Friday, May 23, 2008

Arthritis - Symptoms, Risks, Treatments

Arthritis - Symptoms, Risks, Treatments
Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative arthritis or
degenerative joint disease, is the most common joint
disorder and has unknown causes. It is a condition that is
usually seen in older people, in their larger,
weight-bearing joints, such as the hips, knees, and spine.
It can also affect the hands and feet, or other joints.

The smooth cartilage lining of a joint begins to flake and
crack through age and general wear and tear. As the
cartilage deteriorates, the underlying bone can become
thickened and distorted. This can make moving the joint so
painful and restricted that the associated muscles are used
much less. This leads to the degeneration of the unused


Pain, swelling, and stiffness can occur at intervals of
months or years. Although osteoarthritis often affects
several joints, it rarely causes symptoms in more than one
or two joints at a time. Pain may gradually become so
sever that it disturbs sleep and limits everyday activities.

Swelling can vary from being hardly noticeable to making
the joint appear extremely knobby and enlarged. The pain
from osteoarthritis can be felt directly in the affected
joint, or indirectly. That is, the pain may transmit to
other parts of the body in what is known as referred pain.
For example, the front of the thigh or knee may be very
painful for someone with osteoarthritis in the hip.


X-rays show some degree of osteoarthritis in most people
over 40, whether they have symptoms or not. There are no
life-threatening risks and it seldom becomes a serious
problem. Certain occupations and sports are more often
associated with the development of osteoarthritis, such as
ballet or football.


There are self-help treatments to help with the pain
symptoms of osteoarthritis. If a person is overweight,
losing weight can help release some of the strain on
weight-bearing joints. Resting frequently or using a cane
can help ease pain. Heat is often an easy self-help
treatment for joint pain.

Most importantly, regular exercise prevents the muscles
around the affected joints from becoming weak and minimizes
symptoms. Physical therapy including exercise, massage and
heat treatments are often recommended. Aspirin or
ibuprofen can help relieve pain, but a doctor can prescribe
another painkiller.

For severe pain, an injection of a corticosteroid drug into
the joint can help. However, if it is used too often it
can be damaging. Joint replacement through surgery can
also be common.

John Russell of IH Distribution, LLC brings you health,
anti-aging and skin care products from around the world.
Find fabulous skin care tips and great articles on a wide
range of topics for women at

Knox Gelatin for Arthritis - Knox Gelatine for Arthritis

Knox Gelatin for Arthritis - Knox Gelatine for Arthritis
All that wiggles may not be Jell-O, but it may be medicine
for your joints. Gelatin has been found by many to be
helpful in decreasing the symptoms of arthritis, increasing
mobility and decreasing pain and stiffness. Plain gelatin
is most commonly sold in small envelopes as Knox Gelatine,
but Knox also sells this product in larger containers as
Nutra Joint. This form is intended to be used in hot or
cold beverages daily in a 10 gram dose. The plain gelatin
can also be mixed in hot beverages quite easily. One packet
is the usual dose.

So why would gelatin have anything to do with the joints?
As it turns out, gelatin is very similar in structure as
the collagen type 2 that makes up the connective tissues of
the body including cartilage. Cartilage is like Teflon, a
slippery surface to allow joints to easily slide against
each other. In arthritis, the cartilage becomes roughened
and less slippery which causes restricted movement.

The theory with using gelatin for arthritis is that this
precursor to cartilage helps the body to repair damage and
also keeps damage from occurring in the first place. It's
like supplying building materials to a construction site to
make new material, in this case new, smoother cartilage.
Gelatin is made from the connective tissues of cows and
other meat animals so it is not surprising that it could be
a useful nutrient.

One objection to gelatin is that it does come from animal
sources and may be unacceptable to those who are either
vegetarians or who avoid certain animals for religious
reasons. There is some evidence that fruit pectin may also
be helpful in arthritis and this is acceptable to those who
would object to the animal byproduct. It is commonly sold
to make jams and jellies, with Certo being the most common
brand. Knox Gelatine is made from animal sources.

Gelatin is what is called a hydrosylate, which means that
it is protein that has been broken down into simpler
molecules that should be easier for the body to assimilate.
A person could simply eat a gelatin dessert every day of
they like them, but would need to consume about half a box.
Fortunately, sugar free versions are available, but using
powdered form is more practical and preferable to many

Many individuals do report significant results from Knox
Gelatine use for arthritis and even the Arthritis
Foundation website mentions effectiveness when combined
with calcitonin and mentions German clinical studies that
found positive results. However, the AF website also
mentions a trial that saw no difference in using gelatin
and in using a placebo.

Gelatin is a safe product on the whole and few negative
side effects are reported. Some few people report stomach
upset but this is fairly rare. The main caution is to avoid
gelatin or other collagen that comes from an animal a
person is allergic to and to use an alternate form.

Learn more about Rheumatoid Arthritis:
Learn more about Psoriatic Arthritis:
Learn more about Natural Arthritis Pain Relief:

My personal struggle and victory over binge eating disorder.

My personal struggle and victory over binge eating disorder.
Hi, my name is Nadine and I am not a compulsive overeater.
In fact, I don't even think about food anymore. But for
over 20 years food was the main focus of my life. Food was
my savior, my comfort factor, my friend and worst enemy.
Or so I thought.

Why do I want to write my story and share my personal
details with the world? Because I have something important
to say and I have learned that without speaking about
healing binge eating disorder others who suffer from it
might stay that way forever when they truly don't need to.

My experience with eating disorders started with anorexia
when I was 16 years old. Growing up I had always been
self-conscious about my body even though I was of normal
height and weight. But being "normal" doesn't make a hill
of beans if you don't feel it on the inside. That's just
the outside. My grandmother used to tell me I would be fat
if I ate those "bad" foods and those thoughts were the
start of an unhealthy view of food. I adopted her belief
that I would become fat so I feared food and I feared
becoming fat.

As I got older I kept an unhealthy relationship with food
at an arms length. I married at 22 and had my first baby
at 25. At 27, I left my husband. I chose not to live a
life filled with deception and corruption which is what my
husband had gotten into. He was embezzling money from the
police department he worked for and was blaming me for it.
I couldn't believe this man that said he loved me would do
something so wrong and blame me for it. Did he ever really
love me?

Even though I was 3 months pregnant with my second baby, I
took my 2 year old and left with a broken heart. He didn't
care about me, my 2 year old or my unborn child and my
self-esteem hit rock bottom. In the three weeks that
followed, I lost my job, I lost my grandfather, I lost my
marriage and I lost my unborn child. My life would never
be the same.

At first I used food as consolation. I had lost just about
everything in my life that was important to me and food
seemed to soothe my soul. I was depressed, angry, sad,
hurt, and desolate. A few months had passed and I started
to put myself back together for the sake of my daughter. I
started exercising and dieting because in my twisted mind I
thought that no man would want me unless I looked like a
skinny model from a magazine. I was 27 years old, getting
divorced and had a 2 year old. Who wants to get involved
with that?

I started starving myself and compulsive exercising and the
weight just melted off my body. Of course so did my
muscles and immune system. But I didn't care because my
body was responding to the control I wanted to have over
it. I couldn't control what was going on in my life but I
sure could control my own body.

My family was close to doing an intervention as I pushed my
body beyond healthy limits. I was smoking cigarettes so I
wouldn't eat and still compulsive exercising. My lungs
were screaming at me but I kept pushing. My knees finally
gave out from overuse and it was then that I was forced to
stop exercising compulsively. My body was trying to regain
control over my brain and it was using methods to get me to
stop. It finally worked. It amazes me now when I think
about how brilliant the human body is and how it sends
messages when the brain isn't listening!

In the meantime, I began dating again and found that I was
still attractive to men even with a child in tow. My
self-esteem seemed to get a little better but food was
still an issue. I hardly ate and still smoked. I had not
dealt with the underlying issues of abandonment from my
marriage so there was still emptiness in my heart.

A few years later I met my current husband. I was ready.
I had waited 7 years after my divorce to meet him, had let
go of the pain I felt inside, and he was like a fairy tale
prince. My life had finally turned around and I fell in
love with him. We were planning our wedding and building a
house at the same time so my stress level was enormous but
I was on cloud nine.

Here is the interesting thing about eating disorders
though. Even though you may feel euphorically happy, you
can still have inner struggles that bring out those dormant
eating disorder feelings. Because I didn't deal with the
issues, I began to binge eat. I used food to combat my
stress. And of course as I became a full time binger I
had to hide what I was doing. How ashamed and embarrassed
I was that I had become this hideous person that hid cakes
in the bottom of the refrigerator and stuffed myself so
full that I could barely move after. And to top it all
off, I started to gain weight.

After three years of hiding my binging, I "came out of the
closet". Binge eaters typically hide their pain and food
intake from everyone so coming out is scary but liberating.
Another thing that happened when I finally decided to stop
hiding is that I wanted to heal my eating disorder as fast
as I could. I wanted help and was going to find it.

I attended Overeaters Anonymous meetings for some time but
they were of no help to me whatsoever. My experience with
OA was that a hand full of people got together at my local
church and sat around complaining about how stressed they
were. No one knew how to deal with binge eating. No one
knew how to heal it. In fact, every time I went to a
meeting I had to state my name and that I was a compulsive
overeater. I didn't want to keep saying that. I wanted to
say that I was cured. I also got tired of listening to
other people complain. My next attempt was to contact my
primary care physician.

My PCP had no idea what binge eating disorder was. She
suggested I join a structured eating program like Weight
Watchers. She also thought I should try an
anti-depressant. She sent me home with a prescription for
pills and a huge dose of frustration. Didn't anyone know
how to heal this? What kind of options did I have? It
turned out, not many.

That's when I decided to study holistic health and
nutrition. I realized that I had been sent on my path of
eating disorders for a purpose and that was to help other
people find options to heal their disorder when they
finally reach the point of "coming out".

Finding the help I needed was miraculous. My healing
included: stress management, challenging my old belief
systems, getting to the root cause of my disorder, learning
meditation, visualization, and assertiveness training and
coping skills. It all came down to me and no one else.
All of my actions and decisions up until the time I began
healing my disorder where focused on everyone else except
me. It came down to realizing that I have a great deal of
value and self-worth and I can participate in life by being
true to myself.

I learned that anyone can have an eating disorder no matter
what their background is or income is or color is. I
learned that stress can literally put you over the edge and
cause you to binge eat and not knowing how to deal with
stress correctly is part of the problem.

I also know that with healing comes an obligation for me to
speak out so that other wonderful individuals don't go home
with a prescription for something that only masks the
problem and not solves it. I urge people to learn about
the disorder, to find online or offline methods available
for help and stick it out. Healing binge eating disorder
is possible. I am living proof of it.

"My name is Nadine and I am a healthy, happy, beautiful

Nadine Ann is the founder of the BreakAway Program for
healing binge eating disorder. She created an online
treatment program for those suffering from binge eating
disorder looking for a natural means to healing. Nadine
Ann is a Certified Nutritionist, Holistic Health
Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, Wellness Coach, and
survivor of multiple eating disorders. For more
information visit

Do Your Genes Make You Fat?

Do Your Genes Make You Fat?
Heredity has always been suspected of playing a role in
weight gain. When weight studies were performed among
families, they showed a suspicious trend of obesity,
especially during middle age. About a decade ago, a gene
was discovered that plays an important part in regulating

The good news is that even though a gene may be responsible
for excess weight gain, it can be controlled and even
overridden by proper nutrition.

Extensive studies have all but proven that obesity is a
biological trait passed on among family members. Many of
the research involved families, twins, and siblings adopted
or placed into different households. This created a wide
diversity of subjects in order to discount the possibility
of environmental factors playing a role in weight gain.
Each set of results pointed directly to a probable genetic

While working in Dr. Besharse's laboratory over ten years,
Dr. Green discovered a gene named Nocturnin. It was linked
to the sleep cycle and metabolism. Work was then began in
order to isolate and study the effects of this gene when
altered in mice. Interestingly enough, in a study performed
by Dr. Besharse, it was found that when the gene was
removed from otherwise healthy mice, they failed to gain
weight, even when fed double the calories of the control

These revolutionary studies show a strong link between
genetics and weight. The amazing gene/weight finding will
lead to studies of even more importance such as development
of metabolic disease treatments. Until this happens, we
need to continue to eat in a way to keep the gene in check,
thus leading to losing excess weight - or better yet,
avoiding weight gain to begin with.

Ironically, two hormones are also linked to obesity and
sleep. When sleep is deprived, the hormones Grehlin and
Leptin are adversely affected. Grehlin triggers the body to
eat and Leptin tells the body it is full. When someone
doesn't get enough sleep, these hormones become out of
whack and affects the body's metabolism. Right now it is
also being studied to see if there is a heredity link to
these off balance hormones, but there are no results as of

Certain ways we eat affect how our genes react to catalysts
such as food and stress. If we reverse our learned way of
eating, we can assist our genes and hormones in fighting
the gaining of excess pounds and retrain our bodies how to
process foods. When we eat correctly, we also get better
sleep. Proper nutrition can help lose the pounds put on by
all of these biological factors, and improve your overall

Visit my new site at to
learn how the right foods can help control your appetite,
balance your weight-regulating hormones, and promote weight

Boost Your Health and Vitality with Proper Nutrition!

Boost Your Health and Vitality with Proper Nutrition!
Liquid vitamins are formulated at or near the concentration
of body fluids and by virtue of being liquid, are not as
concentrated as pills and tablets therefore loading
capacity is less likely to be exceeded. Liquid vitamins are
better for a few reasons. They are easier for the body to
digest and absorb than hard pills. We all need to start
somewhere with vitamins as our soils that grow our foods
have been depleted of their nutrients over a period of

These vitamins are better than pills because they have
better absorption and faster assimilation rate than pills.
It is a lot better for your digestive system and is the
same vitamins that you find in any supermarket or health
store, but are suspended in a liquid vitamin mixture. This
new method of taking liquid nutritional supplements is
becoming extraordinarily popular in today's progressive
healthcare marketplace. These vitamins are available in the
form of multi-vitamins as well. The liquid multi-vitamins
offer a whole host of health benefits, both at
physiological and psychological levels.

Liquid vitamins are the wave of the future and liquids work
9 times faster than pills. They bypass the digestive tract
and are absorbed into the bloodstream, not to mention what
it would also do for our city sewers, since pills are not
efficiently absorbed into your bloodstream. Minerals
generally bond to molecules too large to pass through cell
walls and consequently are seldom absorbed. A liquid
vitamin supplement that uses amino acids is the best to
enable mineral molecules to absorb. What this means is that
the benefit can be derived from every essential ingredient.

When starting your regimen with a multi-vitamin, results
are not instant and require time to clean out and bring
your body back to a healthy state. Additionally, anywhere
from the first to third day to the first few weeks many
people undergo some detox or body cleansing. These products
are so effective that they will get into your tissues and
push out the toxins that are stored in the cells.
Additionally, the AMA (American Medical Association) is now
recommending that everyone take a multi-vitamin to
supplement their diet.

Supplements will not compensate for fatty fried foods, high
intake of carbohydrates and imbalanced nutrition. It can on
the other hand, compliment your nutrition, reinforce your
immune system and top off the missing nutrients in your
diet. Not all multivitamins are created equal and your
requirements will differ on age, sex and if or plan to be
pregnant. Supplementing your body with colloidal minerals
and vitamin nutrients can help create the optimal
environment in the body for maximal life expectancy by
replenishing nutritional deficiencies. There are some
Eastern cultures that have people routinely living to ages
in the range of 120 to 140 years old (ex: the Hunzas).
Supplements must be taken on your off days from training
just as well as when you are working out. It is on your off
days that your body is recovering from strenuous workouts
and needs the proper nutrition to support muscle growth.

Get started on a daily vitamin regimen with the health
supplements of high quality. In fact, it does a lot more
than just provide the vitamins and minerals that your diet
fails to provide you. In one daily dose you will get
nutritional items proven to improve your digestive system,
bones and joints, your immune system, your energy level,
your heart and blood circulation and your mood and memory
and ability to combat stress! Studies have shown that
vitamins, especially liquid vitamins can boost your health
and vitality!

Antioxidant vitamins have been said to be extremely helpful
in preventing the oxidation of LDL, and consequently the
accumulation of fat clogged arteries. However recent
research is indicating that there is no link between
antioxidant vitamins and prevention of coronary disease.
Antioxidants have just started becoming talked about and
mainstream. Even a few years ago, not many people could
tell you what they are or the foods you can get them from.

Let's look at this in an easy to understand way of
improving your health as quickly as possible without
harming yourself! Today's lifestyles are hurry up and rush
around, not to mention the smog in our cities and day to
day stress of life. All of us including our children need
to be on a daily routine of vitamins. Everybody should take
this seriously, as this may be the difference in staying
healthy and living a long productive life.

In today's world we have the technology that can keep us
healthy.Chuck Arnone believes that liquid vitamins are the

Harmful Chemicals in Baby Care Products - What's Safe?

Harmful Chemicals in Baby Care Products - What's Safe?
Have you heard about all the harmful chemicals in everyday
baby products?

Children today face increasing obstacles to healthy
development, including rising incidence of premature birth;
male genital defects; learning, attention and emotional
disturbances; early puberty; obesity; and low sperm quality.

A recent report, "Growing Up Toxic" by the Environment
California Research and Policy Center, confirmed findings
that chemical exposures are the primary cause for increased
disabilities and disease. The only good news is that YOU
can protect your child from many of these chemicals, armed
with knowledge and the commitment to buy smart.

Headlines are screaming about bisphenol A (BPA), a noxious
chemical used in many plastic containers including baby
bottles, water bottles, sippy cups and other containers
used for food and beverages. Much of the recent clamor
occurred after publication of a recent study, Baby's Toxic
Bottle: Bisphenol A Leaching from Popular Brands of Baby

The study, commissioned by Environmental Health groups in
the U.S. and Canada, has resulted in calls for bans on BPA,
an environmental estrogen, since it is known to leach out
of the plastics and has been implicated in development and
reproductive health risks.

Dr. David Carpenter, a professor of environmental health
sciences at the State University of New York at Albany
School of Public Health, said that BPA taken into the body
before birth or in early years of life can alter the ratio
of sex hormones and affect development.

"It's absolutely obscene to use a substance that can make
little boys less masculine and opens the chance that little
girls will go on to develop breast cancer," he said at the

The BPA studies call for a ban on the use of BPA following
action by the State of California to ban the use of
phthalates and other known cancer causing ingredients in
products designed for children. Phthalates (pronounced
thah-lates) are used to make plastic 'soft' and is found in
toys, teething rings, some bottles and other play things
that children often handle or put into their mouths. The
California legislation is leading other states to begin
regulation on known carcinogens, hormone disruptors,
neurotoxins, but the road to success is rocky and very long.

Early 2008, another study found elevated levels of
phthalates found in the urine of babies who'd been recently
shampooed, powdered or lotioned with commonly used,
commercial baby products. These reports, along with a
myriad of other recent studies, are contributing to real
concern and outrage on the part of parents across the

When the very products that are designed to encourage good
parenting become a threat to good health, it creates worry
and distress. It also points to the need for parents to
become vigilant consumers who learn to read labels, follow
new studies as they are published and begin to demand safe,
clean products for their children.

One of the first and most controllable items that a parent
can focus on are the skin and body care products they
expose their child to each day. And, no, I'm not talking
just about the baby care products. I am including all the
items adults use to bathe or shower, brush their teeth,
plus deodorant, lotion, makeup, nail polish and products
that clean / freshen the home. READ the labels on your
product containers and remember that the average American
comes into contact with over 200 toxic chemicals just
getting ready for work in the morning! If you put it on
your own body and then pick up your child to quiet their
sobs, it's safe to assume your child is getting exposed to
the same 200 chemicals that you just slathered over your
own body.

So, how do you get started?

Just take one step at a time. READ labels and try to limit
the number of toxins in each product. I've listed the most
worrisome below - clip the list and take it with you when
you are shopping. Remember that if a product has 5 or 6
ingredients that are on the list - or only 1 ingredient on
the list, that should be reason enough to look for a safer

Red Flag Ingredients (toxic synthetic chemicals) to Avoid:

· Alcohol, Isopropyl (SD-40)

· Benzoyl Peroxide

· DEA (Diethanolamine), MEA (Monoethanolamine), &
TEA (Triethanolamine) · Dioxin

· DMDM Hydantoin & Urea (Imidazolidinyl)

· FD&C Color Pigments

· Fragrances

· Parabens

· PEG (Polyethylene glycol)

· Phthalates

· Propylene Glycol (PG) and Butylene Glycol

· Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth
Sulfate (SLES)

· Triclosan

· Sunscreen ingredients like benzophenone,
avebenzone, methyoxycinnamates, paba, etc.

I recommend that you take the time to find the best
natural, certified organic and/or wild crafted
formulations. Look for certifications like: Certified
ToxicFree® Product Seal, the EcoCert Seal or the USDA
Certified Organic Seal.

These seals are indications that a third party has examined
the formulations and judged them according to their safety
standards. I believe that you have a 'Right to Know' that
what is in products will not harm you or your baby! Feeling
assured that the products you purchase are free from
xeno-estrogens, carcinogens and other known toxic
ingredients is important when you are buying for you and
your baby.

Linda Chaé is President & Chief Formulator for
Chaé Organics, Inc. and a pioneer in 'go natural'
skin care for consumers. Her commitment to clean, safe
toxic free products requires organic ingredients backed by
scientific research. Her toxic free baby shampoo and baby
lotion are gentle and safe for baby's sensitive skin. For
more information and to order her products, visit

Intuitive Magic: The Diet Dharma

Intuitive Magic: The Diet Dharma
We all know that diet and nutrition can impact our bodies
and possibly even our mental clarity, but did you ever
consider how it might be affecting your intuitive quotient,
the "IQ" for the 21st century?

I awoke this morning feeling gloriously slender. Lately I
have been extra busy getting ready to move to a new home.
I hadn't had much time to eat, had been lifting, shifting
and spending each day doing two things at the same time. I
pleasantly thought, "I bet I've started to lose those extra
ten pounds now." Smiling inside, I got on the weight

I hadn't! I was firm and fit, but for some reason my
metabolism was holding ten extra pounds on my body.
Whatever the hidden meaning, I could not decode. I
remained a bigger than desired version of me.

As I stumbled into the kitchen to prepare my usual
breakfast of fruit, I suddenly had an intuitive leap. I
remembered something my embarrassingly wispy, slender, very
dear sister had told me. If you want to get your weight
down you must start the day with protein.

I had always scoffed at that. I thought fruit was better
because it cleanses your system and gently awakened it
after an overnight fast. But at that moment I had this
insight that perhaps those extra pounds were not due to a
lack of activity or even a high calorie diet. I was eating
a breakfast high in sugar every day. This could very well
have caused my weight to remain stagnant.

There was an added rap. My mind was foggy quite a lot.

What was a girl to do? I tried an egg for breakfast. Lo
and behold! It was like a fire was lit under me. My mind
immediately felt steady, clear and more alert. I could
feel the wheels churning away with a greater alertness and
lucidity than I'd had in a long time. I felt as if I could
accomplish anything if I put my mind to it.

Later that morning, as I paced around the pad fixing this
and that and relishing in this charged, clear, energized
state, I had a coaching session. With the help of my coach
I was able to clear up two months worth of confusion. I
had an intuitive leap to incorporate a new aspect of my
business into existing activities. This solved many
obstacles I was facing and cleared a path ahead. I was
clarity personified.

If you are in need of greater Intuitive Magic in your life
consider looking at your physicality. So many spiritual
teachers do not acknowledge what you eat, a material
concern, can actually affect what you perceive, a spiritual

However, your food is the fuel for your creativity,
intuition and insights and is a connection to the spiritual
realm. Think of it this way. If you ask spirit for a
desired outcome, but you are all foggy, have low energy and
can hardly function, you are limiting what spirit can do
through you. Spirit works through your energy.

Your diet, your exercise routine and your level of bodily
toxicity each control the potential for meteoric insight,
energy, mental clarity, focus and thus Intuitive Magic.
You cannot have spirit work through you if you are carrying
around a toxic sludge wasteland, fighting low blood sugar
or battling food sensitivities.

Most importantly watch the sugar content of your food,
especially upon arising. What you eat for breakfast will
fuel or famish you for the rest of the day. I know now my
Intuitive Magic quotient will remain high so long as I eat
a power breakfast.

Capture your right today. Claim your infinite potential.
Clean up your diet and thrive.

Laura Bartolini Mendelsohn is The "Intuitive Magic" Coach,
a five star rated psychic with inherited talent and over 40
years metaphysic experience. She coaches people to create
their own "luck" by developing the magic of their
intuition. Move from wanting to winning today! Order your
FREE copy of "Intuitive Magic: The Secret To Luck!" at .

Home Fitness Gym Equipments

Home Fitness Gym Equipments
There are many benefits to having a gym membership.
However, it is now possible to have the same fitness gym
equipment at home. Giving you added benefits that a gym can
not offer. For example, you do not have to wait to use
something, you know it is clean, and you can workout
whenever you want to.

The hardest part of buying home fitness gym equipment is
knowing what to buy. In order to figure out what to buy you
need to think of the type of exercising you will be doing
and your price range. If you are primarily going to be
working on weight lifting, the obvious first purchase is
going to be weights.

The type of weights you are going to need will depend on
your budget and the outcome you are seeking. For the most
part, you should start with free weights that vary in
weight. Most fitness stores carry a variety of free weight
sets. You will also need a a bar with varying changeable

Eventually you will more than likely want to upgrade your
weight sets to a weight machine. This will help you target
specific areas of your body. Giving you the option to work
on only the muscle group in which you feel needs it. You
can also work on your legs with ease using a weight machine.

If you are contemplating purchasing a weight machine, you
should be prepared to spend a decent sum of money. The cost
and styles are going to vary greatly. Before you buy any
machine you should first browse a few different stores so
you have an idea of what you need and like. This also gives
you the chance to realistically set a budget.

Once you have an idea of what you want your machine to have
you can begin looking again. As you narrow your search
down, you should use the equipment in the store. This will
help you in determining if the size is appropriate and
comfortable for you. If the size is uncomfortable, you can
see if it is adjustable. If it is not, walk away because
you will more than likely end up hurting yourself if you
try to use it over an extensive period of time.

Recently stair steppers are growing in popularity. More
than likely because they are fairly small and have the
potential of giving a wonderful cardiovascular workout. The
cost of these can generally range from $80-$150. However,
if you are looking for a stair stepper that has all the
frills you can expect to spend upwards to $1,700, possibly

Another popular machine for home fitness gym equipments are
treadmills. When looking to buy a treadmill you should keep
in mind, as with anything, you get what you pay for. You
can expect to pay a couple hundred dollars to about $2,500,
sometimes even more. Some treadmills come with all the
thrills and gadgets that you could ever want. However, the
most important part to buying a treadmill should be the
ease of working it. You will also want this to grow with
you. As your endurance increases you should be able to also
increase the speed and the resistance on the treadmill, so
you can continue to get the most out of your equipment for
years to come.

If you are going to be spending a substantial amount of
money on your new treadmill there are a few must have
things. First, it should have many gages and controls,
adjustable speeds and distances, measuring capabilities for
your speed and distance walked, and a heart rate monitor,
to mention just a few.

Moses Wright is a health conscious webmaster. He sets up
this site to help people learn more about keeping fit. You
can get more useful resources at:

Summer Workouts Can Kill You: Preventing Heat-Related Illness

Summer Workouts Can Kill You: Preventing Heat-Related Illness
It that time of year again; School is getting out, Memorial
Day weekend has come and gone, and summer sports are
starting in full swing. Age-group track meets in 100 degree
heat for hours, football summer workouts on fields so hot
the rubber on the cleats is starting to melt and soccer
games in humidity that can actually kill you! Whether you
live in Texas or Rhode Island; the summer heat kills child
athletes every year!

How can you keep your child safe and still let them fully
participate in summer sports? Here are some simple tips to
follow to keep your athlete's safe:

1. Listen to your body! Teach your child that heat cramps
lead to heat exhaustion, which leads to heat stroke. Stop
when you feel cramping, not when you feel like passing out!
This is not the time of year to "suck it up" and be the
tough guy. Tough guys can actually die from being stubborn!
Tell them if they feel "weak and whoozy" it's past the time
to stop! Seek attention immediately by telling their
parents or coach.

2. Reduce the intensity of your workout when it's hot.
Remember that the higher the temperature and humidity, the
harder your body has to work for the same speed. Tell your
child to use perceived exertion as an index. Every day is
different and they need to be in tune with their exertion
level. I tell my track athletes that if they can't talk
when they are running more than 15 minutes then they are
running too fast for the temperature!

3. Take time to get used to the conditions. It takes a full
two weeks of heat and humidity to "get used to it." The
body has been shown to take 8 to 10 increments of 30 to 45
minutes in the heat to acclimatize. Give yourself some time
in the early season to become heat-tolerant.

4. Drink plenty of fluids. Most children are already
dehydrated when they start practice or competition.
Encourage them to drink at least a pint of water two hours
before practice and then at least 8 ounces, 15 minutes
before any competition.

5. Keep drinking periodically during practice or any long
competitions. Use an electrolyte replacing sports drink if
the duration of exercise is more than an hour. Remind your
child to drink at least every 20 minutes even if the don't
feel thirsty. By the time they are thirsty, most are
already dehydrated.

6. A good way to gauge fluid loss is weight loss. Weigh in
before and after competition. Replace the loss after
competition to maintain hydration.

7. Wear loose, sweat wicking, light colored clothing. There
are lots of synthetic materials on the market that help
wick sweat away from your body and keep you cool. This is
not the time of year for cotton t-shits and shorts. Spend
the money on proper clothing to keep your child cool.

8. Wear sunscreen and replenish regularly. Sweating or
swimming in a pool for more than 30 minutes will wash off
even the most "waterproof sunscreen." Keep reapplying.
Remember that blistering sunburns in childhood have been
linked to skin cancer in adults!

Heat-related illness claim young lives every year. Don't
let your athlete be the sun's next victim! Follow these
tips and discuss heat illness with your child athlete
before it's too late!

Dr Marybeth Crane is a board certified podiatric foot and
ankle surgeon. Your feet should last a lifetime! For more
foot health tips, a copy of her FREE BOOK and
doctor-approved foot care products, visit or read her blog at

Fibromyalgia- Coping With Fibromyalgia Tips For Women

Fibromyalgia- Coping With Fibromyalgia Tips For Women
Joint pain and fatigue are the common symptoms of
Fibromyalgia. Nearly 3.7 million Americans are affected by
the illness, most of who are women. Most people are
ignorant of these symptoms and tend to ignore symptoms in
patients as psychological complaints. Invariably the pain
is real and is caused due to chronic neurological
dysfunction. The symptoms can vary in different patients
but the pain is usually the same.

Fibromyalgia causes pain in the joints and other parts of
the body and is essentially a muscular pain in the joints.
It can cause centralized pain in the spinal chord and
brain, which can often be misinterpreted. The joints may
feel inflamed and the skin - tender. Shooting pain
experienced along with giddiness and memory fog. This
muscular pain causes various other symptoms in the person.

Depression, fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, extreme mood
swings, restless sleeping are some of the effects of

The pain felt in Fibromyalgia is in specific points called
trigger points. It can be the neck, spinal chord, upper
back, knees, elbows, shoulders etc. The areas surrounding
this pain can feel tender and sometimes a burning sensation.

Memory loss or memory fog is common in these patients and
so are mood swings. Their stress levels can lead to
disturbed sleep patterns and usually they are very
sensitive to even the slightest touch, light and
temperature variations. Migraines are a common complaint in
these individuals.

Fibromyalgia is a condition appearing more in women than
men and the reason for this is not certain. Diagnosing
Fibromyalgia is difficult as the symptoms are varied. It
can only be detected by the chronic and persistent pain in
the joints and the relevant symptoms.

Women who suffer from Fibromyalgia have low levels of
progesterone, which helps to balance the estrogen levels in
women. This is one of the main reasons there are more women
suffering than men. This deficiency can cause pelvic pain,
pain during menstrual periods, diarrhea, headaches etc.

Progesterone creams can help reduce the pain to a certain
extent in women. This can be applied in the parts where
they feel the pain and can be taken orally as well which
can help restore sleep in the patients. Learning to
understand your body can help women cope better with the
symptoms. The body should be kept warm in order to keep the
muscles supple.

Eating a nutritious diet and regular exercises can help
relive the pain make the patient progress towards a cure.

Reduce stress and tension with the help of family members
as well as take to therapies and meditations to relax and
de-stress. Stretching exercises can improve muscle function
by warming them up. Acupuncture aimed at the painful spots,
chiropractic therapy, massage therapy, naturopathy and
magnetic therapy are some of the methods to find the right
solution to the symptoms. In fact a combination of certain
therapies along with prescribed medication works best in
treatment of Fibromyalgia in women.

Joining counseling groups where you would find other women
with similar symptoms can help share your problems and find
a remedy. You will be able to share some of your
experiences and get help from the other women as to how to
go about coping with the symptoms.

Women need a lot of emotional support, which can be
provided by the immediate family and friends. Taking the
trouble to understand their symptoms can help you show
compassion and respect their needs. Keeping abreast of the
medical advancement in this field can also help. Helping
these patients by developing a calm and peaceful home
atmosphere can go a long way in helping them cope with the
symptoms. Women tend to get more irritable due to the
constant pain and become dysfunctional in every day
routines. This might cause them to become depressed and
cause further anxiety. Be accommodating and patient towards
them, to help relieve some of the constant pain that they

Specific therapy can have a very good effect on women and
help them cope with the Fibromyalgia. Even though there is
no specific cure for Fibromyalgia, persistence and
determination can help you cope with the symptoms and find
a cure to this chronic neurological disorder.

Hailey Harris is an expert in dealing with Fibromyalgia
after suffering for more than 10 years with health
problems. She is now symptom free and living a pain free
life. She developed found at to help others learn to do
the same. To receive tons of info, tips, and healing
strategies for free visit .

Adjustable Beds May Improve Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Adjustable Beds May Improve Sleep Apnea Symptoms
Getting a diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea scares a lot
of people. They wonder how they will ever sleep with peace
of mind, but getting good sleep isn't as hard as you think.
There are many things you can do to improve your sleep.

One tip doctors give patients is to raise the head of the
bed to help prevent the tongue from falling back and
blocking the airway. An adjustable bed helps sleep apnea
sufferers get quality sleep by readjusting the airway

In obstructive sleep apnea, the airway collapses and/or
gets blocked by the tongue. Lying flat promotes the
collapse in sleep apnea sufferers. The tissues gets pulled
to the lowest point by gravity. This narrows the airway or
completely cuts off airflow through the passages. The apnea
patient's body then must arouse itself to reestablish
breathing. Raising the head of the bed allows gravity to
work in a positive manner and will help keep the tongue and
airway in an open position.

Overweight people tend to have more issues sleeping due to
painful pressure points and airway compromise. The tissues
in and around the neck gain weight just like the rest of
the body. This weight gain makes the airway smaller and
harder to breathe through. An adjustable bed can relieve
areas of tenderness and increase the airway size by
adjusting to a position that is comfortable for the user.
The beds are sturdy and most are rated to adjust a weight
of up to 650 lbs. Some studies claim that using adjustable
beds for sleep apnea have shown positive results.

Adjustable beds are perfect for people who need to keep the
head higher than the feet. These beds are automatic, no
more hand cranking, and they can also be bought as split
units. These units allow both sides of the bed to be
adjusted differently. This keeps both people in a
relationship happy. They can also be purchased with memory
foam mattresses which will increase the comfort level of
the user(s).

Most of these beds now take up less room with a wall
hugging frame. They are a lighter weight so average people
can move the bed if needed. Most of them come in sizes
ranging from twin to king. Prices have come down
tremendously and are now affordable. Insurance companies
sometimes cover the cost of an adjustable bed when sleep
apnea is a diagnosis and a doctors prescribes it.

An adjustable bed can be a lifesaver for sleep apnea
sufferers. They come in many sizes and are available with
several options from massage and heat to split frame and
memory foam mattresses. These beds raise the head and
increase airway passages by utilizing gravity in a positive

Some insurance companies may cover the cost of adjustable
beds for sleep apnea sufferers if a doctor clearly states
the need. Check with your doctor to see if he or she
believes an adjustable bed will help, and ask your
insurance company if they cover the cost partially or in

Learn more about the symptoms and treatment options of
sleep apnea at

The Do's and Don'ts of Purchasing Home Equipment

The Do's and Don'ts of Purchasing Home Equipment
With all the options available to help you improve the way
you look and feel, purchasing a piece of home equipment is
a viable solution for those who are disciplined enough to
use it consistently. Unfortunately, most home exercise
equipment is left to collect dust because people buy the
wrong equipment that won't help them achieve their fitness
goals. Slick marketing campaigns and infomercials that use
deceptive claims have tricked people into thinking that
they can achieve fast results with little effort.

If you are like most people, you want to improve the way
you look and feel. but you are confused by all the options
available and fed up with false promises. The number one
reason people cite for not exercising is the lack of time.
The simple convenience of squeezing in a quick workout in
your own home takes the time excuse out of the equation.

Once you've made the decision to buy home equipment, the
key is making the right purchase the first time. If you buy
something that doesn't work even once, you will be less
likely to try again, and you will ruin a great opportunity
to improve your health. Here are some of the top Do's and
Don'ts on your path to improved health and fitness.


-Include strength training in your physical activity
routine. Strength training helps build lean muscle tissue,
which is your body's fat-burning machinery, and will allow
you to burn more calories at rest.

-Include cardio exercise in your physical activity routine.
Walking is a good start but losing a single pound of fat
equals 3,500 calories burned, and walking will yield
limited results, compared to other forms of
higher-intensity cardio exercise. For example, walking at a
slow pace of less than 2.0 mph for an hour will burn
approximately 175 calories for a person who weighs 155
pounds. Higher-intensity exercise, like running or using an
elliptical trainer at approximately 70% of your maximum
heart rate, can burn over twice the calories in half the

-Invest in a good elliptical trainer because it is the most
effective, non-impact piece of equipment available.

-Choose short workouts - you will have a better chance of
sticking with your routine. Start out with 20 minutes of
cardio exercise four times per week and 10 minutes of
strength training, focusing on only two muscle groups with
each workout, for a total of 30 minutes. Long-term fitness
results will happen only if you include physical activity
in the form of regular exercise as a part of your routines
and habits. There are 168 hours in a week. Give just two of
these hours per week to exercise to improve your health
with this simple system.


-Make hasty decisions with your purchases.

-Be tricked into buying a piece of abdominal equipment as
the solution for achieving your fitness goals. The Ab
Lounger, Ab Roller, Ab Rocker, Ab Doer, the Bean, Red
Exerciser and other abdominal equipment claim that you can
lose inches and get washboard abs by using their products.
This is one of the biggest deceptions in the fitness
industry. It doesn't work that way. There isn't anything on
the market that will magically melt away fat or reduce
inches from your midsection. The human body does not have a
mechanism to selectively burn fat in specific areas. You
can do abdominal exercises until the cows come home, but
you will never lose inches around your mid-section or see
"washboard abs" until the fat around your waistline is
gone. Spot reduction is a lie, and any product that claims
or implies otherwise is a scam and a big, fat rip-off.

-Waste your money on electrical muscle stimulators (EMS).
For years, manufacturers of ab belts that stimulate muscles
using small currents of electricity made distorted claims,
including weight loss, spot reduction, shaping and
contouring, and cellulite removal. Claims by these
manufacturers were so outrageous that the FDA filed
litigation to protect consumers and halt the use of
deceptive claims. Amazingly (and shamefully), the FDA then
approved the Slendertone (EMS), but the manufacturer still
uses deceptive before-and-after images to make people think
that they can lose weight and drop inches by using their

-Be taken by false promises made by manufacturers of sauna
belts that claim or imply they will help you lose inches
around your midsection. The only thing you will lose by
purchasing this utterly useless device is temporary water
weight and some permanent cash. Sauna belts are a complete
and total lie and will not help you achieve your health and
fitness goals.

Craig Pepin-Donat has helped millions of people get on the
path to living a healthier and more active lifestyle. He
has dedicated his life to helping people through health and
fitness education and now brings that knowledge and
expertise to you in his ground breaking book, The Big Fat
Health and Fitness Lie. He founded

Take Calcium for A Healthy You

Take Calcium for A Healthy You
Many studies show that Americans are deficient in Calcium,
a bone building nutrient. Calcium deficiency can result in
a host of health problems. Are you getting enough calcium
in your diet?

You've probably heard that calcium is important for your
bone and in treating/preventing osteoporosis. Sadly, many
women don't do take enough calcium to improve bone health.
Infact, studies show that American girls don't get enough
calcium after the age of 11.

Calcium deficiency leads to chronic muscle spasms. At the
same time, an excess of calcium may lead to the formation
of stones (calculi) in the kidney or gall bladder.

Older men and women need about 1,500 milligrams of calcium
a day. To give you an idea of how much calcium that is, a
glass of milk contains only about 300 milligrams of
calcium. That means that you would need to drink about 5
classes of milk a day to meet your increase your daily
calcium intake.

Milk, cheese, yogurt and other dairy products are the best
sources of calcium. A pint of milk a day, eaten with
cereals or taken as a drink, should easily provide the
required amount of calcium for healthy bones. Other great
sources of calcium include skim milk, nonfat yogurt,
collard greens, kale, spinach, broccoli, dried fruits,
sesame seeds, almonds, dried beans and peas.

Calcium-fortified foods and drinks such as soy beverages or
orange juice contain calcium, but it does not provide other
nutrients found in milk and milk products.

Vitamin C improves calcium absorption, but eating too much
protein or fat interferes with it. Health professionals
need to inform patients that there are numerous healthy
dietary sources of calcium and vitamin D.

Calcium carbonate is absorbed best when taken with food.
Calcium citrate can be taken anytime. To help prevent
constipation, don't take more calcium than necessary,
increase intake of fruit juices and water, try getting
calcium from food sources instead of tablets, take calcium
with magnesium, or try calcium citrate or calcium chews.
For some people, some calcium supplements may cause side
effects such as gas or constipation. Take the recommended
dosage; excessive amounts of calcium in the blood may cause
nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, increased urination,
kidney toxicity, confusion, and irregular heart rhythm.

Several forms of calcium supplements are commercially
available today and health professionals need to understand
the similarities and differences between them. If you take
a calcium supplement, remember to then with or after a meal
since it needs stomach acid for absorption.

Want to lose weight, feel great, and be healthy? You can
do it with a modern diet at

Top Ten Cognitive Health Events in 2007: Brain Fitness Program Explained, and More.

Top Ten Cognitive Health Events in 2007: Brain Fitness Program Explained, and More.
By now, you surely are aware that our brains retain the
ability to generate neurons and change over our lifetimes,
breaking the scientific paradigm prevalent during the 20th
century. And you have read about the growing number of
brain games and brain fitness programs offered. Now, you
may wonder, why is all this happenning now?

To understand that, let's review 10 important events that
took place in 2007, a seminal year for the field.

1.In January, many mainstream media publications, such as
Time Magazine and CBS News, started to publish major
stories on neuroplasticity and "brain exercise", following
the publication of the ACTIVE study, in the Journal of the
American Medical Association in December 2006, where
significant percentages of the participants age 65 and
older who trained for five weeks improved their memory,
reasoning and information-processing speed. Even more
impressive, when tested five years later, the participants
in the computer-based program (for information-processing)
had less of a decline in the skill they were trained in
than did a control group that received no cognitive
training, and the results were more clear and consistent
than in the non-computer-based programs (for memory and
reasoning). In all programs, though, the payoff from mental
exercise seemed far greater than we are accustomed to
getting for physical exercise — as if 10 workouts at
the gym this month were enough to help keep you fit five
years from now.

2.January: two superb popular science books, Train Your
Mind, Change Your Brain (Ballantine Books) by science
journalist Sharon Begley, and The Brain That Changes Itself
(Viking) by psychiatrist Norman Doidge, make
neuroplasticity research accessible to a general audience,
exploring the research and rationale behind a variety of
structured "mental exercise" programs, both computer-based
and not (like meditation).

3.May: A 10-question Checklist is released to evaluate the
growing number of programs making brain-related claims, at
an event co-sponsored by the American Society on Aging and
SFSU Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.

4.June: The Journal of Gerontology publishes a special
Summer Issue fully devoted to Cognitive Training research

5.June: Nicole Kidman becomes the face of "Brain Training",
highlighting the commercial success of Nintendo Brain Age
in the US and Europe, following the previous success in
Japan. Brain Training becomes a household expression.

6.June: The Center for Disease Control and the Alzheimer's
Association release a Cognitive Health Roadmap to guide the
growing research and improve public health education in
order to "To maintain or improve the cognitive performance
of all adults."

7.September: Susan Greenfield, neuroscientist and Director
of the Royal Institution in the UK, endorses MindFit
program, which trains 14 different cognitive skills.

8.November: At the Gerontology Society of American meeting
in San Francisco, Dr. Elizabeth Zelinski of the University
of Southern California Andrus Gerontology Center, who led
the IMPACT study based on Posit Science's program that
trains auditory processing, reports very positive initial
(not yet published) results.

9.November: The Brain Resource Company, specialized in
developing cognitive assessments for clinical trials, signs
a multi-million dollar contract with an insurance company
to develop more sensitive diagnostic brain "markers" and
assessments to enable wider adoption of cognitive

10.December: PBS releases an special program on
neuroplasticity, featuring Michael Merzenich's research
and Posit Science Brain Fitness 2.0 program.

Now you see why this field is growing so rapidly. Please
stay tuned!

Alvaro Fernandez is the CEO and Co-Founder of, which covers the brain training and brain
health fields. SharpBrains has been recognized by
Scientific American Mind, Newsweek, Forbes. Alvaro holds MA
in Education and MBA from Stanford University, and teaches
The Science of Brain Health at UC-Berkeley Lifelong
Learning Institute. You can learn more at