Sunday, December 2, 2007

Lower Back Pain in Women

Lower Back Pain in Women
Lower back pain in women is quite common. In fact, lower
back pain in both genders is quite common. Studies have
shown that close to eighty percent of all people will
experience lower back pain at least one time in their
lives. There are a number of causes that could contribute
to lower back pain in women.

Some of the causes of lower back pain in women are muscle,
nerve and ligament stress in the lower back, a sudden back
injury like a fall or something caused by an automobile
accident, arthritis, any job that requires repetitive
movement or sitting in chairs that do not promote good
posture or standing for long periods of time. There are
also some distinctly female causes for lower back pain in
women like fibroid tumours, menstrual cramps, pregnancy and

You should always see a doctor when you experience lower
back pain. Even though most of the time it is caused by
routine wear and tear on the muscles, sometimes lower back
pain in women (and men) is a sign of something more
serious. A doctor can look you over and make sure that you
are okay. You should always go to the emergency room if
your lower back pain comes on suddenly or if it is
accompanied by any sort of numbness in your extremities,
flu like symptoms or if you experience a loss of control
over your bowels. Those conditions when paired with lower
back pain are a good reason to rush you to the nearest
hospital's emergency room.

There are a great number of treatments for lower back pain
in women. Treatments can include rest, ice, heat, an over
the counter medicine like Advil or Naproxen and regular
exercise. There are specialists in lower back pain who
advocate acupuncture, seeing a chiropractor on a regular
basis and taking up muscle and strength building activities
like Yoga and Tai-chi.

There are also plenty of ways to prevent lower back pain in
women. Women should get regular exercise, even before the
pain starts. Regular exercise will keep her muscles strong
and help fend off any stress or strain on the muscles in
the back. She should always practice proper posture. Her
office chair should be ergonomically correct and she should
always walk and sit with a tall, straight back. She should
do her best to maintain a healthy body weight (this can be
worked out with her doctor) and should not smoke. Smoking
can lead to other health hazards that will increase the
risk of her contracting lower back pain. Above all else,
she should always remember to lift with her knees, not with
her back.

Lower back pain in women is quite common. As previously
stated, eighty percent of the world's adult population will
experience lower back pain at least once. As it turns out,
our parents and teachers were right after all. Standing up
straight, lifting with our knees and getting regular
exercise really will be important in our adult lives.

At last! For men and women who want quick, simple and
effective relief from back pain...
"...Renegade Doctor Reveals How To Cure Your Back Pain
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Natural Stress and Anxiety Relief

Natural Stress and Anxiety Relief
All of us experience stress and anxiety in our lives. We
are all familiar with the sources of stress and anxiety.
They include financial concerns, work deadlines, providing
for our children, countless tasks to do and errands to run,
heavy traffic, relationships with co-workers, family
relationships, and the list goes on. The irony is that the
responses of our physical bodies that are designed to
protect us can turn against us when stress and anxiety is
without relief or prolonged. Under stress, our heart rate
and blood pressure increase to provide our brains with more
blood flow for oxygen and nutrients. Our blood sugar
increases to provide us with more energy as we would need
in a crisis. Our blood is routed away from our intestines
in order to provide energy for the large muscles in our
arms and legs for fight or flight. If the source of our
stress and anxiety subsides after a brief period of time,
our bodies return these functions to their normal process.
If the source of our stress and anxiety remains constant
then our physical responses become harmful to our health.
We begin to experience insomnia, joint and muscle
inflammation and pain, fatigue, hypertension, perhaps heart
constriction, indigestion, higher cholesterol levels,
impotence, either lack of or excess appetite resulting in
weight loss or weight gain, weakened immune system making
us vulnerable to colds and flu, and so on. Emotionally we
experience feelings of irritability, impatience, lack of
sexual interest, lack of concentration, depression,
restlessness, excessive alertness and reaction to normal
external stimuli, or feelings of being constantly
overwhelmed and helpless.

Our bodies need time to recover from being in crisis mode
due to stress and anxiety in order to restore normal
physical balance and functioning. We need a break from and
relief from the stress and anxiety in order to maintain our
health. Some of us have had experience with prescription,
synthetic drugs to ease anxiety and stress, but have
suffered the potentially harmful and discomforting side
effects which, ironically added to our feelings of stress
and anxiety. Fortunately, many of us have discovered
substances provide by nature that our bodies readily absorb
and utilize to deal with stress and anxiety without the
possible harmful side effects of prescription, synthetic

When dealing with stress and anxiety, our bodies need a
proper balance of vitamins and minerals that can be
obtained in multivitamin formulas some of which are
specially created to provide extra stress protection with
calcium, potassium, magnesium, a full spectrum of B
vitamins and pantothenic acid.

Essential fatty acids provide us with Omega 3 and Omega 6
which help balance blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and
provide our neurotransmitters in our brain to function
quickly and efficiently. Essential fatty acids help reduce
joint and muscle inflammation and fatigue, and enhances the
functions of our respiratory and intestinal digestive
system providing our muscles organs, and brains with the
oxygen and nutrients needed to deal with stress and
anxiety. Flaxseed oil with lignans and fish oils which have
been filtered to remove heavy metals can provide us with
the essential fatty acids that we need for dealing with
stress and anxiety.

GABA i.e. Gamma-aminobutyric Acid, which is an amino acid,
effects the neuro-receptors in our brain. This helps us
deal with stress and anxiety by lowering over-reaction to
potentially stress causing stimuli and enables us to be
detached in an emotionally healthy way providing us with
the calmness and poise we need to deal efficiently and
effectively with what we are presented.

Herbs e.g. skull cap and passion flower can help us relax
and receive the rest and sleep that we need. L-tyrosine is
an essential amino acid often used to treat insomnia,
depression and anxiety as well as helping to control
appetite and elevate our mood. Melatonin and herbal
formulas are available to us to provide the restful,
restoring sleep we need in order to deal with anxiety and

Aromatherapy which is the use of aromas from plant
essential oils can be added to our baths, used in massage
oils, or released into our living space with aromatherapy
candles. As we inhale these aromas, they quickly reach our
brain and help provide us with feelings of calm and
relaxation. The aromatherapy essential oils that are most
effective in easing stress and anxiety are bergamot,
cypress, geranium, jasmine neroli, rose, sandalwood and
ylang-ylang. Lavender is the most popular essential oil
used to provide us with a feeling of calm and well being.

These are just a few of the all natural substances and
formulas available to us to help keep our bodies healthy as
we experience the stress and anxiety that accompanies our
too often hectic and prolonged stressful life experiences.
Other all natural formulas that increase the functioning of
our brains in the areas of attention, concentration and
performance are also available to us. Our bodies need
extra help in dealing with stress and anxiety. Cognitively
and emotionally we need breaks and periods of rest and
release from stress and anxiety. The safest, non-addictive
way to obtain the help we need for dealing with stress and
anxiety is with all natural health care products that do
not present the possibility of harmful side effects that
actually increase stress and anxiety.

Jenny has more than twenty years experience with all
natural health care products. More information about all
natural products for restoring and maintaining physical and
emotional health when experiencing stress,depression and
anxiety is available at =>

Why Arginine Is A Non-Essential Amino Acid You Can't Do Without

Why Arginine Is A Non-Essential Amino Acid You Can't Do Without
The subject of a great deal of intense research by
conventional medicine, nutritional therapists and sports
scientists for at least fifty years, arginine is now
regarded as one of the most important and potentially
beneficial amino acids. Technically it's known as one of
the "non-essential" amino acids, but the term in this sense
means only that it can be manufactured within the body and
therefore need not necessarily be obtained from the daily

"Non-essential" does not in any way imply that these amino
acids are unimportant. Put simply, you need the full range
of both essential and non-essential amino acids to form the
countless proteins from which your body is largely made.
Increasingly, however, there's evidence that individual
amino acids may have more specific functions, with
increasing interest in the possibility of using
supplementation with single amino acids to tackle
particular conditions.

Arginine, for example, has been credited with helping the
body to generate crucially important hormones, particularly
human growth hormone; with improving sexual health and
function; increasing muscle mass whilst reducing body fat;
reducing cholesterol; stimulating the immune system and
enhancing immune system responses.

But perhaps the most important potential benefit of
arginine is its effect upon the health of the
cardiovascular system. There is some research evidence
that doses of 6g or more daily may help reduce low density
lipids (LDL), the so-called "bad cholesterol", and that
arginine may also significantly improve circulation.

Arginine is also an important precursor of nitric oxide, an
important transmitter of neural nerve impulses, and a
compound known to help maintain circulation in the tiny
blood vessels of the brain, protecting against debilitating
and possibly fatal strokes. For the immune system,
arginine acts as a stimulant for the thymus gland, helping
to generate the immune cells vital for tackling infection.

There is also good research to suggest that arginine may
have a "protein sparing" effect, making available the
maximum amount of protein for muscle growth. This has been
found very useful in the treatment of those, for example
the elderly, who have suffered from muscle wasting and
weakness. But when coupled with arginine's apparent
potential as a fat burner, and its stimulation of the
production of human growth hormone; its obvious potential
as an athletic performance supplement, particularly for
strength and power athletes and body builders, has of
course been the cause of great excitement in these
communities. Arginine is also an important precursor for
the body's manufacture of creatine, known as the "natural
steroid" for its muscle and strength building potentiality.

The US Food and Nutrition Board has not prescribed a
Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for arginine, probably
adhering to the traditional view that a diet adequate in
protein will almost by definition provide sufficient amino
acids. It is certainly true that outright deficiencies of
arginine are rarely if ever seen in individuals whose diet
contains enough protein, which means most of us in the
affluent West. And it is also true that requirements for
arginine and other individual amino acids vary widely
between individuals, making the establishment of a
meaningful RDA even more difficult than usual.
However, good sources of arginine in the diet include dairy
products and meat, particularly beef, pork, chicken and
turkey. Wheatgerm, grains, nuts, seafood and even
chocolate may also help boost arginine intake. An increase
in the consumption of any of these, particularly the animal
proteins, will also of course increase the intake of
arginine, and a diet including normal quantities of these
foods will usually prevent deficiencies.

It will not necessarily, however, be enough to provide the
major therapeutic benefits of arginine, for which most
practitioners agree free-form supplementation is required
in quantities of at least several grams a day, preferably
taken on an empty stomach. Although it is nomally held
that the maximum benefits of arginine are obtained when it
is taken in isolation, an exception is in seeking to boost
the immune system, when it seems that taking arginine
together with lysine, another amino acid, may greatly
enhance its effects.

As with other amino acids, supplementation with arginine is
generally very safe and no ill effects, other than perhaps
relatively minor gastric upsets, should be observed even at
many times the recommended therapeutic doses. But
important exceptions to this are pregnant women and new
mothers, people suffering from herpes and similar
infections, and sufferers from liver or kidney disease. If
arginine is taken at all by these groups, it should only be
with medical advice.

In any event, supplementation with single amino acids
always carries the risk of creating biochemical imbalances
within the body and should not be undertaken indefinitely
without qualified supervision. Body builders and strength
and power athletes may, for example, find it beneficial to
use arginine during the "bulk up" phase of the training
cycle, thereafter reverting to a more balanced program of

Another word of caution is that as well as its benefits,
the nitric oxide produced by arginine is also a free
radical with potentially harmful ageing and degenerative
effects on the body's cells. This oxidative action does
not remove the possible benefits of taking arginine, but
it does mean that any supplement program should be combined
with a good range of anti-oxidants, including coenzyme Q10
and lipoic acid. And for best results, these should always
be taken with comprehensive multi-vitamin and multi-mineral

Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter specialising in
direct marketing and with a particular interest in health
Find out more at

How To Safely Lose Weight And Still Keep Your Sanity

How To Safely Lose Weight And Still Keep Your Sanity
In the United States, it is estimated that 97.1 million, or
approximately 35% of adults, are overweight. More than 60%
of Americans over the age of twenty are overweight. About
one quarter, or 1 in 4 American adults are considered to be
obese. It is also estimated, that over half of the
population of adults in the United States, go on a weight
loss diet each year. Additionally, according to the World
Health Report, published in 2003, about 1 billion adults
worldwide are overweight. Obesity is becoming a worldwide
epidemic. So how can one go about losing weight safely,
while keeping one's sanity?

The first and most important tool in losing weight, is to
eat less. It sounds simply enough, however, most obese and
overweight individuals just simply eat too much. The key
to eating less, is not to eat until your stomach feels
full, but to eat only enough calories to sustain a healthy
lifestyle. For moderate daily activity, the average adult
female only needs about 2000 calories per day, while the
average adult male needs about 2500-2800 calories per day.
For children and toddlers, the estimated average
requirement is anywhere from 1000 to 1900 calories per day.

The second most important step in losing weight, is to eat
healthy. Eating a giant bacon and cheese hamburger with
extra large fries and a large milkshake for lunch everyday,
just won't cut it. Vegetables, foods low in fat, healthy
grains, fruits, and lean meats are the best choice for a
healthy diet. It isn't just how much an individual eats,
but also what an individual eats, that can cause obesity.
Eating unhealthy foods in small quantities can also cause
an individual to become overweight over time. So let's
watch those late night binges and lunchtime burgers.

The third most important step in losing weight, is to
exercise. It is very difficult for most adults to
exercise. With the hectic schedules of today's modern
world, many adults just simply don't feel that they have
the time to exercise. Although getting around to
exercising is usually last on most adults minds, many would
be surprised to find out just how little time it takes per
week to stay in shape and lose weight. Most research
indicates that as little as 3-4 hours of exercise per week,
can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by 65%. If
you think about it, it's only about 2% of the entire seven
day week that an individual needs to exercise to stay
healthy and in shape.

The fourth and final most important step in losing weight,
is to have a realistic and positive mental attitude. It is
unrealistic for an individual who is 50 pounds overweight,
to think that they can lose the weight in two weeks. It's
just not going to happen. The truth of the matter, is that
most sedentary individuals, will actually initially gain
weight, once they start exercising. This is due to the
gain of muscle mass. Having a realistic and positive
mental attitude about how much weight can be lost in a
reasonable time frame, is crucial.

Obviously, there are many dietary aids, stimulants,
prescription medications, and exercise and weight loss
programs to choose from, when one decides to lose weight.
The market is flooded with weight loss products. The truth
is, that obesity is a very serious and life-threatening
problem. The Bottom line: being overweight is a choice.
The key to starting on the path to shedding those unwanted
pounds, is first and foremost, to make the decision not to
be overweight.

Bryan Pringle, Ph.D., is an author and an webmaster of
websites offering news and information about weight loss
and pharmaceutical drugs. For more information, please

Testing Filipino Psychic Surgeons

Testing Filipino Psychic Surgeons
A Psychic Surgeon enters a person's body using his / her
bare hands and manually removes diseased tissues, tumours,
calcium deposits, pus etc... Painlessly from a patient's
body, coming out without leaving any visible marks or scars.

But how can you be sure that a Psychic Surgeon is genuine?

Biased TV reports continuously portray these Psychic
Surgeons as cheats. Magicians are hired to (badly) attempt
to mimic what genuine Psychic Surgeons do. This is a
pitiful imitation of these amazing healers by ignorant
people who have never witnessed a genuine Psychic Surgeon
at work and have never bothered to research the truth for
themselves. These magicians could easily be caught cheating
if you used the following testing method on them.

I have worked with over 40 different Psychic Surgeons since
1997 and I have only retained 4. These 4 I believe to be
genuine. The others I let go as they were either cheating,
not powerful enough or unethical. Be very careful if you go
to Philippines on your own. Most people who have tried this
came back very disappointed.

How I test the Psychic Surgeons I work with

1- I must be allowed to walk around the couch when he/she
is working

2- I must be allowed to check under and around the couch
for hidden props

2- He must show me his empty hands before he touches his
client and without touching anything, he must start his

3- If a group is present with me, we must all be allowed to
film the surgery from front, back, above and sides

If a surgeon can pass these tests, this is a good start but
there is more...

It may be possible to feel a tumour in a person's body with
your hand before surgery is performed. If after the surgery
you can only feel a hole where the tumour was, then it is
certain that the tumour has been removed.

One of the surgeons I take groups to proceeds to energise
our hands and then moves the tip of our index finger over
our body. Blood appears under our own finger as it is
moved. Not when the surgeon's finger moves, but when our
own finger moves. How can this be faked?

Some of the tumours removed by the most gifted surgeon are
the size of a fist. How could this be hidden from us as the
surgeon has not touched anything but his patient's body
since showing us his hands?

How do Filipino fake Psychic Surgeons work?

First, they will not allow you to check them the way I
described above.

They will usually keep you at a safe distance and you may
not be allowed to film.

They often have a sheet hanging over the sides of the couch
and you will not be allowed to check what is under it.

The great shame about all this cheating by fake surgeons or
by the wrong portraying by ignorant magicians is that
desperate people in search of life saving healing get coned
or mislaid.

It is sad that often people go to Philippines when they are
desperate because modern medicine has not helped them. It
would be much easier for a genuine Psychic Surgeon to help
them at the beginning of their illness as opposed to try to
help them at the end of it when their body may be saturated
with tumours.

I am often asked by potential visitors to the Philippines
if a Psychic Surgeon can heal such or such disease or
health condition.

My answer always is that there is no implicit or explicit
guarantee that a surgeon can heal any specific condition.
But I have seen people coming back from the Philippines
cured from all types of disease. But once again, I must
reiterate that nobody can guarantee healing by a Psychic
Surgeon. If they do, stay away from them.

Patrick Hamouy has since 1997 taken groups of people to the
Philippines to visit Psychic Surgeons. He has worked with
over 40 surgeons. His experience in organising trips to the
Philippines is wide. He has a list of reliable contacts for
hotels, transports, dentist etc.. He knows the pitfall to
avoid in this lovely country.His web site is

Conduct Disorder

Conduct Disorder
If your child has Oppositional Defiant Disorder, I am sure
you have often felt that things could not get much worse.
Well, in case you ever felt that way, I am going to put
things in perspective for you. We are now going to
discuss, Conduct Disorder.

Conduct Disorder is the most serious of all disruptive
behavior disorders in children and teens. This difficult
condition affects between 1 to 4 percent of children and
adolescents, is more common in boys than in girls, and
occurs more frequently in cities than in rural areas. Some
children may show signs of conduct disorder early
childhood, often during the preschool years.

Conduct Disorder often is viewed as a worse version of ODD,
however there are some differences. Oppositional Defiant
Disorder children tend to have worse social skills than
children with Conduct Disorder. Also, ODD children may be
difficult and defiant, but they usually have no desire to
deliberately harm others. Their difficult behavior is more
of a result of their frustration and their lack of

Children with Conduct Disorder do intentionally cause harm
to others, often for no real reason. Their antisocial
behavior may include vandalism and theft, and these
children terrorize their community. Usually by the age of
ten, these children have already been involved with illegal
activities on a frequent enough basis that they have
already had contact with the police.

Here is the official definition:

Conduct Disorder is a repetitive and persistent pattern of
behavior in which the basic rights of others or major
society rules are violated.

The diagnosis requires that at least three of the following
criteria be present in the last 12 months, and at least one
criterion must have been present in the last 6 months.

These are:

Aggression to people and animals:

-often bullies, threatens, or intimidates others

-often initiates physical fights

-has used a weapon that can cause serious physical harm to
others (a bat, brick, broken bottle, knife, gun)

-physically cruel to animals

-physically cruel to people

-has stolen while confronting a victim ( mugging, purse
snatching, extortion, armed robbery)

Destruction of property:

-has deliberately engaged in fire setting with the
intention of causing serious damage

-has deliberately destroyed other's property other than by
fire setting

Deceitfulness or theft:

-has broken into someone else's house, building or car

-often lies to obtain goods or favors or to avoid work

-has stolen items of nontrivial value without confronting a
victim (shoplifting, forgery)

Serious violations of rules:

-often stays out at night despite parental prohibitions,
beginning before 13 years of age

-has run away from home overnight at least twice without
returning home for a lengthy period

-often skips school before age 13

The main thing that separates ODD from conduct disorder is
the issue of danger. Oppositional defiant disorder children
can be exasperating for everyone around them. They argue,
they manipulative, they cause discord between parents, and
they disrupt the lives of everyone around them. But these
children are not dangerous. They do not harm others. With
conduct disorder children, safety is a major concern. They
are a threat to the body and possessions of those around

If your child is showing signs of Conduct Disorder I do
want to leave you with some encouragement. It used to be
thought that conduct disorder children were just in the
early stages of a life long path of criminal behavior. We
know now that for most children this is not true.

Conduct Disorder children usually have multiple concurrent
psychiatric problems. Most commonly these children have
ADHD, but many also have bipolar disorder, depression,
learning disorders, and anxiety disorder. These other
disorders are the key to treatment.

Often when the other problems are addressed, the conduct
disorder behavior also improves.

This is true to such an extent, that treating concurrent
disorders is the major key to breaking the path of a
conduct disorder child to a career criminal. Therefore, if
your child does have conduct disorder, you absolutely must
find out all the other problems he has and treat them
aggressively. This is another reason why a good
evaluation is so essential.

If you suspect your child has Conduct Disorder, you should
take aggressive action. This is not the type of condition
that you want to wait around and hope your child will

Anthony Kane, MD is a physician and international lecturer
who has been helping parents of children with ADHD and
Oppositional Defiant Disorder online since 2003. Get help
with Oppositional Defiant Disorder child behavior
(, help with
defiant teens ( )
ADHD treatment
( ) and ADHD

Booster Seats Protect Children

Booster Seats Protect Children
When a child outgrows or "graduates" from a child safety
seat, they are not ready to just hop in the car, put on a
safety belt, and go. Safety belts are designed for a
165-pound adult. There is an important transition to make '
using a "belt positioning" (not a "shield" style) booster
seat that meets federal safety standards.

Unfortunately, most of the 20 million children in the U.S.
who should be in a booster seat in the car are not. While
the worst-case scenario is for a child to be in an
automobile unrestrained, having the wrong restraint can
also pose a serious risk.

A child wearing a poorly-fitted adult safety belt can
sustain serious, life-threatening injuries, including being
ejected from a vehicle during a crash. Using just a seat
belt, kids are 3.5 time more likely to suffer significant
injury, and four times more likely to suffer a head injury.
Booster seats are 60 percent more effective than seat belts

With child passengers, lap belts ride up on the abdomen,
and shoulder belts can cut across the face or neck.
Children are not only safer, but can see better and are
more comfortable in a booster seat that allows the safety
belt to fit and function as intended. Booster seats do this
by raising a child to a height so that a lap and shoulder
belt fit properly. The lap belt should ride low, below the
hip bones and across the top of the thighs, not on the
stomach, and the shoulder belt should cross the middle of
the chest and shoulder or collarbone. This helps protect
the internal organs, spine and head from injury in the
event of a car crash.

Does Your Child Need a Booster Seat?

How do you know if your child needs to be in a booster
seat? Children who have outgrown a child safety seat should
ride in a booster seat until they are at least eight years
old, or four feet, nine inches tall. Generally, kids from
four to eight years old, and from 40 to 80 pounds, need to
be in a booster seat. Some smaller children may need a
booster seat until age ten or longer.

Indicators that a booster seat is needed include an
inability to sit all the way back against the seat back; an
inability to bend the knees comfortably at the edge of the
seat; a safety belt that does not cross the child's
shoulder between the neck and arm; a lap belt that does not
sit low across the abdomen, touching the hips and thighs;
and an inability for the child to be comfortable and stay
seated like this for the entire trip.

Are Booster Seats Really Safe?

Many parents and caregivers incorrectly believe that
booster seats may not be safe. Concerns include that
booster seats are loose fitting and unstable that might not
adequately restrain a child in a crash, but these are

Children should stay in their car safety seat as long as
possible before moving to a booster seat. Once your child
reaches the upper weight or height allowed for your seat,
as listed on the label and instruction manual for the
seat), or his/her ears have reached the top of the seat,
it's time to move to the booster seat.

Booster seats, used in the back seat, are held in place by
the seatbelt, and used with the lap and shoulder belts,
just as an adult uses them. They are not tethered to the
car like a child car seat. High-back and backless booster
seats are available, and should be used until your child
can correctly fit in lap and shoulder seat belts. Never use
a booster seat with just a lap belt, as serious injury may

If your child was injured as the result of an ineffective
car seat, you may have a legal claim. Contact an unsafe
products or car crash attorney immediately for more

----------------------------------------------------, your source for everything legal on the web
is your complete legal information portal. Visit us at for information on contacting a
Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF) lawyer, or a
mesothelioma lawyer. Users can also go to to contact a auto-accident
lawyer in their area.