Thursday, June 19, 2008

Liposuction Vs. Lipodissolve Vs. Lipocavitron

Liposuction Vs. Lipodissolve Vs. Lipocavitron
Liposuction (LS) is firstly the sucking of fat out of your
body. From this point forward, there are variations and
opinions on what way, which catheter, method of anesthesia
etc etc.

Let's start out with the anesthesia. You can either put
someone under general anesthesia or do tumescent
anesthesia. The former is obvious. Using a gas, you are put
to sleep for the duration of the procedure. The pros are
that you will feel nothing initially, but afterwards there
is quite severe pain. The second and most distressing fact
is that 95% of all adverse side effects, including death,
have all occurred under general Anesthesia!! The reason is
simple. Most Plastic surgeons who do it under general
anesthesia do multiple procedures or multiple fatty areas
all at once. And all Physicians know that the more
procedures you do under general, the greater the risk. Now
Tumescent anesthesia. First, you are awake for the entire
procedure. Using Dr Klein's Solution, the area to be
suctioned is infiltrated (filled) with the fluid, which
numbs the area, and then, using your preferred catheter
(we'll talk more on this later) you evacuate the fat. You
are monitored, just like under general anesthesia but
because the physician can and does talk to the patient
during the entire procedure, you have control of the
patient. Up until last year there had never been a reported
death doing this method, but a very careless and cavalier
doctor who used inappropriate drugs during the procedure,
and then left the operating room before the end of the
procedure, did cause the death of one patient. Again, I
believe after reading the case that it was the
inappropriate use of the drugs that killed the patient. So
it had nothing to do with the actual anesthetic solution.

Catheters are like fishing lures, everyone has their own
favorites and swears by their selection, but in reality,
there is a specific lure, or catheter, for each specific
fish, or area to be suctioned. There are catheters with
vibrating tips, ultrasound tips, laser tips, oscillating
tips (some of which go up and down, and others side ways.)
Others whirl randomly in all directions. And then there are
the straight catheters. I personally use the straight
catheters because I believe that you have the most control
- and while it takes a lot longer to do the procedure, the
results, in my opinion, are far superior. Dr Gasparotti,
perhaps the most artistic liposuctionist in the world likes
to say, "It is not the catheter that counts, but the man
(woman) holding the catheter". I agree.

So when would you chose liposuction over Lipodissolve? I
believe the answer is, when there is a large volume of fat
to remove, multiple areas that need addressing, when the
patient wants it all done at once, and in the love handles
in men and the knee areas in both men and women.


Lipodissolve is the injection of Phosphatidyl Choline (PC)
directly into the fat. PC is a natural derivative of the
soybean. Unfortunately, there have been freelance writers
who have, out of ignorance, claimed that we do not know how
it works. We do know! The PC works by causing the cell
membrane to reverse its polarity and as it does,
microscopic holes are produced in the cell membrane. We
call this a "Zwitterionic defect". The cell membrane
disintegrates, the triglycerides (which is what fat is made
of) are released and the body turns them into diglycerides.
The body breaks these down one step further to
mono-glycerides and finally to free-fatty-acids. This is
what the body uses as energy. So in essence fat is stored
energy, and the PC breaks down those fat stores in specific
areas and turns them into energy. This is a permanent loss
of fat in the areas injected. I like to say that it is
"chemical liposuction".

Rapid Laser Lipodissolve is all of the above, plus we add
three sessions of a cold laser to the areas being injected.
This causes more destruction of the fat cell membrane and a
more rapid resolution to a thinner you.

High Definition Rapid Laser Lipodissolve is the final
addition to these non-invasive ways of losing fat. In
addition to all of the above, we add in a hormone injection
that aids in the dissolution of fat. In our studies not
only did it appear to enhance the fat loss in the injected
areas, but also (as has been established over many years,)
aids in the resolution of subcutaneous fat in the whole


This is a patented French machine that uses low frequency
Ultrasound to dissolve the cellulite. The low frequency
ultrasound is at 27 KHz, which is just above the hearing
for a human and it painlessly dissolves the fat beneath the
surface of the skin. In medical terms the fat is
"cavitated". In essence, ultrasound transducers are applied
to the skin with a gel interface and you lie there for
about 30 min. The draw back to this is that it takes about
10 sessions to see a really good result. Typically the skin
is much smoother and the dimpling is greatly reduced. The
positives are that there is absolutely no discomfort
whatsoever, and it is completely non invasive. For the best
results, the ten sessions should occur over a one-month
period. The transducers can be applied to just about any
part of the body.

Dr. Roger Murray, M.D. is an Orlando, Fla. based cosmetic
surgeon, specializing in minimally invasive cosmetic
surgery and is an expert in scar minimization techniques,
aesthetics and anti-aging. For more information, please

Focus On Your Health, Your Weight Will Take Care of Itself

Focus On Your Health, Your Weight Will Take Care of Itself
Everyone writes about weight loss and diets these days so I
wanted to write an information packed article about the
benefits of good health. What most people don't realize is
that when you focus your attentions on practicing the right
steps towards a healthy vibrant lifestyle you will very
rarely find yourself over weight or battling the diseases
that go along with poor health.

Hypertension ( stress), Bad Cholesterol, Obesity, High
Blood Pressure.

Do these words sounds all too familiar?

These are the buzz words of our time...listen to the news
or read a magazine, its all that we hear these days. This
is the legacy we pass on to our future generation. These
are the words that describe poor health.

Unfortunately, all of our focus these days is on Diet and
body image when it should stress the importance of good
health. Society dictates that thin is in! The advertising
industry invests billions of dollars in the marketing of
miracle fat burners and quick loss schemes that promise
amazing overnight results. The fact is that most fad diets
are developed by people with little to no scientific or
health background.Most quick weight loss diets may produce
short term results that in turn prove harmful with long
term side effects for the very people who suffer from the
health problems I have listed above

Your body weight and clothes size is not a reliable
indication of a healthy person. No two people have the same
body composition. Ask any doctor or nutritionist and they
will likely state that the true measure of health and
longevity has mainly to do with proper diet,healthy eating
habits, a high degree of exercise and most of all a sound
mental outlook on life.

Good health is not hard to achieve. Below is a complete
list of healthy habits to practice throughout your life and
I can almost guarantee that when you focus on your health,
the excess weight will naturally take care of itself

Check List For A Healthy Lifestyle

1. Eat a well rounded diet each day consisting of fruits,
vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and calcium rich

2. Replace large meals with 5 small low fat, high fiber

3. Drink plenty of water. Make sure to drink at least 15
oz. of water in the morning to start your day. This will
hydrate your organs and body and get your system off to a
good start.

4. Limit your alcoholic beverage intake.

5. Limit caffeine intake and all other beverages that
contain fat or high amounts of sugar.

6. Practice deep breathing exercises. When you breathe deep
through your diaphragm and exhale slowly, this will reduce
daily stress and stimulate your lymph nodes to help cleans
and flush toxins from your body

7. Do at least 30-45 minutof strenuous exercise per day.
This will burn calories, rev up your metabolism, tone your
muscles and also reduce stress levels.

8. Take a good multi-vitamin along with certain natural
supplements that will enhance your energy level and replace
important nutrients not absorbed with your meals. * Note:
Consult with your doctor or a licensed nutritionist before
setting up your dietary plan.

9. Be good to yourself! Do something each day that brings
you personal joy. Read a good book, travel, meditate,
garden, enjoy your pets,spend quality time with your
spouse, get together with friends. All of these are good
suggestions that will relieve stress and create a healthy &
positive state of mind.

To Your Good Health & Healthy Weight!

Dori Schwaiger is an expert author on diet and fitness, she
is also the owner of , which
has become a destination on the web for health minded
people. Check out our vast selection of workout videos and
top diet plans all with online money saving coupons and
exclusive private sale offers!

Is Cardio Really Necessary To Lose Stomach Fat?

Is Cardio Really Necessary To Lose Stomach Fat?
If you want to lose fat, especially from your stomach, you
have to do long, boring, monotonous cardio in order to
achieve your goal. Right?

I mean, that's what you've always been told by the

They've always said, "If you want to lose fat, do lots of
cardio." But is that true? Do I really have to pin my fat
loss hopes and dreams on doing 60 minutes of cardio
everyday of the week?

Absolutely not! And if you do want to do cardio, you sure
as heck don't have to do it for that long.

There is a better way...a far better way to lose fat,
especially stomach fat.

You need to focus on doing resistance training if you
really want to lose stomach fat. And if you do it
correctly, you won't even need to do a traditional cardio
session again!

When I say "do it correctly", I mean that you need to focus
on doing full body workouts that focus on working large
muscle groups, rather than attempting to split your body
into sections and working one thing at a time.

All too often I hear guys say that they're going to spend
today's workout session on Back and Biceps or Chest and
Abs, etc. I've got news for you, the body just doesn't
work that way. You can't just split the body up into
pieces and expect to get superior results, especially if
time is an issue when you workout.

The ladies are not immune to this phenomenon either. I
always hear ladies saying they want to work their triceps
and "inner thighs" or "saddle bags" in an effort to "tone
up." Sorry ladies, but that's just not going to happen if
you train that way. Especially if you finish that workout
up by hopping on the treadmill for 60 minutes (or more) of
fast walking because you don't want to leave your "fat
burning zone." A zone that doesn't exist by the way.

So now that I've told you what doesn't work, let's get to
what does work. As I said earlier, what works is full body
workouts that focus on working lots of muscle because
muscle is what burns fat.

Here's a typical workout that I prescribe to my clients.

Warm-up for 5 minutes by doing a circuit of medicine ball
wood chops, push-ups and bodyweight squats.

Then perform the following supersets.

1A) "T" Push-up - 10 reps 1B) Dumbbell Bent Over Row - 8

2A) Reverse Lunge - 10 reps per leg 2B) Incline Dumbbell
Chest Press - 8 reps

3A) Dumbbell Rear Flies - 8 reps 3B) 1-Leg Stability Ball
Leg Curl - 10 reps per leg

4A) Mt. Climbers - 30 seconds 4B) Stability Ball Rollout
- 12

Then I have my clients perform interval training for their
cardio. This comes in many different types, but at its
root, all interval training consists of is mixing bouts of
intense activity with bouts of lower intensity activity.

This could mean mixing sprinting for 20 seconds with
walking for 90 for 10 minutes or it could mean doing
bodyweight circuits for 15 minutes. The sky really is the
limit with this type of "cardio".

The point is that you need to get out of the cardio
mentality that so many of the so-called experts have you
trapped in and break free and try something new. Something
that will work and is proven to work. I've been using this
style of training with my training clients for years with
fantastic results.

Give it a try today and I'll prove to you it works.

To learn how to lose stomach fat faster than you thought
possible visit for your free fat
loss report and 5 free fat loss workouts.

Learn To Quit Smoking In Less Than 3 Hours! - Is This Possible?

Learn To Quit Smoking In Less Than 3 Hours! - Is This Possible?
You may have heard people claim that they quit smoking in
just three hours, or maybe one hour, or even a day. Is it
really possible to stop smoking in such a short time? Well,
it really can happen for you. Many people wonder if they
can really stop smoking in a short time, such as in a
couple hours, and if you really have the motivation, the
answer is definitely a big yes.

Quitting the habit quickly is important, especially since
there are a variety of dangers that go along with smoking.
More than likely you already know all the dangers that come
along with smoking, so we'll not go into them here, but you
shouldn't stop thinking about them.

While the dangers of smoking are one of the reasons that
you should definitely stop smoking as soon as possible,
there are other reasons as well. First of all, you'll find
that you have a whole lot more money when you stop the
habit. Just think, all that money you spend on cigarettes
will be free to spend on other things, which can add up to
a huge amount of money each month.

You'll also be able to get involved in sports and feel a
lot healthier when you quit smoking quickly as well. Eating
becomes more pleasurable and your clothes will even smell
better once you quit. If this all sounds great to you, it's
time that you learn how you can quit smoking in less tan
three hours. Here are a few tips that can definitely help
you out.

Tip #1 - Change the Mindset - It's time that you change
your entire mindset if you really want to quit smoking. No
doubt you have it in your mind that you need the
cigarettes, that they are a part of your life, and that
quitting will be very difficult. Many companies actually
try to make you feel like it really is impossible to quit.
You need to believe that you can quit and that quitting is
actually easy. This will help you make the decision to quit

Tip #2 - Keep Yourself Busy - Want to quit in a little bit
of time? If so, it's important that you work on keeping
yourself busy. There are a variety of things you can do to
keep busy. Consider watching television or a great movie,
talk on the phone with friends, get involved in some online
gaming, or even peeling fruit or vegetables that you are
planning on eating. Just get active and busy, and it will
help you quit smoking quickly.

Tip #3 - Come Up with a List - Another way that you can
stop smoking in three hours or less is to come up with a
list. On the list you should write down all of the dangers
that there are involved in smoking. Then, write down all of
the benefits that you can enjoy if you decide to quit. If
you do start craving a cigarette, take a look at this list
and ask yourself if you really want and need to smoke? No
doubt the answer is going to be a resounding NO.

In less than 3 hours You CAN learn how to Quit Smoking -
FOR LIFE - from the comfort of your home - without gums,
pills, or patches and, without gaining any weight or
suffering a single major craving - Fully Guaranteed!

Learn To Quit Smoking In Less Than 3 Hours! - Is This Possible?

Learn To Quit Smoking In Less Than 3 Hours! - Is This Possible?
You may have heard people claim that they quit smoking in
just three hours, or maybe one hour, or even a day. Is it
really possible to stop smoking in such a short time? Well,
it really can happen for you. Many people wonder if they
can really stop smoking in a short time, such as in a
couple hours, and if you really have the motivation, the
answer is definitely a big yes.

Quitting the habit quickly is important, especially since
there are a variety of dangers that go along with smoking.
More than likely you already know all the dangers that come
along with smoking, so we'll not go into them here, but you
shouldn't stop thinking about them.

While the dangers of smoking are one of the reasons that
you should definitely stop smoking as soon as possible,
there are other reasons as well. First of all, you'll find
that you have a whole lot more money when you stop the
habit. Just think, all that money you spend on cigarettes
will be free to spend on other things, which can add up to
a huge amount of money each month.

You'll also be able to get involved in sports and feel a
lot healthier when you quit smoking quickly as well. Eating
becomes more pleasurable and your clothes will even smell
better once you quit. If this all sounds great to you, it's
time that you learn how you can quit smoking in less tan
three hours. Here are a few tips that can definitely help
you out.

Tip #1 - Change the Mindset - It's time that you change
your entire mindset if you really want to quit smoking. No
doubt you have it in your mind that you need the
cigarettes, that they are a part of your life, and that
quitting will be very difficult. Many companies actually
try to make you feel like it really is impossible to quit.
You need to believe that you can quit and that quitting is
actually easy. This will help you make the decision to quit

Tip #2 - Keep Yourself Busy - Want to quit in a little bit
of time? If so, it's important that you work on keeping
yourself busy. There are a variety of things you can do to
keep busy. Consider watching television or a great movie,
talk on the phone with friends, get involved in some online
gaming, or even peeling fruit or vegetables that you are
planning on eating. Just get active and busy, and it will
help you quit smoking quickly.

Tip #3 - Come Up with a List - Another way that you can
stop smoking in three hours or less is to come up with a
list. On the list you should write down all of the dangers
that there are involved in smoking. Then, write down all of
the benefits that you can enjoy if you decide to quit. If
you do start craving a cigarette, take a look at this list
and ask yourself if you really want and need to smoke? No
doubt the answer is going to be a resounding NO.

In less than 3 hours You CAN learn how to Quit Smoking -
FOR LIFE - from the comfort of your home - without gums,
pills, or patches and, without gaining any weight or
suffering a single major craving - Fully Guaranteed!

7 Frequently Asked Questions About Honey

7 Frequently Asked Questions About Honey
Here are seven questions which are frequently asked by
people who are exploring honey use.

Question 1: Can diabetics use honey? I have been told that
diabetics can use honey. Is that true?

Ans: This kind of honey information is important for
diabetic patients who try to take care of their diet.
Commercially honey is sometimes adulterated by glucose,
starch, cane sugar, and even malt. Hence it is better to be
avoided by the diabetics. And whether raw honey is is okay
for diabetics, this is better to be advised by the doctor
personally attending to the patient.

Question 2: Both honey and table sugar contain fructose and
glucose. So, chemically they have the same basic sugar
units. Is it correct?

Ans: It is true that both honey and table sugar have the
same basic sugar units. However table sugar, or sucrose,
has glucose and fructose hooked or amalgamated together,
whereas if you look at honey properties, fructose and
glucose remain in individual units.

Question 3: Invert sugar is sucrose broken down into
glucose and fructose. So, honey is an invert sugar. Is it

Ans: This statement is correct. Chemically, honey is invert
sugar. It has a mishmash of both glucose and fructose. The
only difference is that honey is honey bee-processed,
whereas invert sugar (e.g candies) is man-made!

Question 4: Honey contains more calories than table sugar.
Does it imply that it is therefore less healthy to eat

Ans: We all know that any excessive intake of calories in
any form is not good. Yes, honey has more calories, but we
actually need to use less of it since it is sweeter than
table sugar. As a result, in the long run, you may in fact
consume even less amount of calories that you would with
table sugar. Moreover, unlike table sugar which is empty
calories, honey has nutritional value.

Question 5: Compared to table sugar, honey is sweetener.
This is because it has more fructose which does not convert
to energy as efficiently as glucose. So does this mean
honey is less healthy?

Ans: Yes, honey contains more fructose, but precisely
because it is sweeter, you need less of it.

Question 6: If spores are harmful to babies, why aren't
they removed in the pasteurisation process of making
commercial honey?

Ans: All new mothers, please take note of this honey
information. Pasteurisation cannot remove spores as they
are very resistant to killing by physical and chemical
agents. To kill spores which are harmful to babies,
processors must heat the honey to at least 250 degrees
Fahrenheit, under pressure for at least three minutes, but
this cannot be done as honey burns under this high
temperature, its flavor changes and some health beneficial
honey properties are also destroyed. This explains why for
so many honey FAQs concerning whether it is okay to feed
infant honey, the answer is also a "NO".

Question 7: I was told that honey does not spoil. What if I
mix it with water and leave it? Will it go bad?

You will learn from most sources of honey information that
"honey does not spoil" and it has no expiry date. Nothing
will grow in naturally antibiotic and antiviral honey as
long as the moisture content remains under 18%. Natural,
raw honey varies from 14% to 18% in moisture content.
However, when water is added to honey, natural airborn
yeasts can become active in the honey water. So your honey
water will turn bad eventually.

Ruth Tan runs the popular website Benefits of Honey at which is an immensely rich
resource packed with quality information on honey and a
plethora of health and nutrition issues.

7 Frequently Asked Questions About Honey

7 Frequently Asked Questions About Honey
Here are seven questions which are frequently asked by
people who are exploring honey use.

Question 1: Can diabetics use honey? I have been told that
diabetics can use honey. Is that true?

Ans: This kind of honey information is important for
diabetic patients who try to take care of their diet.
Commercially honey is sometimes adulterated by glucose,
starch, cane sugar, and even malt. Hence it is better to be
avoided by the diabetics. And whether raw honey is is okay
for diabetics, this is better to be advised by the doctor
personally attending to the patient.

Question 2: Both honey and table sugar contain fructose and
glucose. So, chemically they have the same basic sugar
units. Is it correct?

Ans: It is true that both honey and table sugar have the
same basic sugar units. However table sugar, or sucrose,
has glucose and fructose hooked or amalgamated together,
whereas if you look at honey properties, fructose and
glucose remain in individual units.

Question 3: Invert sugar is sucrose broken down into
glucose and fructose. So, honey is an invert sugar. Is it

Ans: This statement is correct. Chemically, honey is invert
sugar. It has a mishmash of both glucose and fructose. The
only difference is that honey is honey bee-processed,
whereas invert sugar (e.g candies) is man-made!

Question 4: Honey contains more calories than table sugar.
Does it imply that it is therefore less healthy to eat

Ans: We all know that any excessive intake of calories in
any form is not good. Yes, honey has more calories, but we
actually need to use less of it since it is sweeter than
table sugar. As a result, in the long run, you may in fact
consume even less amount of calories that you would with
table sugar. Moreover, unlike table sugar which is empty
calories, honey has nutritional value.

Question 5: Compared to table sugar, honey is sweetener.
This is because it has more fructose which does not convert
to energy as efficiently as glucose. So does this mean
honey is less healthy?

Ans: Yes, honey contains more fructose, but precisely
because it is sweeter, you need less of it.

Question 6: If spores are harmful to babies, why aren't
they removed in the pasteurisation process of making
commercial honey?

Ans: All new mothers, please take note of this honey
information. Pasteurisation cannot remove spores as they
are very resistant to killing by physical and chemical
agents. To kill spores which are harmful to babies,
processors must heat the honey to at least 250 degrees
Fahrenheit, under pressure for at least three minutes, but
this cannot be done as honey burns under this high
temperature, its flavor changes and some health beneficial
honey properties are also destroyed. This explains why for
so many honey FAQs concerning whether it is okay to feed
infant honey, the answer is also a "NO".

Question 7: I was told that honey does not spoil. What if I
mix it with water and leave it? Will it go bad?

You will learn from most sources of honey information that
"honey does not spoil" and it has no expiry date. Nothing
will grow in naturally antibiotic and antiviral honey as
long as the moisture content remains under 18%. Natural,
raw honey varies from 14% to 18% in moisture content.
However, when water is added to honey, natural airborn
yeasts can become active in the honey water. So your honey
water will turn bad eventually.

Ruth Tan runs the popular website Benefits of Honey at which is an immensely rich
resource packed with quality information on honey and a
plethora of health and nutrition issues.

How to have a night out and lose weight.

How to have a night out and lose weight.
The five easy to take steps to help you stay on track.

Over the time I have been a trainer this is probably the
single biggest hurdle in the road when trying to lose fat.

Let's look at why.

When you go out you often eat all sorts of foods, and
drink. When I first work with people I do insist on no
alcohol for 30 days, as it really does slow down fat loss.
I do recognise that for nutrition strategy to be effective
then it has to be manageable long term and if that means
the occasional drink then that is fine.

So why can a night out be so destructive?

Did you know that in one bottle of wine there can be 750
Kcals. A pint of lager about 200 Kcals. These are high
calorie products. Imagine you drank a whole bottle of wine,
that is actually half the recommended daily amount of
calories for a woman.

The main thing to consider is that most of these calories
are coming from sugars. Yes alcohol is a type of sugar.
This is very important when we think about a strategy for
when you go out.

If you go out for a meal then sometimes you can just say
blow the healthy eating plan and pick anything you like off
of the menu and often eat to the point where you have to
undue a button or two.

The real key to going out and staying on track with a fat
loss program is to plan. Yes I know what your saying, I
keep on harping on and on about planning (if you have read
any of my other articles). Well this is easy.

1. If you are going out for a drink avoid carbohydrate rich
foods before you go out. You will be consuming so much
carbohydrate from the drink, the equivalent to 35 teaspoons
of sugar in one bottle of wine. So stick to high protein
and healthy fat meal. Maybe some steak or chicken and salad
with a high quality dressing, this will keep you full and
help prevent the alcohol getting to your head really quick.

One of my clients has been trying this recently and she has
even found she gets less of a hangover. Although I'm not
sure about that.

2. When you go out for a meal have a look at the whole
menu. Think about what you really want. Make sure you have
something that you are going to enjoy and will fill you up.
Then before you order think about how you want to feel
afterwards. I know from personal experience if I have a
pizza or pasta I just want to go straight to sleep. If I
have a Chicken Ceaser salad I have lots of energy and my
stomach doesn't feel like it is about to explode. When you
have decided what your going to eat order it, and remember
you can ask them to prepare food slightly differently. For
example, you can ask for the dressing to be served
separately so that you choose how much goes on.

When your food comes, eat slowly. I often try and put my
knife and fork down during in between mouthfuls. When you
take your time your stomach often has time to keep up with
your mouth and sends a message when it's full.

Make sure your listening.

3. Thirdly, drink water. If you have slipped a little then
your body will probably want to flush chemicals out of your
body, it needs water to do this. Try to drink water through
out the night and then about 1 litre before you go to bed.

You will probably find you will feel much better in the
morning. Remember that your urine should be a pale colour
to show you are hydrated and not flushing chemicals out.

4. Pull it back together. Just because you had one night
astray you need to get straight back on the wagon. Get your
eating straight and your exercise back on track and often
their will be little or no evidence that you have been off

5. Finally, enjoy your self. Many people lose focus on
their goals when they stop having fun. So have some fun,
keep your goals in mind and follow these simple steps and
you will be surprised how effective they are.

Matt Murphy is a top fitness coach who specializes in
results based training, to find out more about his training
methods or to learn more visit his website at or the blog at

How to have a night out and lose weight.

How to have a night out and lose weight.
The five easy to take steps to help you stay on track.

Over the time I have been a trainer this is probably the
single biggest hurdle in the road when trying to lose fat.

Let's look at why.

When you go out you often eat all sorts of foods, and
drink. When I first work with people I do insist on no
alcohol for 30 days, as it really does slow down fat loss.
I do recognise that for nutrition strategy to be effective
then it has to be manageable long term and if that means
the occasional drink then that is fine.

So why can a night out be so destructive?

Did you know that in one bottle of wine there can be 750
Kcals. A pint of lager about 200 Kcals. These are high
calorie products. Imagine you drank a whole bottle of wine,
that is actually half the recommended daily amount of
calories for a woman.

The main thing to consider is that most of these calories
are coming from sugars. Yes alcohol is a type of sugar.
This is very important when we think about a strategy for
when you go out.

If you go out for a meal then sometimes you can just say
blow the healthy eating plan and pick anything you like off
of the menu and often eat to the point where you have to
undue a button or two.

The real key to going out and staying on track with a fat
loss program is to plan. Yes I know what your saying, I
keep on harping on and on about planning (if you have read
any of my other articles). Well this is easy.

1. If you are going out for a drink avoid carbohydrate rich
foods before you go out. You will be consuming so much
carbohydrate from the drink, the equivalent to 35 teaspoons
of sugar in one bottle of wine. So stick to high protein
and healthy fat meal. Maybe some steak or chicken and salad
with a high quality dressing, this will keep you full and
help prevent the alcohol getting to your head really quick.

One of my clients has been trying this recently and she has
even found she gets less of a hangover. Although I'm not
sure about that.

2. When you go out for a meal have a look at the whole
menu. Think about what you really want. Make sure you have
something that you are going to enjoy and will fill you up.
Then before you order think about how you want to feel
afterwards. I know from personal experience if I have a
pizza or pasta I just want to go straight to sleep. If I
have a Chicken Ceaser salad I have lots of energy and my
stomach doesn't feel like it is about to explode. When you
have decided what your going to eat order it, and remember
you can ask them to prepare food slightly differently. For
example, you can ask for the dressing to be served
separately so that you choose how much goes on.

When your food comes, eat slowly. I often try and put my
knife and fork down during in between mouthfuls. When you
take your time your stomach often has time to keep up with
your mouth and sends a message when it's full.

Make sure your listening.

3. Thirdly, drink water. If you have slipped a little then
your body will probably want to flush chemicals out of your
body, it needs water to do this. Try to drink water through
out the night and then about 1 litre before you go to bed.

You will probably find you will feel much better in the
morning. Remember that your urine should be a pale colour
to show you are hydrated and not flushing chemicals out.

4. Pull it back together. Just because you had one night
astray you need to get straight back on the wagon. Get your
eating straight and your exercise back on track and often
their will be little or no evidence that you have been off

5. Finally, enjoy your self. Many people lose focus on
their goals when they stop having fun. So have some fun,
keep your goals in mind and follow these simple steps and
you will be surprised how effective they are.

Matt Murphy is a top fitness coach who specializes in
results based training, to find out more about his training
methods or to learn more visit his website at or the blog at

Personal Trainer In Spokane Asks: "Who Else Wants A Super Lean AND Super Sexy Body"

Personal Trainer In Spokane Asks: "Who Else Wants A Super Lean AND Super Sexy Body"
If you are one of the many individuals looking to improve
their quality of health, then you need to consider the
services of a personal trainer.

There are many advantages to hiring a personal trainer and
there are additional reasons as to why you need to hire a
personal trainer in the area for your personal fitness

The Advantages Of A Hiring A Personal Trainer

There are many advantages to hiring a personal trainer.
Some of these advantages include:

You will receive expert knowledge about the aspects of the
fitness world.

You will have access to the latest in nutritional tips to
enhance your workout.

The personal trainer will provide you with the motivation
to complete your fitness goals.

You will have less stress as you will be paying the
personal trainer to manage the complicated aspects of
achieving your fitness goals.

Finally, you will have access to exercise equipment along
with someone who has knowledge in how to use the exercise
equipment to your advantage.

Your Personal Trainer Is The Expert You Should Trust

Many people think that they know enough about their body to
start getting into shape on their own. In most situations,
though, they are quite wrong. Only a licensed personal
trainer has the type of knowledge that will benefit you and
your goals for a higher level of personal fitness.

A personal trainer has spent years devoted to the fitness
field and has the knowledge to make you into a fitness
success story.

The Latest Nutritional Tips And Information

Your local personal trainer has the latest knowledge and
tips on the nutritional aspects of personal health and
fitness. Your fitness coach can create a nutritional
schedule to benefit your unique workout goals. A majority
of people can start an exercise plan but they fail to
receive results because they aren't eating the foods to
compliment their workout.

A Personal trainer Will Motivate You

Are you one of the many people who fear at the idea of
exercising into shape? If so, a personal fitness trainer
can help you out. A fitness coach will give you the
confidence and motivation to start a fitness plan and
complete your fitness goals. If you are willing to give
your personal trainer a chance, you will gain the
confidence to finally get into shape.

Release Your Stress With A Personal Trainer

Are you easily stressed out at the idea of exercise? If so,
a fitness trainer can help you out. Your local personal
trainer is trained in helping you relieve the stress caused
by your workout plan. From suggesting types of stress
relief (using a spa, et cetera), your personal trainer of
will provide you with the methods to have a happy fitness

Free Exercise Equipment

One of the best cost saving features of hiring a personal
trainer is that you get access to the exercise equipment
that they own and operate. Not only will you receive free
access to this expensive and useful equipment, you will
also receive training in how to use the equipment in the
most efficient way.

This reason alone makes a fitness trainer an ideal option
for someone with a tight budget to get into great shape.

Hire A Personal trainer Today

If you are looking to start a new and improved part of your
life, you should hire a personal trainer today. The best
way to find a quality fitness trainer is by using the
Yellow Pages or by searching an internet search engine,
such as Google, for "Personal Trainer".

Zach Hunt is a super body shape expert, personal trainer
and owner of Physzique, a fitness coaching service in
Spokane, WA. Go here:
or you can go here for more super body shape tips:

Personal Trainer In Spokane Asks: "Who Else Wants A Super Lean AND Super Sexy Body"

Personal Trainer In Spokane Asks: "Who Else Wants A Super Lean AND Super Sexy Body"
If you are one of the many individuals looking to improve
their quality of health, then you need to consider the
services of a personal trainer.

There are many advantages to hiring a personal trainer and
there are additional reasons as to why you need to hire a
personal trainer in the area for your personal fitness

The Advantages Of A Hiring A Personal Trainer

There are many advantages to hiring a personal trainer.
Some of these advantages include:

You will receive expert knowledge about the aspects of the
fitness world.

You will have access to the latest in nutritional tips to
enhance your workout.

The personal trainer will provide you with the motivation
to complete your fitness goals.

You will have less stress as you will be paying the
personal trainer to manage the complicated aspects of
achieving your fitness goals.

Finally, you will have access to exercise equipment along
with someone who has knowledge in how to use the exercise
equipment to your advantage.

Your Personal Trainer Is The Expert You Should Trust

Many people think that they know enough about their body to
start getting into shape on their own. In most situations,
though, they are quite wrong. Only a licensed personal
trainer has the type of knowledge that will benefit you and
your goals for a higher level of personal fitness.

A personal trainer has spent years devoted to the fitness
field and has the knowledge to make you into a fitness
success story.

The Latest Nutritional Tips And Information

Your local personal trainer has the latest knowledge and
tips on the nutritional aspects of personal health and
fitness. Your fitness coach can create a nutritional
schedule to benefit your unique workout goals. A majority
of people can start an exercise plan but they fail to
receive results because they aren't eating the foods to
compliment their workout.

A Personal trainer Will Motivate You

Are you one of the many people who fear at the idea of
exercising into shape? If so, a personal fitness trainer
can help you out. A fitness coach will give you the
confidence and motivation to start a fitness plan and
complete your fitness goals. If you are willing to give
your personal trainer a chance, you will gain the
confidence to finally get into shape.

Release Your Stress With A Personal Trainer

Are you easily stressed out at the idea of exercise? If so,
a fitness trainer can help you out. Your local personal
trainer is trained in helping you relieve the stress caused
by your workout plan. From suggesting types of stress
relief (using a spa, et cetera), your personal trainer of
will provide you with the methods to have a happy fitness

Free Exercise Equipment

One of the best cost saving features of hiring a personal
trainer is that you get access to the exercise equipment
that they own and operate. Not only will you receive free
access to this expensive and useful equipment, you will
also receive training in how to use the equipment in the
most efficient way.

This reason alone makes a fitness trainer an ideal option
for someone with a tight budget to get into great shape.

Hire A Personal trainer Today

If you are looking to start a new and improved part of your
life, you should hire a personal trainer today. The best
way to find a quality fitness trainer is by using the
Yellow Pages or by searching an internet search engine,
such as Google, for "Personal Trainer".

Zach Hunt is a super body shape expert, personal trainer
and owner of Physzique, a fitness coaching service in
Spokane, WA. Go here:
or you can go here for more super body shape tips:

Great Program if You Need to Gain Weight for Football

Great Program if You Need to Gain Weight for Football
If you need to gain weight for football, then here is the
perfect program for you. The only reason athletes, or
anybody for that matter, have trouble gaining weight is
because there simply isn't enough solid information that
teaches the good old fashioned way to do it. So if you need
to gain weight for football I am going to keep it as simple
as possible: squats and milk. I definitely did not create
this simple concept because it has been around for ages,
and has worked wonders in terms of gaining weight and
building real strength and power.

Now, if you already have some experience with squats, you
may be wondering if I'm just blowing smoke. However, the
way you are going to be doing squats is probably not quite
what you are thinking. It's actually an old fashioned
technique, and I might add, the number one FASTEST way to
gain weight, period.

They're called breathing squats, and they will stimulate
your weight gains like nothing before. The way you are
going to do the squats, and the majority of your exercises
for that matter, is with heavy weight and high reps. What
you are going to do is take the weight you normally squat
with for 10 reps, then do 1 set of 20 reps with it. Then,
your next workout add five more pounds and do it again.
Nothing fancy, just good old fashion hard work on a routine
that flat out beyond any doubt works.

In order for you to do this, you are going to have to take
a few seconds between each rep and take at least 3 HUGE
breaths, then 5 or more once you get to rep 15. And when I
say big breathes, I mean you should get to the point where
you can both inhale and exhale for at least 5 seconds each.
By rep 10 your mind will usually give up, but your body
will have a lot more fight in it. You'll know you're doing
them right if anything beyond rep 15 is doubtful. But they
key is to FINISH the 20 reps!

After you finish the 20 reps, hobble over to a bench with a
light dumbbell, usually between 20 and 30 pounds, and do 20
pullovers. This is not meant to be a muscle building or
strenuous exercise, it is meant for you to stretch your rib
cage and do some more deep breathing; both of which will
stimulate weight gains beyond anything you've ever

Don't worry, it sounds horrifying but you only need to do
one set, two or three times a week. Now, since you need to
gain weight for football, you can add a few other power and
strength exercises for the purpose of your sport. I have
put together a perfect program for this specific purpose.
Follow it to the letter and the only thing you'll need to
worry about is cutting weight when you're done.

The last part of the program is the diet. If you aren't
lactose intolerant, then drink as many glasses of milk as
you can handle a day. Milk is one of the best sources of
protein and is easy to consume in large amounts. Along with
your milk, eat 3 large meals a day, with snacks in-between.
Stick to basic wholesome foods such as meat, fish, poultry,
dairy products, eggs, breads, pastas, and fruits and
vegetables. One good rule to follow is this: when in doubt
eat more rather then less.

Here is an overview of the workout program below:

1) Barbell Shoulder Press 3x10

2) Barbell Bent over Rows 2x15

3) Bench Press 3x12

4) Squats 1x20

5) Pullovers 1x20

6) Stiff-legged Deadlifts 1x15

Perform this three times a week, such as Monday, Wednesday,
Friday. If you find yourself slower to recover, then just
train twice a week with at least two days off in between
each workout. Work each rep of each set with maximum

Remember, gaining weight involves short, hard training
sessions with a focus on squats, plenty of food, and as
much rest as possible. And if you need to gain weight for
football, there is no surer way to do then this program.
Good luck Champ!

Derek Manuel is the author of the best-selling, "How to
Gain Weight and Build Muscle for Hardgainers". If you want
to learn how you too can gain 20 to 30 pounds of solid
muscle in as short as 8 weeks, or if you just want more
quality information on how to gain weight and build muscle,
please visit

Telomeres, Telemorase And Eternity

Telomeres, Telemorase And Eternity
Within the next ten years, I believe there will be quantum
advances in Health care (please be cognizant that I said
Health Care and not Sick Care which is what we have today).
Between the advances in genetic engineering and
manipulation of aging markers, eternity (life spans of 350
years) will definitely be available for our children. For
us, depending on how old you are physiologically (not
chronologically,) we will probably be able to add as much
as an additional 65 years. These are not idle pipe smoking,
beer dinking fantasies, but hard, scientific facts that are
currently emerging. Some of the greatest minds in
anti-aging today, such as Aubry De Gray from Cambridge,
England, Michael Fossil from Ada, Michigan, and Thierry
Hartogue from Brussels, are now actively pursuing and
endorsing the above concepts.

The Holy Grail of anti-aging is thought to be the Telomere.
At the ends of our 46 Chromosomes are DNA snippets (short
pieces) with the base pairs of TTAGG, which stands for
Thymine-Thymine-Adenine and Guanine-Guanine. This is the
Telomere and the time clock of our cells. Each time our
cells divide we lose anywhere from 50 -100 of these
snippets. When we are down to less than 1000 the cell just
dies because it can no longer divide. When you look at
people with diseases, their Telomeres tend to be much
shorter than their aged matched controls. The question has
arisen, is it the disease that has shortened the Telomere
or did the shortened Telomere predispose it to a disease
process? It turns out that it is the shortened Telomere
that allowed the disease to manifest itself. So our goal
therefore is to keep our Telomeres as long as possible and
when and wherever to reverse lengthen them.

Telomerase is the enzyme that slows down or stops the
Telomere from shortening. We have not discussed this in any
of our previous letters, but the liquid form of
Telemorx® has been laboratory proven to contain
Telomerase activity. There are currently several products
in the market place that are doing "positional
advertising". That is they are giving you a whole host of
true information regarding Telomerase and then without
claiming that their product has any in it, place their
product right behind the information and talk about their
product. Your mind tells you that their product has
Telomerase activity in it, but when you read closely, they
make absolutely no claims about their product whatsoever.
It's an advertising trick all too common in the world of
nutritional supplements.

So, in my personal and professional opinion, Telemorx®
is one of the best nutritional supplements on the market
today and the United States Patent and Trademark Office has
just issued a full trademark of the Telemorx® brand

Dr. Roger Murray, M.D. is an Orlando, Fla. based cosmetic
surgeon, specializing in minimally invasive cosmetic
surgery and is an expert in scar minimization techniques,
aesthetics and anti-aging. For more information, please