Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Natural Weight Loss Requres A Combined Approach

Natural Weight Loss Requres A Combined Approach
There are several aspects to be considered and implemented
when one is trying to achieve natural weight loss. While
many people search for some magic pill or supplement, or
try to find the perfect diet or look to the latest exercise
fad, the reality is that a combination approach is usually
necessary to actually get good, lasting results.

There are numerous natural weight loss products on the
market, and more seem to pop up every day. Each promises
to be nearly miraculous in it's effects and people buy the
latest and greatest weight loss aid with eager
anticipation, hoping that it will finally be the answer to
their weight problems. They want to believe that a pill,
or a patch, or a tea, etc.. will be all they need to lose
weight and that diet and exercise won't be necessary
(because dieting and exercising are difficult). Even
though deep down they probably know that the latest weight
loss miracle being hyped is no better than all the things
they've tried before, they want to believe it will work,
and so they buy it, only to be disappointed again.

Now this is not to say that natural weight loss aids are
all completely worthless. In fact, many do exactly what
they are supposed to do. For example, hoodia gordonii (at
least the real stuff) does seem to be a very effective
appetite suppressant. So, if the main reason that you have
trouble losing weight is because you have out of control
hunger that makes you eat excssively, hoodia may be a big
help. The thing is, the vast majority of people do not
overeat, or eat too much of the wrong things, because they
are hungry. They may eat out of boredom, out of habit, out
of a need to satisfy a craving, or out of a need to soothe
some emotional issue they are dealing with, but they don't
eat out of hunger. Hoodia is not going to help you if you
aren't eating out of hunger.

Other natural weight loss aids may work by increasing the
metabolic effects of diet and exercise. Well, if you
aren't doing any kind of consistent diet and exercise
program, the benefits of such products will be minimal at

Some natural weight loss aids block the absorption of fat
by the digestive tract and thereby lower the calories you
absorb from each meal. While this does tend to help with
weight loss, unless you stop eating everything except fat
(which is not a good idea), you still are taking in other
calories that, in excess, will be converted to fat AFTER
they are absorbed from the digestive tract. Here again a
consistent diet and exercise program is needed to get
maximum effects.

By now, you have probably figured out that one of the main
points of this article is that if you want to achieve
natural weight loss, at least long-term, you MUST
incorporate a healthy diet and exercise program. No weight
loss aid, natural or otherwise will by itself make you lose
weight and keep it off. In fact, the ads for weight loss
aids will usually state this very thing, even though it is
in microscopic print at the bottom of the ad.

So, the foundations of natural weight loss are diet and
exercise. With a good diet and exercise program in place,
you may get additional benefits from using one or more of
the natural weight loss products on the market. But do
your research to find a product that serves your particular
needs. In other words, if you're not overeating out of
hunger, don't buy an appetite suppressant. If you're
already minimizing your fat intake, don't waste your money
on a fat blocker.

Now, once you have your weight loss plan in place with your
diet, exercise program, and whatever natural weight loss
aids you choose to use, there's one little thing that needs
to happen for you to successfully lose weight. You have to
stick to the program! If there's one thing that renders
the vast majority of natural weight loss efforts
ineffective, it's a lack of follow-through.

It has been my experience that very few people stick to a
natural weight loss program consistently for more than two
weeks at a time. Sure, some of them may "try to lose
weight" for months at a time, but they cheat so often and
they are so inconsistent with their efforts, they fail to
make any real progress.

Recent research comparing different natural weight loss
approaches found something very interesting. The overall
success rates of most of the currently popular diet
programs were about the same. The success or failure of
any given diet had little to do with what the approach was.
In other words, low carb, low fat, calorie restriction,
eating for blood type, etc., really didn't matter. What
mattered was whether or not the individual stuck to the
program! To sum it up, it doesn't matter so much what you
do to lose weight (within reason), as much as it matters
that you do it consistenty long-term!

To follow-through with your natural weight loss plan, you
MUST get control of your mind. There are many ways to do
this and many different techniques that work to varying
degrees for different people. You can get a lot of help in
this area with products from Anthony Robbins, Dr. Phil, and
others, as well as through technologies like hypnosis, the
Sedona Method and Emotional Freedom Technique. You may
need to try several methods to find what works well for you.

Whatever method you use, the real secret to natural weight
loss success has little to do with the latest weight loss
product or the newest diet or exercise fad. The real
secret is to choose a reasonable approach that includes
diet, exercise (choose an exercise you are physically
capable of doing - starting with advanced kickboxing if
you've been a couch potato your whole life is not going to
work!), and possibly one or more weight loss aids and then
make that program a part of your daily life forever. And
the way to make that happen is to take control of your mind
and get your brain working with you rather than against
you. Good luck!

Dr. George Best has been in private practice as a holistic
healthcare provider in San Antonio, Texas since 1992. For
more information, to obtain a free natural weight loss
guide, and/or to access his E-Book, "Training Your Brain
For Weight Loss", please visit
http://www.TrainYourBrain4WeightLoss.com .

Treatment Options for Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis

Treatment Options for Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis
Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF) is a rare degenerative
disease that affects patients with serious kidney problems.
It causes a buildup of scar tissue -- fibrosis -- on the
skin and on several vital internal organs, including the
heart, lung and diaphragm. Its main symptom is the sudden
appearance of skin lesions on the arms, legs, hands and
feet, sometimes accompanied by swelling, pain and blisters.
These lesions are painful and unsightly, looking a little
like the skin of an orange -- but more importantly, they
can be crippling. Over time, the hardened skin can prevent
patients from bending joints, robbing them of the ability
to walk and perform simple tasks. Patients may be bound to
a wheelchair within a few weeks. In addition, scar tissue
can build up so far on internal organs that it interferes
with their functions, eventually causing death. Scientists
have strongly associated NSF with the use of a chemical
called gadolinium -- a dye injected to make blood vessels
easier to see in magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic
resonance angiography (MRI/MRA) tests.

Studies have found that more than 95% of American NSF
patients have been directly exposed to gadolinium. In
response, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has already
ordered a "black box" warning on the label of the dye, and
research is underway to confirm the connection. Preventive
Measures Unfortunately, the best treatment for NSF is still
prevention. The FDA has issued guidelines three times since
June of 2006, each strongly suggesting that doctors avoid
using gadolinium in patients with moderate to end-stage
kidney disease. More specifically, the agency has strongly
suggested that doctors avoid using gadolinium for MRIs or
MRAs in patients with chronic or severe renal insufficiency
(kidney failure), with a glomerular filtration rate at or
below 30 milliliters a minute; or in patients with any
level of kidney dysfunction caused by liver problems.
Doctors are not prohibited from using the dye with these
patients, but are strongly advised against it unless they
truly need it to make a diagnosis. Even then, they are
asked to make sure they do not use more than the
recommended dosage. And the FDA has asked doctors to
consider sending these patients for dialysis as soon as
possible after the MRI.

Experimental Treatments Currently, there is no consistently
successful treatment for NSF. In fact, the disease is so
new -- it was first identified in 1997 -- that doctors are
still investigating several treatments to see which give
patients the best long-term relief. Treatments that have
helped some patients include:

* Improving kidney function is the treatment with the most
consistent good results. This can mean medical treatment
(including dialysis), a kidney transplant or both. While
improved kidney function has actually reversed the course
of NSF in some cases, it has had no effect in other cases.

* Oral steroids are pills that have improved the skin
problems of some patients. They do not work for everyone,
and may cause calcium deficiency, high blood sugar and
ulcers, making them inappropriate for many people with some
other health problems.

* Skin creams and ointments, such as vitamin D3 and forms
of cortisone, have helped some people fight their skin

* Physical therapy, especially swimming, and deep massage
have helped some patients slow down NSF's effect on their

* A few patients have improved by using the drugs
thalidomide, pentoxifylline and cytoxin, but these have not
had widespread success. Similarly, two types of blood
treatments -- plasmapheresis and extracorporeal
photopheresis -- and ultraviolet light therapy have been
helpful for one or two patients. But in all of these cases,
more research is needed.

In addition, a recent study from Wake Forest University
Baptist Medical Center suggests that NSF could be stopped
before it starts if doctors are able to administer drugs
that inhibit a bodily enzyme called transglutaminase-2
(TG2). These researchers found high levels of TG2 in
patients with NSF, which suggests that the enzyme helps
activate the disease. If that's true, doctors may someday
be able to prevent NSF by prescribing existing drugs that
inhibit TG2. Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis is a deadly,
incurable disease that can disable and eventually kill a
patient, often a patient who is already weakened by kidney
failure. It is also completely preventable -- if doctors
work closely with patients and their loved ones to avoid
using gadolinium in kidney patients. As of late December
2006, the FDA had identified 215 patients with NSF around
the world; every single one whose medical history they
could review had been exposed to gadolinium. If you or a
loved one has developed NSF after being given a dye with
gadolinium for an MRI or MRA, you deserve answers.

LegalView.com is a legal resource on the Internet for those
in need of legal information. Individuals can find
information on how to contact a Nephrogenic Systemic
Fibrosis law firm at
http://nsf-nephrogenic-systemic-fibrosis.legalview.com/ .
Also found at http://www.LegalView.com is information on
mesothelioma jury verdicts and mesothelioma lawsuits. Visit
LegalView today to find the most important legal
information available.

Train Heavy, Lose Fat (part 3)

Train Heavy, Lose Fat (part 3)
What scares you the most about lifting heavy weights?

Becoming too big?

Looking too manly?

Fear that you may actually enjoy it?

Whatever the reason, for us men none of the above have ever
really been a problem. For women on the other hand, the
above (a least the first two) are very common and are
feared within every gym around the world.

So why am I trying to tempt you to train with heavy weights?

Especially as it's a fact that women can and actually do
put on muscle easier than men when it comes to the legs
department (a little known fact actually). Now I'm not
saying that you'll end up with legs like Tom Platz
(seriously, google that name) but when you do start out,
you will have more growth in that region.

This is where, as I've mentioned before in part 1 and 2, we
need an even balance. This is exactly where heavy lifting
comes in due to shorter times under tension.

Let me explain;

Say you're squatting for 15 repetitions (common rep scheme)
at a tempo of 2020, meaning 2 seconds to lower yourself
into the squat and 2 seconds to bring yourself up out of
the squat. The 0's are pauses in the lower and raising

Anyway, in total 1 rep = 4 seconds...right?

So 15 reps x 4 = 60 seconds, now your trainer may have you
doing the more common 4020 (4 seconds to lower, 2 seconds
to rise) equalling to 90 seconds.

So your 'time under tension' could amount from 60 seconds
to 90 seconds for every set.

Multiply that by 4 sets and you could have between 4
minutes to 6 minutes under tension. That's quite a bit
of time under tension!

If however, we apply heavier weights, we have no choice but
to lower the repetitions and therefore endure less time
under tension.


If we doubled our weight that we were using for our 15 reps
squat and decided to drop the rep down to 5 reps, here's
how it would look....

Squat 5 reps at 2020 tempo (4 seconds = 1 rep) x 5 reps =
20 seconds for 1 set.

Already this has dramatically lowered our time under
tension but at the same time increased our EPOC level (part
2) and is working our deeper more dense muscles.

This is exactly what heavy training does; in fact back in
the old days when Arnold Schwarzenegger ruled the universe
(Mr. Universe that is) they would often train very heavy
prior to competition. This heavy training would add density
to the muscle rather than them just being big and soft.

It also meant that when they were cutting down on the
carbohydrates, they were able to continue training due to
the short intensity of the exercises (ie, 20 seconds sets).

What's even better is this muscle that you build through
heavy lifting does seem to have a denser feel and hangs
around a lot longer. I guarantee, if you try heavy training
you WILL get some fantastic results.

But, if you try an exercise programme like the one I've
wrote in part 4.

You'll be amazed!!!!

Kevin Raison is fast becoming a sought after Personal
Trainer in the UK. Having been a senior trainer at Dax
Moy's Personal Training Studio in London. Kevin now has his
own Personal Training Studios in the midlands.
You can visit Kevin at http://www.kevinraison.co.uk

Eating Out - A No No When Trying To Lose Weight

Eating Out - A No No When Trying To Lose Weight
No matter what it is in life, we want it now. The
information age, with new technology has spoilt us to the
point where we have no patience. The instant gratification
bug is definitely alive and well. When we want something,
we've got to have it right now - straightaway. This is more
than evident in our society's health issues.

The obesity rate around the world is consistently
increasing. And its easy to see why.

If you look around, you see fast food everywhere. That's
because we don't cook at home anymore. Its just not worth
it. We can just dial for a pizza, or drive though our
favorite fast food restaurant and get a meal in a few
minutes, for a couple of dollars.

In comparison, it seems such a bother to buy organic food
and actually prepare it at home.

The unfortunate thing for us, is that all fast food we eat
is fat attracting. That's true no matter what the marketing
department at some of these fast food chains want you to
think. In fact you can take this even further.

Any time you eat out, even at a great restaurant whose chef
prepares a meal for you, it will most likely not be very
healthy. The reason is because you have no control over it.
They may use ingredients that are fattening that we can't
spot, for example they may use saturated fats. They may use
too much salt. When you are out eating, you'll probably
have a coffee or a soda to wash down your meal. Both of
these are no-no's if you are trying to lose weight.

The other problem is of course portions. When you eat out,
the portions you get served are not under your control.
Some restaurants serve large portions, other very small.
The problem in fact lies with us, because most people are
conditioned to eat everything on their plate. So regardless
of the portion they will finish, or try their hardest to
finish that meal, even if they wouldn't eat as much if they
were serving themselves.

When you are trying to lose weight, the one thing you need
to do is have more control about what passes through your
mouth. When you eat out, you give that control away, and
place yourself in danger of really ruining your progress.

So does that mean that you should never eat out?

If you are serious about losing weight, you shouldn't eat
out, unless it is a cheat meal. A cheat meal is a meal that
is part of the actual diet, that allows you to eat whatever
you want for that meal. A cheat meal is part of many famous
weight loss programs including "Body For Life", because of
the psychological benefits you get from it. It allows you
to get the urge to crave out of your system. It allows you
to release the tension, and gives you added motivation to
stick to a stricter diet because you know you're going to
get a cheap meal sooner or later.

Now you may think that you will find it very hard to
prepare your food everyday, and not rely on eating out, and
you are right. It's a lot easier to grab some takeaway and
get it over and done with. Its very bad for your body
though. You'll find it very hard to maintain control of
what you eat, and how much you eat, which means you'll find
it much harder to lose weight and stay in control of your
body. And that is a risk that's not worth taking.

If you enjoyed this article, visit other weight loss tips
at: http://www.idealweightresearch.com/tips/index.html . In
particular you may want to read more tips on how to boost
your metabolism at:

Four Fantastic Foods that can Boost Metabolism

Four Fantastic Foods that can Boost Metabolism
There are a number of ways you can help keep your
metabolism ticking over. Regular exercise, properly
planned meals and an improved diet are all essential
elements which can work together to keep your metabolism
high. However, there are certain groups of food which many
believe to have metabolism boosting properties. Eating
these foods alone will not super charge your metabolism.
However, implementing them as part of an overall metabolism
boosting plan can really improve its effectiveness. In
this article I describe these foods and how they can help
keep your metabolism high.

1) SUPER FOODS:- These are foods which are believed to aid
weight loss, boost your metabolic rate, reduce cholesterol
levels, lower the risk of heart disease and improve your
mood. Super foods include; beans, blueberries, celery,
grapefruit, oranges, pumpkin, salmon, tomatoes, walnut and

2) SPICY FOODS:- Spicy foods are believed to increase your
metabolic rate temporarily by raising your body's
temperature which raises your heart rate and leads to an
increased number of calories being burned. They are also
believed to have thermogenic properties which stimulate the
body's fat burning process. When it comes to spicy foods
there are a number of options available to you including;
buffalo wings, indian food, mexican food, peppers and thai

When eating spicy foods it is particularly important to
make sure that you do not over indulge. Firstly, you
should not over indulge because the fat burning effects of
spicy foods are both limited and temporarily. Secondly,
excessive consumption can produce a number of unwanted side
effects such as stomach ulcers, acid reflux (which can lead
to heartburn), irritation to the digestive tract and even
damage to your tastebuds.

3) PUMPKIN SEEDS:- Pumpkin seeds are a particularly healthy
snack food. They are low in calories, high in fiber and
rich in protein. The high fiber content makes it more
difficult for the body to process pumpkin seeds, meaning
that more calories are burned in the digestion process.

Apart from their metabolism boosting properties pumpkin
seeds are high in zinc which is known to boost the immune
system and maintain prostate health in men during later
life. They are also believed to benefit the digestive

4) WATER:- OK I know water is not technically a food but
drinking water and staying hydrated is essential if you
want to keep your metabolism working at an effective rate.
If you do not stay properly hydrated then your body goes
into water retention mode and stops concentrating on
certain bodily functions including the burning of calories
and fat. Therefore, consuming adequate levels of water
will help keep your metabolic rate high.

Increasing your metabolic rate is a complex process which
depends on a number of factors. As I have already
mentioned eating these foods alone will not instantly boost
your metabolism. Over indulgence can also be damaging for
your body and your metabolic rate. However, by
incorporating the above foods into your diet in a moderated
and controlled way, you can take your first steps towards
an improved metabolism.

The Free Fitness Tips Blog provides you with fantastic,
free advice on all aspects of fitness. To find out more
about boosting your metabolism head over to

Feeling Blah? Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder are Sensitive to Seasonal Changes

Feeling Blah? Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder are Sensitive to Seasonal Changes
In my coaching practice, there are certain weeks that I
refer to as "theme weeks." These are weeks in which many of
my clients seem to be dealing with a similar challenge. For
the past week, that challenge can best be described as "The

It's not that things are falling apart, but stress and
overwhelm are kicking in for what seems like no particular
reason. More than anything, people are feeling tired,
bored, and just kinda "blah." Since this is a recurring
theme in my coaching, and I have to admit I've felt it a
bit myself, too, I can only conclude one thing: this
inexplicable blah feeling is a result of season changes.

While not all of us suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder
(depression often brought on by winter), adults with
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) are more neurologically
sensitive than most. So small changes in our environment
can have big effects on our mood. There are about 2 weeks
left before winter officially begins, but the days are
already much shorter and, for many of us, the temperatures
have dropped significantly. The loss of daylight hours
alone is enough to make an ADDer feel sluggish, tired, and
moody. In other words: blah.

Slowing down in fall and winter is actually quite normal
and natural, just as it's natural to feel more energy in
the spring and summer. Rather than beating yourself up over
feeling "blah," why not give yourself permission to slow
down a bit?

Adults with ADD have a nasty habit of punishing themselves
for not being productive enough. You set big goals, get mad
at yourself when you don't finish them quickly enough (or
at all), and you tell yourself that you're not allowed to
have fun until you get all that work done. But does that
approach work? Nope.

If you don't feel up to going out as much, or taking on too
many projects, don't push yourself. If you find yourself
getting tired earlier in the evening, get some extra sleep.
Humans, like all animals, are programmed to take our cues
from nature. So when the sun goes down early, the animals
begin to hibernate, and many of the plants around us go
dormant, it's natural for us to want to slow down, too.

Of course, if at any point you find yourself wanting to
sleep all the time or feel extreme sadness or hopelessness,
then you may be depressed and it's important to talk to
your doctor.

For most of us, however, the seasonal blahs will visit us
every year around this time. Instead of pushing yourself to
be "productive" and beating yourself up because you're not
getting as much done as you were a month ago, try putting
your energy into cooking nourishing meals, enjoying good
books, and catching up on the movies you want to see.

I'm willing to bet that when you take the pressure off,
those seasonal blahs will begin to fade. Remember, it's
okay to slow down when the seasons change. Just be sure to
take good care of yourself!

Jennifer Koretsky is the Founder of the ADD Management
Group, Inc. and the author of Odd One Out: The Maverick's
Guide to Adult ADD. Jennifer and her team work with ADD
adults who are overwhelmed with everyday life in order to
help them simplify, focus, and succeed. For free resources
and information on adult ADD, visit
http://www.ADDmanagement.com .

The Link Between Hearing Loss and Depression

The Link Between Hearing Loss and Depression
Before he started losing his hearing, Steve was an outgoing
young man with a promising life ahead of him. He had
several close friends he enjoyed spending time with, he
visited with family regularly and cherished spending time
with his nieces and nephews. His career and social life was
also thriving. Steve was an IT specialist in line for a
promotion, he was active in his community, and participated
in charitable events throughout the year - but this all
changed as Steve's hearing deteriorated.

During this gradual hearing loss, which eventually left
Steve partially deaf in both ears, Steve started sleeping
more than usual. He began to lose weight because he lost
his appetite. Steve became restless and irritable, which
impacted his personal relationships as well as his career.
He began to experience chronic headaches, which made him
more irritated. Although Steve's hearing loss was not the
only thing responsible for his reduced quality of life, his
hearing loss was a primary factor because it added to his

Although Steve suffered from hearing loss at a relatively
early age, many older adults endure hearing loss which is
often accompanied by depression. In one study conducted by
the Geriatric Mental Health Foundation, 15% of participants
over the age of 65 reported feelings of depression. These
feelings are often linked to health concerns which include
the onset of hearing loss.

Depression is a disease which affects many people each
year. Symptoms such as feeling sad, fatigue, loss of
appetite, irritability and even chronic health problems
such as headaches or GI issues are just some of the
indications of depression. It is not uncommon for
depression or even aggression to accompany hearing loss at
any age. This is because those suffering from hearing loss
tend to feel overwhelmed and helpless. Also, they do not
know how to cope with their hearing loss and may even be
resistant to devices such as hearing aids.

Fortunately there are steps you can take to combat
depression accompanying hearing loss. These steps include
accepting the condition, joining support groups, using
Learning and Communication Enhancement (LACE), and
consulting with a medical professional about getting
digital hearing aids.

The first step to overcoming depression associated with
hearing loss is to learn to accept the condition. This is
critical because it will help you become more proactive in
healing yourself. Although you might not be able to reverse
your hearing loss, you can take steps to avoid feeling
helpless. Simply defining the problem and learning about
alternatives for communicating will help you realize all
hope is not lost. You can still live a full life even with
a hearing loss.

The best way to overcome depression related to hearing loss
is with hearing aids. The technology available in today's
hearing aids enables them to perform better than ever
before. And they are so small, no one will even know your
wearing one!

Joining support groups can also be very beneficial. Meeting
with others who share similar obstacles can help you feel
empowered. It's so helpful just to be able to talk about
your feelings with others who truly understand the problem.
Your friends and family may try to be supportive but unless
they are also dealing with a hearing loss they cannot fully
understand how hearing loss really affects your life.

Listening and communication enhancement (LACE) was
developed by leading audiologists at the University of
California at San Francisco to improve listening and
communication skills in those who are suffering from
hearing loss. LACE is an interactive computerized training
program designed to assist those suffering from hearing
loss by helping them to adapt strategies for compensating
when their current level of hearing is inadequate. This
program has been shown to increase the listening and
communication skills of users by 40%. A program like this
can really help you cope better with your hearing loss ,
especially when used in conjunction with a hearing aid.
When you regain your life through better hearing it can
really help lessen feelings of depression.

Finally, if you're still battling depression it may be a
good idea to consult a medical professional for treatment
for depression. It is important to remember depression is a
disease and it will not go away on its own. A medical
professional can assess your symptoms to help you to combat
depression and get back to enjoying life.

Hearing Loss can be devestating and extremely depressing.
This is where the professionals at AidRight Hearing Aids
can help. Make an investment in your hearing today by
calling us 877-777-1710 or visit our website at

Creating A Brilliant Atmosphere for the Holidays With Aromatherapy

Creating A Brilliant Atmosphere for the Holidays With Aromatherapy
The Season is once again upon us. So much to do, and so
many people to take care of. Through all the chaos, we'd
like to always to a little something special to bring extra
cheer to our gatherings of friends and family...but how?
Ever tried 'real' aromatherapy? Not just a potpourri in the
bathroom, or lemon-scented detergent. Real aromatherapy
with pure essential oils. It can make a difference,
creating a warm, friendly, familial atmosphere inspiring a
smile on everyone's faces. There may even be some health
supporting side effects as well, just from smelling
something good...

Folks have used essential oils and natural aromatics to
brighten their surroundings and lift their moods for many,
many years. And over the last decade, scientific studies
have shown the simple inhalation of essential oils to have
measurable positive effects on our health. Like you'd
expect from the happy and calm feelings they can bring
about, essential oils have been noted to lower blood
pressure, decrease stress hormone levels and improve the
quality of rest. The use of essential oils as
anti-depressants is on the rise, as more people are using
nature's pure perfumes to bring smiles to their faces. What
better time of year to surround yourself and your family
with theses natural wonders.

Getting started with aromatherapy is a very simple process
- you'll need just a bottle of essential oil (single or
blended - we'll get to some suggestions in a moment) and a
means to diffuse the aroma into your living space. Many
great 'seasonal' essential oils are available at local
health food stores or over the internet. Essential oil
diffusers are often found at the same stores, with a wide
selection of prices and style to suit your needs.

Diffusing essential oils, which really means evaporating
them from their oil state into the air around you, can be
done in a number of ways. The least complex of all might be
making your own potpourri, adding several drops of oils to
the bowl or basket. Other folks add a few drops of oil to
pinecones and place them about the house. Using this
diffusion method, you may want to mix a small amount of a
vegetable oil with the essential oil, as to slow the oil's
evaporation rate, and lengthen the time you'll be enjoying
the aromas. As for the more modern devices, there are
warming diffusers which just plug into an outlet and
evaporate the oil from a cotton pad. There are 'fan' models
which blow air over a similar, but often larger pad. Then
there are the high-end units of nebulizing diffusers which
make a mist of the essential oils to get higher
concentrations into larger areas. ANY of these will work
for making your home smell lovely for the holidays; if you
think you may want to pursue aromatherapy in the future,
you may consider investing in a nebulizer-style diffuser,
as they generally have a more broad range of therapeutic

And now for the fun part - the essential oils. There are SO
many to choose from, and you may start by just browsing
sites on the internet which will often have listings of
over a hundred oils available. Here we'll have a look at
just a few of the favorites for this time of year. Perhaps
the most popular are the 'needle' oils, distilled from the
needles and twigs of evergreen trees. Balsam Fir is
especially nice, with a lightly complex aroma of both high
and middle notes. Black Spruce is another favorite, much
for the same reason - their sweetness is quite uplifting,
and their complexity keeps us interested. Juniper berry,
while not strictly a 'needle' oil is also wonderfully
bright and uplifting. While some find it a bit strong on
its own, it blends very well with other essential oils
distilled from evergreens.

If you're wishing to bring a little more exotic scents into
your home, the oils of Frankincense, Myrrh and Sandalwood
are perfect choices - aromas that have been used
extensively for both their psychological and physiological
health benefits for ages. These are grounding oils, one's
that are known for bringing peace and stillness.
Frankincense is both bright and earthy at the same time,
with its citrus and woody notes. Myrrh is more hypnotic and
mysterious, useful in small amounts. Sandalwood is a
classic favorite with both sweet and woody notes, with
lovely varieties coming from India, Australia and the South
Pacific. These oils can be blended together, or added in
small amounts to one or more of the evergreen oils for a
pleasant combination.

If you really want to get creative, there are many
brilliant aromatics from which to choose. Lavender is
well-known for its calming scent; citrus oils like
Bergamot, Orange and Grapefruit are lively can easily
brighten your space. Spice oils can be added to blends or
used on their own in small amounts (they can be potent, and
should be used cautiously)...these include Cinnamon, Clove,
Peppermint, Cardamom and the like. If you're not familiar
with blending, try using these oils singly, or in
combinations of two or three at most. Or get enough to make
small batches to test your formula, then a just as your
nose desires.

Just a little essential oil can bring a new kind of cheer
to you and your family this season. One small bottle is
often enough to scent your home for several days - more
potent oils will last even longer. As you become familiar
with the array of aromas available, you'll be able to pick
and choose oils particularly suited to your needs. The
effects of aromatherapy may surprise you; maybe enough to
get you hooked and keep you smiling through the rest of the

The author, Misty Rae Cech, ND, is a degreed naturopath
with a professional practice in Boulder, Colorado. More
information on using essential oils is available through
her website at

Healthcare for Retirees: It's Not a Pretty Picture

Healthcare for Retirees: It's Not a Pretty Picture
This story is not meant to scare you, though some of what
you will learn may do that. It is intended to give you a
clear picture of the state of U.S. pensions, social
security, health insurance and Medicare, and what that
means to your health and wellbeing in your retirement
years. So if you are intending to retire in the next 20
years, pay attention. And if you're not intending to, pay
attention anyway. The impact of the current retirement and
healthcare systems will reach far beyond the Baby Boomer

To set the scene, let's recount a portion of a story told
by Jim Jubak (financial guru) about his father.

The voice on the other end of the phone was angry. There's
something wrong with my retirement check, the man said. His
monthly pension check, which had netted him $350 a month
for years, was suddenly just $180 -- a drop of nearly 50%.
Coping with the incredible shrinking retirement; Jubak's
Journal, March 26, 2004

That excerpt was from a phone call between Jubak his father
a few years ago. It seems the company his father had worked
for for many years, and from which he had retired, had
increased the amount Jim's father had to pay for health
insurance by $170 a month - WITH NO NOTICE! That increase
cut his monthly pension nearly in half! AND there was no
promise from his former employer that that would be the
last increase in payout he would see!

It's a despicable way to treat anyone. But it serves as a
perfect example of what IS happening to many retirees
today, and what promises to happen even more (given the
state of healthcare in the U.S.).

But that is not all. Healthcare for retirees is getting hit
from all possible angles. While employers are targeting
pensions and health insurance payouts for BIG cost cutting
measures, the federal government is lowering Medicare funds
and shrinking social security checks (meaning social
security payments are not staying in step with inflation).
And to top it all off, healthcare costs are on the rise
again. Consumer group Families USA estimates that the
prices of drugs used most by the elderly have climbed
nearly 3.5X faster than inflation between January 2002 and
January 2003.*

Pfizer's (PFE, news, msgs) Celebrex pain killer is up 23%
while their cholesterol drug, Lipitor, is up 19%.**

Any way you look at it, you are and will-continue-to pay
more for healthcare, and get far less back far into your
retirement years.

Jubak's advice to retirees, his father included (I assume)
was to fortify your investment portfolio to hedge against
the downturn in pension and social payments (payments that
will be outpaced by inflation) and the upturn in YOUR
CONTRIBUTION to medical care.

If you want further investment advice, click over to
Jubak's column. But if you want to find out what you can do
immediately to supplement missing health services or to get
a lower rate on individual services, keep reading.

There are options besides Medicare and private health
insurance. They are called Consumer Driven Health programs.
And what it amounts to is free trade in healthcare.

Consumer Driven Health works like this. For a small monthly
fee, far less than insurance company rates (monthly fee run
as low as $19.95 per month and may cover your entire
household), you receive discounted rates on the very health
services insurance companies are cutting. And the discounts
are sizable. One company reports up to 80% savings to its
members for dental care alone. What's more, anyone can
join. No one is turned down for any reason, including
preexisting health or dental conditions.

So if your health and wellbeing are important to you, look
into CDH to find out what you can do to take care of your
health long into retirement, regardless of the changes that
occur with government programs and your employer retirement
benefits and pension funds.

*Coping with the incredible shrinking retirement; Jubak's
Journal, Jim Jubak, March 26, 2004. **Coping with the
incredible shrinking retirement; Jubak's Journal, Jim
Jubak, March 26, 2004.

Jim Martinez is a National Sales Director for Ameriplan
USA, offering discount dental, prescription, health, vision
and chiropractic programs for retirees and families. For
information on Ameriplan discount programs for retirees and
more health related articles, visit

Diet For High Blood Pressure

Diet For High Blood Pressure
If you have high blood pressure and want to control it
naturally then there are several diets for high blood
pressure that you can choose from. If you recognize that
you need to have this, you can consider yourself among the
lucky few that actually realize that they have high blood
pressure in the first place. By taking the steps of going
on a diet and getting a little bit of exercise, you will be
able to control your high blood pressure to a certain
extent naturally. Your doctor will be able to prescribe
any medicine that may be needed if you cannot bring it down
into normal levels.

There are several diets for high blood pressure that you
can choose from. One thing that you want to make sure that
you avoid are any fad diets that go to extremes. Simple
diets for high blood pressure are the ones that work the
best. Because this diet is more of a lifestyle change that
a weight loss program, you will have to pick something that
works for you. Since you are going to have to stick with
it for the rest of your life, at least to a certain extent,
make sure that you choose something that is easily

There are several good diets for high blood pressure that
are available on the Internet. One of the most popular is
the dash diet, which was written by dietitians. There are
also several recommended diet plans from such sources as
the Mayo Clinic and the American Heart Association. What
these diets will generally do is give you a low sodium
healthy lifestyle that you can follow in order to lose
weight and to bring your blood pressure within normal
levels. There may be some room for variation within these
diets for high blood pressure as well, just make sure you
are reasonable and use moderation any time you step out of
the lines.

High blood pressure food is not to be mistaken with a fad
diet. It is going to be a lifestyle change to help you to
control your high blood pressure in the best way possible.
Stay away from fad diets that are used to just lose weight
quickly but happen to affect your high blood pressure Your
blood pressure can be controlled safely with the right
nutritional advice

By adjusting your diet and losing some weight along with
getting a healthy amount of exercise, you can adjust your
high blood pressure to the extent where it can be easily
maintained throughout your lifetime. In doing this, you
will not only realize lower blood pressure, you will
realize a higher standard of healthy living.

Mary Meade is a long-time natural health advocate and
researcher on blood pressure. She's also the author of the
'Causes Of Blood Pressure.org'. Discover more at

How to Lose Manboobs

How to Lose Manboobs
You don't have to go through life with man boobs (otherwise
known as male breasts). In fact, you can burn away chest
fat and get rid of your manboobs forever with just three
short, but intense workouts per week.

Getting rid of manboobs is as simple as getting rid of any
other fat. You need to cut back on the junk, and fill up on
the intensity. Strength training and interval training
exercises make up the fastest fat loss workout you can do
at home. You don't need fancy equipment or a gym membership
(where you'll be too embarrassed by your man boobs to go

Listen, women love a chiseled chest, but are turned off by
the site of manboobs poking through a sweatshirt. That's
why I've put together a fat burning program that focuses on
building muscle and blasting fat with all sorts of
push-ups, chest exercises, and intervals.

In fact, even the abdominal workouts work the chest and
help convert those man boobs back into a real man's chest
in just weeks. What you need to do is short, intense
workouts. Supplements won't help. Cardio won't work. And
doing nothing but pushups and bench presses aren't the
answer to your prayers.

Nutrition is important, but short, burst workouts are the
key to chest fat burning. Start with total body strength
training and then move to interval training.

You can gain muscle and lose fat with short workouts. You
don't need to be training 6 days per week or spending
hundreds of dollars each month on fancy (but worthless)

Soon you'll be the guy who is first to take his shirt off
at the beach. No more hiding under sweats in the middle of
July, or avoiding the water because you don't want anyone
to see your manboobs.

And no matter what anyone says, you don't have to rely on
surgery. Besides, that will leave ugly scars that will
leave you just as self-conscious as when you had man boobs.
The only fix is a permanent lifestyle change, thanks to the
3 short workouts per week of strength training and interval
training. You'll see changes in your man boobs, love
handles, and arm definition within weeks, going from male
breasts to ripped abs in the process.

Short, burst workouts are not like all those other aerobic,
slow cardio programs you've tried in the past that didn't
work. And it's not a wimpy machine circuit that just ends
up being a waste of your time. Instead, short, burst
workouts are a unique exercise system that you can do in
the comfort of your own home, so that no one at the gym can
point or stare at your chest ' at least not until they are
staring with respect.

The fastest way, the safest way, and the only way to get
rid of man boobs is with strength training and interval
training. Combine that with a nutritionist's sensible
nutrition guidelines, and you'll have a new body, and a new
chest in just weeks. Lose your manboobs today and say
goodbye to chest fat forever.

Learn how to lose manboobs without cardio at
Men's Health expert Craig Ballantyne sharess his
trademarked fat burning workout secrets and reveals the
Dark Side of Cardio in a free report.