Friday, April 11, 2008

Designing Your Way to Weight Loss

Designing Your Way to Weight Loss
Any effective weight loss plan needs to incorporate cardio
activity to help burn calories. Why not design your own
weight loss program?

Here's how... whether you go to the gym, the great
outdoors, or workout classes at your local college or
community center.

The Basics of Weight Loss Design

The most important factor about designing an exercise
program is knowing some of the basics and why they are

Determine Max Heart Rate

Before you begin, determine your maximum heart rate.

The Journal of the American College of Cardiology
recommends using 208 minus .7 times your age to find your
maximum heart rate. This is also known as your target heart
rate zone. It is the pulse rate, or your beats per minute,
that allows you to safely exercise while getting the best

Exercise Intensity

Once you know what your maximum heart rate is, you can
determine the exercise intensity you need to reach your
weight loss goals.

If you are just beginning a fitness program, physicians
recommended that you exercise at 50-60 percent of your
maximum heart rate. If you have been at it for a while and
get regular exercise, you should target 60-70 percent of
your maximum heart rate. Those who are involved in intense
fitness programs, generally conditioned athletes, the
target should be 75-85 percent maximum heart rate.

The Talk Test

An easy test to know if you're working beyond your safe
heart rate level is the talk test. If during your workout,
you struggle to talk, you're pushing yourself too hard and
you should take down the intensity level. Varying the
intensity levels of your workouts is a good prescription
for success. First, it will keep you from becoming bored
with the routine and giving up. Secondly, more injuries
occur during highly intense workouts so it's important to
monitor how your body reacts during the workout and not
overextend yourself. Lastly, an effective workout will
raise your cardio level which burns fat, and include
strength training to develop muscles.

Muscle Group Targeting

If your goal is overall body conditioning, focus on
activities that use large muscle groups. Examples include
swimming, running, walking, stair climbing, cycling or
treadmills. For developing more specific muscle groups, you
can use weights and incorporate more strength training
activities, which target certain parts of your body.

Workout Frequency

The frequency of your workouts will have a direct impact on
the results. You can improve your general fitness level
with a simple 30 minutes three times a week. For more
pronounced results and higher fitness level, you should
exercise 3 to 5 times each week, hitting your maximum heart
rate during the workout, with no more than 48 hours between

Stretch It Out

Be sure that you stretch before you begin exercising, and
as you cool down after the workout. You should warm up and
cool down for at least 5 to 10 minutes. You'll run less
risk of injury during the workout, and you won't suffer
from muscle fatigue.

Keeping these basics in mind will help as you "design" your
way to weight loss. Keep moving and you are sure to have

Debbie helps women wanting to lose weight quickly by
through her blog on natural weight loss tips and
supplements... .

5 Strategies for Stress Reduction for Attorneys

5 Strategies for Stress Reduction for Attorneys
Do you feel as if you are being stalked by a grizzly bear?
Is your system always on high alert? Do you experience
headaches, body aches, digestive distress, anxiety, or
sleeplessness? The common culprit behind these symptoms
could be....STRESS!

What are the stressors in your life? Do you spend long
hours sitting at your desk, researching and preparing
documents for clients and colleagues? Do you feel as if
you are preparing for combat each time you go into court?
Do you have neck or low back pain? Does your jaw ache?

"Stress" has become such a common household word that we
use it to describe everything from the rush of the morning
commute to the hours of homework our children complete
after their mandatory club soccer practices.

Stress is harmful because it imbalances every hormone
system in your body. To achieve optimum health and an
ideal body composition, you must focus on regular stress

When you experience a stressor, there are three phases to
your response: 1) the stressful event,
2) your inner appraisal of it, and 3) your body's reaction.
The stress response is difficult to handle because once it
begins, the mind has no control over it. Sitting in
traffic or being criticized at work can trigger a stress
response 'the "fight-or-flight" reaction ' that has no hope
of being physically carried out, thus dissipating the
hormones that create the body's call to action.

Although you may not be able to control the stressful event
-- or your body's reaction to it -- your inner appraisal of
it, the link between the event and your reaction, is up to
you. The totally personal way in which you filter all
events determines how stressful they are. Everyone has a
different level of stress tolerance. What seems to create
the greatest perceived threat in any given situation are
these three factors: 1) lack of predictability, 2) lack of
control, 3) lack of outlets for frustration.

5 Strategies to Manage Stress

1. Receive some bodywork. Massage therapy or chiropractic
sessions can reduce the muscular and skeletal stress that
result from tense, overwrought muscles. Caring for the
physical body helps reset the emotional self as well.

2. Develop a practice of breath work. Breathing seems
such a natural event; we often don't realize when our
breath has become shallow and limited. When we breathe
fully and deeply, expanding the air into the bottom of our
lungs, we receive the full benefit of oxygenating our brain
and body. Our brain is 2% of our body's weight and uses
20% of our body's oxygen! Lack of oxygen increases
feelings of helplessness, fatigue, and uneasiness. Full,
deep breaths help balance the nervous system.

3. Meditate. Make time once or twice a day to turn within
and commune with the still small voice that is the "you"
inside your physical body. Even if it is only for five
minutes, turning your attention within can help reset your
thoughts and feelings and refresh your perspective.

4. Exercise. Move your body! Walking, biking, swimming or
dancing all get the blood moving, carrying fresh oxygen to
all parts of your brain and body. The "fight or flight"
response shared by humans and animals is extremely helpful
when you are faced with physical danger, like that grizzly
bear in the first paragraph. If the problem can be solved
by "fighting," taking action to scare the bear away, or by
"flight," running away so fast the bear can't harm you, the
solution itself dissipates the stress and bodily functions
return to normal. When stress is caused by a problem,
situation, or condition that can't be solved through such a
response, the impact extends for a longer period. Exercise
helps dissipate the hormones that accumulate in the body
when it is stressed.

5. Be here now. Keep your thoughts focused on the present
moment. It is really all that you have. Fretting about
past events or worrying about what may happen in the future
both sap your ability to enjoy where you are right now.
Reviewing the past and planning for the future are two
abilities of higher reasoning that humans have that
differentiate us from other mammals. Don't let
circumstances take over your opportunity to see the gift
that this moment brings you—that's why it's called
the "present!"

Our bodies are wired for health and vitality, not for
illness and disease. Health is how our bodies function,
not how they feel. Health comes from the inside out. And,
importantly, the choices we make play a part in our health
and well-being.

Dr. Michael B. Roth has been a holistic chiropractor for 23
years. His goal is to transform the health care system
from crisis/reactive care to a wellness model of health.
Dr. Roth is a dynamic speaker on health and wellness who
can motivate and transform your audience and you to bring
your own health and well-being to a new level!
Learn more about Dr. Roth's programs by visiting his

Will You Experience Early Menopause Symptoms?

Will You Experience Early Menopause Symptoms?
Did you know early menopause typically means that a woman
experiences menopause symptoms before the average age of
47? Symptoms of early menopause may start as young as the
20's, 30's, or 40's.

This time leading up to actual menopause is called
perimenopause and is started by fluctuating hormone levels.
Typically perimenopause can start in the late 30's or
early 40's. Often when people talk about menopause,
they're actually talking about perimenopause since this is
the time they first begin noticing early menopause symptoms
such as hot flashes, sweats, irregular periods, and mood

The actual definition of full menopause is total cessation
of periods and an FSH hormone level in an elevated range.
The average age for women to have completed menopause is
age 51 which means, that if it starts or ends sooner, early
menopause has been encountered.

Conditions contributing to early menopause symptoms:
Anything that causes premature ovarian failure is a major
contributor to early menopause symptoms. The two major
factors are autoimmune disorder and chromosomal
irregularity. In the case of autoimmune disorder, the
body's immune system mistakenly attacks itself which, if
involve the ovaries, leads to missed periods and early
menopause symptoms. Chromosomal irregularities are of a
hereditary nature and caused by defects on the X chromosome.

Surgery also leads to early menopause symptoms

Typically, a total hysterectomy drives lower estrogen and
progesterone levels and immediate menopause is the result.
Removal of either or both ovaries due to cancer, cysts, or
tubal ligation also radically alters hormone levels which
can lead to early menopause symptoms.

Other factors leading to early menopause symptoms

Family history is a leading factor as women tend to go
through menopause at about the same time as their mothers
and sisters. Viral infections in the womb can cause the
child to be born with a lower number of eggs, which causes
symptoms of early menopause later in life.

Diseases leading to early menopause symptoms

Thyroid disease is a major disease leading to early
menopause as well as pituitary and/or hypothamic disorders.

Historically, physicians prescribed hormone replacement
therapy to offset the unpleasant side effects of menopause.
However, results from a National Institute of Health study
published on July 9, 2002 showed marked increases in breast
cancer, heart attacks, stroke, and blood clots in the test
group. The study, which made headlines around the world,
lead medical organizations and the food and drug
administration to revise their policies for hormone
replacement therapy.

Currently, the rage is the use of all-natural progesterone
creams, which provide the same symptomatic relief, but with
all-natural ingredients and without the side effects of
hormone replacement therapy.

John Russell of IH Distribution, LLC brings you health,
anti-aging and skin care products from around the world.
PhytoProlief, an all-natural progesterone cream providing
relief from menopause symptoms, is available at

A Funny But Inspiring Story About Fitness

A Funny But Inspiring Story About Fitness
Anyone who has ever worked with me personally or in my
group training knows I am about accountability. So one of
the things I am having my clients do this month is to make
a huge effort to make fitness a priority. To do this, I am
asking all of them to put their workouts down as an
appointment in their calendar.

Why would I ask them to do this?

Simple. I deal with powerful and busy people. And they
are constantly being pulled in different 20 directions.

-Board meetings


-After school activities

-Family obligations

-Business trips, etc.

What often gets left off? Exercise.

If you schedule exercise into your week at the beginning of
each month, you will see that you are less likely to miss
your training.

Think I am nuts? Let me give you an example.

I have one client that changes the way she fills in her
Blackberry calendar. Instead of "exercise" or "training",

In this woman's world if she does not get her workout in
she feels sluggish, out of sorts, and is normally cranky
(her words) if she misses a workout.

She tells the story of how someone was looking over her
shoulder one day. The nosy mom said "Why don't we schedule
a breakfast meeting for our book club?"

My client said, "Sure when would you like to meet?" As the
busybody woman looked at my client's Blackberry calendar,
she was shocked to see that this woman needed therapy 5
days a week. She must have thought she was truly out of
her mind and clearly stayed away from scheduling the
meeting anywhere around the appointment.

This worked wonders in two ways: 1) She was able to get her
workout in and 2) Now she even had time to get cleaned up
after her training. Nice!

I have had other clients use similar tactics when
scheduling their workouts:

Cardiologist - This reminds him that he has heart issues
and if he misses his appointment, he will spend his time in
a waiting room instead of a weight room.

Blind Date - One of my clients was a young single woman who
had just lost 70 lbs. She used this as a motivator to keep
her from putting the weight back on so that she would never
need to go on another blind date again.

Plastic Surgeon - This was another client's way of saying
she always wanted to look vibrant. She was deathly afraid
of needles and never wanted to go under the knife for
surgery. A little vain, but it works for her!

Accountant - Some people consider me an accountant. I keep
them accountable and it is easy to say I need to meet with
my accountant and people would never think of making you
miss an appointment with the tax man.

For now, get your calendar or planner and schedule in your
workouts for this month. AND don't miss any of them. I
promise you won't regret it at the end of the month.

For over 17 years Bobby Kelly has taken his passion for
coaching to a level not reached by many in the fitness
profession. Bobby has been interviewed and featured as an
expert adviser on CNN, Fox News, ABC, NBC, and CBS as well
as local affiliate stations in numerous markets. Bobby
knows the success of hard work and determination. He'll get
you where you want to be. Visit Bobby today at or email

Protein powders make me sick

Protein powders make me sick
Did I mention protein powders make me sick? Well, not
literally of course. At least I've been fortunate enough
to avoid any spoiled or contaminated protein products.
What I mean is that I've gotten really bored with drinking
the same protein shakes every day. That got me thinking
about an important question: is it really necessary to
drink protein shakes in order to gain muscle?

Well, the answer is a definite no. Simply put, building
muscle requires a combination of strength training
exercises and a proper muscle building diet. That diet
must include sufficient calories and lots of protein (as
well as healthy carbohydrates and fats, believe it or not).
You can definitely eat solid foods, and in fact that is
where most of your calories should come from. Eggs, fish,
chicken, and other sources provide you with tastier ways to
get your protein, but you will need a lot of it! That's
where it gets tricky. You see, you'll probably need quite
a bit of protein if you are trying to put on large
quantities of muscle. The exact amount will depend on lots
of factors including your current weight, your exact muscle
building goals, and your metabolism.

However, many muscle experts and bodybuilding gurus will
tell you that your protein requirements will be quite high
such as 1.5 g of protein per pound of body weight. That's
a lot of protein! For those of you who are beginners and
are not used to eating so much, it can be a challenge to
consume enough protein each day, especially when you're on
the go. You can see more protein shakes would make it
convenient supplement to your current diet plan.

But what about the boring taste of protein shakes? Well,
you can try different Brands for one thing, but you might
still be disappointed by the bland taste. The next thing
you can do to improve the taste and not traumatize your
taste buds is to add flavoring to your protein shakes.
Fruit, peanut butter, flax seeds, even chocolate (but watch
that sugar!) can add some much needed zest to your daily
routine. An even better option might be to find a set of
protein shake recipes that will spice up your drinks and
make your diet a little more exciting. While you're at it,
you might as well pick a comprehensive muscle building
program that includes specific exercises in other tips on
how to put on large amounts of muscle safely and

Download our free report on how to avoid the top 20
mistakes in the gym.
Visit our web site for the most effective bodybuilding
workouts to gain muscle naturally. Brought to you by

Top 10 Air Purifying House Plants

Top 10 Air Purifying House Plants
You may think that the air inside your home, school, and
work is not a non issue, but research has shown that the
air indoors is 30% more contaminated than that of the
outside, possibly more in the winter months when the
windows and doors are opened less often. Indoor air
pollution is a big factor in the creation of allergies and
asthma. If you have allergies or asthma the air inside your
house may be causing your symptoms or at the very least
worsening them. The top air pollutants indoors are
formaldehyde, benzene and Trichloroethylene or TCE. You may
be surprised at the origins of these chemicals and their
adverse effects on your body.

Know Your Poisons

Formaldehyde is a ubiquitous chemical found in virtually
all indoor environments. It is used in consumer paper
products which have been treated with UF resins, including
grocery bags, waxed papers, facial tissues and paper
towels. Many common household cleaning agents contain
formaldehyde. Formaldehyde irritates the mucous membranes
of the eyes, nose and throat. It is also a highly reactive
chemical which combines with protein and can cause allergic
contact dermatitis. Until recently, the most serious of the
diseases attributed to formaldehyde exposure was asthma.
However, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has
recently conducted research which has caused formaldehyde
to be strongly suspected of causing a rare type of throat
cancer in long-term occupants of mobile homes.

Benzene is a very commonly used solvent and is also present
in many common items including gasoline, inks, oils,
paints, plastics, and rubber. In addition it is used in the
manufacture of detergents, explosives, pharmaceuticals, and
dyes. Benzene has long been known to irritate the skin and
eyes. In addition, it has been shown to be mutagenic to
bacterial cell culture and has shown embryotoxic activity
and carcinogenicity in some tests. Evidence also exists
that benzene may be a contributing factor in chromosomal
aberrations and leukemia in humans. Chronic exposure to
even relatively low levels causes headaches, loss of
appetite, drowsiness, nervousness, psychological
disturbances and diseases of the blood system, including
anemia and bone marrow diseases.

Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a commercial product found in a
wide variety of industrial uses. Over 90 percent of the TCE
produced is used in the metal degreasing and dry cleaning
industries. In addition, it is used in printing inks,
paints, lacquers, varnishes, and adhesives.

Research has shown that these 10 plants are the most
effective all-around in counteracting off-gassed chemicals
and contributing to balanced internal humidity.

Areca Palm- The Areca Palm is the indoor plant that outputs
the most humidity. It releases copious amount of moisture
into the air, removes environmental toxins, and is tolerant
of indoor spaces. Definitely one of the most useful
houseplants out there!

Reed Palm- The Reed Palm has the ability to survive in
relatively low light, but may grow several feet tall,
especially in a brighter location. This palm does best in
reasonably warm temperatures. Keep them away from leaky
windows and cold entryways where they'd be exposed to
blasts of frigid air.

Dwarf Date Palm- The Dwarf Date Palm or "Phoenix" Palm has
been proven effective at removing formaldehyde in the air.
It has a solid history as a houseplant and amongst the most
durable of all palms. In a pot-bound situation, this palm
continues to be beautiful for many years.

Boston Fern- The Boston Fern also removes formaldehyde in
the air. It requires more sunlight than the previous ferns.
Place your Boston fern near a window that receives plenty
of indirect sunshine. They can endure dimly lit locations,
but they won't flourish and grow. Boston ferns prefer
daytime temperatures that range from 65°F to
75°F. Evening temperatures should be a little cooler.

Janet Craig Dracaena- The Janet Craig Dracaena is widely
used in the interiors of homes. They are available in bush
form (pictured), cane form and occasionally as a braided
tree. Plants are available from small starter plants to
eight foot tall. Proper watering is the trick to keep this
plants full appearance. Set dracaenas in low light and
water sparingly allowing the top several inches of soil to
dry down. Dracaenas do not like fertilizer... only feed

English Ivy- English ivy has been proven effective in
removing airborne-mold and feces by a significant amount as
well as formaldehyde. If you have indoor pets, you should
consider placing this plant by any litter boxes or cages in
your house. Put it out of reach of your pets though as it
is poisonous. It can also be planted outside for benefits
to outdoor pet owners, but be aware that this plant has the
ability to overrun any area that it's set in. Most
cultivars of ivy grow best in bright light, but not direct
sun. There are hundreds of cultivars of this popular ivy.
It is an incredibly varied group, with leaves from well
under an inch to over 3 inches long and in many colors and

Australian Sword Fern- Australian sword fern This plant
looks very attractive in your office, home or garden. They
do well in pots or in hanging basket plants. This is a
vigorous grower, and the sword shaped leaves remain sturdy
in windy areas. They grow to about 24-36 in.

Peace Lily- The Peace Lily (Mauna Loa) removes benzene,
xylene and toluene found in nail polish, paints, solvents,
and adhesives as well as TCE. Peace lily will flourish in
almost any well-drained potting mix. Peace lily will
survive low interior light but would prefer bright filtered
light. Peace lily should not be placed in direct sun or it
will sunburn. These plants need very little fertilizer. You
can plant it directly in water with a beta fish to feed on
the roots for a more interesting setting. Wash the leaves
occasionally to prevent insect attack.

Rubber Plant- Rubber plants can easily grow 6 to 10 feet
tall or more indoors if there is enough space. They can be
pruned to reduce their size. They grow best with the
morning light from an east window. They do well in warm to
average room temperatures. Water rubber trees thoroughly,
but let the soil dry somewhat between waterings. The soil
mix should be a well-drained houseplant mix. Wash the
leaves with water when they get dusty to keep them
attractive and help your plant stay healthy.

Weeping Figs- Weeping figs are usually sold as 3-to 6-feet
potted trees or bushes. They can grow as tall as allowed
indoors, but they are easily pruned to a suitable height.
Weeping figs grow best in bright indirect or
curtain-filtered sunlight. They will handle some direct sun
if the humidity is high. Variegated cultivars grow best in
somewhat lower light. Weeping figs prefer warm
temperatures. Night temperatures of 65 to 70 °F and
day temperatures of 75 to 85 °F are ideal. During
periods of active growth, keep the soil evenly moist. The
soil should be allowed to dry slightly between watering.

When planning the positioning of houseplants to maximize
the benefits, it is suggested that one plant should be
allowed for approximately 10 square yards of floor space.
Assuming average ceiling heights of 8 to 9 feet, this means
that you need two or three plants to contribute to good air
quality in the average domestic living room of about 20 to
25 square yards. In a NASA study, scientists found that
"houseplants can purify and revitalize air in our homes and
offices, protecting us from the negative effects of such
common toxins as ammonia, formaldehyde, and benzene."

Learn more about being green and living healthy at and the blog

ADD/ADHD: Differences, Not Deficits

ADD/ADHD: Differences, Not Deficits
The term for the diagnosis of ADD/ADHD has changed multiple
times. In 1980, the term 'Attention Deficit Disorder' came
to be. It has changed slightly since then ' but the field
is relunctant to change it again because of how negative
that would be (it could impact the advocacy and legislation
that has been achieved through hard work...)

The question is: Are there really deficits?

Well, sometimes there are deficits. Like when people can't
pay attention.

But what about the ability to hyperfocus?

People with ADD are often gifted with the ability to pay
tremendous attention to things that are important to them.
They have have a singular attention span which is far
better than what 'non-ADDers' have ' if they use their
natural gift of hyperfocus.

To us ' this suggests a 'difference' in attention ' not a

The term deficit itself refers to pathology and lack.
Differences refers to just that- differences.

Recognizing this difference is important as we advocate for
a change in the paradigm of ADD ' toward a strength based
diagnosis. One which focuses on the gifts and differences,
and not the lack and deficits.

It's our contention that each and every ADD brain has
genius in it. The definition of genius, as defined at includes: gen-ius: - an exceptional natural
capacity of intellect, especially as shown in creative and
original work in science, art, music, etc.: the genius of
Mozart. - natural ability or capacity; strong inclination:
a special genius for leadership. - distinctive character or
spirit By definition ' to be a genius ' one has to be
different from others.

People with ADD are different...

...and we contend that there is genius in each and every
one of them.

Now people who might take issue with this statement will
say that ADD affects people with different levels of
intelligence. So, there are some people with superior IQ
with ADD, and there are people with average IQ who have
ADD, and there are people with low IQ who have ADD.

Irrespective of the IQ level ' each person with ADD has
genius inside.

The ADD brain has tremendous capacity for these aspects of

- Being unique: People with ADD often 'march to the beat of
their own drum'. They bring a unique perspective due to the
fact that they are not 'programmed' to conform ' and their
ability to maintain their unique nature can lead to many
gifts throughout life (when it's nurtured appropriately)

- High levels of creativity: when the ADD mind receives
information ' it manipulates that information differently.
This leads to high levels of creativity.

- Insightful: When using information differently than
non-ADD people, ADD'ers develop significant and useful

- Direct: people with ADD can be very direct, to the point
and on target. This can be 'too much' for people without
ADD to handle ' as they aren't used to information being
presented so directly and accurately

- Quick to act: While many people suffer from 'paralysis of
analysis', the ADD mind is quick to take action and
experiment ' hence the belief that geniuses like Edison had

- Can look at the same thing differently than others: As
alluded to above ' someone with ADD can look at the same
material as others and see very different things and draw
very different conculsions

- Interpersonally intuitive: The powers of observation of
those with ADD can be very strong, and their intuition
particularly powerful. This can be a challenge for others
who don't recognize this as a gift ' and it can be
perceived as a lack of 'tact'.

These traits, and many others ' lead to the gifts of ADD,
and the genius that's inside.

Dr. Kenny Handelman is a Psychiatrist who is a specialist
in ADD and ADHD. He is co-author with Dr. Edward Hallowell
of a FREE special report called: Find the Genius in ADD.
You can download your copy right now, by clicking here:

Colon Cleansing - preventing disease and prolonging life by cleansing your colon

Colon Cleansing - preventing disease and prolonging life by cleansing your colon
The colon is extremely significant in regards to its
specific purpose. The colon is a section of the large
intestine that extends from the cecum to the rectum. It is
imperative that people understand the effect that
irresponsible eating and drinking habits can have on the
colon. Coincidently, because the colon is the main organ
of the body that manages the waist production and disposal
in the body, the process of colon cleansing should be a
part of everyone's healthy living regimen.

Essentially, many health issues and diseases can develop if
the colon is not maintained properly. Documented research
indicates that within the United States alone, at least 90%
of the diseases are directly or indirectly associated with
unhealthy colon. Furthermore, research also reveals that 6
out of every 10 people generally have problems with their
colon. Although using supplemental products for colon
cleansing has become popular to combat colon issues, the
bowel is actually equipped to rid of toxins and bacteria
that gets in your body. With the adequate amounts of fiber
and fluids, the colon does not necessarily require the aid
of external supplements or colonic irrigation.

Colon cleansing should be employed at least four times a
year or with change of seasons. However, this timetable is
flexible in that lifestyle plays an abundant role in the
dysfunction of the colon. It is important to know your own
body and be proactive. The most common problems that
result from improper care of the colon are constipation,
abdominal pains and lack of energy. Other health issues
that a congested colon can cause are bad breath, headaches,
fatigue, arthritis, and blemishes. Constant problems
and/or clogging of the colon can result in the dysfunction
of the liver. Specifically, the liver can not perform its
job properly which may lead to other life threatening
diseases such as colon cancer and heart attack.
Additionally, colon dysfunction can shut down the kidney
system. Therefore, it is fair to say that using certain
methods and following certain guidelines in order to
detoxify your colon can effectively prolong your life.

The colon cleansing programs have been proven to
efficiently prevent diseases and there are at least five of
them that are highly recommended. Keep in mind, because
people's bodies are different, each supplement will affect
each person differently. Therefore, it is important to
choose the one that accommodates you the best. Amongst the
list, the program that is extremely popular is the colon
hydrotherapy. Other programs include enemas, laxatives,
herbal colon cleaners and oxygen- based colon cleaners.

The goal of any type of colonic irrigation is to remove
access or colon build- up from the colon. Be sure that any
equipment that is used has been thoroughly sterilized.
Otherwise, the process can have reversed harmful affects.
The colon hydrotherapy cleans out the large intestine only.
Basically, the procedure is implemented by flushing large
amounts of water into the colon. Warm water is filtered
gently into the colon thru the anus using plastic tubing.
This procedure is fairly inexpensive and is most effective
if the treatments are done in 45 minute increments. There
is about twenty to thirty gallons of water used.
Generally, the enemas are used in more acute cases to
relieve constipation. The supplement is inserted through
the anus into the rectum to cleanse the bowel. The small
amount of liquid looses the fecal matter in the lower
portion of the intestines. The laxatives, however, are
taken orally, but they are also an effective treatment for
constipation. The laxatives soften the stool which causes
contractions to force a bowel movement. Laxatives are not
recommended for chronic colon conditions. Furthermore,
because there is a risk for dehydration, the laxatives may
cause great discomfort and cramping. Another colon
cleansing supplemental product is the herbal colon
cleansers. The herbal cleansers contain psyllium which
induces an increased volume of stool. Herbal cleansers are
effective for short-term constipation too. But be sure for
long-term removal of impacted fecal matter, that the herbal
cleanser include a product specifically designed to break
up fecal matter. Lastly, the oxygen based colon cleansers
are capsules that are also administered orally. They are
extremely effective in that natural activated oxygen is
used to extract impacted fecal matter. Not only is the
impacted matter removed, the oxygen based cleansers also
remove toxins and all build-up in the intestines. These
supplements can be used short- term or long- term. Unlike
other colon cleansing supplements, the oxygen- based
cleansers have less risk to be concerned with.

As the primary sewage system of the body, we can utilize a
colon cleansing program that would consist of external
supplemental products that are specifically designed to
detox your system. Many physicians would recommend,
however, that you also incorporate healthy nutritious
foods, such as fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains
into your daily diet. Whatever colon cleansing program
that you choose, your goal should be to maintain a healthy
colon. Remember your colon attracts all the toxins that
get into your body. It is important to be proactive and
cleans your colon to prevent further medical complications.

Ronald Godlewski has published several dozen articles on
health, wellness, and the value of nutrition in disease
prevention. For more information on how to detoxify your
body using a proven colon cleansing system at home visit for
simple and effective Colon Cleansing Programs.

Can Dietary Supplements Save You Money?

Can Dietary Supplements Save You Money?
It's cheap, painless—and can reduce this country's
healthcare spending by $24 billion over five years.

What am I talking about?

It's not the latest medical invention or drug.

Nope, it's supplements.

According to exciting research from the Lewin Group,
spending just a few cents a day on some key nutritional
supplements can significantly decrease chronic
illness—as well as healthcare costs.

Using strict criteria, the Lewin Group analyzed scientific
studies on nutritional supplements, then used our
government's own accounting techniques to determine their
economic impact.

They looked only at Medicare recipients and women of
childbearing age, and only at supplements that have been
proven to help beyond any scientific doubt:

1. Calcium and vitamin D for osteoporosis

2. Folic acid for prevention of birth defects

3. Omega-3 fatty acids for heart disease

4. Lutein and zeaxanthin for prevention of major
age-related blindness, or macular degeneration

Let's start with calcium and vitamin D.

First, the Lewin Group study used older research. Newer
studies suggest that higher doses of vitamin D3 (1,000 to
2,000 IU daily), may be even more helpful.

But even with that older data, the researchers found that
giving older people 1,200 mg of calcium and 400 IU of
vitamin D a day would decrease bone loss and hip fractures.
They estimated these supplements could prevent more than
776,000 hospitalizations for hip fractures over five years,
saving $16.1 billion.

Next let's look at omega-3 fats.

Among other benefits, omega-3 fatty acids help prevent
cardiac arrhythmias, improve cell membrane function, reduce
inflammation, and lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

According to the Lewin Group, giving about 1,800 mg of
omega-3 fats a day to Medicare-age people could prevent
374,000 hospitalizations from heart disease over five years
and save $3.2 billion.

They also estimated the economic effects of lutein and
zeaxanthin, carotenoids found in yellow and orange
vegetables. Taken as supplements, these have been shown to
treat macular degeneration, which is the loss of central
vision, a major reason people over age 65 require nursing
home care.

They found that taking 6 to 10 mg of supplemental lutein
and zeaxanthin daily would help 190,000 individuals avoid
dependent care as a result of macular degeneration. The
savings? $3.6 billion over five years.

Finally, the Lewin Group looked at folic acid. If 11.3
million women began taking just 400 mcg daily of this
vitamin before getting pregnant, we could prevent birth
defects in 600 babies, saving $1.4 billion over five years.

These four supplements could create a combined savings of
$24 billion over five years.

Yet the typical American diet often doesn't contain the
necessary amount of these nutrients, putting us at higher
risk for the problems mentioned above.

In fact, the majority of us are deficient in one or more
nutrients at the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) level,
which is the minimum amount necessary to prevent deficiency
diseases. That's not even the amount often needed for
optimal health and to prevent conditions like blindness,
osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and dementia.

That's why I firmly believe we should all take certain
nutritional supplements. These recommendations are
supported by mainstream medical journals (1, 2).

Here is the regimen I recommend for everyone:

1. A high-quality multivitamin and mineral that contains
mixed carotenoids (including lutein and zeaxanthin), at
least 400 mcg of folate, and a mixed B-complex vitamin

2. Calcium-magnesium with at least 600 mg of calcium and
400 mg of magnesium. Choose calcium citrate or chelated
versions of minerals, not calcium carbonate or magnesium
oxide, which are poorly absorbed

3. Vitamin D3, 1,000 to 2,000 IU a day (people who are
deficient in vitamin D will need more)

4. Omega-3 fatty acids that contain the fats EPA and DHA,
1,000 to 2,000 mg a day.

This regimen is relatively inexpensive, risk free—and
the benefits are enormous. You'll have better immune
function, brain function, and higher energy and will also
prevent many future health problems.

I think that's worth it.


(1) Fairfield KM, Fletcher RH. Vitamins for Chronic Disease
Prevention in Adults: Scientific Review. JAMA 287:

(2) Willett WC, Stampfer MJ. What Vitamins Should I Be
Taking, Doctor? N Engl J Med 345:1819.

Mark Hyman, MD is a pioneer in functional medicine,
practicing physician and best-selling author. A sneak
preview of his book "The UltraSimple Diet" is available.
See The UltraWellness Blog for more on Nutritional

Six Super Exercises: Putting the Pieces Together for a Powerful Exercise Program Part 1

Six Super Exercises: Putting the Pieces Together for a Powerful Exercise Program Part 1
When you were growing up, you heard adults telling stories
about how they wished that they were this or that age
again, and how great it was back in the day. Well, after
being in the fitness coaching business for 7 years now, and
having seen and used almost every piece of equipment in
environments ranging from my parents shop back on the farm
to the most pristine commercial facility, I, too, have had
a longing to return back to simpler times.

Those simpler times for me are back in 1992 in a small,
non-air-conditioned room on the campus of Dakota Wesleyan
University. It was the place where I first cut my teeth
learning about strength and conditioning. We were all
learning what to do and what not to do, but to be perfectly
honest, we did not have a clue. Nonetheless, we got pretty
impressive results for a bunch of "know-nothings". Since
that time, much has changed; however, even more has stayed
the same.

And that is exactly how I came full circle to the
development of the Super Six concept. The exercises that I
have described over the last six months are absolutely
nothing new. They were around well before I wrote about
them and they will be around long after I am gone. One
thing still rings true, however. Whether you are training
in a dingy university weight-room or the most beautiful
commercial facility, these six exercises WORK.

Just in case some of you have forgotten what the Super Six
are, or if you are a new reader and have never heard me
refer to such a thing, the Super Six exercises are six
core/foundational exercises that should be implemented in
some way, shape, or form into 99.9% of training programs.
The Super Six consists of the following exercises:



Bench press



Over-head press Who Should use the Super Six Exercises?

In a word, EVERYONE. There may be some individuals out
there who have severe orthopedic conditions or other
medical contraindications that prevent them from performing
the movements, but if you are a generally healthy human
being, there is no reason why you should not be able to
perform these exercises, or at least the progressions for
these exercises.

These six exercises have many distinguishing properties;
however, the one that stands out above all others is that
they actually require learning a skill/technique. This
characteristic may not be all that desirable to some in
this "quick fix, instant gratification" society, but it is
this trait that allows these exercises to stand head and
shoulders above all others.

Additionally, all six exercises fall into the category of
multi-joint exercises and require high levels of
inter/intra-muscular coordination. As a result, the
quality of the exercise is dramatically increased which
optimizes the opportunity to become stronger, more
athletic, or leaner. Basically, these six exercises can be
adapted to achieve almost any goal because they produce
highly usable strength which can be applied to specific
athletic events as well as the activities of daily living.

Troy M. Anderson is the owner of Anderson Training Systems,
LLC, a fitness coaching business based in Tempe, Arizona.
Troy is often referred to as "the MacGyver of coaching" for
his unique ability to build effective fitness programs
using only the most basic equipment. For more articles and
instructional video, visit
To Read the ATS Weekly Blog go to:

Should You Use A Weight Loss Pill?

Should You Use A Weight Loss Pill?
If you have been exercising and eating a healthy diet but
still cannot seem to meet your weight loss goals you might
want to consider taking a weight loss or diet pill in
addition to your regular routine to help you burn those
extra calories each day that might be the big difference
between burning fat or maintaining your current weight.

Some people have doubts as to whether weight loss pills
work and whether they should try using one as an aid. Here
are a few things you should ask yourself before determining
whether or not they are right for you.

The first thing you need to ask yourself is whether you
have really tried to lose weight by the standard methods of
exercise and proper diet. If you are overweight, you can't
simply take a diet pill but continue to live the exact same
lifestyle and expect to lose weight. You still need to make
sure you are burning the same or more calories that you
consume each day either by cutting out calories from your
diet and meals or by exercising more to lose weight.

There are however, some pills that can help reduce the
appetite and minimize over eating. The problem here is that
if you cut back too much on calories, your body will burn
less calories and if you stop taking the pills, you will
begin over-eating again and put back on all the weight you
initially lost as well as having a less aggressive
metabolism. Optimal use of any diet pill is by following a
proper diet with at least some exercise each day, although
for some people, healthier eating and taking an additional
diet pill is all they need to start losing those unwanted

By reducing your appetite just enough, some pills can help
stop some people from over eating. This can be the
difference between getting fatter or staying the same,
which you can then slowly work on with some exercise or
changes to your diet. You can also research what
ingredients are in the pills and see if there are any
common foods or beverages that contain them and start
adding them to your current diet.

Another thing you need to consider is cost. You might want
to try a bottle first to see if you get any result but you
really need to consider how much it will cost to use them
for several months or even a year depending on how much
weight you want to lose and whether you can afford to keep
using them for a prolonged period of time. It is always
advised that you consult with your doctor before
undertaking the use of any diet pills as they might
interfere with certain medications you may be taking at the
same time.

Would you like to try some sample free diet pills? For a
limited time you can get a 2 week supply of Lyse XL for
free by visiting: