Monday, May 19, 2008

The Three Stages of Alzheimer's Disease

The Three Stages of Alzheimer's Disease
One of the most common forms of dementia, Alzheimer's
disease stages progress towards the death of the patient.
This degenerative, debilitating neurological disorder is
thus far incurable.

Affecting the lives of anyone who encounters the patient,
the effects of the disease can be draining for the
caregiver as well as the patient. Three Alzheimer's disease
stages are generally agreed to exist, though some break
these three down into substages.

Forgetting names, including those belonging to people and
things are commonly seen in the early stage of this
disorder - and this is when most patients are diagnosed.
The first thing to go, studies have shown, is the memory of
smells. These memory lapses increase in frequency along
with the progression of the disease.

In the early stage, the patient is often aware of his or
her symptoms, but will often be in denial and try to find
ways to cover for their memory losses. This can lead to
stress as they may be angry with themselves for these
lapses. It can also be because they know and fear what
awaits them, for which surely they cannot be blamed.

In the early Alzheimer's disease stage, the patient will
have memory lapses though while not insignificant, do not
yet prevent them from going about their daily life. The
early Alzheimer's disease stage can last quite some time,
even years.

Upon arriving at the middle stage of the disease, the
patient will have some noticeable memory and cognitive
problems, as well as personality changes. The afflicted
person will often repeat questions, lose things, be
disoriented and have ever more common disruptions in their
mental faculties. They will experience a loss of their
ability to understand or respond to language, both written
and verbal. Anger often crops up during this stage, and the
frustration of the sufferer is understandable in this
Alzheimer's disease stage.

Behavior changes are seen frequently in this stage of
Alzheimer's disease, and there will be a sharp drop in
their ability to take care of themselves - they will begin
to need help taking care of daily tasks like bathing and

The last Alzheimer's disease stage is characterized by a
near complete loss of the ability to function mentally and
physically. The patient is essentially unrecognizable as
the person they were before the disease took hold of them
due to the extensive brain damage which has occurred by
this time.

Care is needed nearly around the clock in this final
Alzheimer's disease stage, which leads to the caregiver
being utterly exhausted. Once reaching this stage, the
majority of patients will be receiving care from
professionals at a hospital or hospice. This is a difficult
decision to be made by the patient's loved ones. but
continuing home care will not change the progress of the
disease, and will almost certainly have a deleterious
effect on the caregiver at this point.

Each Alzheimer's disease stage has several substages, but
the prognosis in Alzheimer's, sadly is always the same.
Living one day at a time is often the smartest strategy for
caregivers to cope with the heavy burden of caring for a
patient through the progression of Alzheimer's disease

Get more information about Alzheimer's Disease at . You'll also find information
about other health problems such as diabetes, asthma and

Human Growth Hormone And Exercise

Human Growth Hormone And Exercise
HGH or the human growth hormone is important to our body.
It helps with our growth during childhood and also helps to
maintain our organs and tissues throughout our life. But
unfortunately, the production of this human growth hormone
deceases with our age. To help maintain the normal level of
human growth hormone in our body, there are two ways that
we can go; the artificial supplement way or the natural way.

Now, the artificial supplement for human growth hormone has
never been approved by the Federal Drugs Administration
(FDA), therefore it is dangerous not to mention illegal, if
you buy these drugs off the market. There are many side
effects that can ruin your life. The only approved
treatment is the injection form in which the patients have
to be scientifically proved to have Human Growth Hormone
Deficiency. This type of treatment is also very expensive.

The other way to induce more human growth hormone from your
body is to sleep and to exercise; the natural way. For the
sleep method it is fairly easy but very effective. Our body
will release human growth hormone during the first part of
our sleep. Therefore it is very important to have a good
sleeping habit, and a good sleeping routine. Have an early
rest and you body will do the rest. If you cut short your
sleep time, not only you will reduce the production of the
human growth hormone in your body, your body will also not
have enough time to rejuvenate.

As for exercise, it is probably the largest contributor to
releasing the human growth hormone the natural way.
Exercises will affect the release of the hormone through
different types of mechanism such as the neural input,
direct stimulation by catecholamines, lactic and nitric
oxide, and the changes in acid-base balance.

Different types of exercises can influence the production
of the human growth hormone in special ways. Resistance
training, like vigorous weight lifting can cause our gland
to induce the release of more human growth hormone into our
body. When we lift more weights in a short frequency, our
muscles will release more human growth hormone. This is
because more muscles are used in this exercise.

With endurance training, the exercises performed to the
point of above the lactate threshold for about 10 minutes
can induce the largest amount of human growth hormone,
during and for the next 24 hours of period after the
exercise. But if you overdo the endurance training, you can
actually cause the level of production of the human growth
hormone to decrease. So please take care when doing cardio
exercises and be careful not to overwork yourself.

As for aging athletes who suffer from muscle mass loss and
increased fat mass, they tend to turn to the artificial
supplements of human growth hormones. Even though there are
those who reported to experience leaner muscle mass and
decreased body fats, there is always the risk of those side
effects that can ruin one person's life. By injecting human
growth hormone into our body can also cause weakened
glucose tolerance and this is a very good reason to avoid
the supplements and the injections altogether.

It is always better to choose the healthier way to live.
Exercise on its own is already an advantage to our life,
doing it for whatever reason is a good choice to make.

If you would like to know where you can buy the Human
Growth Hormone products with money back guarantee, please
click here to
find out which HGH products can help you to build lean
muscle and make you look younger.

Excessive Sweating Treatment

Excessive Sweating Treatment
Excessive sweating otherwise known as Hyperhidrosis is a
condition where parts of your body sweat beyond what is
necessary. Excessive Sweating is usually inherited and most
often affects those on an emotional, social and functional
level. Depending on the severity of your sweating problem
there are numerous ways to combat it.

Without getting too technical excessive sweating is caused
by the sympathetic nervous system. It is a part of our
autonomous nervous system which we have no control over. It
affects blood pressure, heart rate, anxiety level and many
other functions.

Though metabolic neurologic and other systemic diseases can
in some cases trigger excessive sweating, usually these
cases occur in those that are otherwise healthy. Emotions
or heat may sometimes cause hyperhidrosis but many who
suffer cannot stop sweating, regardless of the weather or
their emotions.

The area of sweating can be general where excessive
sweating is experienced over the whole body or more focal
sweating where it is seen in areas such as the hands,
armpits, the feet or the face.

Hand Sweating medically known as Palmar Hyperhidrosis is
the most widespread form of excessive sweating by far. It
appears to be genetically related with about half of all
patients having a family history of the condition. Those
who suffer from Palmar Hyperhidrosis usually start doing so
at a very young age most notably in grade school. This is
the one that most often affects people on a functional
level making it difficult to use a pen, shake hands or even
hold a car steering wheel.

There are many methods being used to treat cases of profuse
sweating including oral medications, lotions and injections
of botox just to name a few. Alternative therapies are also
very popular as they are inexpensive, non invasive,
uncomplicated and do not carry the potential side effects
that surgery and medication do.

For many sweating is embarrassing, it stains clothes, makes
business and social interactions uncomfortable and
sometimes can ruin a romance. In more severe instances it
can also have practical consequences such as the inability
to grip a car steering wheel, use a pen or shake someone's

Important Facts:

- Hyperhidrosis affects without regard to race or gender

- Between 1% and 2% of the population is affected with

- Sweaty hands impact patients socially, functionally and
emotionally more than any other area

- There is much evidence to support that hyperhidrosis is

- Junior High is most often when hyperhidrosis appears

Excessive Sweating Treatment Org offers resources to stop
the sweating of those affected with mild to severe cases of
Hyperhidrosis. Visit

Choosing The Right Weight Loss Program For You

Choosing The Right Weight Loss Program For You've decided that you want to lose weight. You
start to check out all the different plans and diets on the
market. You wonder how all the dramatically different
options available can all help you achieve the same goal.
Here are some guidelines to consider when you are trying to
formulate a plan to lose weight.

The tendencies of Americans towards being overweight and
obese are a problem that has plagued America for many
years. The percentage of overweight and obese adults and
children has increased sharply every year for the past
three decades. This has created many problems on a
national level as well as for the overweight individual.
Increased health care costs and decreased productivity in
the workforce due to obesity affects all Americans.

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to be
ready to make some extreme changes in your lifestyle. You
have to be willing to devote time and effort to creating a
healthy, positive lifestyle and to stick with it after the
weight is lost. There are many different ways to lose
weight and they can be successful if they follow a simple
formula. The formula is to decrease food intake while
increasing activity to a level that allows you to burn more
calories than you take in. In simpler terms it is calories
in and calories out.

There is no perfect weight loss program that is right for
everyone. Nevertheless, all humans are similar enough that
there are broad categories, and many specifics, that are
correct for almost anyone. It is a good idea to meet with
your doctor as well as a nutritionist before starting a
weight reduction plan. They can help you assess your
situation and help you come up with a specific plan that
will work for you.

There is a large amount of scientific data from nutritional
research that indicates that a weight reduction plan should
have a proper balance of nutrients--that is Protein,
Carbohydrates, Fat, Vitamins and Minerals. Weight loss
programs that emphasize proteins, low or no carbohydrates,
or various other plans do not provide a good balance of
nutrients and will not usually allow you to lose weight,
keep it off, and maintain a healthy body.

So, what is a healthy way to lose weight? People
interested in losing weight and creating optimal health
should plan meals that consist of fruits, vegetables,
grains, calcium and a protein source. There are some
exceptions for those with special dietary needs; however
this basic formula will work for most people. From these
basic foods the body can create the necessary energy to
build muscle, repair cells, and other activities the body
uses to produce optimal health. Insoluble fiber from
fruit, vegetables and grains are not digested easily and as
a result it helps the body with digestion and in keeping
the digestive system clean. Certain vitamins and minerals
are needed for carrying out the thousands of biochemical
reactions critical to proper health. Nature, as discovered
by science, determines what the body needs - not marketing.

So here is the plan that will help you lose weight and
produce optimal health in the process. Meet with your
doctor and or a nutritionist and decide on a good plan that
will address your particular level of health and allow you
to achieve success. A calculation of RMR (Resting
Metabolic Rate) and BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) can be
helpful in determining the precise calorie level for your
individual plan. BMR and RMR are estimates of the number
of calories you will burn when your body is at rest. They
constitute the minimal amount of energy your body is
expected to need to keep functioning. Calculators are
available on health related internet sites, but more
precise calculations can be made by a nutritionist. Once
you know your BMR and RMR, you can calculate the calorie
level you need to maintain to achieve your optimal weight
and stay at that weight.

Certain nutritional supplements can be helpful in helping
you reach your goal. Medications and herbal remedies that
promise rapid weight loss, fat and carbohydrate blocking
are usually not healthy. It is good to eat several small
meals throughout the day, instead of a few large ones.
This helps you keep your metabolism operating at an optimal
level. You will burn more fat, create more muscle tone and
decrease tendencies to be hungry. A good quality meal
replacement can help you do this without constantly
preparing meals. Exercise moderately several times a
week. Don't overdo it.

A good weight loss program should emphasize high quality
sources of protein which are needed so the body can obtain
the essential amino acids. Amino acids are then utilized to
construct new proteins used for repairing muscles and other
important body components. A good weight loss program
should stress complex carbohydrates which are needed to
help the body generate energy to fuel all the other bodily
processes. A good weight loss program should also provide
a healthy source of fat. Fat helps in the absorption of
certain vitamins, helps maintain body temperature, and
slows the rate at which food leaves the stomach which
decreases the level of hunger. If you eat whole foods
which provide all the necessary nutrients, a vitamin
supplement is usually not necessary. A good quality
supplement can insure that you are receiving all the
nutrients and give you peace of mind.

When it comes to releasing excess weight from your body
remember that it took time to put it on and it will take
time to take it off. The habits that allowed you to gain
the excess weight didn't work and they must be changed.
When you start on a healthy eating plan, make it an
adventure. As you start to feel healthier and look better,
you will be grateful that you chose the healthy way.

Ric Henderson is a free-lance writer and Internet
Entrepreneur specializing in several different niches in
the home and family, finance, and marketing categories. He
has recently lost over 100 pounds using the information in
this article. Visit his website.

The Crucial Vitamins for Diabetics

The Crucial Vitamins for Diabetics
Diabetes, like cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's,
arthritis and others is a degenerative disease, a disease
of lifestyle. Most of us simply do not care enough to eat a
proper diet and results in weight gain, cancer, arthritis
and a host of other diseases. Added to that is the severe
depletion of essential nutrients necessary for the body to
function properly.

According to the media and the medical establishment, all
you need to do is eat a proper diet and exercise.
Unfortunately, this leaves out one key ingredient;
supplementation. The simple fact is that the food we buy
from our grocer's shelves lacks essential nutrients as that
produce comes from farms where the soil is depleted of

While the majority of people in our developed nations don't
meet the acceptable RDA levels as set by government health
authorities, diabetics are particularly vulnerable to the
complications that strike them. Diabetic lose nutrients
more rapidly than a normal person. The kidneys, in order to
rid the body of excess glucose, passes vitamins along with
that sugar and out into the urine. No prescription drug
will ever prevent the complications of retinopathy and

The lack of vitamins leads to more free radical damage and
the faster aging that occurs in diabetics. Clearly what's
needed is to replace what goes out and into the toilet bowl.

Some of the most important vitamins for the diabetic are:
Vitamin C; E and B-complex. Besides these, vitamins A, D
and K can also prevent the onset of diabetic complications.

But supplementing with vitamins are only the first step.
For years you've lived a lifestyle that has brought you the
disease and taking a few vitamins will not reverse or cure
your diabetes unless you take a full approach to changing
the lifestyle that has made you sick. That includes losing
excess weight and exercising regularly. Taking vitamins
alone won't help unless you take an active approach to your

If you are diabetic and want to avoid the complications so
common, here are the essential vitamins that can help you
stay healthier longer:

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a molecule similar to glucose and
like glucose it needs insulin to get into your cells. Even
if you take adequate amounts of this vitamin, as a diabetic
you still have a deficiency of vitamin C. You need to take
much more than the average person.

Lack of this vitamin leads to scurvy-like symptoms: Poor
wound healing; less immunity to infections; excessive
bleeding; elevations in cholesterol and a depressed immune
system. Vitamin C is required for immune system function
and the manufacture of collagen, the main protein substance
of the body. Taking vitamin-C helps maintain the elasticity
and functioning of the blood vessels and maintains proper
blood pressure control. It has a mild effect on improving
blood sugar control.

Supplementing with Vitamin-C is an absolute necessity for
diabetics. A supplement of 2000 mg (milligrams) has been
shown to reduce the glycosylation of proteins in the blood
and helps avoid the toxic accumulation of sorbitol inside
the cells. Citrus fruits are good sources of vitamin-C as
are vegetables such as broccoli, bell peppers, potatoes and
Brussels sprouts.

Vitamin E: This important vitamin acts as an antioxidant to
protect against the dangers of damage to cell membranes and
nerve cells. The delicate nerve cells in the eyes, hands
and feet are particularly vulnerable to damage. With no
feeling in the feet, infection can set it. In severe cases,
amputation and blindness are the result. Vitamin E has been
shown to prevent free radical damage from LDL, the bad

It improves the function of blood vessels and the cell

It increases magnesium concentration within the cells and
decreases levels of C-reactive proteins and other
inflammatory compounds.

Vitamin E increases levels of glutathione which is
important for the antioxidants within the cells.

It improves the rate of electrical impulses in the nervous
system and helps increase blood flow to the eyes.

Lastly it helps to improve kidney function and normalizes
creatine clearance. Many diabetics suffer from kidney
disease and the primary group on dialysis.

If you choose to supplement with vitamin E, make sure you
use the natural form of the vitamin. The natural vitamin
has a "d-" designation (as in alpha tocopherol). "dl-" is
the synthetic form. Your body only recognizes the natural

Vitamin B-3: Niacin helps in the burning of calories and,
like the mineral chromium, is an essential component of GTF
(glucose tolerance factor) that helps move glucose through
cell membranes. It has been shown to lower the need for
insulin in type 1 diabetics, improve pancreas beta function
and improve blood glucose regulation. The best form of
niacin is inositol hexaniacinate which helps reduce fats in
the blood and has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels
by 18%, triglycerides by 26% and increase the good HDL
cholesterol by 30% when 1800 to 3000mg is used daily.
Niacin and niacinamide make up part of B-3. Niacinamide
plays a role in energy production.

Vitamin B-6: Also called pyridoxine, it plays a part in the
chemical transmitters in the nervous system, red blood
cells and prostaglandins. Supplementation with B-6 help
fight nerve damage. Most diabetics are deficient in B-6. It
also is beneficial for gestational diabetes, brought on by

These are the most important vitamins necessary and can
help you maintain health and control your blood sugar
levels. Take an active approach now before you experience
the result of years of neglect.

Change your lifestyle and control your blood sugar with the
best natural products available today. Go here now:

Best Weight Loss Information to Get Healthy And Fit Body

Best Weight Loss Information to Get Healthy And Fit Body
For all those people who suffer from obesity and want to
get slim, it is essential to change the poor lifestyle and
eating habits that lead to bad health and accumulation of
fat. It is generally seen that the prime cause of weight
issues occur due to unhealthy diet that includes a large
amount of carbohydrates in the form of junk food.

Though heredity may be one of the issues, there are also
numerous other issues including surroundings. Well, in case
you want to be fit and free from obesity, make sure you
take positive steps that help you in leading a healthy

One of the most primary steps in weight loss program
includes changing the diet composition for a healthy diet
that includes a large amount of leafy green vegetables and
fresh fruits apart from balanced diet that is rich in
vitamins and minerals. If you have a sweet tooth, you have
to reduce its intake along with that of junk food. Junk
food is rich in carbohydrates that lead to fat accumulation.

Constant intake of junk food can lead to health
complications such heart disease and hypertension. Along
with a healthy diet, it is essential to take proper
exercise that helps in burning out the excess fat in a
perfect way. One can go for weight training, cardiovascular
exercise, and yoga to name a few.

Usually, it is seen people take course to dieting and start
skipping meals in order to reduce weight. Well, it is not a
healthy practice as it can lead to weakness and over
exertion that makes one feel weak. Apart from following a
strict exercise regime, it is essential to take care of
healthy diet.

Skipping meals is not a highly recommended way of weight
loss. While talking about eating habits, it is essential to
take breakfast. One of the biggest problems by skipping
breakfast leads to slow metabolism and burning of calories
for the whole day.

For all those who feel constant urge to eat or want to have
snacks, initially it is quite difficult to replace the
eating pattern. In order to save from hunger pangs, it is
essential to get some healthy snacks as a part of
in-between meals. Yet, it is essential to stay away from
junk food by replacing it with light and wholesome snacks
that are rich in dietary ingredients and supplements.

One can take a lot of fresh fruits that is rich in fiber
and helps in regulating the overall system in a healthy
way. With these snacks, one does not feel bloated or
stuffed up as comparing to junk food. A healthy and light
snack will keep you content for a longer period of time.

One should always remember that weight loss is a continuous
process that requires commitment at the part of an
individual so as get the perfect body. So, in case you are
looking forward to get the slim body, make sure you follow
the above said dietary and exercising regime and get slim
and fit body.

The article written by Weera Kunti, please visit the
website for more information at

Physical Fitness Isn't Just A Cosmetic Exercise

Physical Fitness Isn't Just A Cosmetic Exercise
The reason that topics such as physical fitness and healthy
eating are so popular, especially in online searches, is
that so many people are generally unfit and overweight.
Consider this. Over thirty per cent of Americans are
classed as obese. That is a huge number; so large in fact
that one has to as questions of the culture and environment
in which they live.

Health education is getting better all the time. Children
are more and more aware of their health and fitness, and
conduct their lives accordingly. But do children pursue
fitness out of vanity, or simply for their health?
Personally speaking, the reason for wanting to have
physical fitness does not matter. What is important, is
what you achieve, not why you achieve it. But should we be
looking beyond the cosmetic element of physical fitness,
and at the health benefits? Being healthy means avoiding
many diseases in society that have proven to be killers.

I am sure that you will be aware that carrying excess
weight can contribute to things such as heart disease. Did
you know though, that in recent research, nearly seventy
per cent of type 2 diabetics found that all signs of their
diabetes disappeared when they underwent surgery to reduce
the stomach. Had they lost weight using conventional
methods, I am sure that these people would have experience
much the same benefits. In a nutshell, those with physical
fitness tend to be less susceptible to disease and also
tend live longer.

People should not be put off from keeping fit by thinking
that it is going to be too hard. The first thing that you
should do is to set a realistic target or goal. Setting a
goal is probably the most important thing that you need to
do. Setting an unachievable goal will make the task much
harder. Set aside half an hour a day for a brisk walk. Go
for a swim, or something like that. Doing exercise does not
need to be expensive either. Walking cost you nothing, and
a good walk will benefit you greatly. If you are able to
get to a gym to use their equipment, so much the better.
Having a variety of equipment at your disposal will make
getting your exercise more varied and more fun. But don't
just walk into a gym and start pushing weight. Seek help
from an expert to set a program that is suitable for you.

Going on a bike is another activity that is relatively
cheap. Once you have the bike itself, the world is yours to
discover. Your body will get a good workout and the
cardiovascular side of things will burn lots of calories,
which is an excellent benefit. In fact, if you are
overweight, the best goal setting you can do is to seek a
eight reduction; even if it is only a pound a week. Combine
the exercise with a little calorie watching, and you will
be on the road to physical fitness. As long as you use up
more calories than you take on board, you will lose weight!

Doing regular exercise becomes a habit. And once it is a
habit, it is easier to maintain. Some people get so used to
doing regular exercise that they start to feel bad if they
miss a session. As long as you don't get obsessive about
it, wanting to do exercise regularly is a good thing.

Life for many in the western world has become far too easy.
Many jobs involve sitting at a desk, and the body misses
out on a lot of the movement that it needs to stay in trim.
Couple that with over eating and bad diets, and we are
asking for trouble. To compensate for that, you should
schedule in some regular exercise to keep you in top
physical fitness, and pay close attention to what you eat.

Do not become a statistic and casualty of obesity. Improve
your physical fitness, and lose weight, simply and easily.

Massage: A Modality Full of Benefits

Massage: A Modality Full of Benefits
Everyone that has experienced a full body massage knows
that it fills you with a sense of peace and tranquility
which stays with you long after the massage is over.

There is also much more to massage than just it's wonderful
ability to release tension and stress. The health benefits
of massage are plentiful and by getting regular massages
your health can improve tremendously.

The need for touch is one of the basic needs for all life,
just as important as eating and drinking. Some studies in
Russia have revealed that babies who aren't touched enough
are not nearly as healthy as other babies.

By using the power of touch in the form of a massage,
wonders can be created, both for your body and your mind.
One of the great benefits of receiving massage is that your
circulation increases and blood can flow easily throughout
your body.

Increased blood flow helps your cells work more efficiently
and can be beneficial to people that are suffering with
high or low blood pressure.

Massage also aids the lymphatic system, which is a large
part of your body's immune system. The lymphatic system
moves mucous throughout your body and doesn't have a pump.

A massage can help your muscles relax and become loose, let
go of tension and can also improve your posture. For those
experiencing conditions such as muscle pain, back pain,
headaches, stomach pain and cramps, massage therapy can
provide a lot of relief.

For people that have problems with insomnia, massage can
make a big difference. By relieving accumulated tension and
stress, it is much easier to get the rest we need at night
so that we are able to get the most out of our awake time.

Many people today have an imbalance in their bodies because
of the stress and tension they experience in their home and
work environments.

By working with the different meridians and pressure points
in the body, the health and wellness that is our natural
state of being can be reawakened.

Since massage is such an ancient healing method, there has
been thousands of years to develop and practice the
different techniques that exists today.

We are in a very lucky age right now where we can
experience many different types of massage styles and learn
powerful techniques from all over the world.

By combining the wisdom that comes out of old traditions
with the intuitive touch and the flow in the moment, I feel
that there are no limits to what you can achieve through

Jason Storm is a teacher of Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage,
visit his website

Do You Get Leg Cramps?

Do You Get Leg Cramps?
Everyone experiences muscle cramps from time-to-time.
Perhaps your neck gets cramped after a day at your desk or
you get a leg cramp after exercise when you've been
sedentary for a long time. Some women get leg cramps after
wearing high heels. The solution to most of these common
cramps is to stretch the muscles regularly and, in the case
of high heels, avoid them.

There is another kind of cramp that people often
experience: nocturnal leg cramps. Just as you've fallen
deep asleep, you're awakened by severe and painful cramping
in your calf muscle. Most people jump up and hop around on
the affected leg until the cramp goes away. But,
occasionally, it returns. Sometimes the cramp is in the
thigh, sometimes the foot.

The first thing to check if you have leg cramps is your
prescription drugs. Some can cause cramping. Diuretics,
taken for high blood pressure or heart disorders, can cause
an imbalance of your potassium and magnesium levels.

The most common cause of nocturnal leg cramps is calcium
deficiency. If you are postmenopausal, trying to lose
weight, or don't consume enough calcium, you are vulnerable
to developing leg cramps. To relieve leg cramps and prevent
any long-term problems associated with calcium deficiency,
start today to increase your calcium consumption. If you're
avoiding fat, try nonfat yogurt and skim milk. Also, you
can take a calcium supplement at bedtime.

Pregnant women are sometimes vulnerable to leg cramps,
which usually occurs due to a change in their calcium
metabolism. Calcium supplements can help. Please check with
your obstetrician before beginning any supplements. Another
help for nocturnal leg cramps is vitamin E.

If neither calcium nor vitamin E gives you relief, you may
benefit from magnesium, potassium, or vitamin A.

Because it has been shown that sugar and caffeine reduce
the absorption of vitamins and minerals (particularly
calcium), people with cramping problems should eliminate as
much sugar and caffeine from their diets as possible.

Natural Prescriptions for Leg Cramps

· Eliminate as much sugar and caffeine as possible
from the diet.

In addition to current daily supplements, add:

· 1,200 mg. of Calcium at bedtime. If no results,
you can discontinue but be sure you get 1,200 mg. of
Calcium daily through diet and/or other supplements. If you
are pregnant, check with your doctor before beginning and

· 400 I.U. Vitamin E twice daily after meals for two
weeks. If symptoms are relieved, cut down to 400 I.U.
daily. If symptoms recur, increase the dosage until
symptoms are relieved but never take more than 1,200 I.U.

· 400 mg. Magnesium daily.

· 10,000 I.U. Vitamin A daily · 100 mg.
Potassium daily

John Russell of IH Distribution, LLC brings you health,
anti-aging and skin care products from around the world.
Find fabulous skin care tips and great articles on a wide
range of topics for women at

The Ten Fat Loss Mistakes You Are Making at the Gym - Part 2

The Ten Fat Loss Mistakes You Are Making at the Gym - Part 2
6. Never Workout Without Music! Did you ever pay attention
to the soundtrack of your favorite TV show or movie? Did
you every wonder why certain songs were playing at certain
times? Music evokes emotion, and emotion can carry you
through even the toughest of workouts. I've had workouts
totally come apart when the battery died on my iPod Nano!

Several studies have been conducted to show the effect of
music on workouts. One study showed that upbeat,
hard-driving music can increase your strength and
intensity, while another study revealed that music has been
shown to increase pain tolerance during a workout.

Putting on a pair of headphones also helps you to block out
all of the distractions that loom at the gym (as previously
noted). Sometimes, just hearing the opening beat of some of
the tunes on my iPod gets me revved up - especially since I
workout first thing in the morning (more on this in future
issues of the newsletter).

Some of my favorite tunes on my workout list include a
variety of genres:
- "Eye of the Tiger" - Survivor
- "Welcome to the Jungle" - Guns 'n Roses
- "Beautiful Day" - U2
- "Wake Up Call" - Maroon 5
- "Enter Sandman" - Metallica
- "Higher" - Creed

Make your own workout mix and get moving!

7. Never Workout Without a Heart Rate Monitor! The best way
to keep yourself honest in the gym is to wear a heart rate
monitor. A heart rate monitor will let you know how hard
you are working, and when you need to crank up the
intensity of your workout. Whether weight training or
interval training, it is the best indicator of how hard you
are working and help you to figure out your optimal rest

For example, during interval training, you need to create
an oxygen debt - that is, your body is asking your lungs
for more oxygen than it can provide. How do you know this
is happening? After you stop your hard effort, your heart
rate should actually increase and you begin to pant in an
effort to take in more oxygen - and that is your debt
situation. Having the HRM makes it much easier to determine
when you've reached this point.

I'll go into the optimal ranges for your heart rate
activity during exercise, calculating your maximum heart
rate and other relevant information. For now, get a heart
rate monitor, read the manual and take it for a test drive.
You don't need one with all of the bells and whistles
(unless you're into gadgets like me) - my favorite brand is
Polar, and you can get great prices by searching the Web.

8. Stop Socializing at the Gym! Every gym has one - I call
him "the Mayor". He's the one who knows everyone and feels
the need to come over and talk about just about anything.
He'll do his very uninspired set on one of the weight
machines, often grunting loudly or distorting his face to
get further attention, and when he finishes says "Whew!"
loudly to no one in particular. The poor soul who
acknowledges him will then be subjected to a 10-minute
discussion on the economy, the presidential race, the stock
market, or whatever strikes his fancy. He may even horse
around with the personal trainers, who are now not watching
their clients as they perform their sets.

You should avoid the Mayor at all costs - he will derail
your fat loss efforts in an instant! In fact, you should
avoid all interaction during your workout, with the
exception of asking someone if they are using a particular
weight or rack. If you're following my advice above and
working out to music, this is really easy to accomplish -
just turn up your tunes and tune out the others.

Folks at my gym may think I'm anti-social because I don't
acknowledge anyone - heck I don't even look at people -
while I'm in the middle of my workout. Why? Because I only
have a limited time to accomplish my goals for that day,
and stopping even for a moment to chat takes away from the
time I have. And if I don't reach my goal for that day, I
consider it a failure (more on that in future newsletters).
To combat people's perceptions, if you care about things
like that, a simple smile or wave hello as you enter or
leave the gym is enough to reassure them that you are not a
recluse. But once you strap on your music, it's "Go Time!"

9. Never Workout Without Consuming Protein Afterwards (and
Sometimes Before)! I train first thing in the morning, so
sometimes I drink a protein shake prior to heading to the
gym, sometimes I don't. There is a lot of debate over
working out in a fasted state that I won't get into here.
Suffice it to say that consuming protein before your
workout has been shown in research to increase muscle mass
and decrease body fat, so it is a good idea to have a
protein shake before a workout, especially if you'll be
working out later in the day.

You should always consume protein after a workout,
preferably a protein shake made from whey protein isolate.
I will go into much greater detail in subsequent
newsletters about reliable brands, tasty recipes, etc. How
much protein? Take your current body weight and divide by
5.5 - that is how many grams of protein should be in your
post-workout shake. What about carbs? The conventional
wisdom says that the number of grams of carbs in the
post-workout shake should equal the number of grams of
protein. BUT...what I have found through my research and
practice is that post-workout shakes are more effective for
fat loss if they are kept low in carbs. One of the aspects
of protein consumption that will be covered later is
exactly how many grams should be consumed in a day, and
questions about safety concerns from ingesting large
amounts of protein.

10. Stop Stretching Before Your Workout! Do you know how
many people walk into the gym from the street and
immediately start to stretch? Do you know how
counter-productive this is?

First, there are two kinds of stretches - static and
dynamic. An example of static is when you throw your leg up
on a parallel bar or rack and bend at the waist until you
feel a slight pull, then hold for a period of time. Static
stretching before workouts is a very bad idea. Static
stretching forces the muscle to relax, this making it
weaker. When a muscle is weaker than its counterpart (for
example if your hamstrings on the backs of your leg are
weaker than your quadriceps in the front of your leg) it
causes an imbalance that could lead to strains, tears and

Dynamic stretching is the way to go to get loose before
your workout. We'll cover this in greater detail in the
future. For now, save your static stretching for any time
other than before your workout.

Matt Lisk is a fat loss expert who has used his knowledge
to lose over 70 pounds of body fat, reduce his body fat
percentage to under 10% and to resolve a variety of health
issues he was experiencing. He is the author of Lean State
University's Fat Loss 101 Newsletter at

Reports of Deaths Associated to Ortho-Evra "Patch"

Reports of Deaths Associated to Ortho-Evra "Patch"
The safety of the Ortho-Evra birth control patch has been
questioned in the past few years after the Associated Press
reported that research had surfaced about 23 deaths related
to the patch. Doctors who reviewed the 23 cases of death
found about 17 deaths that appeared to be clot-related,
including 12 deaths from 2004. Roughly a dozen women,
mostly in their teens and early twenties, died in 2004 from
blood clots believed to be related to the birth control
patch. Dozens more survived strokes and other blood clot
related events.

Due to the startling and serious adverse side effects
associated with the use of Ortho-Evra, the FDA addressed
the issue and requested changes be made to the birth
control's label in order to reflect the newfound knowledge.
In November 2005, a new label was created. The new bolded
warning specifically states that women who use Ortho Evra
are exposed to approximately 60 percent more total estrogen
in their blood than if they were taking a typical birth
control pill containing 35 micrograms of estrogen. However,
the maximal blood level of estrogen (peak blood levels) is
about 25% lower with Ortho-Evra than with typical birth
control pills. While the estrogen level with the patch
remains constant for one week until the patch is removed,
the peak blood levels with a daily birth control pill
rapidly declines to levels that are lower than on the

Additionally, because the product labeling for the
Ortho-Evra patch included claims that it was just as safe
as "the pill," the FDA required Johnson and Johnson add a
warning in November 2005 about the increased risk of injury
due to high levels of estrogenreleased from the Ortho Evra

As with traditional oral contraceptives, women who smoke
should not take Ortho-Evra. Cigarette smoking increases the
risk of serious adverse effects on the heart and blood
vessels from the use of hormonal birth control methods.
This risk increases with age and with heavy smoking (15 or
more cigarettes per day) and is quite marked in women over
35 years of age. It is recommended that women who use
hormonal birth control methods should not smoke.

Ortho Evra should not be used by women who have a history

* Heart attack or stroke.

* Blood clots in the legs, lungs (pulmonary embolism), or

* Blood clots in the deep veins of the legs.

* Chest pain.

* Known or suspected breast cancer or cancer of the lining
of the uterus, cervix or vagina.

* Current unexplained vaginal bleeding.

* Yellowing of the whites of the eyes or of the skin
(jaundice) during pregnancy or during previous use of
hormonal contraceptives.

* Liver tumor (benign or cancerous).

* Current or suspected pregnancy.

* Severe high blood pressure.

* Diabetes with complications of the kidneys, eyes, nerves,
or blood vessels.

* An allergy to Ortho Evra or to any of its ingredients.

The FDA, together with Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceuticals Inc.,
continues to monitor the use and side effects of Ortho-Evra.

For more information on the Ortho Evra patch side effects,
visit . Also, browse other
legal issues on the homepage at ,
including the latest on the Digitek dixogin recall or
information on the recently discovered Chantix risks.