Monday, May 5, 2008

Lose Fat Not Weight

Lose Fat Not Weight
People that are overweight focus on trying to lose weight.
This is often the wrong way to look at it. When you lose
weight you lose a combination of fat and muscle. Now muscle
is not what you should be losing and you should be doing
everything to hang onto it. You did not get overweight by
having too much muscle, you became overweight because your
body is carrying too much fat, and it is the fat you should
be concentrating on losing.

If you have been trying to lose weight and you step on the
scales after a month to find you have lost 10 pounds, you
might feel pretty good about yourself. The problem is that
at least half of the weight you have lost could be muscle.
Muscle is living active tissue and it needs calories to
stay on your body. Fat however is just dead weight that
sits there as stored energy. When you go on a low calorie
diet, your body will think it is starving. It will then
begin to take the calories from the protein stored in your
muscles to compensate for the calories it is not getting
through food. This will make your muscles smaller and
weaker. Small and weak muscles burn far fewer calories than
bigger and stronger muscle.

In the long term this will affect your abilities to lose
fat. If you look at long distance runners, you will see
that they are very thin and have little muscle tone. This
is because all they do is cardio for long periods of time.
Lets face it not many people will want the body of a long
distance runner. If you look at sprinters you will see that
they have very different physiques. They look lean,
muscular, and strong. This is because they need powerful
muscles to generate the power to run short distances at
great speed. They use training routines which not only stop
them from losing muscle, but increase it. Most of us would
rather have the body of a sprinter than a long distance

You must include a weight training routine in your weight
loss program. This will not only help you lose weight and
keep muscle, it will also leave you in a situation where
you won't have to cut back on large amounts of calories
from your diet. All you will have to do is to replace the
calories you get from bad food with calories from good
food. This will stop you and your body from feeling
miserable because you are starving yourself.

Many diets call for large reductions in calories. Now while
you may lose some weight in the short term, the muscle loss
will ensure that you don't lose much more weight in the
long term. The reason low calorie diets exist is because
they cater for peoples demands for a quick fix for weight
loss. The truth is that there is no such thing as a quick
fix when it comes to losing weight. If there was, why
aren't all the quick fixes out there working? Why are more
people gaining weight rather than losing it? Why does the
weight loss industry continually bring out new diets or
products, while there are already so many out there
claiming miraculous results?

The answer is simple; they don't work for the vast majority
of the people that want to lose weight. If you really want
to lose weight, you don't need fad diets and pills. All you
need is a sensible approach, with the knowledge that if you
keep doing what you have set out to do over a period of
time, then the results will come. Also the results you get
will be far longer lasting and not just a flash in the pan
which disappear after a month or two.

Look at you diet and figure out what you need to drop from
it. Decide what good foods you are going to add to your
diet. Eat sensibly by never missing breakfast. Eat smaller
meals 4 or 5 times a day instead of 2 or 3 large meals.
Your body is happier with smaller meals because they are
easier to digest and less can be stored as fat. A big meal
is harder to digest and once your body has used what it
needs, what it doesn't gat rid of through waste, it will
store as fat. Sensible eating is not some secret you have
to pay for. You already know what is bad in your diet and
what is good.

As well as cardio you must include a weight training
routine in your exercise program. The more muscle you have
the more calories you will burn, it's that simple. Do you
want a lean, muscular, and healthy body or do you want a
thin, soft, and flabby looking body? Training for muscle
will give you the first; not training for muscle will give
you the second. Remember lose fat not weight.

Get more information on fitness, health, and weight loss at

How Any Woman Can Become Her Own Health and Beauty Consultant

How Any Woman Can Become Her Own Health and Beauty Consultant
The market for looking good, for health and beauty
products, for feeling on top of the world is a mega-billion
pound industry.

You just need to look around and you'll see salons, therapy
centres, holistic centres, aromatherapy places, multi-ads
for plastic surgery, personal health consultants ' you name
it, there's just an abundance of choice out there.

However, at the same time, there's more confusion, concern
and frustration because what seems to be working at the
outset for people interested in better complexions and
smoother, clearer skin doesn't seem to last.

Many women are feeling just as concerned and bewildered
about their appearance, complexion and skin condition than
they ever were.

Why is that?

Maybe it's because of the conflicting and sometimes
downright dangerous advice that's being thrown around by
educated, informed, heavily-qualified professionals.

What can a woman do to avoid the traps and pitfalls when
navigating the health and beauty minefield?

Well, the first thing is to take complete charge and
control about the whole process of care and treatment. Yes,
there's something to be said about being pampered by
someone who is there to look after our health and beauty
needs. However, being in charge by making ourselves
knowledgeable and educated about the whole process is
something that all of us can do and the benefits can last a

Not only that, but these very same regimes, tips and health
secrets are very valuable; they can be passed down to
another generation which is being bombarded with a diet of
flashy, glitzy glam-type adverts for skin products that do
not live up to their claims and cost a fortune to purchase
because of extravagant advertising campaigns.

There's a better, proven, less expensive way to get the
type of results that would make a difference to how you
want to look and that is to be your own health and beauty

What that means is you should get the correct information
from the right sources in order to become an informed and
educated person when it comes to your own well-being.

Arming yourself with tips, techniques, regimes and health
secrets is key in looking your best ever... without having
to pay the earth for it.

For example - choosing the right moisturiser, one that's
right for YOU, can be like taking part in an archery
contest with your eyes blindfolded with no idea where the
target is.

Not only that, but when you DO decide that you want to get
what you consider is the RIGHT moisturiser, you'll find
that there's an army of people with very limited knowledge
who believe each one of us has exactly the same skin type,
the same skin tone, and that their products... FIT ALL!

Nothing could be further from the truth and, to prove it
all, just look at the poor looking skin and complexions of
some of the people you know.

So, what type of mistakes do most of us make when choosing
moisturisers and skin products? Well, a huge error is
deciding on a moisturising product because a celebrity
endorses it. The problem is that most celebrities we see
have admitted that they've had face lifts, plastic surgery,
nips and tucks here and there, and... a good many other
'unnatural' processes. That's a huge sign to let you know
that what you're buying may not entirely give you the
results of those celebrities.

Another mistake is trusting the sales assistant who really
can't give you any definite, specific, demonstrable
difference between the various products. Many people behind
the sales counter are simply order-takers. They've no real
in-depth knowledge about the tangible benefits you may
receive. So be very wary of those people to whom you're
entrusting your appearance, well-being and hard earned

Do you know which type of moisturiser is best for your
skin? Quite frankly, most people do not know the difference
between oil-in-water creams and those that are water-in-oil
based potions.

Don't spend silly money and please be aware that the market
for high-tech anti-wrinkle creams has doubled in the last
five years and now exceeds a 100 million pounds.

It is common for advertisers to make often absurd claims
for their products. In effect, they have a huge queue of
suckers all waving their credit cards and cheque books.

Preserving youth has become an obsession, a huge booming
market with miracle creams that promise much yet do nothing.


Can I leave you with a top tip? A simple treatment to
refresh and tighten your skin is to tone it with vodka!
I've tried it and it really works.

Maureen Lewis is the Author of Secrets to Looking
5,10,15... Even 20 Years younger ' Without Cosmetic Surgery
or High Priced Potions. You can contact her on Or, you can go to her website
which you can see at

Make me a Gorgeous Filmstar!

Make me a Gorgeous Filmstar!
From time to time as a hypnotherapist, I get flippant
remarks thrown at me such as 'can you hypnotise me and make
me look like Nicole Kidman!' Although said in jest, it is
surprising how sceptical and uninformed people are about
the potential as well as the limitations of hypnotherapy.
Certainly, hypnotherapy can help one look good, it can help
us make the most of ourselves. It can work seeming
miracles, but it cannot go against the laws of nature. So
obviously hypnotherapy won't enable us to escape the laws
of gravity, jump out of a window without doing ourselves
damage, but it will help us to be less fearful of flying in
an aeroplane. If that happens to be an issue for us.

True, I have seen some extraordinary results with clients.
Panic attacks under control, weight loss, confidence
boosted etc but I also know that as a hypnotherapist I am
powerless if my client does not truly want to change.
Contrary to Hollywood propaganda, there is no way someone
can be made to do something, through hypnosis, UNLESS they
want to.

Providing the client really wants to change, then
hypnotherapy is the best way I know, to create change and
make it easy to achieve. The truth is that our greatest
power lies in the unconscious. This would explain why
someone will say one thing but do something else.

So our smoker friend for example, may say that he knows he
must stop smoking, he knows that he is damaging his health,
he even feels his breathing is being restricted, BUT he
simply won't do anything about it. This is a classic
example of the unconscious, not participating with him.
Somehow the unconscious has been previously programmed by
him, to feel that smoking is hip and trendy, or offers
camaraderie or countless other reasons to rationalise the
habit. This programming was not done consciously, but it
was done at some point, for sure. If he is going to become
a non-smoker, then he will have to engage his unconscious.
Interestingly, the verb KNOW is used a lot these days. When
you hear people say they 'know' something, often they are
implying an intellectual knowing. It could be argued that
real knowing can only take place when we have the
unconscious mind on our side.

Remember when you were learning to drive a car or ride a
bicycle? How much effort it took in the beginning. Knowing
when to change gear, coordinating clutch control and gear
change... It took real concentration. Later, once you have
learnt how to drive, the skill is taken up by your
unconscious and you drive effortlessly, you no longer have
to ponderously concentrate on the mechanics. This is where
the hypnotherapist can help. He acts as a kind of go
between. An envoy between our conscious self and the
unconscious. The hypnotherapist will talk to you about your
goals, wishes and desires as well as take a brief history
of the presenting conditions. Then he will use his skill to
establish contact with your unconscious and reprogramme it.
Sometimes it may be necessary to go to the source of the
problem, this may be some time in the past in childhood.
The client may not be aware of the source of the problem,
but his unconscious will.

The unconscious stores all of our experiences. The
hypnotherapist is able to engage in conversation with the
unconscious (obviously with the permission of the client),
and once this has taken place, past experiences can be
reframed from a different, more resourceful state. So you
could well use hypnosis to find your inner beauty, to tone
your body and be more attractive, hypnosis, can make you a
more attractive person, but unique and not a copy of a film

Duncan Sequeira BA,MNCH(ACCR),is a hypnotherapist who works
in the London area.Check his site at

8 Ways to Ease Your Muscle Soreness

8 Ways to Ease Your Muscle Soreness
I'm probably just like you! Many years ago I decided to
start running again. I hadn't exercised for a few years, so
I thought I would start slow by walking a few kilometers.
But, the walk felt too easy, so half way through I started

Big mistake!

The next day my calves were so sore I could hardly walk! I
was in agony!

Muscle soreness has been known to cause many new exercisers
to discontinue exercising. And if I didn't know any better
I would probably have given up. The truth was, my muscle
soreness was self-inflicted and could have been avoided.

And, no, not by not exercising!

Some seasoned exercisers will experience muscle soreness
"the day after" a different type of exercise or workout.
They find muscles they never knew they had!

What is muscle soreness?

It's usually caused by an overload workout. It is the
breakdown of muscle fibers, which causes the release of
muscle cell content. The cell content attracts inflammatory
cells, which release chemicals that irritate nerve fibers,
causing pain.

But "No Pain No Gain" right?

Wrong! Muscle soreness is NOT an indicator of a good
workout. Muscle damage is often greatest in older or
otherwise susceptible muscle fibers.

So, how do you ease muscle soreness?

Here are 8 ways:

1 - Massage Away The Muscle Soreness - Start slowly!
Lightly massage the sore muscle and gradually increase the
depth of the massage. It might be painful in the beginning
but it will gradually ease the muscle soreness.

2 - Hot Bath The Muscle Soreness Away - Nothing beats a
long soak in a hot bath for muscle soreness. The heat will
increase circulation and provide a soothing effect.

3 - Flush The Muscle Soreness Away - Run hot (as hot as you
can bear) water over the sore muscles for two minutes and
then immediately switch to cold water for 30 seconds.
Repeat this process five times. This has the effect of
opening and closing your blood vessels which will flush the
acid from your muscles and ease the soreness. It is easier
to take a complete shower and do this, but it takes some

4 - Gently Exercise The Muscle Soreness Away - Go for a
slow walk and breathe deeply. This helps reduce the muscle
soreness by increasing the blood flow to the sore muscles.

As always, prevention is better than cure. It is easier and
less painful to avoid muscle soreness. Here's how:

5 - Warm Up Before Your Work Out - Muscles are working
parts and like any working parts they need to be warmed up
before any demands are made on them. A warm up before your
workout is essential to avoid muscle soreness, but more
importantly to avoid injury. It starts the circulation to
the muscles and warms the muscles and tendons, getting them
ready for the next muscle soreness avoidance tip -

6 - Stretch Those Muscles - After your warm up your muscles
need to be stretched. It's very easy to skip this step or
do some hasty stretches, but you will pay for it the next
day or with an injury. If you are going for a walk or jog
you want to stretch your legs and back. If you are doing an
upper body workout then you need to stretch your shoulders,
neck and upper back. Don't bounce in the stretch and hold
it for 15 to 20 seconds. Stretch each muscle just to where
you begin to feel the stretch then maintain that position
until you feel the muscle let go. Bouncing or trying to
stretch too far will do more harm than good.

7 - Stretch After Your Workout - Stretching after your
workout is important to avoid muscle soreness the next day.
After your walk, jog or workout, make sure you stretch your
muscles for 15 to 20 seconds before they cool down. They
will be warm and elastic so they will stretch well.

8 - Don't Be A Hero - Going out and training hard might
feel great at the time, but when you wake up with stiff and
sore muscles the next day you will be tempted to take the
day off from exercise. You should start slowly, exercise
within your capacity. Make the exercise enjoyable with
moderate exertion and only increase the intensity by a
maximum of 10% the week after week. This will allow your
muscles time to adapt and prevent muscle soreness and

The big secret is "Don't do too much too quickly!"

Imagine Looking And Feeling 10 or 15 Years Younger Than You
Are? You will become the envy of your family and friends.
FREE Details Here =>

As Diabetes Costs Rise, Nutrition Education Can Help Companies and Employees

As Diabetes Costs Rise, Nutrition Education Can Help Companies and Employees
Diabetes is a very expensive health problem for employees,
people with diabetes, and ultimately everyone. The
American Diabetes Association reports in the United States
we have 17.5 million people with diabetes. The total
estimated cost of diabetes in 2007 was $174 billion, with
$116 billion being medical spending and $58 billion coming
from reduced productivity at work. (Source: Diabetes Care
March 2008) Ultimately diabetes increases costs for
everyone due to higher insurance premiums.

How can employers help reduce cost from diabetes? Until we
have a cure there are two ways to decrease cost. One is to
screen for diabetes at the workplace to catch diabetes in
the early stages when it is easier and less costly to
manage. The second strategy is to help employees with
diabetes get better control of their diabetes to reduce the
chance of costly complications.

To explain further these two strategies, we need to
understand where the highest costs of diabetes occur. The
average cost for a diabetes hospital stay is $1853 per day.
Compare that to a doctor visit for diabetes at $132. Which
one is more cost effective? Regular doctor visits every
3-6 months are recommended for achieving optimal diabetes
care. The physician will ideally have diabetes educators
also to help the patient learn how to better manage their
diabetes with medication, monitoring, food and exercise.
However, what if your employee does not like to go to the
doctor? Then they will not be getting the blood tests, exam
and education that help them manage their diabetes and
prevent costly complications. If they are not feeling well
they may miss more work days as well.

What if you have a diabetes nutrition educator at your
workplace? Registered dietitians that are also certified
diabetes educators are a great resource for the worksite.
They have the nutrition, exercise and diabetes knowledge
and can set up education and diabetes screening programs.
Many dietitians are already contracting with companies to
nutrition and wellness programs for worksites.

Early screening for diabetes can catch prediabetes, which
is diagnosed when blood sugars are higher than normal but
not yet high enough to be diagnosed as Type 2 diabetes.
Learning how to make lifestyle changes at this stage can
delay the onset of diabetes for years, thus reducing the
overall cost of diabetes.

The April 2008 issue of Diabetes Care discusses how
nutrition education is linked to fewer hospitalizations. In
a study of 18,404 diabetic patients that were followed for
4.7 years on average, 9.1% had at least one nutrition
visit. Compared to those patients who had no education,
those who had one education visit had 34% lower
hospitalization rate. This lower rate was associated with
$11,571 less in hospital charges. Nutrition visits were
associated with the greatest reductions in hospitalization.

To quote the American Diabetes Association position
statement regarding the economic costs of diabetes, "Much
of this cost is preventable through improved diet and
exercise, prevention initiatives to reduce the prevalence
of diabetes and its co-morbidities, and improved care for
people with diabetes to reduce the need for costly
complications." Dietitians who specialize in diabetes are
the experts to look for in helping to accomplish these
three tasks because they have a combined knowledge of food,
nutrition and diabetes treatments.

Karen Marschel, RD, LD, CDE is a registered dietitian and
certified diabetes educator with 15 years experience
teaching about diabetes. She owns KM Nutrition Consulting,
Inc. and offers online nutriiton programs at

Fibromyalgia, Stress and the Brain-Body Connection

Fibromyalgia, Stress and the Brain-Body Connection
Fibromyalgia was recognized by the American Medical
Association as an illness and cause of disability in 1987,
yet it has been a struggle for many since Hippocrates first
described a similar set of symptoms in 400 BC. In the early
1900's, fibromyalgia was considered "arthritis of the
muscles" and classified with other rheumatological
conditions involving pain in the muscles or joints.

Stress and pain are irreversibly linked in fibromyalgia.
For many people, some kind of stressful event is what
initially triggers the illness. It often shows up after a
serious illness, some kind of emotional or mental shock or
with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Many believe
that stress unmasks the disorder.

Today fibromyalgia is thought to be a central nervous
system disorder in which either pain-sensing nerves are
excessively sensitive, or the brain is extremely sensitive
to pain impulses. People with fibromyalgia are out of
balance in the HPA axis ' hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal '
which is our body's system for responding to stress with
neurochemicals like adrenalin and serotonin. Pain sensation
and abnormal stress response are related and people with
fibromyalgia experience more pain when they are stressed.

Simply having fibromyalgia is stressful. Though
fibromyalgia feels different to each person, the common
denominators are painful and uncomfortable sensations
throughout the body, fatigue and mental cloudiness. Not
being able to accomplish things is stressful, especially
when it affects your employment situation, leading to
financial stress. Dealing with a chronic illness and
lifestyle changes is stressful.

Adding insult to injury is the fact that you may still
appear healthy to everyone else, no matter how badly you
feel, so that few people understand how compounding these
conditions can be on a daily basis. Anything in addition
to the everyday stress load tends to tip the scales and
cause the fibromyalgia symptoms to be worse.

Stress reduction is an important part of managing
fibromyalgia. Here are a few ways that my help you
alleviate some of the stress:

1. Good self care. Eating a nutritious diet, getting the
right amount of the right kind of exercise, establishing
regular sleep habits and giving yourself grace are all part
of taking good care of yourself. They are important. You
will feel worse, and be able to do less if you do not take
care of yourself.

2. Practice body awareness. People who deal with chronic
pain, as in fibromyalgia, become accustomed to ignoring
their bodies; it's one way they cope with the pain. If you
learn to recognize your body's cues that you are becoming
tense, you can use a relaxation technique or exercise early
on, before stress becomes unmanageable. At the same time,
you don't want to lose that protective lack of awareness
about pain. Take breaks every so often and just sit
quietly and pay attention to how you feel. Learn where you
feel stress first. Do you get heartburn? Do your
shoulders get tight? Once you learn that, you can
periodically scan to see if your body is showing tension.

3. Change the way you think. This takes practice, yet it
gives you a change to respond to situations instead of

4. Keep a stress journal. This has two purposes. You can
journal about stressful incidents and use the journal as a
tool to help you identify situations that are stressful to
you. This can help you either avoid repeating these
situations or be better prepared should they be
unavoidable. Journaling about a stressful event also helps
you debrief and de-stress after the event.

5. Learn stress management techniques, such as
visualization, meditation, and breathing. These techniques
decrease the level of neurochemicals circulating in your
body, and help decrease both stress and pain.

6. Chiropractic adjustments may help reduce pain and
improve range of motion. Chiropractors use a wide variety
of manipulative techniques and can individualize your

7. NeuroEmotional Technique (NET) focuses on releasing
emotional blocks stored in the body's memory through simple
chiropractic adjustments. Everyone has emotional trauma,
past or present, that the body has locked into its memory,
often below the realm of conscious thought. NET can
isolate these events and release them from the body.

When you decrease your stress, you will probably experience
less pain and fatigue from fibromyalgia. Changing your
lifestyle so that you are taking care of your self can help
prevent flare-ups and give you a better quality of life.
Eat well, think well, and move well!

Dr. Michael B. Roth has been a holistic chiropractor for 23
years. His goal is to transform the health care system
from crisis/reactive care to a wellness model of health.
Dr. Roth is a dynamic speaker on health and wellness who
can motivate and transform your audience and you to bring
your own health and well-being to a new level!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey Remedy

Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey Remedy
The health benefits of the apple cider vinegar and honey
drink are widely known. This recipe has traditionally been
used as an at-home self remedy for many ailments, and even
an anti-aging elixir. Many people have smartly made use of
its cleansing and disinfecting properties to self-detoxify
their body. It is seen as a powerful cleansing agent and
natural healing elixir with naturally occurring antibiotic
and antiseptic that fights germs and bacteria.

Alkaline-Forming Diet:

So, how does this vinegar and honey remedy actually work? A
person's bloodstream tends toward becoming acidic with our
modern diet of fats, starches and processed foods, (e.g
fast foods, meats, peanuts, seafoods, alcohol and
coffee)and if your body is acidic, disease can flourish; if
it is alkaline, it is in balance and can fight off germs
and ailments such as bladder and kidney conditions,
osteoporosis, brittle bones, joint pains, aching muscles,
low energy and chronic fatigue, and slow digestion. Raw
fruits, leafy green vegetables, legumes, and tea are
examples of alkaline forming foods. Interestingly and
ironically, a food's acid or alkaline-forming tendency in
the body has nothing to do with the actual pH of the food
itself. For instance, lemons and limes are very acidic,
however the end-products they produce after digestion and
assimilation are very alkaline so lemons and limes are
alkaline-forming in the body. Likewise, meat will test
alkaline before digestion but it leaves very acidic residue
in the body so, like nearly all animal products, meat is
very acid-forming. It is important to know that stomach
acid or the pH of the stomach is an entirely different
matter from the pH of the body's fluids and tissues. The
body has an acid-alkaline (or acid-base) ratio called the
pH which is a balance between positively charges ions
(acid-forming) and negatively charged ions
(alkaline-forming). When this balance is compromised many
problems can occur. The body is forced to borrow
minerals—including calcium, sodium, potassium and
magnesium from vital organs and bones to neutralize the
acid and safely remove it from the body. And severe damage
can be done to the body due to high acidity. Ideally, for
most people, the ideal diet is 75 percent alkalizing and 25
percent acidifying foods by volume. Allergic reactions and
other forms of stress also tend to produce excessive acids
in the body.

The alkalinity of apple cider vinegar can correct excess
acidity in our system and help prevent and fight infection.
Honey added to the vinegar naturally makes the mixture more
drinkable for people. And the good news is that unprocessed
raw honey has been classfified as an alkaline-forming food.
(Processed honey is only little acidifying and artifical
sweetener is very acidifying). When you first drink the
apple cider vinegar formula, it might taste horrible to
you, but as your body becomes less acidic and more
alkaline, it would begin to taste good. The ailments that
could be cured by this apple cider vinegar and honey
treatment include:

1. Premature aging

2. Obesity

3. Food poisoning

4. Heat exhaustion

5. Heartburn

6. Brittle nails

7. Bad breath

8. Arthritis

9. High blood pressure

10. High cholesterol level

Try this healthy and refreshing vinegar and honey drink!
Essentially, to prepare:

* Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon
of raw honey. (Apple cider vinegar is actually made from
fresh, organic, crushed apples that are allowed to mature
naturally in wooden barrels, but you can get it easily from
the grocery shops or supermarkets.)

* Dissolve in a glass of chilled water.

* Take it twice daily.

Note: For this vinegar and honey remedy, do not get
commercial distilled vinegars as they do not contain the
same health values of organic, raw apple cider vinegar. The
powerful enzymes and minerals like potassium, phosphorus,
sodium, magnesium, sulphur, iron copper, fluorine, silicon,
pectin and natural malic and tartaric acids, which are
important in fighting body toxins and inhibiting bacteria
growth, are all destroyed during the distilling process.

Ruth Tan is the owner of the website Benefits of Honey at which is an immensely
rich, quality resource on honey and its benefits, and a
plethora of health-related issues.

Are you playing Russian roulette with your medications?

Are you playing Russian roulette with your medications?
Lucky as I was, before disaster was striking me, a minor
health problem raised my health awareness. I wasn't doing
the best I could for my body and it protested with pain to
give me a wakeup call. Carpal tunnel syndrome. Disrupted
blood flew in both my wrists, and pain in my chest now and
then. Because I worked at a chemical storage at that time,
the search went into the wrong direction. Finally the
solution they had to offer was operating both my wrists.
That didn't sound appealing to me and I checked it by a
second option I heard from through word of mouth

The answer came after a nice chat in hardly five minutes. A
disrupted acid ~ base balance (pH). Never heard of it, but
as I found out later, every farmer knows about it! This
might be one of the biggest secrets to improve your health
fast and effective. After nearly three years my problems
vanished in eight weeks with only a strict diet.

This is where my journey started. I read all the articles
in the newspapers I used to skip before. Magazines, TV,
international seminars and off course the Internet. Step by
step I started to make some small changes in my diet,
started to use supplements and most important: measuring my
results! It became a rollercoaster ride. From a school
figure 9.3 to a 3.8 on the downside. Living healthier isn't
easy with the temptations of all those processed foods!

On one off the presentations I met Dr. Robert Verkerk from
the Alliance of Natural Health (ANH). He presented the
danger of the coming Codex Alimentarius for natural health
freedom. Funny that they want more evidence about
supplements and double blind controlled studies done with
vitamins. Why funny? Because I learned from an article
published in the British Medical Journal the fact about

Didn't you hear all those stories about quackery lately
when it comes to vitamins and minerals? Here are the facts
about the medication the doctor uses to cure diseases. 13%
is proven to be beneficient to help overcome a health
problem. 46%! Yes, you read that right, from 46% they
haven't got a clue what it's doing inside your body. The
remaining 41 percent is sometimes a benefit; sometimes the
side effects are worse than the complaint itself; sometimes
it even has the potential to kill! After I had the time to
really think about those figures, it sounded like a Russian
roulette to me. Played in the doctor's office and most off
the patients not knowing about it! And the doctor; Does he
or she knows the truth, or is he or she brainwashed by the
pharmaceutical marketing machine.

I consider myself lucky, having the knowledge and putting
my trust in natural medicine. To me it's very clear that
people, who change their diet and are using supplements,
avoiding dangerous foods, are looking younger, are feeling
better and will have more energy. Looking around I would
like to shout it from the top of the roof: "Hey folks,
don't you know?" But I learned that people don't react most
of the time on the voice of a stranger. That's why I try to
encourage you to learn more about it and help me spread the

Helping people to preserve and maintain an optimum health
status, that's my goal. Your 99 cent can help me spread the
word about natural health in the protest song I recorded
about the Codex Alimentarius (food rules) and the C 51 Bill
(Canada) at:
http://www/ - Henk

Lose weight diet ! No fun!

Lose weight diet ! No fun!
Times are rough! Okay, maybe that's a bit over-dramatic.
Times are rough for some people, and not so much for
others. I suppose overall we currently reside in a pretty
wonderful world. However, those who're constantly
struggling with their weight may not see things the same
way. In fact, many of these individuals are down-right
depressed. Maybe they have difficulty sticking to a diet,
or they simply love food a little too much. Well, the cold,
harsh truth is that a REAL lose weight diet consists of
routine and will power. You have to adopt proper eating
habits and conform to a strict exercise regimen. This is
the best route to take if you truly want results. You must
stick to the program!

When people mention the phrase "lose weight diet," what
comes to mind? I generally picture low-fat, low-sugar,
low-sodium foods with plenty of nutrients, along with a
consistent workout program. And let's not forget plenty of
water and rest. These are the bare essentials folks. These
are the key ingredients for any effective lose weight diet.
You must change your eating habits and stay strong. I
always hear people say "But what if I work out four days a
week and just keep eating like I do?" Hmm, this is unlikely
to be effective for someone overweight. You must also
change your poor eating habits in order to shed pounds of
fat. You may not gain any additional weight since you're
working out routinely, but you may not lose anything
either. It's sort of a stagnant position.

My guess is you really want to lose a specific number of
pounds. Most people do. Ask them and they'll tell you. My
spouse is a perfect example. She wants to drop 10 pounds.
Maybe she believes that 10 pounds is what's keeping her
from an ideal size and weight. Either way, she needs a
serious lose weight diet to accomplish her weight loss
goal. And the same goes for you as well.

Losing weight is never fun. The majority of us hate to even
have to grapple with our weights. It's a pesky annoyance
that comes with life and aging. Now, if you're serious
about dropping pounds and getting results, remember what
must be focused on. Eating right, fish, poultry,
vegetables, fruits and water; exercising regularly, 4-5
days a week, mostly cardio to start; and sticking to your
program. Soon you will reach that desired weight you're

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