for about 30-40min broil for the
last 5 minutes if you want it golden brown on top

Heather Picken, Transformational & Inspirational Coach For
Pick up your copy of "Fat Burning Recipes For Women On The
Also check out our online fat loss community for women at:

The End of One Hour Workouts.

The End of One Hour Workouts.
If you walk into almost any gym or health club, anywhere in
the world you will probably be asked the question. "How
much time will you spend on your workout when you come
training?" The answer that usually comes back is "Oh, I
suppose probably about an hour." Both the fitness
instructor and the gym member are then happy, the
instructor got the answer they wanted and the member feels
they got the question right.

Now there is no beating around the bush, the No. 1 excuse
for not exercising is lack of time. So why do so many
people think that you have to exercise for an hour for it
to count.

This is a problem. Obesity levels are at an all time high.
People are more inactive than ever before. I'm not saying
diet doesn't play a large role in this problem, and is a
massive subject, for now though lets just look at exercise
and activity levels.

So how much exercise are we supposed to do?

Well the government recommends a minimum of 30 minutes of
moderate-intensity physical activity five times a week.

What's the answer?

Let's look at the objectives of exercise and physical

* Improve function of heart and circulatory system
* Improve function of the respiratory system
* Utilise skeletal muscle to improve strength, endurance
and posture
* Burn energy, calories and the big one maintain weight

This is not a comprehensive list but incorporates the most
important aims of a fitness plan in relation to improving

There is a new trend.

Many fitness professionals around the world are switching
on to. Trainers are finding that short, high intensity
workouts are delivering results. People are getting
fitter; they are shedding pounds of body fat and improving
their health and wellbeing. These high intensity workouts
may just be 20-30 minutes in length.

There are various reasons for the effectiveness of this
type of workout. The fat burning effect of this type of
workout surprises most people. The main reason for the
calorie burning effect is due to excess post-exercise
oxygen consumption (EPOC).

This basically refers to the amount of time that the body
uses oxygen to replace the energy that was used during the
workout. The effects can last up to 36 hours after the
training session. This means the body is burning more
calories than usual for a long time after the workout.

Obvious proof that a short workout can be effective for
dealing with unwanted pounds of body weight, and you don't
need to spend hours in the gym.

Matt Murphy is a top fitness coach who specializes in
results based training, to find out more about his training
methods or to learn more visit his website at

10 Things You Need to Know About Kettlebells - Part 1

10 Things You Need to Know About Kettlebells - Part 1
They say first impressions last the longest. In the case
of kettlebells, my first impression was way off. I was
formally introduced to kettlebells about three years ago by
my colleague Josh Henkin during one of our weekend training
sessions. My wife got hooked on them and almost
immediately started looking for them on eBay. To say I was
a little hesitant about kettlebells would be an
understatement. As a matter of fact, when I learned that
she had purchased a pair of 12 kg kettlebells, I believe my
comment was something like, "You can do the exact same
thing with dumbbells."

My how things have changed. I now have at least 10
kettlebells in my facility and will probably add a few more
in the relatively near future. I also drag around another
six or so in my truck for my outdoor fitness camps. I'm
sure some of you are thinking that I have gone and drunk
the proverbial kool-aid.

No, what actually happened was I realized two things.

1. All of the best coaches that I know use them for many
different types of clients. Whether they're coaching for
athletic development, fat-loss, powerlifting or
hypertrophy, you will likely see kettlebells being used
during some portion of a training day. There must be some
merit to the implement if all those guys use them with
their clients.

2. As a coach and businessman, I can't afford to ignore
such a versatile implement. I have a limited amount of
square footage and a limited budget so it is important for
me to invest in equipment that I can get a lot out of in a
small amount of space.

In other words, kettlebells are just too big a deal and too
good a tool to ignore. Whether you are a fitness
competitor or a powerlifter, there are many reasons you
should at least consider kettlebells. These are my top 10:

1. Pound for pound they are the best piece of home
equipment you can purchase. Not nearly as expensive, and
they take up a helluva a lot less space than the "clothes
hanger" err... treadmill many of you have. For a modest
investment, you can get a kettlebell, an instructional DVD,
and probably one or two sessions with a local instructor -
a much more effective start to a fitness program than "some
assembly required."

2. Price Point - They say duplication is the highest form
of flattery. Well, that must be true in the case of
kettlebells. It used to be that you could only get
kettlebells at Dragon Door. Now there are no fewer than a
half-dozen other distributors out there. Are they all the
same quality bell? No, but if you do a little research and
ask around, you can find out who is selling the best bell
at the best price.

3. Instant Feedback Loop - One of the keys to coaching is
having the client/athlete understand the difference between
proper and improper technique. With the kettlebell, drills
such as cleans and snatches provide clients/athletes with
instant feedback. The way the kettlebell falls gives them
a not so subtle reminder of their improper technique, and
after a workout or two, they won't have any trouble with
the technique at all.

4. Teach Olympic Lifts Fast - The bane of teaching Olympic
lifting has always been that the lifts are difficult to
teach. Kettlebells make an excellent segue. Not only can
you teach variants of the Olympic lifts but things can be
taken back a notch farther. One of the first things you
learn, even in the most basic kettlebell drills, is hip

5. Great for Fat-Loss - I don't know if there is a better,
more easily learned drill than a two-handed kettlebell
swing. There are so many different complexes available
that the opportunities for ass-kicking fat-loss work are
endless. If you could do only one drill, this is it
because what you need for fat-loss is to move a load for as
long as possible. That's exactly what kettlebells allow
you to do and you can add some speed as well.

Troy M. Anderson is the owner of Anderson Training Systems,
LLC, a fitness coaching business based in Tempe, Arizona.
Troy is often referred to as "the MacGyver of coaching" for
his unique ability to build effective fitness programs
using only the most basic equipment.
For more articles and instructional video visit
Fitness Ain't Pretty- RESULTS ARE!

Are You Regular?

Are You Regular?
Right now, in big cities, small country towns and suburban
cul de sacs around the world, someone really needs to move
their bowels badly -- but they cannot.

Stress, bagels, resentment, pasta, anxiety, cheese,
hamburgers, doughnuts, ice cream and unforgiveness combine
to form mucoid ("moo-coyed") plaque -- a goopy, rubbery
black-green tar that coats the walls of our intestines,
diminishes your body's ability to absorb nutrients and
backs up your entire system.

Between 3-4 million Americans suffer from serious

And many more yo-yo back and forth between constipation and
diarrhea on a regular basis.

Moving your bowels - "going number two", "using the little
girls room", "pinching a log" or "taking a dump" - should
be a natural, daily occurrence in the rhythm of life - The
same way the sun comes up in the morning and sets in the

Contrary to popular belief, the NUMBER of times you go a
day is not a deciding factor in determining if you are

According to the Mayo Clinic: "It's normal for someone to
have anywhere from 3 bowel movements per week to three
bowel movements a day.

If your stools are soft and pass easily and you pass them
at least three times per week, you're not constipated."

Others believe differently. Dr. Lynn Hardy, N.D., C.N.C.,
director of the Global College of Natural Medicine says "if
you eat one meal a day you should have one bowel movement a
day later.

The "transit time" or how long it takes food to travel from
the moment you eat it to the moment you excrete it is a
determining factor of effects of constipation on your

Even with one bowel movement per day, if you eat three
meals a day, there are at least two meals' worth of waste
sitting in the colon at any given time.

Regardless of whether you go once a day or once a week, the
tell-tale signs of constipation are pretty much the same:

=>dark, dry "pellet" like bowel movements;

=>constant straining and/or painful movements;

=>feeling bloated, gassy, uncomfortable and/or sluggish;

=>Skin eruptions; rashes;

=>halitosis or bad breath;

=>cloudy or discolored sclera (whites of the eyes); and/or


There are many fast, easy and inexpensive cures to "loosen
you up" without a trip the local proctologist or taking
expensive medication.

1) Salt Flush - Guaranteed to get things moving in 20
minutes or less. The salt flush has been used in fasting
regimens for over 50 years. It is totally safe, non-habit
forming and very effective.

Recipe: Mix 2 rounded teaspoons of sea salt (do not use
Kosher or Iodized table salt) with 1 quart (4 cups) warm

Down it as quickly as possible. The salt water is the same
gravity as your blood, so it won't be absorbed into your

Take smaller sips if you gag and/or pinch your nose closed
to cut the taste. It won't win any awards for taste, but
you will definitely need to reserve a spot in the nearest
bathroom for at least 1 hour after drinking it.

2) Add Fiber - in the form of more fruits and vegetables,
brown rice and or beans. Oranges and apples, in particular
have a natural "laxative" effect.

3) Take A Probiotic - Good bacteria or flora is essential
for proper assimilation of vitamins and nutrients from the
foods you eat.

Eating yogurt is pretty good, but most of the good bacteria
is digested by stomach enzymes long before it reaches your
large intestines.

A supplement like an enteric coated capsule protects the
good bacteria from stomach acids so it can reach your colon
and large intestines.

4) EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids) - From fish or seeds not
only affect growth, vitality and mental state. But omega
3, 6 and 9 also lubricate your intestinal tract, making it
easier to pass stools.

Even walking for just 10 minutes or more a day will begin
to move things along nicely.

5) Squat - Until the mid 1850's people squatted to move
their bowels. After an English cabinet maker and plumber
devised the modern toilet, squatting quickly became a thing
of the past.

Numerous studies have shown that regular use of the modern
toilet leaves major areas of the abdominal wall unsupported
as we bear down.

It is difficult to achieve a full evacuation. Since the
yellow pages has become virtually obsolete, stack a few in
front of the toilet (about 6-9 inches high) and rest your
feet on top.

6) Drink (More) Water - It can be such a challenge to drink
enough water. We're so busy with trying to get things done
during the course of our day, we forget to stop take a sip.

Carrying a refillable, reusable water bottle around with
you improves your chances of staying hydrated significantly.

With growing concerns about commercially bottled water and
the devastating effects of plastic on landfills and the
environment, polycarbonate or stainless steel bottles are
great alternatives.

Whatever your preference, keeping water handy at all times
makes all the difference.

7) Maintenance Colon Cleansing - The most effective,
comprehensive way to naturally cure constipation...and lose
weight, boost your energy and vitality, lower stress and
look younger all at once.

There are lots and lots of ways to cleanse your colon and
detoxify your body. Using a pre-formulated colon cleansing
kit offers the best value for your money and time.

You can choose from a 7 day kits up to 90 days. Some focus
on just your colon, while others cleanse your whole body
right down to the cellular level.

The most important benefit of colon cleansing is that it
pushes the reset button on your health.

The layers of hardened, toxic waste and mucoid plaque are
gently dissolved and eliminated.

Your insides are restored to their former, normal
functioning glory.

Any health regimen, weight loss plan or diet becomes that
much more effective once your body is free of the years of
built up waste.

Colon cleansing cures constipation. It'll make you regular
too. :-)

To your health and well-being,

Jay Greene

Spring Clean Your Insides! Your journey to better health
starts now. Learn the benefits of maintenance colon cleanse
kits. Get 2 Chapters of eBook FREE.

The Beowulf Workout

The Beowulf Workout
High Intensity Interval Strength Training: A Special
Workout Report


In a legendary time of Heroes the mighty warrior Beowulf
was the most prolific of all. He was proficient by Sea and
Land; he possessed strength, speed, and power; his
character was forged through trial and tribulation.

He now has a workout worthy of his name.

It might be the Toughest Workout you'll ever do!


For Time:

Row 1,000 Meters on the Concept 2 rower

Run 800 meters

50 Ring Dips

100 Pullups

150 Jumping Slamball

Run 800 meters

Row 1,000 Meters on the Concept 2 rower

This workout is a potent blend of two classic cardio
modalities the Row and Run; two bodyweight strength
movements in the ring dip and pullup; and a speed/power
exercise in jumping slamball. You work as fast as possible
to get through each of the movements - Keep track of your
final time.

You are highly encouraged and quite frankly supposed to
partition your Ring Dips, Pullups, and Jumping Slamball in
order to move rapidly through the workout and keep the
intensity high:

So the official workout looks like this:


Row 1,000 Meters on the Concept 2 rower

Run 800 meters

*10 rounds* (5 Ring Dips, 10 Pullups. 15 Jumping Slamball)

Run 800 meters

Row 1,000 Meters on the Concept 2 rower

Partitioning the movements is much more demanding
metabolically and will improve your conditioning noticeably.

It's vital that you keep track of how you performed the
ring dips and pullups; Full range of motion or modified.
Your goal is to eventually be able to perform this as
prescribed = 6pts

Ring dips =3pts, Band Ring dips =2pts, Jumping Dips =1pt

Pullups =3pts, Band Pullups =2pts, Jumping Pullups =1pt

So next to your time also record your total points A 6 pt
effort is the ultimate goal!

A 49:23 6pt effort would be ranked higher than a 37:15 5pt
effort and so on...


35 minutes or less; Capable of defeating Grendel and the

36-40 minutes; Capable of defeating Grendel and you stand a
chance with the Dragon.

41-45 minutes; you stand a chance with Grendel.

46+ minutes; Keep training, Grendel will tear you limb to

This workout is a true epic. Good Luck and enjoy!

DISCLAIMER The author and publisher of this material are
not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any harm or
injury that may occur through following the instructions in
this material. Specifically, the author and publisher
disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss, or
risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a
consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and
application of any of the contents of this article. The
activities, physical and otherwise, described herein are
for informational purposes only, and may be too strenuous
or dangerous for some people. The reader should consult
his or her physician before engaging in them.

Grab your Free Report that includes pictures and full
exercise description of "The Beowulf Workout" at;

Eliot Spitzer: A Reflection Of Sexual Addiction

Eliot Spitzer: A Reflection Of Sexual Addiction
When the news broke about New York Governor Eliot Spitzer's
alleged involvement with a prostitute the nation was
inundated with newspaper reports expressing shock and
confusion. Politicians, corporate executives, and various
other pundits were outraged by Spitzer's behavior? And
healthcare providers began scratching their heads at the
apparent level of ignorance about addictive behavior that
these responses demonstrated.

In fact, Spitzer's behavior is a classic reflection of a
particular kind of addiction known as sex addiction.

In the addictions recovery field providers refer to the
"insanity" of the addict. They define this as a way of
thinking that compels the addict to continually make
choices harmful to self and others yet denying consciously
or unconsciously to self that such choices will have any
significantly negative impact. In Spitzer's case he
continually made choices despite the enormous risks
involved-- risks that included divorce, alienation from
children, loss of employment, legal charges, disease,
blackmail, and personal humiliation.

Obviously from the news this kind of behavior now confounds
many people. They do not understand what propels a person
to act so irresponsibly that he ends up egregiously hurting
self and loved ones. Many are casting criticisms, judgment
and expressions of glee with no understanding or interest
that Spitzer's behavior reflects a deeply painful and
unmanageable internal state of being very likely driven by
formative experiences that compromised a healthy sense of
self and others.

Such a painful state is at the root of sexual addiction.
Healthy individuals need to feel a positive sense of
connection with self and to know that they are able to
manage their lives. Our ability to experience this grows
out of our interactions throughout childhood with our
primary caretakers and are shaped by the extent to which we
experience a sense of safety, a sense of feeling loveable,
and a sense of feeling competent.

When we do not have enough of these experiences growing up
we become adults who suffer a host of problems that include
negative beliefs about ourselves, a generalized state of
anxiety and/or depression, feelings of grandiosity,
loneliness, a need to please or be pleased, and a need to
dominate or be dominated. A pervasive sense of inadequacy
is central to these states and addiction is a means to
manage the pain of it.

The seeming effectiveness of sexually addictive behavior to
ameliorate such intense pain lies in the emotional shift
that occurs. The sexual behavior triggers a mood-altering
state that gives the addict temporary relief from emotional
pain and a euphoric sense of excitement. And in the case
of prostitution, the male or female prostitute is simply a
means by which the addict can experience the excitement,
sense of power, and the feeling of connection that he is
otherwise unable to experience in his life.

Governor Spitzer wielded enormous power in his political
life, and he presented the embodiment of a dedicated,
effective, productive and respected civil servant. Yet
despite all this his sexual behavior indicates that he was
unable to consistently experience an internal sense of
confidence, loving connection, and healthy control.
Perhaps he would deny this. What he cannot deny are the
enormous losses he and his family suffered as the result of
his sexual behavior.

At the very least, Governor Spitzer has an opportunity now
to be curious about his choices, to recognize how little
healthy power he demonstrated over his behavior, and to
seek out understanding and help with making healthier
choices in the future. These are the critical first steps
for all those painfully caught up in sexual addiction. To
do so offers profound and deeply healing experiences that
lead to compassionate understanding and forgiveness, a
world full of loving friends and family, and a life
robustly lived with grace and dignity. ©Patti Desert
2008 All Rights Reserved

Ms Desert is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in
Baltimore, MD with a holistic private practice and
specializes in the treatment of depression, anxiety,
trauma, and associated addictions. For more information
please visit her web site at

Alcohol and Diets - How does drinking affect your diet?

Alcohol and Diets - How does drinking affect your diet?
So you've committed to making the lifestyle change and have
changed your eating habits for the long term. Or maybe your
going on a short diet to shed a few extra pounds because
spring and summer is on the way and you want to see if that
swimsuit from last year still fits. But you also enjoy a
drink or two with friends and neighbors. How will drinking
affect your diet plans? Here are a few key point to
remember when mixing alcohol and diets.

Since you're going to have an alcoholic drink, ORDER A
DISTILLED PRODUCT like vodka, gin, or whiskey on the rocks
or with a diet soda mix, a low-carb beer, or a glass of dry
red or white wine. If you are on a low-carb diet, any
alcoholic beverage with less than 7 carbohydrates per
serving is considered low-carb, and remember that one
serving of alcohol is 12 ounces of beer (not a six pack!),
5 ounces of wine (that's the small glass, not the goblet),
or 1.5 ounces of a distilled spirit (that's definitely much
smaller than my typical serving size!).

If you're going to have a couple of drinks, START WITH A
GLASS OF WATER. Actually, don't stop there. Have more water
between drinks but remember, the USDA recommends no more
than one serving of alcoholic drink per day for women and
two drinks maximum per day for men. Alcohol tends to
dehydrate people - one of the reasons why you have the
hangover in the morning - so drinking plenty of water
before, during and after your one or two drinks will help
keep you hydrated.

If you're drinking wine and know the carbohydrate count for
the brand, CONSIDER A WINE SPRITZER. Mix 2.5 ounces of wine
with an equal amount of seltzer or soda water and garnish
with a thin slice of lemon or lime. Now you can enjoy two
drinks for the carb count of a single serving of wine!

Now here's where we really get into how alcohol affects
your diet. There is a fuel hierarchy that your body uses
HIERARCHY, followed by fat, protein, and then
PROCESS. Sorry, but it is true. Your body needs between 1
and 2 hours to burn off a serving of beer, wine, or
distilled spirits. Once the alcohol has been processed,
your body will revert back to utilizing fat, protein, and
carbohydrates for energy. Simply put, THE MORE YOU DRINK

Which means if you're working hard all week with your diet
and exercise routine, eating right and taking your
nutritional supplements, but then party like mad on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights then you are at best,
just maintaining your weight. If you're not in the diet and
exercise routine during the week, but still partying, then
you're probably gaining weight due to the empty alcoholic
calories. Moderation is the key.

Ron Godlewski has written many articles on health,
wellness, and maintaining vitality as we manage our weight
through lifestyle diets. You can obtain more information on
the importance of vitamin supplements while dieting at and receive a FREE quart
of Body Balance or call him toll free at 1-888-LFI-CUST

Exercise, Good Nutrition, Supplementation = Fat Loss

Exercise, Good Nutrition, Supplementation = Fat Loss
We know here at LIVE that exercise is the most effective
method for instantly boosting metabolism. When weight loss
is desired, combining exercise, proper diet and use of
appropriate supplements naturally leads to maximum
metabolic efficiency and the greatestg chance of results.

Both are absolutely essential. Effective diet which can
include supplement intake should be your No. 1 priority.
Here's why: Both your ability to exercise and your exercise
results will naturally accelerate in the presence of proper
nutrition. We tell the people that we are wokring with the
75% of your success will come from the nutrition side.
Without proper diet, you won't be able to effectively
access energy stores, nor will you be able replace
nutrients lost during exercise. When that happens,
metabolism declines. We have wonderful fat loss aids here
at LIVE, like Yellow Subs, and we want you to take them
when you are giving your body the best opportunity for

We deal with a lot of people who go to the gym almost
religiously. Often, they spend hours working out, and
still, over the course of months, they show little or no
progress. Every day, they are there huffing and puffing -
but they're still overweight in spite of their efforts. We
also know people who work out far less and make amazing
progress, and still others who maintain a healthy, lean
look without even trying. Again, it can come down to the
effective use of good diet with that exercise and the use
of supplements that ensure the optimal delivery of
nutrients for the goal, like Leukic by Muscletech.

Naturally, genetics are a key factor. But so is metabolism,
and metabolism is inherently dependent on how you treat
your body. If you attempt to exercise intensively without
supporting your body's nutritional needs, you won't get
very far.

Rest and relaxation, too, are every bit as important as
action. Remember that under chronic stress or exhaustion,
your body's nervous system (and thus your metabolism)
suffers. Avoid compulsively long daily exercise routines.
Instead, vary your workouts, including short, intense
training sessions in the mix.

Many popular health gurus recommend moderate exercise, such
as walking or gardening, as the best solution. Their
reasoning is that moderate exercise puts less pressure on
the body and the heart. Certainly, gentle exercise is good
for you, and it results in less oxidation and fewer free
radicals than intensive exercise, but it also limits the
challenges you can approach and the level of fitness you
can achieve.

I believe the best way to exercise is by providing your
body with intense stimuli to which it will naturally adapt.
Our body has the wisdom to adjust to physical strain by
getting stronger and tougher. Through this adaptative
process, the body improves it's own metabolic state.

Intense and short exercise intervals are also effective in
pumping blood and oxygen to the entire body. Maximum
oxygenation helps rejuvenate all body tissues and, again,
this helps boost overall metabolism. A great Supplement
that we sell that is perfect to help with short, intense
bursts of energy is Cold fusion EX by LG Sciences.

If you haven't been exercising regularly and strenuously,
don't try to force yourself to exercise with maximum
intensity straight out of the gate. Instead, follow a
constructive exercise routine in which you gradually
increase intensity over a period of weeks or months. This
is where the use of an online personal trainer comes into

Nourish your body, exercise intensely and get enough rest,
and you can quickly reach a state of maximum metabolic
efficiency. In this state, your body will efficiently burn
body fat as fuel. Its base level of energy utilization will
accelerate, and gradually, this will cause your body to
naturally redesign itself.

When you reach maximum metabolic efficiency, you are
literally re-creating yourself - at a cellular level - on
an ongoing basis. Just because you weren't born with a
super-fast metabolism doesn't mean you can't possess one.
And just because you are carting around extra fat right now
doesn't mean you have to keep it forever.

If you want to live in a young, vigorous, lean body, just
give your body what it needs in order to reach a peak
metabolic state: Eat well, exercise intensely, get enough
rest. Most importantly, get to know your body from the
inside out. Enjoy its power, respect its complexity, and it
will repay you richly.

About The Author: Charles Carter, BS in Exercise Science is
President of LIVE, llc of -
visit the website for more information on weight loss, core
fitness programs, optimal diets, and online personal
trainer and dietician services. For more information on
products go to .

Can I Jump Start Fat Loss with a Detox or Cleanse?

Can I Jump Start Fat Loss with a Detox or Cleanse?
Detox for Fat Loss? Can I jump start fat loss with with a
Detox or Cleanse? Feeling tired and sluggish? Unable to
lose weight? Constipated? Have a bulging belly? Suffer from
acid reflux, acne, headaches, etc.? Well the only thing
that could be causing all of this must be the Toxins in
your body or maybe you are infested with Parasites... right?

Wouldn't that be a relief - knowing that's all it is! All
you need is an almighty cleanse or a powerful detox drink!
Then just choose which plan to follow - 3 day, 8 day, 30
day and get ready pay $200-$300 a pop or more to get factor in the maintenance. For after the
cleanse is finished, there will be even more products to
buy to help you continue to stay toxin and parasite free!

Can I just say.....stop the madness!

Here's the bottom line. When it comes to fat loss, the
solutions - that have been proven time and time again, lie
in making small changes to the way you live - the way you
eat, think and move - each and every day.

Spending hundred of dollars on the latest Fad detox or
cleanse is not going to solve the true reasons why you
gained weight and are unhealthy in the first place.

You are not the victim of the symptoms described above or
those found on many of the detox and cleaner websites.

You are responsible for these symptoms.

A hard pill to swallow, I know.

But if you simply take a step back and take a look at how
you are choosing to treat your body....

Filling it with overly processed, convenient foods - foods
that are DEAD- devoid of nutrients Drinking pounds of sugar
Drinking equal pounds of Artificial Sweeteners Not drinking
enough water....if any Sitting all day long Not getting
enough Sleep Super Stressed Taking too many medications
Smoking Drinking Alcohol

No Wonder our bodies are full of toxins! No wonder we have
difficulty waking up each morning, getting through the day,
feeling good about ourselves, having an inkling of energy,
let alone seeing any type of weight loss!

A miracle drink, shake or cleanse is not going to do
anything to help you permanently change the habits that
created these results from the start.

Why not begin by taking a look at your daily habits and
start from there.

So, is there a way to change the way you eat that can jump
start your fat loss efforts?


Here are 5 Nutrition Tips to initiate a Natural, Fat
Burning "Cleanse"

1. Drink Water - Water is the the ultimate detoxifier. It
takes the burden off your liver and kidneys and gets you
colon working. Choose filtered water and aim to drink at
least 2 quarts a day. Not sure if you are drinking
enough...your urine is the best indicator - it should be

2. Eat whole, natural fruits, veggies, proteins and healthy
fats. These are the foods our body craves. They are alive
and filled with the nutrients to power your cells so you in
turn have the right environment for a supercharged
metabolism and the fat loss benefits that come with it.

3. Eat Often. Are you eating every 3 to 4 hours - a must if
you want to boost your metabolism.

4. Eat Enough. You cannot starve fat off your body. In
order to see results your body must stay fueled. Avoid
eating less than 1200 calories a day to prevent a lack of
energy, cravings, as well as the loss of lean muscle -
which will slow your metabolism to a halt.

5. Eat more Fresh Produce. Are you getting 7 to 10 servings
of fruits and veggies a day? Did you know you need at lest
25-30 grams of fiber a day? High fiber diets move food,
toxins, and parasites through quickly and harmlessly.

Holly Rigsby, CPT, MAT America's #1 Fat Loss Expert for
Busy Moms and the author of Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle
System and expert contributor
at She has helped well over 500
Mom's lose the stubborn baby fat and get their pre-baby
body back. Don't miss her Free Report: Top 5 Busy Mom
Metabolism Boosters.

How to spot a "TV shop" pointless fat loss product

How to spot a "TV shop" pointless fat loss product
In a quiet moment in "The Gym" the other day I found myself
mesmerized by one of the TV shop programs on the monitors.
It was all in German so I understood not a single word of
it, yet I got thoroughly hooked on the pictures!

What was I watching!!!

Hell, as a fairly cynical viewer of adverts I was surprised
about how easily drawn in I was, which made me wonder how
many people get hooked in to those "fitness" products that
promise so much but rarely deliver.

Don't get me wrong I have actually seen some genuinely good
products advertised... how can you spot a pointless
gadget that will gether dust under your bed, from a
practical tool that can help?

1. If it promises to help you lose weight by simply sitting
in your sofa, vibrating your flab away, OR, giving you 60
electric shocks a minute, make sure your remote is close to
hand to zap the TV instead!

2. If the promise is to burn fat from ONLY your butt, hips
and thighs, please avoid this obvious spot reducing LIE!
You know that it is impossible to just lose fat from your
abs by just doing ab exercises? If it did work we'd have
guys and girls walking round with a perfect six pack and a
fat butt!

3. Take a close look at the before and after photos, the
colours and lighting used on the photos is designed to
trick the eye. The informercial business has got really
clever with this now, most of the before and after photos
are actually taken on the same day. It is relatively easy
to blow out your stomach, round your shoulders forward and
puff your cheeks out to make yourself look fat. Then simply
stand up tall with good posture and suck in your stomach
for a remarkably different look. Add in to this the
lighting, some clever makup and you'll get yourself a super
model in 5 minutes!

4. Take a note of all the small print at the bottom of the
screen, relating to results only possible with a strict
calorie controlled diet! Yup, the machine is not gonna do
it all for you! You can't out train a bad diet!

5. If it focusses on just one movement, normally flexion
(bending) of the torso to "work" your abs, lock away your
credit card. You do know that focussing all your training
on this tiny strip of muscle is wasting your time and
likely to cause imbalances in your body and higher risks of
back injuries!

Yep, I got sucked in by the bronzed bodies and ripped abs.
But taking a step back we all know that these things rarely
work. However, good honest hard workouts and sensible
eating habits are the obvious solution that we already know.

Tim Goodwin is a Luxembourg Personal Trainer specializing
in helping busy people get success with their sports
interests, as well as ridding them of fat. Start your fat
loss program today and visit to get a free 18 page
report "How to lose weight even when you are really busy"
containing a full 4 week program which you can start today!
Feel free to duplicate this article with all the content
and links intact.

What You Need to Know About the Alli Diet Pill

What You Need to Know About the Alli Diet Pill
The Alli diet pill has been touted in the press as being a
miracle in a bottle for many overweight and especially
obese people. What is this pill and how does it compare to
other weight loss pills? Read on to find out what you need
to know about the Alli diet pill.

The Alli diet pill is a half-strength version of the
prescription Xenical. Unlike other diet pills, Alli is
neither an appetite suppressant nor a stimulant and
therefore, has minimal cardiovascular side effects.
Prescription weight loss pills such as Meridia and
Phentermine carry hefty side effects and should only be
used in extreme circumstances and under the careful watch
of a physician. They are intended for people who are obese
or morbidly obese and who have tried and failed to lose
weight in more conventional ways. The risks of being obese
have outweighed the risks of taking the pills. The Alli
diet pill, or its predecessor Xenical, works differently
which is why it has been approved by the FDA to be sold
over the counter.

The Alli diet pill is a fat blocker and works by preventing
fat from being absorbed in the GI tract. It is thus
eliminated as waste. Because many people who are
overweight or obese consume diets high in fat, this seems
like an effective way to lose weight. Unfortunately, the
Alli diet pill also blocks the "good" fats that are needed
in a healthy diet and the same "good" fats that aid in
vitamin and mineral absorption.

In addition, many patients have side effects such as
painful gas and decreased control of bowel movements that
are oily and fatty in nature. In fact, that actual
disclaimer on the bottle says "possible uncontrollable anal
discharge". The solution to the side effect problem is to
eat a lower fat diet; however, this is the "catch 22" of
the Alli diet pill. Now, weight loss is minimal because
the Alli diet pill doesn't stop absorption of carbohydrate
or protein and if these are consumed in excess, the end
result is still stored fat.

It should be noted that the Alli diet pill is certainly not
for the person who needs to lose 5 to 10 pounds, yet many
people who seek the Alli diet pill fall into this category.
Whether a person is overweight, obese or simply desires to
look good in a bikini, the best way to lose weight is yet
to be found in any bottle. The answer lies in a healthy
diet and exercise. Maybe not the easy way out that the
"quick fix" type people like to hear, but the true solution

From a sickly little girl to a healthy chef to the stars,
Darlene Nicholson transformed herself into The "Kick in the
Butt" Healthy Lifestyle Expert and creator of the popular
DVD "The Healthy Grocery Store Tour". Visit her website for free ebooks
and information guaranteed to open your eyes to how easy
weight loss can be with the right plan of attack.