Thursday, December 27, 2007

News That Will Change Your Life: Your Path To Eternal Fitness

News That Will Change Your Life: Your Path To Eternal Fitness
Anyone serious about making a permanent health and fitness
result in their body must read this article...

Are you happy with your body?

Have you ever heard of the these following contraptions the
ab lounge, ab scissor, ab dolly, ab sculptor or how about
the ab-away pro and the ab energizer.

I'm willing to bet you have!

While all these gizmos sound like fascinating news. I'm
sorry to tell you they're one of the most worthless tools
you can spend your money on.

People are always looking for the easy way out, the wonder
drug or the miracle pill, some people just don't want to
put in the hard work and dedication required to put their
selves on the road to fitness...

These gadget companies would have you to believe that doing
just 5 minutes a day on their wiz-bang machines without
doing anything else will have you ready to hit the beach in
a matter of weeks.

News That Will Change Your View Of Fitness

Well unfortunately many people fall prey to such
advertisements and it really irritates me as a Fitness
Coach to see such things in this country. In this article
I'll cover the essential components that absolutely must be
present for any weight loss or fitness program to be

Any weight loss program must have 3 key components present
in order to be successful.

A Supportive Eating Plan

Stressing Your Muscles

Cardiovascular Conditioning

I want to go into a little more detail about each of these
starting with:

Cardiovascular Conditioning

First let me say that aerobic activity definitely is
important when it comes to weight and fat loss, however you
can go too far, which may be news to you!!.

Aerobic exercise is very popular with women of all ages,
and some would have you to believe that endless hours of
cardio is the key to a shapely body, but I have to tell you
it's not.

Not only is excess cardiovascular exercise not the best
thing, but it can in fact be detrimental to successful
weight loss. As a Fitness Coach this is probably the most
common misconception in the health and fitness confusion.

In short excessive cardio will break down muscle tissue,
and muscle tissue is metabolically active in the body,
which basically means that it burns calories 24 hours a day
even while you sit down or sleep.

So you want to preserve as much muscle as possible by
limiting the cardiovascular exercise to around 30 min. 3-4
times per week. To supplement the weekly aerobic activity
some form of strength training should also be included!

Stressing Your Muscles

This portion of the fitness formula is often forgotten or
just left out intentionally.

Really it is not very hard, overloading the muscle just
means putting higher than normal amounts of stress on the
various muscle groups in the body to ensure that all of
your muscle is at least maintained while on a weight loss

This can literally be an endless amount of activities, from
push-ups and pull-ups to rock climbing or whatever strikes
your fancy. Most importantly if it is something that you
enjoy you will much more likely to continue doing it.

Continue with this News below where we talk about
Supportive Nutrition, the last pice of the fitness puzzle.

Supportive Nutrition

The nutritional aspect of a Fitness program is probably the
most confusing for many individuals in this country.

After all with literally hundreds of different diet's and
their books touting the various forms of food exclusivity
or focusing on just one food or food group or

Often times people are so confused that they just don't do
anything which is the worst thing you can do. Whatever you
do, do something, you don't have to have a perfect plan,
just to get started. This is news to most people, and a
different way of viewing fitness.

You can always improve upon what you are doing the further
you get into it and the more you learn.

So really what are the right foods to eat, should you eat
half a cow's worth of meat every week, or is fat-free
cookies and fat-free ice cream the way to go.

Really you just want to eat like you think your mom would
have you eat, healthy food, and balanced amounts of various
foods. It is really, so simple, just think of what common
sense would tell you.

Would 3 cinnamon rolls for breakfast be better or a couple
of eggs and some fruit, or perhaps a bowl of oatmeal with
some cottage cheese?

Basically you want to eat as many unprocessed foods in
their natural state for carbohydrates, various forms of
meat are great, limiting the amount of high-fat meats to a
few times per week. Then a moderate amount of fat through,
nuts, oils and other fat containing foods.

The Sum Of All 3 - The Ultimate Fitness Secret

None of these 3 componenets can get you the results you are
after on your own. You need the combination of all for a
multiplication effect.

So to sum up when you here someone say that they are going
on a diet, remember this news and ask them what they mean.
Are they just going to try and starve themselves through
calorie deprovation.

A diet or fitness plan in order to be successful should
include those 3 elements as discussed, and they are again
to remind you, moderate amount of aerobic activity,
overloading the muscles, and probably the most important a
balanced and healthy nutrition plan.

I hope this news has helped you. Now just take action and
expect succcess!!

Zach Hunt is the owner and head fitness coach of Physzique,
a high-end personal fitness coaching service in Spokane,
WA. Go to
al-wa.html to find out more about this incredible news. Or
go now to for
immediately usable health and fitness tips.

Gum Disease

Gum Disease
Here is a mini quiz: what is the number one cause of adult
tooth loss?

A. Cavities
B. Gum Disease

The answer, if it is not apparent from the title of today's
article, is gum disease; also known as periodontal disease.

In a nutshell, periodontal diseases are bacterial
infections that destroy the fibers and attachment bone that
hold the teeth in place. In some cases, when left
untreated, this can lead to tooth loss.

The two most common forms of periodontal disease are
Gingivitis and Periodontitis. Gingivitis is the mildest
form of periodontal disease. The symptoms of Gingivitis are
swollen, soft red gums that bleed easily. The underlying
cause of gingivitis is plaque. Plaque is a sticky substance
that forms a film on the teeth. When the plaque is not
properly cleaned off the teeth, it can harden into tartar
that collects above the gum line. It is the bacteria in the
plaque and gum that irritates the gums, causing the gums
become swollen. While poor oral health is the primary cause
of gingivitis, other factors such as poor nutrition,
tobacco use and diabetes can also increase the risk of
developing gingivitis.

The first step to treating gingivitis is to have the teeth
thoroughly cleaned by a dentist, after that, it is
important to continue to practice proper and scrupulous
oral hygiene, including flossing and rinsing.

Good oral hygiene is vital for preventing gingivitis from
occurring in the first place. Using correct brushing
techniques and using an electric toothbrush can help remove
the plaque that causes gingivitis. On that same note,
flossing can also help remove food particles and plaque in
between the teeth.

In some situations, gingivitis can advance to the more
severe periodontitis. Periodontitis is an infection that
destroys the tissue and bone that support the teeth and may
eventually lead to tooth loss. In some cases, long term
periodontitis can even increases the risk of heart disease
and stroke. Some symptoms of periodontitis include tender
bright red gums, spaces developing between teeth, pus
between gums and teeth and constant bad breath. Plaque is
also the underlying cause of periodontal disease. The
longer plaque remains on the teeth, the more chance the
gums will become inflamed. When this occurs, pockets filled
with plaque and tartar develop between the gums and teeth.
This infection can cause loss of the bone that supports the
teeth, and eventually the teeth itself. Other factors that
also increase risk of periodontitis include tobacco and
drug use, hormonal changes and diabetes.

A periodontist specializes in treating and preventing
periodontitis. In many cases, periodontitis can be treated
through non invasive methods, but in some cases surgery may
be required. Common procedures include soft tissue and bone
grafts to replace the destroyed tissue and bone; and guided
tissue regeneration which allows teeth destroyed by
bacteria to re-grow.

As with gingivitis, practicing good oral hygiene and
regular dentist visits is the best way to prevent
periodontitis from occurring in the first place.

For more information, you may visit .

Traumatic Brain Injuries and Memory Loss

Traumatic Brain Injuries and Memory Loss
Depictions of head-injury patients in movies and television
almost always show the patient experiencing some type of
amnesia, or memory loss. Indeed, memory loss is the most
common cognitive side effect of a severe traumatic brain
injury. In patients with a milder TBI, memory loss is still
one of the most common symptoms. And the more severe the
patient's memory loss is, the more severe the brain damage
is likely to be.

Temporary Memory Loss and TBI

Some traumatic brain injury-related amnesia is temporary;
such patients are usually unable to recall what happened
directly before, during and after their accidents. This is
often caused by edema, or a swelling of the brain in
response to the damage it sustained. Because the brain is
pressed against the skull, parts that were not injured are
still not able to work. As the swelling goes down, the
patient's memory returns, often slowly over a period of
weeks, months or even years. Temporary memory loss may also
be an emotional response to the stress of the event that
caused the TBI.

Other, less common, types of memory loss stemming from
traumatic brain injury are fixed. These result from damage
to the nerves and axons (connections between nerves) of the
brain itself. Because the brain cannot heal itself like an
arm or a leg, any function that is damaged during a TBI is
permanently impaired unless the brain can learn to perform
that function differently. Fixed amnesia may include
inability to remember events before the injury, or loss of
memory of the meanings of certain things, such as words or
smells or objects. Less commonly, a person may not remember
skills he or she had before the TBI.

Brain Damage and Anteretrograde Amnesia

A patient with TBI may also develop anteretrograde amnesia
-- an inability to form memories of events that happened
after the injury. The reason for this is not well
understood, but an October 2006 study by researchers at the
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia found that TBIs reduce
the levels of a protein in the brain that helps it balance
its activity. Without enough of that protein, the brain can
"overload," the researchers said, interfering with memory
formation, particularly the ability to learn new things.

Treatment Options for Traumatic Brain Injury Patients with

There is no treatment for memory loss caused by a traumatic
brain injury; if the memory does not come back on its own,
it is gone forever. However, a September 2006 study
published in Neurology, the scientific journal of the
American Academy of Neurology, showed promising results in
TBI patients with anteretrograde memory loss who took the
drug rivastigmine. The drug, which is sold to Alzheimer's
disease patients under the brand name Exelon, helped
patients with moderate to severe memory loss score better
on memory tests than another group of patients that took
placebos. The results were not as good for patients who had
only mild memory loss. If you suffer from traumatic brain
injury-related memory problems, you may wish to contact an
experienced TBI attorney to discuss your options, which may
include filing a brain injury lawsuit in order to gain
compensation for your medical costs.

---------------------------------------------------- is your source for everything legal on the
web. Visit Legalview at for access
to a complete legal database, including a free attorney
referral service. Using the service, visitors can use
resources to find attorneys for a variety of legal issues,
such as a mesothelioma lawyer or a Nephrogenic Systemic
Fibrosis lawyer. Visitors can locate an brain injury lawyer
at .

How Does Detoxification Work

How Does Detoxification Work
Detoxification is a fancy word for cleaning your blood.
There are many programs available to help, but your body
actually has its own way dealing with toxins. There are
two major systems involved with detoxification:
anti-oxidation, and the detoxification process in the liver.

Oxidation is best illustrated by looking at rust, which is
a reaction of metal to oxygen. When free radicals come in
contact with the body, oxidation can occur. Oxidation
causes all kinds of problems, such as allergies and certain
types of sickness. The body has a natural anti-oxidation
system which includes vitamins such as C, E, B2,
bioflavonoid, beta-carotene and other substances to prevent
oxidation. Oxidation occurs at the cellular level, so detox
must occur there as well. Any deficiency of these in the
diet causes problems removing toxins.

What a good full body detox does is also remove impurities
from the blood through the liver. The liver is an
important organ, and is where toxins are processed. The
body also uses other organs such as kidneys, intestines,
lungs, lymph nodes and skin to remove toxins. Most toxins
are not water-soluble. When toxins enter the liver, two
groups of enzymes break down the toxins into water-soluble
substances to be excreted via the kidneys and other organs.
When this system is not functioning properly, toxins can
go unfiltered and your whole body suffers.

There are several ways a body detox program boosts your
body's clearing of toxins. Fasting for a short period of
time is usually part of any full body detox. When you
fast, your organs rest. This gives them time to rejuvenate
themselves and assist with the cleansing. In addition to
fasting, a good detox program will stimulate the liver to
eliminate common toxins from your body the way it should
have been doing all along. This also extends to
elimination through the skin, kidneys and intestines.

Circulation is always a big part of any natural body detox.
Boosting circulation of the blood through exercise, deep
breathing, and other means helps toxins be carried quickly
out of the bloodstream. The simple act of breathing deeply
brings more oxygen to your blood, thereby allowing for
faster elimination of toxins. Even though oxygen
contributes to oxidation, lack of oxygen can also cause
serious problems. Blood flow helps push more blood through
the liver, allowing more toxin removal.

Diet is another major component of a body detox program.
It is important to get rid of any toxins in the diet. It
is usually necessary to cut out all sugar, caffeine,
nicotine and other harmful chemicals from your body. This
is one of the most important components, and it is helpful
to continue giving your body nutrients even after your
program is complete.

Abstaining from using certain chemicals also aids in toxin
removal. Free radicals come from many household products.
Perfumes, shampoos, household cleaners, sunscreens, and
much more all contain toxins that get stuck in your body if
there is no way to eliminate it. This is why abstinence
and diet are two important ways to keep your body cleansed.

John Khu is a health enthusiast and author of a new eBook
titled "Body Detox Tips". He is devoted to educate others
on the benefit of body detoxification. He is also the
owner of the website called
which provides complete and up-to-date information.

5 Quick and Easy Ways To Lose Holiday Fat

5 Quick and Easy Ways To Lose Holiday Fat
After the gifts have been unwrapped and everyone has gone
their own way, what do you have left? Clothes that don't
fit that you need to return, dishes to clean and the 5 to
10 pounds that you added between Thanksgiving and
Christmas. While everyone is saying how they are going to
"lose weight this year", you can start losing the fat and
build a better body today. Don't be fooled by these fancy
diet programs, your diets don't have to be boring and you
don't have to spend hours in the gym. These five tips are
excellent ways to jumpstart your metabolism and will have
you looking leaner in a few short weeks.

1)Stop hunger cravings
Whenever you are feeling hungry between meals and don't
know what to eat, grab a protein shake (or any protein
source such as eggs or grilled chicken), 2-3 fish oil
capsules and as much water as you can drink (usually 2-3
cups). This will immediately stop any cravings and also
helps you to burn fat. Protein is high-grade fuel for your
muscles and will actually raise your metabolism and keep
you full for longer than any type of carbohydrate.

Fish oil has been proven in research to help decrease the
damage of a sugar filled meal when taken before or with
meals. The healthy fat contained in fish oil will also keep
you full and has been shown to help you burn stored body
fat. Water is another essential fat loss aid that most
people do not get enough of. Anytime your body doesn't have
enough water, it will immediately eat up muscle tissue.
Since we don't want this to happen and since water tricks
your mind to think that your body is full, we need to reach
for a glass anytime we get those hunger cravings.

2)Quick body weight circuits
Whenever you have five minutes where you are not doing
anything, perform a quick bodyweight circuit. Bodyweight
exercises are a fantastic way to raise your metabolism to
burn fat for the rest of the day and best of all; you can
do them anytime, anywhere, in any clothes. The circuit
fashion moves you from exercise to exercise so there is no
waiting around and has been shown to be at least five times
more effective at burning fat then any other training
method. Another tip, just jump out of bed in the morning in
your pajamas and perform a quick circuit to burn stored,
stubborn body fat.

3)Finish your workout the right way
Twice a week add "finishers" to the end of your workout.
This is my favorite way and the preferred way of many of
the top fat loss trainers in the world to burn fat instead
of long, boring cardio. Finishers work so well for fat loss
that they can only be done a few times a week and need to
be paired with proper post workout nutrition. Finishers
consist of three to four exercises done in a timed fashion
at the end of your workout. This is when our body is using
fat for energy so the finishers are a better substitute
then hopping on the treadmill or bike. You can't beat fun
and effective faster fat loss.

4) Make a power smoothie for your breakfast.
In the real world, most people don't have time to sit down
and eat a healthy and smart breakfast so I won't waste your
time and tell you the same boring information you've read
before. Let's fix the problem of a healthy breakfast in a
new way. Power smoothies are fast, effective and best of
all keep you filled for hours unlike the traditional
breakfast. My favorite recipe is the "Green Tea Fat Blast"

1-2 cups of Iced, Unsweetened Green Tea
1 Cup of Mixed Berries
1 Whole Banana
1 Cup of Plain, Low-Fat Vanilla Yogurt
1 Scoop of Vanilla Protein Powder
1 Packet of Stevia To Your Taste
This mix contains stress and fat fighting anti-oxidants,
green tea to attack stubborn fat, protein and yogurt to
build muscle and fruits to keep you full. Best of all, you
can prepare and blend this in less than 3 minutes!

5) Make your training complex
No, I don't mean to confuse yourself while you train, I'm
telling you to add complexes into your training. This
method is as close to the ultimate fat loss method as there
is and it will cause you to literally see the fat melting
off. There's no reason to stay in the gym for 45 minutes to
an hour when you are trying to burn fat. Complexes get you
in, get a ton of fat burning work done and send you home to
burn more fat while you sit on the couch, do work or relax
with your family.Here's an example of a complex

A1) Push-up 3 sets of 10 reps
A2) Chin-up 3 sets of 6 reps
A3) Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 sets of 8 reps
A4) Crunch 3 sets of 15 reps
Rest: 60 seconds

Jimmy Smith,CSCS, is a fitness trainer in Stamford,CT,
author of the best selling fat loss program 29 Days To
Faster Fat Loss and is a training advisor for Men's Fitness
and Maximum Fitness magazines. For more information on his
number one selling fat loss program visit

The health benefits of dark chocolate

The health benefits of dark chocolate
I know you have heard a lot of hype about chocolate lately.
It's good for you, right? Well, that's the buzz anyway. So
we can eat chocolate candy without guilt now, right? WRONG.
Cacao, the chocolate bean, has the highest antioxidant
value of any food on the planet. (The Healthy Chocolate
Desk Reference, Warren, Steven M.D., D.P.A.) But watch out
for processed chocolate or milk chocolate. Unprocessed
cocoa is full of nutrients but processing chocolate
destroys them. The cocoa bean is teeming with
phytonutreints, antioxidant compounds found in plants, and
science is extolling the virtues of phytonutrients in the
latest scientific research. Antioxidants are the workhorse
of the vitamin and nutrient regimen. When cells use oxygen
to make energy, a byproduct of this process is the
formation of free radicals. These are cells which are
missing an electron from the molecule. Dr. Steven Warren,
M.D., D.P.A., writes in his book, The Healthy Chocolate
Desk Reference, "Most people recognize that cancer is one
disease associated with abnormal cell duplication due to
oxidative damage, but the effect of free radicals has been
linked to more than sixty diseases, including cancer.

The following are some of the primary conditions linked to
free-radical damage: Heart disease Diabetes High
cholesterol Cataracts Arthritis Caner Alzheimer's/dementia
Multiple sclerosis Inflammatory bowel disease Lung disease
Autoimmune dysfunction Fibromyalgia The research linking
free radicals and disease is growing steadily. In fact,
some experts estimate that more than 80 percent of
debilitating disease is related to free radical activity in
the body." . Antioxidants repair this free radical damage.
When you read about the necessity of eating your "fruits
and vegetables" to ward off any number of diseases, you are
being told to eat your "antioxidants". Imagine the effect
of getting three times the average recommended daily
allowance of antioxidants in three small pieces of
chocolate? Now, the catch! Chocolate that has been
processed, dutching as it is called, has been heated above
110 degrees. This process destroys the antioxidant benefit.
Then, sugar and fats and preservatives are added which take
the healthiest food on the planet and turn it into a deadly

However, find a company that makes delicious, delectable,
irresistible chocolate without adding these ingredients and
without processing the chocolate and destroying the
antioxidant value and you are on the road to health. If you
ingest unprocessed dark chocolate, every morsel is
delivering health and well-being to your body. This is a
delicious and easy way to meet that antioxidant requirement
and start you on the road to health

I know you have heard a lot of hype about chocolate lately.
It's good for you, right?