Sunday, April 6, 2008

10 Minute Fat Loss Workouts. Real Or A Bunch of Hooey?

10 Minute Fat Loss Workouts. Real Or A Bunch of Hooey?
One of my preferred ways of working out is by doing 10
minute workouts.

They're quick, intense and leave me huffing and puffing
long after the 10 minutes is complete.

But I'm a personal trainer and already in good shape, so
are they effective for the everyday person looking for fat
loss? Can you really do a 10 minute workout and expect to
lose fat?

My answer to that is a resounding YES!

If you are someone who says they really don't have that
much time to workout and that's what's keeping you from
losing the weight you've put on, then 10 minute workouts
are definitely for you.

Or, if you know you have a busy week coming up and are
worried that your regular workouts are going to have to be
put on hold, then 10 minute workouts are also for you.

The most important thing to remember when doing 10 minute
workouts is that you need to throw out the time wasting
exercises like bicep curls, triceps kickbacks and crunches
and stick to exercises that work your entire body or at
least a good portion of it.

I'll give you an example of what I did earlier today. I had
a very busy that was packed full of clients, however I had
a 30 minute window where I needed to get a few things
accomplished, one of them being my workout.

So here's what I did after my quick warm-up:

1) 1-Arm Dumbbell Swing supersetted with 1-leg Decline

2) Dumbbell Squat w/Shoulder Press supersetted with
Dumbbell Bent-Over Rows

I did each of those supersets for 5 minutes completing as
many sets of 10 as I could. After I was done with 1 set of
the first superset, I would rest for 20 seconds and repeat.

Then, when 5 minutes was up, I went on to the second
superset and did it in the same fashion.

By the time that 10 minutes was up I was huffing and
puffing, and my heart rate stayed elevated for a while. I
still felt pumped up for quite a while into my next
training session.

So give that workout a try, or come up with your own. Just
make sure that you pick exercises that use a lot of muscle
groups like push-ups, squats, lunges, rows, etc. and stay
away from crunches and isolation exercises.

Ed Scow's fast, time efficient fat loss workouts have
helped busy men and women lose fat faster than they ever
could have imagined.
Ed's workouts can be done in the comfort of your own home
with limited equipment in as little as 15-20 minutes! To
learn more go to

Should a muscle building diet include carbs

Should a muscle building diet include carbs
If you've paid attention at all to the diet literature in
the past several years, you know that there has been lots
of talk about the role of carbohydrates in our diets. Some
have advocated greatly reducing the amount of carbohydrates
that we eat each day. They point to research that suggests
carbohydrates, not fat, are the main culprits in obesity.

So what are we as muscle builders supposed to make of all
this? After all, if you're trying to gain weight, you are
definitely in the minority since everyone else seems
obsessed with cutting calories and losing those pounds.
Still, you still have many things in common with your
larger friends. You both would prefer to keep your body
fat to a minimum, even if you haven't been willing to make
the required adjustments in your diet. My guess is they
wouldn't mind replacing some of those flabby pounds with
some lean muscle mass, though they're probably not as
enthusiastic as you are when it comes to muscle building.

With that in mind, what exactly should you do with your
diet if you are trying to build muscle and lose fat? Well,
I don't pretend to have all the answers when it comes to
fat loss, while the subject of building muscle would
require a much more thorough discussion to give it justice.
I would, however, like to leave you with a few thoughts on
the role of carbohydrates.

I don't believe that the elimination of carbs could
possibly be the ideal, since they serve as your body's
primary source of fuel. Protein can be used as fuel, of
course, but this is inefficient. Besides, you'll need all
that protein to build your muscles, remember? Instead of
eliminating carbohydrates completely, you should try to
focus on getting rid of the wrong kinds of carbs from your
diet. These are high glycemic foods, which means that they
turn into glucose quickly, and this in turn will lead to
fat storage due to the release of the hormone insulin.

What are these bad foods? Foods made from white flour
products and high fructose corn syrup are two examples of
bad carbs which will inevitably lead to fat gain. These
foods will do nothing to help you build muscle; instead,
they're likely to cause an increase in fat and even
increase your risk of diabetes and heart disease. As more
research emerges, there seems to be more evidence that
these foods should be eliminated or at least reduced
significantly in our diets.

Of course, there is much more to be said on the subject. I
encourage you to consider a comprehensive muscle building
program that covers proper strength training exercises and
helps you follow a solid weight gain diet plan.

Download our free report on how to avoid the top 20
mistakes in the gym.
Visit our web site for the most effective bodybuilding
workouts to gain muscle naturally. Brought to you by

Body Building Tips for Teens

Body Building Tips for Teens
Teenage body builders are becoming more and more common.
And why not? Getting ripped is a great way to improve your
self-esteem, get the respect of your peers, attract the
girls (a big motivator for most teenage guys) and give you
a healthy interest. It's also a good way to find an older
man to mentor you in more than just body building. And
besides, if you're considering a career that involves a lot
of muscular strength, having a good set of muscles will
count in your favour at the interview and help you in your
job. I'm not just talking pro bodybuilding or sport as a
career, either. Military, police, firefighting,
construction, forestry, security and agriculture are all
career areas where the muscular strength and mental
discipline developed by teen body building will all be a
real asset (and even if you want to be a teacher, body
building can help. Wouldn't you have had some serious
respect for a teacher who had body builder muscles?). The
teen years have some advantages when it comes to body
building. During this stage of life, your male hormones
(androgen and testosterone) are at a naturally high level
like they will be at no other stage in your life. What's
more, your HGH (human growth hormone) levels are also
peaking right now. Older bodybuilders have to take
supplements to get the levels you already have. Your body
wants to pack on muscle as you transition from being a boy
to being a man, so let your instincts rip and get ripped!
Top tips:

Don't take steroids

They are illegal and will do your body serious damage. You
will get caught. Period. Eat well. You've heard your
mom bang on about "eat up your meat/greens/potatoes to grow
big and strong" when you were little. She's right. To
build big, powerful muscles, you will need to eat right.
Avoid takeout foods and eat plenty of good food ' complex
carbs like wholemeal and potatoes (and popcorn), lean
protein, fresh fruit and veggies. During the teen years,
you will naturally crave proteins, so maybe consider
protein supplements so you don't eat the cupboards bare
every day. A-Z Nutrition has a range of protein
supplements like shakes and bars at low prices that will
suit a teen's budget ' you'll be better spending your money
here than at fast food outlets. Just hide them from your
little sister ' they taste great!

Balanced workouts

At your age, focussing on just one body part per workout is
a bad idea. You can put some serious strain on your bones
and joints that you will regret in later years. Go for
whole body workouts at this stage. You won't be a teen for
long ' the "chest on Monday, back on Wednesday, legs on
Friday" type of workout is for when you're out of this
initial stage.


Yes, you will see the older body builders standing around
and resting in between sets and exercises. However, you
can overdo the rest times. It is important to boost your
cardiovascular fitness as well as your strength, as this
increases stamina and bloodflow. As you are doing a whole
body workout at your age, you should do some cardio daily.
Try running or cycling, or use some of the cardio-type
machines at the gym. Supplements. You will not need any of
the dietary supplements designed to raise your testosterone
level or HGH levels, as these are already at a peak at
levels that the older guys envy. The one exception to this
one is the zinc products, as zinc helps with skin problems
such as acne as well as overall health. Stick to basics
such as multivitamins and protein supplements. Coaching

A good coach will show you how to lift right so you don't
injure yourself. He/she will also be there with good
advice regarding diet and nutrition, exercise plans and
other tips. If you absolutely can't afford a pro coach,
then find an older guy at the gym who looks like a serious
bodybuilder to act as your mentor. He'll be flattered, so
don't be shy.


You will need to be flexible and you will need to warm up
your muscles before doing weights or any exercise. Do
plenty ' this is one exercise you can't overdo.

First things first

Before you start pumping iron, pump yourself. Start off
with push ups, chin ups and dips before moving onto the
metal. What's more you can do these anywhere and they're a
good way to impress your buddies at school.


Your workouts should be less than an hour. At your stage
of development, an intense workout should be over in 20-30
minutes. If you are not exhausted by this stage, then you
are not working out intensively enough. Go all the way.
When using weights, aim to use the full range of motion.
You may see more advanced bodybuilders using only a half
range occasionally, but this is for advanced strength
training only. Teens need to be able to work all their
muscles, ligaments, joints and bones throughout the entire
movement. So no cheating or excuses.

WorldClassNutrition is a leader in discount nutrition
supplements with the largest selection of diet pills,
creatine products, protein powders, and bodybuilding
supplements. Find more information on the products you are
searching for at . Want
more expert advice visit .

Should I train to failure?

Should I train to failure?
One of the terms you'll come across the most while reading
bodybuilding forums is training to failure. You may have
heard this around the gym, but often people will throw
around these terms without really knowing what they mean.
It's important to define these terms since they can have a
big influence (positive or negative) on our training

So, what exactly is training to failure? To put it in
simple terms, training to failure means lifting weights
with a particular muscle until it can not physically lift
anymore. I have seen one muscle building guru tell his
readers that training to failure is essential for building
muscle. On the other hand, I have also read a testimonial
from a respected trainer who claims that he reached a
standstill in his training. When he's switched his
training styles he began to make consistent progress again.
His new focus was on lifting to the point just before
failure (which may take you some practice to find), as well
as making gradual but consistent progress week after week.
As you can tell, the subject is controversial, and you'll
have to find your own answers to the question. Here is how
one fitness trainer explained it.

Vincent Delmonte, who went through an incredible
transformation himself, tries to distinguish between
momentary failure and absolute failure. Training to
momentary failure means that you perform enough reps for
your muscle to fail before moving on to another muscle
group. Absolute failure, in contrast, would mean that your
entire body is completely wiped out from exhaustion. This
kind of training should be considered overkill as it puts a
heavy strain on your nervous system and immune system, not
just your muscles. These bodies systems take longer to
recover, so you may require additional rest even if your
muscles feel ready to train again. You can probably see by
now how this could cause great delays in your training
programs, not to mention it can put you at risk for serious
injuries or illness.

Vince uses an interesting example to illustrate his point.
He tells us that sprinters develop significant mass in
their legs, but they do not accomplish this by training to
complete failure. Can you imagine sprinters running and
running until they literally collapse from exhaustion? I
think you would agree that this is not the wisest approach.

It is also important to realize that training to failure
may not be the best approach to measure your progress. If
you simply train each muscle until it fails, you don't have
a reliable benchmark to tell you if you are moving in the
right direction. After all, your stamina can change from
one day to the next day to a variety of factors. A better
approach would be to keep precise records on how much
weight you lift, how many repetitions you perform, and how
long your workout lasts. This is where a step by step,
comprehensive program can take you a long way towards
achieving your objectives.

Download our free report on how to avoid the top 20
mistakes in the gym.
Visit our web site for the most effective bodybuilding
workouts to gain muscle naturally. Brought to you by

Events That Will Whip Your Body Into Shape

Events That Will Whip Your Body Into Shape
How To Combat The Holiday Eating Event And Whip Your Body
Into Shape

A few holiday seasons ago I was with all my family at my
parent's house...

This particular day was one of my favorite holidays -
Thanksgiving. We were having a fun day together, with games
and relaxation by the gas fire place.

However earlier that day, something terrible had happened,
an accident like no other...

It was horrific, it was massive, it was a Eating Event.
You may ask what is a holiday eating event or accident? It
is one of those times where there are so many good foods to
eat and so many tempting treats made by your family members.

And you gather up all of this good food, and place it in a
buffet style manner like a true Event in .

The accidental part happens when you keep on eating because
you want to fit in everything for this Event and you don't
want to hurt anyone's feelings for not having 3 helpings of
each person's food, so you just go through the stomach pain
to chow down until your stomach turns against you.

How, do we deal with these inevitable parties, banquets,
dinners, and the large and not-so-healthy Events. If we
accidentally pig out or over-indulge are we doomed to be
labeled as the vacuum cleaner or perhaps the garbage

First I'm going to stricken the word "accidental" from my
speech. Do we ever really "accidentally" eat anything at
Events? I have a feeling that whenever I eat a piece of pie
or perhaps pound of stuffing, it is not on accident.

I don't ever recall accidentally eating a head of broccoli.
No folks that doesn't happen, we all know good and well
that we are all responsible for every last morsel we put in
our mouths is on purpose, what purpose that is, it's up to

So you just indulged in the big one, the whammy, the
ultimate Event and feast, what do you do next. First I
don't recommend skipping your next meal or meals in the
next day to try and make up for that episode of eating.

Let's take a quote from TV accident. What happens after you
see that snow warning or perhaps the this is only a test or
whatever, "we now return to our regular scheduled
programming". I don't know if any of them actually say that
but I believe I have seen it before. Let's apply that to
food, after the binge, we not return to our regular
scheduled eating.

Get right back to our positive habits. Don't beat yourself
up just for that one Event. get right back on track, the
past is behind you can't change it, just make the best of
right now.

How about the reverse approach. You know that you will be
likely losing control or you know there's a family
gathering tonight, what are you ever to do? Should you save
up your calories and starve the whole day to make up for
it? In one word, "No", in two words, "No, No".

If you eat less early in the day you will build
anticipation for overeating later in the day and are likely
to increase your appetite causing you to binge and eat more
than you ever thought possible when the big meal finally
does arrive.

Over indulging at any one Event can result in fat gain no
matter what the daily calorie balance is, your body can
only handle so many calories at one time, anything beyond
that has to be stored for later, no mater what your daily
total calorie intake is. Especially if you are just going
to be sitting on a couch for the rest of the day, your body
can just store all the energy after that Event In .

On the other hand if you eat fiber rich foods and drink
plenty of water all day long you will be content and will
be more likely to be able to control yourself during
Events because you won't feel famished and your stomach
won't be growling.

Let's review the 2nd corollary of the law of eating...

"Small amounts of anything ' even pure sugar ' will
probably not be stored as fat as long as you are in a
calorie deficit where you are eating fewer calories that
you burn" That is the answer to all our problems, it is all
about portion control. Like car accidents I'm sure you
wouldn't mind tapping a grocery cart at 1 mile an hour on
your soft rubber bumper. That's kind of like just eating
one piece of way with some chicken for the main entree at
your Event.

In essence the pie won't hurt you one bit, not a single
bit, it will help you mentally by satisfying your taste
buds for a moment, then you can be disciplined for another
several days or even a week.

But let that pie get out of hand, and have seconds, along
with 2 portions of grandma's pumpkin pie, and several of
your sister's snicker doodles and your Event has turned

Next time any of us are at that Event or holiday
extravaganza which always is centered on food, it should be
a big relief for to know you can eat whatever you want with
little or no ill effect on your body composition, as long
as you respect the law of calorie balance.

Zach Hunt is an event expert, personal trainer and owner of
Physzique, a fitness coaching service in Spokane, WA. Go
or you can go here for more event tips:

What Mindset Do You Bring To Fitness?

What Mindset Do You Bring To Fitness?
When I coach my athletes on the high school, collegiate and
professional level I can always tell that my players came
to practice with one of two mindsets: train to get it done
and over with -or- train to get better.

Regardless of how they arrive, I use a few tactics to make
the second choice the preferred.

I see this happen with my everyday clients as well.

I sometimes even hear the phrase, "Bobby you are lucky I
even showed up today". Now if you have read between the
lines, you can imagine my response. I can be crass, to the
point and down right obnoxious at times. And this phrase
can set off all three moods at once.

How do I respond, you ask?

Before I opened my own facility, I would train in health
clubs and I could see that it was more or less the same.
Many (if not most) of the trainers who worked in the big
boxes trained each session to just get it done instead of
using each session to help their clients improve and learn
to love exercise.

So here are a couple of questions for you: How do you
approach each training session? Do you train each session
specifically to make yourself better, to develop healthy
lifestyle habits, a strong lean physique and to make sure
you are the most energetic person you can be?

Or do you train just to get it done because I am "lucky"
you made it to the gym at all?

If you train with a purpose you'll find that you will be
happier, get better results, you'll enjoy your workout much
more and you will achieve your results quicker with more

If you train to get it done, you'll constantly be watching
the clock, dreading the time you are there and building a
mental mindset that sucks the life out of you.

Now what about the difference between Easy and Simple??

I am constantly being asked "How can I make getting fit

Getting fit is SIMPLE, but not EASY. In other words, we
all have at least some idea what to do. If you only eat
lean proteins and vegetables plus exercised, you will lose

But getting healthy, making permanent changes to your
metabolism, and ensuring you look the way you want to look
for the rest of your life requires:

- Will Power

- Desire

- Effort

- Organization

- A Strong Support Group

- And a Proven Program

However, the PROCESS is SIMPLE.

I recently heard a trainer, Alwyn Cosgrove, bring up the
example of the TV show Survivor. He said, "Every single
person has lost weight on the show. Is it the easiest or
most pleasant way to lose weight (by not really eating)?
No. But is it SIMPLE? Yes."

There is no truer statement.

You don't need complex routines. You just need smart

You don't need tons of time. But you need to make some
time and make it count.

You can make changes in your diet that are reasonable,
provided you don't eat horribly now. These changes will
take effort and work.

It is simple, but not always easy. But who ever gets
anywhere by taking the easy route anyway?

For over 17 years Bobby Kelly has taken his passion for
coaching to a level not reached by many in the fitness
profession. Bobby has been interviewed and featured as an
expert adviser on CNN, Fox News, ABC, NBC, and CBS as well
as local affiliate stations in numerous markets. Bobby
knows the success of hard work and determination. He'll get
you where you want to be. Visit Bobby today at or email

The Absolute Worst Phrase In Your Fat Loss Vocabulary

The Absolute Worst Phrase In Your Fat Loss Vocabulary
This last Sunday night I came downstairs after helping my
wife put our baby to bed and I was exhausted. I was
exhausted emotionally and mentally.

The problem was I had a couple things I needed to get done.
Plus, I was hungry. I'm sure that many of you have been
in that same situation. Tired, with things needing to be
done and hungry.

That is a very bad combination.

My first reaction was to say "I'll do it tomorrow", to the
things that needed to get done and head for the fridge to
find something sweet to eat. I crave sweets and peanut
butter cups when I'm hungry.

As I was headed over to the fridge that stupid little voice
came busting into my head.

"Weren't you going to write a newsletter about this very
subject?" That's what the little voice said to me. They
say you're only crazy if you answer the little
I said "yes, I was going to write a newsletter about this".

Stupid little voice. I had my heart set on ice cream.

My inner voice was right. I was planning on writing a
newsletter on that evil little phrase of "I'll do it
tomorrow." Or the other one is, "I'll start tomorrow."

That phrase is so easy to say, yet it is the absolute worst
thing you can possibly tell yourself if you want to start
living a fit and healthy lifestyle.

How many times have you told yourself that you were going
to start eating better and exercising, but that you were
going to start after this one last meal, or this one last
weekend? Then that's it, all bets are off and you're
living the straight and narrow. If you're like me, or the
millions of others out there you've said it countless times.

But was it true? Did you really "start tomorrow"? Or did
something else get in the way that impeded your new fitness
lifestyle? Or maybe you lasted a couple days, then fell
back on your old ways only to start the process all over
again within a few weeks or months.

But why?

What's so special about tomorrow that you have to wait? Is
tomorrow some special, magical day that serves some special

The truth is there is no better time than right now. If
you make the decision to start eating better, exercising,
stopping smoking, or whatever, there is no better time than
right this very instant.

Put down the cookie you're eating while reading this. Put
the bowl of ice cream in the sink. Shut the refrigerator.
Do some squats and push-ups. It doesn't matter, just start
right now. It doesn't have to be something major.

You've already made the decision to start, just start right
now rather than tomorrow. If you do things right, living a
healthy and fit lifestyle doesn't mean you have to deprive
yourself of the treats you love. You just have to partake
in those treats less often.

So stop telling yourself that you're going to start
tomorrow. You've said that enough times, now just buck up
and start right now.

I mean it.

Start this very instant.

As soon as you're done reading this, do something that
takes a step in the right direction rather than something
that takes you a few steps back.

Eat an apple. Eat a handful of almonds. Make a smoothie.
Get some rest. Go workout. Go for a walk, or jump on the
treadmill if it's too cold where you are. Clean all the
junk out of your cupboards.

Do something, anything. Just don't start tomorrow. Start

Learn how to lose body fat quicker than you ever thought
imagineable by going to
Ed Scow's fast, time efficient fat loss workouts have
helped busy men and women lose fat faster than they ever
could have imagined.
Ed's workouts can be done in the comfort of your own home
with limited equipment in as little as 15-20 minutes! To
learn more go to