Friday, December 7, 2007

Your First Week Taking a Nutritional Supplement - The Loading Phase

Your First Week Taking a Nutritional Supplement - The Loading Phase
This article provides some suggestions on taking your
nutritional supplement during the first week to first
month. This period is often called the Loading Phase and
consists of taking a Loading Dose of your nutritional
supplement. While this article concentrates on starting an
Aloe Vera and Sea Vegetable supplement it can be
effectively applied to starting a variety of liquid
nutritional supplements. This article shows you how to get
the best and the most from every serving you take during
those important first few weeks of starting your vitamin

So, how much should you take during the loading phase?

First, if you have not already done so, complete a Health
Evaluation Questionnaire and determine your health index.
Once you complete the questionnaire and have determined
your health index, view the article on "Evaluating Your
Health Index and What to Do with the Results." With the
results of the questionnaire and the evaluation of your
health index, you will have an exact idea of the amount and
frequency of your liquid nutritional vitamin that you
should be taking on a regular basis. If you simply wanted
to taste the supplement to see if it is right for you, a
serving of one to two ounces is adequate. You will not
receive any immediate health benefits but at least you can
see if you like the taste!

How to Take Your Loading Serving:

1. For most people, but confirm it during the evaluation
process of your Health Index, they will consume two ounces
of an Aloe Vera and Sea Plant supplement two to three times
per day.

2. Measure two ounces of the supplement and pour it into a
drinking glass. Drink this all at once or sip it. Holding
it under your tongue is the best way to start the
absorption process of a liquid vitamin. There are special
cells under the tongue designed to absorb nutrient dense
liquids such as your favorite liquid nutritional supplement.

3. Take your second two-ounce serving at least four to six
hours after your first. Your body has probably used up the
nutrients you consumed earlier in the day. It craves more
nutrients to continue the regeneration and healing process
it started earlier. More fuel is required during this
first phase. You want to saturate your body with the
nutrients, which is why it is called the Loading Phase.
You are loading your body with the nutrients it needs to
kick start the healing process.

4. If you want to or feel you need to, try a third
two-ounce serving late in the evening.

5. Follow this Loading Serving Procedure for at least one
week. You can then transition to the Maintenance Phase
taking a Maintenance Serving. A Maintenance Serving is
typically two to four ounces once per day, usually in the

Loading Serving Tips

The Loading Serving is a relatively large amount of Aloe
Vera and Sea Vegetables. Many people are rushed from the
start of the day until their head hits the pillow.
Ideally, you should take a few minutes to hold at least a
few sips under your tongue. If you are rushed, you can
drink the rest, but try to hold some of the supplement
under your tongue as recommended. You will maximize
absorption and the benefits to your body by holding the
liquid supplement under your tongue for at least 10 seconds.

Another way to maximize the benefits of taking your
supplement is to spread these initial doses throughout the
day. This provides your body with a more consistent supply
of nutrients and healing compounds. Your liquid
nutritional supplement is (or should be) a whole food. It
is not a time released capsule full of binder and filler
materials that enable a slow release. Your body will begin
to absorb and make use of your liquid nutritional
supplement almost immediately. So spreading the doses out
throughout the day will provide your body with the maximum
effects and enable a more consistent healing and
regenerative process.

Listen to Your Body

After taking the Loading Dose for a few days, you may sense
that taking six or even four ounces per day is too much.
This may be a subtle feeling but you should trust your body
in telling you the right amount of supplement to consume.
Cut back to two or three ounces for the day. The next day,
try to resume the Loading Dose regimen. After a few days,
your body may already be telling you that the Loading Phase
is done and you are ready to start the Maintenance Phase.
It may help to refer back to your Health Evaluation
Questionnaire and note any changes you may be experience as
a result of Loading with your liquid nutritional supplement.

Getting Rid of the Toxins in Your Body through Cleansing

It is worth spending a moment to discuss cleansing. For
some individuals when starting an Aloe Vera-based
supplement they experience a cleansing reaction. Common
cleansing reactions include: bad breath, increased body
odor, sinus or chest congestion, emotional release,
fatigue, foul smelling urine, headaches, heavier than usual
menstruation, intestinal gas or bloating, loose stools,
sudden joint pain (not due to injury), mucus discharge,
skin rashes, and swollen glands. Not a pretty picture!
That almost sounds as bad as one of those drug commercials
on TV! Naturally, these symptoms can be caused by other
health conditions which may need the attention of a
physician. But if these symptoms begin suddenly and within
a day or two after starting the Loading Phase or an
increase in your daily serving, it is possible they are
indeed cleansing reactions.

When you examine the list of cleansing reactions they all
have one thing in common ' your body is trying to get rid
of some type of toxin or toxins stored within your body.
Hence the name, cleansing. Your body is cleansing itself
of the toxins. Why now? Why during the Loading Phase?
The reason is that until you started the loading phase,
your body did not have the tools, the nutrients, it
required to remove the toxins it had previously absorb and
stored. Now that it has the nutrients, the tools to do the
work, the toxins are being released. It is a good thing
that your body is going through cleansing. The alternative
is that you continue to store the toxins, gradually
increasing the aging process, and gradually getting sicker.
Your body needs to get rid of the toxins by completing the
cleansing process.

It is important that if you are experiencing a cleansing
reaction that you do not stop taking your liquid
nutritional supplement. If you feel you can comfortably
live with the symptoms for a few days, then continue with
your current serving amount. If you feel you need to
manage the reactions a bit more closely, then try cutting
your servings in half on a temporary basis allowing time
for your body to more gradually remove the toxins. In
either case, increase the amount of purified water that you
drink. Your body uses water to flush out the toxins and
providing extra water will enable your body to do it

Remember to take the Health Evaluation Questionnaire to
determine your Health Index for the recommend amount of
nutritional supplement you should take during the Loading
Phase. Hold it under your tongue for maximum absorption
and take it every day as recommended. The benefits to you
of any nutritional supplement will come over time, so
consistency is very important. Follow these guidelines and
enjoy your Way to Wellness.

Ronald Godlewski has successfully founded and run several
businesses and is currently working with Life Force
International. You can obtain a Health Evaluation
Questionnaire at and obtain
a quart of a liquid nutritional supplement FREE. You can
also call Ron toll free at 1-888-LFI-CUST (1-888-534-2878).

Facts About The "Bird Flu"

Facts About The "Bird Flu"
The "bird flu", also known as Avian influenza is a
contagious disease caused by viruses in animals that
normally only affect birds, and sometimes pigs. The Avian
influenza viruses are usually species specific.
Unfortunately, in some rare instances the viruses can be
infectious to humans.

The infection of poultry with the avian influenza virus
causes two different types of infections. One is a low
pathogenic form, and the second one is a high pathogenic
form. The low pathogenic form is mild, while the high
pathogenic form is deadly. The low pathogenic form usually
manifests symptoms such as decreased egg production and
ruffled feathers. The high pathogenic form spreads
rapidly, causing organ disease and mortality, usually
within the first two days.

The recent outbreaks of the avian influenza have been of
the high pathogenic form. This form initially began in
Southeast Asia in 2003. This is the most severe and
largest scale outbreak to date. Since this outbreak began,
over one hundred and fifty million birds have been
estimated to have been infected. All of these birds have
subsequently died.

This virus is considered to be primarily indigenous to
China, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam. Currently these
countries are exterminating millions of infected animals.
This is in an attempt to keep the virus from spreading to
humans in the highly pathogenic form. If the virus does
spread to humans in the highly pathogenic form, then the
results would be disastrous. Literally millions of people
could perish in these countries and around the world. Most
of these countries where the virus is indigenous, have very
poor healthcare and sanitary habits. One of the primary
fears, is that these poor hygiene habits will contribute to
many more human infections. The main means of
becoming infected with the virus is by having direct
contact with poultry, or any surfaces or objects which are
contaminated with their feces. Most cases of humans who
have contracted the disease, are from rural areas where
many people keep flocks of poultry, which usually roam
freely. Some of these flocks are even allowed to enter
homes and areas where children and adults congregate.
Since the birds have a potential to drop large amounts of
feces in an around these areas where people live, the risk
of exposure is phenomenal.

Roughly about one hundred humans have been infected from
the most recent outbreak of the virus. Although there is
still potential to contract the avian influenza virus, it
is very rarely that individuals that don't have direct
contact with infected birds become infected. It is still
safe to eat poultry, even if the poultry is infected with
the virus, as long as precautions are taken during food
preparation. As long as the poultry is fully cooked, then
the virus will most likely be killed during the heating

Although there is still a serious risk that a human
epidemic could possibly occur from this virus, it is highly
containable. Many countries are taking drastic steps to
stem the tide of infection in both humans and animals.

Bryan Pringle, Ph.D., is an author and an webmaster of
websites offering news and information about bird flu
prevention and pharmaceutical drugs. For more information,
please visit:

What To Do When Working Out Becomes A Bore?

What To Do When Working Out Becomes A Bore?
Does this sound familiar to you? You join a gym or start a
new exercise routine and spend a few weeks or maybe even
months following it religiously. Then, slowly something
starts to change. The motivation you felt on your way to
the gym is no longer there. The inspiration you had to go
those extra 15 minutes on your exercise routine is no where
to be found. The worst has happened. Your exercise has
become boring.

The quickest and perhaps easiest solution to this is to
change your routine. If you are going to the gym and
working out on the same cardio machines over and over
again, then chances are it will get pretty old after a
while. Now could be the perfect time to try one a class
your gym might offer. Chances are your gym offers a wide
selection of classes from spinning to step classes and
everything in-between. Taking a class will be a change of
pace for you and you might find the group setting more
enjoyable than just working out on a stationary cardio
machine. There are also some excellent strength training
classes which will come in handy if the thought of picking
up a dumbbell turns you green.

If workout videos are part of your exercise routine, you
might want to switch it up and try a new one. I was a
huge fan of Leslie Sans one's Walk Away the Pounds and
would look forward to each workout. Suddenly though there
came a time where I thought if I watched this video one
more time I was going to through my TV out of the window.
I realized I needed to invest in some new videos to keep me
interested in working out. I tried out a few other
exercise routines from The Firm, to Turbo Jam and found a
few I like that I now rotate through.

If walking or running is your choice of movement, there are
many things you can do to make it interesting again. If
you walk or run the same path every day, try taking a
different one. The new sights and sounds might make it
appealing to you again. If you are not already, take
some music with you. Today's choice of musical
accompaniment comes in the form of an I-pod and can fit
nicely in your pocket.

Another idea that will work for any situation is getting a
workout buddy. There are so many benefits to having a
workout buddy, it is surprising that gyms don't pair you up
with one when you start! Having a workout buddy can
motivate you even when you don't want to because you know
someone is counting on you! Most of us do not like to let
people down. Having a workout buddy at a gym is
encouraging also. It is nice to have someone to talk to
you or at least try to talk to you as your work out and you
never know your buddy might convince you to take that
spinning class you have been to nervous to try. A few
things to keep in mind when finding someone to be your
workout buddy. First you want to make sure they have the
same fitness level as you. A friend of mine convinced me
to join her gym so she would have someone to work out with
and I was embarrassed my first day when she did 45 minutes
on the Elliptical and I could barely get through 20.
Needless to say I never workout with her again. Second,
find someone who has the same fitness goals as you. If
you want to lose a lot of weight, you want to find someone
who has that same goal in mind. If you are just looking
to tone up, then working out with someone who wants to
lose a lot of weight is not a good idea because you have to
do different exercises. Finally, find someone with whom
you have a lot in common with. If you don't work out in a
gym , and you have a walking buddy you want to make sure
that you feel comfortable with that person. Chances are
that you will be spending a lot of time with that person
and you want to make sure conversation comes naturally so
that the time you spend together working out is fun and
entertaining that way you both keep coming back for me.

One of the biggest reasons why people stop exercising is
because it gets boring. By keeping these ideas in mind,
you should be able to keep your routine fun and exciting!

We have released the official site for more details go to:

Breast Enlargment Information

Breast Enlargment Information
What Type of Breast Implant is Right for You?

With all of the different types of breast implants on the
market today how do you know which one is right for you? It
is easy to do some research and decide what you think is
the best choice for your body, based on what you have read.
Also, for some women, they just take a look at their
friend's bigger breasts and think "Wow, those look great! I
want exactly what she has... larger breasts!"

Unfortunately, what is right for someone else may not be
right for you. The only way to know what is truly the best
choice for you is to get the recommendation of a Board
Certified breast augmentation doctor.

The types of breast implants that are available today come
in different profiles, shapes and filling. Regardless of
which type of implant chosen, they all have the same
goal... to make your breasts larger! There are 3 main types
of implants that are used by breast augmentation surgeons'
nation wide.

The first and most common implant is the smooth, round
implant. Currently, 88% of the cosmetic surgeons in the
country use the smooth round implants," according to A
Mentor Corporation representative.

Each person is unique, therefore it is important to find
out what type of breast implant is right for you.

There are 3 main types of smooth, round implants:

-The Smooth, Round Moderate Profile Implant.

This implant has been the most popular implant for over 20
years! It gives a full rounded look and adds greater
dimension to the breast.

-The Smooth, Round Moderate Plus Profile Implant.

This implant has the full, rounded look of the Moderate
Profile implant but comes with a slightly higher profile.

-The Smooth, Round High Profile Breast Implant.

This implant offers a patient with more projection than the
other smooth, round implants and is also a better fit for
women with a narrower chest.

You can get either a silicone gel breast implant, or a
saline filled implant. The most commonly used material to
fill an implant is saline, which is a sterile salt water
solution that is normally found in the body. Many breast
augmentation plastic surgeons use these safe, saline-filled
implants when doing breast augmentation because of their
high reliability and safety rating.

Another consideration for patients is where the incision
will be for inserting the breast implants. There are
several ways to insert implants, but most often the
incision is placed underneath the breast, in the natural
crease of the breast. Other incision options include around
the areolar complex (the pigmented part of the breast) and
the armpit.

During a consultation your surgeon will take accurate
measurements of your breasts and listen to what you want.
From that data you will get a recommendation that will help
you to find out how you can get bigger breasts!

The Avalon Clinic for Cosmetic Surgery is located in
Lakewood and Olympia, Washington. Each of our surgeons is
Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery
and has over 20 years of experience. Patient safety and
satisfaction is our #1 goal. Our art is to help patients'
look and feel their best. The Avalon Clinic wants you to
know that It Is Possible! Contact us at or call 1-800-408-4444!

Orthodontia Basics

Orthodontia Basics
When the upper and lower teeth are aligned correctly the
result is a healthy bite and an attractive smile.
Sometimes, the teeth might be misaligned or crooked,
adversely affecting the bite. A bad bite is known as
"malocclusion" and it can possibly lead to tooth decay and
gum disease. Malocclusion can be caused by a number of
factors. A small jaw size can cause malocclusion, as can
habits such as thumb sucking and any other factor which
damages the teeth, can lead to misalignment and a bad bite.
Whatever the cause, an orthodontist can correct these
dental irregularities by applying braces. Orthodontia is a
branch of dentistry that specializes is correcting dental
and facial irregularities. Braces are devices that help
straighten the teeth into proper alignment, by moving the
jaw and teeth into their correct positions. Braces consist
of brackets and wires. Brackets are made out of metal,
ceramic or plastic and are attached to the teeth. An arch
wire is connected to the brackets. The arch wire is what
gradually moves the teeth into their correct position.

In some cases, additional devices are needed to assure that
the lower and upper teeth fit together properly in order to
get the ideal bite. Rubber bands are able to provide
additional force to move the teeth into proper alignment.
Another devise is a palatial expander which can be used to
enlarge the size of the upper jaw.

A typical treatment lasts 18-30 months. There might be some
discomfort and soreness the first week after getting
braces; after that the pain should subside. Patients can
partake in their normal activates, although a mouth guard
is recommended when partaking in contact sports. When
wearing braces it is important to avoid hard, chewy and
sticky food and to make sure the teeth are thoroughly
cleaned. An orthodontist will be able to go over proper
brushing techniques to make sure the teeth stay clean.

The American Association of Orthodontist recommends that
all children receive an orthodontist check up at age 7.
Most patients begin treatment between the ages of 9 to 16.
There are an increasing number of people who begin
treatment as adults. An orthodontist will be able to move
the teeth into their proper position. However, starting
treatment as an adult may take longer and surgery might be
needed to expand the jaw to allow the teeth to move into
their proper position.

Whether starting treatment as a child, teen or adult
successful orthodontic care requires the joint efforts of
the patient, family dentist and orthodontist.

For more information, you may visit .