Monday, May 19, 2008

The Crucial Vitamins for Diabetics

The Crucial Vitamins for Diabetics
Diabetes, like cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's,
arthritis and others is a degenerative disease, a disease
of lifestyle. Most of us simply do not care enough to eat a
proper diet and results in weight gain, cancer, arthritis
and a host of other diseases. Added to that is the severe
depletion of essential nutrients necessary for the body to
function properly.

According to the media and the medical establishment, all
you need to do is eat a proper diet and exercise.
Unfortunately, this leaves out one key ingredient;
supplementation. The simple fact is that the food we buy
from our grocer's shelves lacks essential nutrients as that
produce comes from farms where the soil is depleted of

While the majority of people in our developed nations don't
meet the acceptable RDA levels as set by government health
authorities, diabetics are particularly vulnerable to the
complications that strike them. Diabetic lose nutrients
more rapidly than a normal person. The kidneys, in order to
rid the body of excess glucose, passes vitamins along with
that sugar and out into the urine. No prescription drug
will ever prevent the complications of retinopathy and

The lack of vitamins leads to more free radical damage and
the faster aging that occurs in diabetics. Clearly what's
needed is to replace what goes out and into the toilet bowl.

Some of the most important vitamins for the diabetic are:
Vitamin C; E and B-complex. Besides these, vitamins A, D
and K can also prevent the onset of diabetic complications.

But supplementing with vitamins are only the first step.
For years you've lived a lifestyle that has brought you the
disease and taking a few vitamins will not reverse or cure
your diabetes unless you take a full approach to changing
the lifestyle that has made you sick. That includes losing
excess weight and exercising regularly. Taking vitamins
alone won't help unless you take an active approach to your

If you are diabetic and want to avoid the complications so
common, here are the essential vitamins that can help you
stay healthier longer:

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a molecule similar to glucose and
like glucose it needs insulin to get into your cells. Even
if you take adequate amounts of this vitamin, as a diabetic
you still have a deficiency of vitamin C. You need to take
much more than the average person.

Lack of this vitamin leads to scurvy-like symptoms: Poor
wound healing; less immunity to infections; excessive
bleeding; elevations in cholesterol and a depressed immune
system. Vitamin C is required for immune system function
and the manufacture of collagen, the main protein substance
of the body. Taking vitamin-C helps maintain the elasticity
and functioning of the blood vessels and maintains proper
blood pressure control. It has a mild effect on improving
blood sugar control.

Supplementing with Vitamin-C is an absolute necessity for
diabetics. A supplement of 2000 mg (milligrams) has been
shown to reduce the glycosylation of proteins in the blood
and helps avoid the toxic accumulation of sorbitol inside
the cells. Citrus fruits are good sources of vitamin-C as
are vegetables such as broccoli, bell peppers, potatoes and
Brussels sprouts.

Vitamin E: This important vitamin acts as an antioxidant to
protect against the dangers of damage to cell membranes and
nerve cells. The delicate nerve cells in the eyes, hands
and feet are particularly vulnerable to damage. With no
feeling in the feet, infection can set it. In severe cases,
amputation and blindness are the result. Vitamin E has been
shown to prevent free radical damage from LDL, the bad

It improves the function of blood vessels and the cell

It increases magnesium concentration within the cells and
decreases levels of C-reactive proteins and other
inflammatory compounds.

Vitamin E increases levels of glutathione which is
important for the antioxidants within the cells.

It improves the rate of electrical impulses in the nervous
system and helps increase blood flow to the eyes.

Lastly it helps to improve kidney function and normalizes
creatine clearance. Many diabetics suffer from kidney
disease and the primary group on dialysis.

If you choose to supplement with vitamin E, make sure you
use the natural form of the vitamin. The natural vitamin
has a "d-" designation (as in alpha tocopherol). "dl-" is
the synthetic form. Your body only recognizes the natural

Vitamin B-3: Niacin helps in the burning of calories and,
like the mineral chromium, is an essential component of GTF
(glucose tolerance factor) that helps move glucose through
cell membranes. It has been shown to lower the need for
insulin in type 1 diabetics, improve pancreas beta function
and improve blood glucose regulation. The best form of
niacin is inositol hexaniacinate which helps reduce fats in
the blood and has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels
by 18%, triglycerides by 26% and increase the good HDL
cholesterol by 30% when 1800 to 3000mg is used daily.
Niacin and niacinamide make up part of B-3. Niacinamide
plays a role in energy production.

Vitamin B-6: Also called pyridoxine, it plays a part in the
chemical transmitters in the nervous system, red blood
cells and prostaglandins. Supplementation with B-6 help
fight nerve damage. Most diabetics are deficient in B-6. It
also is beneficial for gestational diabetes, brought on by

These are the most important vitamins necessary and can
help you maintain health and control your blood sugar
levels. Take an active approach now before you experience
the result of years of neglect.

Change your lifestyle and control your blood sugar with the
best natural products available today. Go here now:

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