Friday, October 5, 2007

How You Can Train Your Hormones To Lose Unwanted Belly Fat

How You Can Train Your Hormones To Lose Unwanted Belly Fat
Maybe you are a new mom or maybe you've hit menopause and
your body hasn't bounced back like you feel it should. One
of the reasons this happens is that your hormones fluctuate
causing an imbalance. Also, other factors like eating too
much, and not exercising enough can contribute to this as
well. Many women want to know how to lose belly fat and
other problem areas like hips, glutes, and thighs.

The latest research shows that women can train their bodies
in a way that their hormones will respond in helping lose
that stubborn belly fat. When you learn to train your body
the right way, you train your hormones.(which include
insulin, cortisol, growth hormone, glucagon and much more)
Especially, cortisol which is a hormone that is produced
when you are stressed. I see this in many women as they
feel overwhelmed with the day to day life either being a
new mom or aging.

First let's address what doesn't work. The old way of
thinking is doing a set of bicep curls then rest for a
minute and do another. This is very ineffective training
when your goal is to take control of your body and develop
a sculpted physique and shed that stubborn body fat.
Another ineffective method of training is what has been
called super slow training, pushing and pulling weight at a
very slow rate. This doesn't do anything to train your
hormones because it simply doesn't elicit a big enough
shift in your body, (such as growth hormone-that builds
lean muscle) to turn your body into a fat-burning machine.
Another ineffective way is walking on the treadmill or just
leisurely walking. Too much steady state cardio will in
fact produce too much cortisol which is exactly what you
don't want. Many women still think that cardio is the best
way to lose belly fat and inches and this is definitely not
true. Especially if you are on a low calorie diet which
will compound the problem, shutting your metabolism down
and producing more hormonal fluctuations that take you away
from a lean body

So what can you do to effectively train your hormones for
fat loss?

It's called Metabolic Training. This is where you are
mixing up various methods of training all in one to produce
some incredible hormonal shifts in your body. An example
segment of this type of workout is the following:

Flat dumbbell press (8-12 reps) make sure the weight is
challenging. Rows with pulley bands (alternate feet and do
10 fast reps on each side) Treadmill sprints (30-60 sec
intervals) Repeat 3-4 times- no rest is taken in between
the sets

This is only part of the workout and believe me once you
train like this you won't want to go back to your old
routine. These workouts, in conjunction with the right fat
loss program, gives you 2x your fat burning results than an
ordinary program would. Too many women become frustrated
losing the extra body fat after having kids or when they
have reached menopause. The secret is having the right
information, in the right order, and applying to achieve
your fat loss goals.

Heather Picken, Female Fat Loss Expert, and Co-Founder Of
Fat Loss For Women online community. Learn the secrets to
losing unwanted belly fat and inches with these metabolic
workouts and more by signing up for the fat burning updates
and receive your FREE copy of "Blast Cellulite Now"

Don't Let an Injury Sabotage Your Exercise Goals

Don't Let an Injury Sabotage Your Exercise Goals
Can you relate to this scenario? After putting it off for
too long, you commit to Get Fit-only to find yourself
injured the minute you start working out. All of the sudden
your fitness goals go back on the shelf and you are left to
deal with the pain.

Whether your injury occurs right off the bat or after years
of regular workouts the result is always the same. It is
discouraging, painful and downright depressing. And since
studies suggest that up to 38% of all exercisers suffer
from an injury each year, it is a subject worth exploring.

Top 3 Workout Injuries

The following three ailments occur commonly among active
people. Let's explore the cause of each and then detail
your very own injury prevention plan-because let's face it,
you simply don't have time to spend nursing and injury (and
losing all that progress you had made).

1. Strain / Pulled Muscle: occurs when a tendon (connects
muscle to bone) or muscle is stretched or torn. If you
suffer from a strain you will feel pain and swelling in the
muscle belly, or loss of function if the strain occurred in
a tendon. Many strains occur as the result of an improper
warm-up and insufficient stretching.

2. Sprain: occurs when a ligament (connects bone to bone)
is stretched or torn. While this can happen to any ligament
in your body, the most common placements of sprains are in
the ankle, wrist and knee. Often this injury will happen
suddenly as the ligament is stretched beyond its normal
limit, usually during a fall or other acute trauma.

3. Low Back Pain: it is said that 80% of the population
will experience back pain at some point in their lives-and
the list of causes is as diverse as the sufferers
themselves. Here are the main reasons for workout related
back pain:

* Improper form: Similar to bad posture, using improper
form while performing weight bearing exercises will leave
your back sore and aching. The good news is that once your
form is corrected this pain should subside after a healing

* Weak muscles: If you have a desk job then chances are
your deep back muscles are inactive and unconditioned. When
you start an exercise program, but fail to properly
strengthen these muscles, the result is often an aching

* Strained muscles: Not to pick on that desk job, but
another result of sitting all day is tight back muscles.
When these muscles are not properly warmed up and stretched
before exercise begins, muscle strains occur.

Your 5-Step Injury Prevention Plan

Injuries don't have to slow you from meeting your fitness
goals. The following 5 steps will dramatically reduce your
chance of injury and if you do find yourself injured, but
have been following these 5 steps, your recovery will be
quick and efficient.

1. Stretch
What is more boring than stretching? You want to exercise,
not sit around touching your toes-right? Even though it
isn't exciting, stretching is the best way to increase
muscle elasticity and durability. Tight muscles are big
contributors to strains-remember? Take the time to stretch
everyday before and after your workout to stave off injury.

2. Warm Up
Preparing for your workout should not begin and end with
putting on your gym clothes. Your muscles need to be coaxed
into motion by way of a 10-15 minute warm up in order to
prepare them for injury-free use. Cold muscles are less
elastic and are therefore more prone to tears.

3. Proper Gear
For most fitness enthusiasts proper gear has everything to
do with their shoes. Don't be fooled-not just any shoe will
do. Find shoes that offer support and traction for your
exercise of choice, and make sure that they aren't too
tight or too loose. If you are prone to ankle injuries then
try a pair of high-tops for extra support.

4. Lifestyle
Stop for a moment and think about your car-if you don't
maintain it with regular tune ups, oil changes and quality
fuel then you can't expect it to perform well on the road.
The same applies to your body. Getting healthy amounts of
sleep, eating well balanced meals and staying hydrated will
all contribute to your performance during exercise. The
healthier your lifestyle is the less likely you are to
suffer an injury.

5. Condition
This may seem like the most obvious step to injury
prevention, but unfortunately it is the most overlooked.
People who keep their bodies in top condition by exercising
regularly and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are the least
likely to injure themselves. When exercise programs are
started and stopped sporadically your muscles are most
likely to become injured.

Machelle Lee owns and operates The Invisible Gym in Santa
Cruz, CA. Her mission is to inspire people to become
physically active and enjoy the benefits of a balanced,
healthy lifestyle. For more information and questions you
can visit her website.

Overcome the Weight Loss Plateau

Overcome the Weight Loss Plateau
You have been to the gym, started a new weight loss program
and have seen some pounds drop! Two months later you find
yourself stagnant, working harder and losing less weight.
Well, you've hit a plateau. A weight loss plateau usually
occurs within about a month or two of starting a
reduced-calorie diet, and/or fitness program and may
reoccur from time to time thereafter. During such a
plateau, weight reduction stops completely or slows down to
almost nothing. Your body's reaction is to maintain a state
of homeostasis, regulating its internal environment to
maintain a stable condition. This doesn't mean that you
will never lose the weight you want or look the way you
would like, but it does show that your body occasionally
will provide some resistance. Your body, in response to
this new stimulus you have created with your health and
fitness program, has adjusted. It is getting used to the
increased activity and changes in the calorie intake level
and the natural instinct to conserve. Your body has become
more efficient and doesn't need to use as many calories as
it had in prior workouts.

In terms of food, here are some reasons you may hit the
weight loss plateau. A plateau may occur because your body
simply wants a "rest" to cope with your calorie-reduction;
or your calorie-intake is in balance with your calorie
expenditure; or you have reduced your calorie-intake too
low. If you find a plateau occurring in your workouts,
your routine may be stale and repetitive. Or you could
possibly be overtraining and not allowing your body to get
sufficient rest.

Here are tips for busting through a plateau and moving
forward with getting great results.

Try to be patient. Your weight loss plateau will disappear,
I promise. But it typically takes anything between 1-4

Rest. If you are experiencing signs of overtraining or
seem to be in a rut, take sometime off. Maybe take a few
days or even a week. You may find your body rejuvenated
and ready to respond to your fitness program. Change your
routine. If you have become comfortable in your workouts,
change them.

Don't do the same thing every week. Change the exercise
sequence by mixing up the order during a workout. Change
the variables by shortening your rest time between sets or
adding more reps (if you normally do 10 reps, lighten the
weight and do 15-20 reps) for a week. Or change the
equipment. Move from the treadmill to the stairmaster or
move from dumbbells to resistance tubing.

Don't be afraid to increase the intensity. Its easy to
become comfortable with our intensity level. Don't be
afraid to add more weight, or increase the speed during
your cardio workout.

Your body will adapt to the stimulus you place on it. If
you find yourself comfortable with your fitness program,
you may find a plateau right around the corner. When this
happens, take to time to rest and re-evaluate what you are
doing, and make some adjustments. You should then be back
on the road to great fitness results.

About The Author: Charles Carter, BS in Exercise Science is
President of LIVE, llc of -
visit the website for more information on weight loss, core
fitness programs, optimal diets, and online personal
trainer and dietician services. For more information on
products go to
fm .

Yoga-Peace At Last

Yoga-Peace At Last
Several months ago, I attended a conference in Florida to
work with a wonderful group of people in the medical and
related health fields. We were all together because of our
interest in different ways to treat the obesity epidemic.
After the conference, a number of us decided to take a
break and sit outside to enjoy the afternoon sun. We talked
about many topics, including our children, the work we were
doing, how some of us loved doing yoga, and, of course,
food. Being the only nutritionist in the group, the
conversation eventually turned, as it often does, to
dieting and weight control.

Several of the women had been on and off Weight Watchers
for years. It is a wonderful program, and they liked going
to meetings because of the support it offers, the
flexibility and all the choices they can make. One woman's
story really struck me:

She said she had once lost 40 pounds on this program, and
during this time was also regularly doing yoga. She also
found she had the ability to get into the meditative
practices of yoga, which is difficult to attain. She also
enjoyed practicing many of the postures, or asanas. More
importantly, she said that during this time, she was
experiencing such confidence in herself that she was able
to drive past fast food places without feeling the need to
stop and get something to eat. She sounded as though this
was a very peaceful time for her, not just with her weight,
but in her life.

Unfortunately, as often happens, the woman eventually
gained back all of the weight (along with a few additional
pounds) and she stopped practicing yoga. I found the
combination of the two (practicing yoga and losing weight)
quite interesting and I spoke to her about this. I
suggested that she worry less about the "food" part and
consider adding the yoga back into her life. Most of us
have a very good idea of what it means to "eat healthy,"
what we need to do in order to lose weight. Folks who have
been to Weight Watchers are well-educated as to the various
acceptable choices they can make, and which foods they can
prepare. The woman admitted she did already knew all of

I suggested that she focus on rebuilding time for yoga
first. The meditation, the postures, and the different yoga
sequences would make her feel at peace with her body. Yoga
always gives me a sense that, regardless of my weight, I
can feel good in my body. Yoga is not only about being
flexible in your body. It's about increasing flexibility,
building strength and endurance, physically AND emotionally.

I know that once this woman starts practicing yoga again,
she will be able to permanently lose the weight. Not
focusing on food while focusing on increasing activity
improves one's overall health and well-being.

When you are at peace with your body, it's much easier to
be at peace with food!

For free tips to becoming At Peace With Food™, articles,
and links to nutritional resource websites, visit

How To Use A Tanning Bed For The Perfect Tan While Staying Safe

How To Use A Tanning Bed For The Perfect Tan While Staying Safe
Tanning beds are beds which are used in tanning the skin
and it is considered by many people as a perfect way of
tanning the skin. It protects you from ultra-violet rays or
else it can be like a cooling system which makes you feel
hot when you are getting tanned.

Generally, people love to get tanned as they like the
bronze look. A good tan can also make you look healthy. You
might be in shock at how tanning can be healthy but this
can be achieved if tanning beds are used in the perfect
way, so that it might not damage your skin.

Generally, people do not know the difference between
tanning in the bed and tanning in the salon or tanning on
the beach. People consider it as a same but they are very

Although it is very simple to use tanning beds, any
individual who is seeking to get a tan in a tanning bed
must first get a base tan. This type of bed should be deep
and must be lower than the surface. You must use sun beds
safely and also plan for how long you have to stay in the
sun bed. If you have no knowledge about it, you must get
the correct information about the hours needed for tanning
depending on your skin tone.

The people who have fair skin and want to be tanned should
limit the exposure of ultraviolet rays that are emitted by
the tanning bed; they are the same as those which are
emitted by the sun. Since ultraviolet rays are very strong
and rigorous in tanning beds, it is very important for the
customer to keep the visits very short. It is one of the
most important things to be kept in mind while using
tanning bed. Another most important thing to take into
consideration is whenever using tanning beds one must use
goggles to protect the eyes from any danger from
ultraviolet rays.

Another thing that is kept in mind is to use lotions. Moist
skins tans better than dry skin. Generally people don't
moisturize enough as by moisturizing the skin you can slow
down the exfoliation process.

By taking all these precautions you will surely get a good
tan, so for this it is important to get the proper
moisturizer such as tyrosine, or we can also call it as
amino acid which helps in controlling pigmentation on the
skin and also helps in keeping your body level melanin for
a longer period of time.

The other important thing that should be kept in the mind
is that you must keep the visits for tanning very short as
ultraviolet radiation can cause skin cancer. It is
advisable that one should not take more than 10 sessions in
total and shouldn't exceed more than two sessions in a year.

Richard Adams is the founder of Tanning Bed Finance which
aims to provide information and advice on how to finance
your purchase of a new tanning bed. Visit him today at:


If you are experiencing mood swings, hot flashes, stress,
cramps, and PMS, you need the calming effect of
chasteberry. For menstrual and reproductive health,
chasteberry is taken in capsule form. Women in their
reproductive years will get relief from premenstrual
symptoms, and have a healthy sex drive. In men, this will
support healthy progesterone levels. The herb is combined
with other herbs to produce the desired results. For women
entering into menopause, the herb in cream formulation will
help minimize the discomfort brought about by hot flashes.
Using the cream in small amounts on the body morning and
evening for 21 days will regulate the monthly periods. The
berry is also used to treat endemetriosis in women.
Overall, the herb can promote better sleep, concentration,
cellular support, digestion, and increase energy levels.

Chasteberry is a potent ingredient in medications for
fibroid cysts, help clear acne disorders, and even prevent
miscarriages in pregnant women. Chasteberry contain
flavoniods, iridoid, terpenoids and glycosides. The action
of these compounds on the pituitary glands and the
production of the luteinizing hormone create a positive
effect on women's periods; it is also believed that this
hormone can help infertile women conceive. As a fertile
aid, it will restore the hormonal balance while promoting
the health of the reproductive system. If you use this as
an aid for fertility, follow the directions prescribed.

The use of chasteberry was made popular by a German
pharmaceutical firm in the 1950s. It has become a regular
prescription for premenstrual syndromes. The body produces
prolactin. During pregnancy this is a natural occurrence.
However, when it is produced to high levels in women who
are not pregnant; it will cause painful breast tenderness.
Chasteberry suppresses the release of prolactin from the
pituitary gland, eliminating this pre-menstrual syndrome
affecting millions of women. Women have resorted to this
natural drug when their menses have stopped. However,
women are advised to see a physician as there may be
underlying causes for the cessation of the menses during
the reproductive years.

The berry is native to the Mediterranean regions. The
berry is the fruit of the chaste tree, which is a small
shrub with blue flowers. The shrub grows to a height
between 1 to 5 meters. It thrives well under full sun and
partial shade. The dark berries are picked when ripe
between the months of October and November. Before these
are processed, these are dried under the sun. For
medications, the fleshy part of the berry is used. The
berries contain glycocides, flavonids, and essential oils.
The berry was used for centuries to cure menstrual cramps
and pains. In the modern times, studies showed that there
was no adverse effect on women taking chasteberry-based
medication. Chasteberry supplements are available in
tablets, tea, cream, and tincture forms. The benefits of
the berry fruit of the chaste shrub cannot be ignored. It
would do well to take the supplements to calm pains and
cramps as well improve sexual vigor. Side effects such as
stomach upsets in rare cases may be experienced.

Patricia McDougall B.Sc. is a Chartered Herbalist and
graduate of the Dominion Herbal College, British Columbia,
Canada. Originally from Peru, Patricia is the Director of
Research and Development for Amazon Botanicals LLC of
Newark Delaware.

Eating Red Chiles Make you Healthier

Eating Red Chiles Make you Healthier
With fall's arrival, green chiles ripen to become red. The
amazing phenomenon is that the nutrition also changes. In
green chiles the flesh is very rich with Vitamin C, whereas
when the slant of the sun signals Fall-the flesh becomes
very rich with Vitamin A, the sight vitamin.

Eating chiles-any type, red or green arms oneself with
myriads of healthful properties. Studies have shown that
if people eat chiles 24 out of every 30 or so days in a
month-they are much healthier. Jin Y. Kang, MD of the
National University of Singapore studied the effects of
chiles on digestion.

"Kang discovered that ulcer-free patients ate 2.6 times
more chile than those with ulcers. The ulcer-free patients
ate chile more often-24 times per month, compared with 8
times per month for those with ulcers."

Another report in the Nutrition Reporter by Jack Challem
"People suffering from ulcers are usually warned to avoid
spicy foods. But new research suggests that capsaicin is
the opposite-that capsaicin might actually protect against
peptic ulcers."

The seasonal cold and flu season brings another reason to
enjoy indulging in chiles. Chiles cure colds-even the
ancients knew this. John Heinerman's book, the Healing
Benefits of Cayenne, published in 1997 reflects that a
Mayan Curandera or Medicine Woman recommended a combination
of the local sour orange juice combined with a pinch of
cayenne. This was drunk and gargled and cured the flu
symptoms in 24 hours.

In New Mexico, a major chile growing state, the red chiles
are dried for future use. Traditionally they were dried in
space saving strings or ristras. These allowed the sun to
evenly reach all of the chiles. Once dried, they are best
kept cool or even refrigerated or frozen for later cooking.

Grinding the chiles has become a popular and space saving
method for storing chiles. They are then best stored
chilled in the refrigerator or freezer.

If it is hard to gain the healthful properties of eating
chiles-try keeping a small bowl of crushed or ground chiles
on the dinner table. Sprinkle on foods instead of black
pepper or in addition-a little bit goes a long way towards
better health and they are an amazing flavor accent.
Crushed chiles coupled with fresh lime wedges are great on
nearly anything.

Another way to add chiles to your diet is to create a chile
tea or tisane for days when you are not eating chiles.
Steep ground red chiles in hot water until the color of the
water is a deep red hue, then strain and reserve the chile
water. To serve hot or cold, add honey and lemon, lime or
vinegar to taste

Jane Butel, the first to write about Southwestern cooking,
has published 18 cookbooks, several being best sellers.
She operates a full-participation weekend and week long
vacation cooking school, an on-line school which teaches
"All About Chiles", conducts culinary tours and
team-building classes.

Ignore The Small Things And Spend Time On Action

Ignore The Small Things And Spend Time On Action
Have you ever wanted to start to get in shape but found the
task overwhelming? It happens to the best of us I can
assure you. What fitness program should you start with?
What foods do you need to buy? Where should you workout?
That stuff is thinking and results only come from action.

Most self-help gurus will recognize this as analysis
paralysis. It happens in fitness too. I've seen people put
their fitness programs on pause because they didn't have
any plates less than 2.5 pounds and that month's fitness
magazine said that they were very important to progress.

Hogwash. You know what's important to progress? Getting
started. Taking some action.

They little plates are cool and serve a purpose but I have
never used on in my life. Just stick with the weight until
you get the reps you are supposed on that set. Then on the
next workout, increase your weight by the smallest weight
(usually 2.5's). Your reps will drop of course, but that is
all part of the plan. Stay at this weight until you hit
your top end reps again. Rinse and repeat!

I've seen people that haven't moved their weights up in
months because they are working on the "mind muscle
connection". Well that's fantastic and important too, but
muscles respond to increasing demands. Once in a while, you
just want to go for it. Let your form slide a little and
see how much effort you can output. You want to watch that
you don't let chasing "perfect form" keep you handling
weights that are not heavy enough to cause any change. It's
a balance of form and controlled aggression. Switch it up
once in a while.

Have you ever put your fitness program on hold because you
are going on a vacation? The rational is that since you
can't eat perfectly and train perfectly, what's the point?

When I travel, I always look for steamed veggies, salads,
chicken breasts and steaks at a restaurant. If I don't see
them, I ask for them. Most time, I go for a Cesar salad.
It's better than fries. When I am really trying to stay
strict, I go for a fish and rice combo or chicken and

Another favorite of mine is a steak sandwich and then I
toss the bread and order a side salad. Also, I always bring
my shaker cup and a zip lock of protein powder. In my
luggage I bring the bucket. If you want to see customs lose
their minds, then throw a hand held blender in there. Crazy
I know, but don't you want to look crazy good?

What about gyms on vacation? Listen, you can do pushups,
chin-ups and squats in a closet. There is always a way to
get some action when traveling.

Spend your time on actions, because that will produce
results, not keep you from starting. Don't let the small
things like, what color your training journal should be
keep you from starting. Write it on the back of your hand,
but go to the gym!

Its great to spend time on attention to detail. It really
is, because that is where efficiency comes into play. The
one thing you need to remember however is that "You can
never hit a target no matter how long you spend aiming, if
you never pull the trigger."

Now go get at it. The only thing between you and your goals
is pushing the first rep.

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