Thursday, January 24, 2008

Common Head Louse Treatments: Tricks For Getting Rid of Those Pesky Head Lice For Good!

Common Head Louse Treatments: Tricks For Getting Rid of Those Pesky Head Lice For Good!
Unfortunately, many of us have had a run-in with head lice
at one time or another, especially those of us with
school-aged children. Having lice is not a sign of being
unclean, as the pests can infect people of any age and
background regardless of their hygiene habits or lack
thereof. Luckily there are several common head louse
treatment methods that can be completely effective at
getting rid of the harmless, but pesky creatures.

Any type of common head louse treatment, in order to be
thoroughly effective, must include treating the entire
house as well. Although a louse does not survive for long
after falling from a host, they are still easily passed
from person to person, and a missed nit or egg can
re-infest the whole household. It isn't necessary to spend
a lot of money or time using commercial products to rid a
house of lice.

Here are some easy tricks for ridding your home of lice and
their nits:

- Lice cannot survive in a high-heat environment, so all
bed linens, including blankets and mattress pads as well as
the sheets, should be washed in very hot water. Water hot
enough to kill lice and their eggs must be at least 130
degrees Fahrenheit or over 54.4 degrees Celsius. Clothing
should also be washed in water of the same temperature and
then put in the clothes dryer on the hottest setting for at
least 20 minutes. If you have clothing that cannot be
washed in this manner, use a dry cleaner instead.

- Any items that cannot be washed and dried or dry-cleaned,
such as stuffed animals or plush toys, should be sealed in
airtight bags for at least two weeks.

- All carpets and upholstered furniture should be
thoroughly vacuumed. Don't forget the car and any throw
rugs you may have.

- Wash hair-care items in very hot water or soak them in
medicated shampoo for at least an hour. You may also soak
items such as barrettes, headbands, brushes, and combs in
rubbing alcohol for an hour to kill head lice.

Another helpful but common head louse treatment tip is to
simply wet the hair, which temporarily immobilizes the
lice, before thoroughly combing the hair with a special,
fine-toothed comb. Some swear by home remedies such as
completely saturating the hair with petroleum jelly or
mayonnaise, or using natural, herbal oils including
lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, and oil of rosemary.

The following common head louse treatment methods are
simple and effective, yet gentle on even sensitive skin and
don't use any harsh or toxic chemicals:

- Mix a teaspoon of garlic paste with an equal amount of
lime juice and apply to the scalp. Leave on for about half
an hour before thoroughly shampooing.

- Grind almonds into three teaspoons of lime juice,
applying to the scalp and hair for half an hour before

- Mayonnaise or petroleum jelly may be applied to the scalp
and hair in an attempt to suffocate the lice, although both
are rather difficult to remove from the hair, requiring
several washings.

- Mix a few teaspoons of tea tree oil with olive oil,
applying to the hair and scalp and leaving in place for
about an hour before rinsing out and shampooing.

---------------------------------------------------- is the best resource for
treating head lice and head louse. This informative website
provides readers with quality information about home
remedies, over-the-counter and prescription medications and
more. In addition, you'll also find louse and lice removal
products. Please visit today
and rid yourself of pesky lice now!

Get fit and incinerate fat through interval training

Get fit and incinerate fat through interval training
Unless you are an athlete or fitness buff, when you think
of losing body fat, you think jogging, swimming, cycling,
or a similar activity. These activities provide wonderful
benefits. But, when it comes to shedding body fat, experts
agree interval training is more effective. Here are the
results of several studies:

Research shows that interval training, long used by
athletes to improve performance, also leads to improvements
in cardiovascular fitness when compared to exercise done at
a continuous pace. The study also shows it leads to a
higher rate of fat loss. Up to as much as 35 percent for

Research at the University of Guelph, Ontario Canada
reveals that this form of exercise also enhances
cardiovascular health and helps the body burn more fat.
They found this to be true even during low or moderate
intensity exercises.

A study by sports scientist at the University of
Copenhagen, concluded that an hour of playing soccer
provides greater benefits than an hour of jogging. The
scientist followed several groups of untrained men ages 20
to 40. One group played soccer for an hour several times a
week, another group jogged whiles the third group did not
train. Results showed "soccer players had lost 7.7 lbs. of
fat and gained more than 4.4 lbs. muscle, whereas the
joggers had lost 4.4 lbs. of fat and showed no gains in

Okay, enough about the research. Interval training is just
a great way to avoid boredom, repetitive motion injuries
while burning a lot of fat.

Adding interval training to your workouts is also simple.
For example, if you walk, increase your speed for 2 to 5
minutes followed by 2 to 5 minutes at a moderate pace. The
same principles can apply to using equipment such as
exercise bikes and elliptical trainers.

Strength training exercises can be sequenced so that the
first set is a large muscle followed by an exercise of
smaller muscle etc. Use a moderate weight that allows 15 -
30 repetitions of each exercise.

When you first start interval training, you should
determine intensity levels by monitoring your heart rate.
Your heart rate at the lower intensity levels should range
50 - 60% of your maximum target heart rate. Maximum target
heart rate can be estimated by subtracting your age from
220. For example, a 40 year person would have a target
heart rate of (220 - 40) = 180. At the higher intensity
level your target heart rate should reach about 85%.

Be sure to drink plenty of water before during and after
your workout. Staying properly hydrated will help optimize
metabolism, avoid injury and speed recovery. Consult with a
physician if you are just starting and exercise program.

David Rafferty owns and operates a supplier of home fitness
and exercise equipment and related information.

Functional Progression: Little Known Secret To Abs

Functional Progression: Little Known Secret To Abs
The "Law of Functional Progression" is the process of
mastering an exercise so you are at a state of balanced
mobility, active stability and integrated strength, and
necessary expressions of power.

I learned this though my internships, private conversations
and reading many articles on body mechanics and function.
For example, if you choose an exercise that does not fit
your current level of ability you dramatically increase the
chance of an injury. In other words, by following the "Law
Of Functional Progression" you set yourself up for success.

One of the main focuses of the firm and flatten your abs
program relates to proper exercise progression. Many people
can put exercises in routine, but very few can put them
together in a sequenced and precision manner to improve
motility, add stability, increase strength and develop

There are few areas we must touch on to examine the "Law of
Functional Progression." As stated above if you tend to
break this law you will break yourself!

First and foremost is mobility.

Any time you alter the length tension relationship by
crossing any joint in the body you create the scenario for
possible shear, torque and or compression. You must
maintain instantaneous axis of rotation in order for
optimal function of each joint to occur. In other words, it
must spin like a top in the joint or the joint and
structures around it will wear down.

Altered length tension relationship of muscles crossing
these joints create altered instantaneous axis of rotation
of the joint itself. Stretching must be performed first in
the workout to establish normal joint mechanics. Proper
stretching creates an improved foundation in which correct
function may be retained in the neuromuscular system. In
the eBook package you get an in depth report on stretching
and flexibility.

Second in the hierarchy is stability.

Stabilization should be your primary objective once an
imbalanced system or weakness has been determined to exist
in an active stabilizing system crossing any joint in the
body. If a stabilization weakness is not present the
emphasis of progression is to move on to functional
strength. You should continue to focus on maintaining
optimal levels of stability. It is important to understand
stability and strength components may exist at the same
time in an exercise program. Determining this highly
exacting and precise means of exercise progression is the
proper ratio and placement of stability and strength

Strength Training for better performance

These strength training exercises must be laid out in a
precise manner. The strength exercises must challenge and
prepare you in similar patterns of movement to be the most
successful. Movements such as pushing, pulling, bending,
squatting, twisting and lunging are the main movements.
These are important in any environment whether it is work,
sport or play. Once you have progressed to a necessary
level of stability and strength and have achieved the
objectives within that parameter you will move on to the
fourth law, power.

Power is often left out, but vitally important

Your last section in the progression is the development of
power. Power training is often overlooked and deemed not
necessary. Some theories suggest that power is only
beneficial for athletic performance and many rehabilitation
programs are under the wrong belief that power training
presents too much risk for the average person. This is just
not true. The power component of exercise progression is
absolutely essential providing that the mobility, stability
and strength objectives in the routine have been
implemented successfully.

Look at your current routine and ask yourself what four
areas (mobility, stability, strength, power) of "The Law of
Progression" are you aware of. I address these factors in
my eBook "Firm and Flatten Your Abs" and provide simple
tests to obtain muscle function of the core region. I talk
about abdominal coordination and upper and lower abdominal

This is used as a guide to your exercise program

David Grisaffi is a Sports Conditioning Coach and holds
multiple certifications including three from the
prestigious CHEK Institute. Plus he is also the author of
the popluar selling e book, "Firm and Flatten Your Abs,"
which teaches you how to develop a ripped abdominal region.
Lean how to shead bodyfat and eliminate low back pain and
recieve his free newsletter by visiting:

Melatonin, Sleep Enhancement, and ADHD

Melatonin, Sleep Enhancement, and ADHD
Melatonin is a natural hormone, which is produced and
secreted by the pineal gland. Melatonin plays an important
role in the regulation of many hormones in the body. Among
its key roles, melatonin controls the body's circadian
rhythm, an internal 24-hour time-keeping system that
controls when we fall asleep and when we wake up.

Melatonin is also a very powerful antioxidant. In one
study, melatonin was 60 times more effective than Vitamin C
or water-soluble Vitamin E in protecting DNA from damage.
Preliminary evidence suggests that it may help strengthen
the immune system.

There are numerous claims and theories concerning all the
things that melatonin may do and as a result it has become
one of the popular life extension and life enhancing
supplements that are currently available on the market


The most accepted function of Melatonin is it role in sleep
regulation. Melatonin supplements help induce sleep in
people with disrupted circadian rhythms. Melatonin is
significantly more effective in decreasing the amount of
time required to fall asleep, increasing the number of
sleeping hours, and boosting daytime alertness.

Melatonin is purported to be one of those miracle
substances that has a hand in everything. This may be due
to the fact that during the height of the antioxidant
craze, Melatonin was found to be a more powerful and more
universal antioxidant than both vitamin C and vitamin E.
Whatever the reason, Melatonin ostensibly plays a role in
numerous health conditions.

Here is a partial list:





Eating Disorders

Breast Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Cancer-related Weight

Loss Sarcoidosis

Rheumatoid Arthritis



Viral Encephalitis

Heart Disease

Since a lot of evidence for many of these claims is rather
light and since I am not trying to sell you melatonin
supplements, I am going to focus only on its role in sleep


As many parents realize, drugs like Ritalin are not without
side effects. One of the major complaints that parents have
is that their children who take Ritalin can't fall asleep
at night. Many parents report that their children, who may
be only five or six years old, are wide awake until 11 pm
or later.

Melatonin may be able to help these children. Since it is
the primary chemical in the body that helps to induce
sleep, children who suffer from insomnia often find that
Melatonin restores their normal sleep cycle and helps them
to be more awake and alert during the day.

How to Take It

There are currently no guidelines as to how to take
Melatonin. Sensitivity to Melatonin is an individual thing
and doses that are ineffective in one person may be too
much for someone else. The best approach for any condition
is to begin with very low doses and slowly add more until
you get the effect that you are seeking.

In children, it is best to start with a dose of about 0.3
mg/day or less. Although current research suggests that
even doses as high as 10 mg are perfectly safe, it is best
to proceed with caution.

In adults, 3 mg is usually a safe starting dose and you can
increase it or decrease it as you see fit.

Melatonin is readily available in most health food stores
in the United States and it is very cheap. In Europe it is
a controlled substance. Most Europeans who wish to use
Melatonin find it cheaper and easier to have it shipped
from the US.

Adverse Effects

Melatonin is one of the least toxic substances known. In
one extensive clinical trial, a high dose of 75 milligrams
of melatonin per day was given to 1400 women in the
Netherlands for up to four years with no ill effects.

The only consistent side effect of high doses has been
drowsiness and a slower reaction time.

Other common complaints include:

Vivid dreams or nightmares

Stomach cramps




Decreased libido

Breast enlargement in men

Decreased sperm count.

These side effects were in healthy people. We also don't
know how melatonin may affect people suffering from disease.

Possible Drug Interactions

Melatonin may interact or interfere with other drugs.

These include:

Antidepressant Medications

Antipsychotic Medications: many of these medications
are now being used in treating children with ADHD and
Bipolar disorder


Blood Pressure Medications

Blood-thinning Medications



Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)


Immunosuppressant Medications


If your child is taking any of these things, you should
consult with his doctor before giving Melatonin.

Also, caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol can all diminish
levels of melatonin in the body while cocaine and
amphetamines may increase melatonin production.


Often children with ADHD have a great deal of difficulty
falling asleep. This can be due to the medications that
they are taking or just be one component in the spectrum of
their problems. When used properly, melatonin may be a safe
and effective way to handle sleep problems in ADHD children.

Anthony Kane, MD has been helping parents of ADHD and
Oppositional Defiant Disorder children online since 2003.
Join over three thousand parents and get help for your
Oppositional Defiant Disorder child
(, help with
defiant teens ( )
ADHD treatment and ADHD information
( )

Common Louse Treatments: What You Need to Know

Common Louse Treatments: What You Need to Know
There are several common louse treatments that are highly
effective at removing both lice and their nits. However,
both diligence and perseverance are essential for removing
the troublesome pests. Although harmless, lice (singularly
referred to as a louse) have the capability of infesting
entire households and schools in a matter of days.

Lice can infest people of any age, any socioeconomic
background, in any country. Contrary to popular belief,
lice actually prefer clean hair rather than dirty or oily
because their nits, or eggs, stick better to cleaner hair.
Lice may be spread by direct physical contact, and also
through the use of an infected person's personal items,
such as a brush, comb, hat, towels, or bed linens.

The most common louse treatments may include:

Pesticides and insecticides

Many commercial products use chemicals such as malathion
and phenothrin, and may possibly cause irritation or
serious allergic reactions in some people. These products
are usually in shampoo form and aren't recommended for
those with breathing problems such as asthma. You should
consult your your doctor before using these products on
very young children or if you are pregnant. Many
entomologists agree that lice are quickly becoming
resistant or immune to commercially made chemicals, making
them ineffective.

Natural methods

Common louse treatments that utilize natural herbal
solutions typically take a bit longer to work than
commercially sold products. However, a natural, organic
approach to dealing with head lice is gentler and safer,
particularly for small children or those who may have
sensitive skin. Some natural remedies may include the use
of herbal oils such as tea-tree, lavender, and geranium,
massaging the mixture into the scalp, loosening the nits
from the hair shafts and enabling them to be combed out.

A variety of home remedies that have been circulating for
hundreds of years are rather effective at eradicating an
infestation of head lice. Besides the many herbal oils
commonly used, other methods people swear by include
covering the scalp with shaving cream to kill both lice and
their eggs, shampooing the hair with antiseptic mouthwash,
and using a solution of baby oil and vinegar.

Saturating the hair and scalp with petroleum jelly may also
work by suffocating the lice. However, this method may be
quite messy and require several washings to completely
remove it. Corn flour or regular baking flour may help to
absorb some of the petroleum jelly before washing the hair.


Another one of the more common louse treatments that does
not involve the use of harsh chemicals is simply combing
the hair thoroughly with a special fine-toothed comb.
Ideally, the comb should be made of metal teeth that are no
more than three-tenths of a millimeter apart. This ensures
that each strand of hair is covered and each louse is
collected by the comb. One nit left behind can result in a
complete re-infestation in a mere week.

Some people choose to use a flea comb in place of one
intended for removing lice, although you should never,
under any circumstances, use flea product solution on a
human in an attempt to kill lice. Other "don'ts" when it
comes to lice removal are using kerosene, gasoline, or
isopropyl alcohol, all of which can be extremely hazardous
and cause serious injury.

---------------------------------------------------- is the best resource for
treating head lice and head louse. This informative website
provides readers with quality information about home
remedies, over-the-counter and prescription medications and
more. In addition, you'll also find louse and lice removal
products. Please visit today
and rid yourself of pesky lice now!

Quit Smoking Success Characteristics

Quit Smoking Success Characteristics
People who have successfully quit smoking - what
characteristics do they posses?

Consider the following. Those who did stop smoking:

* Were very unhappy about being a smoker.

* Viewed themselves as too dependent on tobacco.

* Experienced smoking as having a negative impact on their

* Had a determination to stop smoking.

* Implemented action steps. They found ways to quit smoking
and acted on them - (example: sought quit smoking support,
researched ways to quit smoking, tried quit smoking aids,
studied material that gave them insight and understanding
that set them on a new course, etc.)

* Were willing to experience the discomfort of withdrawal
in anticipation of the reward.

People who succeed have a conviction about it. It is like a
"cause" that they believe in and so they "take-a-stand" for

If you are one of those who wants to quit smoking then you
can take it a step at a time and follow your convictions.
There are also many resources available that can help you,
as well as community support. In all of my writings, you
will always hear me say that there is a type of mindset and
a particular place of being that brings about long term

There really is a place of being that resolves around who
you are. For the smoker, smoking is actually supportive of
the very person that they are. It is my hope that those who
want to quit smoking will discover that there is an
understanding about this which will give them a new mindset
(or outlook) which will effect, to some degree, who they
are (or will be). Smoking is not just something that the
person does. Smoking is actually an extension of who the
person is. Can a person stop being who they are? Though the
nicotine aspect of smoking is a difficult issue, it is not
the "thing" that actually prevents someone from long term
success at quitting. The "thing" that prevents success is
the concept of not being able to quit being who they are.

So then, where is a solution? Well, it begins with the
characteristics of a successful quitter which I shared
above. A genuine desire to succeed must be there and this
is not something that someone can give to another. It is
either there or it is not. Also, for long term success, it
goes even deeper. Smoking is rooted in developmental
issues. As I said, it is actually an extension of who a
person is therefore it is important for a person to
consider personal development issues for the purpose of
becoming a different person to some degree; a person who's
emotional support, identity, security and validation do not
come from smoking. Again, the desire to be a different
person, one whose emotional needs are not met by smoking,
is not something that someone can give to another. A person
either has the desire to be a different person or they
don't. In some of my other writings I explain in detail
about personal development but for now I hope you can see
that this is an important part of the process.

In the meantime, if you are struggling, then during your
times of struggle and set-backs always remember - There is
no condemnation! What matters the most is - Intent and

Frank Andrews is the author of two self-help books. This
developed as the result of being a student of personal
development for over 25 years. Having worked through many
of his own personal struggles, he now provides information
to help others. You can find free quit-smoking information
on his website at:

Using Hypnosis for Weight Loss

Using Hypnosis for Weight Loss
The escalation of obesity rates in this country has sparked
a flurry of activity among both serious researchers and
charlatans to discover the perfect weight loss method. A
recent study of four diets revealed that the key to weight
loss success isn't the diet, but how closely you follow it.
Investigators from Tufts-New England Medical Center
(Journal of the American Medical Association, January 2005)
have determined in a study of four popular diets that the
key to successful weight loss is not the diet itself, but
actually following the diet. In this one-year study of 160
overweight adults, the researchers split people into four
diet groups:

· Weight Watchers (low calorie)

· The Zone Diet (low glycemic index)

· The Ornish Diet (low fat)

· The Atkins Diet (low carb)

The conclusion of the investigation was that all of these
diets worked when the participants in the study followed
them. The problem is that less than one in four were able
to stay on their given diet for just this one year.

It should be noted that the hardest diet to follow was
Atkins, followed by the Ornish Diet, but according to the
authors of the study, "no single diet produced satisfactory
adherence rates." Hypnosis has been recognized as a both a
method for helping people to adhere to their diets, and for
re-training the mind to "think" like a lean person, in
order to be able to give up dieting completely and to
develop healthy eating habits that parallel the eating
habits of lean people.

That being said, wild and exaggerated claims abound
regarding hypnosis as it one of the more appealing methods
dangled before the eyes of those who are hungry for a
seemingly easy solution to a complex problem.

A careful review of the scientific literatures exposes many
of the claims about weight loss through hypnosis on the
internet as overly optimistic at best and openly fraudulent
at worst.

Considerable controversy swirls around the mechanisms by
which hypnosis actually contributes to weight loss. Leon
(1976) suggested that hypnosis can help obese people team
new healthier eating patterns and retain them. One author
remarked that the hypnotic state is characterized by
heightened concentration, suggestibility, and relaxation
(Mott, 1982). Certain individuals are thought to be capable
of achieving this state more readily than others. A
so-called hypnotic "induction" whereby a hypnotist using
certain procedures to bring an individual into the hypnotic
state is not a prerequisite for achieving the state (Mott,
1982). Hypnosis, contrary to the claims of some intemet
advertisers cannot magically reprogram people's minds. In
short, methods of hypnosis run the gamut from simple
relaxation techniques to formal inductions administered by
hypnotists, but should not be considered supernatural in
its effects.

Studies showing weight loss as a result of hypnosis alone
are few in number and suffer from methodological problems.
Andersen (1985) reported that following 8 weekly treatment
sessions and 12 weeks of practicing self-hypnosis subjects
lost an average of 20.2 pounds. Cochrane and Friesen (1986)
concluded that moderate weight loss was obtained by
subjects using hypnosis. The experimental group, lost more
weight than the controls and maintained the weight loss at
a six month follow-up.

Mott (1982) stated that "although hypnosis is sometimes
referred to as a method of treatment, it is more accurate
to regard hypnosis as a facilitator of a number of
different treatment methods." The study concludes that the
use of hypnosis for a moderate weight loss is effective
using hypnotherapy. Hypnosis Plus Behavioral Weight
Management A number of studies indicate that hypnosis
combined with a behavioral weight management program
contributes significantly to weight loss. Bolocofsky,
Spinler, and Coulthard-Morris (1985) revealed that the
addition of hypnosis to a behavioral program designed to
alter eating patterns increased the amount of weight loss
at 8-month and 2year follow-ups. Both the behavioral and
hypnosis programs were tailored to each subject
individually in the study. Bolocofsky et al. (1984)
acknowledged that "the less a person weighed at the start
of the program the more likely he was to lose weight and
maintain the reduction". Hypnosis combined with behavioral
weight management seems to be more effective for small
amounts of weight loss. Another study of 45 females found
that supplementing a basic self-management program with
hypnosis resulted in a slightly greater amount of weight
loss at a 3-month follow-up (Barabasz and Spiegel, 1989).
The group for which individualized hypnotic suggestions
were developed lost more weight than those exposed only to
a group procedure. Kirsch (1996) noted a weight loss of
6.00 pounds without hypnosis and 11.83 pounds with hypnosis
based on a meta-analysis of six studies. Allison and Faith
(1996), however, disagreed and maintained that hypnosis
only enhances cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy slightly
if at all. Long-term individualized hypnosis combined with
a behavioral weight management program appears to
contribute to modest weight loss and helps maintain it.

Hypnosis operates mainly as a way to increase participants'
attention to suggestions of behavioral programs as well as
to reinforce their weight loss. Studies using behavioral
treatments successfully "typically have developed incentive
systems to bridge the gap between the short-term
-reinforcers provided during treatment and long-term goal
of weight reduction" (Bolocofsky et al., 1985). Hypnosis
can fulfill this role by stepping in as a psychological
reinforcer. Hypnosis may assist subjects in learning
positive eating behaviors and creating healthy long-term
patterns of food intake. Subjects are then more likely to
incorporate the rules of a particular program into their
behavioral regimes (Bolocofsky, 1985). Kroger (1970) points
out the similarities between hypnosis and behavioral
treatments which share an emphasis on visualization and
imagination. The literature suggests that hypnosis is an
ideal addition to behavioral weight management programs
which tend to need supplementation to achieve long-term

The Hodgepodge Problem in Weight Loss Studies The use of
subjects of varying ages and backgrounds represents one
challenge that plagues studies of hypnosis as a useful
treatment for weight loss. Andersen (1985) utilized
subjects ranging in age from 21-56 years, a considerable
spread. Subjects in another study ranged in age from 17 to
67 resulting in considerable potential differences between
the control group and the hypnosis group (Bolocofsky et
al., 1985). The fact that subjects were not matched with
regard to age could exaggerate results of weight loss as a
result of hypnosis that may more accurately be attributed
to age differences. McCabe, Jupp, and Collins (I985)
suggested a tendency for younger women to drop out of
weight loss programs relative to older women leading to a
possible masking of potential effects of age. Bolocofsky et
al. (1984) indicated that successful hypnotic weight loss
participants were higher in self-control, weighed less at
the start of the study, married, and more expressive. A
wide variety of factors influence whether a given subject
will lose weight through a hypnotic weight loss program.
Anderson (1985) cites the absence of matched subjects as a
weakness in her experiment. More studies with subjects
closely matched on various characteristics should be
conducted to substantiate claims about the effectiveness of
hypnosis for weight loss when combined with a behavioral

Most studies require weekly consultation with a hypnotist
for 8 weeks or more in addition to self-hypnosis
(Bolocofsky et al., 1984; Bolocofsky et al., 1985,
Andersen, 1985; Cochrane & Friesen, 1986; McCabe et al.,
1985). Internet advertisers who claim weight loss will
occur following a single hypnotic session, especially a
group hypnotic session, are frauds selling dreams to
desperate customers. Allison and Faith (1996) underscore
that "there is currently no panacea for the treatment of
obesity and hypnosis is no exception". Treatment using
hypnosis then is not a quick and easy way out of weight
troubles. In order to achieve any benefits from its use,
hypnosis must be practiced on a regular basis for a
significant period of time.

Conclusions and Limitations

Hypnosis has been shown to be an effective treatment for
low to moderate amounts of weight loss. One qualification
of this statement is that the hypnotic program should be
tailored to each individual. Hypnosis is a process by which
an individual enters a state of relaxation and heightened
suggestibility, Transformation of the brain through some
mysterious process defines only the hypnosis of
pseudoscientists. Quick-fix hypnosis is probably much less
effective than an 8 week program using both in-session
hypnosis, at-home self-hypnosis, and behavioral weight
management. The only people who claim hypnosis is easy,
simple, and quick are those trying to sell people on their
program. The largest obstacle in weight loss is its
long-term retention, but follow-ups of hypnosis as a weight
loss treatment have been conducted at the longest after two
years. Weight loss tapes lack scientific evidence to
support their success and should be purchased with this
knowledge in mind. Weight loss through hypnosis has been
largely ignored by scientists and more studies with control
groups and large subject pools are required to understand
its action and import.

Mark Albertson is a Clinical Hypnotherapist in Washington
State who now trains people interested in learning
hypnosis. Mark also has a vibrant coaching business,
helping people in clinical hypnotherapy to create
profitable practices. You can visit his information
website at or his hypnotherapy
training/coaching site at .

Periodontists Now Check for Oral Cancer

Periodontists Now Check for Oral Cancer
In addition to gum disease, periodontal problems, cavities,
teeth bleaching and getting a dental crown, there's just
one more thing that you should be aware of when it comes to
dental health and dental care. Oral cancer, which is cancer
of the soft tissue of the mouth.

When it is caught early by your dentist or periodontist,
oral cancer can be cured. In fact it is one of the most
curable diseases when it is caught in early stages. In
just a few minutes one time a year, people can now protect
themselves. When found early, oral cancer treatment is 90
percent successful.

The American Cancer Society estimates that there is a 5.5
percent increase in new cases of oral cancer, along with a
1.5 percent increase in deaths associates with oral cancer.

You probably are wondering if you are at risk for oral
cancer. And the answer is, yes, almost everyone is at risk.
25 percent of oral cancers occur in people who do not smoke
and have no other lifestyle risk factors. High risk
patients include people who are age 40 or older with
lifestyle risk factors include tobacco use, chronic alcohol
use of at least two ounces of alcohol three times per week
and human papilloma virus (HPV), a common sexually
transmitted infection prevalent in young adults. In other
words, virtually anyone is at risk.

The good news is that dentists can now use new technology
in the way of a dental screening, in combination with a
conventional visual exam, to find out if you have oral
cancer. Quick and painless, an annual oral exam is
performed just after a regular visual examination by your
dental professional. It can be part of a periodontics exam.

Dentists can use new products on the market like ViziLite
Plus, a cancer screening technology. First the patient
rinses with a cleaning solution, and then the dental
professional examines the patient's mouth using ViziLite,
which is a specially designed light technology. If there is
a suspicious lesion, it is marked with a T-Blue blue dye,
and then it's documented.

According to oral surgeons, it works. "I am now
incorporating the new screenings with most of my at risk
patients, said Dr. Bijan Afar, a Los Angeles oral surgeon.
"Specifically we can detect oral abnormalities such as
premalignant lesions and oral cancer."

Today, there's no reason not to ask your own periodontist
dentist about this simple, potentially life saving
screening exam.

Kristin Gabriel is a social media marketing writer and PR
professional. Her client, Dr. Bijan Afar, a Los Angeles
dentist and oral surgeon, owns five dental clinics,
including the Wilshire Dental Clinic. For more information,