Monday, January 14, 2008

Diabetic Prescription: Exercise

Diabetic Prescription: Exercise
I know! Most of us hate the word exercise, let alone the
actual activity involved. Well, get over it! Once we've
allowed ourselves to become diabetic, we no longer have a
choice. We must exercise!

Yes, you read that right. I really did say, "Once we've
allowed ourselves to become diabetic." I'm talking to us
Type 2 diabetics on that one, you Type 1s don't have to
accept that remark. Now before you get all mad, have steam
coming out your ears and start sputtering, "Who does she
think she is, telling me I'm responsible for the fact I
became diabetic," hear me out. Did you know you had
diabetes in your family history? Did a doctor ever tell
you to lose weight? Did a doctor ever tell you to change
your diet or lifestyle? Did a doctor ever tell you to get
more exercise (there's that dirty word again)? Did you
gorge on sweets and/or carbs? You get the point. But
there is a diabetic prescription: EXERCISE!

We helped to create this problem in our bodies, now we have
to take our medicines. And that doesn't stop with pills
and shots. Just consider exercise another of the medicines
we have to take. I read somewhere that exercise is the
diabetes treatment almost everyone can benefit from. I
backed up, read that again and the light bulb came on. I
got it! Exercise is another of our treatments and we need
to think of it as such. It's not something we know we
should do, something we might get around to someday, but
something we have to do just as we have to take our other
prescriptions the doctor gives us.

We don't, however, have to go out and join a gym or buy
expensive equipment. Of course you can if you want to and
it is a good thing to do, but it isn't necessary. We can
work exercise into our everyday lives! We Americans have
become very lazy as a whole. This is often caused by some
terrific technological advances and inventions. But we
can't use that as an excuse. Following are some easy ways
to get started adding more exercise into your everyday
routine. Give them a try. After all it is YOUR life that

1. Hide the remote controls; they make it too easy to be
lazy. This includes the garage door remote. Getting in
and out of the car to open the garage door is good exercise.

2. Carry your groceries from the car to the kitchen one bag
at a time. More steps and lifting; more exercise.

3. Instead of stacking things by the stairs to avoid extra
trips up and down, make the trips. Stairs are a great way
to get exercise.

4. Push the kids or grandkids on the swings. Play frisbee
with them, etc. Quality time with the children is an added

5. Go for a walk. Start with a short walk and work your
way up to several blocks or 30-40 minutes. If the weather
is bad, go to the local mall and walk.

6. Walk around while talking on the phone instead of
plopping down in a comfy chair.

7. Stop driving around the parking lot for ten minutes
trying to get a parking spot next to the entrance. Park
farther away and enjoy the walk.

8. Put items you use often on higher shelves so you do more
stretching and reaching to get them.

9. Housework is an excellent exercise. Vacuum an extra
time per week, etc.

10. Gardening is another wonderful exercise.

I'm sure you can think of other ways to add exercise to
your daily routine. Take that prescription seriously. Do
whatever works for you but do something! Take that
most-hated prescription: EXERCISE!

For more diabetic information and recipes visit Linda's
website at

How To Lose That Holiday Weight Gain

How To Lose That Holiday Weight Gain
For many of us, when it comes to healthy habits and good
eating, the holidays are a problematic time for us. All of
sudden we are thrown into a real whirlwind of activity and
if we are visiting family, there is a good chance that we
will be quite tempted with tasty treats for days, or even
months! Even if we've established better eating habits as
adults, being back with family can pull us right into bad
eating habits from our youth. People overeat for many
different reasons, and whether it is due to stress, habit
or simply being away from our normal routines, you'll find
that the holidays are regular dietary pitfalls.

The problem with overeating during the holidays is that it
can be so hard to get back to healthy eating afterwards.
You might get on the scale and find that extra pounds to be
quite demoralizing, or you might simply find it difficult
to return to good eating habits after so much excess. Good
habits are just that, habits, and while they might be
difficult to maintain, they can be distressingly easy to
break. The holidays are typically a time when we let a lot
of things go, but with healthy eating, like with so many
other things, we need to pick them up again.

If you have become a little demoralized over where you
waistline has gone over the holidays, there are plenty of
ways to get back on track. The important thing to do is to
start now! It doesn't have to be anything big or dramatic,
but losing weight and eating healthily has its own
momentum. Just because it starts small doesn't mean that
it stays that way. Take a look at a few things you can do
to start getting healthy again.

Drink plenty of water. Not only will this help you
suppress your appetite, you'll find that it keeps you
healthier and keeps your skin looking great!

Do a little bit of calorie counting. Most people aren't
terribly interested in counting every calorie that they
consume, and you don't have to be either. Simply get a
good idea regarding how many calories the things you
usually eat contain and keep this in mind.

Find a form of exercise that is enjoyable to you. You
might not be into weightlifting or aerobics, but what about
T'ai Chi and belly dancing? Think outside the box to get
some good exercise and to make sure that you don't burn
out, you can find other activities that are similar in

Eat colorfully! The more colorful your food is, the better
it tends to be for you. Especially during the winter
months, splurge on some red, yellow or green bell peppers
or some tomatoes. Eating this way can help your waistlines
and your spirits.

There are plenty of things that can help you get back on
track. Begin now by following the steps that I have given
you. By exercising good judgment you will shed those
excess pounds in no time.

Scott Becker is an internet marketer and an expert in the
fields of health and nutrition. He has been writing on
numerous topics for the past 10 years. Along with writing,
he now owns a sports nutrition company
serving the weekend athlete.
For more information go to

Eat Tons of Superfoods to Aid in Your Natural Body Detox

Eat Tons of Superfoods to Aid in Your Natural Body Detox
There is a lot of hype surrounding superfoods. Should you
use them in your diet? Of course! But what are they and
how can they help your body detox program?

Superfoods are foods you may or may not eat everyday that
are packed full of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that
are said will make you healthy, happy and strong. While
many people think of vegetables when they hear the term
superfoods, some fruits and even dark chocolate fall in
this category. Adding them to your daily diet is
definitely a recipe for success. Learn more about some of
the best you can use during your full body detox.

Vegetable superfoods include many of the green leafy kind
as well as ones you can find in capsule form. Spirulina
and chlorella are two of these. These superfoods will help
stabilize your blood sugar levels throughout the day. They
also contain GLA, an omega-3 fatty acid.

The other great thing about chlorella and spirulina is that
they contain tons of protein. They actually have 12 times
the protein of beef, and contain all the B vitamins,
including B12, Vitamin C, E and major minerals. People
call them a less expensive way to get your protein. They
are definitely an awesome way to improve your health even
without a natural body detox.

Blueberries are full of antioxidants and phytoflavinoids.
They contain a lot of vitamin C and potassium. In addition
to lowering your risk of cancer and heart disease, they
also are an anti-inflammatory. Anyone following a good
body detox program will want to include these in their
diet. A rule of thumb to follow with berries is the darker
their color, the higher in antioxidants they are.

Want to lower your risk for heart disease, ease your
arthritis, and possibly avoid memory loss and Alzheimer's
disease? Eat fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Stick to
cold-water fish, though, as warmer fish have higher levels
of mercury. A few to try are wild salmon, herring and

Fiber helps you feel full longer, maintain weight and keep
your bowels regular, which is an important part of an
natural body detox. In addition, studies show that those
who eat fiber as a part of their normal diet have more
stable blood sugar levels. All important benefits with
life-long effects.

Soy is a great cholesterol fighter to have in your corner.
It is found that you can lower your total cholesterol as
much as statins by ingesting soy. Statins are currently
one of the most widely prescribed medicines used to lower

Tea is known for having plenty of antioxidants but green
tea has been found to have ECGC, another opponent of

There are lots of foods in this category. Any good home
body detox will have quite a comprehensive list. Include
one or many of these food in your body detox diet and you
are well on your way to a happy, healthier you.

John Khu is a health enthusiast and author of a new eBook
titled "Body Detox Tips". He is devoted to educate others
on the benefit of body detoxification. He is also the
owner of the website called
which provides complete and up-to-date information.

Green Tea For Weight Loss, Anti Aging and Health

Green Tea For Weight Loss, Anti Aging and Health
We have all heard others talking about the great health
benefits of green tea. Few of us, until recently, have
known that green tea has been used as a medicine in China
for at lest 4,000 years to treat everything from pain to
depression. Recent scientific research in Japan and other
Asian countries have given us a better idea of just how
green tea provides health benefits, especially for weight
loss and maintenance.

Green tea contains high concentations of catechin
polyphenols which increase fat oxidation and thermogenesis.
Thermogenenesis is heat created in our bodies by burning
fuels such as fat. The thermogenesis that green tea creates
was at first thought to be because of its caffeine.
Research has shown that green tea stimulates brown fat
thermogenesis with far more effectiveness than an equal
amount of caffeine alone. The catechin plyphenols contained
in green tea, especially epigallocatecin gallate, EGCG,
works with caffeine synergistically to stimulate
thermogenesis and prolong sympathetic thermogenesis.
Research has shown that green tea increases energy
expenditure and fat oxidation during a whole 24 hour period
whereas caffeine only increases metabolism at the time it
is ingested. Green tea helps burn an extra 78 calories per

We gain weight because excess sugars and fats are stored in
our fat cells. Green tea inhibits the movement of glucose,
i.e. excess sugars and fats, in fat cells. Green tea also
causes carbohydrates to be released more slowly therefore
preventing spikes in blood insulin levels which can produce
false hunger feelings. For a long time researchers have
wondered why the French have fewer excess weight concerns
and heart disease concerns since the French diet is so rich
in fats. Their answer was that the resveratrol, a
polyphenol, found in red wine limited the negative effects
of smoking and a fatty diet. The University of Kansas
found that the EGCG in green tea is twice as powerful as
resveratrol found in red wine.

It has been found that epigallocateching gallate, EGCG,
contained in green tea is at least 100 times more effective
than vitamin C and 25 times more effective than vitamin E
in protecting cells and DNA from damage. This makes green
tea one of the most powerful antioxidants available.
Antioxidants have been shown to fight viruses and slow the
aging process. EGCG is very effective in lowering LDL
cholesterol and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood
clots which can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Green
tea has been shown to relax blood vessels which is also
important for the prevention of heart attack and stroke.
The powerful antioxidant content of green tea because of
its high amounts of polyphenols and flavenoids greatly
strengthens our immune system and slows the aging process.

EGCG contained in green tea inhibits the grown of cancer
cells and kills cancer cells without harming healthy
tissue. The National Cancer Research Institute of Tokyo
suggests that green tea may be a very effective way of
preventing cancer.. Green tea has been shown to lower all
types of cancers, especially in digestive and urinary
tracts. Green tea applied topically has been shown to
protect skin against cancer and actually slow the progress
of skin cancer that is already present. Green tea is being
used more and more in topical natural skin care products.
Green tea has been shown to benefit white blood cells
during chemotherapy treatment.

Because of its antibacterial qualities, green tea is
effective in preventing tooth decay, gum disease, dental
plaque and greatly reduce the harmful bacteria in the
mouth. Green tea's antibacterial qualities also helps in
the prevention of food poison and decrease in harmful
bacteria found in our digestive systems.

So why is green tea more beneficial than other teas. The
answer is in the processing. Green tea leaves are steamed.
This prevents the EGCG compound from being oxidized.
Black and oolong tea leaves are made from fermented leaves.
Fermentation causes EGCG to be converted into compounds
that are not as effective in helping with weight loss and
in antioxidant value. Therefore, green tea with it's steam
processing retains all the effectiveness and amounts of
EGCG, which results in its weight loss and antioxidant

Most of us are drinking something during most of our day.
If we make green tea our drink, we have found a very simple
and consistent way of adding great health benefits to our
lives. By drinking green tea, we have found a simple and
consistent way of eliminating our body weight concerns,
building our immune system, improving our oral health,
improving our digestive health and slowing the aging
process. Using topical skin care products containing green
tea improves our skin condition and appearance. Green tea
is also available in supplement capsule form if we are
wanting to obtain it's benefits without drinking green tea.

Jenny has more than twenty years experience with all
natural health care products. More information about the
benefits of green tea for weight loss and other natural
weight loss products is available at =>

How to lose weight and keep it off

How to lose weight and keep it off
If you're having problems with dieting and your weight loss
plans aren't going as you'd hoped there are a few things
that can help you get to where you want to be. Losing
weight doesn't need to be stressful and if you really want
to lose weight you can improve your weight loss results by
following a few easy simple weight loss rules. Find the
things that are good for you, your life and your weight
loss and you will lose weight easily.

There are many weight loss products on the market to aid
weight loss. There are weight loss tablets, fad diets and
a whole array of exercise equipment. The only real way to
lose weight effectively and lose weight in the long term is
the old fashioned way. If you are overweight it is simply
because you take in more calories and energy as food and
drink than you burn through activity and exercise. To lose
weight then, you need to take in less energy than you burn,
making the body use up its own energy resources, making you
lose weight.

To get you on the right track you really shouldn't
completely giving up your favorite foods. Depriving
yourself totally of the food you enjoy is harmful to weight
loss. After a few weeks or even a few days of giving up
foods many people simply stop giving up and give in
thinking they'll never be able to lose weight. Giving up
foods for a period and then going back to them will often
result in bingeing and hence weight gain.

Don't deprive yourself of the food you enjoy. There's
nothing you can't eat while trying to lose weight. The key
to losing weight is more to do with controlling how much
you eat. Eat whatever you want, with moderation, and you
will learn to lose weight gradually and naturally. In this
way you are far more like to lose weight and keep it off in
the long term.

If you take a look at your portion sizes of you should take
your normal portion size and take a little off, day by day.
If you feel full, stop eating. Feeling full is your body
telling you it has had enough. Eating too much in one
sitting is an easy way to put on weight. Head in the
opposite direction - eat smaller meals more often. Try to
make the meals you eat as healthy as possible and try to
eat three small main meals and two healthy snacks during
the day. This will help you stop feeling hungry and you
will hopefully stop you overeating at meal times.

Snacks are definitely part of every weight loss story.
They allow you to keep hunger at bay and stop you watching
the clock thinking about your next meal! Allow yourself to
have snacks that you enjoy and that that will help you get
to your next meal without feeling hungry. Choose snack
foods that are tasty as well as filling and savour every
single bite.

Every successful weight loss plan includes exercise.
Unfortunately when many people think about exercise they
cringe, especially if they weigh more than they should.
Exercise burns off calories and energy. The weight will
drop off much quicker if you do some regular physical
activity. Before starting any exercise regime you should
consult with your doctor to make sure you are fit and well
enough to start. Exercise definitely doesn't have to be
painful and any physical activity counts as energy burning
exercise. Do activities you enjoy. If you enjoy walking,
take a twenty minute walk every day. Do things you take
pleasure in and make them a part of your normal life.

Along with controlling your portion sizes physical activity
and exercise will help you achieve long term weight loss
success. You need to twenty to thirty minutes of exercise
on a regular basis. Aim to exercise at least five times a
week and if the thought of spending a few hours at the gym
is your idea of hell remember that you can do exercise you
enjoy. If you add thirty minutes of walking to your day,
in whatever form, you will burn off more energy.

This increase in exercise along with improved eating habits
will make you lose weight quicker and give you the
confidence and inner strength to carry on. Muscle tissue
burns more calories than fat so you should think about
adding some strength training into your exercise routine.
If you incorporate some simple strength training exercises
into your physical activity you will increase your muscle

The concepts behind losing weight are quite simple - burn
off more energy than you take in. In reality this is not
quite as easy as it sounds. Eat the things you like,
control your portion sizes and start doing more exercise.
If you follow this advice you are guaranteed to lose
weight. To help you along there are natural weight loss
products on the market which, when taken, bind with the fat
in your stomach that you have eaten and allow it to pass
through the body naturally. This means that you are taking
in less energy. If you take in less energy and burn more
energy through activity you will lose weight. Simple.
