Saturday, November 3, 2007

Best Way to Burn Off the Halloween Candy

Best Way to Burn Off the Halloween Candy
Let’s face it. If you’re like me, it’s
hard to resist that Halloween candy this time of year.

Whether you dipped into the stash while you handed it out
at the door, or sneaked some from your own kids trick or
treat bags (or just cut to the chase and bought a bag or
two for yourself), you overdid it just a bit. Maybe
it’s the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups that you
just can’t resist. Or the mini Twix, or
Hershey’s or Mr. Goodbars. You created your own
ghoulish monster.

Doesn’t really matter what it was, if you stepped on
the scale and saw a surprise or found your belt a little
tight around the middle – you packed on some extra
poundage on or around October 31st.

So, what’s the easiest way to get rid of that pound
or two of candy that’s found it’s way to your
belly, butt or thighs?

Couple of hours of boring cardio? Couple thousand situps
or crunches? Maybe starving yourself for a few days is the
answer. Truth is, none of these are the best way to drop
fat fast.

The real way to beat this post-Halloween curse is to add
some interval-type workouts to your routine.

Interval workouts are one of the best ways to burn calories
both while you’re exercising and long afterward.
They can also raise your metabolism and raise the levels of
natural fat busting substances in your body. Not only
that, the intensity of interval training can actually burn
more fat in a shorter period of time than traditional long,
slow cardio workouts.

So, how does one go about getting started?

Interval workouts are simply a way to alternate between
short bursts of high intensity exercise and longer, slower,
low intensity periods. For example: pedaling as fast as
you can on a bicycle for a few seconds, then slowing for a
minute or so, then ramping back up to an intense few
seconds, bringing it back down, and so on...

And one of the best ways to interval train doesn’t
take any special kind of equipment – no chrome
machines, no heart rate monitors, no fancy digital
readouts. All it takes is your own body… and a hill.

Hill training is extremely effective for a number of
reasons. When you do your intervals up hill, you are
improving both your strength and speed. You must
“lift” or “push” your body up the
hill against resistance – just like weight training
in the gym. The steeper or longer the hill, the more
resistance and the more intensity. The higher the
intensity, the better your results.

In addition to that, the incline of the hill actually makes
it safer for you to train than on flat ground. One way it
does this is by protecting your hamstrings. Because your
stride is slightly shortened when running up hill, your
hamstrings usually do not become over extended – a
common cause of pulls. Hill sprints also reduce the impact
of running on your lower legs, knees and back. Even a
slight grade can decrease the distance your body needs to
“fall” with each stride. Less distance means
less shock that your body needs to absorb.

And these are just a few of the many advantages of hill

So, if you hit the candy dish a bit hard over the holiday,
give hill training a shot. It’s one of the quickest
and easiest ways to drop a few of those unwanted pounds
– not to mention those few extra inches on certain
parts of your bod. Don't let a little slip on Halloween
turn into a year-round nightmare.

Besides all that, this training only takes a few minutes to
complete. Short workouts, great results. Just the thing
to get you into the best shape of your life.

Tim Alan Kauppinen, or Coach K, has over 20 years
experience as an athlete and coach. He has developed
champion athletes across multiple sports through speed
training, strength improvement and conditioning. Coach K
is the author of the Uphill Fitness Training, and publishes
a FREE daily training email newsletter. Tim can be
contacted through his website at

Mesothelioma Rare But Serious

Mesothelioma Rare But Serious
Malignant mesothelioma is a rare cancer of the lining of
the lung (pleural mesothelioma) or the lining of the
abdomen (peritoneal mesothelioma). The only known cause of
mesothelioma in the U.S. is exposure to asbestos.
Mesothelioma has a long latency period, the time between
first exposure to asbestos and the diagnosis of the
disease. In rare cases the latency period has been as short
as 10 to 15 years after the first exposure to asbestos;
however, generally mesothelioma occurs between 20 and 40 or
more years after an individual's first exposure. Diagnosing
mesothelioma is often difficult because the symptoms are
similar to those of a number of other conditions.

Benign mesothelioma is a non-cancerous tumor of the pleura
(lining of the lung and chest cavity). Nonmalignant
mesothelioma is usually a localized tumor that affects men
more frequently than women. The tumor may grow to a large
size and compress the lung, which then causes the following
symptoms: chronic cough, shortness of breath, chest pain,
weight loss and cachexia, abdominal swelling and pain due
to ascites (a buildup of fluid in the abdominal cavity).

Other symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma may include bowel
obstruction, blood clotting abnormalities, anemia, and
fever. If the cancer has spread beyond the mesothelium to
other parts of the body, symptoms may include pain, trouble
swallowing, or swelling of the neck or face. These symptoms
may be caused by mesothelioma or by other, less serious

Approximately half of mesothelioma patients are
asymptomatic (show no symptoms of disease). During a
physical examination, a health care provider may notice a
clubbed appearance of the fingers in a patient, which is an
indication of the exposure/disease.The health care
professional may run tests that identify mesothelioma.
These tests include a chest x-ray, CT scan of the chest
and/or and open lung biopsy.

There is no universally accepted protocol for screening
people who have been exposed to asbestos. However some
research indicates that serum osteopontin levels might be
useful in screening asbestos-exposed people for
mesothelioma. The level of soluble mesothelin-related
protein is elevated in the serum of about 75% of patients
at diagnosis, and it has been suggested that assessing
soluble mesothelin-related protein levels may be useful for

Surgery is usually generally necessary for a solitary tumor
(if found); however, according to current statistics, the
outcome of the surgery is expected to be good with prompt
treatment. One of the most common complications though is
pleural effusion (fluid escaping into the membranes around
the lungs), which can be very serious.

Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs
where they inhaled asbestos particles, or have been exposed
to asbestos dust and fiber in other ways, such as by
washing the clothes of a family member who worked with
asbestos, or by home renovation using asbestos cement

---------------------------------------------------- is your source for everything legal on the
web. Visit Legalview at for access to
a complete legal database and a free attorney referral
service. Using this service, visitors can locate contact
attorneys about such legal issues as traumatic brain
injuries and auto accidents. Visitors can find a
mesothelioma lawyer at

BUT I'M NOT A TURNIP...why do I need a seaweed supplement

BUT I'M NOT A TURNIP...why do I need a seaweed supplement
"Knowledge of the oceans is more important than just a
matter of curiosity. Our very survival may hinge upon it."
President John Kennedy, 1961

The answer to this question will open a fascinating window
with new respect for what Mother Nature has truly provided
in the richest biome on Earth, the ocean. This article is
about amazing research on how liquid seaweed extracts help
plants to grow strong and stay healthier longer. Your
appreciation will also grow tenfold for the whole value of
the amazing gardens of the sea and their place in the total
ecology of the earth including human biology…

Two main questions surface of elemental importance both to
plants and humans:

1. What do you know about the valuable features of seaweed
extracts for plants?

2. What do you know about the benefits of seaweed
supplementation for people?

So, what is the connection between any plant food and our
body? Of course, you can argue that you're not a turnip, a
cucumber, a tomato or any other plant…the point is the
balance of elements outside and inside your body is crucial
to cellular structure and optimal health. First, the turnip
starts off absorbing all the essential nutrients from soil
and second, when you eat it, the nutrients are integrated
into your body's cells. If you never eat a turnip, of
course, you'll never have turnip biochemicals in you, but
if you do eat turnips, then your cells will contain turnip
molecules. Our bodies can only be constructed by what we
eat (or drink). As humans we cannot produce primary food
biochemically through photosynthesis, water and minerals
from the soil. Our bodies rely totally on the nutrient
database found in soil, unless by chance we could grow
roots for direct absorption. Unfortunately, for decades,
our mass agricultural soil has successively become more
depleted and lacking in total nutrients. Hence, the need
for ways to supplement soil, plants and our bodies becomes
integral to whole health.

Always remember there is a one to one relationship between
plant health and human health. Healthy plants will give us
healthy cells. Undernourished plants will give us
undernourished cells.

Here's the amazing window of knowledge, once opened, can't
close on old thoughts

Liquid seaweed extracts, safe and non-toxic, applied to
plants are very beneficial to their growth. Decades of
field observation and practical experiences are short of
breathtaking in noting how liquid seaweed extracts benefit
plants. Plants treated with seaweed extract show the
following benefits…

Plants tend to develop a resistance to pests and disease
(such as red spider mites, aphids, scabs, mildew and fungi)
In fact, disease controlling qualities of seaweed came as a
complete surprise to many agricultural scientists.

Seaweed helps plants produce special hormones (specialized
chemical substances) which are the main internal factors
controlling growth and development known as auxins
gibberlins, cytokins, indoles. This is one way to explain
the daily rapid growth of two feet a day for certain seaweed

Seaweed stimulates beneficial soil microbial activity.
Plants grow substantially larger root masses. Healthier
roots make more nutrients available to the plant and resist
root diseases. It is a known fact that soil fungi and
bacteria produce natural antibiotics which hold down the
population of plant pathogens. The higher organic matter in
soil produces more antibiotics. In plant physiology the
subject of controlling plant disease by introducing
substances into the plant itself is known as interesting correlation to our human
application. .

Seaweed treated plants have stronger and hardier vascular
systems. For example, tomatoes increase their size by 37%
more and cucumbers by 41%.

Seaweed helps plants to better withstand stressful
conditions such as improved cold tolerance. Seaweed sprays
are the best treatment to prevent threat of frost damage.
Plants delay senescense or deterioration of cells and
tissues that result in rotting and help to increase shelf

Seeds soaked in seaweed extract germinate more rapidly,
have larger root masses, and more rapid stem and shoot

Plants absorb nutrients through their leaf and stem tissues
as well as by root intake. Seaweed extract can be absorbed
equally effectively through roots by soil drench or foliar
spraying. In contrast, little benefit has been
demonstrated by spraying highly concentrated NPK fertilizer
on the leaves directly or other chemicals. It is
interesting to note that soils supported by synthetic
fertilizers comprise over 90% of agricultural land in
America. Plant scientists have even developed hybrid grains
and vegetables that can grow in fertilizer alone. However,
it's clear, NPK fertilizers can not possible contain all
the microelements and growth regulators needed for maximum
development. This makes you wonder whether synthetic
supplements for humans have about the same effect.

The answer to the first question is plants grow bigger and
stronger with seaweed extracts probably because of better
nutrition. From a personal perspective, it was wonderful to
ascribe healthier plants to seaweed extracts as "visible"
tangible objects produced in a season. How else can we
actually see the effects of total nutrients on living
organisms? Certainly not on complex human long term cycles
where we use supplements in blind faith hoping they produce
some results.

Now even a basic understanding that plant and human
physiology are inter-related at the cellular level begs the
second question: Can people receive benefits by using
liquid seaweed extracts as dietary supplements?

Your own research will more fully answer this question. But
as a start, here are a few points to consider. People have
used seaweed traditionally for millennia for food, medicine
and other restorative benefits. Ocean water contains
quantities of all known elements (replenished from run offs
and leaching). It can even be said that ocean water is
becoming more enriched as land soils become more depleted.
Seaweed has an exceptional nutrient-rich matrix with no
major nutritional deficiencies. It thrives in this rich
solution of sea water containing at least 70
micronutrients) including several not found in land based
plants. These micronutrients are micro in the sense that
only very small amounts are required for enzymatic activity.

Brown seaweed contain vitamins common to land plants,
thirteen in all, including the vitamin B family, Vitamin C,
betacarotene, Vitamin E (as a tocopherol) pantothenic acid,
folic acid, and Vitamin K. The most complex of seaweed
constituents are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium,
magnesium and sulfur. It contains all known minerals and
trace elements such as iodine, sodium, iron, zinc, copper,
molybdenum, cobalt, boron manganese, magnesium in its
natural state. Trace elements are made available by natural
chelation or combining a mineral atom with an organic
molecule Seaweed has 20 highly bioavaible amino acids. It
contains exceptional saccharides in the form of
glyconutrients, complex sugars and starches, but is
extremely low in fat and calories. Other key components
include chlorophyll, laminarin, fucoidan, furanone and

No wonder vegetables and fruits do so well when sprayed
with seaweed from seeds to maturity to senescence!

Can we look to seaweed then as a source of supplementation
for humans and even pharmaceutical benefits through medical
botany? Scientific curiosity and research are turning again
to the sea and are discovering some exciting results.

The answer that counts at the end is a personal choice of a
dietary supplement, perhaps one of the most important
choices for everyone's health. Modern bioscience now shows
that the body requires at least a 100 nutrients daily for
maximum structure, function, defense and repair. Are a
handful of manufactured pills less expensive and sufficient
to best supply this vital synergy of nutrients? Or do we
look at the bounty of what Mother Nature has provided in
evolutionary wisdom. Do we think egocentrically, like
children, how can we act on it or improve it? Or do we let
Nature work her mastery on us and improve us--- as it has
done inherently, immemorially, through the connection of
air, water, soil, plants, food, nutrients, cells,
well-being, and freedom from disease.

So, I'm not a turnip but my body and health are inclusive
of everything I eat, fortunately mostly plants, including
turnip which I enjoy.

My personal reverence for seaweed has increased so much as
valuable gardens of the sea after learning and seeing the
benefits of seaweed extracts on plants. It is another way
of validating my personal good fortune to have discovered a
unique liquid seaweed extract used as a dietary
supplement…exactly what I believe can help to provide total
nutrients at the same time in the right ratio with innate
immune support ingredients. The body has amazing innate
healing abilities if provided with total nutrition…and, I
believe, the ocean's nutrients are in a bottle in my fridge
and delicious. Your requests for resources, scientific
studies, questions and comments are appreciated.

Anne-Marie Berukoff is a certified Nutritional Supplement
Distributor. She took early retirement from a 24 year
teaching career to pursue her interest in WELLNESS based on
using natural whole foods for preventative health. She has
compiled two workshops with CD's and an e-booklet: 101
Reasons to Plug Into Powerful Phytonutrients for Powerful
Health. She welcomes all questions and comments.
1 866 866 3611

SPICE Up Your Life and Your Food

SPICE Up Your Life and Your Food
When people see the healthy food I eat they often ask me
“Don’t you get bored eating like that all the
time?” My answer: NO WAY! There are many ways to keep
your pallet guessing. Below are a few of my favorite
secrets on keeping a healthy eating plan delicious and

Produce: I encourage everyone to consume fresh, whole food.
The best way to incorporate this into your nutrition plan
is to focus on your fruit and veggie selections. Next time
you go to the store, try picking up a fruit or veggie that
you haven’t tried before. The internet is a great
resource to learn the best and healthiest ways to prepare
them. Better yet, try some of the seasonal produce from
your area! Farmer’s markets have cropped up across
the country. Take advantage of access to the freshest
ingredients at incredibly low prices straight from the

Spices: There are so many options I don’t know where
to begin! Fresh garlic, onion, and/or ginger are the
easiest way to flavor up a dish. Spices are yet another
opportunity to try something new. For a South American
flare, try cumin and red pepper flakes. Craving tasty Asian
flavors? Try mixing in some Chinese Five Spice in with your
chicken and veggies! There are also many spice blends
available that take the guess work out of what might be
good together. Ms. Dash and McCormick both make tasty

Dressings: If you choose a bottled dressing, of course, I
would always recommend low fat/low carb dressings.
Vinaigrettes are my favorites. Have you ever tried making
your own dressing? As an example, vinegar, Dijon mustard,
garlic and a packet of Splenda (show me a dressing that
doesn’t have some sugar in it!) mixes up to a very
tasty low cal, low carb, and low fat dressing. Let your
imagination free and come up with your own favorite

Diverse Protein Sources: We’ve all heard of people
going on a “diet” and eating canned tuna or
boiled chicken for every single meal. BORING! You can
easily incorporate all sorts of protein sources into your
nutrition plan. You just need to enjoy them in the
appropriate portion sizes. Chicken and turkey breast are
quite common in most healthy meal plans, but there are many
more options. How about trying a new type of fish? Even
considered shrimp or scallops? How about extra lean pork or

All of these are delicious options and yes… you can
have them all AND keep yourself from getting bored with
your eating regimen. Don’t be afraid to try something
new! Your taste buds will thank you for it and you’ll
easily keep your nutrition plan on track.

SupplementsToGo is a leader in discount nutrition
supplements with the largest selection of diet pills,
creatine products, protein powders, and bodybuilding
supplements. Find more information on the products you are
searching for at . Want
more expert advice visit .

Fish Oil And ADHD

Fish Oil And ADHD
Millions of people are diagnosed each year with attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). While some adults
have ADHD it is primarily diagnosed in children. Standard
methods of treatment typically include drug medications
that can have side effects. New research has found that
fish oil can help minimize or alleviate the symptoms of
ADHD. This adds to the hope that ADHD can be successfully
treated with diet and supplements.

This finding is a result of an Oxford-Durham study of
mainstream school children aged five to 12 years old with
mild to moderate ADHD. The study was a treatment trial of
the effects of fatty acids on childhood behavior and
learning. The study was comprehensive with more than
12,000 assessments during the trial.

The study was random with some students taking a supplement
of Omega-3 fatty acids while others took a placebo. After
three months, those students who took Omega-3 had
significant improvements in schoolwork. The study used
performance assessments of motor function, reading and
spelling along with teacher-rated attention symptoms.
Teachers observed that the behavior of the children who
took Omega-3 was improved over those who took a placebo.

The decrease in ADHD symptoms is an important finding
showing that Omega-3 supplements may actually help to
improve or even eliminate many of the symptoms of ADHD.
Deficiencies in Omega-3 may account for not only ADHD but
also other similar diseases such as dyslexia and autistism.
This is good finding for parents of children affected by
these disorders.

The study shows a definite link between dietary
deficiencies and increased incidence of ADHD symptoms.
Omega-3 has been shown to reduce impulsivity,
hyperactivity, short attention span and inattention.
This gives new hope to parents who wish to treat their
children’s ADHD through improved diet.

The first place to start is to consume foods with high
Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are found
naturally in fish such as salmon, cod, mackerel and
sardines. Those who don’t get enough Omega-3 through
their diet should take an Omega-3 supplement. The study
found that the results of the Omega-3 supplement were about
the same as the results typically found in prescription
ADHD medications.

The University of South Australia did a similar study and
found that children who took Omega-3 supplements showed a
decrease in the symptoms of ADHD.

Parents who are searching for a non-traditional treatment
may want to consider giving Omega-3 supplements to their
ADHD children. Omega-3 supplements are readily available
at most pharmacies and drug stores. It is not included in
typical daily vitamin products or multi-vitamin
supplements. Always follow the label instructions and
consult with your child’s doctor before starting a
new vitamin or supplement regime.

There's still a lack of studies to support ADHD and diet
correlation. Nevertheless, a balanced diet is essential to
developing and proper functioning of healthy brain cells.
Check out the all natural and drug-free alternative
treatments for ADHD at

Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury on Balance

Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury on Balance
Traumatic brain injury (TBI), which is caused by trauma to
the head, can impact many of the body's normal functions,
including its ability to maintain balance. Balance
disorders (also known as balance dysfunctions or balance
impairments) are common following brain injury. Compared to
other conditions that also result in balance disorders
(such as strokes), relatively few studies have been done
regarding the effects of TBI on balance. Fortunately, this
is changing.

Symptoms of Balance Disorders

Balance disorders occur, at least temporarily, in nearly
all people who have suffered a TBI. This instability can
exist even when neurological tests do not detect any

Common symptoms of balance dysfunctions include:

* Feeling dizzy, lightheaded, woozy or a sensation of
spinning (vertigo)

* Burred vision

* Falling or unsteady gait (feeling of falling)

Diagnosing Balance Disorders

Maintaining balance is a complex multifunctional process
that involves interplay between three systems:

* Vestibular system (the inner ear balance organs)

* Visual system (eyes)

* Somatosenory system (joint and muscle receptors or

Normally, the brain receives and processes information
about the environment and these systems work together to
control balance. The Sensory Organization Test (SOT) is the
primary test that assesses balance impairment by evaluating
each of the three balance systems. Balance Impairment and
Severity of Traumatic Brain Injury

The severity of TBI is determined using several measures
such as:

* Glasgow Coma Test

* Length of unconsciousness (time in a coma)

* Length of post-traumatic amnesia (PTA)

For TBI patients beginning rehabilitation, there is a
significant relationship between TBI severity and degree of
sitting and standing balance impairment. Patients with more
severe TBI ratings also have more impaired balance ratings.

Recovery from Balance Disorders Caused by Traumatic Brain

A study at Wayne State University found that the degree of
balance impairment for brain-damaged patients (specifically
sitting balance impairment), measured at time of admission
to rehabilitation can predict the Functional Independence
Measure (FIM) at discharge. FIM measures the degree to
which recovering patients can live independently after
discharge. This study underscores the relationship between
brain injury severity, balance impairment, and the
prognosis for TBI recovery.

For cases of mild traumatic brain injury in which there was
no loss of consciousness and no clinically detectable
problems, balance impairments (as measured by performance
on the Sensory Organization Test), usually last from 3 to
10 days. However, subtle balance impairments that are
harder to detect, such as abnormally high reliance on
vision for maintaining balance, can persist for months or

Individual treatment plans for balance disorders may
include balance retraining exercises, general exercise, and
certain drugs. Recovery takes time and recovery times vary.
Some brain-injured people require assistance for years. If
you have suffered from a traumatic brain injury, you may
wish to contact an experienced TBI attorney to help you
assess your claim and gain compensation for your medical
expenses, future medical care, and the pain and suffering
that brain damage and brain injury can cause.

---------------------------------------------------- is your source for everything legal on the
web. Visit Legalview at for access
to a complete legal database, including a free attorney
referral service. Using the service, visitors can use
resources to contact attorneys for a variety of legal
issues, such as a mesothelioma lawyer or auto accident
lawyer. Visitors can locate a brain injury lawyer at .

Top 5 Cosmetic Surgery Myths That You Need To Know

Top 5 Cosmetic Surgery Myths That You Need To Know
With the information overload of cosmetic surgery available
today, it is no surprise that there is also just as much
misleading and false information out there as well. Whether
it’s over the internet, television, friends or
acquaintances, it is extremely important to make sure that
the information you receive comes from credible and
reputable sources. There is a substantial amount of
information that is not accurate.

Cosmetic surgery is real surgery and you owe it to yourself
to do your research, talk to people who have had cosmetic
surgery and make appointments with board certified surgeons
in your area.

Myth #1: You can fix anything with cosmetic surgery.

This is heard almost daily by cosmetic surgeons when a
patient calls or comes in for a consultation. There are
many factors to consider when someone is choosing to under
go a cosmetic surgery procedure. The first thing to ask is,
“Is the concern of the patient a real fact or
deformity?” and “Will their physical
limitations and situation lead to an aesthetically pleasing
result in the eyes of the patient and the surgeon?”
If the answer is no then the reasons why should be
addressed. Cosmetic surgery can not give you a
“perfect” body, nor can it fix everything.
There are physical limitations limited by our own unique
individual characteristics.

Myth #2: Breast Implants cause or increase your risk for
breast cancer.

The Institute of Medicine found evidence that breast
implants do not cause breast cancer or the recurrence of
breast cancer. How ever it is still essential to undergo
routine screening for breast cancer which includes: self
breast exams, mammograms, and clinical breast exams. Just
as you would if you didn’t have breast implants.

Myth #3: You can’t breastfeed if you have implants.

According the the Mayo Clinic, breastfeeding with implants
is safe. Because breast milk is considered the primary and
best choice for babies, the Mayo Clinic also encourages
women with breast implants to breast feed if they are able
to do so.

Myth #4: Implants need to be replaced every ten years.

Unless you are having a problem or concern then there is no
need to do anything. Some patients may have reasons to want
to replace their implants however; it is not required. They
are man made devices and there is no guarantee as to how
long an individual implant will stay intact.

Myth #5: Liposuction can be used as a weight loss tool.

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery employed to remove excess
fat from specific body parts. This surgical procedure is
not an alternative to exercise and dieting and should be
used only to remove the stubborn fat that does not respond
to exercises and diet. Liposuction is not a weight loss
method but a method to fatty deposits throughout the body.
Generally the fat is removed from thighs, chin, buttocks,
love handles (abdomen), breasts and stomach for women and
chin, waist, breasts and buttocks for men.

The Avalon Clinic for Cosmetic Surgery is located in
Lakewood and Olympia, Washington. Each of our surgeons is
Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery
and has over 20 years of experience. Patient safety and
satisfaction is our #1 goal. Our art is to help
patients’ look and feel their best. The Avalon Clinic
wants you to know that It Is Possible! Contact us at or call 1-800-408-4444!

Bodybuilding Protein Supplements

Bodybuilding Protein Supplements
As every bodybuilder should know, getting enough protein in
your daily diet is an absolute must. While it is certainly
possible to get enough protein by eating whole foods, most
bodybuilders use a combination of red meat, chicken, fish
and protein powder supplements.

Protein powder supplements are extremely popular for
several reasons. Let's look at a typical 200 pound
bodybuilder. Our bodybuilder must consume 1 to 1.5 g of
high quality protein per pound of body weight each day.
This means he should average 250 g of protein each day.
This protein intake should be divided into 5 or 6 meals to
be consumed throughout the day. Six meals per day, our
bodybuilder needs to consume an average of about 40 g of
protein at each meal.

Let's look at the protein content of some common
bodybuilding foods:

8 ounces of various steaks: 45g protein, 10g fat

6 ounces chicken breast: 40g protein, 2g fat

6 ounces Turkey breast: 30g protein, 1g fat

8 ounces pork chop: 30g protein, 6g fat

4 ounces hamburger (90%): 15g protein, 10g fat

1 can chunk light tuna (6.25 oz): 40g protein, 1g fat

1/2 cup cottage cheese: 12g protein, 2g fat

1 large egg: 6g protein, 3g fat

Using a combination of these excellent foods, you can
easily meet your requirements for 3 or 4 of your 6 meals
each day. However, you can imagine how much time it would
take to prepare and eat six meals every day using these
foods, not to mention extremely expensive!

This is where protein powder supplements enter the picture.
They provide you with a quick, convenient, and relatively
inexpensive way to add those extra 2 or 3 proteins servings
each day. As an added bonus, the better quality protein
powders taste excellent! Protein powder supplements come in
many different types, formulations, and flavors.

Protein is made up of building blocks called amino acids.
There are 22 amino acids, some of which the body can make
on it’s own, and some that must be provided in the
diet. The combination of the different amino acids in a
protein source is called the amino acid profile. Each type
of protein has a different amino acid profile. This is why
it is best to eat a variety of proteins sources as well as
use a variety of protein powder supplements. The most
popular types of protein powders are whey, casein, egg, and

Whey protein is by far the most popular and most heavily
used protein supplement. Whey protein is cheaper per gram
of protein than most other types of protein. Whey protein
is absorbed very quickly by the digestive system and
reaches the muscles quickly. Whey protein is best used as
the first meal of the day because your body has not had any
protein for many hours during the night and you want to get
it in your bloodstream right away. Use whey protein
immediately following a workout because this is the most
important time to take in a large quantity of protein and
you want to get to your muscles as soon as possible.

Casein protein is a bit more expensive than whey protein,
but is absorbed at a much slower rate. This fact makes
casein protein the supplement of choice right before
bedtime. A generous serving of casein protein can provide
your muscles with a steady supply of protein for 5 to 6
hours as opposed to 1 or 2 hours for whey protein. Casein
protein is also an excellent choice if you think it may be
a long time before your next protein serving.

Egg protein is not nearly as popular as whey or casein
mostly because of its cost. It is, however an excellent
supplement with a high BV (Biological Value is used to
indicate how much of the protein is actually used by the
body) and excellent amino acid profile. I would recommend
using egg protein to mix with your whey protein or
occasionally substitute for your whey protein.

Soy Protein is a plant based protein and is considered by
some to be inferior to all other types of protein. While
this may be true based upon its incomplete amino acid
profile, it is still an excellent way to add variety to
your protein intake, and is recommended as an addition to
your overall supplement diet.

Protein supplements are by far the most popular supplement
in the bodybuilding world. I suggest purchasing from a name
brand to be sure you are getting a quality product. If you
are new to bodybuilding and supplements, some of the top
selling quality brands are BSN, MuscleTech, Optimum
Nutrition, Twinlab, Cytosport, EAS, and the list goes on. I
recommend trying several different brands and flavors until
you find one you really like. I will occasionally switch
brands just for variety and possibly if I come across a
good sale!

David Monyer has been involved in bodybuilding for the last
20 years, making most of his muscle gains in his basement
gym, as well as different clubs and gyms over the years.
For more information on recommended protein supplements,

Advanced Dieting Methods & Fat Burning Techniques - Your Fast Pass to Weight Loss.

Advanced Dieting Methods & Fat Burning Techniques - Your Fast Pass to Weight Loss.

What if you could be shown a system of eating which was so
different from anything else you've ever seen, that you'll
notice a change in your body in just 11 Days from Today?

Forget about your past dieting failures for a moment.

Just focus on one thought right now; WHAT IF it was really
possible to change your body in 11 days?

Believe it or not it's really possible to change your body
over the NEXT 11 DAYS, and it has NOTHING to do with
positive thinking, because positive thinking all by itself
won't remove a single pound from your body.

That's right, if you want to get NOTICEABLY THINNER IN THE
MIRROR then you need MUCH MORE than just "positive

FOOD is NOT the Enemy

Did you know that your brain controls the release of Fat
Burning Hormones after each meal? It's true.

Every time you eat something, there are 2 types of hormones
released into your bloodstream, and together they control
Fat Burning and Fat Storage.

Also, did you know that these 2 hormones are controlled by
the foods that you eat? It's true.

The Diet that Manipulates Fat Burning HORMONES

This diet manipulates these hormones, so after each meal
your body will produce a greater quantity of Fat Burning
Hormones, while Fat Storing Hormones are MINIMIZED as much
as humanly possible.

That's why you'll be eating MORE THAN 3 TIMES PER DAY
during the next 11 Days, because to alter these hormones
correctly you'll be required to eat MORE than 3 times per

You probably find it hard to believe that eating more than
3 times per day could be the solution to speeding up weight
loss, right?

After all, most people believe that food is the "enemy"
which makes them overweight.

But that's simply WRONG. Food is NOT the enemy.

So if Food is Not the Enemy, Then What is it?

Food is like a LIGHT SWITCH which can turn Fat Burning ON
or OFF.

So even though it may seem like a contradiction to say that
eating more often is the solution to weight loss, but
that's exactly what this New Dieting System is all about.

Of course, you must eat the right meals in the right
patterns each day (since obviously you cannot eat chocolate
10 times per day and get skinny).

However, the bottom line is that you'll be eating MORE than
3 meals per day during the next 11 Days. And, after 11 days
have passed you'll be much slimmer and lighter on the scale.

Don't believe it?

Well, you've already discovered that low calorie diets
don't work.

So what does this tell you?

It tells you that eating less is NOT THE ANSWER, and it
tells you that the solution must be something totally

There are some people who don't truly believe that they can
change their own body within the next couple weeks, but
this has been proven to thousands of thinner people, and
can be proven to you too - in only 11 days.

Okay, get ready to be shown an Eating System which is so
unique that you're going to be anxious to begin immediately.

Here is your whole new approach to weight loss. A
guaranteed loss of 9lbs in 11 days! Get ready to look at
dieting in a completely different way... Introducing: Fat
Loss 4 Idiots. Read all the details at:

Are Yoga and Meditation Good for my Brain? A Scientific Take on Stress Management

Are Yoga and Meditation Good for my Brain? A Scientific Take on Stress Management

Yoga, meditation, and visualization are all excellent ways
to learn to manage your stress levels. Reducing stress, and
the stress hormones, in your system is critical to your
brain and overall fitness.

Why is this so? It’s clear that our society has
changed faster than our genes. Instead of being faced with
physical, immediately life-threatening crises that demand
instant action, these days we deal with events and
illnesses that gnaw away at us slowly, without any stress

Dr. Robert Sapolsky, in an interview about his book Why
Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers, points out that humans
uniquely “can get stressed simply with thought,
turning on the same stress response as does the
zebra.” But, the zebra releases the stress hormones
through life-preserving action, while we usually just keep
muddling along, getting more anxious by the moment.

Prolonged exposure to the adrenal steroid hormones like
cortisol, released during the stress response, can damage
the brain and block the formation of new neurons in the
hippocampus, which is the key player in encoding new
memories in your brain. Recent studies have shown these
neurons can be regenerated with learning and environmental
stimulation, but while short-term stress may improve
attention and memory, chronic stress leads indirectly to
cell death and hampers our ability to make changes and be
creative enough to even think of possible changes to reduce
the stress.

What are the best defenses against chronic stress?

- Exercise strengthens the body and can reduce the
experience of stress, depression, and anxiety.

- Relaxation through meditation, tai chi, yoga, or other
techniques to lower blood pressure, slow respiration, slow
metabolism, and release muscle tension.

- Biofeedback programs that provide real-time information,
allowing you to learn effective techniques for reducing
stress levels.

- Empowerment, because attitudes of personal confidence and
control of your environment resolve the stress response.

- Social network of friends, family, and even pets help
foster trust, support, and relaxation.

If you want to learn more about the science behind these
recommendations, you can enjoy these scientific papers:

- Bedard M, Felteau M, Mazmanian D, Fedyk K, Klein R,
Richardson J, Parkinson W, Minthorn-Biggs MB. Pilot
evaluation of a mindfulness-based intervention to improve
quality of life among individuals who sustained traumatic
brain injuries. Disabil Rehabil. 2003;25:722-31.

- Bremner JD. Traumatic stress: effects on the brain.
Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2006;8:445-61.

- Czeh B, Muller-Keuker JI, Rygula R, Abumaria N, Hiemke C,
Domenici E, Fuchs E. Chronic Social Stress Inhibits Cell
Proliferation in the Adult Medial Prefrontal Cortex:
Hemispheric Asymmetry and Reversal by Fluoxetine Treatment.
Neuropsychopharmacology. 2006 Dec 13; [Epub ahead of print].

- Warner-Schmidt JL, Duman RS. Hippocampal neurogenesis:
opposing effects of stress and antidepressant treatment.
Hippocampus. 2006;16:239-49.

- Sapolsky, RM. Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers (Owl Books;
2004). ISBN: 0805073698

Alvaro Fernandez is the CEO and Co-Founder of, which provides the latest science-based
information for Cognitive Fitness and Cognitive Health, and
has been recognized by Scientific American Mind,
MarketWatch, Forbes, and more. Alvaro holds MA in Education
and MBA from Stanford University, and teaches The Science
of Brain Health at UC-Berkeley Lifelong Learning Institute.
You can learn more at