Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Remove Your Mercury Fillings - 9 Ways to Detox After the Last Filling is Out

Remove Your Mercury Fillings - 9 Ways to Detox After the Last Filling is Out
Once the last mercury filling has been removed from your
mouth it is time to begin a gentle heavy metal detox. Heavy
metals like mercury, easily enters our bodies but are
tricky to remove. The following suggestions aim to use
substances that will pull the mercury out of tissues, bind
with a chelating agent and carry it out of your body. As
the mercury leaves your body it does so through your organs
of elimination (also called your emunctories) they include
your bowel, kidneys, lungs, skin and liver.

The goal is to prime these organs of elimination and detox
(specifically the liver) and to ensure a slow and gradual
removal of the mercury.

1. Detox Formula

This formula will do the bulk of the chelation and should
only be started once the last mercury filling is out. If
this formula is started when you still have mercury in your
mouth, you may aggravate as you risk pulling mercury from
the fillings into your circulation and tissues.

Choose a detox formula that contains ingredients like
chlorophyll, chlorella and/or cilantro to pull the mercury
from the tissues. Sulfur containing amino acids like
L-Methionine and L-Cysteine should also be included to
carry the metals out of the body. I like and use the AMD
Formula from Genestra, but there are other good formulas on
the market as well. Take your detox formula 2-3 times daily
following meals or as indicated.

2. Drainage

Drainage of the organs of elimination is essential for a
smooth detox. Unda's basic drainage is a great way to
achieve this.

3. Homeopathics

For a deeper detox and clearing, take a homeopathic amalgam
detox like Merc sol 30C.

4. Diet

Eat a diet limited in sugar and processed foods, but make
sure your diet is high in protein since the sulfur bearing
amino acids will help in the detoxification. Try to include
2 or 3 cloves of garlic in your diet daily, this is to
build up sulfur stores.

5. Hydration

Drinks lots of purified water to help flush the toxins out
and stay hydrated.

6. Culture Your Internal Garden

Take a high potency quality strain of probiotics, like HMF
Super Powder from Genestra. This is to make sure you have a
strong intestinal flora to support you during the detox.

7. Healthy Bowel

Since 90% of mercury leaves the body through the bowel,
make sure it is moving well, or you may end up making
things worse! You should have 1 -2 bowel movements daily.
If you need help to get your bowel going take 3 tbsp of
Hemp Seeds daily, drink lots of water and take a green
powder that is naturally high in magnesium.

8. Additional Supplementation

As the mercury is removed, essential nutrients are used up
in the process or chelated out along with the mercury. For
this reason it is very important to take supplements like a
multi mineral, B-complex and vitamin C daily. Take these
supplements away from the detox formula.

9. Other Therapies

Dry brushing and sauna are more ways to support your body
during the heavy metal detox.

It depends on how much mercury you have in your body and
your state of health on how long you do the heavy metal
detox. Generally this protocol is followed for 6 weeks and
can be repeated after taking a break for a few weeks if

Disclaimer: These recommendations are not intended to be in
place of advice from a physician, dentist or natural health
practitioner familiar with your case.

For more natural ways to boost your health and well being,
I invite you to get your copy of this month's free health
building resource. Just go to http://www.AnnikaEk.com for
more info.

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