Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It's Never To Late To Get In Shape

It's Never To Late To Get In Shape
I talked to a friend of mine who has been very busy working
over the Holidays, as this is the peak season for his
business. As a result, he has not been able to do as much
as he wanted to in the gym and also he has not been able to
get in all the meals that he needs to on time.

He became very frustrated, as a result and contemplating to
perhaps just dropping the whole program until the beginning
of the New Year when things would normalize for him.
However, I advised against doing so for the following
reasons why:

1. By stopping to train it would lower his metabolism which
in turn would lower his energy levels and thus make him
less productive at his job.

2. Even though he cannot get in the gym as often, getting
his workout in and following the diet as much as possible
will prevent him from losing valuable muscle gains while
making undesirable fat gains. This in turn prevents him
from getting further depressed as he sees his body go to

3. Once the chance comes and he can start hitting the gym
more often and following the meal schedule to the, he will
be in good shape and his body will respond very quickly to
the more aggressive routine.

This is a very different scenario than the one he would
have encountered if he would have stopped training and
dieting altogether, as in this case, he would have needed
to use at least a week to get his body conditioned for the
weights again and it would have taken him an extra week, or
maybe even two, to get rid of any body fat that he might
have gained depending on how bad the diet had been.

Try to be flexible, Be Consistent, Be Prepared. Having
said that, in order to be successful in bodybuilding you
need to have the right mindset. Bodybuilding is both a
physical and extremely psychological endeavor. Of course,
we all get frustrated when our schedules are affected by
work, or any other life circumstance that may be thrown our
way. Life is full of monkey wrenches in case you have not
noticed and it does not make it easy for us to get our
workouts and meals in. Therefore, we have to fight
aggressively and plan ahead if we want to get our workouts
and meals in daily.

Being a bodybuilder we must keep our eyes on the ultimate
goal, which is always more muscle mass with less body fat.
In order to accomplish that one must be consistent with the
training and diet. If for whatever reason the program that
the bodybuilder has mapped out is too much of a time
commitment at a certain period in life, then the solution
is to modify the bodybuilding program to one that does fit
the time schedule.

Back in the days there were periods when I had to work
60-70 hours a week, I modified my training to where I would
hit the gym 5 days a week for 40-45 minutes of weight
training. Since I had no time to do cardiovascular
exercise, I would superset antagonistic muscles in order to
get some sort of cardiovascular effect (refer to my
abbreviated bodybuilding plan at the end of this article).
That is all I could afford to do.

Many times I tried to get my training in before work, but
if for some reason I would miss it in the morning, then I
always had lunchtime to make it up or later in the evening
after work. Worst case, there was always the weekend for
makeup sessions. Regarding meals, I always brought in all
of my meals with me pre-prepared and also enough Meal
Replacement Powders for those times that I was really on
the move.

Then there are some of you for whatever reason may not even
be able to do more than three sessions a week. If this is
the case, then no issue; make the most out of the time that
you do have available to train. The key to making lasting
bodybuilding gains at the end of the day is that you have a
realistic plan that can be executed consistently, not
trying to follow one that looks really good in paper but
cannot be executed. You will get to where you want to go,
it may just take a little bit longer depending on how much
time you can dedicate to reaching your goals of getting in

Keishon Martin expert author for
http://www.bodyguidepro.com where you can get the best
weight lifting / weight loss program on the internet. also
check out http://www.getrichinmusic.com

Natural Weight Loss Pills

Natural Weight Loss Pills
Natural weight loss pills are different than regular diet
pills. Diet pills that you purchase from the pharmacy,
either prescription or over the counter, are made from
chemicals. They are medicine.

Natural weight loss pills, on the other hand, are made from
all natural ingredients. These ingredients can be plants
or herbs.

Both types of pills accomplish pretty much the same thing.
They help you to lose weight. That, however, is where the
similarity ends.

Medicinal diet pills come with the risk of several side
effects. These side effects vary from mild to very
harmful. Pharmacuetical diet pills can cause the jitters,
irritability, high blood pressure, liver damage and
increased heart rate.

Natural weight loss pills, when made properly, cause no
serious side effects. Please note, this is not true of all
natural diet pills. Some of them can also be harmful. It
is necessary to do your research prior to using any diet

The best natural weight loss supplements come from the
Chinese tradition. The Chinese have been involved with
natural healing methods for thousands of years. Their
experience with herbs goes far beyond any experience that
we have here in the west.

The Chinese herbs used for weight loss work in two ways.
The first is that they gently stimulate the metabolism. In
this sense, they act as a natural but efficient fat burner.
The second thing is that act as a mild appetite

Interestingly enough, Chinese herbs are an effective means
to lose weight even without dieting. Of course, it goes
without saying that for better results it would be wise to
incorporate them into a natural diet and exercise program.

Losing weight and keeping it off is actually a three part
process. If you wish to lose that unwanted fat and keep it
off you should seriously consider the following three steps
to losing weight.

1/ Make up your mind.

This step is crucial. Without it, you may or may not
succeed. With this step, you will be invincible.

You should establish your goal at the deepest level of your
being. Your weight loss efforts should be, for the time
being, the over riding principle of your existence.

If you are able to accomplish this step, then everything
that you do will bring you closer to your goal. Even your

2/ Change your diet.

I never get tired of saying this. Getting fat does not
happen in a vacuum. It is your diet and lifestyle that
make this happen.

Also, dieting does not work. To lose weight in a healthy
manner and to keep it off, you have to change your

This means eating a diet that consists of natural foods.
If also means avoiding fast foods, prepared foods and
processed foods.

3/ Exercise.

Your system needs activity in order to be healthy. It is
that simple. Find something or a group of activities and
do one of them everyday. Ideally, you should exercise for
about an hour each day.

Do not make this complicated. You can walk, jog, run, swim
or ride a bike. Switch off day to day to keep it
interesting. Get involved with other people. Try playing
tennis. Whatever you choose, make it fun.

There you have the complete secret method of losing weight
and keeping it off forever. Where do natural weight loss
pills come in?

Very simply. Natural weight loss pills are a great way to
jump start your weight loss program. You will experience
some weight loss right away. This is a great motivator and
a boost to your morale.

The rest is up to you. Make up your mind. Focus and take
action. At this time next year you can be at your ideal
weight and feeling better than you have in years.

Kathryn Soloff wrote a special report to help you lose
weight. Get "Information On How To Lose Weight" here FREE=>
Learn more about Natural Weight Loss Supplements here=>

Why is Honey Good for You?

Why is Honey Good for You?
Many people often ask "Why is honey good for you?", "Is
this sweetener really more superior than table sugar?". The
answer is a clear "Yes!"

1) It is nutritious for you!: A much healthier choice than
over-processed, factory-made table sugar table sugar and
artificial sweeteners which do not have any vitamins or
whatsoever nutrients, this natural liquid from the honey
bees contains many vitamins like B6, thiamin, niacin,
riboflavin, pantothenic acid and certain amino acids and
minerals including calcium, copper, iron, magnesium,
manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc.

2) It is a healthy food choice!: Honey has a healthy
Glycemic Index (GI) , meaning that its sugars can be
gradually absorbed into the bloodstream to result in better
digestion. Eating excessive high-glycemic foods prompts an
elevated insulin release in our body as a result of the
pancreas being stimulated to metabolize the sudden surge of
glucose into the blood.

3) It builds your immunity against sicknesses!: Honey
contains natural antioxidant properties that can destroy
biologically destructive chemical agents which have been
linked to many diseases such as cancer. Not only could
honey's antioxidants help to eliminate free radicals in the
body, they are also part of the nutrient supply for growth
of new tissue. Because of this, for centuries, honey has
been used all over the world in different cultures as a
natural cure for many ailments, and traditionally as an
effective home remedy, for instance the honey and apple
cider vinegar tonic which is used for treating arthritis
and bad breath.

4) It energizes you!: This perhaps is the most common reply
kids get from their parents when they ask "why is honey
good for you?" A great natural source of carbohydrates
which provide strength and energy to our bodies, honey is
known for its effectiveness in instantly boosting the
performance, endurance and reduce muscle fatigue of
athletes. Its natural fruit sugars, fructose and glucose
plays an important role in preventing fatigue during
exercise and are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream
digested by the body. Also, honey is free of cholesterol
and it has been reported that adding small amounts of it in
the daily diet could even help keep cholesterol levels in

5) It beautifies you!: This anti-aging benefit of honey is
probably the best reply to "Why is honey good for you?"
There exist a huge number of honey products in the market
for hair care, baby care, skin care for sunscreen, hand
lotions, facial scrubs and moisturizers. Honey's
hygroscopic properties also make it an ideal cosmetic
ingredient as it helps keep skin hydrated and fresh and
prevents drying. Its natural antioxidant and anti-microbial
properties also support the skin's ability to rejuvenate
and refresh depleted skin, leaving it feeling silky soft
and supple.

Ruth Tan is the owner of the website Benefits of Honey at
http://www.benefits-of-honey.com which is an immensely
rich, quality resource on honey and its benefits, and a
plethora of health-related issues.

The Truth About Fat Loss

The Truth About Fat Loss
I went to go meet Bill Phillips - the creator of the Body
for Life Transformation Challenge...

And I came back with a set of 100 guidelines for my
business and your fat loss program.

Here's the story...

Last November, I traveled to Mesa, Arizona, to hear Bill
Phillips speak at a seminar. But at the end of the
conference, it wasn't Phillips who I remembered hearing,
nor was it Richard Branson, who spoke to us via
satellite...but it was a man named Dave Kekich.

Mr. Kekich has written something called, "The Kekich
Credo's", a set of 100 success secrets, and I review one
secret everyday.

In fact, each morning I have a routine. After walking the
dog, eating breakfast, and completing one major task for
the day, I then review one of the 100 Kekich Credo's and
relate it to my business and to your fat loss goals.

Yesterday, after a 2-hour walk with the dog in the Toronto
Beaches (yes, we have beaches in Canada!), it was...

Kekich Credo #4...

"Real regrets only come from not doing your best. All else
is out of your control. You're measured by results only.
Trade excuses and "trying" for results, and expect
half-hearted results from half-hearted efforts. Do more
than is expected of you. Life's easy when you live it the
hard way...and hard if you try to live it the easy way."

**** And here's my interpretation of how this success
secret applies to your fat loss program...

-> Who are the ones on the cardio confessional every
Monday? The people who did not do their best on the weekend
with their diet.

-> Most people fail to control themselves, and end up only
with regrets. They trade minutes of pleasure (i.e. fast
food) for days, weeks, months, and years of regret. Do not
be like everyone else!

-> Focus on quality workouts, not quantity. Focus on
planning ahead to overcome obstacles, rather than trying to
"out-cardio" your bad diet. You'll never succeed that way.

-> Always hit a personal best in each workout. This
guarantees progress for both fat burning and muscle

-> Fat loss is easy once you understand how hard it
is...and it's hard if you think it is easy.

That's the Truth About Fat Loss.

If you accept that in order to lose fat, you must...

1) Plan and prepare your nutrition in advance. That means
spending some time on the weekend, planning what you need,
going to the grocery store, and coming back home and
preparing that food into meals for the rest of the week.

Cook a lot of chicken at once. Cut up all of your
vegetables. Wash all your fruit. Package up your nuts in
snack sized containers.

Take the "boy scout" approach to your nutrition and always
be prepared.

2) Follow a professionally designed, structured workout
routine that is more intense than anything you'd put
together for yourself

3) Get social support from others who have gone through the
same trials and tribulations that you face

...then you will succeed.

Uncover the 5 cardio and fat loss myths preventing you from
burning belly fat at: http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com
Men's Health expert reveals the truth about gaining muscle
and losing fat.

Side Effects Of Human Growth Hormone ( HGH)

Side Effects Of Human Growth Hormone ( HGH)
There are so many health products in the market. At the
moment, Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is the hottest topic in
the market. Everyone in everywhere is talking about Hgh.
Hgh or Human Growth Hormone is a hormone naturally produced
by the pituitary gland which is located in the brain and it
is responsible for the growth and maintainance of healthy
cells in every part of the body. Thus it is the most
important hormone of all. However, Hgh production decreases
as we age especially when we hit 30 years old and above and
lead to the signs of aging such as wrinkles, hair loss,
loss of bone density, poor memory, lack of sexual drive and
gain weight. However, recent medical studies prove that Hgh
supplement if taken by an adult can actually reverse the
signs of aging, restore youth and restore the energy in our
body. Therefore, it is known as the 'Fountain of Youth' in
the market.

Hgh is so popular at the moment that everyone wants to
create a Hgh product and sell it hoping to make big bucks
overnight. There are so many types of Hgh Supplements
available in the market that can help to stimulate the
production of Hgh thus increasing the Hgh level in your
body. It is a bit difficult to choose the very first Hgh
Supplement for consumption. With so many types and brands,
it is really difficult to know whether it is real or scam.
However, you can get a prescription from your doctor for
pure Hgh injections which would be very expensive.
Alternatively, you can get over-the-counter products which
would be more affordable to increase the Hgh level in your
body by stimulating the production of Hgh in the pituitary
gland. The products can be in tablets form, sprays or
powder and the prices for each of the products are variable
depending on your budget. Just to be sure that the product
you intend to buy is real, do a research on that product
before buying it.

However, it is not totally risk free when using Hgh
Supplements. You must be prepared to encounter some of the
side effects. The side effects are variable to different
people who use Hgh Supplements. There are some side effects
with the use of Hgh Treatments such as Hgh Injections of
Hgh Supplements. Some of the side effects include enlarged
heart or kidneys, onset of diabetes, hypoglycemia, carpal
tunnel syndrome, stiff muscles and joints, hand numbness,
nightmares, fatigue, high blood pressure and pain at the
place of injection. However, not everyone will experience
the side effects perhaps only some will experience it while
others can get through without any effects at all.
Therefore, you must be willing to take the risk when taking
the Hgh supplements.

A word of caution though, it is advisable to consult a
doctor and possibly do a body check up especially if you
are not sure that you are fit to use Hgh Supplements or
Therapies before you start consuming any of the Hgh
supplements to avoid any unnecessary health conditions. In
addition the the above symptoms, some of the Hgh products
users might experience allergic reaction to the Hgh
supplements' ingredients such as chest pain, skin rash and
itchy skin. It is very important to be aware of these signs
of allergic reaction and should it happen to you, you must
immediately alert your doctor or medical personnel for
medical help.

To find out more information about HGH products, please
follow this link http://www.buyhumangrowthhormonepill.com/
to visit our web site and discover what are the best hgh
products in the market. You can also read on what are the
side effects of HGH and HGH products reviews.

Alzheimer's Treatments and How They Work

Alzheimer's Treatments and How They Work
A neurological disease thought to be the most common form
of dementia in the elderly, Alzheimer's disease is
incurable. Treatment, however is possible and can alleviate
the symptoms to some extent ' which can ease the heavy
burden faced by caregivers for Alzheimer's patients. There
are both pharmaceutical and non-drug treatment options for
Alzheimer's disease.

First, it is vital for the caregiver to understand that the
Alzheimer's patient does not act the way that they do
intentionally. Anger and depression are common behavioral
changes exhibited by sufferers, and knowing and coping with
this is a large part of Alzheimer's treatments.

A non-drug method of Alzheimer's treatments is to aid the
afflicted in adapting to their situation and their
surroundings. Alzheimer's patients often have a hard time
dealing with loud noises and unfamiliar situations. If the
caregiver can make some accommodation to fit the
environment to comfort the patient, this can be very
helpful to patient and caregiver alike.

Alzheimer's symptoms can be split into two basic
categories, these being Behavioral and Cognitive. Behavior,
of course relates to the way the patient acts while
Cognitive symptoms effect how the patient thinks, remembers
and plans.

Drug therapy Alzheimer's treatments are intended to slow
the chemical processes that are going on in the patient's
brain, rather than being aimed at changing the behavior of
the patient. Cholinesterase inhibitors are used in treating
the early stages of the disease and include Galantamine
(aka Razadyne) and Rivastigmine (aka Exelon). The drug
Donepezil (Aricent) is used in all three stages of the

Cholinesterase inhibitors work to block the prevention of
acetylcholine from breaking down. This chemical is active
in the brain for memory and learning functions. These drugs
keep levels of acetylcholine high, keeping the patient
capable of communication.

Memantine (aka Namenda) acts to control glutamate. This
drug is used to prevent the breakdown of this chemical
which helps Alzheimer's patients learn new facts and
communicate effectively. This chemical breaks down very
quickly in Alzheimer's patient's brains, which makes this
an important medication.

Like most medicines, these also come with side effects.
Commonly experienced ones include nausea, loss of appetite,
dizziness and headaches. There may also be interactions
with other drugs taken by the patient. The doctor and
pharmacist filling the prescription should always be kept
informed about any and every drug the patient is currently
taking. This way, drug interactions can be either
prevented, or quickly recognized should they occur.

The dosage given of any of these drugs will begin at a low
dosage and gradually increase to the limit of what the
patient can tolerate, and the medication is performing as

Drug and non-drug Alzheimer's treatments in tandem will
give an Alzheimer's sufferer the highest odds of being able
to enjoy some of the time that they have left and reduce
the distress for patient and caregiver alike. This is a
disease which causes an incredible amount of suffering and
exhaustion not only for the patient, but for the caregiver.
The best Alzheimer's treatment plans will give some relief
to both.

Find more information about Alzheimer's and other health
problems at http://healthanswerssite.com . Discover how to
prevent diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer's,
as well as how to live with these and other diseases.

Dealing with Panic Attacks

Dealing with Panic Attacks
Panic attacks are there to be combated and overcome. If you
are suffering from such medical and mental conditions, it
would be helpful and appropriate if you would lean the
correct and effective means of dealing with panic attack.
You have to learn several techniques and instill in
yourself several realizations so that you could finally
overcome and emerge from the disorder.

Dealing with panic attack requires understanding what panic
attack actually is. To begin with, a panic attack should be
defined. The case is an onset of abrupt episode of fear
that is so intense, your heart beat is racing, you have
shortness of breath and you are experiencing paranoia. A
panic attack usually happens for no reason at all. You can
just become fearful without actually fearing anything. If
you are frightening yourself during panic attacks, also
remember that people around you might also be in states of
panic. That is why you should further be careful and

While in the past, panic attacks were classified as stress
or nervousness situations, these days, the disorder is
considered a medical condition. In that way, there is a
need for medical and expert intermission and assistance.
Panic attacks affect overall quality of life because they
come unexpectedly, at times causing major embarrassment.

Handling panic attack

Dealing with panic attack is very easy, contrary to common
beliefs and perceptions. First of all, realization and
understanding of panic attacks is really needed. Once you
further understand the condition, you would realize that
you would feel less fearful when an onset of an attack
comes in. when that happens, you become less afraid and
paranoia can be effectively curtailed, if not totally

Taking the right and prescribed medications and therapies
is also one effective way in dealing with panic attack. You
could abruptly stop panic attack by taking in prescribed
medicines, usually depressants, like serotonin reuptake
inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, benzodiazpines and
monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Such depressants help lower
the rapid heart beat that is greatly contributing to
further onset and possible setbacks of panic attacks.

Relaxation and self assurance

Overall relaxation is essential especially if there is
faintness, shortness of breath and muscle tensions caused
by the major and usual onsets of panic attack. Dealing with
panic attack requires acquisition and development of
relaxation techniques and strategies within yourself. While
this may sound easy, take note that however easy you look
at it, during onsets of panic attack, it may seem hard to
relax. This is when your will power would be tested. If you
strive and successfully emerges to relax, you are dealing
with panic attack effectively and more appropriately.

Panic attacks may last a few minutes to as long as several
hours. To ensure yourself, it would help if you would seek
medical and expert help. Doing so is not just ensuring
safety but is also psychologically giving assurance that
everything will be alright. Often, panic attack patients
mistake their attacks for something else, probably a heart
attack. This suspicion might further affect and worsen the
condition. If an expert or doctor would give assurance that
the condition is only panic attack, the patient may be more
assured that everything is controllable. This equates to a
better strategy dealing with panic attack.

On the other hand, if you are seeking prevention of panic
attack, there is no way the onset of the condition can be
avoided. However, dealing with panic attack better and more
effectively would help combat the condition and avoid any
possible setbacks and disastrous possible effects.
Regularly consult your doctor or appropriate experts for
treatment and therapies. Dealing with panic attack can
surely be easy if you know how.

For more help and resources about panic attacks, visit

The Truth About Female Bodybuilding

The Truth About Female Bodybuilding
You should first know that no amount of physical activity
can give you your desired body if it is not coupled with
bodybuilding nutrition and a total body workout. Actually,
it is the bodybuilding nutrition that is the most vital
factor in building the best body.

Women's Weight Training Myth #1 - Weight training makes you

Due to the fact that women do not and cannot naturally
produce as much testosterone (one of the main hormones
responsible for increasing muscle size) as males do, it is
impossible for a woman to gain huge amounts of muscle mass.
Unfortunately, the image that may come to your mind is that
of professional female bodybuilders. Most of these women,
unfortunately, use anabolic steroids (synthetic
testosterone) along with other drugs in order to achieve
that high degree of muscularity.

In addition, most also have good genetics coupled with an
unbelievable work ethic that enable them to gain muscle
quickly when they spend hours in the gym lifting very heavy
weights. Believe me when I say that they do not look like
that by accident. Women who conduct weight training without
the use of steroids get the firm and fit cellulite-free
looking body that you see in most fitness/figure shows
these days.

Women's Weight Training Myth #2 - Exercise increases your
chest size.

Sorry girls. Womens breasts are composed mostly of fatty
tissue. Therefore, it is impossible to increase breast size
through weight training. As a matter of fact, if you go
below 12 percent body fat (which I do not recommend doing),
your breast size will decrease. Weight training does
increase the size of the back, so this misconception
probably comes from confusing an increase in back size with
an increase in cup size. The only way to increase your
breast size is by gaining fat or getting breast implants

Womens Weight Training Myth #3 - Weight training makes you
stiff and musclebound.

If you perform all exercises through their full range of
motion, flexibility will increase. Exercises like flyes,
stiff-legged deadlifts, dumbbell presses, and chin-ups
stretch the muscle in the bottom range of the movement.
Therefore, by performing these exercises correctly, your
stretching capabilities will increase.

Women's Weight Training Myth #4 - If you stop weight
training your muscles turn into fat.

This is like saying that gold can turn into brass. Muscle
and fat are two totally different types of tissue. What
happens many times is that when people decide to go off
their weight training programs they start losing muscle due
to inactivity (use it or lose it) and they also usually
drop the diet as well. Therefore bad eating habits combined
with the fact that their metabolism is lower due to
inactivity, and lower degrees of muscle mass, give the
impression that the subjects muscle is being turned into
fat while in reality what is happening is that muscle is
being lost and fat is being accumulated.

Women's Weight Training Myth #5 - Weight training turns fat
into muscle.

More alchemy. This is the equivalent of saying that you can
turn any metal into gold; don't we wish! The way a body
transformation occurs is by gaining muscle through weight
training and losing fat through aerobics and diet
simultaneously. Again, muscle and fat are very different
types of tissue. We cannot turn one into the other.

Women's Weight Training Myth #6 - As long as you exercise
you can eat anything that you want.

How I wish this were true also! However, this could not be
further from the truth. Our individual metabolism
determines how many calories we burn at rest and while we
exercise. If we eat more calories than we burn on a
consistent basis, our bodies will accumulate these extra
calories as fat regardless of the amount of exercise that
we do. This myth may have been created by people with such
high metabolic rates (hardgainers) that no matter how much
they eat or what they eat, they rarely meet or exceed the
amount of calories that they burn in one day unless they
put their mind to doing so. Therefore, their weight either
remains stable or goes down.

Women's Weight Training Myth #7 - Women only need to do
cardio and if they decide to lift weights, they should be
very light.

First of all, if you only did cardio then muscle and fat
would be burned for fuel. One needs to do weights in order
to get the muscle building machine going and thus prevent
any loss of muscle tissue. Women that only concentrate on
cardio will have a very hard time achieving the look that
they want. As far as the lifting of very light weights,
this is just more nonsense. Muscle responds to resistance
and if the resistance is too light, then there will be no
reason for the body to change.

Women Should Train Hard Myth #8 I have trained with girls
that train as hard as I do and they look nothing but
feminine. If you want to look great, don't be afraid to
pick up the weights and lift hard!

expert Keishon Martin who writes for
http://www.bodyguidepro.com where you can get the best
weight lifting / weight loss program on the internet. also
check out http://www.newmoneycredit.com

Remove Your Mercury Fillings - 9 Ways to Detox After the Last Filling is Out

Remove Your Mercury Fillings - 9 Ways to Detox After the Last Filling is Out
Once the last mercury filling has been removed from your
mouth it is time to begin a gentle heavy metal detox. Heavy
metals like mercury, easily enters our bodies but are
tricky to remove. The following suggestions aim to use
substances that will pull the mercury out of tissues, bind
with a chelating agent and carry it out of your body. As
the mercury leaves your body it does so through your organs
of elimination (also called your emunctories) they include
your bowel, kidneys, lungs, skin and liver.

The goal is to prime these organs of elimination and detox
(specifically the liver) and to ensure a slow and gradual
removal of the mercury.

1. Detox Formula

This formula will do the bulk of the chelation and should
only be started once the last mercury filling is out. If
this formula is started when you still have mercury in your
mouth, you may aggravate as you risk pulling mercury from
the fillings into your circulation and tissues.

Choose a detox formula that contains ingredients like
chlorophyll, chlorella and/or cilantro to pull the mercury
from the tissues. Sulfur containing amino acids like
L-Methionine and L-Cysteine should also be included to
carry the metals out of the body. I like and use the AMD
Formula from Genestra, but there are other good formulas on
the market as well. Take your detox formula 2-3 times daily
following meals or as indicated.

2. Drainage

Drainage of the organs of elimination is essential for a
smooth detox. Unda's basic drainage is a great way to
achieve this.

3. Homeopathics

For a deeper detox and clearing, take a homeopathic amalgam
detox like Merc sol 30C.

4. Diet

Eat a diet limited in sugar and processed foods, but make
sure your diet is high in protein since the sulfur bearing
amino acids will help in the detoxification. Try to include
2 or 3 cloves of garlic in your diet daily, this is to
build up sulfur stores.

5. Hydration

Drinks lots of purified water to help flush the toxins out
and stay hydrated.

6. Culture Your Internal Garden

Take a high potency quality strain of probiotics, like HMF
Super Powder from Genestra. This is to make sure you have a
strong intestinal flora to support you during the detox.

7. Healthy Bowel

Since 90% of mercury leaves the body through the bowel,
make sure it is moving well, or you may end up making
things worse! You should have 1 -2 bowel movements daily.
If you need help to get your bowel going take 3 tbsp of
Hemp Seeds daily, drink lots of water and take a green
powder that is naturally high in magnesium.

8. Additional Supplementation

As the mercury is removed, essential nutrients are used up
in the process or chelated out along with the mercury. For
this reason it is very important to take supplements like a
multi mineral, B-complex and vitamin C daily. Take these
supplements away from the detox formula.

9. Other Therapies

Dry brushing and sauna are more ways to support your body
during the heavy metal detox.

It depends on how much mercury you have in your body and
your state of health on how long you do the heavy metal
detox. Generally this protocol is followed for 6 weeks and
can be repeated after taking a break for a few weeks if

Disclaimer: These recommendations are not intended to be in
place of advice from a physician, dentist or natural health
practitioner familiar with your case.

For more natural ways to boost your health and well being,
I invite you to get your copy of this month's free health
building resource. Just go to http://www.AnnikaEk.com for
more info.

Discover Clean And Healthy Living With Total Body Detox

Discover Clean And Healthy Living With Total Body Detox
So what is Total Body Detox? Well let's begin with why you
may need it in the first place!

Accumulation of excessive toxins occurs through the
consumption of harmful food, junk diets, colas, caffeine,
alcohol, drugs, lack of exercise, constipation, and even
the environmental pollution. This causes your ph level to
go haywire and as a result you become vulnerable to various

The best way to counter this problem is to effectively
rinse your body of all these poisonous toxins in order to
achieve both physical and mental bliss. And the process
through which you can achieve this is known as total body
detox. Get rid of your unhealthy eating habits, stick to a
wholesome diet, and consume lots of water, fresh fruits and
veggies and specific vitamin supplements. Do this over a
period of four months at least and see the difference.

The entire process of total body detox will take some time,
and it cleans your bowels first, followed by liver, kidney,
blood, lymph.

Stage#1 Bowel Detox: to get your bowels cleaned you should
pump up the amount of brightly colored fresh fruits and
vegetables you eat daily, like apples, cherries,
strawberries, spinach, zucchini, papaya, broccoli. Slash
the intake of cheese, meat and refined foods, eggs however
are good for total body detox.

Stage#2 Liver Detox once the bowels are working smoothly
its time for the liver. Drink lots of green drinks; eat
beet, green vegetables, milk thistle. Boost this diet with
appropriate detoxosode drops whenever possible for
effective body detox. Carob powder works to get rid of
heavy metals from your system.

Stage#3 Kidney Detox: Make it a habit to have a teaspoon of
unsweetened cranberry concentrate everyday. Also, don't
forget to keep your nutritious diet intact, with ginger,
melon and parsley!

Stage#4 Blood and Lymph Detox: this is the fourth and final
stage of total body detoxification. Ideally you should
begin this in the 4th month of your detox process. Lymph
stasis causes fluid retention, lymphatic cancer;
fibrocystic breasts etc. to ensure proper lymph circulation
have 12 drops of poke root tincture. Irish moss along with
parsley balances out the cellular salts.

Paradoxically the signs of a successful detox are only a
more terrible version of existing symptoms. Weakness,
nausea, loose motions, fever, joint ache, weight loss
actually indicates that you are getting better. This is
called a healing crisis and it is only temporary. It lasts
for a maximum of three days after which you rapidly change
for the better. If it had been the disease symptoms it
would have progressively become worse.

The different ways to get over a healing crisis of full
body detox are:

a) Drinking water
b) Getting an oil massage
c) Caster oil packs
d) Skipping food for a couple of days
e) seeking emotional and spiritual support

Going through total body detox isn't as hard as it sounds
and the results that can be attained through the process
are worth bearing the minor annoyances that may come your
way. So go in for your total body detox today keeping in
mind the old adage "no pain, no gain!"

John Khu is a health enthusiast and author of a new eBook
titled "Body Detox Tips". He is devoted to educate others
on the benefit of body detoxification. He is also the
owner of the website called http://www.bodydetoxtips.com
which provides complete and up-to-date information.