Saturday, March 8, 2008

Effective weight loss with 20 minutes of heart pounding weight loss cardio

Effective weight loss with 20 minutes of heart pounding weight loss cardio
You can lose weight with only 20 minutes a day of heart
pounding weight loss cardio!

Wait...heart pounding weight loss cardio? What's that?

Cardio exercises such as walking, bicycling or swimming and
such are good in burning calories. Used effectively, these
exercises can help you burn fat, live longer and healthier.
However, cardio exercises are known to take a lot of time
before you can expect any visible weight loss results.

That's where my heart pounding weight loss cardio comes in.
Instead of the casual moderate speed, I want you to take a
spin and throw in 5 times of intense one minute bursts.
Start slow, burst all out for a minute and go slow again,
then burst it all out for another minute and so on until
you hit 5 bursts! That's how the heart pounding weight loss
cardio works!

How does your body respond to my heart pounding weight loss

When you give your body sudden attacks like that, your body
metabolism will spike up really high to give you the energy
you need. After a few times of these sudden attacks, your
body will learn your pattern and produce more energy by
burning the fat from your body so that it will be ready for
the next attack.

This maximizes the amount of oxygen in your blood and your
heart will beat faster, which, increases the blood flow to
your muscles and back to your lungs. Scientific stuff
aside, this is the secret to making your body work harder
to burn off fats.

With my heart pounding weight loss cardio, your body will
continue to burn fat even when you've already finished your
20 minutes. Now that's maximizing your weight loss results
with the minimum amount of time and maximum efficiency!

Please be warned, the heart pounding weight loss cardio is
not meant for anyone who is not physically fit. Do consult
your doctor before you begin to practice it. If your doctor
says OK, start slowly and make progressive progress OK!

Please be safe and know your own limits when practicing the
20 minutes heart pounding weight loss cardio. The last
thing I want is for you to overdo it and hurt your yourself
in the process. If that happens, then you'll end up not
being able to continue your program. Now that ain't good

To your weight loss success! Cheers!

Jimmy Dickens is a weight loss coach and mentor from
Boston. He teaches people how to lose weight fast with a
unique system he created called the "Gimme Weight Loss Now"
System. If you're looking for a complete, step-by-step
weight loss system that can help you lose weight fast, do
visit his website and grab his system (in the form of an
ebook) at

Fat Burning Zone And Spot Reduction Exercises

Fat Burning Zone And Spot Reduction Exercises
The Fat Burning Zone is all just a big misunderstanding.
The truth is, exercising in the fat burning zone is a big
waste of time. You are better off doing short, burst
exercise to lose your belly fat.

There is nothing magical about the so-called "fat burning

By definition, the fat burning zone is the exercise
intensity where your body burns the highest proportion of

However, the fat burning zone is relatively low intensity
exercise, and burns less calories than if you worked at a
harder pace for the same amount of time.

The fat burning zone has never been shown in a study to be
more effective for fat loss than any other type of exercise.

The purpose of exercise is to burn calories during and
after exercise when the body is recovering from the
workout. The fat burning zone is generally low-intensity
exercise, but low-intensity exercise burns fewer calories.

Therefore, forget about this term and this fat burning
myth. Instead, use the interval training guidelines from
any of my weight loss workout programs to improve your
fitness, calorie burning, and fat loss.

And what about spot reduction exercises? Will you lose fat
from a specific area by doing certain exercises? What
exercises will help you lose my love handles?

The answer of course, is "No, you can't lose fat from a
specific area just by doing certain exercises."

This is also known as spot reducing, and just can't be
done. If we told you that there was one secret exercise
that could magically reduce the fat from one of your
trouble spots, then we'd be rich. But we'd also be lying.

Fat burning isn't like building muscle. When you strength
train to build muscle, you only make gains in the specific
muscles that were trained ("spot gaining"). But no exercise
has the ability to burn fat from one specific area only
("spot reducing").

When you exercise, you burn fat from all over your body.
Doing one thousand ab crunches won't help you lose your
belly fat any faster than a good total- body routine.

The best approach to fat loss is one that includes three
major components.

The first and possibly most important component is
nutrition. It is so important for people to follow good
nutrition principles when they are trying to improve their
body. If you haven't already heard these basic
recommendations for fat loss nutrition, here are the 5 best
fat loss nutrition tips:

1. Eat several small meals per day, rather than 2-3 large

2. Monitor your food intake using one of the free websites
that allow you to track your calories.

3. Determine how many calories you should eat per day to
maintain your bodyweight.

4. If you want to lose fat, start by reducing your food
intake by 200-300 calories per day below your maintenance
level and add 3 workouts per week using my workout programs.

5. Stop eating processed foods and replace all sweetened
beverages with water or Green Tea. This can quickly reduce
your food intake by hundreds of calories immediately.

Discover the top 5 fat loss myths at - home of the world's
most effective fat loss workouts.

How to Treat Depression without Taking Antidepressants

How to Treat Depression without Taking Antidepressants
We now have proof of what I've long suspected:
Antidepressants don't work.

That's bad news for the millions of Americans who suffer
from depression.

This condition can cause a depressed mood; loss of interest
or pleasure in most activities, including sex; fatigue;
sleep problems; feelings of hopelessness and helplessness;
and difficulty thinking and making decisions.

Women have a 10 to 25 percent risk and men a 5 to 12
percent risk of developing severe major depression in their

Depression has different causes. And each cause needs a
different approach to treatment.

Yet many people believe that antidepressants drugs are the
answer. Today, one in ten Americans takes an antidepressant.

Unfortunately, new research shows that they don't work and
have significant side effects.

In fact, most patients taking antidepressants either don't
respond or have only partial response.

And 86 percent of people who take these drugs have one or
more side effects, including sexual dysfunction, fatigue,
insomnia, loss of mental abilities, nausea, and weight gain.

No wonder half the people who try antidepressants
discontinue them after just 4 months.

Now let's talk more about this new research.

A report published in a recent issue of "The New England
Journal of Medicine" looked at 74 studies involving 12
drugs and over 12,000 people. Some of these studies were
published -- and some weren't.

You see, drug companies don't have to publish all the
results of their studies. They only publish those they want

The report's researchers really had to dig to find these
unpublished studies. When they did, they found that 37 of
38 trials with positive results were published, while only
14 of 36 negative studies were published.

And the negative published studies were twisted to imply
the drugs worked when they didn't.

Now that really is depressing news -- and there's no easy

However, Functional Medicine, on which my approach of
UltraWellness is based, can help.

Functional Medicine doesn't rely on drugs to suppress
symptoms, but uncovers the root causes of depression.

Let me tell you about a few of my patients.

A 23-year-old woman had been on various antidepressants
throughout her childhood and adolescence. We discovered
that she had food allergies, which cause inflammation. And
recent studies suggest that inflammation may be related to

The patient eliminated her food allergies and her
depression disappeared. She was able to stop taking her
medication -- and she lost 30 pounds to boot.

A 37-year-old had depression that didn't respond to drugs,
plus fatigue and a 40-pound weight gain.

When we got the very high levels of mercury out of her
body, she soon became happy, thin, and full of energy.

And a 49-year-old man had taken antidepressants for years
but was still severely depressed.

We treated his severe deficiencies of vitamin B12, B6, and
folate. Now he's free of depression.

As you can see, antidepressants are not the answer.

We need different solutions.

Try the following measures to help alleviate depression.
They are based on Functional Medicine which is the
foundation of my practice and the core of UltraWellness.

1. Try an anti-inflammatory elimination diet that gets rid
of common food allergens.

2. Check for hypothyroidism.

3. Treat vitamin D deficiency with at least 2,000 to 5,000
U a day of vitamin D3.

4. Take omega-3 fats in the form of 1,000 to 2,000
milligrams (mg) a day of purified fish oil. Your brain is
made of up this fat.

5. Take adequate B12 (1,000 micrograms, or mcg, a day), B6
(25 mg) and folic acid (800 mcg).

6. Get checked for mercury.

7. Exercise vigorously five times a week for 30 minutes.
This increases levels of BDNF, a natural antidepressant in
your brain.

These are just of few of the easiest and most effective
things you can do to treat depression. But there are even
more, which you can address by simply working through the 7
Keys to UltraWellness.


(1) Turner EH et al. 2007. Selective publication of
antidepressant trials and its influence on apparent
efficacy. New England Journal of Medicine. 358: 252-260.

(2) Eaton WW, Kalaydjian A, Scharfstein DO, Mezuk B, Ding
Y. 2007. Prevalence and incidence of depressive disorder:
the Baltimore ECA follow-up, 1981-2004. Acta Psychiatr

Mark Hyman, MD is a pioneer in functional medicine,
practicing physician and best-selling author. A sneak
preview of his book "The UltraSimple Diet" is available.
See The UltraWellness Blog for more on Depression:

What Every Parents Needs To Know About Teenage Diet Plans

What Every Parents Needs To Know About Teenage Diet Plans
If you have an overweight or obese teenager, you are
certainly not alone. Nearly 9% of our youth ages 6-19 are
obese. That's over 9 million kids in the United States!
We've heard this statistic over and over again and still,
we aren't quite sure how to tackle it even though we know
the problems behind it. Finding workable teenage diet
plans amidst all the problems behind obesity is a difficult

Healthy teenage diet plans for weight loss need to consist
of the following things:

1. Positive motivation that involves respect for the
teen's feelings and an understanding of their eating issues
and how this affects their choices.

2. A healthy eating plan that helps the teenager not only
lose weight healthfully, but teaches the teenager how to
eat healthfully for life.

3. An exercise plan that not only burns calories and helps
tone muscle, but is something that the teenager can
continue to do on their own and will have a desire to do so.

In speaking of positive motivation, I can't tell you how
important this piece is in developing teenage diet plans
that work. So often, I see parents use shame or guilt to
try to motivate their teen. Being overweight or obese has
a stigma attached to it. Your child faces this everyday
and is well aware. Don't let his or her home become yet
another place to be judged for their weight problems!

Understanding their eating issues is also important. Many
of us overeat when we are feeling down. We do this because
we were sort of taught this as youngsters. Food was often
a reward and we've probably passed that on to our children.
"You were so good today. Here's the ice cream cone I
promised you." Or, a classic is to give a treat whenever
one of your children has a scraped knee. It shuts off the
tears, but it also promotes a sense of instant
gratification that they will continue to use whether the
pain is a physical hurt or emotional hurt. Once you help
your teen make the switch from instant gratification to
lasting gratification fueled by positive change and facing
problems head on, he or she will find healthy teenage diet
plans to be much easier to tackle.

Along the lines of quick fixes, it is important to remember
that healthy teenage diet plans allow for long-term, steady
weight loss. A safe amount of weight to lose is anywhere
from 1-3 pounds per week. When your teen begins a diet
plan, weight loss may be faster in the very beginning.
This is normal. It can be frustrating to all of a sudden
see that weight loss stabilize to a more reasonable 1-3
pounds per week. Help your teen to stay the course by
explaining or having their dietician or physician explain
(always sounds better coming from someone other than a
parent!) how slow, steady weight loss leads to lasting
weight loss for life. And speaking of the rest of their
lives, make sure to include a variety of foods from every
food group but especially a lot of veggies, some fruit and
lean protein sources. When choosing carbohydrates
(important as well), help your teen to choose the right
ones by buying whole grain, high fiber products instead of
white bread or refined sugars.

And last, but not least, be creative in coming up with an
exercise routine that will complement healthy teenage diet
plans for weight loss. Exercise needs to be enjoyed by
your teenager or it will forever be a battle to get he or
she actually doing it on a regular basis. What are your
teens likes and dislikes? What kind of activities do they
enjoy? Think outside the box. If your teenager likes the
outdoors but doesn't enjoy running, how about a regular
daily walk at a botanical garden or other outdoor facility?
Or shopping? Mall walk in the morning with your teenager.
Maybe talk with some other parents and get a group
together that could benefit from playing a regular game of
flag football at the park a few times a week or more. By
showing your teenager how fun and enjoyable exercise can
be, you are helping him or her develop a daily habit that
will not only complement healthy teenage diet plans, but
will stay with them for life!

From a sickly little girl to a healthy chef to the stars,
Darlene Nicholson transformed herself into The "Kick in the
Butt" Healthy Lifestyle Expert and creator of the popular
DVD "The Healthy Grocery Store Tour". Visit her website for free ebooks
and information guaranteed to open your eyes to how easy
weight loss can be with the right plan of attack.

Battle of the Monthly Munchies: Curb Your PMS Cravings

Battle of the Monthly Munchies: Curb Your PMS Cravings
HOW do you fight the "monthly munchies"? It really seems a
losing battle!

It really seems a losing battle! I had a "cheat meal" for
dinner/ dessert and yet, even knowing I was over where I
wanted to be calorically, the only chocolate in the house
HAD to go into my tummy... and now I am having another
snack because I was starving! What is it that the female
body is looking for at that "PMS" time??

Yes - those undeniable monthly munchies..... I cannot tell
you HOW many times I and so many women have looked up from
an empty bag of cookies, chips or even the pint of ice
cream in the garbage and said - "Now what was that all
about?".....Then it hits us..."OH - it must be my monthly

We can get so caught up in the habit of mindless eating
that the results of the monthly cravings can be downright
devastating! Not only for our body, but for our peace of
mind. How can we ever forgive ourselves for going overboard!

Awareness is KEY to gaining control and minimizing the
effect these cravings have.

I suggest taking the time to jot down on your calendar when
you feel....low energy, slight irritability (which has
decreased tremendously for me - I will tell you why in a
minute) and of course uncalled for cravings. After a couple
months of doing this you will SEE a Pattern!

This allows you to plan ahead and Anticipate when those
feeling will hit. You can plan your meals, your activities,
your workload, etc. By knowing - you can account for the
craving splurges.

With this also comes the understanding that One week with a
couple extra splurges is NOT going to hurt you. Your
appetite will naturally increase. We actually need more
calories premenstrually, so it would make sense we might
experience more cravings if we're short on energy.

In fact, afterwards you will be even more motivated to
"work it off" - I actually feel lighter once this phase
passes - even what I describe as a strange sense of freedom
for cravings DO tend to take over and cause us to
experience an uncomfortable lack of control.

Manage those Monthly Cravings! When you know a food craving
is going to strike, you can make substitutions instead of
simply surrendering.

Map it out. Anticipate when it those cravings are coming.
Yes it's okay to give in to some, just in moderation, then
you get right back on track.

Eat balanced meals every 3 to 4 hours. Eat carbs, protein
and a little fat with every meal and snack. Eating meals
that are lacking in one kind of food, we may be more likely
to crave it later. Eating often keeps your appetite under

Craving-proof your home. The simplest way to quash a
craving is to ban crave-worthy foods from your environment.
If you do buy snack foods like chips or cookies, choose
small packages or individually wrapped portions to avoid
going overboard.

Meanwhile, here are three ways to make healthy, low-fat
snacks easily available for regular indulgence:

1. Cut up and bag fresh, munchable veggies....carrots,
radishes, broccoli and celery stick ahead of time. Eat with
low-fat cheese or hummus.

2. Keep light microwave popcorn packages to have on hand,
and sprinkle some Parmesan cheese on top.

3. Keep fruit washed and ready to slice into a container of
low-fat yogurt.

Go Ahead! It's okay to have what you are craving. Allow
yourself a single-sized portion as opposed to buying and
eating a larger size. The most common food
craved...Chocolate! It does provide some natural mood
boosters and endorphins, so have moderation!

Holly Rigsby, CPT, MAT America's #1 Fat Loss Expert for
Busy Moms and the author of Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle
System and expert contributor
at She has helped well over 500
Mom's lose the stubborn baby fat and get their pre-baby
body back. Don't miss her Free Report: Top 5 Busy Mom
Metabolism Boosters.

Asbestos - Different Types, Different Risks

Asbestos - Different Types, Different Risks
For a long time, a class of mineral fibers collectively
known as "asbestos" was popularly used in industries
ranging from shipbuilding to construction to textile
production. Asbestos owed its popularity to its exceptional
physical properties - heat and fire resistance, acid
resistance, and general durability. It was not until the
later 20th century that the downside of asbestos usage came
to light: the popular material was linked to serious
respiratory problems, including lung scarring, lung cancer,
and mesothelioma.

In response to these health hazards, the use of asbestos
became heavily regulated, and the term "asbestos" became a
buzz-word in the national and international consciousness.
The word "asbestos" is actually somewhat deceptive, in that
it refers not to a single substance, but is actually the
designation for a class of mineral fibers which share
similar characteristics. Asbestos can be divided into
several subtypes. Two of the most important are called
"amphibole" and "chrysotile."

Amphibole Asbestos

Amphibole asbestos is a subset of asbestos fibers
consisting of straight, needle-like filaments with
particularly high iron content. As such, it is highly
resistant to both heat and chemicals, and was valued for
these properties. Amphibole asbestos was extensively used
in the production of furnace and stoves, as well as being
used for insulation in heating systems.

Later studies, however, found that amphibole asbestos had
several characteristics which made it especially hazardous
to one's health. For example, amphibole asbestos is more
easily "friable," or broken up, than some other types of
asbestos, making it more likely that fibers will be
dispersed into the air, and subsequently inhaled. Other
studies demonstrated that, once amphibole asbestos enters
the lungs, it is more likely to remain there for long
periods of time, causing scarring, asbestosis, and
mesothelioma. Because of the high risk posed by amphibole
asbestos, it has been virtually replaced by other types of
asbestos in modern industry, although it may still be found
in older products and buildings.

Chrysotile Asbestos

Chrysotile asbestos is described as unique among asbestos
fibers because of its white color and serpentine, not
straight, appearance. Unlike amphibole asbestos, chrysotile
asbestos is much less friable, and thus, much less likely
to enter the lungs. Because it is deemed to be a "safer"
form of asbestos, chrysotile fibers are the most widely
used form of asbestos today. In fact, this type of asbestos
accounts for approximately 90% of all the asbestos used by
US industries today. That is not to say, of course, that
chrysotile asbestos is harmless, only that it carries a
smaller risk than other types of asbestos.

Joe Devine
For more information, visit .

"Know A Kid with ADHD? Get the Facts About Kids With ADHD and Sports"

"Know A Kid with ADHD? Get the Facts About Kids With ADHD and Sports"
ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a
neurobehavioral based disorder. The disorder can be found
in adults as well as children. However, it is most
commonly diagnosed in young children. Someone who has been
diagnosed with ADHD often experiences hyperactivity, as
well as the inability to pay attention, mood swings and

Often times, it can be hard for a kid with ADHD to get
involved in sports. Many sports require the ability to
completely concentrate and stay focused. As well, certain
sports may require that the child remain calm and quiet in
many instances. However there are a variety of different
sports that can be ideal for a child with ADHD.

Team sports are often an excellent choicce for someone with
ADHD. One example of a good sport for a kid with ADHD
would be soccer. Soccer requires a lot of running and the
need to work together with other teammates. In a child
that experiences the hyperactivity side of ADHD, a sport
that involves running is a great way to burn off the
excessive energy.

Another great sport for kids suffering with ADHD is running
or track. Again, the idea behind this is that the kids can
run and burn off excessive energy. They also do not have
to use a lot of concentration in such sports.

Hockey is an excellent sport for a child who has been
diagnosed with ADHD. Hockey requires a lot of action and
is a fast paced game. In the average hockey game, there is
very little down time in which the kids need to remain calm
and quiet.

Another sport that is good for someone with ADHD is karate.
Karate not only gives the child the ability to burn off
some of his excess frustrations, it also gives the child
the ability to learn discipline and structure. Structure
is extremely important in a child with ADHD.

In little kids, t-ball is a poor choice for someone with
ADHD. Waiting your turn to bat is extremely hard for any
little one. However, if you add in the ADHD factor, it
becomes nearly impossible. Once the child is placed in the
outfield, his attention will drift off even further, since
there is often very little activity out there.

Golf would be another sport that is not necessarily a good
choice for someone who has been diagnosed with ADHD. Golf
requires a great deal of patients and the ability to remain
calm and quiet throughout the game. This is often a
difficult task for a child with ADHD.

Kids with ADHD and sports can go hand in hand with some
careful planning. It is important that if your son or
daughter has been diagnosed with ADHD, then you find a
sport that fits with their particular personality. If at
first you do not find a sport that is a perfect fit, do not
give up hope. Simply try additional sports, until you find
the perfect one. Sports give all children, especially
those with ADHD, the ability to burn off the excess energy
and stress they often carry with them.

Scott Becker is an expert in the fields of health and
nutrition. He has been writing on numerous topics for the
past 10 years. Along with writing, he now owns , a sports nutrition company serving
the weekend athlete. For more information go to

Tell Me The Reasons For Back Pain

Tell Me The Reasons For Back Pain
Every person experiences back pain at least once in his or
her life. There are plenty of reasons for back pain to
occur. Here are some reasons for back pain:

You might have a herniated disk. A herniated disk occurs
when the disks in your spine get pressed on a nerve.

You might have sciatica. Sciatica occurs when the sciatic
nerve is encroached upon by a herniated disk. Sciatica is
characterized by a sharp pain that shoots through the back
of the leg and the buttocks.

You might have spinal stenosis. Spinal Stenosis is a
condition in which the space around the nerve roots and the
spinal cord gets smaller because of bone over growth or
arthritis. Spinal Stenosis could pinch a nerve.

You might have Spondylosis: Spondylosis is a kind of
arthritis and is caused by the degeneration of the spine
that happens as people age.

Your muscles might be imbalanced. A lot of peoples' back
pain is caused by muscles that are out of balance. Muscles
that aren't balanced are considerably weaker than balanced
muscles and can't keep joints stabilized in their sockets.
This means that the joint can get misaligned or move
incorrectly, which can cause pain to radiate throughout the

Your posture might be poor. Most back pain is caused by
simple poor posture. Slumping or crouching over can cause
extra strain to be put on your spine as it is forced to be
smashed into positions that aren't natural. Poor posture
can cause the body to move incorrectly. Pain caused by poor
posture is usually located in the lower back.

You might not be getting enough exercise. Your back muscles
actually need to be stretched and worked regularly or else
they will weaken and not be able to support your spine as
easily. When your muscles are weak they can become sore,
and when your spine is not supported the disks can move and
cause damage to the nerves.

Tips to Alleviate Back Pain:

Rest, but only for a couple of days. The back needs
movement just as much as it needs rest to stay healthy, so
even while you are resting make sure to move around at
least once an hour.

Anti-inflammatory Over the Counter Medications: Advil or
Tylenol or Aleve will work just fine. Anti-inflammatory
medications can reduce any swelling in the muscles of the
back which will relieve any pain you might be feeling.
Unfortunately these medications wear off so if pain
persists for more than a couple of days, make sure to call
your doctor.

Heat: Using a heating pad at the site of the most intense
pain can help to relax the muscles and increase blood flow
to the area which should alleviate the back pain you might
be feeling.

There are many reasons for back pain and only a visit to
your doctor can determine the exact reason for your back
pain. Your doctor can perform an examination and determine
the best course of action to treat the reasons for back

At last! For men and women who want quick, simple and
effective relief from back pain...
"...Renegade Doctor Reveals How To Cure Your Back Pain
Permanently In 7 Days or Less...Using Secret Techniques
Chiropractors Don't Want You To Know..."

Don't Mention This At Dinner

Don't Mention This At Dinner
Here is an unpleasant, hardly discussed but universal
experience for the reader to contemplate: we each carry
around several pounds of aging feces and mucus in our
digestive tract. We all carry this obnoxious load. The
evidence is in the distended bellies we see all around us
in the streets, malls or workplace. Every man, woman and
child who is not eating a perfect diet is affected yet
almost none knows it. How can this be?

We have this waste because we:

* Do not chew our food enough so it can pass through easily

* Eat too much refined, processed, low-fiber food - fiber
absorbs water and makes our stools softer and bulkier,
reduces pressure in the rectum and makes them easier to

* Do not drink enough water and other fluids: the feces
becomes harder and more difficult to expel, we suffer from
constipation and retention of old feces in the large

* Do not exercise enough - exercise stimulates the
digestive system. When I first started weight-lifting in my
late thirties, I had to run to the bathroom after the first
five minutes of each session to clear out my bowels.

In short, our diet and lifestyle are blocking us up.

If we do not expel feces from the rectum, the feces return
to the colon where water is absorbed through the lining,
making the feces progressively harder and even more
difficult to expel. Some are never expelled unless we use
colon hydrotherapy or some other intervention to cleanse
the colon.

This is a problem, a big problem, because hardened feces
make it harder for the body to eliminate toxins.

Toxins are microbial and man-made chemicals that poison the
cells in our bodies.

External toxins, either chemical or microbial, enter the
body through food, water, air, or physical contact with the
skin or mucous membranes.

Internal toxins are the result of normal metabolic
processes and decomposition of foods in the small and large
intestines. Chronic constipation also breeds bacterial
toxins and yeast overgrowth.

The kidneys, liver, lungs, skin and the colon are the
organs that eliminate toxins through exhalation,
perspiration, urine and feces. White blood cells of the
immune system also neutralize microbial toxins. The liver
breaks toxins into harmless byproducts, which the body
eliminates through the kidneys into the urine or in our
feces. So feces are a major vehicle for expelling toxins.

Impacted feces in our large intestine stop the body from
cleansing itself and cause toxins to build up. Finally,
when the quantity of toxins overwhelm our ability to remove
them, they move into cells and tissues.

The body produces inflammation in areas of the toxin
accumulation in an effort to rid itself of the problem.

Before I underwent colon hydrotherapy, I experienced cloudy
thinking, felt ill and had eczema and sores on my legs.
These areas of inflammation are actually signals that the
body cannot rid itself of the accumulating toxins.

If the toxins remain, the body eventually deposits them in
areas where they will do as little harm as possible under
the circumstances. These areas are usually fat cells,
cysts, polyps or tumors. After years of storage, in the
opinion of some, toxins ultimately trigger degenerative
diseases such as cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and heart

To the extent that the body is unable to eliminate toxins,
they stay in our organs and bloodstream. To make it worse,
toxins in the impacted feces reenter our bodies through the
walls of the large intestines and add to the accumulation.
This is autotoxification (self-poisoning). Impacted feces
have other unpleasant effects.

The impacted feces take up space. The bulk of the
unexpelled feces explains, to my mind at least, why so many
people have pot bellies. I notice that my stomach is
smaller after a session of colon hydrotherapy.

The bulk may also physically prevent absorption of
nutrients in the intestine. I have noticed that
supplements seem to be more effective after several
sessions of colon hydrotherapy.

Your body cannot expel all the waste by itself, but you can
wash it out with some help from technology. Colon
hydrotherapy is a major method of detoxification.

Cleaning out your intestines is one of the most effective
measures you can take to improve your health and life. If
you believe that, left to itself, and given the right
nutrients and cleansing, the body is its own best doctor
and can heal itself, then colon hydrotherapy is the fastest
and most effective way to help it do just that.

The benefits I have personally noticed are:

* Reduced skin rashes

* Better absorption of nutrients

* More energy - feeling of lightness

* Ability to think more clearly

* Shrinking belly

My therapist told me that she has had patients with a whole
variety of health issues such as backache, headache and
fatigue. Colon hydrotherapy has helped many of them
because it has allowed the body to cleanse itself as it is
meant to.

It is actually a benefit for any adult, regardless of age.
Some athletes have it done to give them a performance edge.
I even read that Princess Diana had it done. To not have
it done and maintain an otherwise healthy lifestyle by
exercise and nutrition is rather like changing the spark
plugs and wires, the coolant and the transmission fluid on
your car, but not changing the oil. It is an essential part
of maintenance.

It is a life-transforming procedure that is barely known
because it has been side-lined for a number of reasons.
These reasons may form the subject of another article one

I work in information technology supporting the health care
program of a pension system, so am familiar with the issues
of our health care system.
I also believe that your health and fitness is a statement
- how you perceive yourself and how you want others to
perceive you. My site summarizes what I have learned. For
more information on how you can achieve health and fitness
at 50 or any age, go to =>