Friday, April 25, 2008

Shoulder Pain - How Do I Tell What's Wrong With Me?

Shoulder Pain - How Do I Tell What's Wrong With Me?
Shoulder pain is a common problem that affects the majority
of the population. Most people will experience some degree
of pain in their shoulder at some point. The causes of the
pain and the degree of the intensity of the symptoms will
vary from person to person. The recovery and return to
normal function will also vary from person to person for a
variety of reasons. But how do you tell what is causing
your shoulder pain? This article addresses some common
ways that the various pain generators of the shoulder are
diagnosed from the perspective of an experienced Physical

Three common pain generators of the shoulder are the
rotator cuff muscles and tendons, the bursa and the
shoulder capsule. The purpose of the rotator cuff muscles
and tendons is to move our shoulder in a rotating fashion
(hence their name) and to help up elevate our arms over our
head. The purpose of the bursa or bursal sac is to protect
the muscle from scraping on the edge of the bone. So the
bursa sits between the muscle and the bone and acts like a
cushion. Without it the rotator cuff muscles would
repeatedly scrape on the edge of the bone and become easily
irritated. The shoulder capsule offers added stability to
the shoulder joint. Any one of these structures can become
a pain generator if they are inflamed or injured. Often
times they will be inflamed in conjunction with each other.

It can sometimes be tricky to diagnose the exact pain
generator because the symptoms that are experienced by
people with these pathologies are typically very similar to
each other. More often than not these pathologies will
cause symptoms of pain, weakness, and loss of motion. The
pain is typically felt in the shoulder region and is often
felt in the upper arm above the elbow. People with
shoulder pain will commonly feel an increase in pain when
they are trying to raise their arm overhead or out to the
side. So if these pathologies are so similar in nature how
can we tell them apart?

Well, in physical therapy there are some simple tests that
can be performed that will help distinguish between the
different pathologies described above. I will describe
them here briefly.

1. Rotator cuff tendonitis: if one or more of the rotator
cuff muscles is inflamed this is termed tendonitis. This
is diagnosed by simple manual muscle testing where the
physical therapist will resist specific motions of the
shoulder that the rotator cuff is responsible for. If the
patient experiences pain during a manual muscle test this
is indicative of a tendonitis.

2. Bursitis: this can pose a challenge for the therapist
to diagnose but if they are well trained they can more
easily identify this as a problem. The tests start with
manual muscle testing as described above. If one of the
manual muscle tests is painful the Physical Therapist can
then perform a Pull Test. This is a specific test that is
specific to the bursa. If it is positive then it is likely
that the person has a bursitis of the shoulder.

3. Adhesive capsulitis: this is also commonly known as
frozen shoulder. To make a diagnosis of adhesive
capsulitis the Physical Therapist must passively test the
motions of the shoulder. Remember as I mentioned above
that any one of the pathologies discussed here can present
with a limited range of motion. Adhesive capsulitis
presents with a very specific limitation in motion that
will likely differ from the limited motion seen in
tendonitis and bursitis.

If the symptoms of these pathologies can be so similar then
why do we need to be so specific in the diagnosis? The
reason is that although symptoms are similar the treatments
for these conditions can vary slightly from each other.
Some things that I may do for an adhesive capsulitis I
might not do to treat a tendonitis and so forth. So a
specific diagnosis can help guide the Physical Therapist
toward a specific plan of treatment for the pathology in
question. A well-rounded treatment plan will lead to
positive results in improving your painful shoulder.

Peter Harris is a licensed Physical Therapist with 17 years
experience in the profession treating patients with
shoulder pathology. Learn how I have helped hundreds of
patients with shoulder problems overcome their pain and get
their life back!

The Pleasure of Listening to Natural Sounds

The Pleasure of Listening to Natural Sounds
To relax listening to the sounds of nature can be a
wonderful and therapeutic experience. You don't need to
mediate to appreciate the connection with the Earth, though
many do. Just to listen to the wonderful sounds of mother
nature is really all that needs to be done.

Being outside in a forest, mountainside or near a river is
preferable where one can savour the sights, sounds and
smells of the countryside but that's not so easy in today's
hectic world.

Even if you did manage to 'get away' there are no
guarantees that you can avoid unwanted sounds such as
aircraft, trains, cars, barking dogs and noisy children.
The weather may also decide to dampen your spirits.

However for a quick pick me up, or a complete chill out
listening to pure nature sounds on a music center, computer
or mp3 player can be almost as good as being there.

The choice of nature sounds available to purchase these
days on CD is vast. From popular favourites such as a
mountain stream, ocean waves or tropical rainforest, there
are many more specific ones available such as underwater
whale sounds or recordings made at a particular location on
the planet.

Although music can be relaxing I find that the best nature
Cd's are those that are pure nature sounds and do not have
accompanying music or chants. Avoid also those that flip
from one sound to another for variety. If you are going to
relax by a mountain stream for example you will want to do
it for an hour or more and not be interrupted by music or a
change in location!

The sounds of a secluded waterfall for example can be
particularly enchanting as the water cascades downwards
into the lake below. Shut your eyes and you can almost feel
the spray on your face as you are mesmerised and relaxed by
the falling water as it dashes off the rocks below.

Listening to pure nature sounds can be done at any time of
day. Some choose to meditate with them at the start of the
day, others listen to them as they fall asleep at night.

A ten minute recharge may suit some people, whilst others
may listen to them as they work on their PC. They can be
used to mask unwanted street sounds and even help you
concentrate whilst studying.

People spend so much of their time, working and rushing
from one thing to another that they often forget what a
wonderful planet we are living on and that they can be
transported instantly to relaxing places at the touch of a

For more details on pure nature sounds visit our web site

Foods And Herbs For Resisting Disease And Fightlng

Foods And Herbs For Resisting Disease And Fightlng
Back when I was a kid the toy section in most department
stores sold kaleidoscopes. These were cylindrical shaped
tubes through which you could look at one end. At the
opposite end were a few pieces of colored glassy that when
turned council form an infinite number of geometric

In some ways, your own immune system is much like this
apparatus that I enjoyed in my childhood. With only a
limited number of weapons, it puts up an almost endless
variety of defenses against diseases.

Personal immunity is threatened whenever there are antigens
in the system. Antigens are viruses, bacteria, cancer
cells, fungi, protozoa, particles and anything else that
might challenge the integrity of personal immunity. In
fact, antigens are the very reason that an immune defense
exists at all.

The immune system employs different methods of fighting
these antigens. One way is for some immune cells to "eat"
antigens; these specialized white blood cells are called
phagocytes. Another way is to cut a hole in the surface of
the bacteria's cell. This then destroys the bacteria by
permitting water, sodium, and other substances to leak in
and out of the cell, upsetting its homeostasis or state of
steadiness. Poison can be used to kill antigens. Or a cover
can be slapped over that part of the antigen which does the
damage (The toxic sited).

There are different types of white blood cells, each with
its own name, size, shape, and function. Besides a variety
of phagocytes and leukocytes, there are also a number of
different lymphocytes originating in the lymph glands of
the body: T-cells, natural killer cells, helper cells,
suppressor cells, and B-cells. But behind these immune
troops is further backup in the form of the complement
system, immunoglobulins, interferon, and interleukin.
Everything that I've just mentioned forms your defense
network. And as antigens float around in your system trying
to form some pattern of disease, your immune system like
the kaleidoscope mentioned earlier is forming endless
arrangements to stop this process from ever happening.

Garlic To The Rescue

In keeping with my medical friend's recommendation, I wish
to share with you something about garlic. Garlic, as most
herbalists know, is outstanding for high blood pressure.
But no one seems to understand exactly how it works within
the body to accomplish this.

That is, until now. I've finally figured out how the stuff
works so well for hypertension. Now high blood pressure, as
everyone knows, is induced by stress. And stress, of
course, is caused by people. Therefore, it stands to
reason, that if you eat lots of garlic, it will make the
people go away, which in turn relieves the stress. And when
this sequence of events happens, then blood pressure
returns to normal.

More resource at

Walking For Weight Loss

Walking For Weight Loss
Walking for weight loss is a great way to get the ball
rolling towards fitness. If you have not engaged in any
exercise for number of years and you have reached the
decision that you want to lose weight and are really
prepared to do something about it, then exercise will play
a major and vital role in your success.

Conventional wisdom suggests that you will have to do
cardio 3 or 4 times a week for at least half an hour.
Cardio exercises may include running, jogging, cycling,
stepper, and aerobics and so on. However at the point of
starting your fitness levels at the present time may not
allow you to do these types of exercises. If you try to
push yourself too hard, all that will happen is that you
will give up trying and come to detest whatever cardio
exercise you are doing.

Fitness and weight loss is progressive. Meaning that it is
going to take time to get to where you want to be, and that
it has to be done in stages. You are not going to start
exercising on Monday and be fit the following Sunday. The
same can be said of trying to lose weight. The more you try
to force yourself initially, the less chance of success you
will have. You need to accept where you are now and what
your capabilities are at the present time. Once you have
done this, realise that as long as you keep doing what you
need to be doing on a regular basis, and increase in small
steps, then you will eventually reach your goals.

Walking is a good way to start building your fitness levels
so that you can do more different and difficult cardio
exercise further down the road. The first thing you will
need to do will be to make up a walking program, consisting
of where you will walk, how long for, and how often.
Previous generations were forced to walk everywhere as
there were not many cars. There was never an issue of
obesity or weight related problems for these generations.

There are many ways how you can incorporate walking for
weight loss into your life. Find a park and walk around it,
try to keep a brisk place and see how you feel after you
have been around it once. If you feel it was ok try another
lap. To keep losing weight and to keep getting fitter you
must be progressive. This means you should always do more
than you did last time. Even if it's only an extra 50 or
100 yards, you should always increase what you do. The more
you do the fitter you get, the fitter you get the more you
can do.

The best thing about walking is that it is free; there is
no need for any gym fees and no need for equipment, apart
from some comfortable walking shoes. As you become fitter
and are able to do more and more laps, it will at some
point become a little boring. It's fine when you are doing
a few laps and you find that a little challenging. However
after a month or two when you are doing 15, 20 or even more
laps, you will began to become a little bored at having to
walk for this amount of time.

Get yourself a personal CD player or even an mp3 player,
which is relatively cheap to buy these days. Fill the mp3
player with lots of your favourite songs and listen to them
as you walk. This gives your brain something else to focus
on apart from the drudgery of walking greater distances.

A time will come when the walking becomes too easy. When
you reach this stage, look back at how much you were doing
to begin with compared to how much you may be doing now.
You will find that you have improved beyond measure. This
should make you feel proud and let you see how much
improvement you are capable of. This should then motivate
you to go to the next level.

The next level could consist of various methods; it will
depend on your preferences. You could start jogging or
running instead of walking. You could find an area of hills
and begin walking up and down them. Hill walking is a
fantastic way to get fit and burn calories. You could start
cycling, start using a stepper, join an aerobics class;
there are lots of different ways to improve.

Whatever next step you take you should follow the same
pattern as before. Always do a little more than before.
Your body can improve far beyond what you may think at the
moment. Your body was designed to adapt and cope with
change, and this is a fact. It will get fitter, leaner, and
stronger and endure more, to cope with what you are doing,
as long as you keep doing more in small steps Start getting
the benefits and begin walking for weight loss.

Visit and find out what you can
do if you really want to lose weight.We have helped
thousands to successfully lose weight.Why should you be any

Exercise and Injuries

Exercise and Injuries
Anytime you exercise, your brain releases chemicals known
as endorphins that produce a feeling of euphoria. This is
also known as a "runner's high", which is very easy to
become chemically addicted to.

Without this adrenalin rush, you'll feel irritable until
you exercise again. Therefore, you'll go on exercising and
not listen to what your body is actually telling you -
which is to stop.

The reason exercise addicts continue to push themselves
lies in what occurs when they don't work out. When they are
unable to exercise, they will exhibit signs of depression,
anxiety, confusion, and be less happy with themselves.

Exercise injuries doesn't only affect the body, it affects
the mind as well.

Exercise will give you a fit body but once you surpass your
limit it can lead to exercise injuries. Muscle damage,
osteoarthritis, and heart problems will all be waiting in
your near future if you continue to over exercise. The body
has limits and if you push beyond that limit, you'll only
create unwanted exercise injuries.

Exercise injuries tend to happen among those who are new to
exercise. Therefore, if you are to reap the benefits of
getting fit, be aware of possible exercise injuries and do
not overstep your limits.

The initial signs of over exercise are exhaustion, which
can lead to fatigue.

Keep in mind that it isn't only the muscles that are at
risk, but the bones as well. Many people who exercise push
themselves to the point of injuries such as shin splints or
even stress fractures, then refuse to rest, which causes
greater and sometimes even permanent injuries.

A brisk walk in the morning doesn't come without risk of
injury, as walking too much can lead to osteoarthritis.
When you walk, you are working against gravity. Even though
you are exercising your muscles, you are also injuring your
knee joints as well.

Many people who walk up to an hour or more everyday end up
with complaints of aches in the knees. The fact is, jogging
also injures the knees, and too many sit ups can hurt as
well. As with any type of exercise, moderation is the key.

You should always start off exercising gradually to evade
injuries, and combine several different types of workouts,
which is one thing that obsessive exercisers forget to do.
One complication factor of people who get addicted to
exercise is that they will tend to perform the same workout
each and every day, which puts them at risk of permanent

Think right! You should never work out to the point where
you feel completely exhausted. Exercising to the point of
exhaustion can lead to injuries. Your limit with exercise
should be 45 minutes to an hour, four or five days a week
to avoid any possible exercise injuries. Your workout
should leave you feeling fresh and energetic, without any
injuries. Every week you should make it a point to take a
break - as your body will need to relax and rejuvenate to
avoid any possible injuries.

The key to achieving your goal lies in your attitude, as
exercising without causing injuries is the way to a
healthier life.

If you take things one day at a time and don't over
exercise, you'll be well on your way to a healthy body.
Exercising can be a lot of fun and a way to relax, if you
don't rush it. Start slow and gradually work your way up to
avoid exercise injuries. Before you know it, you'll know
how to prevent injuries before they happen and you'll know
exactly what you need to do to remain healthy.

Steven Godlewski is a self-made millionaire and is
currently working with the staff at He
has an extensive background in nutrition as well as other
health related fields. For more health-related articles or
2 FREE bottles of Liquid Vitamins see their website at: SEE Video at:

Remove Your Mercury Fillings - The Day of the Removal

Remove Your Mercury Fillings - The Day of the Removal
Before the day comes when it is time to head to the dentist
for the removal of fillings, I hope you have followed the
"Getting Ready for Mercury Filling Removal" protocol (part
I of this articles series) for at least 3-4 weeks, to boost
your strength and immunity. You should also have had a
bio-compatibility testing done to make sure that the new
material that your teeth will be filled with are a good fit
for you.

Depending on how many filling you have, you may have to
make several visits to the dentist before all the mercury
is out. Don't start the "Heavy Metal Detox Protocol" until
ALL your fillings are removed and there is no mercury left
in your mouth.

A. Before the Mercury Removal

1. DON'T take vitamin C for 24 hours before the removal,
since it can interfere with the anesthesia.

2.Take couple of chlorella capsules before the procedure.
Since some people are sensitive to chlorella make sure you
have tried chlorella before and that you can tolerate it.
Chlorella contains lots of chlorophyll and binds with
toxins like mercury.

B. During the Mercury Removal

3. Protection provided by your dentist should include:

- Oxygen inserted into your nose, so you can breathe clean
air during the procedure.

- A rubber dam or other physical barrier to ensure that you
don't ingest mercury during the removal.

- Constant washing and suction to remove the mercury as it
is drilled out.

- Removal from no more than one quadrant at the time to
avoid crossing meridians. Ideally no more than 2 teeth per
visit should be worked on, or not sitting in the chair for
more than 2 hours.

C. After the Mercury Removal

4. Right after the procedure, open a one or two chlorella
capsules in your mouth and sprinkle on your teeth to absorb
any metal residue, spit out after 10 minutes and rinse with
water. Repeat in the evening

5. Now that the procedure is over you should take vitamin C
to benefit from its antioxidant effect. Take 500 mg every
couple of hours, up to 2000 - 3000 mg.

6. Take an agent that will absorb mercury like 2 capsules
of activated charcoal or a binder like Herbal Bulk (2 tsp)
along with a green powder like Phyto Greens (1-2 tbsp),
both from Genestra.

If you have no more mercury fillings left to remove,
continue with the "Heavy Metal Detox Protocol" (part III of
this article series). If you are going back to the dentist
for more removals, go back to following the "Getting Ready
Protocol" (part I of this articles series). As a general
guide line it is recommended that you wait at least 9 days
to 1 month, or more before moving on to the next quadrant.
Talk to your dentist and/or doctor to decide on what is a
good pace for your individual case to have the mercury
fillings removed. Your symptoms and general state of health
naturally plays a role.

Disclaimer: These recommendations are not intended to be in
place of advice from a physician, dentist or natural health
practitioner familiar with your case.

For more natural ways to boost your health and well being,
I invite you to get your copy of this month's free health
building gift. Just go to for more


More than five and half million women in North America have
endometriosis (abnormal growth of endometrial cells),
making it one of the most common female afflictions.

Pain and infertility are the two most common symptoms of
the disease. Quality of life can be adversely affected by
the pain, which may occur before/during/after sex, in
association with menstruation, during urination or bowel

Some of the other symptoms include frequent miscarriage,
intestinal upset, fatigue and PMS. It is possible to have
endometriosis without ever experiencing pain, in which case
a woman doesn't even know she has it until she is diagnosed
when the inability to get pregnant leads her to a doctor.

Medical experts do not agree on the exact cause of
endometriosis. There are a number of theories that try to
describe the causes of the disease.

A major theory about the cause of endometriosis involves
genetic structure. The disease could be inherited, or
result from genetic errors, making some women more likely
than others to develop the condition. If scientists can
find a specific gene or genes related to endometriosis in
some women, genetic testing might allow health care
providers to detect endometriosis much earlier, or even
prevent it from happening at all.

There are other possible causes, as well. Estrogen, a
hormone involved in the female reproductive cycle, seems to
advance the growth of endometriosis. Research is currently
looking into endometriosis as a disease of the endocrine
system (the body's system of glands, hormones, and other

Or, it may be that a woman's immune system does not remove
fluid in the pelvic cavity properly, or the chemicals made
by areas of endometriosis may irritate or promote growth of
more endometriosis. Which is leading to the study of the
role of the immune system in either starting or growing

There is much research that focuses on determining whether
environmental agents, such as exposure to synthetic
chemicals, cause the disease. Another important area of
research is the search for endometriosis markers. These
markers are substances made by or in response to
endometriosis that health care providers could potentially
measure in the blood or urine. If markers are found,
scientists could diagnose endometriosis by testing a
woman's body fluids, thereby reducing the need for surgery
to confirm the disease.

Currently, physicians have several tests at their disposal
for endometriosis diagnosis. Imaging tests produce a
"picture" of the inside of the body, which allows them to
locate endometriosis areas. Two major imaging tests are
ultrasound (use of sound waves) and magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) (use of magnets and radio waves to make the
picture). Laparascopy is usually performed to verify the
presence of endometriosis.

Probably the most common symptom of endometriosis is pain,
mostly in the abdomen, lower back and pelvic areas. The
amount of pain felt does not correlate to how much
endometriosis there actually is. Some women have no pain
even though their endometriosis is extensive, meaning that
the affected areas are large or that there is scarring.
However, some women have severe pain even though they have
only a few little endometriosis areas.

There a number of treatments for pain related to
endometriosis. Pain treatments include:

· Pain medication -- if pain is mild, medication may
work well. The medication can possibly be an
over-the-counter remedy, but strong prescription drugs for
managing pain are also available.

· Hormone therapy -- hormones can be delivered in
pill form, injection, or in a nasal spray. Common hormones
used to treat endometriosis are progesterone and progestin,
GnRH (gonadatropin-releasing hormone) birth control pills,
and danocrine. Current research is exploring the use of
other hormones in treating endometriosis and its related

· Surgical treatment -- when the endometriosis is
extensive, or in the presence of severe pain, surgical
treatments are generally recommended.

John Russell of IH Distribution, LLC brings you health,
anti-aging and skin care products from around the world.
Find fabulous skin care tips and great articles on a wide
range of topics for women at

Am I Ready for Plastic Surgery?

Am I Ready for Plastic Surgery?
I frequently get asked by some patients if I think they are
ready for a certain plastic surgery procedure. My initial
answer is almost always....if you think you are...then you
are ready.

However, this simple answer belies some deeper issues which
every patient should think about before embarking on any
plastic surgery procedure. While many have written about
surgery preparedness, I would consider the following the
'big' three' which, in my mind and experience, are the most

First and foremost, do your homework on both the procedures
you have in mind and on your doctor(s). The internet may be
full of inaccurate and misleading information, but it is
also chocked full of a lot of good information about
everything in plastic surgery. Do your homework, take
notes, and then bring them in to discuss with your plastic
surgeon. You can't expect the plastic surgeon to tell you
everything in the limited face-to-face time you have.Your
plastic surgeon has these conversations all day long, you
will have far fewer of them. Take charge of your knowledge
and education.

Secondly, can you really afford to have the plastic surgery
procedures? I fully realize that in life people afford what
they want, not what they need. It is not my job, nor am I
capable, of assessing whether this is the best way for you
to spend your money. My financial responsibility lies in
educating you about which procedures have the best value
based on what you are trying to achieve. One of the factors
to consider in determining financial feasibility
much buffer do you have should complications occur?
Complications may cost you more money or time off work.
Make sure you are not doing the procedure with no margin
for financial error. This area is one of the most common
reasons for 'dissatisfaction' from plastic surgery

Lastly, be prepared to accept the reality that
complications from plastic surgery can and do occur. And I
don't mean rarely. While most plastic surgery complications
are relatively minor and easily solved in most cases, a few
are not. Just like a car accident, for example, you are not
exempt from the risks of adverse outcomes. It does not
always happen to the 'other guy'. Most importantly, factor
this in psychologically. Recovery from plastic surgery will
always take longer than you think in many cases. Getting
over the inconvenience of a surgical complication will
likewise be more prolonged that all will like.

These three areas of mental and psychological preparedness
will serve you well to undergo any plastic surgery
procedure...and will go far in making you ready for it.

Dr Barry Eppley runs a private plastic surgery practice
through his hospital-based medspa locations at Clarian
Health in Indianapolis. To learn more about the latest
trends in plastic surgery, spa therapies, or skin care, go
to his daily blog, .

Are Dreadlocks Black Culture or a Unique Hairstyle For the Entire World?

Are Dreadlocks Black Culture or a Unique Hairstyle For the Entire World?
Are dreadlocks simply a unique hairstyle or part of the
Black cultural experience? And is it acceptable for other
races to grow dreadlocks? Because of Black people's kinky
hair texture, many believe they're the only race that grows
dreadlocks. Therefore, it belongs to the Black culture.
However, people from every race around the world have this
unique hairstyle.

Dreadlocks are the natural result of three to six months
uncombed hair. Strains of hair intertwine together and
create "ropes" or "locs". All types of hair eventually
clunk or matte together if left free of combs and hair
relaxers for a long time. The texture of the hair
determines how long it takes.

Thick coarse hair develops or grows dreadlocks fast, easy,
and may not need chemicals or twisting. Straight hair
takes longer and will always need chemicals and twisting.
Most Blacks' hair is coarse while other races have straight
hair. In the end, however, both types of hair will start
growing dreadlocks. To say one race of people is
responsible or can claim dreadlocks as their own is a bold
statement against the laws of nature.

The issue isn't what race of people did dreadlocks come
from but rather, which accepts this unique and natural
hairstyle as a part of their culture. So far, the answer
has been a resounding yes from the Black communities across
the nation and world.

For many Blacks, dreadlocks are a symbol of pride and
cultural identity. Some are going natural because most
hairstyles need the use of hair relaxing chemicals which
may cause harm to hair and scalp. Dreadlocks, on the other
hand, are simple: just wash and go.

In Bob Marley's song "Buffalo Soldiers," he describes the
black soldiers who helped protect American settlers from
Indians after the Civil War, as "dreadlock Rasta." The
Indians called the soldiers "Buffalo Soldiers" because
their dreadlocks resembled curly hair of the buffalo.

The Buffalo Soldiers are examples of how dreadlocks have
been much a part of Black history and culture right here in
America. In fact, historians have described how shackled
slaves grew dreadlocks during the three to six month ride
from Africa to America. The slave trader or master cut them
off because they considered them "dreadful" to look at and
forbade the slaves to grow them back.

Whether for spiritual reasons, personal motivation, or a
fashion statement, Black people have been growing
dreadlocks longer than most cultures. Today, the
popularity of dreadlocks is on the rise not only for
Blacks, but for many in other races.

As stated before, anyone can grow dreadlocks with patience
and the right technique. It doesn't matter the color of
skin or which part of the world you live in. Again, what
matters is the hair's texture. Hairstylists specializing
in dreadlocks (locticians) can examine your hair and tell
what you'll need to do.

Here's a rule of thumb with much wiggle room. If you are
of African descent with thick hair, growing dreadlocks
should be natural, easy, and fast with few visits to a
loctician. If you are not of African descent and have
straight thin hair, it will take longer. You'll need more
frequent visits to a loctician and the use of chemicals
such as beeswax.

Dreadlocks are much a part of Black history and culture but
they are also for the whole world to experience and enjoy.
So, in the words of Bob Marley "Grow your dreadlocks, don't
be afraid of the wolf pack".

Jeffery Bradley has over 20 years experience with growing
dreadlocks and creating the lifestyle he wants with them.
Visit for your free
ebook "5 Steps to Great Dreadlocks".