Monday, February 25, 2008

Calorie and Exercise Budget

Calorie and Exercise Budget
Do you have a household budget? Do you balance your
checkbook to make sure your expenditures are less or equal
to the money you have in your account? Consider the same
for your body.

You have a certain number of calories to consume throughout
your day. Are you overextended or saving with your
calories? If you're eating too many calories, you're
gaining weight and out of balance with your caloric budget.
Many of us don't consider the cost of the extra calories
on our bodies until our clothes start feeling tight.
However, if you're eating appropriately within your calorie
budget and exercising, you are in balance in the form of
maintaining your weight. If you are eating less calories
and/or exercising to expend more calories, you will lose
weight. The equation of calories in/calories out is the
way to lose weight and maintain your weight long-term.

There are 3,500 calories in a pound. To lose a pound, you
need to consume less calories than your body needs as you
conduct your daily routine. Like any good budget, your
goal is not to spend more than you can afford. For
example, you see a treat that looks good, check out the
nutritional breakdown. Is it worth the calories that would
come out of your budget if you eat it? If not, don't allow
it to break your calorie bank account and pass on to a
better food choice.

If you want to increase the calorie burn for yourself each
day, you need to exercise. If you add exercise to the
equation, you'll lose weight quicker and more efficient
than if you were sedentary. In addition, calories burned
through exercise increases your metabolism and the benefits
continue even after you stop the exercise activity.

The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism and
the more calories you naturally burn. Not only is aerobic
exercise is important but strength training to increase
your muscle mass is important as well. Resistance training
and weight lifting also add a boost to your metabolism and
calorie burn.

If you keep a food and exercise journal, consider it as
your health checkbook. Your calorie and exercise budget
build your health account better and stronger. Your
financial picture can be successful if you monitor your
finances closely. Your health will benefit from a
successful calorie and exercise budget. You can monitor
your budget to achieve maximum weight loss and maintenance.

Through coaching, we can set up a comprehensive calorie and
exercise budget personalized for you, your likes and

Just as you are diligent in your personal and family
finances, consider the same for your body's calorie and
exercise budget as well. By creating a calorie and exercise
budget similar to your financial budget, it will help you
think about how much you eat and exercise. A calorie and
exercise budget will not only help you to eat less, but
will also help you make healthier food choices to promote a
balanced budget. The bonus of a good calorie and exercise
budget is a balanced, successful, healthy and happy life.

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147
pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients
achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with
clients to create a weight loss life plan that is
customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the
International Coaching Federation, International
Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition.
Visit Cathy's website:

Top 3 reasons why people fail to lose weight and how to deal with weight loss better

Top 3 reasons why people fail to lose weight and how to deal with weight loss better
The level of obesity is at an all time high at the moment
especially in America. From statistics collected, the
average weight loss experienced by those who were on a diet
plan were a mere 5-8 pounds annually. To investigate the
matter further, a small survey was carried out on the
subject matter and these three came out as the top reasons
as to why people fail to lose weight with diets:

Let's look at these weight loss dilemmas and deal with them
one by one in order to help you lose weight better, faster
and more efficiently.

1. Low motivation to continue with the diet

When on a diet, it is common to rule out our favorite foods
and drinks. We then stick to healthy foods that we usually
don't really like. With an arrangement like this, it is
very easy to start feeling bored and sick of the same old
boring food. Then they usually start asking, "Why am I
torturing myself like this?" Most dieters can't answer this
question properly! In a nutshell, their intentions to lose
weight is not clear and they don't have enough motivation
to continue with their weight loss journey.

One of the best ways to deal with this problem is to use
the "Cheating Method". Here's what it means...

You need to have an objective which is bigger than weight
loss, something very personal to you. Once you find that
objective, you need to set up a scenario where you can only
get there through losing weight successfully. When you plan
out your weight loss like that, your motivation is no
longer to lose weight but to achieve that bigger goal,
losing weight is just a tool to get there. This is why it's
called "The Cheating Method"

2. By skipping meals, they go hungry faster and pig out on
the next meal

People on a weight loss diet usually eat less or skip
meals. This is where they're wrong. By doing that, they
will eventually feel a lot more hungrier faster and then
they eat more in the next meal. This will definitely
unbalance their food intake and screw up their weight loss

In order to lose weight, you need to burn calories.
Exercising is by far the best way to go about it but if you
don't exercise regularly, you need to pay extra attention
on the food you eat and how often you eat them. With the
right strategy, your body will receive the right nutrients
to help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism.

Eat 6 small to medium meals a day. Choose high-protein food
like meat and eat a lot of vegetables. When you have 6
meals a day in small and medium portions, you will no
longer suffer hunger prangs and thus, there will not be a
need to pig out on the next meal you get. Also, by
continuously feeding the right nutrients to your body, it
will need to "work harder" in order to process all the food
you consume. This creates a scenario where your body is
constantly working thus you're burning small amounts of
calories even if you're not doing much.

3. When having bad days, they pig out even more

Overweight people tend to have one thing in common, they
pig out when they're in a bad mood. Eating somehow makes
them feel a little better. This is a common phenomenon and
it is a very common problem with people who are overweight.
However, if they have a clear objective in their mind as
discussed above, they would know better that they should
not risk failing their ultimate goal just to make
themselves feel better through a heavy meal.

Instead, find new ways to entertain yourself where eating
is not involved. With practice, you can solve this dilemma
in no time.

So, there you go, top three reasons on why you're not
getting any effective weight loss from dieting and how you
should go about dealing with them. Go on, take these free
tips and get on with your weight loss. I wish you great
weight loss success.


Jimmy Dickens is a weight loss coach and mentor from
Boston. He teaches people how to lose weight fast with a
unique system he created called the "Gimme Weight Loss Now"
System. If you're looking for a complete, step-by-step
weight loss system that can help you lose weight fast, do
visit his website and grab his system (in the form of an
ebook) at