Monday, February 4, 2008

The Secret Of A Successful Cosmetic Surgery Consultation

The Secret Of A Successful Cosmetic Surgery Consultation
There are many people who chose to arrive at their cosmetic
surgery consultation un-prepared for this valuable meeting.
We want to give you the tools and tips to having a
successful consultation with your cosmetic surgeon.
Cosmetic surgery can improve many parts of the body as well
as boost the self-confidence of the thousands of women who
suffer from living a life hiding behind their clothes..

It does not matter if you have had children or not, many
women have parts of their body that cause them
embarrassment and anxiety at some point. It can be at home,
getting out of the shower and you catch a glimpse of
yourself in the mirror, shopping with friends, at the beach
or pool in the summer, or even with your significant other.
For many women, they don't even get dressed or undressed in
front of their boyfriend or husband because they are so
embarrassed about how they look.

There are key questions you need to ask yourself so that
you have a good understanding of your body, and what you
want to achieve.

The four key questions to ask yourself before seeing your
cosmetic surgeon are:

1. Which area (or areas) is a problem for me?

2. How and when does this bother me?

3. What do I want to change?

4. What is important to me about doing that?

Take some time and reflect upon these key questions, and
answer honestly. You need to know what exactly bothers you,
when, and what you want so that you can share this with
your cosmetic surgeon. When they are clear on what you
want, it helps them to give your recommendations that are
aligned with what it is that you are hoping to achieve.

After you have answered those key questions the next factor
to success is choosing a cosmetic surgeon who is
board-certfid by The American Board of Plastic Surgery.
Becoming a licensed, board-certifiedphysician means meeting
the most rigorous training and continuing education offered
in the field of medicine.

This certification proves that they have successfully
completed approved training and have passed an evaluation
process assessing their ability to provide quality patient
care in their specialty. Board certification is
time-limited, and to maintain their certification, doctors
are periodically reevaluated.

Board certification is a good indication that your doctor
has made a commitment to continuing education and is
keeping up with the latest findings in his or her field.

By having a good understanding of what is important to you,
and being prepared, there is a greater chance that you will
have the outcome you have been dreaming of!

The Avalon Clinic for Cosmetic Surgery is located in
Lakewood and Olympia, Washington. Each of our surgeons is
Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery
and has over 20 years of experience. Patient safety and
satisfaction is our #1 goal. Our art is to help patients'
look and feel their best. The Avalon Clinic wants you to
know that It Is Possible! Contact us at or call 1-800-408-4444!

Physiotherapy to Help Pain Management

Physiotherapy to Help Pain Management
Chronic pain, especially in the back and in the head,
plagues a large percent of the populace. This painful
condition might be traced back to an injury or to a
disease. Whatever the cause, the anguish that it brings can
make one do almost anything to have relief and comfort.

Individuals suffering from this recurring malady usually
consult medical doctors for ways of alleviating the
agonizing pain that they feel. They often go through a
procedure which includes a series of tests to establish the
reason of the painful condition and of course the
prescription of medications to be taken by the patient.
Most of the medications prescribed can do wonders in
blocking the pain. Unfortunately, these medications also
have ensuing side effects. The consequences can be in the
form of damages in the organs like liver and kidneys, or it
can be an addiction to the medication. Anti-pain
medications such as Vicodin help alleviate the distressing
condition of the patient but it is also prone to abuse. An
individual can become dependent on these anti-pain
medications which make matters worse. This spurred doctors
to endorse a combination of medication and the use of
physiotherapy to counteract the problem of how to cope with

This has brought forth a growth of pain management clinics.
An option has been given to chronic pain sufferers.
Physiotherapy offers alternative ways to manage pain and
patients are given a choice to cope with the situation
without the after-effects of anti-pain medications.

Physiotherapy methods employed in pain management are quite
varied but the education component is always included.
Patients are not only introduced to techniques to handle
pain but also on how to prevent pain through some changes
in one's lifestyle. Most people afflicted with chronic
pain, excluding those whose conditions are results of
injuries and disease, may blame their situation to
inactivity, stress or poor posture. Thus, a modification
may be done on their diet by incorporating proper nutrition
in the education phase of the treatment program. Exercises
which will strengthen the body especially the core muscles
are also integrated. This will promote good posture which
is necessary in averting chronic pain disorders.

Hydrotherapy, another method used in physiotherapy, is a
bit easier on the body yet provides the same positive
outcome. Whirlpool treatments and hot and cold treatments
are very much related to hydrotherapy. These methods are
especially good for those patients with musculoskeletal
disorders. Ultrasound and electrical stimulation are also
effective in alleviating pain certain conditions. The use
of myotheraphy may also be of assistance in pain management.

Effective pain management entails a joint effort of the
physiotherapist and the patient. Other medical
practitioners play integral roles in the pain management
program but the physiotherapist works with the patient for
a longer period of time. The relief from pain brought about
by physiotherapy might not be as immediate as with the
intake of any oral medication but the effect is sustained.
It does only deal with the symptom but it addresses the
cause of the pain.

Thus, the inclusion of physiotherapy in a pain management
program provides for a healthier and safer way to cope with
chronic pain.

At last! For men and women who want quick, simple and
effective relief from pain...
"...Renegade Doctor Reveals How To Cure Your......"

Women and Their Nutrition...Very Important To All Of Us!

Women and Their Nutrition...Very Important To All Of Us!
Many of our readers asked for simple nutrition tips for
women. Women today are busier than ever before. Their
stress is exacerbated by today's fast paced, pre-packaged,
convenience based society and the toxins that come from
antibiotics and household cleaners. Iron-deficiency anemia
is very common in young women. Women need nutrition and
they need to be CLEAN from toxins. Here's a nutrition tip
for all women -- berries are your friends.

While women's role in the food chain is essential to
produce that all-important resource, food, it paradoxically
does not guarantee women even minimum levels of nutrition.
Women are often responsible for producing and preparing
food for the household, so their knowledge — or lack
thereof — about nutrition can affect the health and
nutritional status of the entire family. Women with
adequate stores of iron and other micronutrients are less
likely to suffer fatal infections and are more likely to
survive bleeding during and after childbirth. Women in
developing countries are also regularly deficient in
vitamin A, iodine, and energy. Women of child-bearing age
are recommended to take folic acid supplements and consume
a folic-rich diet. Women are also at higher risk for
developing osteoporosis (50 percent of women compared to 25
percent of men are expected to develop it in their
lifetimes) and need more calcium and Vitamin D to prevent
it. Studies showed that women with vitamin D insufficiency
absorb less than 10 percent of available calcium.

However, even among the poor, different groups of women are
affected differently by macro development policies, such as
the commercialization of agriculture or family planning.
The conflict between women's (economic) earning role and
(biological and social) mothering role results to some
degree in a squeeze on child care, with consequences for
child health and nutrition. While women will be mothers
too, motherhood is just one part of the inexorable life
cycle. This calls for intervention programs to be
bolstered by efforts to increase women's awareness,
self-confidence, and motivation to act. Men must be
educated about the cost to society of neglecting women and
the need for affirmative action for women, which arises
both from the fact of their greater work burden and their
unique reproductive roles. The issue of women's nutrition
status and roles is crucial to the proposal for nutrition
as a basic right for all in the 1990s, in which human
development goals are paramount over economic goals.
Programming for women's health must extend beyond their
role as mothers to encompass their non-reproductive and
work-related energy and health needs.

The nutrition tips for women broadcast on the news often
imply that nutrition may magically cure all kinds of
diseases. Sometimes we simply forgot that the basic role
of nutrition is to support what our bodies need. 1
nutrition tip for women is to regularly include iron-rich
foods such as meat, shellfish, beans and enriched cereals
in your diet. Among the consequences of this triple burden
of market production, home production, and reproduction are
high levels of protein-energy malnutrition and anemia among
women. The nutritional handicap accumulated in the life of
a woman is passed on to the next generation through low
birth weight, which considerably reduces survival and
jeopardizes growth. The ultimate constraint of time
affects the extent to which women can acquire nutritional
goods and services and allocate them to improving their own
well-being or that of their families. The best way to give
your body the balanced nutrition it needs is by eating a
variety of nutrient-packed foods every day. In some
respects, men and women have different nutritional needs,
largely due to differences in male and female hormones.

"If you look at the current federal dietary guidelines for
kids, there is no difference in nutritional needs for males
and females until age 9," says Elaine Turner, PhD, RD,
associate professor in the department of Food Science and
Human Nutrition at the University of Florida in
Gainesville. And women's unique role as the bearers of
children tends to drive their special nutritional needs.
If you need fewer calories, the calories you take in need
to pack a lot of nutritional punch. Using the berry plants
for both nutrition and medicine is one way that
traditionally-minded woman can continue to keep their
strength and health within the cycles of the creation.
Remember, too that although berry plants have much
nutritional value, they are only meant to supplement and
enhance a well-balanced diet.

Anemia is the most common form of malnutrition, afflicting
an estimated 47 percent of women worldwide, and anemia in
pregnancy is one of the leading causes of maternal death.
For maximum effect, improving women's nutrition should
begin long before pregnancy. Improving nutrition by
maintaining a healthy diet before and during pregnancy and
also during lactation can help to ensure adequate
gestational weight gain, prevent weight loss during
lactation, help strengthen the immune system, and delay HIV
disease progression. Good nutrition is important for all
pregnant and lactating women irrespective of their HIV
status. Ignorance about the symptoms of malnutrition, such
as the lethargy and depression caused by iron deficiency,
may be dismissed as "normal" or unimportant, further
exacerbating the problem. Addressing women's malnutrition
has a range of positive effects because healthy women can
fulfill their multiple roles — generating income,
ensuring their families' nutrition, and having healthy
children — more effectively and thereby help advance
countries' socioeconomic development. Well-nourished
mothers are more likely to have infants with healthy birth
weights, and such children are less likely to ever suffer
from malnutrition. Women are more likely to suffer from
nutritional deficiencies than men are, for reasons
including women's reproductive biology, low social status,
poverty, and lack of education. Adolescent girls are
particularly vulnerable to malnutrition because they are
growing faster than at any time after their first year of

The health & well-being of women in our society is a very
crucial one. Chuck Arnone will continue to pass along this
information, to enlighten those in need!

Common Sense for Making Health Care Decisions

Common Sense for Making Health Care Decisions
"I guess you don't think I should take antibiotics do you?"

As an alternative health care practitioner, this is a
question people sometimes ask, fully expecting me to say
that I don't think they should take antibiotics.  Actually,
I make no categorical judgments against antibiotics. Used
at the appropriate time, in the appropriate manner,
antibiotics can be an absolutely crucial part of a
improving your health and well-being.  The important point
is to figure out what the appropriate time and manner is
for you.

The way we approach our health and well-being is based
partially on the paradigm through which we view what it
means to be healthy, and how we achieve health. By
definition a paradigm is a pattern, model, mold, ideal, or
standard.  A paradigm is not made up of practices and
techniques (although certain practices and techniques may
seem more in alignment with particular paradigms).  A
paradigm is rather more like a particular way of being
which structures your thoughts and actions as you view
things from a particular point of view.  It is a way of
understanding and analyzing that defines how you view the
world, - even so far as what you think is possible.

Western medicine follows protocols based on a particular
paradigm about health which defines the actions, techniques
and practices that it deems most successful in achieving
health and welt-being.

For the most part, Western medicine prides itself on being
based on the scientific method. The scientific method is
generally thought to be superior to other paradigms because
it purports to be objective and free of personal,
subjective biases.  This objectivity is assumed to give a
more exact, truthful view of what's happening.  In order to
promote this independent view of reality, much effort goes
into following procedures that protect against subjective,
personal interpretation.  There is a reliance on machines
and technology to assure exact measurements, accurate
analysis and consistent repeatability.  Diagnostic testing,
technology and machine measurements are routinely trusted
over and above fallible human judgments.  The intellect is
honored above other ways of knowing because truth is seen
as fixed and replicable.  Analytical, linear thinking is
relied upon to reach the one exact cause of a problem and,
by eliminating that cause the problem, disease, or illness
can be eliminated.

Disease and illness are viewed as something that is either
broken and in need of being fixed, or as an invasion by
some dangerous outside agent, such as bacterial or germs,
which need to be eliminated. Health is defined as the
absence of disease.

In order to eliminate these dangerous elements, or fix the
broken part, cures that employ the strongest, most active
element, and are the most aggressive, are used to bring
about the eradication of the disease as quickly as
possible. Because these practices must be stronger and more
aggressive than the disease they are removing, they tend to
carry negative side effects that may be dangerous.  The use
of such cures, of course, requires a highly trained expert
to administer the prescribed program.

The protocols of Western Medicine are totally congruent
with this paradigm. The strongest, most active, most
aggressive methods are used for eradication. The effort to
win the battle in the fight over disease is a struggle for
survival. Western medicine is an excellent, effective
approach for emergency, life saving medicine - but these
strong, active and aggressive methods are not well suited
for rebuilding, recuperation and regeneration. Such
intensive techniques are definitely not to be refused and
abandoned because they do have an essential use in serious,
emergency and life threatening situations.

What If It's Not An Emergency Or A Life Threatening

A problem arises, however, when such practices and
techniques are used in situations that are not serious,
emergency and life threatening. How can you decide when it
is time for you to use such aggressive techniques?

There is a logical decision making process that you can
guide yourself through as you decide the level of treatment
and remedies you need in a particular circumstance.

This process is not a means of self diagnosis, nor is it
meant to replace the informed opinion of your chosen health
care practitioners.  But rather it is a set of guidelines
that empower you in understanding more about the choices
that you have available to you - and it is a decision
making checklist to move you through different levels of
treatment until you reach the point where you feel that you
are safely and effectively working with your condition.

Here is an orderly sequence of actions that can be applied
to health care situations which assists in safely deciding
which options to chose and when to chose them.

The Six Steps To Reasonable Health Care Decisions.

1 - The process begins with the creative step of returning
to the source of the problem, where self-correction can
take place.  During this time you might rest, sleep or
meditate.  It is a returning to the stillness and silence.
 Even emergency medical technicians are often trained to
simply be in the situation when they arrive at an emergency
site - if only for a second or two - before they begin to
assess the situation.

2 - From this point, you can proceed in an orderly fashion
through becoming informed about what's happening to you and
learning the pros and cons of your available options for
working with your specific condition.

3 - The next step  is to begin nourishing yourself and
regenerating, repatterning and rebuilding your body.

4 - Only after you have these steps in place do you look to
the possibility of resolving your condition by pushing
beyond the limits of your present state through stimulating
or sedating.

5 - If these actions do not bring about the desired
completion and integration, move into using remedies that
act in a more drug-like manner overriding the current
symptoms and giving the body time to be relieved of the
stress of the symptoms long enough to activate and employ
its own self-healing actions.

6 - The last step in the process would be to use techniques
that break across your normal boundaries and flow patterns
in the body.  These remedies are most often toxic to the
body because they directly intervene in the natural energy
flow of the body.  Surgery and chemotherapy are good
examples of this step.

Taking All The Steps You Need - How To Help Yourself.

In a safe and complete system of care, all of these steps
are addressed. If the actions are applied in sequence from
the beginning to the point where the problem is resolved
unnecessarily aggressive steps are avoided. Each step
builds an expanding foundation of resources for the body to
heal itself in the next step.

The steps are ordered according to the probability that
they are likely to result in negative side effects.
 Surgery and chemotherapy are more likely to create serious
side effects than is collecting information.  You set a
time limit that feels comfortable for you for moving from
one step to the next.

How quickly or slowly you move through the steps depends
upon the actual situation, your support system, past
experiences, your body of knowledge, and gut feelings.
 This creates a recognition of what your needs are for you
at the time and the level of intervention needed to correct
the problem.

It is not surgery or taking an antibiotic itself that is
likely to cause the most harm, but rather that these more
aggressive and potentially harmful actions would be used as
a first step without due consideration and the support
built into the proceeding steps.

By learning the intricacies of this decision making process
you help take away the guess work, confusion, fear and the
lack of power often present in health care decisions.

Mary Ann Copson is the founder of the Evenstar Mood &
Energy Wellness Center. With Master's Degrees in Human
Development and Psychology and Counseling, Mary Ann is a
Certified Licensed Nutritionist; Certified Holistic Health
Practitioner; Brain Chemistry Profile Clinician. Find your
Health, Wellness and Lifestyle Coach and reconnect to your
physical, emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual
natural rhythms at

7. Things you Seriously need to look at when Combating obesity...

7. Things you Seriously need to look at when Combating obesity...
It's fast becoming a problem in many corners of the world,
and perhaps most notably in the U.K.: Obesity. The numbers
are staggering. According to the BBC, almost a quarter of
the adults in the United Kingdom are obese, a fifty percent
increase over the last decade.

But, it doesn't stop there. One out of every six children,
between the ages of two and fifteen, are obese in the
United Kingdom compared to one in ten children a decade
ago. The bad news is obesity has been linked to such
diseases and illnesses as diabetes, hypertension, heart
problems, and blood clots. Studies have even found that
obesity can lead to a shortened life span.

The good news is you can fight obesity and learn to control
your weight if you're willing to commit yourself to it.
Following are several ways you can effectively control your

1. Set goals: What do you want to accomplish? Do you want
to add physical activity to your schedule? Do you want to
cut out the fatty and sugary foods? Set your goals for
losing weight before you do anything else.

2. Exercise regularly. The fact is only 40 percent of men
in the United Kingdom and 28 percent of women exercise a
minimum of a half an hour each week. Exercise is essential
to weight loss and to maintaining your ideal weight.
Exercising can be as simple as walking instead of taking
the bus. Talk with your physician to devise an exercise
regiment that is best for your needs.

A word of caution: Before you adjust your diet or begin a
regular exercise regiment, be sure that you consult your
physician first to determine how many calories a day you
should intake and to ensure that you are healthy enough to
begin exercising.

3. Drink plenty of water. Cut out the sugary drinks and
those drinks that contain caffeine - both also contain
plenty of fat. The general rule of thumb is to drink eight
glasses of water a day.

4. Create a meal plan. Some medical experts advise, rather
than eating three meals a day, eating small meals
throughout the day. Talk with your doctor to determine what
is best for your individual needs.

5. Surround yourself by those who support you. Combating
obesity and losing weight isn't easy, and it's essential
that you have a strong support system. In addition to
friends and family who support you, you may also want to
consider finding a support group in your local community.
Support groups are an excellent means of sharing the ups
and downs of weight loss with others who are going through
the same thing.

6. Keep a daily journal documenting how you've dealt with
food each day: For example, write down what you ate, how
you felt before you ate, and how you felt after you ate. A
daily journal will help you identify behaviours you want to
avoid (i.e. overeating because you're upset) and will
ensure you remain focused on your goals.

7. Diet Correctly. The word diet strikes fear in the heart
of many of us, but diet doesn't have to be a bad word.
Learning how to eat healthy is a diet habit that we can do
for the rest of our lives.

Most people think of diet as being something that you do
until your lose a certain amount of weight, and then you go
back to regular eating. This is the precise reason why most
diets fail; they are impossible to sustain in the long run.

Learning how to diet right will help you get to a healthy
weight and stay there. Staying away from fad diets is vital
to losing weight successfully. Low carbohydrate diets are a
good example of this.

Millions of people swear by the latest low carb craze, but
how many of us know a friend or co-worker who had lost a
shocking amount of weight in a short period of time, only
to gain it back in an even shorter period? Carbohydrates
are an important part of a complete and healthy diet, so
they certainly can't be omitted forever. While your body
may lose weight while on the diet, you're bound to gain it
back when you start eating carbs again.

Everyone knows that too much fat is a bad thing. While
certain fats are very good for us, many people on low carb
diets are getting too much of the bad fats, i.e. animal
fats. It is a shame that people are so concerned with
losing weight that they lose sight of the fact that their
wonder diet may actually be doing their body harm.

Losing weight can be a struggle, but you don't have to go
through it alone. Follow the preceding tips, and you'll be
well on your way to a new, healthier you. Remember, in the
end, losing weight is all about you becoming healthier:
It's not about becoming thinner.

Barry Share is the Founder and editorial director of "The
New Lifestyle Programme".
Where you can get your copy of the amazing "Design for your
Success" a 7 step plan to achieving wealth health and

Can Whole Eggs Help as an Acne Treatment?

Can Whole Eggs Help as an Acne Treatment?
Over 17 Million Teens and Adults Suffer From Acne in

Acne is a very serious problem for many people. Sever acne
causes not only embarrassment, but, for some, it can have
long term affects on their self esteem and social behavior.
The slew of remedies almost count higher than the millions
suffering from acne. That's why it has been so difficult
for many people to get any real results.

One common course many acne-sufferers take is to look
towards nature. Nature offers various benefits in the form
of vitamins, minerals, fruits, vegetables and many other
things. But, it is really good to know the effectiveness of
egg whites in treating acne. Many home remedies can offer
at least some relief from the burden of acne. Egg whites
have been known to help shrink large pores when applied in
a topical concoction. But what happens when these home
remedies are coupled with research and science?

The Power of the Whole Egg Harnessed

Egg whites are normally rich in proteins and can be used as
a mask to heal, cure and rebuild your skin. They are also
useful in absorbing excess oil from the skin and can be
used as a mild astringent. However, like many home
remedies it falls short of being a real cure for acne. It
is on the right track but is only a piece of the puzzle.
Recent science has taken an optimistic look at this home
cure and ran with it. Combining salicylic acid (a common
acne fighting chemical), with the hydrating, protein rich
whole egg, science has created a new break through acne
fighting blend.

Are There Products on the Market?

Many companies have began developing products to utilize
this innovate acne fighting idea, competing with the
biggest acne fighter on the market - Proactive. With the
discovery so new there aren't a lot of products that have
hit the market. The best product on the market right now
for this treatment is Etopical Skincare. Etopical also
offers a Psoriasis treatment that harnesses the power of
egg whites. Information on Etopical can be found at their

Acne does not have to rule your world. If you have tried
acne cures in the past and been unsuccessful, I suggest
taking a serious look into a treatment with egg whites.
Skeptics, I suggest searching the internet for home
remedies involving eggs (many of these utilize lemon juice
as well). Try the home remedies - most likely there will
be some improvement. Equally as likely, it will not be
completely satisfactory. Then let science fill in the rest.

Note: Use common sense when researching remedies online.
If something seems dangerous to use on your skin it
probably is.

Author: Mason Curry.
Natural Heath Advocate
Etopical Skincare:

What Will a Body Detox Program Do for Me?

What Will a Body Detox Program Do for Me?
You see them all over TV and the internet. "The only way
to detox is the new blah blah blah." People talk about how
a natural body detox changed their life. But do these
detox programs really work, or are they just scams? What
will they do for me?

Let's spend a minute talking about the environment we live
in. Modern civilization puts us in constant contact with
toxins everyday. From the air we breathe to the food we
eat, toxins build up in our body faster than our livers and
other organs involved in a whole body detox can carry the
out. We begin to show symptoms of toxicity, such as
allergies, depression, weight problems, and aches and
pains, just to name a few. We don't know where they come
from or how they got there, but we deal with this stuff

Sometimes even more severe health problems come from
increased toxins in your body over a longer period of time.
Some of these include infertility, arthritis, lupus and
asthma. We're not talking about heredity here. Some
problems are due to your genes and won't be changed by a
natural body detox. So knowing the difference will be
helpful in knowing what to expect of a body detox program.

So what are some of the benefits of a body detox program?
Well, for one, you will have increased energy because your
organs will not be so busy trying to remove all that junk
from your body. But what else?

faster metabolism
less hunger pangs
more restful sleep
stronger immune system
glowing skin
positive thoughts and a clear head
fewer cravings for unhealthy food

These are the most common benefits of a total body detox.
Your results may vary depending on what kind of toxicity
you were suffering from to begin with. Like many
medications, a body detox program has some side effects
from all these toxins traveling through and out of your
body. They are usually most prevalent in the first couple
of days, which is why it is important you have some free
time when you start your whole body detox. Be on the
lookout for these side effects:

fatigue headache
itchy skin or pimples
indigestion and/or gas
mucus from your sinuses or bronchial passages constipation
or diarrhea
anxious or irritable disposition
bad breath
dark urine
trouble concentrating or
confusion joint or muscle pain

Sounds serious, huh? Don't worry, most people don't suffer
all those side effects and they are very short lived. When
doing a whole body detox for the first time, you will
experience a few of these as the toxins leave your body.
Don't let them deter you from doing what's right for you!
Besides, you probably experience these a lot of the time
anyway due to the toxicity in your body right now. Before
doing a total body detox, it would be advisable to talk to
your doctor to make sure that you are not going to
complicate any conditions such as diabetes. With the help
of your physician, you can have a safer, healthier

John Khu is a health enthusiast and author of a new eBook
titled "Body Detox Tips". He is devoted to educate others
on the benefit of body detoxification. He is also the
owner of the website called
which provides complete and up-to-date information.

Four Quick De-Stress Tips for Your Body

Four Quick De-Stress Tips for Your Body
Stanford Medical School and the World Health Organization
agree that 90-95% of illness and dis-ease is caused by -

What is Stress? Hans Selye coined the terms stess, and
general adaptation syndrome (GAS), a complex of reactions
to prolonged unrelieved stress, in 1936. Briefly, we have
primitive fight and flight responses which are designed to
effectively help us deal with immediate threats to
survival. When these responses are engaged for long
periods without rest deterioration of the body ensues.
Chronic stress keeps the immune system shut down resulting
in chronic illness.

Unfortunately, a lot of us are on "red alert" for long
periods in this high-pressure culture. It is important to
give your body some much needed rest and supplies to combat
the fatigue of long-term stress.

Here are some quick and easy tips for de-stressing your
body. They take very little time to do and pay off greatly
in not only reducing stress, but also in building more
energy and stamina.

When you read these tips, you will see how obvious they
are. Yet, I think you will agree that in our hectic days
we often ignore these basic human needs.

Tip 1~ Breathe

Take a moment before going on to the next task in your day
for this simple act: take a deep breath, center yourself
and smile. What a difference that moment will make toward
relaxing and restoring your body and mind for the next

Why it works~

When the body stresses, breathing becomes shallow. You may
even notice that you hold your breath. Consciously taking a
deep breath gives your cells the oxygen they need, so the
body begins to relax and the mind is sharper. When you take
that breath deep into the pelvic floor, you will find you
stand up straighter and feel more centered and balanced.
Standing strong and in charge of your next step feels
great, so smile. When you smile, you actually feel better.
Your body takes that physical cue as an indication that you
are happy, so endorphins start to flow. A genuine smile
cues everyone around you too. You may find that others
respond better to you as well. Take this simple action
several times today. Feel the difference it makes in your
outlook at the end of the day. Teach it to others and see
the difference it can make in the whole group!

Tip 2~ Eat

Taking just a few moments for you, before giving to others
is time well spent. Now, you are giving from your
abundance rather than from an empty basket. Speaking of
empty baskets, how about those nutritionally empty cells of
yours. Pack a piece of fruit, some nuts, raisins or other
quick snacks to have on hand when you feel the need to work
beyond meal breaks. Something you can grab fast instead of
donuts, candy or fast food from the vending machine. This
does not require elaborate preparation, or time. Grab a
zip lock bag, throw in a few unsalted nuts, dried berries,
raisins, or other dried fruits, or natural foods you like
in it, and put it in your pocket, purse or desk. I also
have supplements in my energy pack. Take a handful or two
whenever you feel a hunger pang or drop in energy.

Why it works~

A small change in eating can create a huge increase in
energy levels immediately and in health over time. Your
cells need nutrients to produce energy for work and to
regenerate when they are under stress. Fast food, sugar
and salt actually have a deteriorating effect on the body.
Sugar can provide a temporary high, but to balance that
high the body will rebound with an equal or greater low.
You actually have less energy in the end. Eating a little
bit of nutritious food every couple of hours not only feeds
the cells what they need, it also has side benefits. When
your body knows you are going to feed it regularly, it
stops packing on fat to prevent you from starving. You
won't get so famished you would eat anything in sight as
long as it is fast (donuts, chips, fast food). As a bonus,
your body may also release a few unneeded pounds, which can
make everything feel lighter.

Tip 3 ~ Drink Water

Most of us have gotten into the habit of drinking many
things our body cannot use (caffeine, sugar, carbonation).
Replace one beverage a week with pure water and feel the
rejuvenation in your cells. Each week replace another cup
of coffee, or soda with a glass of water. Over a few
weeks, your body will actually desire more water, and the
transition becomes easy. You will find that your body
prefers water once you get started. Keep a mug of water on
your desk, or strap on one of those water bottles, so you
always have some with you. Sip it all day long. Yes, you
will need to take precious time to pee more often at first.
This is time well spent. Once your body gets used to the
idea that you will be giving it the valuable water it needs
regularly, it will stop retaining water. Your drinking and
peeing ratio will level out in a couple of days. As your
cells re-hydrate, you will look and feel younger and more

Why it works~

Our cells are predominantly water. We need to replace the
water lost from sweating, tears and the body's heating and
cooling system on a continuous basis. Dehydration is
associated with decreased energy, increased hunger,
tiredness, and aging wrinkled skin. In addition to
actually drinking water, you can eat more water-based
foods, like fresh fruits and vegetables for hydration.
Another good reason for replacing carbonated beverages with
water is that carbonation leaches minerals from your body.

Tip 4 ~ Rest

Take a break every couple of hours or whenever possible.
There have been many studies proving that workers who take
a break increase their productivity. While you are taking
that break, stretch your arms, back and legs. Most animals
stretch regularly. Watch a cat or dog sometime, and notice
how often they stretch.

Why it works~

Stretching improves the elasticity and mobility of the
body, which allows for more relaxed movement and less
tension. Resting the body and the mind to a state of quiet
opens the senses and the mind for more presence in the
moment, creativity and peace. When you create some spaces
in your day, you can experience more of what is present and
come up with creative solutions to stressful situations.

Putting the pieces together~

While you are taking that stretch break for 5-10 minutes,
have a glass of water, pop some of those nutritional
snacks, take a deep, deep breath into the floor of your
pelvis, let it out and smile. Feel the return of energy
and relaxation to your body, clarity to your mind, and
caring to your heart.

When you feel stressed and depleted, try these simple tips
for incorporating the basic needs of your body ~ breathing,
eating, drinking water and rest ~ into your hectic day.
Experience for yourself how taking care of YOU, provides
the precious resources you need to do what needs to be done
from a place of strength and abundance.

With over 30 years of education and experience in personal
and interpersonal growth, Aila Accad is an RN, Speaker,
Trainer, Author, Certified Well-Being & Life Coach and
founder of LifeQuest International, LLC. She has been
tagged the 'De-Stress Maven' more at

60 Minutes Report: 2/16/03

60 Minutes Report: 2/16/03
In the 60 Minutes report below, the heart surgeries were
scheduled, and in many cases performed on healthy
individuals with NO heart problems. This abuse came to the
surface through patients seeking other opinions, but
unfortunately not before 167 people died and hundreds more
received unnecessary surgery.

It is much more realistic for that to happen in colon
surgeries, the abuse is much more tricFL to recognize
and/or expose. With colon diseases, there is usually a way
to "rationalize" the surgery because there is almost always
some inflammations, tissue irregularity or other damage
which the doctor can identify.

The problem is that there is not any system of
accountability in place today.

We are taught to trust "the physician" or get a second
opinion, and in almost all cases the second and/or third
opinion can be as pro-surgery as the first.

It is a lack of knowledge about other alternatives for
treatment and a fear of lawsuits.

To state the evident, doctors are progressively more
finding ways to validate surgery in an effort to
accommodate the lack of compensation from the insurance
companies for little things as office visits.

Doctor's are too often interested in bottom line business
to explore other options for their patients. It is a fact
which the patients in most instances cannot bear to

(CBS) Rep. Pete Stark (D-Calif.) tells Ed Bradley that
executives at the nation's second largest healthcare
company are "poster children for unethical business
practices" in this 60 Minutes report on one of the
company's California hospitals accused of performing
unnecessary heart surgeries. Bradley's report on Tenet
Health Systems' Redding Medical Center was broadcast on
Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003 at 7 p.m., ET.

Tenet hospitals have been the subjects of federal
proceedings in FL orida for patient endangerment and in
California for substantiation of illegal kickbacks to
doctors; the federal government is suing Tenet for
defrauding taxpayers. The FBI is now investigating Tenet's
Redding Medical Center, and two of the hospital's doctors
for purportedly recommending and performing avoidable heart
surgeries. Tenet says they first learned of the complaints
in October 2002, when the FBI raided the hospital and
confiscated thousands of files, including those of 167
patients who died after heart surgery.

Stark believes Tenet was aware of complaints about the
doctors before that day, as well as Dr. Chae Hyun Moon, who
ordered the alleged surgeries to be unwarranted, complaints
which were made for numerous years earlier to the FBI raid.

"When [Tenet] has documented charges by people who have
called [Moon's] practice to their attention time and time
again, when their own nurses...other physicians were
complaining," Stark tells Bradley, "It's pretty hard for
somebody to say, 'Gee, we didn't know what was going on.'"
Adds Stark, "These guys are the poster children for
unethical business practices."

Neither Tenet nor Moon agreed to participate in an
interview with 60 Minutes. In Sunday's report, Bradley
interviews three of Dr. Moon's patients whose
recommendations for heart bypass surgery were reversed by
other doctors. One of the patients, Dr. John Corapi, called
the FBI after numerous cardiac specialists told him the
bypass Dr. Moon ordered for him was unsubstantiated and
Tenet administrators at Redding Medical told him they
wouldn't investigate the claims. "I said...Investigate it.
There's something that's not quite right and they refused,"
Corapi tells Bradley. "And it just sticks in my memory, Hal
Chilton, the CEO, said over the phone...'We like our
position. Seek counsel if you like,'" Corapi says the CEO
told him.

This article was from an episode of CBS 60 Minutes in Feb.
2003. This and other articles can be found on our website

From full-speed ahead to a great life without stress?

From full-speed ahead to a great life without stress?
To many of us, every day life is more a matter of survival
than of living. We manage, and dream of thriving.

We may ask ourselves: Why is life like this? It doesn't
have to be!

Stress makes us feel dissatisfied, unhappy, sad, grumpy,
angry, jealous, aching in body and mind amongst other
feelings. Stress is a bodily function meant to save us from
danger, but today stress has become the danger. Stress has
become a major reason for hospitalization. Stress gives a
low quality of life.

What can be done to rid yourself of stress? The simple
answer is "stop stressing yourself". You are the one
accepting and thus creating the stress, so therefore you
are the one that has the power to stop stressing yourself.
There are many methods to help you relieve your stress, and
the one that works for you is the one you like the best.
Some of them are: focus on the now, start looking at what
works instead of what doesn't or just start laughing. So do
your research and decide which method will be most helpful
to you.

Stress has always been around, and we have all tried
enduring the sensations accompanying stress. In itself,
stress is perfectly normal, but when endured for too long
it will start deteriorating the body.

The hormones related to stress are epineprine, cortisol and
adrenalin. These hormones will eventually destroy you if
they are in your body too long, or the dose is too high. To
counteract the effects of those hormones, you have to start
producing another hormone called endorphin. When endorphins
are produced you start "eating" away on the "bad" hormones,
epineprine and cortisol. This is diminishing the effects
they have on you.

How to start producing endorphins to relieve stress? you
might ask. Well that is easy. Start doing something to make
you happy and relaxed. Physical exercise like running or
walking and even doing the dishes will help produce
endorphins. Also spending time with your loved ones will
increase the production. Even eating a bar of chocolate
will do it - but only for a little while :-)

The easiest, fastest and most efficient way to produce
endorphins is by laughing. So start laughing. Use any
method you like - read comics, watch soaps or stand-up,
listen to people laughing, and your stress will disappear
like it was a miracle. If it really is this easy, why are
more people not doing it - you might say. And you would be
absolutely right to ask.

However the problem is a cultural one. We are taught or
trained not to be emotional, so crying, laughing or any
other emotional outburst is not permitted. We must stay in
control at all times. Well, look where that's got us: A
huge portion of the world is so stressed that they get sick!

Liberate Your Self. Do it today - Enjoy tomorrow!

Home Remedies for Snoring

Home Remedies for Snoring
You awaken nightly because of snoring or because you have
just been elbowed in the chest, so maybe you can discover
your own home remedy for snoring. At least this way you
won't have bruises all over you from a disturbed partner
that is tired of being aroused or because they just can't
drop off with your loud noises. Most people would prefer to
attempt a home remedy for snoring rather than purchasing
some high-priced gadget that may not work, or even worse -
going under the knife.

The first thing you need to do is work out what is making
you snore. A home remedy for snoring can assist but only if
you're addressing the issue at hand. If you already sleep
on your side then it won't work for you to try laying on
your side, so you would need a different remedy. The same
thing applies to smokers, drinkers and those that just
can't sleep.

Determine if you are first experiencing sleep apnea or just
plain snoring. If it is sleep apnea you will need to see a
doctor to get properly diagnosed and the help that is
needed. The only home remedy for snoring in that case is to
keep a diary by the bed and record yourself at night. This
way, when your doctor calls for your history you can pass
on the book to him.

Someone that drinks alcohol can suffer from snoring because
the muscles get relaxed. The home remedy for snoring for
someone that drinks is in reality a simple one - stop
drinking. Alright, this isn't always easy for everyone and
you may finish up needing a little extra help from a
specialist but the chances are that if you desire a better
sleep, then you'll do it.

Are you overweight? Sometimes a person that is overweight
tends to snore a great deal at night since their airways
have obstruction. The simple home remedy for snoring in
this case is to go on a diet and lose that weight. You
should soon begin to notice a great improvement, not only
in the way you appear and feel, but also Consider how well
you sleep.

Consider how you sleep. Often a person that snores will be
the one laying on his/her back. One home remedy for snoring
is to turn over onto your side and fall asleep that way. In
order to make certain you stay that way prop yourself up
against a wall or place pillows behind you. Some snorers
have been known to stick a basketball behind them so they
don't roll over on top of it.

Another home remedy for snoring that many don't realize is
not to eat or drink anything just before retiring. You may
be one of those who consider that a bowl of ice cream or a
drink of milk is a great way to end the night. However,
this causes mucus to develop which successively helps
create snoring since it will obstruct your breathing
passages. If you must drink something, stick to water.
Water helps keep you hydrated and stops you from having a
dry mouth, which a lot of snorers complain about.

The last problem seems to be with regular smokers. If you
smoke the chances are that you also snore. The home remedy
for this cause of snoring is probably one you've heard
repeatedly by many people you know...stop smoking. Not only
will this help save your life, but your sleep schedule also
- and maybe the partner beside you.

Discover what is inducing you to snore in order to
determine the perfect home remedy for snoring that will
work for you. After all, don't we all deserve a good nights

Sleepless nights? Problems getting to sleep? Find the
answer to your (or your partner's) snoring problem at

One Size Fits All Diet - Do It Your Way

One Size Fits All Diet - Do It Your Way
If you're like me, you've tried every diet program and diet
out there. Probably multiple times! Could your nutrition,
diet, and healthy lifestyle be a reality? Yes! If you're
willing to try something different than cookie cutter
diets, weight loss coaching is for you.

Diet programs work. I've lost hundreds of pounds many
times by joining them only to regain plus a bonus few
pounds to weigh more than I did when I joined. I'd try
another diet program only to have the same results. I'd
return to one of the other ones to give it a try again
thinking it would possibly work. What was different? If
you do the same thing over and over, you'll get the same
results. For us, those results are to lose, regain, gain
extra pounds, feel badly about ourselves, and do it all
over again. If you want different results as in reaching
your weight loss goals including living a healthier,
happier life, weight loss coaching could be your answer.

We are all different and unique individuals. Why do we
continue to go to one-size-fits-all or cookie cutter diet
programs that treat us all the same. You have special
needs, preferences, likes, and dislikes. Design a diet and
exercise program that is customized for you and only you.
You can do that through weight loss coaching.

In a diet program, you are one of many customers. With
weight loss coaching, you get individualized attention as a
client. You are special to your weight loss coach and are
appreciated for who you are and where you are in your life.
With the proper one-on-one support, you can make changes
in your diet and achieve your weight loss goals and life
your best life.

A weight loss coach will assist you in creating a diet that
includes your likes and life. For example, I had a client
that wanted to improve the nutrition in her breakfast meal.
If a diet program suggests you should eat a certain number
of units or particular foods, what if it doesn't work for
you? What if it doesn't take into consideration your
schedule or lifestyle? With a weight loss coach, we could
include nutritional choices that will accommodate your
tight schedule of having to eat as you commute to work.
Through coaching, we take your likes, your schedule, and
your lifestyle to design a program just for you.

What makes weight loss coaching successful? You will
design an individualized plan that considers your schedule
and lifestyle. You will set goals and create strategies to
reach them. You will be accountable to successfully
achieve the items on your own personal agenda. You will
receive the personal attention of your coach at sessions
that are scheduled to work with your schedule.

Empower yourself to make changes in your diet and lifestyle
to reach your weight loss goals through your own customized
plan. You aren't one of the masses in a diet program. You
are a special and unique person that has decided to try
something different than a cookie cutter diet plan.
Welcome to living your very own best life.

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147
pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients
achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with
clients to create a weight loss life plan that is
customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the
International Coaching Federation, International
Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition.
Visit Cathy's website:

Unlocking the Secrets of Your Sense of Smell: Part 6

Unlocking the Secrets of Your Sense of Smell: Part 6
The Smell Factor and Our Memory

Our sense of smell is directly linked to the area of our
brains that controls our memories. The slightest hint of
an odour can transport us thousands of miles to some of our
earliest memories—even to those we were not aware
that we had.

With our sense of smell, every odor when broken down to its
smallest component is a chemical formula. Chemicals
formulas are molecules in specific configurations. When we
smell, a chemical formula rises in the nose and lands on
thousands of smell receptors which identifies the molecules
and forwards the information to the brain.

That our sense of smell is most closely related to our
memory is no surprise given its location. Olfactory
receptors are located next to the limbic system which,
according to anthropologists, is the most primitive part of
the human brain and where our emotions reside. It is the
site that controls or modifies our emotional and sexual
responses, our hunger and thirst responses, and our anxiety
and fear responses.

It also controls our artistic abilities, our perception of
space as well as regulating our body temperature, and our
ability to think. It receives and stores information from
all of our senses. Essentially, it's our master control.

When we inhale a scent, the sensation of its odour is first
relayed to our cerebral cortex, where cognitive recognition
occurs. However, before we are able to recognize the
scent, the deepest part of our brain becomes stimulated.
Thus, by the time we are able to recognize the pine scent
of a Christmas tree, its scent has already activated our
limbic system and we are transported back to our childhood
memory of decorating Christmas trees from our past.

In this same way, when we smell the gingerbread scent from
a votive candle, we instantly think of our grandmother's
kitchen, or making cookies with her when we were children.
It isn't surprising, then, that studies conducted by Dr.
Rachel Hertz suggest that our memories which are triggered
by our sense of smell are more emotional than our memories
triggered by our other senses.

In one study subjects were given visual (an object), verbal
(the name of an object) or olfactory (the scent of an
object) stimuli and asked to write down their responses to

While responses to visual and verbal stimuli tended to be
longer, those to olfactory stimuli tended to be

Some of the fragrances that help to increase memory include
sweet basil, peppermint, rosemary and thyme.

Luke Vorstermans is the founder of The Sense of Smell Lab,
a world leader in the development of innovative products
that use our sense of smell to influence behavior, trigger
memories, manage cravings, enhance moods and improve sexual
health. To learn more about enhancing your sex drive, go

Tiger Woods Strength Training Workout

Tiger Woods Strength Training Workout
Tiger Woods is off to an incredible start in 2008, winning
3 tournaments in 3 starts. He did it again this weekend,
winning another tournament, but its no surprise based on
his physical strength and mobility.

Not only does Tiger look like he gained even more muscle in
the off-season, it looks like he has Mark McGwire's arms,
almost. Although again, Tiger is doing this all without

Tiger is physically dominating the sport. Heck, he's even
driven Phil Mickelson to start exercising and to lose
weight. Phil looks so much better now that he has lost 20

I'd be very interested to see Tiger's workout program. Is
there anything fancy in it? Or is it just the basics? How
does he gain strength without sacrificing mobility? That is
one of the biggest mistakes most "bodybuilding" type
routines make...if a golfer did bodybuilding type training,
it would most likely ruin his game just as easily as
getting fat and out of shape.

Does Tiger use a lot of bodyweight exercises? Does he do
cardio or interval training? If anyone has the inside scoop
on that training program, let me know.

Now you certainly don't need to be a powerlifter,
bodybuilder, or gymnast to be a good you can
see by the physiques on many other men and women on tour.
However, you can't let your strength or mobility be the
limiting factor in your game. So you need to train...

The best things to do are...

1) Use a variety of bodyweight exercises to work on your
strength and mobility. This can be part of your warmup or
can compose your entire workout. Like I said, you don't
need to be a powerlifter to be a golfer.

First, start with the basics like pushups, bodyweight
squats, inverted bodyweight rows, stick-ups, lunges, and
the plank and side plank for your abs.

Then once you've mastered those, move on to spiderman
pushups, spiderman climbs, mountain climbers, one-leg
romanian deadlifts, stability ball leg curls, hanging leg
raises, pullups, chinups, and decline pushups.

There are dozens, if not hundreds of bodyweight exercises
you can do to burn fat, get stronger, and improve your
mobility. This will help you hit longer and more accurately
on the golf course.

Plus, it will increase your stamina and focus late in the
game - combined with good nutrition of course.

2) Work with a good golf coach to identify your weaknesses.
Is your lack of hip mobility messing up your swing? Is your
work posture ruining your shoulder mobility? Etc.

3) Eat right for fat loss and mental energy. You won't get
tired on the course. I believe this is one of the most
under-rated aspects of Tiger's game. If you watch him play,
you'll see him snacking at various points in the day. And
he ain't eating junk, unlike many of the older players on
the scene. Plus, good nutrition allows him to recover
between rounds and between workouts.

If you follow these three steps, you'll have a better body,
you'll burn fat, and you'll golf like a champ. Use your
bodyweight, not machines, to become fit like Tiger Woods.

For more bodyweight exercise workout routines, visit