Tuesday, February 26, 2008

12 Tips to Boost a Woman's Sexual Health

12 Tips to Boost a Woman's Sexual Health
Like any muscle, your sexual health requires exercise. Here
are 12 tips to put your sexual health in peak form.

1. Break the Routine:

Is it the missionary position with the man on top? Are the
lights always off? Is sex just for the bedroom? It's the
time to ditch the rut and put some zest into your sex. Get
a copy of the Kama Sutra, experiment with sex toys (yes,
they're quite acceptable!) and for no cost at all, try a
different position in every room in the house.

2. Think and Feel Sexy:

Great sex isn't about the orgasm (although they're great
too!). Sexual health is being comfortable with your
sexuality and feeling sexy all day long. Stop to enjoy the
sexual images all around you. Allow your sexual feelings to
rise and linger. Only you will know that you're taking care
of your sexual health.

3. Express Yourself:

Let's face it. If you want better sex, then start talking
about what you want. Satisfying sex comes from the love and
trust expressed between the people sharing in it. If you're
sitting on a mountain of unresolved issues about your
relationship, your body image or low libido, it's time to
put the spotlight on it and give it your attention.

4. Banish the Stress:

Great sex comes from an inner desire to express passion and
intimacy. However, currents of intimacy are delicate and
won't find their way through the layers of stress that
you've accumulated throughout the day. Leave the job, the
kids, the in-laws and everything else at the bedroom door.

5. Work Those Muscles:

Good sex becomes great sex when your body is in a healthy
condition. Sex is a physical workout which requires
control, flexibility and endurance. And if you suffer from
incontinence or weakened vaginal muscles, you'll also want
to include Kegel exercises in your routine.

6. Ditch the Drugs:

Prescription drugs are bad news when it comes to a healthy
sex life. Common drugs for high blood pressure and
anti-depressant medicines and can lead to a decreased
libido in women. Since most prescription drugs have adverse
side effects, it's best to find a physician who will
recommend healthy alternatives to the drug routine.

7. Lose the Fat:

With over 60% of Americans overweight or obese, all that
excess fat between the sheets is not a pretty picture. If
you can't see your genitals when you're standing up and
can't tell the difference between your breasts and your
belly, it's time to shape up. Not only will the sex
improve, your whole life will take on a new look.

8. Butt Out:

Having a cigarette after sex is a tired cultural image.
Smoking is just a bad habit that also constricts the blood
vessels and inhibits blood flow to the vagina. And besides,
who wants to have sex with a dirty ashtray?

9. Know Your Body:

Rhythms We're creatures of habit and we feel comforted by
predictable routines. Our bodies also have natural daily
and monthly rhythms such as their menstrual cycle. Get in
touch with the natural highs and lows of your sexual desire
and use the highs to engage in sex and the lows to exhale.
Don't fight the rhythms and force sex; prepare for them.

10. Eliminate the Distractions:

When an opportunity to engage in sex arises, it should
totally consume you... and your lover. Turn off the
television, hang up on your mother-in-law, ignore the
credit card statement and forget about work. This is your
time; don't let anything distract you.

11. Read, Watch and Learn:

There's a lot more to sex than knowing the mechanics of how
the pieces fit together. Make your sexual health a priority
and a continual learning experience. Read magazines,
articles and advice columns - there's always something to
learn. Watch sexy movies and learn from the many excellent
educational videos on exploring and enjoying sex.

12. Make Sex Fun:

Remember when it was? When we were young and discovering
the power of our sexuality, sex was fun and we couldn't get
enough. Where did the fun go? Review these 12 tips and
pinpoint why the fun disappeared. And remember, the best
part of losing something is finding it again.

Linda Ryan and Luke Vorstermans are the founders of The
Sense of Smell Lab, a world leader in the development of
innovative products that use our sense of smell to
influence behavior, trigger memories, manage cravings,
enhance moods and improve sexual health. To learn more
about enhancing your sex drive, go to

Pilates - That's Hot

Pilates - That's Hot
Developed from rehabilitation techniques; Pilates is a
safe, sensible exercise system. By emphasizing proper
breathing, it gets your mind and body in tune with one

The originator, Joseph Pilates, was the son of a prize
winning gymnast in Germany; were Joseph was born. A sickly
child, Joseph began his life's journey to fitness and
health at an early age. By the time he was 14 he was
modeling for anatomy charts.

In 1912 Joe went to England where he worked as a self
defense instructor for Scotland Yard. At the beginning of
WWI he was interned with other German nationals. During his
internment, Joe refined his idea and trained other
internees. In 1918 an influenza epidemic struck England
killing thousands. Not one of Joe's trainees died. He
claimed this to be a testament to the effectiveness of his

In 1926 Joseph Pilates emigrated to the U.S. and opened his
first studio in New York City sharing an address with the
New York City Ballet. Along the way he met Clara whom he
later married. By 1960 many New York dancers were their
clients; including George Balanchine, who later invited Joe
to instruct his young ballerinas at the New York City

When Joe passed away in 1967 only two of his students were
known to have opened their own studios. Carola Trier, a
close friend and Bob Seed, who tried to take clients from

More than 80 years later Pilates has become one of the
hottest and most accessible workouts around. It's no wonder
as Pilates not only tones and tightens your body, but
protects it too.

There are two basic types of Pilates. The most common type
(which you can do almost anywhere) consists of a series of
floor exercises preformed on a mat. These use the body's
own weight as resistance, but can also involve resistance
bands or the Pilates Magic Circle (a flexible circle made
of rubber or thin metal). The second type relies on two
machines called the Cadillac and the Reformer which use a
system of springs, levers and pulleys to strengthen and
condition. Both types work on the "core" or transverse
muscle deep in the abdomen that forms the girdle inside the
body. A strong transverse muscle gives you better endurance
in every other physical activity. It also protects the
lower back and improves posture.

Pilates exercises do produce long lean muscles like a
dancer's, but Pilates isn't just for girls. Pro football
players use Pilates to strengthen their bodies and cores;
which helps them absorb the impact of full body tackles
without blowing out their knees. During World War I, Joseph
Pilates also used his exercises to help wounded soldiers
become mobile again.

Today there are Pilates studios all over the world. Mari
Winsor has gained much notoriety with her Windsor Pilates
fitness program.

The Winsor Pilates program is one of the top selling
fitness programs in the world, and is transforming the
bodies of men and women all over the globe.

To learn more about Mari Winsor and Winsor Pilates go to:

How To Prevent Migraines and Headaches

How To Prevent Migraines and Headaches
Many foods, additives, and other nutritional components can
cause migraines, but the triggers vary a lot from one
person to another.

Here's a list that covers the common ones.

Aged cheeses, sour cream, and certain other milk products.

Fresh yeast, sourdough, and other yeasty breads.

Fermented foods, including pickles, soy sauce and miso.

Some legumes, especially dried beans, lentils and soy

Nuts, seeds, and peanut butter.

Chocolate and cocoa.

Organ meats and meats that are salted, dries cured, smoked,
or contain nitrites.

Sardines, anchovies, and pickled herring.

Fruits, including avocados, bananas, citrus fruits, figs,
grapes, papayas, passion fruits, plantains, pineapples,
raspberries, red plums, and raisins.

Alcohol, especially red wine.

Chicken livers.

Seasonings and flavor enhancers, especially artificial
sweeteners, ginger, and molasses.

Sulfites used as preservatives in wine and dried fruits.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG).

Each year 70 percent of adults in North America alone seek
medical help. Most headaches are brief and happen because
of tension or a temporary condition, like a cold or the
flu, but some reflect a serious problem.

When you see your doctor about your headaches b sure to
bring a detailed written description of your headaches. To
make it detailed make sure you cover some of these
questions. How severe are they? How often? How long?
Which areas hurt?

Migraine Headaches

More than 20 million North Americans suffer from migraines.
Migraines are severe throbbing or pulsating feeling that
occurs on one side of your head. They're often accompanied
by sensitivities from light and sound, as well as with
nausea and vomiting.

Migraines are also called vascular headaches, because they
typically involve a spasm of the arteries in your head,
which results in a pulsating pain. The headaches may last
from a few hours to several days or even longer.

Most importantly migraines affect women about three times
more often as men. They usually start between the ages of
18 and 44. Many doctors think migraines are triggered from
different factors such as dietary, hormonal, environmental,
emotional, and other factors that cause your blood vessels
in your brain to constrict and then relax. These distorted
blood vessels quickly cause the nerve endings to send out
pain signals.

A good way to get rid of migraines is to try relaxation
techniques. In addition to taking different courses or
classes in using relaxation techniques you can also try
biofeedback. Biofeedback is a course in which you learn
how to raise the temperature in your hands to divert some
of the blood flow from your head to another part of your

Migraine Triggers

Environmental Triggers: Glare, bright lights, loud noises,
strong odors, cigarette smoke changes in temperature,
weather or altitude.

Hormonal Triggers (usually women): Menstrual cycle,
estrogen supplements, and high-estrogen oral contraceptives.

Activity Triggers: Irregular or no exercise, inadequate or
excessive sleep, eyestrain, motion sickness.

Emotional Triggers: (tend to be negative ones): Anger,
resentment, depression, fatigue, anxiety, and stress.

Dietary Triggers: Keep a food diary and see what you've
eaten. Once you feel a migraine come on, you'll be able to
track and see what food has caused it.

Marci Lall is a Womens Weight Loss & Body Sculpting
Specialist. visit his website to get his FREE report "16
tips on how to get maximum weight loss and fitness results
in minimum time" --> http://www.lallpt.com

Knowledge is Power but It Takes Action

Knowledge is Power but It Takes Action
Cancer is rated as the No.1 health concern among Americans
according to a survey from the American Institute for
Cancer Research (AICR). Americans also believe cancer is
impossible to prevent and blame the disease on factors they
cannot control such as hormones in beef and pesticides on

I find this fatalistic mindset upsetting. I know many who
have lived an intentional life of wellness and have
experienced health and long life. There is also ample
research that links cancer risk to things we can control ,
such as diet, physical activity and weight gain.

The World Cancer Research Fund and (AICR) issued an
encouraging report titled: Food, Nutrition, Physical
Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global
Perspective. A few of their findings:

1. Excess body fat increases the risk of many forms of
cancer including pancreas, colon, kidney, endometrium, and
postmemopausal breast cancer. The report urges us to limit
our intake of processed foods especially those high in
sugar and fat and low in fiber. We are urged to consume
five or more servings of vegetables and fruits daily and
involve ourselves in physical activity at least 30 minutes

2. Red meat increases the risk of colorectal cancer:
Researchers recommend limiting consumption to 18 onces
(cooked) per week. I say is better to reduce red meat
consumption to less than 18 onces per. month and continue
reducing the amount until you are rarely consuming red
meat. Researchers say beyond the 18 ounces every 1.7 ounces
or red meat you consume daily increases your cancer risk by
15 percent. Process meats such as ham, bacon, sausage, and
lunch meat are highly discouraged and for every 1.7 ounces
of processed meat consumed per day you increase your risk
of colorectal cancer by 21 percent. This is not on the
front page of your local newspaper because of the money
behind the meat. We must take this seriously if we expect
to stay healthy and improve the health of our country. Pass
this on to your neighbors send this web site around to
others you care about.

3. Alcohol is linked to many cancers as well in both men
and women. Because small amounts of alcohol can protect
against heart disease, the panel decided to recommend
limiting rather than avoiding consumption. I find there are
plenty of other beneficial fruits and vegetables that we do
not have to include the risk of regular alcohol consumption
in order to protect our hearts.

These are a few of the many things we all have control
over. Start today improving your dietary choices and
experience a life of long health and options. We are not
guaranteed much in life but this report and many other have
shown you can make lifestyle choices that will reduce your

I will agree these choices require personal commitment and
follow threw that require dedication. Everyone is not
committed to the work until the diagnosis is brought down.
I have talked to many individuals diagnosed with cancer and
they all say they knew they could have made better choices
but just did not do it.

Today if you do not have cancer or some other degenerative
disease such as heart disease, liver disease or hardening
of the arteries you have options and you are still in
control. Knowing how you should live is only one step in
the process. Having a reason to live comes before
knowledge so your first step is your personal reason.

I wanted to be healthy and raise healthy children 30 years
ago when I choose to commit to life long health. I wanted
to feel good and free to live a long life of joy and
contribution. That is how I am wired. How are you wired?
What motivates you? What would you like to do?

I read all that was available at the time and went out
searching for answers to health and wellness. This
knowledge is not new it is easier to find these days so why
do we have so many falling to disease?

Find your motivation, define your course, make a commitment
and then find a supportive group of friends to take the
journey with. There are health supportive groups is most
cities and on line forums as well. Fight the fight, run
the race, stay the course. A life of health and wellness
is necessary if you want any other pleasures of life.

If you look around, you will see everywhere there are
support systems to equip you in your quest for health and
wellness. I want this article to motivate and inspire you
in the direction of health and personal power. I know if
you have physical health it is more likely you will have
spiritual and emotional health as well. Start today! Get


How to become seriously obese in 7 easy steps

How to become seriously obese in 7 easy steps
Want to really pile on the pounds and achieve obesity in
the minimum amount of time, then follow these 7 easy steps.

1. You awake tired, skip breakfast and opt for a coffee
instead. For a real fast track weight gainer you go to
Starbucks and order "the works!". Avoid eggs, oat based
cereals, porridge (oatmeal), this is the devils food!!

2. You drink nice sugary, fizzy and fruity juices, your
favourites are coke and diet coke. You may even drink a
fruit smoothie because you think it's healthy. What ever
you do you avoid water at all costs!

3. Its lunchtime so you must pig out on as much bread as
possible. White or brown it doesn't matter just eat lots of
it. Sandwiches are great! For a real bonus you can add some
crisps (potato chips) and a chocolate bar.

4. You must get down that gym everyday and start working on
those super modern machines. Yes you read that correct,
masses of exercise especially when you're totally exhausted
are best. My personal recommendations for some real rapid
weight gain are the stepper, the cross trainer, thousands
of sit-ups and a good lengthy walk on the treadmill. Don't
miss a session now, the more the better!!!

5. Your starving with little time so your main meals come
from packets and boxes and just require some quick heating.
Nothing like a microwave meal or some low calorie
re-heatable meal in a box for some serious ugly fat. Why
not add some tomato ketchup for a real bonus? At no cost
should you ever prepare your own food from scratch.

6. You must get the TV on, sit down and relax. It's best to
get a good 3 hours minimum of TV in before bed, this way
your brain is stimulated just before you sleep. Watching TV
in bed is even better and a real treat for weight gain.
Whatever you do, don't read or take some time out to relax
and let your brain wind down. Remember the less you sleep
and the more stressed you can make your body the more ugly
fat you can pile on.

7. You need to go to bed as late as possible and have a
nice restless nights sleep. Wake up nice and early and feel
totally exhausted before you start your day. You always
have your coffee to keep you going before you repeat your 7
steps to obesity again.

Keep repeating these 7 steps week in, week out, for maximum
results and some obesity and health issues you can really
be proud of. Of course there is another way.

Greg is a leading health and fitness professional and
author of "The No Gear Workout" based in Hampstead, North
London. He achieves fantastic results for his clients by
using his indepth knowledge and the most up to date
Learn how to lose weight the smart way at

Smell Your Way to a Better Mood

Smell Your Way to a Better Mood
You can change your mood by changing what you smell. Quick:
Which of our five senses more than any other influences our
behavior? Triggers our memories? Controls our cravings?
Enhances our moods? Ignites our sexuality?

If you replied, "It's our sense of smell," then you're
smarter than most. We live in a culture that overwhelms us
with stimulation delivered through sight and sound. Even
taste and touch are highly valued and utilized to expand
our experience of pleasure and sensuality. But our sense of
smell has been relegated to the bottom of the sensory pile.
It's an unfortunate place to be for a sense that's
primarily responsible for our quality of life.

Unlike the other senses, our sense of smell is always on
duty. Each day, without any thought, we breathe in over
23,040 times and inhale over 238 cubic feet of air. Each
breath floods our smell receptors with information about
the environment we live in. Smells of pleasure. Awareness.
Danger. Sexual attraction. We are capable of recognizing
approximately 10,000 different odors, with each odor having
the power to influence our moods and behavior. However,
most people would be hard pressed to identify more than a
couple of dozen. Such is the mystery of this enigmatic

Smell has a powerful effect on behavior. Certain smells can
brighten our moods and lift our spirits, like the smell of
a good cup of coffee and warm cinnamon buns straight from
the oven. An exotic perfume or the smell of your lover's
skin can lead to intimacy and romance while other scents
bring a sense of calm and make us feel at home.

Some smells we find repulsive and alert us to danger. Just
think of your reaction to the stink of a dead skunk on the
side of the road or the smell of burning toast. Such strong
smells usually trigger an instant reaction and alert us to
take corrective action.

Aromas delivered directly to the smell receptors in our
brain have a powerful effect on our behavior. Since birth,
our smell receptors have been busy cataloguing every smell
that passed through our nostrils. As newborn infants
snuggled up against our mothers' breast, the smell of her
skin gave us a deep sense of comfort and safety. That first
smell, lodged deep within our memory, still has the power
to trigger intense feelings.

The environment of our childhood, with its varied smells,
fragrances and odors, built the platform of scent memories,
which determines how we respond to the hints of those
scents today. The smell of a musty basement, Thanksgiving
dinner at grammas or the gym locker room after a basketball
game are all powerful triggers that transport us back into
our world of memories.

The brain processes information delivered through our other
senses by cognitive identification first, which in turn
triggers an emotional response. But our sense of smell is
unique. It does the opposite. Our smell receptors are
directly connected to the limbic system, which controls
emotional behavior and memory. Incoming odors first trigger
an emotional response, which is then followed by cognitive
recognition. That's why, for example, you'll respond to the
relaxing effects of lavender long before you can identify
the specific aroma.

Aromas have long been used to influence behavior. Legend
has it that Cleopatra perfumed the sails of her ship sent
to meet Anthony so the wind would carry a hint of her
desire. For centuries, doctors would diagnose various
diseases by smell alone and we all know that our shopping
experience is influenced by the smells funneled through the
air conditioning systems. Smells are being introduced
everywhere - in our household products, our homes, our cars
and office environments.

If smells are such powerful influencers of moods and
behavior doesn't it make sense that changing the smell can
also change the behavior? Research is pointing to that
probability. So while the sense of smell is the least known
of our senses, it has recently emerged as a new medical
frontier. As research identifies how odor is identified and
transmitted, we will be able to use a variety of scents to
obtain the maximum benefits we desire. It is the
scents-ible approach to creating health and well-being.

Luke Vorstermans is the founder of The Sense of Smell Lab,
a world leader in the development of innovative products
that use our sense of smell to influence behavior, trigger
memories, manage cravings, enhance moods and improve sexual
health. To learn more about enhancing your sex drive, go
to http://www.scentuellepatch.com