Thursday, May 22, 2008

Natural Cures - 9 Basic Health Problems That Can Be Treated Using Amazing Pyramid Energy

Natural Cures - 9 Basic Health Problems That Can Be Treated Using Amazing Pyramid Energy
The interest in natural cures is on the rise. More today
than ever before. Just as "going green" is the big buzzword
for clean energy, and organic is the buzzword for fresh
food, natural cures or natural home remedies are just as
big now.

Below I have listed 9 basic health problems that can be
treated using natural, clean energy that can be obtained
from pyramids. Before you think that I am a new age freak
or some sort of a kook (I might be a kook, kooky-freak,
freaky-kook, etc...) for believing in pyramids, please hear
me out.

First, everyone knows that natural sunlight is good for us.
We also know that certain types of light, like ultra-violet
light actually kills bacteria and that electromagnetism
promises health benefits as well.

Pyramid energy has for a long time now shown to be
beneficial to mankind in many ways. It has to do with the
solar activity, electro magnetism, the benefits of
prismatic or UV light due to the slope angle of the walls
or architectural design of pyramids.

Pyramids can preserve meat, turn milk into yogurt, sharpen
knives and offer many other benefits as well that fall into
the natural cure or natural home remedies category. When
Kirlian photography is used, corona discharges are even
present just like all living things that are photographed
using this technique.

I have heard that even NASA has tested and experimented
with them. Pyramid space is VERY SPECIAL SPACE! Even our
stealth bomber's design has all kinds of pyramid-type
angles that allow it to be invisible to enemy radar. Here
below are some health benefits of pyramid energy:

1.) Poor Eyesight - there are courses available that work
on strengthening the muscles that shape the eye. The
correct shape of the eye is what brings it into focus.
Pyramid energy has reportedly helped people to improve
their vision.

2.) Hearing - some basic hearing problems could be improved
and sharpened through this free amazing energy.

3.) Acid Reflux Disease - digesting your food can get
harder as you get older. And young people as well as older
people have had trouble with acid reflux. I know from first
had experience that pyramids make the stomach's digestion
process become active.

4.) Insomnia - millions of Americans suffer from lack of
sleep. The soothing of the brain and the relaxation of the
legs can help alleviate this problem. I slept very well
having my large pyramid next to our bed when we had a
larger bedroom at one time.

5.) Chronic Pain, Arthritis - I saw slides in church from a
missionary man stationed in South America that had chronic
back pain. He got relief from sleeping in a pyramid that a
native man of that region had built.

6.) High Blood Pressure - also called hypertension, the
number one killer can be lowered just as meditation is
supposed to lower blood pressure. The secret is stress

7.) Cavities and Gum Disease - cavities are caused from
bacteria. Certain light can kill bacteria just like the
ultraviolet light used in barber shops to clean combs and
scissors. Licorice root has also just been discovered to
cure the bacteria that causes cavities. I have also had
success curing cavities using pyramid energy. Hopefully,
even gum disease can be treated.

8.) Stop Acne, Zits - zits die in their tracks. This works
great. I energized Vaseline which I keep in a smaller
pyramid. If you rub a little on a zit that won't pop, the
whitehead turns black and goes away. Again, it has to do
with light or pyramid energy that kills bacteria.

9.) Heal Sores and Broken Bones Faster - I used to drive a
milk truck and had to work 14 - 15 hours a day. The winter
weather and the wet road dirt from handling milk crates all
day gave me severe open cuts around my finger nails that
were extremely sore if I even lightly pressed on them. I
was able to heal the extreme soreness overnight with
pyramid energized Vaseline.

My cats almost went vegetarian. They used to be chronic
about getting into the garbage for chicken bones. After I
built my indoor pyramid they only ate their dry cat food. I
heard of a a similar story about a dog becoming a
vegetarian after his owner built a pyramid doghouse for it
to sleep in.

Every home today needs a natural cure healing center. Just
as every home today is not complete without a computer and
the internet, no home should be without a free green energy
source like pyramids can offer.

Lee Cusano has been involved with pyramid energy for over
20 years. He has discovered first hand how they can be
beneficial to mankind. Lee offers a free report titled "The
Real Secret To Long Life". You can also learn more about
how to easily build your own low-cost pyramids by visiting

How to get the perfect muscular body in one week

How to get the perfect muscular body in one week
Are you looking for the perfect way to build a muscular
physique? How would you like to accomplish this within one
week or less? Wouldn't it be great to show up at your
friend's house and show off your new look to all your
friends? Boy, would they be impressed!

I hope you're not seriously expecting to reach your muscle
goals within one week. I'm sorry to say that this is
simply not possible. Don't get mad at me now. I know you
saw the title of this article and were hoping for a magical
solution to your fitness needs. I'm sorry to disappoint
you, but someone had to tell you (or remind you) of the
simple truth about building muscle. What is that truth?
Building muscle takes time, and it takes a serious

I recently read a good article about bodybuilding and
weight training by a renown expert in these fields. His
article stated that consistency was an important, even
crucial factor in gaining muscle. He explained that if a
person constantly changes his routine going from one
program to the next, then chances are he doesn't really
believe in the body building programs and will ultimately
fail. The reasoning behind this is quite clear: building
large amounts of muscle takes a consistent effort over a
long period of time, usually several months or more to see
the results. If you constantly change from one program to
next, you'll never know what works. You will likely end up
interrupting a worthwhile program in exchange for a poor
program that will lead to disappointing results.

You may have heard this at various times in your life.
You've heard it stated in different adages like "inch by
inch it's a cinch" and "try, try again" along with a dozen
other clichés. You probably brushed it aside at the
time, since our tendency is to search for the magic bullet
- the one key that will unlock all of our desires with the
least amount of effort. Unfortunately, we inevitably learn
that there is no magic bean that can replace due diligence,
determination, and, most of all, consistency. No
supplement, regardless of the marketing hype, can provide
you with the same results as a solid exercise and diet
program followed carefully over many weeks and months.
Always remember that our greatest successes in life almost
always come from many small individual choices over time.
The small actions on a consistent daily basis will
accumulate and have a massive effect in the future.

Thus, the key to building muscle is to find a solid program
that teaches you all aspects including training, diet, and
recovery methods. Stick with it and you'll see great
results over the next few months.

If you would like to learn more about bodybuilding workouts
, visit Jon Cardozo's Web site at . Learn the secrets to
building a muscular physique and avoid the myths of the
bodybuilding industry. Brought to you by Jcardozium.

Detoxify Your Skin to Live Longer & Look Ageless

Detoxify Your Skin to Live Longer & Look Ageless
Aging isn't just wrinkles. . .it's disease and illness

Most of us think of 'aging' as wrinkles that begin to
appear on our face. But that word applies to all the
diseases and conditions that impact our health . . . breast
cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, depression, etc.
Chances are you or a family member has experienced the fear
and pain of one or more of these frightening conditions.
And yes, wrinkles can be painful, but they aren't usually
life threatening.

What few realize is that skin care products and other
topical personal care items we use are significant
contributors to these diseases. The products applied to our
skin to help us look younger actually contain Age
Accelerators. Synthetic chemicals used in the formulation
of these products have been scientifically linked to these
diseases. So when you apply anti-wrinkle cream to your
face, it is actually making you older.

The typical industry response to concerns about toxic
ingredients has been, "Oh, the ingredients are such
fractional amounts they cannot possibly be harmful". That's
like the tobacco companies telling us one cigarette will
not cause lung cancer. It's the multiple packs of
cigarettes every day, month after month, that is the

"We look good, we smell good, and we have just exposed
ourselves to 200 different chemicals a day, through
personal care products." (U.S. News and World Report)

So, every day, we apply creams and lotions, use deodorant,
brush our teeth, use perfume (or products with fragrance) .
. . and the small amounts of toxic, carcinogenic and
hormone disrupting chemicals add up. In fact, scientific
studies have shown these chemicals remain in our blood and
fat tissue, and some have been found in breast cancer
tumors. The specific chemicals are not in the air we
breathe, the water we drink, or the food we eat. They are
only found in the products which are then absorbed through
the skin.

"Cosmetics are being marketed in the United States, which
may pose a serious hazard to the public. Over 2,983
chemicals used in cosmetics...and one-third (884) of these
ingredients have been reported as toxic substances..."
(Senator Edward Kennedy, quoting a General Accounting
Office report).

Much of the related statistical evidence can be found in
government agencies: Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Center of Disease
Control (CDC), National Institute of Health (NIH),
Government Accounting Office (GAO), Poison Control Center
and others. The manufacturers that claim these synthetic
ingredients are safe rely on Material Safety Data Sheets
(MSDS) to protect their workers from the very chemicals
found in the products you and your children are exposed to
on a daily basis.

As the largest organ of the body, the skin absorbs much
more than we can imagine. Yet, it doesn't absorb water.
Otherwise, we would gain weight every time we took a shower
or bath. But the small molecules of skin care ingredients
are absorbed. Just think of those transdermal patches
delivering medicines through the skin. The skin is also a
wonderful elimination organ. People can be embarrassed by
perspiration, but that is the body's way of releasing

Yes, there is hope. We can improve our health and look

Here are the basic habits I recommend:

·Avoid cigarettes and alcohol. These have been
proven to be dangerous to our health and actually age our
skin prematurely. Alcohol in moderation, especially a glass
of wine, should not be problematic.

·Eat healthy. This may be a challenge with busy
lifestyles, but try to eat as many fruit and vegetables as
you can - and choose organic.

·Look for natural skin care and personal care
products that bear Certified ToxicFree® Seal. It's your
assurance the products are free of toxic, carcinogenic and
hormone disrupting chemicals.

·Choose organic. Just as you select 'organic' food,
look for skin care that is organic and free from age
accelerating ingredients.

·Contact the ToxicFree® Foundation
(, and purchase a ToxicAlarm Guide. This
quick-read booklet includes a list of dangerous chemicals
and how to identify them on the labels of products.

·Use information resources: is a website to research some
products and nearly every ingredient. Don't be alarmed,
there are safe alternatives.

To improve your skin and retain a healthy, ageless

·Begin your skin detoxification program by choosing
a ToxicFree® cleanser to remove dirt, pollutants and
chemicals from the skin surface.

·Select a masque with glacier silt that can help
draw the toxins from deep within your skin. Remember, your
skin is an excellent elimination organ.

·Tone your skin with products that contain
Oxyene™ to counter exposure to polluted 'city air'.
This is a patented form of 'liquid stabilized oxygen' that
will help breathe new life into your skin.

·Moisturize your skin with natural, organic skin
care products appropriate for your skin type and age to
assure your skin has the hydration and nutrition it needs.

Once you find the right organic skin care you will be on
the path to detoxifying your skin for longer life and an
ageless appearance.

Linda Chaé is President & Chief Formulator for
Chaé Organics, Inc. and a pioneer in 'go natural'
skin care for consumers. Her commitment to clean, safe
toxic free products requires organic ingredients backed by
scientific research. As a consumer advocate, protecting
human beings from dangers in skin care products became
personal when she became a cancer survivor herself. To
order her products, visit

Green Tea Side Effects

Green Tea Side Effects
Before we go any further, I should say that I have been
happily enjoying green tea for several months now and have
yet to experience any negative side effects, but it's only
fair that I mention there *are* some possibilities.

In this article we're going to take a look at the most
common side effects so you know what the risks are before
you consider drinking green tea.

After all, the potential benefits are great - such as
weight loss and disease resistance - but only you can weigh
up the pros and cons by taking a closer look at the points
outlined here.

Green tea, like most popular brands of coffee, does contain
caffeine and so care must be taken not to overdo the use.

In this case green tea side effects can be like any other
caffeine-induced side-effects including, but not limited
to, headaches, shaking, sweating, hyperactivity,
irratability and problems sleeping. High levels of caffeine
have also been associated with skin rashes from time to
time, through these tend to go as quickly as they arrived
once the caffeine has left the body.

Because of these caffeine levels, doctors generally
recommend against giving green tea to children of any age.
The same, of course, goes for those breastfeeding.

It is important at this point to say that levels of green
tea will have to be very high indeed for the
caffeine-related effects to be felt. Japanese scientists
claim you can safely drink up to 10 cups a day without
experiencing any side effects from green tea so this is
unlikely to effect most of us.

Some people may also experience an upset stomach after
drinking green tea though this is rare. A scientific study
in 1984 found that "tea is a potent stimulant of gastric
acid, and this can be reduced by adding milk and sugar" so
drinking it as you would your normal tea should help
alleviate such problems. Furthermore, if you are taking
green tea as extract (such as for weight loss) the
manufacturer has likely already tested this element.

Lastly, tannin-containing drinks like green tea (or your
more usual black tea for that matter) can, in some cases,
lead to iron deficiency and so those with anemia and
similar circulatory problems may be best to opt against
consuming green tea.

As mentioned earlier all of these side effects are highly
unlikely and are far more likely when green tea is consumed
in high concentrations but if you are in any doubt, consult
your doctor before taking any green tea-containing product.

For your free month's trial of our green tea weight loss
formula just visit us today at:

About Cosmetic Surgery Abroad

About Cosmetic Surgery Abroad
Perhaps you're unhappy with your appearance, feeling as
though your years have given you a few too many wrinkles.

Perhaps you'd like to have cosmetic surgery on your
eyelids, or a "tummy tuck," or breast augmentation.

Perhaps you've longed to lose your glasses forever and have
lasix vision correction. With today's marvels in medical
technology, no one need suffer from low self-esteem due to
issues of personal appearance.

An increasing number of Americans are choosing to have
their cosmetic surgery abroad for a number of very astute

Since insurance companies don't cover elective cosmetic
procedures, bearing the cost yourself is often prohibitive.

Cosmetic surgery abroad is much less expensive because of
the high cost of living in America; this means higher wages
for medical professionals.

In foreign top-quality medical facilities where the cost of
living is lower and you won't pay taxes for services,
cosmetic surgery abroad is very affordable.

A lower cost for your cosmetic surgery abroad does not mean
you'll receive a lower standard of medical care.

The state-of-the-art facility you select should be fully
accredited by the country's health care inspectors, and
surgeons should be board certified F.R.C.S. (Fellow, Royal
College of Surgeons), the highest credentials attainable in
cosmetic procedures for those trained in the UK, Australia
or New Zealand.

When you have cosmetic surgery abroad at a superlative
medical facility, you need not fear traveling alone to a
foreign country with a different culture and language.

A distinctive facility will assign you a Patient
Coordinator who will assist you - in your own language - in
accomplishing every detail of your travel itinerary, pre-
and post-op hotel accommodations, the transference of your
medical records, consultations with your surgeon, and will
be in touch with you constantly throughout your "beauty

Unlike the majority of American facilities, having cosmetic
surgery abroad means that you can have more than one
procedure done during your stay.

For example, you can return home with both a face lift and
a tummy tuck!

When you have cosmetic surgery abroad at a distinguished
facility, your care doesn't end when you're discharged from
the hospital.

Instead of the hassle of making follow-up appointments as
you would in the US, fully-qualified registered nurses will
see you each day in your private hotel room to check your
surgical sites, change dressings, and provide other
follow-up care.

Cosmetic surgery abroad is a much different experience than
what you'd expect in your home town!

As with any surgical procedure, having cosmetic surgery
abroad could have unforeseen complications.

If this does occur, you will receive the finest corrective
care without ever feeling helpless and alone in a country
not your own.

Exclusive foreign medical facilities go the extra mile to
prevent complications and quickly treat any that do arise

In all aspects of your care, your choice to have cosmetic
surgery abroad is safe and uncomplicated with personalized
care that will enhance your appearance for years to come.

Beautiful You Holidays is one of the first and unique world
renowned medical organizations in Malaysia, specializing in
Cosmetic Surgery Abroad. For more Information on Plastic
Surgery Abroad Check out

Do You Know The Best Scar Treatment?

Do You Know The Best Scar Treatment?
Did you know the best scar treatment of all is prevention?

A scar is a natural part of the healing process. Skin
scars occur when the deep thick layer of skin is damaged.
The worse the damage is, the worse the scar will be.

Effective acne skin care is the key to avoiding acne scars
for life. Most acne skin scars are flat, pale, and leave a
trace of the original zit that caused them. The redness
and swelling that often follow a zit may not be a scar and
is generally not permanent. The time it takes for the zit
to go away may, however, range from a few days to several

Four Rules for Good Acne Skin Care

Rule #1: Never, ever, ever squeeze, press, or handle an
active zit.

The act of squeezing, ripping, or scratching often causes a
scar, and perhaps for life, because it further damages the
already affected dermis. To understand scar treatment is
to know that the body cannot rebuild the tissue exactly as
it was prior to the formation of a blemish and manipulating
the tender skin in any way significantly increases the risk
of scarring.

Also, picking at scabs is a terrible form of scar treatment
and should be avoided at all costs. Scabs are formed as
part of the healing process that is going on underneath
them at a deeper level of tissue. Pulling a scab off
before it is ready totally interferes with the healing and
remodeling process, prolonging the time that
post-inflammatory changes will be visible and increasing
the risk that serious scar treatment will be needed later

Rule #2: Use professional anti aging skin care products and
always assure they are as natural, or all natural, as

Do not use any products on your face as part of a good acne
skin care regimen that includes any oil or petroleum-based
products. Wash your face and do not scrub it with a rag,
loofah, or anything other than your bare hands and always,
always wash your makeup off at night and use an anti aging
skin care cream lotion at night with acne-fighting

Rule #3: Avoid the sun - period! Especially avoid it if you
have adult acne or a flare-up of acne.

The direct rays of the sun will totally worsen adult acne
or acne flare-ups and, under any condition, getting
sunburned may lead to permanent irrevocable scarring. The
best advice for effective scar treatment is to wear a hat
or covering that keeps the direct sunlight off the face.

Rule #4: Use anti aging skin care cream lotions when
outbreaks occur.

Generally over-the-counter all natural products, which
include corticosteroids, alpha-hydroxy acids, beta-hydroxy
acids, or certain antihistamine creams are effective. Scar
treatment starts by gently and effectively eliminating
pimples, zits, and blemishes without poking, prodding, or
squeezing. Give the anti aging skin care cream lotions
time to do their job without being overly impatient and
causing a scar that may stay for life.

John Russell of IH Distribution, LLC brings you health,
anti-aging and skin care products from around the world. A
significant resource to help women during early menopause
symptoms and symptoms of menopause can be found at

Warm-Up Routine Guide Before Any Exercises and Workouts

Warm-Up Routine Guide Before Any Exercises and Workouts
Many people are not quite sure exactly why they do warm-ups
prior to exercising. Although, they continue to do this
they are only doing it because someone has told them to do
so. While it is important to warm-up before exercising for
a number of safety reasons, there are other benefits as

Warm-ups are done to stretch your muscles and lubricate
your joints. In doing this it is made possible to avoid
injury and also discomfort and muscle soreness. However, if
you over do your exercise routine you can still become sore
the morning after. Warm-ups are not your free pass from
exercise discomfort. It is just to aid in minimizing injury
and discomfort as well as slowly ease your body into the
exercise routine.

As you exercise your internal temperature will rise. If you
do warm-ups prior to exercising your body will slowly raise
in temperature as opposed to rising at an elevated rate,
which can cause dizziness and possibly fainting. For the
fullest most beneficial workout it is vital to warm-up
prior to your workout.

Warm-ups are done to ease your body into the exercise
routine. Thus, you are warming up your body. This is very
similar to cooking in an oven. You would not bake a cake
without letting the oven warm up first, you should also
never workout before you warm-up your body and muscles.
Gradually increasing your body temperature will give your
muscles the chance to slowly dilate and increase blood flow
through them with minimal if any discomfort the following

An ideal warm-up is going to increase your heart rate,
increase metabolism and add to your respiratory capacity.
In doing this your body is able to better adjust to the
workout you are preparing for. Your joints will also become
well lubricated to avoid possible injury during a vigorous
exercise routine.

It really is not important the individual sport or reason
for your exercising, it is important for all activities to
maintain proper care of your muscles, joints and
cardiovascular system. In doing this you will ensure
ultimate performance with minimal chances of injuring your

Warm-ups should not be done at a fast rate. They are done
in order to slowly prepare your body for a more vigorous
workout. Therefore, in general a warm-up session of about
15 minutes should be sufficient. Begin with some stretches
of the muscles that you will be using. If you intend on
running, you should start of by walking and then change to
a jog and finally begin your running. Slowly ease yourself
into the harder workout.

If you are going to be playing a sport or doing another
activity that will help you top burn calories you should do
the same movements at a slower pace.

For example, when playing tennis you know you be swinging
your arms quickly while you are running. To warm-up for an
activity of this nature you should stretch your legs, arms,
shoulders and back.

It is a good idea to walk and swing your arms as if you are
playing the game. This will help to lubricate the joints in
your shoulders and prevent unnecessary injuries to
yourself. Usually, in doing this you will notice your range
of motion has been increased and your flexibility is

Moses Wright is a health conscious webmaster. He sets up
this site to help people learn more about keeping fit and
doing stretching exercises. You can get more useful
resources at:

Tran Fats: Enemy #1

Tran Fats: Enemy #1
Trans fat is a generic name for an unsaturated fat that
contains transisomer fatty acid. A trans fat can be either
monounsaturated or polyunsaturated. Most trans fats are
industrially made. Unlike dietary fats, trans fats are
neither essential to human health nor easily used by your
body. Hopefully, after reading this article, you will
understand why trans fats should be considered enemy #1.

Most trans fats consumed are created in the process known
as partial hydorgenation of plant oils. This process was
discovered at the turn of the 20th century and was first
used commercially in the United States in Crisco. The
ultimate goal of partial hydrogenation is to increase the
melting point of the oils. This makes them more attractive
for bakers and increases the shelf life of the product.
Conjugated linoleic acid and vaccinia acid are two trans
fats that are naturally occurring in meat and milk. It is
thought that trans fats are carried from mother to child by
breast milk.

The health risks of trans fats are many fold. According to
the National Academy of Sciences there is no safe level of
trans fats that you can consume. They base this finding on
two things: 1. Trans fats provide no known benefit to the
human body, 2. Trans fats increase the levels of LDL( bad
cholesterol) while decreasing the levels of HDL( good
cholesterol). This combination is known to lead to
coronary heart disease(C.D.). C.D. is the biggest health
risk from trans fats and a leading killer of people world

The New England Journal of Medicine, Nurse's Health Study,
National Academy of Sciences, the list goes on forever.
All of these trained medical professional have studied the
effects of trans fats and believe that they greatly
increase your chances of death from C.D. The number of
heart related deaths that can be linked to trans fats is
somewhere between 30,000 and 100,000 Americans each year.
There is other scientific research that points the finger
at trans fats in prostate cancer, diabetes, obesity, liver
problems and infertility. While there is lesser
relationship between trans fat consumption and these
diseases, the connection is still there.

With all of the negative facts about trans fats you may
have a couple questions on your mind. What kind of
regulations have the government put in place and what can I
personally do to reduce the trans fats in my diet. It took
the Food and Drub Administration(FDA) until 2003 to take
any action. As slight as is may be. The quires trans fats
to be listed on the product label. It allows manufacturers
to claim 0g os trans fats if they contain .5g or less. That
is only on products for public consumption. Schools,
hospitals, etc, that buy in bulk will not receive products
with these labels on them. While the regulation does not
do a whole lot, at least it is a step in the right
direction. Some cities in the United Sates are passing
laws to ban trans fats from restaurants as well as
launching public education campaigns.

You personally can lower your trans fat consumption by
reading. Read labels, read educational pamphlets, read
anything that will help you recognize the sources of trans
fats in your diet. There are several restaurant chains
that have gone with cooking oils that contain zero trans
fats. Nearly all of them proudly display signs that
announce their use of these zero trans fat oils. There is
an FDA regulation in place. There have been many lawsuits
and some voluntary switches. The end result is a slow move
towards oils that do not contain trans fats. It is
essentially up to you to decide how much trans fats you
consume. Reading labels and reducing the amount of junk
food you consume will help greatly. As with anything that
has to do with eating, you should always consume in

David Grisaffi is a Sports Conditining Coach and holds
multiple certifications including three from the
prestigious CHEK Institute: Level II Corrective Holistic
Exercise Kinesiologist, Golf Biomechanic, and Nutrition and
Lifestyle Coach. Plus he is also the author of the popular
selling e book, "Firm and Flatten Your Abs," which teaches
you how to develop a ripped abdominal region. Lean how to
shed bodyfat and eliminate low back pain and receive his
free newsletter by visiting:

Essential Minerals for Diabetics

Essential Minerals for Diabetics
Far from the news that certain minerals are bad for you or
projected as being useless, minerals play an important role
in the cellular health and in overall well-being of
diabetics. Certain minerals are vital to maintain health.
Without them, complications will arise and shorten lifespan.

While we all need minerals to promote good health, the
diabetic needs far more than the average man or woman to
maintain healthy levels. The diabetic kidney is often
stressed from trying to eliminate excess glucose from the
body and succeeds to flush out many of the vitamins and
minerals along with excess glucose. This makes it vital to
replace what has been lost.

Failure to supplement leads to blindness, kidney damage and
the deadening of nerves in the feet. Without feeling,
infection can set in. Untreated, gangrene can set in
leading to amputation.

But it doesn't end there. Heart disease, high blood
pressure and general ill health means a shortened lifespan
for many who are overweight and don't watch what they eat,
smoke, don't exercise and are high stressed.

According to the media and the medical establishment, all
you need to do is eat a proper diet and exercise.
Unfortunately, this leaves out one key ingredient;
supplementation. The simple fact is that the food we buy
from our grocer's shelves lacks essential nutrients as they
come from farms where the soil is depleted of the vitamins
and minerals we need.

For diabetics, certain minerals are vital. If you hope to
avoid the complications that afflict so many, you should be

Among the most important minerals necessary for good health

CHROMIUM: 90% of Americans do not get the recommended 50mcg
(micrograms) of chromium a day. The Food and Nutrition
Board of the National Academy of Sciences considers 50 to
200 mcg to be necessary. As a diabetic you need at least
200 to 400 mcg a day.

Chromium works with insulin in helping open the cell
membranes to accept glucose. Without it, insulin's action
is blocked. Not only does it improve insulin's action to
get into the cells, but it has been shown to decrease
fasting blood glucose levels, improve glucose tolerance and
decrease cholesterol and triglyceride levels as well as
raise the HDL, good cholesterol.

Cheese, legumes, beans, peas, whole grains and molasses are
good sources of chromium. Brewer's yeast is one of the best

Since most Americans are deficient in this nutrient it
explains the high incidents of those as having Syndrome X.
It's estimated that as many as 2 billion people exhibit the
conditions of syndrome X. Chromium GTF or chromium
picolinate make good supplements.

MAGNESIUM: Low intake of magnesium is a major risk factor
leading to diabetic complications, especially retinopathy.
Blindness and heart disease are linked to a lack of
magnesium. The RDA recommendation for healthy men is 350 mg
per day and 300 mg for women. Between 300 to 600 mg is
considered ideal. Many fall far short of this
recommendation and only get between 143 to266 mg.

Our highly refined diet lacks magnesium. Magnesium, like
chromium is involved in glucose metabolism. Supplementation
has been shown to improve insulin response, glucose
tolerance and improve the fluidity of red blood cell
membranes in diabetic patients. Most magnesium comes from
seeds, nuts, legumes, tofu and green leafy vegetables. As a
diabetic, you should take magnesium aspartate or magnesium
citrate which is easily absorbed. To help get it into the
cells, you should also take at least 25 mg of Vitamin B-6

POTASSIUM: It is the major mineral that resides inside all
cell membranes. Its electrical charge generates what is
called "membrane potential". Sodium, contained in salt, is
found outside of cell membranes and it's believed that the
ratio of sodium to potassium is off-balance and is one of
the many reasons why insulin cannot open the cell doors to
accept glucose.

High potassium diets have been shown to lower the risk of
many degenerative diseases such as cancer and heart disease
and helps lower blood pressure. Plant foods such as fruits,
vegetables and whole grains are the best sources of

MANGANESE: Animals deficient in manganese, it has been
shown, have lower insulin output. It functions in many
enzyme systems including those involved in blood sugar
control and thyroid hormone function. Diabetics have only
half the manganese of normal people. Good sources are whole
grains, fruits and nuts, provided they are grown on well
fertilized soil. A good daily dose of manganese for
diabetics is between 3 to 5 mg.

ZINC: This important mineral has a lot to do with various
functions of the body from sexual development to immune
functioning and maintenance of nerve tissue. Zinc
deficiency leads to loss of appetite, susceptibility to
infection, poor wound healing, skin disorders and
deficiency in both taste and smell. It is involved with the
synthesis and utilization of insulin and has anti-viral
effects. It helps protect against the destruction of beta
cell, the cells responsible for the production of insulin
in the pancreas. Diabetics should supplement with 30 mg of
zinc per day. Good sources of zinc are shell fish, organ
meats, fish, pumpkin seeds, ginger root, nuts and seeds.

VANADIUM: It's missing in the average American diet. In the
form of vanadyl sulfate it helps to control the rises in
blood sugar in diabetics after meals. Good sources of
vanadium are mushrooms, shellfish, dill, parsley and black

Far from being a complete list, these are the most
important minerals and should be taken by every diabetic.

While taking minerals will help, the best advice for every
diabetic is to lose weight, engage in vigorous activity and
avoid the highly processed and refined foods that make up
the daily staple of the average American diet.

Mario Carini has been a diabetic since diagnosed with the
disease 8 years ago. He feels strongly that the best way to
treat diabetes is through natural means that include
essential vitamins, minerals and herbs. You can find out
more about treating your diabetes atL

Top 10 Total Body Fat Burning Circuit Exercises

Top 10 Total Body Fat Burning Circuit Exercises
Last Wednesday I put myself through a tough total body fat
burning circuit exercise workout in High Park near my place
in Toronto.

Afterwards I headed right back to the office and went
straight to my computer to answer questions about fat loss,
interval training, bodyweight exercises, and fat burning
from men and women all over the world.

Then I stumbled across an unusual post from a fellow
Canadian and new member, Mike Cheliak. He and I had been
discussing off-day bodyweight circuit training, and he
wrote in this inspirational story to share with you...

"I did the Total Body Ten Bodyweight Circuit today as my
day off 'activity'. When I got to the gym there were a
couple guys and a girl beginning their usual Eliptical

...but I convinced them to join me in the Aerobics room and
we gutted out 3 circuits of the Total Body Ten program. It
was great!

What a perfect way to get some good intense activity in
without tiring yourself out on a day off! We may all start
a "club" on Wednesdays to do this. I think it was a great
motivator doing it with other people. We all pushed each
other and had fun doing it.

I highly recommend this to anyone looking for some fun
activity. You could easily do it at home but I have to say
that it was a LOT more fun doing it with a group!"

Mike's right, and the Total Body Ten is a great fat burning
circuit exercises workout to give the "go-getters"
something to do on their off-days from regular strength
training and interval training.

You can also use this circuit in place of regular interval
training, if you don't have access to a cardio machine. The
general format of the circuit goes like this...

1) Easy lower body exercise for warm-up

This could be some type of bodyweight squat or hip

2) Moderate upper body pushing exercise for warm-up

A pushup or kneeling pushup works best.

3) Single-leg exercise

Lunges or stepups are great for moderate fitness levels.

4) High-rep upper body pushing exercise

A moderately difficult pushup exercise here.

5) High-rep Squat

This is used for conditioning purposes.

6) High-rep total body ab exercise

I like mountain climbers here.

7) Single-leg exercise

Another lunge would work or a single leg deadlift.

8] Tough upper body pushing exercise

Your most challenging pushup.

9) Lower body posterior chain exercise

Stability ball leg curls or 1-leg RDL's.

10) Tough upper body pulling exercise

Inverted rows work great!

This completes your fat burning circuit exercises workout.
Go through the circuit up to 3 times, resting 1 minute at
the end of each circuit, but rest only as little as
possible between exercises.

Do this workout in place of regular cardio or interval
training as many as two times per week. Make sure to have a
rest day in between.

These are the ten best movements for fat burning bodyweight

Discover more bodyweight exercises and a sample Turbulence
Training workout at

Hyperpigmentation Removal - 4 Ways to Fade Hyperpigmentation Fast

Hyperpigmentation Removal - 4 Ways to Fade Hyperpigmentation Fast
Hyper-pigmentation is a common condition in which some
patches of skin turn darker in color and is affecting more
and more people each day. As a result, many individuals
look for some quick and easy ways to fade
hyper-pigmentation and regain their youthful glow.
Effective hyper-pigmentation removal is is often
accomplished through one or more topical agents or surgical
treatments. We'll look at the most effective below.

Bleaching Creams With Hydroquinone

Hydroquinone is a popular phenolic derivative used in
lightening and skin bleaching creams. For
hyper-pigmentation removal, hydroquinone is often applied
to affected areas either alone or in combination with
salicylic acid, tretinoin, corticosteroid, or glycolic
acid. Hydroquinone in a 4-percent concentration can fade
hyper-pigmentation but it also increases your chances of
sun damage. Plus, continuous use can cause some adverse
side effects including skin irritation.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

While more expensive than most other treatments, a number
of people use laser skin resurfacing to quickly fade
hyper-pigmentation. The entire procedure lasts about one
hour and involves the use of a laser to removes wrinkled or
damaged skin layer by layer.

The average cost of laser skin resurfacing is about $2,378
per treatment. For most effective hyper-pigmentation
removal, multiple treatments may be required. In which case
you could spend nearly $5,000 or more to achieve maximum
results. Complications may include skin discoloration,
burning, or scarring. In rare situations, dormant viruses
or infections can be triggered.


Microdermabrasion is a fairly new cosmetic procedure that
uses a special machine to remove layers of dead skin on the
surface of the treated area(s). In order to successfully
fade hyper-pigmentation, microdermabrasion can involve a
series of 8-10 weekly treatments. As a result, the entire
process can take two months or more before you achieve the
desired results. Even though this treatment is administered
over such a long period of time, it only removes a very
small percentage of the epidermal layers.

Microdermabrasion can range in cost from $75 to $150 per
treatment. Since six or more treatments may be needed for
nominal hyper-pigmentation removal, you could end up
spending $450 to $900 or more for minimal results.

Home Chemical Peels

For many individuals, home chemical peels are an affordable
and effective way to fade hyper-pigmentation in a short
amount of time. Many of these kits allow you to remove dead
skin as much as four layers deep as opposed to more
expensive methods that may still leave blemishes behind.
Some kits, like Skin Culture Peel, claim to help users
achieve maximum hyper-pigmentation removal in as little as
six days. The average cost of a home chemical peel kit
ranges from $80 for a light treatment to $660 for more
advanced kits.

Visit for more
information on how to quickly and easily get rid of
hyper-pigmentation without expensive surgeries or
treatments. Discover the truth about a more than
70-year-old formula that claims to help users fade
hyper-pigmentation in as little as 6 days.

In Order to Burn Fat, You Must Go Into Debt

In Order to Burn Fat, You Must Go Into Debt
No, I'm not suggesting you sink all of your money into
every fat loss product imaginable. In fact, you can go
into this kind of debt without spending a nickel. I'm
talking about oxygen debt, and it is critical to fast and
efficient fat loss!

Traditional "cardio", where you do long bouts (45 minutes
or more) on a treadmill or an elliptical machine at a
moderate pace has always been the recommendation of doctors
and trainers. Why? Because at a moderate pace your body
is using stored body fat for energy. You'll often see this
referred to as the "fat burning zone." So, why is burning
body fat a bad thing? Have I finally lost my mind?

Your body is a pretty complicated engine, so when the fat
is being burned, it says "well, I better save up some fat
for the next time we go through this." So, what does it
do? It uses your lean muscle tissue to help preserve fat.
Now, that doesn't sound right, does it?

Confused? It's really quite easy. You don't exercise to
see the results that happen to your body during exercise -
all of the magic actually happens after, not during,
exercise. So, while you rest and recover, your body is
burning the fat. Yeah, baby!

Intervals, which are short bursts of exercise followed by
recovery, don't use fat as their energy source. During
interval training, your body will call on carbohydrates
which are stored in your muscles. The effort that your
body needs to go through to replace the carbohydrates
stored in your muscle is much more intense, therefore it
needs to call on the stored body fat for up to 24 hours
after you're done. So, you would rather burn fat for 45
minutes or 24 hours?

Back to oxygen debt - this is how you can judge the proper
intensity of your interval training. Simply put, your
interval needs to be of a high enough intensity that, when
you stop and start recovery, that you are left panting.
This means that your body is asking for more oxygen than
you currently can provide.

You can also monitor yourself with a heart rate monitor.
If your interval was intense, your heart rate will actually
bump up when you stop before heading downward.

In 20 minutes or less, you'll be revving up your fat
burning engine like never before. At some point I'l share
some of my favorite interval workouts with you. But for
now, even if you're just walking outside, crank up your
intensity for 30 seconds, followed by 60 seconds of
recovery at a slower pace for 20 minutes total.

Matt Lisk is a fat loss expert who has used his knowledge
to lose over 80 pounds of body fat, reduce his body fat
percentage to under 10% and to resolve a variety of health
issues he was experiencing. He is the author of Lean State
University's Fat Loss 101 Newsletter at

Lose Weight With Breakfast

Lose Weight With Breakfast
Breakfast has often been described as the most important
meal of the day. Despite the benefits breakfast provides
not only for weight loss, but overall well being, it's
surprising how many people skip this meal. Some people say
that they don't have the time to eat breakfast while others
are under the false perception that missing this meal will
help them lose weight. The truth is that by missing
breakfast you are not doing yourself any favours,
regardless of what your goals are.

Breakfast actually means breaking your fast, as you have
been fasting during the night because you have been asleep.
When you wake up in the morning, your sugar levels are low
and you are lacking in energy, this is why you feel a
little sluggish. Basically your body is crying out for fuel
in the form of protein, carbs, vitamins, fibre, liquid, and
other nutrients. When you skip breakfast you are not
supplying your body with what it needs. So your body will
go into defence mode.

Your body will think that it is starving and to compensate
for this situation it will slow down your metabolism so
that it can hang onto calories. This situation is called
starvation mode. When this happens you can forget about
your attempts to lose weight. To lose weight you must burn
calories, but if your metabolism cuts back on burning
calories, it stands to reason that weight loss is not going
to happen.

Eating breakfast will not only give your metabolism a big
boost, it will supply you with the nutrition your body
desperately needs. It supplies your blood, muscles, brain,
and other organs with energy. Basically it will give you
the best start for the day ahead. Another great reason to
eat breakfast is that you don't tend to get cravings
throughout the day, and this prevents the ups and downs in
energy you get during the day.

The next step is to decide what your breakfast should
consist of. A cup of coffee and some donuts are not going
to cut it. You should avoid virtually all sugary foods when
eating breakfast. Yes you will get a sugar boost that will
raise your blood sugar levels. However a boost just means a
quick fix, once this boost drops, so do your blood sugar
levels which leave you feeling tired and lethargic.

You need to have a breakfast of complex carbs which release
energy slower and for longer. This avoids the sudden peak
in blood sugar levels, which are detrimental to your
health. Your carbs should come from whole grain cereals and
fibre. Oats are a great breakfast meal and can keep you
going for many hours. You should also have protein in your
diet; this can come from eggs, fish, or lean meat. You
could even add a protein shake to your breakfast. Fresh
fruit is another great addition to a healthy breakfast.

The fact is that if you want to lose weight your metabolism
will need to burn calories, and if you miss breakfast it
won't do that. You will be sabotaging all your efforts, so
you must get into the habit of eating breakfast. Apart from
the weight loss benefits of breakfast, it is also really
important for your brain. Your brain for its size is very
greedy for glucose. Glucose is the energy you get from your
food. Your brain actually takes 30% of the glucose your
body receives. So when you miss breakfast you are short
changing yourself on glucose. When you brain is not getting
its needs met, it will not function to its optimal level.
This leads to lack of focus and concentration, a lack of
alertness and basically make your thinking process feel
slow and sluggish.

Begin eating breakfast and you will become more alert,
think better, and feel sharper. Your metabolism will be
happier and so will you. If you are not used to eating
breakfast, you should start small and build up how much you
eat over a few weeks. It's no point trying to eat a big
breakfast straight away if you are not used to it. It could
make you feel sick and make you give up trying. However
once you start to eat some sort of breakfast, the habit is
acquired pretty quickly.

Don't worry about storing any calories from breakfast as
fat because this won't happen as you have all day to burn
any excess off. The truth is that your body will use
virtually every calorie you eat for breakfast, so there
should be no concerns over that. Start eating breakfast and
you will start to notice improvements in your energy levels
just after a few days. Avoid eating breakfast and you will
be in the same position in 6 months as you are in today.
Without doubt you will lose weight with breakfast.

Join thousands of people who have lost weight using our
weight loss course.Available at

How to turbo-charge your muscle growth

How to turbo-charge your muscle growth
Not too long ago, I was quite confused about the best way
to build muscle. If you've spent any time in the gym
trying to build a muscular physique, you can probably
relate to my frustration. After all, there's so much
conflicting advice out there. There are many times that I
felt like giving up, but fortunately I discovered some
basic truths about muscle building.

For a long time I listened to other guys in the gym who
tried to convince me about their methods. However, after a
while I realized that they weren't too successful
themselves. I mean, why would you listen to someone who
didn't have the muscle to prove his knowledge? They seem
to think they knew a lot about building muscle just because
they used all the right words. They often talked about how
great a "pump" they were getting from their workouts, and
they did their best to keep up with the latest supplement

One of their biggest mistakes, however, was spending way
too much time in the gym. Like many beginners, they
assumed that more time in the gym would equal more muscle.
As you may know, this is not the smartest approach to
weight lifting or bodybuilding. The problem with this is
that lifting weights stimulates your muscles to grow, but
they don't actually grow until you leave the gym! You have
to give your body enough rest to allow the muscles to grow
back bigger and stronger. Spending all day at the gym
neglects the importance of recovering from your workouts.
In addition, you have to make sure that you eat enough
calories and protein to build those muscles.

These last two concepts, diet and recovery, are crucial to
your success. Despite this, far too many trainees ignore
them. Or maybe it's just that they're not aware of how
important they are. If that's the case, I want to take a
moment to emphasize just how crucial they are. If you're
serious about building large amounts of muscle, your
commitment does not end when you walk out of the gym. That
is only the beginning of your muscle building program.
Everything you eat and drink, for one thing, will go a long
way towards determining what you look like in a few months
time. You can remain the same because you didn't eat
enough even though you worked out that the gym. You could
also gain a bunch of fat because you decided to eat the
wrong foods thinking that all calories are equal. Or you
can have a muscular body by sticking to a few basic
principles of muscle growth.

The rules for building muscle are actually not too hard to
understand. They are simple, but they're not easy. You
still have to put in the effort, but the basic principles
are simple enough to understand. Because there's so much
conflicting information, though, it's best to stick to a
proven program that teaches you all aspects of building
muscle. Find a program that has proved its worth - a
program that has helped build 40 pounds of muscle in under
6 months.

If you would like to learn more about bodybuilding workouts
, visit Jon Cardozo's Web site at . Learn the secrets to
building a muscular physique and avoid the myths of the
bodybuilding industry. Brought to you by Jcardozium.

10 Steps to Younger Looking Skin

10 Steps to Younger Looking Skin
Do you know the shortcuts for fabulous skin results in
under 60 days?

It's the time of the year we all do some soul searching
about things we'd like to change in our personal life . . .
from losing weight, starting an exercise plan or setting
about cleaning out our closets for spring.

A lot of us just want to look great by the time summer
arrives. Unfortunately, the vast majority of us lose our
motivation after a week or so. Well, here are ten simple
steps to help you achieve at least one of your goals for
spring and summer . . .fabulous, younger-looking skin!

Simple Steps...Great Results

Most of the time, it takes common sense combined with
personal commitment to achieve our goals. Having fabulous
skin is one of those common sense habits. So, I'm outlining
a basic care routine that will make an amazing difference
in your appearance in 30-45 days!

We're going to begin with basic 'living well' habits that
aren't difficult to implement, and will change not only
your appearance, but your outlook on life and your overall
mental and physical health.

1) Make sure you're eating a healthy diet including LOTS of
fresh fruits and vegetables. Cut out empty calories from
soft drinks, heavy desserts and snacks throughout the day.
If you need to snack, choose fresh apple slices, a handful
of nuts or a small serving of popped corn.

2) Hydrate throughout the day. Keep water in a glass
container on your desk or counter so it's easy for you to
have a drink periodically. Many of us are actually
dehydrated and that directly affects the health of our skin.

3) Get plenty of rest. Even though you have lots of last
minute things to do before you retire for the night, try to
get at least 6-8 hours of rest each night. You'll feel more
alert and you'll accomplish your tasks faster because
you'll have more energy! It's o.k. to not get everything
done. Guess what, we'll never get everything done, so relax.

4) Get 20-30 minutes of regular exercise each day. Do
something as simple as walking or going up and down steps.
Use a pedometer to measure your steps. Your goal should be
to work up to 10,000 steps each day. It is difficult if
you're sitting at a desk all day, so use your lunch hour to
walk for 15-20 minutes. You'll be amazed how much more
energetic you'll feel.

So far I've only mentioned minimal, but necessary, healthy
lifestyle habits you can easily incorporate into your daily
life: Eating well, drinking lots of water, getting enough
rest and incorporating regular exercise into your daily

I also know you're wondering how any of that will make a
difference in helping you develop fabulous skin. You'll be
surprised how much exercise, healthy food and rest will do
for your appearance, but I have several more 'simple steps'
designed to specifically address your skin's appearance.

5) Start and end each day with a basic skin care routine.
Cleanse with a natural, organic cleanser developed for your
skin type. Try to avoid using basic bar soap on your face
because it will generally strip away your natural oils so
critical to a healthy complexion. I like to recommend an
oxygen-based toner because it will continue the cleansing
action while it infuses your skin with energy.

If you prefer not to use toner, move directly to the serum
and/or moisturizer for your final step(s). Seasonal serums
are formulated to deal with various weather and climate
changes you encounter. Using a Serum for Spring adds
supplemental moisture and minerals to your skin, helping
your skin recover its smooth texture and begin to glow. You
can layer it under your favorite moisturizer - especially
for your night regime. I recommend you layer it under a
safe, natural organic SPF15 Sunscreen for daytime.

Complete your regime by adding a fabulous anti-aging Serum
to tighten and smooth out any fine lines or wrinkles that
are beginning to develop while giving your skin an
anti-aging treatment as well.

6) Use a natural organic exfoliator to cleanse away dead
cells from your face 1 or 2 times per week. It allows new
cells to emerge and you will look fresher and more rested.

7) Use a revitalizing eye gel to help tighten delicate skin
under your eyes and eliminate bags and dark circles.

8) Evaluate your daily nutrition. Some skin care products
are rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and
other nutrition. However you may need to add supplemental
dietary support like Omega Oils, fiber or daily vitamins to
deal with stress, long days, travel or just your daily

9) Don't forget to cleanse and moisturize hands frequently.
Use an organic hand wash that doesn't strip your hands of
moisture as it cleans. Retain/add moisture with a body
butter or lotion. Using personal-sized sanitizers/purifiers
made with stabilized oxygen rather than alcohol or
triclosan through the day will help you avoid airborne
viruses or other pathogens from surfaces you use during the
day. I suggest you carry a 1oz. pocket mister in your
briefcase or purse so it's handy - no matter where you are.

10) Have an 'Attitude of Gratitude' each day! A positive
mental outlook shows up in fewer fine lines, frown lines or
wrinkles. In short, you'll look as good as your attitude
demonstrates you feel.

Think of these as 10 steps to a fresher, younger looking
'YOU'. You'll find changes will appear in 30 - 45 days if
you'll consistently follow these simple steps in your life.

Linda Chaé is President & Chief Formulator for
Chaé Organics, Inc. and a pioneer in 'go natural'
skin care for consumers. Her commitment to clean, safe
toxic free products requires organic ingredients backed by
scientific research. As a consumer advocate, protecting
human beings from dangers in skin care products became
personal when she became a cancer survivor herself. To
order her products, visit

Natural Remedies to Cure Conjunctivitis

Natural Remedies to Cure Conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, which
is a thin membrane that covers the front of the eye. This
can also be referred as having sore eyes, which is a very
common type of eye problem. The conjunctivitis can be
spread fro one person to another with a direct eye contact.
Dirt surroundings, unhealthy living conditions, over
crowding are some of the reasons, which can give birth to
conjunctivitis. Red, itchy, watery eyes are some symptoms
that show that you may have this infection.

However, to deal with this ailment one can simply adopt
some natural remedies for conjunctivitis. Natural remedies
are one kind of method to cure every kind of disease as it
used to be in earlier golden year. The natural remedy
treatment has several types, commonly it known as the
naturopathy, nature cures and herbals. The natural remedies
are made up of several natural methods or ways to cure any
types of disease including cure the conjunctivitis. The
style of treatment using natural remedy is basically
avoiding the regular medicines which are created by mixing
several of chemical compounds. But it is not possible to
cure any disease by taking any kinds of natural remedies;
there is specific type or method to input natural remedies
as well. There are various types of disease such as cold,
flue, headache, acne, indigestion that can cure by common
natural remedies or other disease like dry skin, jaundice,
conjunctivitis, joint pains, hair care, bursitis and many
more also can cure by specific natural remedies.

So in the case of natural remedies for curing
conjunctivitis, there is some interesting, simple and
useful and you can do it at home as below:

- The Indian gooseberry juice, fusion with honey is very
beneficial combination for conjunctivitis. A cup full of
this awesome juice must be consumed with two table spoon oh
honey two times in a day to see early results.
- Vitamin C promotes in healing from the disease in a very
short span of time. Moreover, vitamin C2-6, 000 mg should
be divided in doses and taken daily.
- Once in a day, prepare a poultice with grated raw red
potato and grated apple and place it on the closed eyes.
Leave it for almost half an hour and within couple of days
or at the most three days the ailment will completely
- Make chamomile tea, keep it in fridge or cool it at room
temperature, then use it to wash eyes two times in a day
until the infection gets cure.
- A decoction made with 60 ml water and an ounce of dried
coriander is another outstanding eye wash during
conjunctivitis. Washing eyes from this eye wash relieves
the eyes from burn, pain and swelling as well.
- Yogurt from goat milk can also assist in eliminating the
uncomfortable itchiness in eyes. Apply poultice yogurt
daily on the infected eyes.

Apart, always remember to wash eyes hands via an antiseptic
soap, and use a separate towel to prevent spreading

I'm write new article about Natural Remedies. You can learn
more about Natural Remedies information please visit our