Thursday, September 13, 2007


The term herpes is typically used as a shorthand reference
for a genital herpes infection. There are actually various
forms of the herpes virus, but the most common herpes virus
form easily is herpes simplex. Herpes simplex comes in two
strains: herpes simplex 1, and herpes simplex 2.

Herpes simplex 1 is usually responsible for cases of oral
herpes, though in rare instances herpes simplex 1 affects
the genital region. Herpes simplex 2 is usually responsible
for cases of genital herpes, though herpes simplex 2 can,
in rare instances, cause an oral herpes infection.

Herpes is an extremely typical virus, quite possibly the
most common virus form beyond the virus that causes the
common cold. It's believed that eighty to ninety percent of
all adults are infected with herpes simplex 1. Herpes
simplex 2 is significantly less frequent, but still fairly
common with an infection rate of roughly twenty percent of
all adults.

A herpes infection does not always present symptoms. In
herpes simplex 2 cases, up to ninety percent of infected
persons aren't aware of their status because symptoms
either are not present or are not unique enough to be
recognized. When a herpes infection does present symptoms,
the symptoms are typically an outbreak of blisters, or

Herpes is a transmittable condition, especially during a
symptom outbreak. It was once believed that herpes
transmission could only happen if a symptoms outbreak were
occurring, but evidence now demonstrates that the herpes
virus can be on the skin surface, and thus can be
transmitted, even when no visible signs of an outbreak are
present. The phenomenon of herpes virus on the skin surface
in the absence of a visible outbreak is known as
asymptomatic shedding.

When herpes is transmitted, the path to infection is
skin-to-skin contact. Kissing, intercourse, and other forms
of intimate physical contact are the standard methods for
herpes transmission. Secondary objects, such as a toilet
seat or some other public resource, are not means for
passing a herpes infection. Herpes is transmitted when
people have intimate physical contact, usually while an
outbreak is ongoing.

Herpes infections can absolutely be a nuisance and can be
physically uncomfortable as well, but a herpes infection is
not considered a serious health threat. Herpes does not
compromise one's overall health state. The only possible
exceptions to this are herpes infections in infants --
typically infants become infected with herpes from a
genital herpes infected mother -- and herpes infections in
persons with seriously compromised immune systems.

A characteristic of all herpes infections is the consistent
appearance of symptoms. Symptoms of herpes, when they
appear, remain in the region where infection took place and
do not move about the body.

Zinn Jeremiah is an online author. To get more information
about herpes, visit or .

Does Core Training For The Abdominals Work?

Does Core Training For The Abdominals Work?
A few facts about getting an abdominal six pack with core

You hear a lot about core training these days. There is a
lot of truth to what you are seeing however as per most
things in the media, its getting a little far out. Almost
daily in the gym I see trainers getting people onto swiss
balls, standing on one foot, rubbing their tummy with one
hand and patting their heads with the other. Well not
really but you get the point.

The fact of the matter is that without a strong core, you
have to power and are susceptible to injuries. The methods
to getting a strong core however are a lot less complex
then some people are making it.

Core training in of itself is a simple concept. You are
working the diaphram, multifidus transverse abdominis, and
pelvic floor deep inside. On the exterior you have the
prime movers. These are the more visible ones that everyone
wants to see.

If you work movements such as the overhead lifts that
directly involve the spine you are on the fast track to
productive core training. Yes, the stability ball has its
uses but there are limits and when the complexity of the
movement exceeds the effective results you can stimulate
with it you are heading down the "fad/gimmick route".

Looking out at the gym floor and watching the infomercials
you can see that it's getting crazy. Granted, most of the
movements are a hoot to try and fun to play with on an off
day, but that in itself does not make them the most
effective methods. It makes them fun to do with a
beneficial side effect.

Is training your core the fastest way to getting a six pack
of attention grabbing rippling abs? Absolutely not. Core
training makes your core stronger, more conditioned and
more muscular. This is a great thing and everyone that
wants pain free optimum performance needs a strong core.
However, getting your abs to show in the mirror is a result
of getting the fat off them. Take off the fat blanket and
voila, there are your abs.

Do you think a 359 pound Olympic lifter that can pull 551
pounds from the floor and then stand up with it overhead
has a strong core? The answer is yes without a single
doubt. Does that lifter have a set of strong and well
developed abs? Again the answer is yes. Now for the kicker.
Can you see them? Nope. Not even a hint of a six-pack to be
seen anywhere.

His abdominals are covered by a layer of fat.

So then if fastest way to getting a visible, beach ready
six pack is through fat loss, then how do we do that?

You burn off fat by creating a small calorie deficit
through several factors including a proper eating plan,
exercising your WHOLE body with multi joint, multi
dimensional movements like the clean and press or overhead
squat and including some high intensity cardio.

If this is really the case, then why is everyone and their
dog selling core training? Answer: Because everyone and
their dog is willing to buy a promised shortcut to the land
of easy six packs.

Really effective training is simple, but simple doesn't
mean easy.

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Put an end to the cholesterol and the kilos in excess without medicine (Part II)

Put an end to the cholesterol and the kilos in excess without medicine (Part II)
Fish: Fish is neglected. Is this the tradition
Judeo-Christian which makes that one consumed fish that
Friday? Is this a problem of sometimes odor or freshness
slandered? Is this the price?

It is undoubtedly the meeting of these factors which
explains this lack of passion for the fishery products. And
yet, the fish possesses an exceptional food value, being as
rich in proteins as the meat but containing only fats of
excellent quality. If the thin fishes are of course very
good for your diet, it is entirely the same for fatty
fishes however more caloric.

Besides that we know for a long time that the Eskimos,
large-scale consumers of fish fats (representing most
clearly of their food), presents very few cardiovascular

Is this paradoxical? Of course not! It is important to
remember you the protective role of highly unsaturated
fats. It is the case of fish fat. It is high time to give
again with the fishery products their letters of nobility.

We highly advise you to consume three times per week at
least of them. And much more if you like!

Of course, certain gourmets will claim that it is the sauce
which makes eat fish!. It is undoubtedly exact. But there
are well several light sauce receipts being able to
accompany fish.

Sea food: Watch out, if all the fish are your friends, it
is not of same for certain sea foods very rich in
cholesterol, and thus to prevent if you suffer from this
lipid excesses. They are on the other hand completely
recommended for a diet.

Here is a list indicating to you the products of the sea
richest in cholesterol (content cholesterol for 100 grams
of flesh): fish eggs: 300mg, oysters: 110 till 330 mg
depending (according to the season), lobster: 200 mg,
crabs: 150 mg, mussels: 150 mg, shrimps: 140 mg.

Meat and fat material: They are the muscles of the animals
which one consumes. One distinguishes the white meats
(poultry, calf, pig) and the red meats (sheep, ox). The
quantity of fat contained in the meat depends on the
species. The white meats are thin and the red meats are
fatty. An exception relates to the pig, white meat
considered fatty, but whose mode of breeding is important.
If the animal is nourished with corn, the fat contents will
be of better quality. Certain meat fats can be eliminated
easily after cooking. To eliminate the fat on the surface,
it is enough to withdraw the skin.

If the meat contains slices of bacon, one must also
eliminate the flux of fat distributed in and around the

On the other hand, the fat of a spotted meat cannot be
removed. Therefore, you cannot consume any.

Among the red meats, the sheep is fattiest.

This list indicates the percentage of fat and cholesterol
of the principal meats ( in order: Meat, Fats in % and
cholesterol in mg/100g): Horse: 2 and 0, Poultry: 10 and
90, Calf: 10 and 65, Beef: 20 and 100, Sheep: 25 and 70,
Pork: 25 till 30 and 90.

The horse, price of excellence: Whereas in the Fifties and
in France or Belgium (where I live), the meat of horse was
of regular consumption, gladly proposed to the children, we
currently observe almost the disappearance of the horse
meat butcher's. It is time to give again with the equine
meat the place which returns to him, namely that of a food
of excellent food value, very rich in proteins, almost
deprived of fat, therefore completely recommended at the
time of a diet against the cholesterol.

In what way to reduce your bad cholesterol (LDL
cholesterol) and your triglycerides and to higher your good
cholesterol (HDL cholesterol). The mistakes to not commit.
Visit this site for more information on

Find The Right Suppliment For Weight Loss

Find The Right Suppliment For Weight Loss
The key to successful weight loss is knowing which herbal
supplements can aid in providing the best results. While
there are many new weight loss supplements available on the
market today, many of them have not been proven to be
neither safe nor effective. In addition, many people spend
hundreds of dollars looking for a more effective way to
lose weight.

In order for you to become familiar with the better herbal
supplements used in effective weight loss, you should know
what each one does. After reviewing what each one does,
discuss your findings with your physician. He/she will then
help you with deciding which herbal supplements will be the
most beneficial for effective weight loss.

Herbal Supplements for Effective Weight Loss

1. Green Tea: Green tea will naturally increase your
metabolism and can be used as an appetite suppressant.

2. Psyllium Seeds: Psyllium seeds are derived from the
husks of plantago plant seeds. They act as an appetite
suppressant and have been used by various women to aid in
effective weight loss. The seeds actually swell when taken
with a full glass of water and it creates a feeling of
fullness, which causes you to eat less.

3. Soy Protein: Soy protein will provide your body with
valuable energy and give you a feeling of fullness so you
will eat less.

4. Gymnema Sylvestre: Gymnema sylvestre is an herbal
supplement that helps suppress your body's cravings for
foods that normally can cause you to excessively overeat.

5. Garcinia Cambogia Extract: Garcinia Cambogia extract is
a natural fat inhibitor and a great appetite suppressant.
Using this herbal supplement will aid in releasing the fats
that would normally be stored in your body.

6. Aloe Plant: The aloe plant has been known to aid many
people with effective weight loss. It contains many
beneficial vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential
minerals that will aid in better digestion of your food.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar aids in helping
to increase your body's metabolism. It also helps reduce
the fat and cholesterol levels in your blood, which deters
the body from storing too much excess fat.

8. Chitosan and Pure Ascorbic Acid: Chitosan is a dietary
fiber that is derived from the outer shells of shellfish
(chitin) and pure ascorbic acid is all natural Vitamin C.
Chitosan is a natural fiber supplement that aids in
effective weight loss because it prevents fat from being
absorbed in your body's intestinal tract and allows the fat
to be released from the body naturally. When used in
conjunction with pure ascorbic acid, it becomes a
fat-absorbing type gel. Ascorbic acid actually works
together with Chitosan to enhance its fat-absorbing

9. Chromium Picolinate: Chromium picolinate is a natural
herbal supplement that should be used from the purest form
of chromium and picolinate. These two work together to aid
in the burning of excess body fat, which actually has been
proven to reduce one's overall body fat by as much as
twenty-two percent. It also helps increase and strengthen
your body's muscle mass.

10. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA): Conjugated linoleic
acid, also known as CLA, has been shown to be an excellent
herbal supplement tool to aid in one's weight loss. It has
the properties that help reduce body fat by as much as
sixty percent, while increasing your body's lean muscle
mass. Many people that have participated in studies using
conjugated linoleic acid showed outstanding results. In
fact, some people actually showed a decrease in their
overall body fat by as much as eighty-eight percent in just
six weeks.

The herbal supplements described herein have been shown
through various studies to be the most effective herbal
supplements used for effective weight loss. However, keep
in mind that you will never use all of these together to
aid in your weight loss. Instead, you should review which
ones you believe would provide better, more effective
weight loss results, and then discuss them with your doctor.

Weight Loss Supplements often have side-effects such as
nervous energy. If one were to pursue the use of these
supplements then it is recommended that one should take a
supplement which provides energy, promotes rest, and is
