Sunday, August 12, 2007

Use Carnitine As A Versatile Anti-Ageing Nutrient

L-carnitine is a compound derived from lysine, one of the
eight essential amino acids required by the body. Although
it is often described as a vitamin, L-carnitine is better
thought of as a micronutrient which can be manufactured
within the body. Dietary sources are important, however,
because the amount of L-carnitine required by the body may
sometimes exceed its ability to produce it.

The very name "carnitine" is derived from the Latin
"carnus", which also of course gives us the term
"carniverous". So it should be no surprise that red meat
is the richest food source of this nutrient. 3 oz of beef
steak, ground beef or mince will typically provide around
80 mg of L-carnitine; a similar serving of pork or bacon
perhaps 20-25 mg. For those unable or unwilling to consume
red meat, other sources are unfortunately much less
productive. A half pint glass of milk may provide 8mg,
fish 5mg and lean chicken a mere 3 mg. Non-animal foods
are a relatively poor source of L-carnitine.

Conventional medical wisdom, however, is that even
vegetarians should be able to produce enough L-carnitine
from their diets to avoid symptoms of deficiency. But as
always in matters of nutrition, the avoidance of deficiency
is not at all the same thing as the achievement of optimum

So alternative practitioners and advocates of nutritional
therapy are ever keen to stress the potential benefits of
supplementation with the acetyl–L-carnitine form of this
compound, which is much the most easily absorbed.
Acetyl-L-carnitine has been hailed as an anti-oxidant, as a
weapon in the treatment of both chronic and acute heart
disease, as an aid to the production of energy, and as a
boost for cognitive function.

Although the evidence is not yet clear cut, it has been
suggested that acetyl-L-carnitine may play a role in
reducing the production of the stress hormone, cortisol, an
over supply of which is implicated as a factor in premature
ageing and its associated diseases. It is believed that
too much cortisol may suppress levels of
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), the key adrenal hormone,
lavish levels of which are believed to help protect against
the degenerative diseases commonly associated with ageing
in the affluent West. Levels of DHEA begin to decline from
about the early twenties onwards, just as levels of
cortisol begin to rise, potentially creating a vicious
circle of bodily decline.

Supplementing the diets of laboratory rats with
acetyl-L-carnitine has been shown to increase tissue levels
of L-carnitine, which are known to decline naturally with
age, and to improve the metabolism of energy within the
cell mitochondria. This research has generated
considerable interest, although conventional medicine is
not yet persuaded of its long term implications, if any,
for human health, pending the results of the large scale
clinical trials which are planned.

The evidence is much more clear cut, however, for
L-carnitine's role in tackling heart disease. A number of
studies have indicated that L-carnitine supplementation may
be effective in restricting the damage to the heart muscle
that typically follows a myocardial infarction (heart
attack) and in improving the survival rates and exercise
tolerance of those suffering from progressive heart failure
or angina.

Research also suggests that L-carnitine supplementation in
the form of acetyl-L-carnitine may slow the advance of
Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia in the elderly.
Nutritional therapists also claim that such supplementation
can enhance memory and other cognitive function in healthy
young adults; a claim that conventional medicine is of
course reluctant to accept.

One potential problem with carnitine supplementation,
however, is that absorption rates are relatively poor; only
up to around 20% as opposed to perhaps 75% from L-carnitine
from food sources. Acetyl-L-carnitine, however, is much
the easiest to absorb, and supplements in this form are
readily available and recommended by some authorities in
quantities of between 500 and 1,000 mcg; so that even at
low rates of absorption a plentiful supply may be obtained.
As already noted, carnitine is a perfectly natural
substance, manufactured in the body, and supplementation in
these kind of quantities has not been shown to give rise to
any side effects other than minor gastric upset in rare

So as ever, the sensible and cost effective precaution
appears to be to combine supplementation with a normal
daily diet already well supplied with foods rich in

Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter specialising in
direct marketing and with a particular interest in health
Find out more at

How Many Calories Are Burnt During Exercise?

You have heard and read about it so many times; your doctor
has told you, you hear it on television and read it in
every magazine you pick up: EXERCISE IS GOOD FOR YOU.

You must have drawn the conclusion that exercising can help
you to lose those unwanted pounds and tighten up your
wobbly bits.

But how does it work?

All depends on metabolism. Why? The answer is simple.
Because metabolism is the process by which your body makes
use of the food you eat in order to provide the necessary
quantity of energy to your body.

There are three ways to spend your energy daily: basic
needs, food processing and physical activity.

Not only an activity can burn calories, but also the
moments when your body is passive, at rest. Even then there
exist biochemical processes occurring that require energy
to drive them.

Calorie metabolism provides the energy for basic bodily
needs such as breathing, blood circulation and cellular
growth and repair.

The most intense process of your body is food digestion.
The digestive processes are maintained with almost ten
percent of the calories you eat each day.

More than that, the last but not least, the daily physical
activities, such as running, swimming or walking, also
require calories.

Unlike the basic, digestive needs of your body, the
physical activity you do depends only on your choices. If
you want to burn more calories and lose weight, you need to
exercise hard.

The amount of calories you burn while exercising depends on
your age, sex and body composition.

Older people tend to have a slower metabolism and also less
muscle , which is one of the most "active" calorie-burning

Women burn less calories than men when performing
equivalent exercise, also because men tend to have more
muscle mass.

People with bigger weight can burn calories at a higher
rate than smaller people, because their bodies require more
energy for movements.

Let's take for example a person with a weight of 130
pounds, racing a bicycle at more than 20 miles/hour would
burn 944 calories an hour.

For the same amount of exercise, a person who has a weight
of 155 pounds would burn 1125 calories/hour.

The number of calories you burn is also influenced by the
intensity with which you exercise – in general the harder
the exercise, the more calories burnt.

Running at 5mph burns 472 calories per hour, whereas at
11mph you can burn 1062 calories per hour.

High impact aerobics also burns more calories than a lower
impact workout (413 calories versus 295 calories/hour).

It is said that sports that require intermittent running,
such as:

basketball (472 calories/hour), tennis (472
calories/hour), football (531 calories/hour), soccer (590

give you the ability to burn more calories than less active
sports such as:

golf (236 calories/hour), cricket (295 calories/hour).

Never try to find excuses for not doing housework, because
the household chores are a good way to lose some calories
fast and easy, without even thinking about them:

Cleaning your house will burn 207 calories/hour, while
carrying heavy loads around the garden can burn up to 472
calories/hour. Painting or plastering your home burns
about 266 calories/hour; also scrubbing a dirty floor will
make you lose calories - about 325 calories/hour.

Only 30 minutes spent on engaging in physical activity each
day, can help you burn calories, beat the battle of the
bulge and gain fitness.

Go for it!

For more valuable information about health and fitness,
please visit

Weight Loss - Get The Basics Right

Have you decided to lose weight? Well you are certainly not
alone. Did you know that statistics show more than half the
population of the USA are overweight and about 80% of them
are on a diet?

Now if 80% of the overweight people in the USA are on a
diet at any given time, and the diets worked, you would
expect that number and percentage to fall.


But it doesn't! There are still 50% of Americans overweight
and this percentage is rising.

Unfortunately statistics also show that the vast majority
of people who lose weight, following a diet, just put it
all back on again (and often times more). So, if you are
planning to lose weight and want to try a diet or weight
loss plan make sure you get the basics right so you don't
become another statistic!

There are almost as many diet and weight loss plans are
there are people who use them. Due to the vast array of
choices, combined with so many differing opinions, it
becomes overwhelming and seems almost impossible to decide.
So before you begin investigating, the best weight loss
plan for you, here are a few tips to get you started.

Consult a professional who specializes in weight loss. This
does not mean someone who runs weight-watchers or "Sue"
next door who lost 20 lbs. Your doctor is usually the best
place to start as he/she will direct you to the
appropriate, recognised, health care professionals. Watch
your fat intake. Many times people launch into a diet and
watch every tiny calorie they consume but fail to read the
fat content on the label. Calories still count but fat is a
killer as well as a big contributor to weight gain. If you
reduce your fat intake this will have a dramatic effect on
your overall weight-loss and your health! Keep a food
diary. Health and nutrition professionals advise this as a
first step in weight management. A diary of your food
intake and exercise routines is a great way to analyse your
eating habits. Doing this can also identify any emotional
or stress factors that may be causing you to over-eat. Pick
a few weight loss plans that you think you could stick to
or (dare I say it) even enjoy. Research them and find out
which has the highest PERMANENT positive gains. Look at
what food is allowed and what is not. How much exercise is
recommended? Do you have time to cook all those strange
dishes? There is no point launching on a health quest to
lose weight if you are going to get discourage at the very
outset. Plan ahead. Once you've picked your diet run it
past your doctor or health care professional. Many diets
can be dangerous if not followed to the letter and a very
low calorie diet (below the recommended level) can cause
long-lasting harmful effects to your body.

Once you are set and have started your diet be sure to
write all your positive gains in your diary. Don't be
afraid to congratulate yourself on every little gain. Do
not get discouraged if you don't hit your target or if you
only lost 1 lb. You are still going in the right direction.
Spoil yourself a little. Buy yourself some new clothes for
your new body and enjoy the fact that you have succeeded.
This is positive reinforcement and will help you to
maintain your dietary plan and your weight.

Review of the weight loss system that doesn't involve a
diet and that was successfully tested on British TV at
Review of the best weight loss hypnosis system at

Decide To Lose Weight

Making a decision is a powerful process towards achieving
something. By not making a firm decision you are just
floating around the edges of any goal that you want to
achieve. Too many people that want to lose weight approach
it in an indecisive way. They may say things like:

I should try to lose weight, I'll try to cut down on bad
food, Maybe I should start exercising, I could join a gym,
Perhaps I'll try that new diet, I'll start in a few weeks,

None of the above are decisions, they are just fleeting
thoughts or at best weak intentions, and frankly they will
not get you anywhere. Making a firm decision can be very
empowering because you are making a commitment. Try this
for yourself:

Say to yourself 'I suppose I should lose some weight' and
notice what happens in your mind. You may find that other
thoughts attach themselves to what you have said. These
thoughts may go along the lines of:

It'll be too hard, I don't have the time right now, I've
always failed in the past, I don't think I have the
willpower, I can't be bothered at the moment,

Once these thoughts have grouped together you will drop the
idea of losing weight like a hot potato, although you may
retain some guilt in the back of your mind for giving up so

Now say to yourself 'I AM going to lose weight' and say it
with some force and conviction. Now what do you notice in
your mind? You may find that saying it that way makes the
thought feel stronger. The negative thoughts that you had
earlier seem weaker, they are probably still there but seem
more distant. This happens because when you make a decision
you are giving a direct order to your mind, and your mind
has a firm instruction to follow instead of some vague
thought or half hearted wish.

The next step is to write out 2 plans, plan A which is
based on a decision that you will lose weight, and plan B
which is based on a decision not to lose weight. You need
to write out what each plan will offer you. Write out your
own plans based on the example below.

Plan A

More Energy, Improved Health, Better Self Confidence,
Higher Self Esteem, Feel and Look More Attractive, Feel
Happier about Yourself

Plan B

Less Energy, Increasing Health Problems, Low Self
Confidence, Poor Self Esteem, Poorer Self Image, Problems
with Anxiety and Depression

Make your lists as long as possible and then imagine were
you will be in 1, 3, and 5 year's time with whichever plan
that you decide to follow. Picture how you will look and
feel in the future with whatever plan you choose.

Keep in mind that both plans are progressive, meaning that
both plans will evolve and not stand still. Follow plan A
and the benefits will increase. You'll become more
energetic, your health will continue to improve, your self
confidence and self esteem will snowball. The fact is that
the more you do of something, the better you will get at it
and the easier it will become.

If you follow plan B you will not be in the same position
that you are in now. Plan B will also evolve, your energy
will continue to decrease, your health will get worse and
you often find that one health problem leads to another and
another. Your self confidence and self esteem will continue
to drop.

At this point you have the choice as to which plan you will
decide to follow. I've got no right to tell you which plan
you should follow, that is your decision and nobody else's.
It's all about what you really want for yourself. If you
decide to go with plan B then there is not much more for
you to do apart from stop reading. If you decide to go with
plan A then you have already taken a major step towards
losing weight just by making that decision.

Nothing ever gets done without some sort of decision first,
the world is run on decisions, decisions lead to action,
and it's only by acting on something that we can achieve it.

Once you have made your decision, decide what actions you
are going to take to reach your goal. Find out what you are
going to do and how you are going to do it. Write out your
plan and start following it; decide that you are committed
to finishing what you have started. Don't just sit and
think about it, make your decision and be happy about it.

Get the unique top selling Change Your Mind Change Your
Body weight loss course from This
course has helped thousands to lose weight and keep it off
without magic pills or other gimmicks.If you've tried
everything else,try this,it may well be the last weight
loss product that you ever buy.

Natural Sleep for Health and Safety

Sleep is a natural state of rest that the human body
requires to survive. Besides surviving, sleep is needed to
rejuvenate the body and mind to perform daily functions. In
order for one to have a productive day and live a long and
healthy life, it is said one must sleep well. Benefits of
sleeping well include alertness, problem solving ability,
memory and general mental health. Getting a good night's
sleep is hard these days with the increasing amounts of
stress and pressure being applied in the work place and in

Adults average 6.9 hours of sleep each night. Still people
report that they feel tired at least once a week and some
say they feel tired every day, and that can be hazardous to
their health. People who do not get enough sleep and feel
tired frequently are more likely to have an unwanted health
condition such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease,
compromised immune system, physical aches and pains, etc.

Sleepiness is serious. It contributes to a significant
number of driving deaths as well as other accidents each
year in the U.S. Take fatigue seriously. Don't drive or do
tasks that require close attention if you're feeling drowsy.

Signs of lack of sleep are waves of drowsiness during the
day, relying on an alarm clock to wake you, falling asleep
in inappropriate situations, feeling lack of energy, lack
of concentration and attention and loss of physical
coordination. Even with these feelings and experiences we
may experience insomnia when we do try to sleep because of
stress, tension, and inability to relax. Lack of sleep
affects us in that we become easily emotionally upset, sad,
irritated and even moderately depressed. Lack of proper
sleep has even been linked to excess weight gain.

For people who do not sleep well, there are prescription
drugs, which include the risk of dependency and some severe
side effects. For those who do not wish to take those
associated risks, there are natural sleep aids and formulas
to help the user sleep well. In order to sleep well, the
user must be in a relaxed and restful state. In addition to
herbal supplements and natural formulas, there are also
physical pillows and even music available to provide
comfort, support and a relaxing environment to sleep well.
The best thing about these all natural products is that you
can sleep well without the risk of dependency.

Some of the natural ways to help us sleep include moderate
exercise, regular bedtimes and wake up times, avoiding
stimulants e.g. caffeine and sugar, and warm baths.
Hydrotherapy e.g. hot or warm baths before bedtime enhanced
by natural sleep enhancing formulas and aromatherapy bath
salts, minerals and oils that also provide calming aromas
are very helpful. In addition to these practices, there
are natural supplements available to help us reduce stress
and tension and experience a natural sleep without
dependency or side effects. Melatonin is a widely used and
effective natural supplement for sleep. Antioxidants and
amino acids such as L-theanine are also natural sleep
enhancing. Many natural herbs such as relora, passion
flower, valerian root and St. John's wort are every helpful
for experiencing natural sleep. In addition, we can use all
natural sleep enhancing formulas that provide a combination
of natural sleep producing ingredients. Natural supplements
and formulas for moderate depression and proper brain
function are also very useful. Lack of proper digestion can
also contribute to lack of sleep. There are many natural
digestion aids e.g. enzymes, fibers, probiotics,
antioxidants, and amino acids to help with proper healthy
digestion which is important for natural sleep. The extra
advantage of using these all natural sleep supplements, is
that they also provide other benefits that improve overall
health in general.

Adequate natural sleep is of vital importance for our
physical and emotional health, proper concentration and
attention, personal and public safety, and our overall
general health. Using natural sleep enhancing supplements
help us experience natural health giving sleep without the
risk of harmful or undesirable side effects.

Jennifer has more than twenty years experience with natural
sleep aids. More information about natural sleep aids is
available at =>

Aromatherapy Goes High Tech - A Primer on Modern Essential Oil Making

New methods of essential oil extraction are entering the
mainstream of aromatherapy, offering new choices in oils
never before available. With the new labels of 'CO2' and
'SCO2', along with the traditional 'steam' and 'hydro'
distillations, 'absolutes', and 'cold pressing', a little
education for the aromatherapy enthusiast can go a long way
in essential oil selection. Is one process better than
another? Does one produce a nicer smelling oil, or one with
greater aroma-therapeutic value? It turns out that
essential oil production, like winemaking, is an art form
as well as a science. The value of the newer processing
methods depends greatly on the experience of the distiller,
as well as the intended application of the final product.
Each method is important, and has its place in the making
of aromatherapy-grade essential oils. Steam distillation,
the most common method of essential oil production,
involves the flow of steam into a chamber holding the raw
plant material. The steam causes small sacs containing
essential oil to burst. The oil is then carried by the
steam out of the chamber and into a chilled condenser,
where the steam once again becomes water.
(Hydro-distillation is a similar process where the plant
material is boiled, with the resultant steam being captured
and condensed). The oil and water are then separated; the
water, referred to as a 'hydrosol', can be retained as it
will have some of the plant essence. Rose hydrosol, for
example, is commonly used for it's mild antiseptic and
soothing properties, as well as it's pleasing floral aroma.

A number of factors determine the final quality of a steam
distilled essential oil. Aside from the plant material
itself, most important are time, temperature and pressure,
and the quality of the distillation equipment. Essential
oils are very complex products; each is made up of many,
sometimes hundreds, of distinct molecules which come
together to form the oil's aroma and therapeutic
properties. Some of these molecules are fairly delicate
structures which can be altered or destroyed by adverse
environmental conditions. So, much like a fine meal is more
flavorful when made with patience, most oils benefit from a
long, slow 'cooking' process.

The temperature of the extraction chamber cannot be too
high, lest some components of the oil be altered or
destroyed. The same is true of the chamber's pressure.
Lavender essential oil, for example, should not be
processed at over 245 degrees F and three pounds per square
inch of pressure (3 psi). Higher temperatures and/or
pressures result in a 'harsh' aroma – more chemical than
floral – and lessen the oil's therapeutic effects. Also,
the extraction period must be allowed to continue for a
certain period of time in order to flush ALL the oil's
components from the plant, as some are released more
quickly than others.

Despite the drawbacks of aggressive processing, high
temperatures and pressures are often used to produces large
quantities of oil in a short period of time. These oils are
usually destined for use in cosmetic and processed food
manufacturing, but are sometimes sold to final consumers as
essential oils for use in aromatherapy. These oils will be
less expensive, but are of limited therapeutic value, and
the difference is apparent when the aromas are compared
side-by-side. Some plants, and particularly flowers, do
not lend themselves to steam distilling. They are too
delicate, or their fragrance and therapeutic essences
cannot be completely released by water alone. These oils
will be produced as 'absolutes' – and while not technically
considered essential oils they can still be of therapeutic
value. Jasmine oil and Rose oil in particular are delicate
flowers who's oils are often found in 'absolute' form.

The processing of an absolute first involves the
hydrocarbon solvent extraction of a 'concrete' from the
plant material, a semi-solid mixture of typically 50% wax
and 50% volatile oil. The concrete is again processed using
ethyl alcohol (the same alcohol found in beer, wine, etc.)
in which the wax is only slightly soluble. The volatile
plant oil separates into the alcohol and this mixture is
removed. The alcohol is then evaporated and the result is
an almost pure plant extract – depending on the care taken
in the evaporation process, sometimes 2% or less of the
ethyl alcohol may remain. The use of solvents in the
extraction process notwithstanding, absolutes can have
incredibly deep and complex aromas. And now for the most
modern technologies: Carbon Dioxide and Supercritical
Carbon Dioxide extraction. Both methods involve the use of
carbon dioxide as the 'solvent' which carries the essential
oil away from the raw plant material. The lower pressure
CO2 extraction involves chilling carbon dioxide to between
35 and 55 degrees F, and pumping it through the plant
material at about 1000 psi. The carbon dioxide in this
condition is condensed to a liquid. Supercritical CO2
extraction (SCO2) involves carbon dioxide heated to 87
degrees F and pumped through the plant material at around
8,000 psi – under these conditions, the carbon dioxide is
likened to a 'dense fog' or vapor. With release of the
pressure in either process, the carbon dioxide escapes in
its gaseous form, leaving the essential oil behind.

These carbon dioxide methods have a couple of advantages:
Like steam distillation, there are no solvent residues left
behind, and the resultant product is quite pure. Like
solvent extraction, there is no heat applied to the plant
material or essential oil to alter it in any way. The oil
produced is very accurate with respect to the original
state of the plant. The CO2 methods also are the most
efficient, producing the most oil per amount of plant (one
of the reasons for the high cost of essential oils is the
low yield of oil from most plants – one ton of Rose petals
produces less than 1 pound of oil, for example). The
efficiency of CO2 extraction is particularly important when
rare or endangered plant species are involved, such as
Indian Sandalwood oil – less of the precious plant is
needed to produce an equivalent amount of oil.

Finally, there is the 'cold pressing' of citrus oils from
the peels of fruit, as is done with Bergamot oil, Orange
oil , Lemon oil , and the like. This method involves the
simple pressing of the rind at about 120 degrees F to
extract the oil. Little, if any, alteration from the oil's
original state occurs – these citrus oils retain their
bright, fresh, uplifting aromas like that of smelling a
wonderfully ripe fruit.

CO2's, with some obvious advantages, are not always the
best choice for a particular need. They still are the most
expensive, despite their higher yields. The resultant
product differs slightly compared to one produced another
way – the oils produced by steam distillation of some
plants may sometimes be found to have a more agreeable
aroma. Patchouli oil, for example, seems to benefit from
the steam distillation process by becoming a little warmer
and richer. Many other essential oils are quite effectively
produced via steam distillation, with little alteration
from the original plant state. Oils from other plant
species do seem more 'complete' with CO2 processing, with
Frankincense oil and most of the 'spice' oils being good
examples where a little something special is present in the
aroma. This likely translates to greater therapeutic

Producing essential oils of aroma-therapeutic grade is
skill requiring years of experience. It takes the work of a
dedicated artesian at every step, from growing and
harvesting to fine-tuning the distillation process, to
produce a truly fine oil. The making of a fine essential
oil relies far more on knowledge and experience than it
does on the particular extraction method. There are,
however, legitimate reasons to select one distillation
method over another – some plants simply require a
particular process to produce a fine oil, and the oil
needed for a particular application may only be made by one
process. In the end, as is often the case in aromatherapy,
your own sense of smell can tell you which oil will work
best for you.

The author is an ardent supporter of supporting one's
health through natural means. Essential oils are one of
nature's many effective medinces, and the more education
one can receive on using them, the better one can employ
these wonderful remedies. More information is available

Physical Injury From Overweight

Warnings about being overweight often focus on the
potential damage overweight can cause to the body's
internal organs. It's an approach that makes a terrific
amount of sense. Being overweight, after all, can
potentially cause damage to the heart, arteries, colon,
even the brain, and other internal organs besides. But an
important issue that's sometimes overlooked is the damage
overweight can potentially cause to the external body.

Carrying excess weight can cause damage to a number of the
body's external parts. The feet are one example. One's feet
often take a pounding as it is. For those of us who are
typically mobile, the feet represent a regular form of
transportation. Even with automobiles and elevators and
escalators and the like, the feet are still in frequent
daily use, moving us about once we've gotten out of our
car, or off the elevator or the escalator.

When surplus weight is added to the feet in the form of
excessive body mass, the results can be legitimately
debilitating. The ligaments and muscles of the feet can be
quickly overworked under excess body weight, and strains
and even tears can result. The bones in the feet can also
be overworked, with a potential outcome of extremely
painful bone stress fractures. And, of course, the feet
pounding about under extra weight can lead to generally
sore feet. Like most other things, we may not appreciate
the vital role our feet play for us -- until they've been
compromised and have lost some of their use.

When standing or walking about, the full weight of the body
is typically on the feet. While the legs don't support
quite as much weight as the feet usually do, and with two
legs for extra support besides, the legs most certainly can
present damage from helping to carry an overweight
physique. The shins and knees both can wear down with
stress injuries from carrying too much weight. A weight
bearing injury to the shins or the knees would likely
require some lessening of weight burden -- or the endurance
of a tremendous amount of pain -- essentially stopping, for
a while at least, natural mobility. Then what?

Moving about naturally while carrying excess weight is
burdensome enough. How difficult would it be for someone
overweight to try to get around with crutches because of a
weight burden injury? The answer is it would be
exceptionally difficult. Would a wheelchair be a better
option? Maybe, but getting about in a wheelchair --
attempting to navigate a world mostly built for mobile
people from a fairly immobile position -- can be extremely
difficult, not to mention quite frustrating. There's also
the issue of immobility slowing down physical activity,
which could cause someone overweight to become even heavier.

It's potentially a terrible loop to get caught in, and it
underscores why the possible physical toll on one's body is
just one more reason to shed excess body weight.

Zinn Jeremiah is a freelance writer who writes on different
topics. To get help with weight loss, visit or .