Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Negative Calorie Foods: Common Foods That Actually Help You Lose Weight.

Negative Calorie Foods: Common Foods That Actually Help You Lose Weight.
Negative calorie foods are foods that take more calories to
burn than they offer naturally. Negative doesn't mean that
the food actually has a negative calorie value as this is
impossible. It simply means that the body has to work
harder to convert these foods into energy than the food is

Lets use celery as an example. A serving of celery offers
an average of 6 calories. It can easily take over 12
calories to digest that stalk of celery leaving us with a
loss of 6 calories. A myth that chewing burns the calories
has surfaced lately but its actually the digestive system's
attempt to break down the cellulose in the celery that
takes so much energy. There are many foods such as celery
that has this property.

A stalk of celery alone will not shave off the pounds of
fat there is more to the solution. A pound of fat has about
3,500 calories in it. That means we would have to eat 85
servings of celery and nothing else for a week to lose 1
pound of fat. Sound like fun?...not really.

Below is a list of negative calorie foods in no particular

apples, apricots, beets, blackberries, blueberries,
broccoli, brussels sprouts, mushrooms, muskmelons, prunes,
pumpkin, raspberries, red cabbage, cantaloupe, cherries,
eggplant, garlic, grapes, oranges, peaches, pears, peas,
pineapple, tangerines, tomato, turnips, watermelon,
rhubarb, corn, cranberries, cucumbers, green beans,
honeydew, lemons, limes, strawberries, and string beans.

This is by no means a comprehensive list. In fact, nearly
all fruits and many vegetables are on the list. I am not
going to suggest a specific diet regimen in this article.
However, changing the majority of your daily calories to
fruits and vegetables it will have a dramatic impact on
weight loss.

According to a recent study performed by Dr. Dean Ornish,
M.D., of the University of California, at San Francisco, a
vegetarian diet consisting mostly of fruits and vegetables,
was adhered to by research subjects as an experimental
study on the reversal of heart disease. As a result each of
the research subjects (all suffering from heart disease),
lost an average of 20 pounds without cutting calories or
limiting serving sizes.

These subjects were 40 years and older which means they had
a relatively slowed metabolism and the research performed
involved no prescribed exercise program. This constitutes a
dramatic weight loss that could only be attributed to the
consumption of various fruits & vegetables. Typical weight
loss from a negative calorie diet is about a pound a day.
Keep in mind that most nutritionists say it isn't safe to
maintain a weight loss of more than 8 pounds a week for
very long as it can become a danger to your health.

Keep in mind, completely removing meat and grains from any
diet is not advised. To get the benefits of negative
calorie foods they should be eaten as large amounts of your
daily diet but not by totally replacing the proteins and
carbohydrates your body needs. A doctor should be consulted
before making any drastic changes to your diet or exercise

Provided by Mason Curry - Natures Bargain Health Products,
LLC - http://www.naturesbargain.com
Natures Bargain Health offers a line of health products
that aid in the maintenance of a health body and often
speak out on health related topics. A Colon Cleanse is
strongly recommended when pursuing any weight loss effort,
as well as, a whole food multivitamin to ensure that
nutrients aren't being lost in the weight loss process.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms
Over 100 known forms of arthritis are making millions of
people suffer today. The most weakening of all forms is
rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms are
joints that ache, throb, and eventually become deformed.
Those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis symptoms often
find it hard to do everyday tasks, like taking a walk, or
opening a car or jar. Some with rheumatoid arthritis have
joints that are so deformed they are unable to even do the
simplest job. No one knows what causes rheumatoid
arthritis, but many believe it is the body's immune system
attacking the lining of your joints. This lining called the

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms are more common in women than
in men and will usually strike an adult between the ages of
20 to 50. That is the general criteria for rheumatoid
arthritis symptom sufferers, but people over 50 and
children can also be affected.

Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms usually develop in several
joints at the same time. The first parts of your body that
show signs of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms are usually
your wrists, shoulders, hands, and feet. As the rheumatoid
arthritis symptoms gradually get worse, it will attack the
elbows, hips, neck, and jaw as well. It normally affects
both sides at the same time.

Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms may appear as small lumps
under skin where there are pressure points near your
elbows, hands, feet, and Achilles tendons. Rheumatoid
arthritis symptoms can develop in other areas of your body,
but that's where they start. At some point, you may
experience rheumatoid nodules on the back of your scalp,
around your knees, and even in your lungs. Rheumatoid
arthritis symptoms can develop your salivary glands,
linings of your lungs and heart, and sometimes the tear
duct glands. These lumps are usually not painful. They can
be the size of a pea or the size of a walnut.

Here are some symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Some of
those Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms are:

Aching and stiffness of joints and muscles, especially
after a time of rest. Pain and swelling in the joints,
especially the smaller ones like in the hand. Loss of
motion in the joints. Low-grade fever. Strength is lost in
the muscles attached to the affected joints. Chronic
fatigue when there is a flare-up of the disease. Deformity
of joints. A general sense of just not feeling well. Unable
to pinpoint exactly why they feel bad.

Any or all of these rheumatoid arthritis symptoms may come
and go, but largely depend on what type of activity you are
taking part in.

Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms do not go away, but it does
come in "episodes." A person suffering from rheumatoid
arthritis symptoms may go into remission for a period, and
then have another flare up of pain, swelling, weakness, and
difficulty sleeping. You may experience a flare up, and
then have several weeks or months of remission before it
attacks again. There isn't any reason why a person
suffering from rheumatoid arthritis symptoms can't be
productive and useful lives while working around the
attacks of your rheumatoid arthritis.

Some researchers theorize that rheumatoid arthritis could
be the result of an infection or inflammation. When your
body experiences an infection or inflammation, it sends
white blood cells through the bloodstream and attacks the
lining of the joints. Their usual job is to attack bacteria
and viruses in the body instead it attacks the lining of
the joints.

Other risk factors can increase your chances of having
rheumatoid arthritis. Risk is increased as you age. The
good news is if you are over the age of 80, the risk

You also have a higher risk of having rheumatoid arthritis
if you are a woman, and if you have been exposed to a virus
or bacteria. Although the disease is not inherited, there
is evidence that specific genes you inherit could make you
more prone to this arthritis.

Last, smoking cigarettes over a many years can also
increase your chances of rheumatoid arthritis.

There isn't a cure for rheumatoid arthritis yet. Scientists
and researchers are still searching for the cause when that
is found hopefully a cure would follow.

With the proper treatment, change in lifestyles, and a plan
to prevent joints from deforming, a person experiencing
rheumatoid arthritis symptoms may still be able to live a
productive and long life. Deformity or swelling may limit
your flexibility, but even in the most severe form of
rheumatoid arthritis, you will probably still keep
flexibility in most of your joints.

Steven Godlewski is a self-made millionaire and is
currently working with the staff at PillFreeVitamins.com He
has an extensive background in nutrition as well as other
health related fields. For more health-related articles or
2 FREE bottles of Liquid Vitamins see their website at:
http://www.pillfreevitamins.com SEE Video at:

Vitamin D deficiency is linked with a wide range of diseases.

Vitamin D deficiency is linked with a wide range of diseases.
The latest data links Vitamin D deficiency with a wide
range of diseases.

Vitamin D deficiencies are very common, particularly in
northern climates. Lack of sunshine, wearing clothing, and
use of sunscreens inhibits the natural creation of Vitamin
D in the skin.

Do you know what your Vitamin D levels are?

Having optimal Vitamin D levels is a simple and inexpensive
health change that can affect a:

78% reduction in type1 diabetes in children

33% reduction in type 2 diabetes

72% reduction in number of falls in the elderly

42% reduction in multiple sclerosis in women

And those without adequate Vitamin D levels are at risk for:

200% increase in type 1 diabetes in children

30-50% more cancers

Optimal levels of Vitamin D result in a 77% reduction in
cancer incidence.

Life Extension Foundation Research shows that achieving
adequate Vitamin D levels in the US population could
prevent as many as ¾ of all cancers in as little as four

Research also reveals that 275,00 American lives could be
saved each year if a nationwide program to get adequate
vitamin D levels was implemented.

Low levels of Vitamin D have been identified as a "health
crisis emergency". Everything should be done to ensure that
everyone achieves optimal Vitamin D status.

"Because of convincing evidence of benefit and the strong
evidence of safety, we urge those who have the ability to
support public health - the media, vitamin manufacturers,
and policy makers - to undertake new initiatives that will
have a realistic chance of making a difference in terms of
vitamin D nutrition." 
--American Journal of Clinical

A review article in the July 19, 2007 edition of the New
England Journal of Medicine documents that those with less
than optimal Vitamin D levels have increase incidence of:
Autoimmune diseases Osteoarthritis Depression Hypertension
Pulmonary disorders Schizophrenia Cardiovascular diseases

In addition, low levels of Vitamin D have been related to:


Muscle weakness


Non-specific musculoskeletal pain

Chronic low back pain



Between 40-100% of elderly people in the US and Europe have
insufficient or deficient levels of Vitamin D. Even
children and young adults who supplement with 400 IU of
Vitamin D and consume Vitamin D rich foods can be low in
Vitamin D.

And don't count on sunlight exposure to increase your
vitamin D levels.

Vitamin D levels can remain low in some people despite
abundant exposure to sunlight. 51% of individuals who had a
mean of 11.1 hours per week of total body skin exposure
with no sunscreen used still remained low in Vitamin D
levels. Tanned skin loses its ability to manufacture
Vitamin D and as we age our ability to convert vitamin D in
the skin becomes further diminished.

Your Vitamin D status can be assessed by having your blood
tested. Vitamin D testing identifies Vitamin D deficiency
as a potential cause of numerous health problems. Further
testing monitors Vitamin D levels during supplementation to
ensure adequate levels are achieved and protects against
possible overdosing and toxicity.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that the
"minimum Vitamin D blood levels needed to reduce disease
risk is 30 ng/mL" and that it is rare for members of the US
population to achieve this.

To account for the significant individual dose response
variability, an optimal strategy is to achieve a serum
vitamin D (25-hydroxyvitamin D) level of around 60 ng/mL.
Depending on your current vitamin D levels you may need to
take up to 5,000 IU or more of Vitamin D to achieve this
optimal disease prevention level.

The good news is that Vitamin D is inexpensive. That's why
testing for Vitamin D will never be popularized by the
media - because there is no expensive drug to push.

It is important to remember that it is the amount of
Vitamin D in the blood that determines disease risk - not
the amount of Vitamin D consumed. Excess fat in the body
can lock up Vitamin D and prevent utilization.

Until recently, a test for Vitamin D levels meant a trip to
the doctor and a blood draw. But now, a few drops of blood
from a quick and nearly painless prick of the finger with a
few spots of blood placed on special collection paper are
all that is needed. This can be done at home. It's
convenient, quick and suitable for all populations from
pediatric to the elderly.

Your blood spot sample is sent to an independent laboratory
for analysis. You'll have accurate results in just a few

Blood spot testing ensures that you achieve optimal levels
of Vitamin D and avoid the multiple risks associated with
low Vitamin D levels.

Mary Ann Copson is a Certified Licensed Nutritionist;
Certified Holistic Health Practitioner; Brain Chemistry
Profile Clinician; and a Health, Wellness and Lifestyle
Coach. Find the Vitamin D Blood Spot Test and more at

Weight Loss Keys For Mini Skirt Season

Weight Loss Keys For Mini Skirt Season
More and more women are breaking out their Mini Skirts with
summer quickly approaching. Here are some of my best rapid
fat loss tips so you can look terrific in your Mini skirts.

Losing weight fast is actually a simple process, but simple
is not necessarily easy. There is effort involved.

Here are three weight loss keys for women to look sexy in a
Mini Skirt:

1) Exercise

Women can lose weight just by following a nutrition plan on
its own, but very few succeed at it and it takes much
longer than when women eat properly and exercise as well.
And not just getting on a treadmill for 30 minutes every
other day. Though some women may lose weight this way it is
not the most efficient use of your time. Nor does it
maximize the ability to burn calories if you want to fit
into that mini skirt.

The most effective way to lose fat is by strength training
or some type of interval training utilizing strength
training and cardiovascular exercises. A properly designed
program can burn more overall calories in 20 minutes than
40 minutes on a treadmill. Also, the X factor in all this
is that women will burn more calories per minute hours
after they finished strength training because of the EPOC
(Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption) effect. Static
exercise on a treadmill doesn't produce this X factor.
Studies have shown that you can burn an increased rate of
calories up to 40 hours after you complete your exercise.

This means that your metabolism is elevated all the time 24
hours a day if you exercise every day or every other day.
Now that is what you want to look great in that mini skirt.

This is a good thing, a very good thing. You see speeding
up your metabolism is the key to losing weight quickly and
keeping it off for a lifetime. As you age your metabolism
gradually slows down. Reversing this trend ensures that
you won't consistently gain that 5-10 pounds every year as
most women do when they age.

2) Keep a food journal

You will be amazed at what you consume and not even realize
you did it until you write it down and reflect back on the
day. Keeping a food log is critical to your successful trek
of fitting into your mini skirts because if modifications
need to be made you are able to evaluate and analyze. If
weight loss changes aren't happening like you had hoped the
answer can usually be found in the food and or exercise

Make sure you record the quantities of what you eat and
what you drink. Many people forget that there are calories
and sometimes lots of calories in what you drink. Review
your food journal at the end of every day and see what you
did well and what you need to work more on. Make note of
those changes for the next day and then re-evaluate your
successes at the end of the next day. This is a very
important step to ensuring mini skirt success.

3) Follow the 90% rule

If you can follow a weight loss plan 90% of the time then
that is enough for you to be successful. Women who find
themselves breaking the rules more than 90% of the time
then the chance of being successful with weight loss is not
as likely. Your chances of failing increase significantly.
For most women this means you are allowed to cheat on your
meals 4 times per week if you are eating 5 meals a day.

These are just 3 weight loss keys to looking great in that
Mini Skirt this summer. Start implementing these mini
skirt weight loss keys and before you know it you will be
looking great and getting comments on how great you look in
that mini skirt.

Find out more about how to lose inches to fit into that
mini skirt along with a free special report "36 Potent
Foods Every Woman Who Wants To Lose Weight Fast Needs To
Know About " available at
http://dress-size-reduction-blog.com . As a registered
dietitian Jayson knows the secrets to helping any woman
drop dress sizes and inches fast, so they can look their
best for any special occasion.

Cutting Calories: How Much How Often

Cutting Calories: How Much How Often
While it is easy to demonize calories and we often blame
them for making us enjoy good food, we must also realize
that calories nourish our body and keep us strong and
healthy. While we shouldn't think of calories as the enemy,
we must work to find a healthy balance of food that our
body needs to thrive, and calories that are contributing to
unwanted weight gain.

The number of calories in the food one consumes is a
measure of the number of energy units supplied which in
turn keeps the body mechanism healthy. Only 4 components in
food provide calories: alcohol protein, carbohydrates and
fat. Minerals, Phytochemicals, Vitamins, water and fiber do
not contribute calories.

Cutting calories one consumes on a daily basis is the
cornerstone of loosing excess weight. One pound of fat
equals about 3,500 calories. This roughly translates into
losing a pound a week or around 500 calories per day.
Common sense tells us that restricting your calories is one
of the best ways to lose weight.

In order to determine your personal calorie requirement and
how many calories you should cut, multiply your target
weight in pounds by 12 to 15 calories. This gives the range
that you can adjust for gender, age and activity levels.

Now that you have an idea of your daily caloric needs, you
can determine the amount and intensity of your workouts.
If a person exercises three to four times per week for an
hour, then the ideal weight needs to be multiplied by 15
calories. If the person is inactive and does not work out,
then the ideal weight is multiplied by 13. And if one
exercises for an hour every day, then it needs to be
multiplied by 20. This is the calorie intake one needs to
work for to maintain the ideal weight and cutting calories
scheme should be framed accordingly. Refer Ms. Corinne
Netzer: "The Complete Book on Food Counts". It is an
excellent resource for caloric intake information.

The amount of calories to be deducted for maintaining the
ideal weight also needs to be calculated. Based on the
first week's calorie consumption determined by the person's
exercise pattern, for the remaining three weeks, they only
need to cut the calorie intake by one third.

Example: If the goal weight is 135 pounds and if the person
has not been exercising lately, the average daily calorie
in the first week is 2655. This works out at 135 (goal
weight) x 13 (activity level) = 1755 (daily calorie intake
at goal weight). Where 2655 was the daily calorie intake of
the first week, so if 1755 is deducted from 2655 the
current daily calorie intake the figure is 900. Cut one
third of the daily calorie (for this example 300) each
week, starting in the second week, the person is bound to
get the ideal weight loss mode by the fourth week. This
works out to 2655 daily calories for the first week, 2355
daily for the second week, 2055 daily for week three and
1755 daily calories for week four and beyond.

Most of the initial weight loss is fluid, later fat and
muscle is proportioned accounting for more than 30% weight
loss. Extreme diet where the calorie intake is less than
1200 per day leads to health risks. It is believed that one
should not be on severe diet beyond 16 weeks or fast more
than 2 or 3 days. Sever dieting has unpleasant side effects
including fatigue, intolerance to cold, hair loss, gall
stone formation, even heart arrhythmia. Those whose diet
includes high intake of fluids and much reduced protein and
sodium are also prone to various ailments.

According to Foreyt the best road for success is a moderate
cutting calories scheme so as to stay healthy and still
have energy for an active life style.

David Grisaffi is a Sports Conditining Coach and holds
multiple certifications including three from the
prestigious CHEK Institute: Level II Corrective Holistic
Exercise Kinesiologist, Golf Biomechanic, and Nutrition and
Lifestyle Coach. Plus he is also the author of the popular
selling e book, "Firm and Flatten Your Abs," which teaches
you how to develop a ripped abdominal region. Visit his
blog at http://www.flattenyourabs.net/blog
Last used: Abdominal Core Conditioning Program- Do's and
Don'ts, updated 11May2008
David Grisaffi is a Sports Conditining Coach and holds
multiple certifications including three from the
prestigious CHEK Institute: Level II Corrective Holistic
Exercise Kinesiologist, Golf Biomechanic, and Nutrition and
Lifestyle Coach. Plus he is also the author of the popular
selling e book, "Firm and Flatten Your Abs," which teaches
you how to develop a ripped abdominal region. Free
newsletter by visiting: http://www.flattenyourabs.net

Hot Tub - Why Buy

Hot Tub - Why Buy
Why buy a Jacuzzi Spa Hot Tub is it that ever so nice warm
feeling as you enter the soothing water?

Or perhaps it is the Hydrotherapy provided by that pleasant
flow of water from the Massage Jets?

Is it the fact the using a Jacuzzi benefits mind body and
spirit so well and all at the same time?

When using a Jacuzzi the warm water allows the blood
vessels in the body to dilate so increasing the flow of
blood and with it the supply of nutrients.

The focused massage Jets soothe the tissues and help to
release those built up strains and tensions in the body
particularly in the neck and shoulders.

Perhaps it is the social aspect of enjoying pleasant times
with your family and friends?

Is it for essential reasons like the lady who cannot get to
sleep with out using a Jacuzzi?

Is it the increased and better sleep that one enjoys when
using a Jacuzzi?

No, it is I believe a combination of all those but put
simply you want a better lifestyle and quality of life.

Now let us have a quick look at what features you should
look for in a Hot Tub.

Properly made and designed Hot Tubs should have the very
latest in design and in this article; I set out a couple of
points that need to be taken into account when you are
choosing a Spa that is namely Energy Conservation Systems
and Manifold Plumbing.

Energy Conservation Systems

One example is that in today's modern age, one must
consider energy efficiency and as one example does it have
an Energy Saver System built into the Hot Tub. Combine this
also of course with the ability to run on say only 16 amp
as opposed to many cheap eastern imports, which more often
than not have a high amperage requirement.

A hot tub needs to have an energy saver system to be more
economical in use and to be more green to the planet -
obviously, an energy efficient hot tub will save the
consumer money and use less precious energy thereby
reducing ones carbon footprint, which is very politically

Some manufacturers use full-foam when they make their Hot
Tubs and these are in my view and that of very large
American manufacturers an old design, as they need to be
able to vent off the motor-generated heat to the outside
air where of course the latent heat contained win in the
unit is just simply wasted. Now when a modern Hot Tub has
an energy saver system the heat produced by the mechanical
equipment in the Spa is re used for the Spa rather than
just vented and wasted way to the outside so it must
obviously be more efficient.

The way an energy saver system works is simply to conserve
the heat generated by the operating components so that it
can be recycled, and used again.

As water, flows through the pipes and plumbing towards the
jets it can draw in air to make a water air mixture by an
action, which is known as venturi. This air for the venturi
effect is in fact taken from the pocket of warm air created
by the Insulation on the shell and the cabinet. Not only is
this warm air recycled and used to warm the water in your
jets, but it also helps to maintain the water temperature
and thus saves energy and indeed the user money as it will
help to reduce the electricity used.

I have heard it said that one of the largest manufacturers
in the worls fully foam their spas to keep the noise of the
pipes down. That is what their retail dealers tell the
public. That is just poppy cock, as a properly designed spa
will not make much noise. They usually have to do this, as
the shell is not as strong as it should be hence the need
for the full foam reinforcement. If such a spa has a leak
it is very difficult to trace as the leak is usually behind
the foam.

Manifold Plumbing

Old fashioned hot tub manufacturers and indeed those hot
tubs that are not made to the very latest designs and
standards use linked, jet-to-jet plumbing systems which can
often result in the very first jet in the line being very
powerful and the last jet being much less so.

A spa manifold plumbing system is designed to automatically
balance the water pressure and even out the water
distribution system such innovative designs means that it
is possible to reduce the number of actual plumbing joints
and in so doing so this helps to maximize the flow of water

This manifold system allows everyone in your spa to enjoy
equal jet power - not just the person who happens to be
sitting in front of the first jet in the line! The more
modern manufacturers construct and build into their
plumbing systems two types of pipes - one that is designed
specifically for air, and the other designed specifically
for water. Where an out of date manufacturer or perhaps a
cheap import may use the same type of plumbing and piping
throughout the Spa in those circumstances, leaks may arise
over time. The better makers do not cut corners to build a
cheaper product - they build spas to last! That way there
products are recommended by end users and a strong loyalty
brand is formed.

As always it pays to buy a product from a long established
manufacturer one who has a reputation of dealing with
warranty issues should they arise? Watch out for the cheap
imports from the easy often labeled with American names but
their build quality is regretfully of a much lower standard
then their American counterparts.

The author Jacuzzi John (JJ) supplies premium quality
American & European Hot Tubs from Estepona on the Costa Del
Sol in Spain and his web site is at http://www.spas4you.com
email info@spas4you.com

My First Honey Water Fast - The Wins and Woes

My First Honey Water Fast - The Wins and Woes
Have you tried a 3-day fast with honey before?

One day while browsing in the library, I stumbled upon
"Slimming with Honey", a Chinese book written by a
Taiwanese expert in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Being a
honey enthusiast, I was naturally spurred to check the book
out of the library.

I knew very well a 3-day fast was not a panacea that I
could count on for weight problem, but I felt the hankering
to put my body on a challenge for a few days of no food.
And I figure that a detox could be a good jumpstart to get
myself on the road of forming a better attitude towards
eating and working on a wiser dieting subsequently.

The beauty of this 3-day program is its simplicity - no
complicated diet plans to follow, no fat-burning pills to
pop, and no creams or ointment to rub on. What it requires
only are the availability of pure honey, a resolution to
abstain from food for three days and a correct attitude
when breaking fast. Knowing how nutritious honey is helps
in bracing me up for the program. I was convinced that this
natural sweetener containing a myriad of small doses of
nutrients and vitamins and a horde of antioxidants, is a
wise choice of food during this time. But what probably
also inspired me a great deal is the well-known proposition
that our organs occasionally deserve a good break after
working so hard non-stop since the day we were born and
allowed ourselves to indulge in the immensity of so-called
good foods. Moreover fasting isn't a rocket science; for
thousands of years, almost all cultures have counted on it
to help clear the body of toxins, give our digestive organs
the opportunity to rejuvenate and restore optimum function.

This honey water detox simply involves the following: For 3
days, take only honey with water or tea. For each 150cc of
water, mix with 1 to 2 tablespoons of pure honey. Drink
this for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and whenever you feel
tired or thirsty. Keep yourself hydrated the whole day but
limit total consumption of honey to 150cc each day.

My Day One: The temptation for food and to give it up and
start all over again was very real for me. I constantly
felt hunger pangs and my mind just kept slipping into
images of my favorite foods. However, reminding myself of
what the book shared - "one should get used to it on the
2nd day" gave me great consolation and courage to stay on.
Focusing on my work in the office nonetheless was a big
challenge when every nerve and cell in me was screaming for

My Day Two: As per what was described in the book, I
experienced more energy instead of weakness, and my bowel
movement was smooth, but sort of explosive. However, what
was disappointing to me was - there was no euphoria high as
I continued to fast and my yearning for food did not seem
to get any lesser. I somehow didn't get used to hunger like
how the book has described and all I wanted to do when I
got back home from work was to sleep and forget about all
the ill-feelings.

My Day Three: I was a bit surprised by my energy level in
the morning and happy that I could still keep up with my
usual 30-minute workout at 6.30am. And thankfully, my
gastric did not give me any problems like in the past
whenever I skipped meals. However, by noon, I was feeling
famished again and by 5pm I was actually getting frustrated
and moody about the depravity of food. And one strange
phenomenon that was really not funny - I became extremely
sensitive to odors and even the smell of people's breath!
To brighten up things a bit on my last day of fasting, I
expanded the range of tea varieties that I use to
chamomile, rose, and fruit, and also increase the floral
varieties of honey to Clover, Leatherwood, and Manuka. By
evening, when I stepped unto my bathroom scale, I had
already lost an unbelievable 3kg and a big bulk of my tummy.

My Day Four: To break fast, I followed the author's advice
of going on a soft diet and abstaining from meat, diary
products, and oily and spicy stuff for the first two days.
My breakfast consisted of a small bowl of oat cereal mixed
with honey, but to my surprise, I didn't feel excited at
all when I tasted food again. In the afternoon, I was
hungry and eager to go for some nice soft food but at the
same time also felt somewhat revolting. Eating seemed to be
a brand new experience. Flavors and textures of foods had
become so different for me that I actually could not
appreciate their tastes like before. My appetite was so bad
that it was almost like having dreadful symptoms of morning
sickness. In the end, I ended eating only a slice of fresh
papaya, half a bowl of plain congee, a cup of water melon
juice, and honey water for the whole day. It was when I
felt such disappointment did I realize that breaking fast
is even be harder than fasting. My breaking fast experience
today was far from what the book has prepared me mentally
for - do not lose control and overeat, do not jar the
digestive system by gorging on meat and junk food.

My Day Five: The start of the day was not as depressing as
the day before. I began to respond to food more positively
and continued to take plain soft food. By evening, to my
relief, my appetite was back to normal and that was when I
did something stupid - I took a bottle of cold lemon juice
to quench my thirst. And result? I ended the day with a big
mess, whining like a baby, throwing up big time and feeling
weak. What a memorable anti-climax to my fasting experience!

My Day Six: I slowly normalized my diet, but still avoiding
too sweet, sour and spicy, or salty foods, so that my
stomach could slowly get used to having different types of
foods again.

Ruth Tan is the owner of the website Benefits of Honey at
http://www.benefits-of-honey.com which is an immensely
rich, quality resource on honey and its benefits, and a
plethora of health-related issues.

Surgical Frown Correction - The Corner Of The Mouth LIft

Surgical Frown Correction - The Corner Of The Mouth LIft
Many female patients today seek rejuvenation procedures
which involve making the mouth area look better or less
aged. As women age, some will lose lip volume, develope
upper and lower lip wrinkles, and have the corners of the
mouth draw down. This often creates a sad, mad, or unhappy
appearance to the lip area.

Most commonly, lip injections with hyaluronic fillers such
as Juvaderm, Restylane, or Perlane are done to enhance the
size of the lips, help fill out some of the fine wrinkles
which are around the pink part of the lips, and raise up
the mouth corners to some degree. While these forms of
injectable treatments are effective and non-invasive, they
are not permanent.

The corner of the mouth lift is a surgical option that has
lasting effects. It is an old procedure that has been
around for many decades. The corner of the mouth lift
should be more popular than it is given that it is a minor
procedure that can be performed alone in the office or as
part of many other facial rejuvenation procedures. By
taking a small triangle of skin from just above the
drooping mouth corner, the downhanging mouth corner can be
turned up quickly and easily. It is a very powerful
procedure for such a small removal of skin and one must be
careful not to overdo it by raising the corner of the mouth
too far up and having too long of a scar. It does create a
very small scar at the corner of the mouth but it is nearly
indetectable if done right.

The key to a good corner of the mouth lift result is making
the mouth corner level, and not more, and keeping the scar
small that does not wander far from the corner of the
mouth. Many facelift patients mistakenly think that the
facelift will pull up the corner which is a
misunderstanding. That is why some facelift patients with
'frowns' needs a concurrent corner of the mouth lift

I have found this procedure to be well accepted and most
patients are surprised when I mention it as they have never
heard of it. As an in-office procedure, it works well with
lip injections and lip lifts and advancements. The frown
that runs down into the 'marionette lines' will usually
need filling of the deeper marionette line with injectable
synthetic fillers, fat grafts, or a soft gore-tex implant,
depending upon whether the procedure is done in the office
or the oeprating room. For those patients with chronic
irritation due to salivary overflow (a condition known as
angular cheilitis), a corner of the mouth may even be
curative as it rearranges the angulation of the 'spout' and
creating a more competent lip dam effect.

Dr Barry Eppley, board-certified plastic surgeon of
Indianapolis, operates a private practice at Clarian North
and West Medical Centers in suburban Indianapolis. He
writes a daily blogs on topics and trends in plastic
surgery at http://www.exploreplasticsurgery.com

Eating Whole Foods For A Full Body Detox

Eating Whole Foods For A Full Body Detox
Think carefully back to the last time that you felt really
awake and refreshed. How long ago was it? Many people think
about that question and blink when they realize how long
its really been since they really felt whole and healthy,
and one of the leading reasons as to why that might is due
to the toxins that are building up in their bodies. When
you think about why you are feeling so tired and lethargic,
you'll often find that one answer that you encounter will
be that the food that you eat is building up toxins your
body and that whole foods are providing the answer to that;
this is something where a full body detox can be very

When you think about eating healthy in other words, trying
a body detox diet, chances are you will think that fruits
and vegetables are the best way to do this. This is the
correct impulse, but what if the fruits and vegetables that
you get from the store are bad for you? If you think about
it, you'll find that most of the fruits and vegetables that
you eat are shipped quite a long distance. Because of this,
they will be covered with protective waxes or preservatives
to make sure that they get to the store looking great, and
that's not even including all of the pesticides and
steroids that are pumped into them to make them look better!

With whole foods, you are getting foods that have not been
tampered with in any way. For a product to be able to say
that they are whole foods, you will find that they have
only had the most natural pest removal techniques used, and
that they will be shipped in such a way as to not require a
great deal of preservatives. Not only will this keep many
different toxins out of your system, it will help your body
cleanse itself as well. When you are considering eating
whole foods, you'll find that there are a number of
different benefits. Take a look around to see what body
detox recipe you will enjoy the most.

When you are eating whole foods in a body detox progrm,
you'll find that you will also end up getting a lot more in
the way of vitamins and nutrients as well. The processing
that most food goes through will actually strip a great
deal of the nutrition away, even if it is a perfectly happy
vegetable or fruit. Many people, when they start eating
whole foods, end up deciding that whole foods taste a great
deal better as well. You'll find that once you start eating
whole foods that this can go a long way towards pepping up
your diet and making you more enthusiastic about healthy
food as well.

To find whole foods, you can start by looking at your
grocery. Look in the organic sections and see what you can
find and if you are disappointed by the selection, make a
mention of this to the manager; this is the best way to
start a natural body detox You'll also find that when you
are looking for whole foods that you can go to special
grocery stores, or you can simply head to your local
farmer's market. Your farmer's market is a great way to
figure out how to get foods that are grown as naturally as
possible. Take some time to see what whole foods can do for
your total body detox!

John Khu is a health enthusiast and author of a new eBook
titled "Body Detox Tips". He is devoted to educate others
on the benefit of body detoxification. He is also the
owner of the website called http://www.bodydetoxtips.com
which provides complete and up-to-date information.

What Causes The Prostate Gland To Enlarge?

What Causes The Prostate Gland To Enlarge?
An enlarged prostate gland is a common occurrence for men
as they age. The condition by which the prostate enlarges
is called is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or
benign prostatic hypertrophy. The problem of (BPH) is one
that should be on all the minds of a middle aged male and
even more so if prostate cancer has struck that particular
family. Within this section the very best up to date
information on how to possibly relieve and frequent
urination and reduction of the prostate will be revealed.

What Causes (BPH)?

Most researchers don't know the exact cause of (BPH). It
has been known that (BPH) occurs mainly in older men. As a
result, researchers believe that factors related to aging
and the testes may initiate the onset of (BPH). All men
produce testosterone (a male hormone) throughout their
lives and also a small amount of estrogen (a female
hormone). For nearly all men as they age, the abundance of
active testosterone in their blood decreases, which leaves
a higher proportion of estrogen. Research conducted on
animals has provided information that (BPH) may occur
because the increased amount of estrogen within the gland
stimulates the activity of substances that initiate cell

Also dihydrotestosterone (DHT) a substance that is a
derivative from testosterone in the prostate may influence
the growth of the prostate. An enlarged prostate gland is
possibly the result of an accumulation of (DHT) in the
prostate. Research links older men with unusually high
concentrations of (DHT) in their prostates.

What are the ingredients To Possibly Relieve Prostate

Saw Palmetto - An herb that works slowly to possibly
preventing testosterone from breaking down into another
form of the hormone (DHT) that is associated with prostate
tissue growth.

Selenium - Actually boosts the bodies antioxidant capacity,
as a result, may control cell damage in the prostate.
Moreover, it could also enhance immune system function.

Stinging Nettle - The nettle appears to reduce the
obstruction to urinary flow and decrease the need for
nighttime urination. Stinging nettle is widely used in
Europe for (BPH). A large number of adult males over 50
awake to pressure in the bladder.

Lycopene - Is a powerful antioxidant and belongs to a
family of chemicals called carotenoids. There is some
evidence that links high amounts of lycopene with a reduced
risk of cancer, but the results are inconclusive.

Pumpkin Seeds - Are a good source of two unsaturated fatty
acids called oleic and linoleic acid, which maybe
beneficial in relieving symptoms of an enlarged prostate

Pygeum Africanum - This is a large evergreen tree that
grows in the high plateaus of Southern Africa. The pygeum
bark contains three groups of active constituents:
phytosterols, the fatty acids ursolic and oleic acids, and
ferulic esters of long chain fatty alcohols. Phytosterols
are also plant sterols that aid in reducing high
cholesterol levels. More than half of the men over 55 have
enlarged prostate glands known as (BPH). Did you know that
advanced cases could cause kidney damage, bladder
infections, and sexual disabilities? Moreover, standard
treatments include expensive surgical procedures that can
result in bleeding, bladder damage and impotence.

Prostate gland problems are on a pandemic level with
millions of men suffering from BPH and not even realizing
its coming from their prostate.


The information provided herein should not be construed as
a health-care diagnosis, treatment regimen or any other
prescribed health-care advice or instruction. The
information is provided with the understanding that the
publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any
other health-care profession and does not enter into a
health-care practioner/ patient relationship with its

The author is an avid researcher and professional expert on
prostate health. Prostate health should be of utmost
importance to all men over the age of 40. For more
information check out http://www.regainurhealth.com

Children's Dental Insurance Coverage

Children's Dental Insurance Coverage
Caring parents will make sure that their children are
included to a pediatric dental care plan as soon as they
are able; dental hygiene is vital no matter how old you
are. It isn't unusual to have parents add their children to
the family health care plan but completely neglect the
health of their children's teeth. It is quite normal for
children to hate visits to their dentist; however, it is
important that children get into the habit of seeing the
dentist routinely from a young age.

Pediatric dental plans are not difficult to find as most
are contained within standard family dental plan programs;
if you find that your plan doesn't provide for children
below a certain age then you should seek another provider.
For full details of what treatments and other dental
services for your child's teeth are includes you will need
to read your dental plan carefully but all the information
should be there. If for some reason your provider has only
sent a brief synopsis of cover then you should request a
full version of the plan provisions and exemptions. This
type of plan should not be confused with those dental care
plans designed for adults as they are very different;
because they cater for their special needs.

This type of dentist specializes in child care and their
teeth; generally these dental practices only look after
children's teeth. By incorporating many things that they
know children enjoy doing like playing video games for
instance, children do not then associate a visit to the
dentists with anything to be afraid of. Pediatric dental
practices have been designed to treat children so you can
rest assured that your child's every need will be met there.

The reason for all this care is because children have
sensitive teeth that are prone to damage and require
special attention; this should place them in good stead as
they mature into young adults. With this pediatric dental
care plan your children's teeth with be in good hands and
you will be completely covered for all of their dental
needs. As a parent you can do no more but hope this good
habit will continue when they grow older.

When you search for your family dental plan you will find
that there are many benefits and coverage for your entire
family. If you are looking for a discount then you should
spend some time searching online as this is the best place
to find family dental care with a lower premium. As there
isn't that much difference between family dental plans
there is nothing to lose by arranging a plan online to save
money. If you care about your children's dental health then
you should not delay arranging a pediatric dental care plan
wherever you live because they are available all over the
country; there isn't really any excuse not to provide the
best care you can afford for the health of your families

Dean Calvert is an insurance expert and has spent the past
14 years in the insurance field.

What is Vitamin A? What are the benefits of Vitamin A?

What is Vitamin A? What are the benefits of Vitamin A?
Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin that is best known for
its positive effects on helping the eyes adjust to changes
in the light. Vitamin A contributes to the overall health
of the eyes, the skin and the mucous membranes. This
particular vitamin, which is also commonly referred to as
Retinol, can be mostly found in animal food sources, but
there are also a number of plant based food sources that
supply beta carotene, which is converted into Vitamin A
within the body. Vitamin A is also generally regarded as an
excellent antioxidant, which means that it is responsible
for neutralizing the free radicals within the body that
cause damage to cells and tissue.

It has been suggested by scientific studies in the past
that beta carotene and Vitamin A can help people who have
Coronary Artery Disease or CAD. However, it is not
recommended that beta carotene or Vitamin A supplements be
taken for this purpose yet, until more scientific research
can be conducted. It is already known that Vitamin A and
beta carotene have a positive effect on the body, though it
is not yet known what exactly Vitamin A can do for the
body, especially when it comes to Coronary Artery Disease
or CAD.

Vitamins are most commonly categorized based on what
materials they can be dissolved in, and for that reason,
Vitamin A is categorized as a fat soluble vitamin. Other
fat soluble vitamins include vitamins D, E and K. The
alternative is vitamins that are water soluble. Fat soluble
vitamins are stored within the fat tissue in the body, and
they can be stored from as little as a few days until as
many as six months. If you ingest too much of a fat soluble
vitamin, it can be stored in the wrong place such as your
liver, which can cause problems in your body. Fat soluble
vitamins should never be taken in large doses, as this can
lead to toxicity issues.

There are actually a number of health problems that make it
difficult for people to absorb vitamins like Vitamin A. It
is important to know how vitamin absorption will be
affected by chronic health conditions. It is also important
to know how much Vitamin A you need to consume for your
optimum health. It is generally recommended that women
consume around 800 mcg of Vitamin A, and that men consume
1000 mcg of Vitamin A daily for optimum health. Luckily,
there are a number of sources of Vitamin A available,
including beef liver, cheddar cheese, fortified milk, egg
yolk, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, broccoli, apricots,
cantaloupe and spinach or other collared greens.

Vitamin A deficiencies are not all too common in the United
States, but when this vitamin deficiency does occur, it can
cause night blindness, inflammation of the eyes, diarrhea
and a variety of other problems. Over consuming vitamin A
on the other hand can cause problems relating to
irritability, nausea, blurred vision and many other issues.
Someone who takes too much vitamin A can have their feet
and hands turn orange. Serious Vitamin A toxicity can cause
hair loss, an enlarged spleen and liver, and even growth
retardation in severe forms. For this very reason, it is
important for you to understand how much vitamin A you are
getting in your diet. If you are getting enough vitamin A
and beta carotene in your food products, there is no need
to take a vitamin supplement.

If you want to get the most amounts of vitamins possible
from your foods, then you should immediately refrigerate
your fresh produce products, and should keep milk and grain
products out of strong amounts of light. The vitamins in
your foods are easily washed out or destroyed during the
food preparation and storage processes. If you are taking
your vitamin A in the form of a supplement, you should make
sure to store them in a cool and dry place that has no
excess moisture.

Ron Godlewski has written many articles on health,
wellness, and maintaining vitality throughout our lifetime.
Read more about the importance of nutrition and the many
benefits of vitamins in our daily diets in the article
library at
s.php and even receive your own complementary copy of a
nationally recognized health and nutrition magazine just
for visiting!

A Powerful Way to Create Change

A Powerful Way to Create Change
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." (Gandhi)

I have always loved this quote. I think it resonates
deeply with me because I tend to be a "fixer." If I see
something not working, I want it to work. If I see someone
suffering, I want them to feel better. I tend to develop
angst over problems in the world and wish things could be
different. I have loads of advice J, as well as a huge
passion, for easing the suffering of others. I became a
social worker in the first place, frankly, because I wanted
to change the world.

At the same time, I know on a very deep level that the most
powerful thing I can do is to embody those changes myself.
I am not advocating passivity - in fact, quite the
opposite. I believe that in order to change the world, we
must first tune inward.

In my role as therapist, coach, friend, volunteer, and
passionate supporter of making the world a better place,
this has gotten much easier. (I'm sure you're familiar with
the quote, "therapist heal thyself" - well, I took that to
heart!). It has become clearer to me that when I am
struggling with wanting to "change" someone or something, I
have to tune in to myself first; I have to focus on healing
this part of me before I can really be of service to anyone

However, in my role as a mother, and oh, how I hate to
admit this, as a daughter and sometimes a wife - HA! This
is not so easy!

Do you know what I mean?? Are there certain people in your
life that you NEED to fix or change? That you so
desperately wish were different in some way??

Since this is a "Mother's Day" issue and so many of my
readers are moms, I am going to use the role of "mother" as
an example to illustrate my point.

It is painful to see our children struggling or even
frustrated. It is also painful to imagine their potentially
doomed future (which often has more to do with our own
projection, by the way) if they DON'T LISTEN TO US!! We as
parents have powerful ideas about what their behaviors,
thoughts, values, characteristics, issues, actions, etc.
should be so our children can live their best possible
lives. In the service of loving our children, we may try,
try, try to get them to BE a certain way.

I don't know about you, but in my less than wisest moments,
I've resorted to begging, pleading, bribing, nagging, and
yelling to get my children to SEE and DO things MY WAY. In
the service of "helping them" because I "want them to be
happy or healthy," I have acted in ways that weren't in any
one's best interest. Even more importantly, these ways
have not worked.

Don't get me wrong. I am a huge believer in setting limits
and guiding and being clear about our expectations and even
being very firm. This is part of what being a parent is.

However, if we don't model what we are trying to teach; if
we do not internally embody the values and behaviors and
beliefs that we are trying so hard to convey, we will be
teaching and setting limits and being firm until we are
blue in the face. We must be their living example.

So what are the values you want your children to grow up
with? Where in your life might your internal experiences
or feelings (or even outward actions) be in conflict with
what you are preaching to them? Believe me, even if you
think they don't see these things, kids KNOW everything.
They know when we are saying things that are congruent with
what we feel, and they know when we are blowing them a lot
of hot air.

When I get annoyed with my children for begging for more
toys and not recognizing how lucky they are given all the
starving children in the world, I know it's time to examine
my relationship with my own stuff. Do I value (and treat
kindly) the things that I have? Have I been grateful for
how lucky I am, or instead feeling sorry for myself because
someone else has "more"?

Here's another example: If I want to make the world a
more peaceful place (which I do), then I need to focus on
peace in my own life. Where am I struggling? Who am I
struggling with? What am I doing to make my little world -
and the larger world - a more peaceful place (complaining
about our administration, for example, is NOT an example of
tuning inward, unfortunately).

If I want my children to stop begging for sweets, I have to
work on my own feelings of deprivation when I say "no" to
sweets (or other things) for myself. I also have to get
clear on what saying no to them means, and work on my own
guilt over disappointing them. Most importantly, I have to
value my own body and health and wellbeing so I can convey
to them the importance of valuing theirs.

In the words of Yehuda Berg*, ". . .like candles, we
should allow the radiance of our thoughts and deeds to warm
and enlighten our children [and ourselves]. In this way,
the changes in our own lives become examples and
inspirations for them to follow."

We are all a work in progress. There are no perfect
parents (really). And this article is in no way an
attempt to get you to be a better mother or daughter or
partner or friend. (My goodness, there is already plenty
of advice on how to "be better" out there!). My wish for
you this Mother's Day and beyond is that, rather than
trying to be the perfect mother or the perfect wife or
partner or daughter or son, you take this opportunity to
tune into yourself. To fully embody the change you wish to
see. To offer yourself the love, compassion, nurturing,
confidence, kindness, and care that you so freely give to,
and want for, others in your life.

Karen Schachter is a licensed clinical social worker &
certified nutrition counselor who works with women who want
to have a healthier relationship with food & in turn,
improve their nutrition, improve their mood & energy,
decrease their cravings and just generally enjoy life more
fully. She helps parents figure out what to feed their
children & how to feed their children. Sign up for her FREE
newsletter @ http://www.healthybodieshappyminds.com/

Cancer Awareness

Cancer Awareness
Diet is a very, very important factor when it comes to the
subject of cancer awareness and prevention. Cancer can
manifest (or not) as a result of what you have been putting
on your plate day in day out: To be cancer-free it is vital
to avoid certain foods. Naturally, diet becomes more
critical for cancer sufferers.

Here are some examples of a cancer causing diet. So it is
necessary to avoid the following.

1.Dairy Products:

Insulin growth factor (IGF) in dairy such as cow's milk is
known to lead to breast & prostate cancer. Other sources of
calcium can be found in things like green and rice milk.
The immune system can also be compromised thought dairy

2. Animal protein. E.g. meat:

A peri-cellular coating or outer layer protects cancer
cells. The enzymes called trypsin and chymotrypsin produced
from the pancreas break down this outer layer. The cancer
cells can then be destroyed. However, when meat is eaten,
the pancreatic enzymes from the pancreas are more involved
in the digestion of meat instead of breaking down the
cancer cell's outer protective layer. Couple this with the
fact that a lot of meat, particularly that of the processed
sort, has much chemical toxicity, this renders an
individual more susceptible to cancer.

3. Processed & fried foods:

Contain many chemicals, flavour enhancers,
preservatives...The food have been denatured & therefore
has poor nutritional value. These foods have been known to
cause DNA injury, leading to cancer.

4. Refined sugar / Artificial sweeteners. E.g. Nutrasweet
and aspartame.

Promotes the cancer processes of uncontrolled rapid cell
division. Sugar can lead to cancer of the ovaries, breast,
prostate & rectum. Can severely reduce the biochemical
formation of vitamin B complexes. Also is capable of
interfering with the pancreatic production of trypsin and
chymotrypsin enzymes. All if taken on the long term & in
large amounts can greatly increase the likelihood of cancer

5. Cafeinated drinks and alcohol:

Go easy on stimulants like tea and alcohol. However, green
tea is very good. 6. Unclean water and toothpaste with
fluoride. Toiletries with toxic chemicals like sodium
laurethsulphate should also be avoided like the plague:

Chloride, fluoride, toiletries and other chemicals in tap
water are metabolic poisons.

Active / passive smoking:

At risk of lung cancer...

It should be noted that the above dietary table is not an
exhaustive account of what shouldn't be eaten. There are
many good websites and books on cancer awareness and

I, Paul Phillips am a health writer researcher. I graduated
in 'Biological Sciences' which includes biochemistry,
physiology and nutrition. I have worked in various related
research and development labs.
I am always willing to give advice and help people in my
field. For a wealth of vital information please check out
my ebook using the following link:

12 Easy Steps To Get Over Exercise Procrastination

12 Easy Steps To Get Over Exercise Procrastination
Does it seem like every year you seem to put on a bit more

Has the gasping for breath at the top of a flight of stairs
made you think about trying to improve your fitness level,
or lack of?

You know you should make time to exercise and you probably
want to. You may have even joined a health club before
today, but didn't stay long!

It's tough in this modern world of careers, kids and
wanting the latest toy!

Most of us are time poor. But, what will the repercussions
be later in life, if we don't set aside 20 minutes a day to

We all know that exercise conditions our body. Our mood
improves, it helps prevent osteoporosis and heart disease,
it keeps our weight down, it strengthens our heart and
lungs, it helps us to sleep better, improves our sex life
and it can be fun.

So with all these amazing benefits, why do most of us
procrastinate about exercise?

Well, the reason is, the mind has an amazing ability to
create a list of excuses about why we shouldn't exercise.

You may have found yourself using these excuses at one time
or another:

It's too early in the morning!

Getting your exercise done in the morning (before the day
starts) is a great idea. However it is very tempting to hit
the snooze button. Just think how guilty you will feel all
day, knowing you didn't get your exercise done.

It's too cold or it's too hot!

If it's cold, dress warmer or exercise inside. It won't
take long to warm up once you start exercising. If it's
hot, exercise in the early morning or later in the
afternoon. Gyms and fitness centers are all air-conditioned
so this is no excuse.

I'm too tired!

Even more reason to exercise. Exercise energizes you and
you'll feel fantastic when you're done.

My knees hurt, my muscles are stiff!

Keep going! Reduce the intensity and change the type of
exercise. If your knees hurt ride a bike or go for a swim.

I don't have the right shoes or the clothes!

Training shoes and clothing can be bought fairly
inexpensively nowadays. eBay is a great place to buy
inexpensive trainers and have them delivered to your door!

I'm too fat and I will look stupid!

Regular exercise, with the right diet, will strip all that
excess weight in no time. The trick is to start and keep
consistent. It looks better seeing an overweight person out
walking, rather than in a MacDonald's!

I want to sit down and relax for 5 minutes!

The problem with sitting down is the 5 minutes turns into
10 minutes, which turns into 30 minutes. Exercise first and
then sit down afterwards. You'll find that after exercising
you'll be energized and won't feel like sitting down.

I've just eaten!

There is no better time to go for a walk than after a meal.
Keep the intensity lower and think of those calories

I can't leave the kids alone at home!

Take them with you and make a game of it, or swap baby
sitting with a friend. Most modern gyms offer child care

My spouse won't come with me and I don't want to go on my

A long walk on your own is a great time to reflect and
think. Keep at it and your spouse will be motivated to join

There is a good show on TV!

TiVo is a wonderful invention, so having to watch a good
show on TV is no excuse. Record the show, get your exercise
done and watch the show afterwards, commercial free.

I'm on vacation!

There is no better time to start exercising and get into
the habit of exercising, than when you are on vacation. Use
your free time being active and you will return home
feeling even more relaxed and vibrant.

At some stage we will all have our excuses as to why we
don't exercise today or tomorrow. The truth is, most of the
excuses are trivial compared to the massive benefits of

A stronger heart and lungs, the help in preventing
osteoporosis and heart disease, the weight reduction,
better sleep and a better sex life are major benefits of
exercise that are too important to ignore.

Imagine Looking And Feeling 10 or 15 Years Younger Than You
Are? You will become the envy of your family and friends.
FREE Details Here => http://www.FitnFabulous.com/

Whole Food Supplements Vs. Synthetic Vitamins: Which One is Better for Me?

Whole Food Supplements Vs. Synthetic Vitamins: Which One is Better for Me?
We all harbor the hope that we are eating right. More often
than not, that's easier said than done. The demands of work
and family drain our time and our patience. We live fast
and eat worse. And try to compensate by taking handfuls of
vitamins and other over-the-counter supplements.

The question is...can all that pill popping be good for
you? According to nutritionists, the short answer is no. At
the very least, say many nutritionists -- if you're missing
the mark on a healthy diet, then whole food supplements are
at least a step in the right direction.

Whole food supplements are made from organic, animal and
plant tissues. In other words: fruits and vegetables grown
in mineral-rich soils, without chemicals, pesticides,
preservatives, or additives of any kind. This non-toxic
nutrient-rich produce is made into supplements, which are
clinically designed to target nutritional deficiencies that
affect various parts of our bodies.

Whole food supplements are what their name suggests:
Supplements made from concentrated whole foods. Here is an
example. Tomatoes are rich in both Vitamin C and Vitamin E.
However, to get the full benefit of these vitamins you
would have to consume close to a dozen good size tomatoes a
day. It would be hard to find a person that would or could
do that on a daily basis. But... dehydrate them grind them
up and put them into a soluble capsule and you are good to
go. It takes only a moment to take a few capsules and you
have gotten the benefits of a whole garden of tomatoes.

Because these supplements are made from natural foods, they
contain the entire complex of vitamins and minerals as well
as all the micro-nutrients and synergistic factors found in
nature. Which -- in case you didn't know - are necessary
for the vitamin or mineral to complete its action in the

Synthetic vitamins recreate only a potion of what is need
to reap the full benefits of its nutrition. When vitamins
appear in nature there is a slew of accompanying enzymes,
coenzymes, antioxidants, trace elements, and activators
that help the body absorb the vitamins. When a vitamin is
created synthetically, the team of other elements that help
the vitamin be absorbed are not recreated. No evidence
suggests that synthetics are damaging to one's health in
the recommended dosage but, at very least, they are poor
investment in your overall health. Much of a synthetics
offered nutrients are lost because it cannot be absorbed.

Synthetics are appealing when sitting on the store shelves
next to whole food supplements because whole food are often
up to twice the price. Think next time you are at the
market. It doesn't matter if it is cheaper if it doesn't
work. Also keep in mind, many vitamins and minerals require
fats to be absorbed correctly. Diets that remove all or
most fats from the diet usually keep your body from getting
the nutrients it needs.

Provided by Mason Curry - Natures Bargain Health Products,
Almighty Cleanse and Sea vegg are two of the best whole
food nutrition aid on the market. Nature's Bargain brings
them and many other whole food and natural health products
at less than retail prices.

Why use Physiotherapy to Treat Back Pain

Why use Physiotherapy to Treat Back Pain
Physiotherapy dates back to the ancient times but the
modern practice of this allied medical care started in the
1920s. It is used to address conditions like recurring
pain, musculoskeletal disorders, and movement disorders.
The health care professional who is trained in this field
of endeavour is known as a physiotherapist or a physical

Nowadays, the services of physiotherapists are widely
sought by a large number of people who suffer from a wide
variety of afflictions. The most common of which is back
ache. It used to be that when an individual has backache,
he goes directly to a doctor. At present, he has another
option and that is to engage the assistance of a physical

Backaches come in different forms depending on the specific
affected area. The causes are quite varied ranging with
those resulting from injuries due to motor accident, some
diseases or an unhealthy lifestyle. It may be in the form
of lumbar back pain or thoracic back pain.

Thoracic pain, commonly known as upper back pain or middle
back pain, is due to a lot of reasons like degenerative
disc diseases. It may also come about because a spinal
disability. Sometimes, the constant repetitive movement in
the upper body or a joint dysfunction may lead to upper
back pain. Since the upper back is much more stable
compared to the lower back, upper back pains are less
common compared with lower back pains.

Lumbar back pains or lower back pain is a much ordinary
occurrence with a variety of causes. It may be because of a
torn ligament, a herniated disc or slipped disc, muscular
spasm or just plain poor posture. Even the act of lifting
improperly of a heavy box may result in lower back pains.

Back pains may be temporary and minor, where an individual
will just feel a twinge of pain or some tenderness or it
can be recurring and debilitating. People who are plagued
with chronic back pain are better off starting therapy with
a licensed physiotherapist. The relief will be more lasting
for it will target the root cause and not just deal with
the symptoms. For some, it is a choice between
physiotherapy and surgery with the latter having a higher
risk factor.

In physiotherapy for back pains, a combination of methods
is used in the treatment process depending on the reason
for such a condition. In case of problems with spinal
discs, only a certified physiotherapist is supposed to work
in manipulating back the disc into place. Licensed
physiotherapists underwent extensive education and training
to be equipped with skills needed to handle injuries such
as herniated discs. Surgery for herniated discs is quite
costly and risky. There is a long recovery period also
where one has to be kept stationary.

Massage may also be used to relax the muscles at the back
and to relieve the pain caused by torn ligaments.
Myotheraphy and hydrotherapy can be used to ease back
pains, not just temporarily but for a lifetime.

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