Stress plays a major factor in creating body fat. The
midsection is especially vulnerable to increased fat
commonly referred to love handles. Stress affects the
effectiveness of losing love handles and developing muscles
in the abdominal region of your body. We want to look at
the science behind what stress does to your body and the
compelling evidence that you must pay attention to.
Stress causes your body to produce more of a specific
hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is called the stress
hormone. Cortisol has its good points and has to be
included in your body's make up, but what it does when
increased in production is actually the exact opposite of
what you want to happen.
Cortisol increases the breakdown of your muscle mass
especially when increased levels are present over a long
period of time. What's more, it also helps the placement
of fat around your mid section, and therefore helps to
create those love handles that you want to avoid.
Abdominal exercises and drastic diet plans will not address
the overriding effects of cortisol. The good news is there
is real help available to you once you understand the cause
and affect of cortisol on love handles or abdominal fat.
There are two things to concentrate on here. You should
work to reduce the amount of stress that you deal with on a
regular basis. Strive daily to remove stressful situations
from your life. Taking deep breaths when you feel the
levels of anxiety increasing works great. By giving you
time to de-stress, the levels of cortisol will remain
lower. You should incorporate time for yourself to do
enjoyable activities, even though you may think that you
just don't have the time or energy to do that.
Exercise is an incredible outlet for relieving stress. Ask
your co-workers or neighbors about the athletic high they
feel when returning from the gym or other workouts. This
is actually the significantly reduced stress levels that
you may have not felt for a long time. Your body is clean
of the stress component that causes us to overeat and gain
What's more, the other aspect to consider in fighting
cortisol is to include an herbal compliment to your diet.
The herb Relora is ideal for improving stress hormone
levels. Consuming it daily can help you to reduce your
stress levels as well as help you to reduce your love
handles. You can purchase this in a supplement form that
can easily be consumed daily. Another herb to look into is
phosphatidylserine. It can help your muscles to overcome
the effects of cortisol and helps to improve the brain's
reaction to stress in general. Overall, these can help you
to overcome stress in your life.
While removing all stress from your life is not likely to
be an easy job to do, we owe it ourselves to start now.
Stress causes many physical ailments that most of us may
not recognize immediately. Increased love handles or
abdominal weight is simply one outcome of increased stress
levels. Start now by walking at lunch. Take the stairs up
a building. Park your car as far away as possible and walk
to the stores. Your body will love you for it and the
handles will slowly go away.
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