Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Right Cure For Bad Breath

The Right Cure For Bad Breath
When you are looking for a cure for bad breath, you will
have to examine the cause of the bad breath in order to
treat it effectively. Bad breath is a common condition
that affects one in four people and it is good to know that
there is a cure and bad breath can be treated effectively.

There are many causes of bad breath including oral
bacteria, foods, smoking, dentures, and dry mouth. Each of
these different causes of bad breath will be related to
either chronic or short-term bad breath. You can find a
cure for bad breath for each of these conditions.

Oral Bacteria

Oral bacteria is a number one cause of chronic bad breath
and can be eliminated through regular brushing and flossing
of your teeth and regular brushing or scraping of your
tongue. Oral bacterial lives in your mouth and seems to
favour the tongue as one of its favorite hiding spots. You
must dislodge food particles and plaque from your mouth so
that bacteria cannot thrive in your mouth. When you adopt
a regular brushing and flossing routine, you can eliminate
oral bacteria and bad breath from your life.

Food Caused Bad Breath

Foods such as onions and garlic can cause short-term bad
breath and it is recommended that you eat a sprig of
parsley, cloves, fennel seeds or peppermint to mask the
odour. The odour cannot be eliminated because it
originates in your intestinal tract and you must wait a day
for the odour to leave your body naturally.

Smoking Caused Bad Breath

Smoking causes chronic bad breath from the smell of the
tobacco and because it leaves your gums and teeth prone to
gum disease which causes bad breath. In order to prevent
the risk of mouth and gum disease and bad breath caused by
smoking, it is recommended that you quit smoking.

Dentures And Bad Breath

Dentures can cause chronic bad breath when the dentures are
not cleaned regularly. Food particles can be caught in the
appliances and unless the dentures are washed regularly,
the food particles will help oral bacteria thrive in your

Dry Mouth Caused Bad Breath

Dry mouth is a condition that can cause short-term or
chronic bad breath because moisture helps to clean the
tissues of the mouth. If the mouth is too dry, bacteria
cannot be moved away from the mouth. You can drink the
recommended daily amount of water and juices to replenish
the moisture in your mouth tissues and this will help to
flush out oral bacteria. Brushing and flossing must be
regularly maintained when a dry mouth condition is present
to prevent bad breath.

If you want to find a cure for bad breath, you must match
the remedy to the cause of the bad breath. When you have
found a cure for bad breath that works for you, you will
feel like it is a new beginning.

Few things are detested more than bad breath, both by
sufferers and those who come into contact with them. Find
your answer to this problem at

Unlocking the Secrets of Your Sense of Smell: Part 5

Unlocking the Secrets of Your Sense of Smell: Part 5
According to the Sense of Smell Institute, women
consistently outscore men with their sense of smell.
Interestingly, however, it has found that a woman's ability
to smell is dependent on the level of various hormones in
her body. A woman's sense of smell is heightened during
the first half of her menstrual cycle and peaks when she is
most fertile and sexually responsive.

Women, it seems, have sensitivity to scented sex hormones,
or pheromones. During ovulation, women are 10,000 times
more sensitive to the scent of male hormones than during

Women sniff out the best mates via pheromones -- the
undetectable scents that drive a range of reproductive
behaviors. Humans have denser skin concentrations of the
scent glands that release pheromones than almost any other
mammal. As a result, pheromones are slinging at least some
of Cupid's arrows.

However, beware: studies have found that women on birth
control pills experience hormonal changes that can
interfere with this law of "scent attraction" -- leading to
trouble picking the right partner and potential problems
with infertility down the line. Once off the pill, some
women may find they have a different "sense" about their

Other studies have shown that aside from a woman's monthly
cycle, her gender alone also makes her more likely to have
a sharper sense of smell as female babies have a keener
sense of smell than their male cohorts. Studies conducted
by Dr. Hilary Schmidt reveal genetic differences in babies'
responsiveness to scents appear to have their origins in

During her research, Dr. Schmidt noticed that female babies
responded to scented rattles while male babies did not.
However, her findings also show that male babies
demonstrate a preference for pleasantly-scented rattles
over those with an unpleasant scent while their female
cohorts demonstrate an equal interest in both. Overall,
scent—whether pleasant or unpleasant—piques the
interest of female babies.

According to Dr. Schmidt's research, children do not
demonstrate adult-like preferences regarding odour in their
environment until they begin to see their world through
adult-like eyes. At this time they begin to show
preferences for pleasant fragrances over unpleasant

Interestingly, another study reveals that not all scents
produce gender-specific responses, suggesting that sex
differences in olfactory prowess may be scent-dependent.
However, more research is needed in this area to conclude
whether a woman's menstrual cycle may play a determining
factor in this occurrence. It may be that certain scents
in studies done did not elicit gender-specific responses
because its female subjects were menstruating.

Luke Vorstermans is the founder of The Sense of Smell Lab,
a world leader in the development of innovative products
that use our sense of smell to influence behavior, trigger
memories, manage cravings, enhance moods and improve sexual
health. To learn more about enhancing your sex drive, go

The scandal of Medical training

The scandal of Medical training
Medical training in the US at the beginning of the 20th
century was very poor indeed. One could buy a medical
degree by post or qualify with the minimum amount of study.

The AMA (American Medical Association) realised that
changes were urgently needed and created a "Council on
Medical Education". Soon, internal feuds and under funding
made the Council's task impossible.

The Rockefeller-Carnegie foundations stepped in. Both
foundations were looking for ways to extend their interest
in the pharmaceutical industry. With superb timing, in
December 1908, after a meeting between Henry Pritchett -
president of the Carnegie foundation - and the AMA, an
agreement was reached to include the Rockefeller-Carnegie
foundations in the drafting of a new Report on necessary
changes to Medical training.

In 1910, the Flexner Report was published. It pointed out
the inadequacy of the current medical training and proposed
a substantial amount of changes. Most changes were needed
and welcome by most. Amongst these changes, was the
"strengthening of pharmacology (use of drugs) and the
creation of research sections at all approved schools".

The strengthening of pharmacology was the reason for the
changes. Doctors from that time onwards were taught to
prescribe drugs for the war against disease, thus enriching
pharmaceutical companies. There was no mention of training
for the prevention of disease and the importance of diet
and a toxin free environment in the pursuit of health in
the new curriculum.

At a cost of only $10,000 to them, the foundations had
changed the course of medicine for the rest of the century
and for many years to come. What a masterstroke this would
have been if only it had not cost the lives of so many
millions of sufferers.

By 1927, the number of "approved schools" (those that
followed the guidelines laid out by the foundations to
invest in drug research) had halved to eighty.

In the words of Joseph Goulden in his book "The money

"Flexner had the ideas, Rockefeller and Carnegie had the
money, and their marriage was spectacular. The Rockefeller
Institute for the Medical Research and the General
Education Board showered money on tolerably respectable
schools and on professors who expressed an interest in

The stranglehold by the AMA on doctor's training is
terrifying. A doctor has to be trained by a centre approved
by the AMA and follow their curriculum. He cannot practice
if the AMA does not approve his licence. Once qualified and
in practice, he reads publications from ... the AMA.

In the words of Bernie Siegel in his introduction to 'When
healing becomes a crime':

"The system needs to open up so that the pages of medical
journals are not 50% pharmaceutical ads, thus closing minds
and doors to alternative and integrative treatments. In the
future, companies need to be rewarded for researching
alternative treatments that cannot be patented".

And if you try to help others without a medical licence,
you can be prosecuted for illegal practice of medicine. The
Office of Technology United States Congress - Archive 1990

"Because their practice falls outside of standard medical
practice, physicians who offer unconventional cancer
treatments are vulnerable to the civil charge of
malpractice". Many have been thrown in jail for providing
or using B17 Vitamin (laetrile).

Dr Schulze also states: "there are many people who are
jailed every year, put there for disagreeing with medical
doctors and their policies. Organised medical crime has
gone so far, they have outlawed words for other health
professionals to use. Such as "Diagnose" and "Cure". Just
by using these words you can be arrested for practising
medicine without a licence ."

To date, over a billion dollars have been invested by the
foundations to control medical research.

The AMA has its own medical journal called the JAMA,
sometimes referred to as the AMA journal. Who advertises in
this journal? You have guessed: the Pharmaceutical
Manufacturer's Association is their largest customer.

The AMA spends millions every year in advertising to
control public opinion, to lobby politician in Washington
and to support politicians who favour their approach. It is
also influential for the selection of Commissioners for the
almighty Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


This organisation is responsible for the approval of new
drugs on the American market. In March 1973, they were
forced to publish a Consumer report. Most were scandalised
by some of its content:

* One rodent pellet was allowed per pint of wheat

* 10 fly eggs were allowed per 8.5 ounces can of fruit juice

* 50 insect fragments or 2 rodent hair for every 3.5 ounces
of peanut butter

The FDA has also come to the rescue of the 3,000 chemical
additives that flavour, preserve and colour our food today.
Most of these additives are safe when ingested in small
quantity. However, when these are part of most of the food
we eat the amount we consume over a long period of time
becomes too massive for our body to cope with and it is
only common sense that a toxic reaction should occurs.

In order for a drug to be "accepted" by the, pharmaceutical
companies must allocate a large team of technicians to the
project. The paper reports generated stacks to a height of
six feet and weighs several hundred kilograms. This process
often requires an investment in excess of two hundred
million dollars. Although pharmaceutical companies
officially complain about this procedure, privately they
are happy as only they can afford this type of money and
this keeps competition from small firms out of the way.

Patrick Hamouy specialises in tuning an unhealthy person's
diet to guide them back to health. Since the end of 1993
when Patrick qualified as a Macrobiotic consultant, he has
guided 100s of customers suffering from disease such as
cancer, heart problems, diabetes, dystonia etc.. to better
health. Patrick gives consultations on the Internet using
Cam, Phone, Yahoo or Skype. His web site is

Finding Out The Hard Way That Diets Don't Work? Work With Your Body To Shed Those Pounds!

Finding Out The Hard Way That Diets Don't Work? Work With Your Body To Shed Those Pounds!
Most diets simply don't work. If you've ever been faced
with the challenge of losing weight, whether it was a
couple pounds or many, you already know how difficult it
can be. There are thousand of different diet plans on the
market and most of them promise to help you lose weight.
Many of them claim to help you lose weight fast. But the
majority will only waste your time and your money.

Why Low Fat Diets Don't Work

Diets that decrease your daily fat intake have been
extremely popular, along with the many different low fat
and no fat foods available. A recent study, however, found
that these diets are actually more harmful than normal
eating patterns. The study compared groups on a low fat
diet with similar groups eating an average diet. The
results found that low fat diets can cause serious damage
to your body.

It is recommended that at least 35% of your calorie intake
comes from fat each day. This amount of fat is needed to
fight certain diseases, including several types of cancer,
heart disease, and even obesity. Most low fat diets
incorporate only 10% of the total calorie intake from fat,
increasing risks of heart complications, high blood
pressure, diabetes, and other health problems.

Why Low Carb Diets Don't Work

The Atkins Diet was one of the most sought after diet plans
for years. The main downfall of low carb diets is that
they are nearly impossible to follow if you don't want to
completely rearrange your life. Most of these diets have
strict guidelines that must be closely adhered to if you
expect to lose weight. Time spent weighing food portions
and preparing special meals, not to mention the extra costs
involved in these meals, can make many people give up on a
low carb plan.

Those who aren't bothered by the stringent meal
requirements will often give up as well. Tiredness, loss
of energy, and a lack of concentration are all typical side
effects of decreasing your carbohydrate intake and can make
it extremely hard to focus on your daily responsibilities.

Why Low Calorie Diets Don't Work

Low calorie diets seem like sensible weight loss plans.
You eat less and you lose weight. Don't you wish it were
that simple! In reality, a low calorie diet can actually
cause you to gain weight. Low calorie diets assume that
your body will continue to burn the amount of calories you
typically eat, even when you decrease that amount.

The fact is, your body bases your metabolism rate on the
average number of calories you typically take in. This
means within the first few days of starting a low calorie
diet, your body catches on and adjusts your metabolism.
You may burn a small amount of fat during the first three
days but then your body will assume it's your normal diet
and will burn fewer calories. When the diet ends, there's
a big chance you will gain weight as your metabolism rate
adjusts again to a normal calorie intake.

Is There a Diet That Does Work?

Losing weight is not a hopeless cause, even with all the
diets that just don't work. You've probably had your own
experience with at least one of the dieting failures
already mentioned, but there is a diet plan that works.
Instead of cutting carbs or fat, you can use your body's
natural fat burning abilities to lose weight and keep it

There is a simple, easy to follow diet plan that will let
you enjoy the foods you love while you lose weight. You
can actually lose as much as 9 pounds in just 11 days
without special meals or expensive supplements! Losing
weight is possible.

To learn how to lose 9 pounds every 11 days and other facts
about this diet plan that works go to the authors website:
There you can get the facts behind this amazing new concept
in weight control.

8 Acne Fighting Tips to Change Your Life

8 Acne Fighting Tips to Change Your Life
No matter who you are, you have probably experienced acne
in your life to some degree. Millions of people around the
world have this terrible skin condition that riddles your
previously smooth beautiful skin with those nasty bumps and
pimples that send you flying to the drugstore in search of
answers. Well in this article some effective and simple
tips are provided for you so you no longer have to live
your life in fear of going out in public or being made fun
of by anyone again.

So before we discuss what you can do to prevent your acne,
it's probably best that we discuss what exactly it is. Well
when the glands in your body produce too much of the oil
that is needed to for your body to function properly, then
that clogs the pores in your skin, causing the presentation
of pimples and zits on the skin that you know as acne.

So now you're armed with a little bit of knowledge as to
what acne is, it's time you start to learn what steps you
can take to treat and prevent it. Because when you don't
know the exact cause of something, treating it is rather

1. Make sure you wash all over your body everyday, so you
not only clean the affected areas of your skin but
everywhere to prevent further breakouts.

2. If you are someone who has particularly oily hair, then
you will want to make sure that you wash it an extra time a
day, since excess oils are the leading cause of acne.

3. Don't touch your face or any of the affected areas on
your body as much as possible. By doing this you transfer
the dirt and bacteria that already clogs your pores.

4. When you sweat, your body produces oils that clog your
pores, so if you exercise regularly, make sure to take a
shower afterwards.

5. If you participate in any sport activity such as hockey
that requires you to wear a strap you might want to insert
a piece of non-irritating material under so it doesn't rub
up against your skin and irritate it.

6. If at all possible, avoid exposing yourself to intense
chemicals or oils. Avoid eating vegetable oil as well.

7. If you are a women using makeup or a man trying to hide
scarring, choose your cosmetics carefully, don't buy any
with many chemicals that might irritate your skin.

8. Avoid over-exposure to sunlight if at all possible. The
UV rays from the sun act to dry out and harm your skin

Are you sick and tired of dealing with acne? If so, head on
over to to discover how to
become acne free in only 3 days!

What's Your Body Type?

What's Your Body Type?
The theory of body types or "Somatypes" categorizes basic
unisex human body types: the Endomorph, characterized by an
abundance of body fat; the Mesomorph, marked by a
well-developed lean, musculature; and the Ectomorph,
distinguished by a lack of either much fat or muscle tissue.

Body typing has been around fitness and bodybuilding
circles for decades. It was pioneered by American
physician, Dr. William H. Sheldon around 1940.

Dr. Sheldon's original body types have been renamed in
recent years. Ectomorphs have become "Thyroids";
Endomorphs became "Lymphatics" and Mesomorphs turned into

A new body type category was created too. It's called the
Gynaeoid ("guy-noid") body type and it applies to women

The Gynaeoid (pronounced "guy-noid") body type is
curvaceous and hippy with a small, tapered waist.
"Pear-shaped" is a accurate description for Gynaeoid body

Gynaeoids tend to have small to medium shoulders and the
breasts vary in size. The hips and thighs curve outwards
and weight gain occurs only below the waistline.

Actress-Singer Jennifer Lopez is the poster child for the
Gynaeoid body type.

Gynaeoid women tend to have a predominance of the estrogen
which targets the uterine region, the hips, thighs and

If weight loss is attempted by following a very low fat low
calorie diet, there is a reduction from the breasts,
shoulders and arms etc., but usually not from the thighs
and butt area.

In contrast, the Android or Mesomorph body types are
characterized by broad shoulders, a large rib cage and
strong shapely muscular limbs.

Android body types are somewhat straight up and down with a
narrow pelvis and hips that do not curve outwards. The
waistline is not accentuated.

World-re-known entertainer Madonna is a perfect example of
the Android body type.

Android women have an anabolic metabolism, which favors
body building tendencies. Strength, both physical and
mental, are prominent characteristics of Androids.

Weight gain occurs in the upper part of the body and on the
front of the abdomen, so that an "apple-shaped" torso may

Overall, these body type characteristics are very broad

Although they do exist, it is rare to find anyone who is a
pure "ecto", "endo", "meso" "andro" or "gyno".

We tend to be unique combinations of each inheriting
genetic characteristics from our family gene pool.

For example, I have an Ectomorpic/Thyroid frame (narrow,
thin bones), but my body composition is solidly
Android/Mesomorph with annoying Endomorphic/Lymphatic
tendencies around my mid-section (many inches to pinch) and
rear end parts.

It's extremenly important to know which body type you most
favor because what often works for one body type when it
comes to diet, exercise and weight loss (or gain) can be
absolutely disastrous for another.

Knowing your body type is THE KEY to taking the right
action to improve your current health situation for the

To Your Health & Well-Being.

Jay Greene

Your journey to better health starts now. Learn how to get
clean inside. Take the FREE Toxic Assessment Test.

The Best Way To Gain Muscle And Not Get Fat

The Best Way To Gain Muscle And Not Get Fat
The two most sought after fitness goals - to build muscle
and to lose body fat. Sadly, these two goals are on the
complete opposite end of the spectrum.
To build muscle, you are going to have to take in more
calories because unless you use drugs you aren't going to
be able to build muscle without them.

Losing fat is different and is going to require to eat less
food and be in a negative calorie balance because that
allows your body to use stored bodyfat for fuel.
Most people end of spinning there wheels and spending too
much time doing both. This cause people to have that skinny
but not big enough look that is in between cut and big
Most people accept that they need to add some small amounts
of fat if they are going to get bigger. It is the small
amount of fat that we can control.
The secret to gaining muscle without getting a gut.
When building muscle, there are one of two things that you
can do.

Most people decide that they want to get big at all costs
and just eat. They become a human buffet since they think
that any hunger pains means that they aren't growing.

This thinking is flawed since only people who use chemicals
can add muscle without adding fat. I'm sorry to say but you
aren't an exception.
These people are going to do nothing but eat for four to
six months, which is the time period that most people try
to add muscle in. Gorging for this period of time is
completely unhealthy and will lead to a point where all
your body does is add fat to your gut.

The second option and better option is to use small cycles
of eating large amounts of calories to add muscle over a
four to six week period so that you can grow but keep your
stomach small.
I know that you are thinking. How many calories do I need
to take in and how much muscle can be built during this

You've heard of the guys who claimed that they can build
20,30, or 41 pounds of muscle in a few weeks or month. I
call "bull", that ain't going to happen unless you use
drugs and adding 10 pounds of muscle will give you a brand
new, sleeve busting body. This is only going to happen to
people who are brand new to training, have crazy good
genetics or are using some other things but for most people
this just isn't going to happen.

A natural individual should shoot for a pound or two of
muscle a month. If your diet isn't optimal or if you are
missing meals then you decrease this chance. This is so
important to realize. You need to be on point or else your
ability to grow muscle is going to be limited.

The more calories, the greater the chance to build fat. As
a general rule, keep it to about 500 calories above normal
so that you can keep your body fat in check. Maintain how
your clothes fit, how your belt fits, your visual
appearance and how your abs look. If they are staying there
then increase your calories slightly.

It is always best to look in the mirror and realize that
you are not going to be a pro bodybuilder but someone that
looks really good. Aiming to hit the exact number of
calories that you read about isn't going to get the job
done and it isn't going to work. Everyone has a different
metabolism and you need to play with your own calorie
requirements and try to see what works best for you.

Just keep in mind , the better you control your diet when
you train for size the less time you have to spend
dieting and the more time you can spend growing. When you
want to get big, decide that you are going to do it slowly
and that you will look better and be bigger with tighter
abs then everyone else who is just stuffing their faces.

Jimmy Smith,CSCS, is the author of the Muscle Bible and is
a training advisor for Men's Fitness and Maximum Fitness
magazines.His Muscle Bible program has helped thousands of
people gain muscle. His muscle building course guarantees
that you will add 10 pounds of lean muscle onto your frame
without drugs, expensive supplements or by spending all day
in the gym or your money back plus some. His muscle
building secrets can be found at

Unlocking the Secrets of Your Sense of Smell: Part 4

Unlocking the Secrets of Your Sense of Smell: Part 4
Did you know that no two apples smell alike? It's true.
Because every scent that we perceive is composed of a
specific and complex combination of molecules, the scent of
every apple is unique to itself. No two apples have
identical scents because no two apples are composed of the
same combination of molecules. One apple may be larger,
have been exposed to more sunlight, water, nutrients,
insecticides or herbicides than its partner hanging next to
it on the very same tree.

These slight differences—however miniscule they may
be—have a bearing on an apple's molecular make up,
and therefore, have a bearing on its scent. You might say
that every apple has its own "fingerprint," or "scentprint."

Each individual also has his or her own unique
"scentprint". As individuals, we too have our own unique
scents. Factors that determine various body scents include
our age, physical condition, medications, illnesses,
hormones, biorhythms, the foods we eat, the minerals in the
water we drink, our skin and hair colour, and the chemicals
in the air we breathe.

Remember the way your skin smelled the last time you ate
garlic fingers? Or how about the last time you ate
watermelon? Think of the scents of the vegetables that
were in the salad you ate for lunch—the cucumbers,
the red peppers and Spanish onions. Have you ever noticed
that the scents of these foods end up lingering on your
skin long after you have washed your hands? Sometimes even
after you've had a shower? Not only are you what you eat,
but you end up smelling like the foods that you eat as well!

Consider this: unlike the apples we've discussed, whose
scents are relatively uniform, every part of our
bodies—our hair, mouth, eyes, elbows, underarms,
feet, etc.—also have their own scents that contribute
to our overall unique scent.

Now add perfume to this equation. We know that no two
perfumes have the same scent. But did you know that the
perfume you put on your throat will smell differently than
that which you put on your wrist? Because different parts
of our bodies have various scents, a perfume's odour is
dependent on not only the individual, but on the part of
the body of that individual to which it is applied. And
because the scent of our bodies changes from one hour to
the next, depending on its exposure to the air and our own
body's biorhythms . . .

How do scents affect the way in which we relate to each

According to scientists, within seconds of meeting new
people we make sensory decisions about them, one of which
is based on how they smell. According to the Sense of
Smell Institute, "deep friendships and romantic alliances
are dependent upon, what scientists identify as, 'olfactory

Not surprisingly, studies show that fragrances have a large
impact on how others feel about us and how we feel about
others. In a study by Drs. John Nezlek and Glenn Shean,
subjects claimed that when they wore their favourite
fragrances they felt better about themselves and felt more
comfortable in social situations.

The study also indicated that fragrances were more crucial
in opposite-sex interactions. Moreover, it was shown that
as an individual's appreciation for a fragrance increases
so do their social skills.

Luke Vorstermans is the founder of The Sense of Smell Lab,
a world leader in the development of innovative products
that use our sense of smell to influence behavior, trigger
memories, manage cravings, enhance moods and improve sexual
health. To learn more about enhancing your sex drive, go

Workout Techniques Used By Celebrities and High Profile Personalities

Workout Techniques Used By Celebrities and High Profile Personalities
People love to look at the magazines in the checkout line.
If they aren't looking at a picture of a celebrity going
through some life-altering train wreck, their eyes are
glued to some body shot of the newest hunk or the current

I have enjoyed working with celebrities and high-profile
clients from all walks of life. I have worked with them
one-on-one, where they only come to me for training. And I
have also discussed philosophies and collaborated with
trainers in New York and Los Angeles to find what works
best. No matter what the style of teaching was, the
programs all had the following things in common:

1. They focused mostly on big movements: Pushing, pulling,
squatting, and walking lunges.

2. They used explosive, full body exercises: kettle bell
swings, mountain climbers, up-downs, etc.

3. They utilized core involvement in every movement.

4. They involved a circuit training workout style.

5. They included interval training cardio with sprints.

And the most important factor is the use of intensity as
the main ingredient.

Intense workouts always burn the most fat.

Long gone are the days of low intensity workouts, where one
spends hours in the gym and follows a meticulous diet. The
workouts of today are efficient, precise, power-oriented
and fun.

Whether I am working with a mother of three, a famous
actress, or a top athlete, my training is all about smarter
workouts that are time-efficient and highly intense. This
means that clients see fast results.

Your workouts should be short, hard, and full body. If
you're spending hour after hour in the gym because you use
a low intensity workout, all you are doing is wasting time.

For example, think of those people you see who go over and
do a set of straight bar chest presses (I hate this move by
the way) then spend 8 minutes talking to the person next to
them before they do the second set. Have you ever noticed
that those people never look any different, even though
they have been coming to the gym for years and years?

You are smarter than that! So get out of the gym in 35 -
45 minutes or less. Never rest longer than 40 - 45 seconds
between sets. Better yet, don't rest at all. Just keep
changing between core, upper and lower body. This way, two
body parts rest while the other one works.

BOTTOM LINE - Get rid of low intensity workouts and start
getting rid of fat.

For over 17 years Bobby Kelly has taken his passion for
coaching to a level not reached by many in the fitness
profession. Bobby has been interviewed and featured as an
expert adviser on CNN, Fox News, ABC, NBC, and CBS as well
as local affiliate stations in numerous markets. Bobby
knows the success of hard work, determination and
persistence, and he'll get you where you want to be. Visit
Bobby today at