Friday, August 24, 2007

Strength Training For Weight Loss Is Possible!

Strength training for weight loss is not a tricky issue.
Sure, it's taken us women a few more years to wander over
to the free weight section, but that's because we tend to
associate strength training with weight gain.

Yikes! Muscle bound men lifting extremely heavy weights and
grunting. Not very inviting when you are looking to lose
fat, drop weight and tone up.

So is it possible for us to strength train, gain muscle,
and lose weight? It sure is. And here's a tip...if you can
count to 12, you can do it!

This article focuses on strength training for weight loss.
It is designed to give you guidance so that you can develop
your own strength training for weight loss routine.

Getting back to our strength training for weight loss
article... you're here because you are tired of all the
mis-information being spouted by Joe Schmo and Suzie Smack.
I'm glad you've found me and I'll tell you why- strength
training is the best way to lose weight and keep it off!

Let's take a look at how the strength training for weight
loss process works over and over again in thousands of
women like us.

I started training with a client named Joan. She was your
average, typical American woman. She worked full-time and
had two kids in grade school. Joan's schedule was packed
with baseball practice and dance classes...for her
kids...not her.

She rarely had time to work out, and honestly if she had
some free time she certainly didn't want to spend it
sweating and losing her breath.

Over the years Joan gained 45 pounds. She used to workout
at home a few years ago and even bought a treadmill with
every intention of using it. And she did, once or twice.
Now it takes up space and gathers dust.

I asked Joan if she would be willing to do the following:

- a strength training for weight loss program

- set realistic and tangible goals

- and count to 12 a few times a week.

She looked at me with an arched brow and said, "Sure." So
begins a strength training for weight loss success story.
Strength training for weight loss is simple and effective.

We began by measuring her fitness levels.

It was essential for us to see exactly where Joan was
starting from because in a few short weeks, she was going
to notice big time changes.

I wanted her to see first hand how successful she was about
to become by strength training for weight loss.

Armed with her fitness levels, Joan set her realistic and
tangible goal to lose 10-15 pounds by summer. That meant we
had two months to drop 10-15 pounds in a safe way.

No problem. We developed the correct strength training
routine for her, and she was off!

--Joan's Strength Training For Weight Loss Plan--

Joan worked with weights 2 days a week and cardio 3-4 days
a week. She was instructed to keep a log of her workouts
and to check-in.

Joan worked her muscles the proper way for weight loss. She
worked her entire body for the next two months.

Each set was 12 repetitions long. Her total workout time
was less than 60 minutes 4-5 times a week. Her cardio was a
mix of interval training and incline walking on her
existing treadmill.

In addition to her treadmill, Joan worked out using only
free weights and a stability ball. She did some running
outside too. All in all, Joan spent less than $200 to get
her new body and new outlook on life.

She reached her goals by summer. Simple. And you can do a
strength training for weight lost routine too!

--Recap And Roll!--

Strength training for weight loss adds a nice layer of pure
muscle. Lean, toned muscle. This lean muscle devours
calories. Even at rest!

The more muscle we have, the more calories our body uses.
The more calories our body uses, the more weight we lose.


+ Measure Your Fitness Levels

+ Work each muscle group several times/week

+ Do sets of 12 repetitions or pick another method that
suits you better.

+ Set realistic, tangible goals

+ Log Every Workout!

+ Stick with it, even when you don't want to. Make a
promise to yourself that you will begin to workout. If
after 5 minutes of working out you still want to quit, then
by all means take a rest. I can almost guarantee you that
you will continue on!

Lynn VanDyke is a master trainer and nutritionist focusing
on straight-forward fat loss workouts. Her wildly popular
ebook, Melt the Fat is available for immediate download.
Bonuses are being offered for a limited time only. Learn
more about Melt the Fat at

How To Lose Weight Without Hurting Yourself

Does panting on the treadmill give you nightmares? For
many, the prospect of losing weight can be a scary thing.
However, it's important to first understand that there are
many ways to lose weight, without having to exhaust oneself

Myths of weight loss:

There are some popular misconceptions associated with
weight loss. Before you actually start an exercise regimen,
it's important to remove all pre-conceived notions. We have
listed out some of the most popular ones:

Myth 1: Ab exercises flatten the stomach.

Fact: Ab exercises only tone and firm the lower layers of
stomach muscle. If you happen to have layers of fat above,
it won't make any difference. Therefore do aerobic
exercises to shed the fat.

Myth 2: Drinking water before exercise is harmful.

Fact: Water is essential to replenish fluids lost during
strenuous exercise. Therefore, drink water in equal amounts.

Myth 3: Eliminating fats helps shed weight faster.

Fact: Fats in small amounts can help you feel fuller during
the day. This avoids binging.

Myth 4: High protein, low carb diets burn fat faster.

Fact: Ingesting too much protein can result in high fat and
cholesterol levels in the body. Too many carbohydrates in
the diet can result in the formation of Ketones which lead
to kidney stones. The trick lies in a balanced diet.

Myth 5: One can lose weight no matter what one eats.

Fact: Not watching what's eaten can lead to alarming weight

Myth 6: Skipping meals burns fat quickly.

Fact: When you skip meals, your body goes into a
conservation mode where its metabolic rate starts dipping,
resulting in weight gains.

Myth 7: Weight training doesn't shed weight.

Fact: Weight training can actually be a great way to lose
weight in a short time span.

Myth 8: Consuming nuts and dairy products can be fattening.

Fact: If taken in small doses, nuts can actually be good
for health.

Myth 9: Counting calories isn't really necessary.

Fact: It is absolutely necessary to keep track of
everything you eat "" right from sugar to tea or even

Myth 10: Salads are a great health snack.

Fact: Yes salads are great but not with the fatty dressing.

Cardio to help shed fat It has been clinically proven that
cardio exercise is your one and only ticket to effective
and quick fat loss. Cardio exercises involve any form of
exercise that raises heart rate to higher levels.
Especially when it comes to fat loss goals, the higher the
intensity, the greater the chances of your slimming down

Why high intensity cardio is so great There are many
reasons why cardio helps shed weight fast:

- High intensity cardio rapidly raises your metabolic rate
- This increased metabolic rate remains at the same rate
even after exercise - Increases lean muscle mass which
contributes to increased resting metabolic levels

Other benefits include:
- Greater lung strength
- Strengthens your heart
- Improves blood circulation.

Timing and its impact The best time of the day for any
cardio exercise is early in the morning, before you've had
any breakfast. This is because in the morning hours, muscle
and liver glycogen levels are really low. This means that
with lower blood sugar levels, your chances at burning fat
at this time is much more than later in the day.

Top 5 cardio exercises to shed fat If you think a 30 minute
morning walk at moderate pace will help, then you're wrong.
While it certainly will help you lose more calories over a
period of time, if you're looking for fat loss - you need
something extra!

1.Jump rope: On an average if you jump rope for 15 minutes
you burn 174 calories!

2.Swimming: The forward crawl stroke seems to burn fat the
best and it's also non-impact.

3.Sprinting: It will burn tons of calories, beats fat like
none other and reduces stress and tension in the body.

4.Step aerobics: Burns a whopping 400 calories in a 30
minute time span.

5.Cycling: It exhausts carbohydrate reserves in the body
resulting in enhanced metabolic rates.

Discover Zrii, the next generation nutrition: Visit our blog at:

Repairing Your Teeth: The Dental Implant

Five years ago I was faced with the daunting task of
finding a Beverly Hills dentist near where I lived to
figure out how much money my teeth would cost me to repair
after about ten to fifteen years of neglect. I had been a
smoker, and didn't floss. I had helped my own Mother spend
about 10k on her mouth about five years before she died –
and I decided that if I accomplish this task some twenty
five years earlier – in my fifties – I would have at least
that much longer to enjoy the results of the money I will
have spent on my dental restoration.

Around this same time I received a marketing call from a
Los Angeles dentist who promised free teeth bleaching and
whitening if I came in for a consultation. A perfect
solution, as I knew that having quit smoking, this might
just be the trick to make my teeth look better and keep
cigarettes out of my mouth in the future. I took the
plunge and went in to one of the offices owned by Los
Angeles-based Dr. Bijan Afar, an oral surgeon. I also
looked him up on the Internet using the words, "cosmetic
dentist los angeles."

My teeth required deep cleaning which could only be done
one half of the mouth at a time, and would also require
irrigation with antibiotics afterwards to help my gums
heal. I learned that I would require an implant to replace
a decaying baby tooth, which had never come out. Several
molars would require crowns, as would my three front teeth.
I had dental crowns on my two front teeth since an
accident in high school, and since dental veneers were new
back then, I had one put over a crack in an eye tooth in my
late twenties. And thanks to years of chewing, my chompers
were not as straight as in my youth.

The first step in my treatment plan was to put crowns on
three of my molars. Sometimes referred to as caps, this
procedure covers teeth that have been severely damaged,
decayed, chipped, discolored or misaligned. The procedure
required two visits per crown.

Just about as I was ready to have the front teeth done, I
got a tooth infection in that baby molar and it had to go.
Prior to the tooth being pulled, Dr. Afar gave me
antibiotics, and the extraction went smoothly. He packed my
tooth and sent me home with a prescription for pain killer
to soothe the pain that night, as well as his cell phone
number in case I needed to talk to him.

An expert in dental implants in Los Angeles, Dr. Afar then
planted the post deep into my jaw bone, first grafting some
synthetic bone powder onto the bone to build up lacking
bone tissue. This would eventually serve as the foundation
for the screw in implant tooth. Healing time? Three
months. Depending on the patient, dental implants can take
anywhere from several months to a year or more.

As an oral surgeon, Dr. Afar carefully explained the
procedure. The height and width of your jawbones are
measured to make sure there's enough bone to hold the
implant. Next the gums are examined for signs of
periodontal gum disease, and in cases where this is present
they must be treated first before implants can be placed.
Gums are also checked to make sure there's enough firm
tissue to surround the implant. Imaging tests are also part
of the dental evaluation, making it possible to learn more
abut the quantity and quality of bone in the mouth, and to
view parts of the mouth and head that cannot be seen during
an examination.

Dr Afar explained possible risks and complications
including a bleeding gum, infection, and failure of the
implant where the jawbone doesn't fuse to the implant, and
possible injury to the adjacent teeth or sinus, nerves or
muscles. He explained the importance of good hygiene during
the entire implant process.

The next step was to fit what's called the prosthesis, or
the new tooth. Depending on how many teeth are missing, you
may have a single, partial or complete prosthesis. I just
needed a single, while a partial is used as an alternative
to a bridge. There is also a complete denture prosthesis,
used as an alternative to a traditional complete denture –
and these come as either removable or fixed complete

Next Dr. Afar placed the healing abutment, one of two kinds
that are used. Healing abutments also known as healing
cuffs, help the gum tissue from the removed tooth heal
around the implant site. Once the gum has healed, the final
abutment is placed so that the prosthesis can be joined
with the implant. It took about 4 to 6 weeks for the gums
to heal around the abutments.

Once the gums have healed around the abutments, Dr Afar
began making the custom prosthesis, requiring several
office visits. When ready, he fit my fixed prosthesis, made
adjustments, and told me not to eat crunchy or hard foods
for several weeks.

Today I am very happy with the comfort of the new teeth in
my mouth including the crowns and my dental implant. I have
since had my front upper eye tooth crowned, and my teeth
whitened. I now have a full set of beautiful whiter teeth.
The only thing remaining is the crowns of my two front
teeth – which I hope to have by Christmas of this year.

Kristin Gabriel is a Los Angeles-based writer and PR
professional,while her oral surgeon, Dr. Bijan Afar is also
based in Los Angeles, and owns five clinincs. For more
informaiton, visit .

The Diet Industry Doesn't Care If You Lose Weight!

In the Western cultures, we are bombarded by advert after
advert promoting this healthy eating food, or this gym, or
that celebrity's new fitness video / diet program / recipe
book / miracle weight loss program. The images are
everywhere, together with a press that extols the virtues
of being so thin you look ill.

"Weight Loss Help" is at hand, bleats the diet industry,
"Just buy our product" ... but does the diet industry have
your best interests at heart?

The simple answer is a highly resounding NO, they do not.

They have only one interest, and that is money. Money to
make profits, to pay their shareholders. The diet industry
has minimal interest in you losing weight and ABSOLUTELY NO
INTEREST in you keeping the weight off. Just think about
it. If people actually lost weight using their products
and kept it off, what would happen to their profits and
business? It would be decimated!

The diet industry needs dieters to keep buying and
consuming their products so they can make fat profits to
pay their shareholders with.

The real problem with the diet industry is that in order to
make maximum profits they need to cut their costs down to a
bare minimum. And they do this by padding out food with
fillers and cheap components.

One of the first things to go in diet products is sugar.
Refined sugars are bad for us, which is perfectly true,
they are. However, instead of putting in a decent, healthy
alternative (such as Stevia) the diet industries put in
artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame.

Now, you may say, "But it's not sugar so it's healthier" or
"It's FDA approved" or any other pre-programmed component.
Let me tell you what aspartame is - it's a neuro-toxin,
plain and simple. To make this even easier to understand -
it kills your brain! It's dangerous! Aspartame is already
banned in numerous countries with many more considering a
ban, yet it still appears in diet foods particularly in the
USA and UK.

Even worse, aspartame will actually sabotage your diet as
it seems to make people crave carbohydrates. If you are
dieting and are after weight loss help then avoid aspartame.

One of the big diet industry fillers is wheat. The diet
industry love padding out food with wheat protein because
it is cheap! And cheap means more profit! An awful lot of
people have a wheat intolerance to some degree, and this
tends to cause bloating and the feeling of being fat, which
doesn't help your diet and doesn't help you feel any

So all in all, the diet industry doesn't have your best
interests at heart. They want to you stay miserable and
fat because then you contribute more to their profits!

What can you do to get weight loss help? Learn about
eating a healthy, balanced diet and low-glycemic products.
Search, search, and search, about all the market options in
the market. Remember, after all, its your health.

Find more information about healthy low-glycemic products