The term herpes is typically used as a shorthand reference
for a genital herpes infection. There are actually various
forms of the herpes virus, but the most common herpes virus
form easily is herpes simplex. Herpes simplex comes in two
strains: herpes simplex 1, and herpes simplex 2.
Herpes simplex 1 is usually responsible for cases of oral
herpes, though in rare instances herpes simplex 1 affects
the genital region. Herpes simplex 2 is usually responsible
for cases of genital herpes, though herpes simplex 2 can,
in rare instances, cause an oral herpes infection.
Herpes is an extremely typical virus, quite possibly the
most common virus form beyond the virus that causes the
common cold. It's believed that eighty to ninety percent of
all adults are infected with herpes simplex 1. Herpes
simplex 2 is significantly less frequent, but still fairly
common with an infection rate of roughly twenty percent of
all adults.
A herpes infection does not always present symptoms. In
herpes simplex 2 cases, up to ninety percent of infected
persons aren't aware of their status because symptoms
either are not present or are not unique enough to be
recognized. When a herpes infection does present symptoms,
the symptoms are typically an outbreak of blisters, or
Herpes is a transmittable condition, especially during a
symptom outbreak. It was once believed that herpes
transmission could only happen if a symptoms outbreak were
occurring, but evidence now demonstrates that the herpes
virus can be on the skin surface, and thus can be
transmitted, even when no visible signs of an outbreak are
present. The phenomenon of herpes virus on the skin surface
in the absence of a visible outbreak is known as
asymptomatic shedding.
When herpes is transmitted, the path to infection is
skin-to-skin contact. Kissing, intercourse, and other forms
of intimate physical contact are the standard methods for
herpes transmission. Secondary objects, such as a toilet
seat or some other public resource, are not means for
passing a herpes infection. Herpes is transmitted when
people have intimate physical contact, usually while an
outbreak is ongoing.
Herpes infections can absolutely be a nuisance and can be
physically uncomfortable as well, but a herpes infection is
not considered a serious health threat. Herpes does not
compromise one's overall health state. The only possible
exceptions to this are herpes infections in infants --
typically infants become infected with herpes from a
genital herpes infected mother -- and herpes infections in
persons with seriously compromised immune systems.
A characteristic of all herpes infections is the consistent
appearance of symptoms. Symptoms of herpes, when they
appear, remain in the region where infection took place and
do not move about the body.
Zinn Jeremiah is an online author. To get more information
about herpes, visit or .