Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Weight Loss Hypnosis

As the western world becomes increasingly larger, in
numbers and weight, it is becoming more and more apparent
that dieting, dieting aids and diet pills rarely have any
real lasting effects. The majority of people just don't see
a way to permanently lose weight. More than 60 million
people in the USA are obese with a doubling of child
obesity since 1980. Child obesity is also taking a dramatic
rise in the UK.

Being obese or overweight is more than just a cosmetically
uncomfortable condition. It brings with it an increase in
the risk of a great many diseases and health conditions,
the best known of which are type 2 diabetes and heart
disease. These are serious illness that can cause lifelong
hardship or even lead to early death!

So how do we combat this? Well hypnosis is one solution!
Hypnosis is a technique that spans thousands of years and
is designed to gain access to your subconscious mind where
your beliefs and behavioural patterns are stored. Through
the use of hypnosis it is possible to reprogram these
beliefs and behaviours relatively quickly and easily. It
has consistently worked well with smoking cessation, nail
biting, nervous disorders, eczema and other health and
behavioural conditions. So it should come as no surprise
that it can also be used to re-program your eating and
exercise habits. The process is simple - a hypnotist will
usually get the client to understand where their eating
behaviour started and the reasons behind it. This behaviour
is usually linked to emotional issues rather than a
physical need to eat. Then the client is guided into a very
relaxed state of mind and body before post hypnotic
suggestions are given to them which reprogram the
subconscious mind which ultimately lead to a change in
their habits.

Post hypnotic suggestions are extremely powerful and work
very effectively to change your habits and former
conditioning. The use of post hypnotic suggestions is of
utmost importance when using hypnosis. However, a competent
hypnotherapist will always address the deeper emotional
issues connected to overeating and also remove those before
replacing them with good habits.

The key then to any weight loss program is to first address
the reasons why you are overeating and eliminate them.
Hypnosis is the fastest and most efficient way of doing
this. It is also the quickest way to retrain your mind into
good eating and exercise habits. Try it, you may just like

ml - weight loss hypnosis product review. -
review of the best weight loss system we tested.

Managing Stress and Stress Management

Sometimes, it is not easy managing stress. Stress has been
the number one health concern for many people. Although
stress it self cannot be a cause of death, the side effects
from it can be without a solid stress management program in
place. So many things cause stress in daily life. Stress is
brought on differently in every person and for some people;
it is a debilitating disease that can ruin your life if you
are left without a strict stress management plan.

Some of the reasons for stress can be derived from work,
family, a terrible or sudden loss of a loved one, an ended
marriage or relationship or problems in health and diet.
Stress can come from anything and take over a person's life
very quickly.

It is important for people to learn that managing stress
should be an important part of their daily lives. One way
to help in managing stress is to have a good diet. A good
stress management program will require filling your body
with healthy foods that will support your mental and
physical health. The more junk that you eat will in turn
make you gain weight or hurt your health. Eating too much
of this junk food will only make a person feel bad and may
cause depression for some people, defeating the main
criteria of your stress management program.

Having a good exercise program is another important factor
in stress management. Exercise can make a person feel
better. Exercise can help in managing stress from within
the body and help you feel better inside and out. You will
be burning off calories and helping your body become
stronger and healthier by managing stress that you have

There are also medications for people that are serious
about their stress management program. There are different
forms of prescription medication that a doctor can
prescribe to aid in managing stress. There are also forms
of vitamins that can be used to help a person deal with
managing stress as well. These vitamins are going to help
with the support of the mind and help people to maintain a
better stress management program.

One of the most important issues in managing stress is to
have a good support system that is willing to help in
developing a solid stress management program. You will want
have someone to lean on when you are in need and they will
be there with you through all of your stress management
situations. Through time, you will be able to manage stress
and feel more confident in developing a stress management
program that fits you.

Steven Godlewski is a self-made millionaire and is
currently working with the staff at He
has an extensive background in nutrition as well as other
health related fields. For more health-related articles or
2 FREE bottles of Liquid Vitamins see their website at:

7 Secrets to a Wildly Successful Weight Loss and Fitness Program

All too often, each of us grasps for quick fixes, fast
results and "little effort" schemes to lose weight and get
back in shape (or get in shape for the first time).
Without exception, most fail miserably and continue the
same patterns of behavior that put them there in the first
place. What usually follows is the "blame game" citing
time, obligations, work, soreness, food taste and the wrong
phase of the moon for the lapse in self achievement.

Each of us has exactly 24 hours in a day. No one has more
and no one has less. How we choose to use this time is the
difference between achieving what we desire and staying in
the same rut we started in. Go find a mirror. Take this
article with you. When you are in front of the mirror,
that person is the one responsible for your life. Your
fitness level, weight, self image and role model for others
start with you!

Fortunately, the mind is very adaptive to change and
reprogramming. A habit can be broken for a lifetime in as
little as 21 days.

History tells us human nature has battled with motivation
and self achievement since our creation. Let us ponder
what our 26th president, Mr. Theodore Roosevelt, spoke of
taking responsibility for ourselves.

"Get action. Seize the moment. Man was never intended to
become an oyster." An oyster is closed off from the world.
Wishing, dreaming and talking about what you should do or
could do never gets anything done.

"Never throughout history has a man who lived a life of
ease left a name worth remembering." Think about this
statement. How many leaders, athletes, celebrities,
achievers got where they are now by easing through life?
No one said weight loss, fitness or muscle building was
easy. Do not be afraid of work. It will not kill you but
not working could.

"In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the
right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing." This
does not mean if we do not know the exact right thing to do
we should study options for years. No action leads to few
results. Start doing something now. Take a walk at lunch.
Walk the dog an extra mile tonight.

"People ask the difference between a leader and a boss.
The leader leads, and the boss drives." Leaders are
visionaries. Leaders have a goal in place, steps to
achieve that goal and leaders will not stop until the goal
is accomplished. Others wait for the leaders to tell them
who, what, where, when and why. Be a leader for your body.

"Old age is like everything else. To make a success of it,
you've got to start young." Today is the first day of the
rest of your life. Exercise programs and weight loss
control can start when you are 70 as well as 25 years
young. Be a role model for your family and friends.
Imagine the impact on future generations because of your
action today.

"The first requisite of a good citizen in this republic of
ours is that he shall be able and willing to pull his own
weight." If you are not willing to take control of your
fitness level and weight control, who is? We were not born
with a "right" to a slim and beautiful body created by
anyone else but you. This goes back to self achievement
and motivation. Grab a friend and help each other pull
their own weight off!

"If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for
most of your trouble, you would not be able to sit for a
month." I saved the best one for last. The difference
between doers and watchers is evident by now. Those who
take responsibility for our own bodies, fitness levels and
weight loss are the ones that start doing something now.

Weight loss and fitness programs start in our mind. There
are many resources available for the specific how-to
knowledge for diet, nutrition and exercise. Without the
motivation, measurable results and constant feedback from
others and ourselves, we are limited in our success.

I know you will print out this article and tack it to your
cubicle at work, fold it into the sun visor of your car and
slip it under the magnet on the kitchen refrigerator (near
the handle)! We all will slip from time to time and
indulge our whims. That is ok as long as the ultimate goal
is life long weight loss, control and improved fitness
levels. Thank you President Roosevelt. History continues
to repeat itself.

Are you looking to get in top physical shape without the
hype and lies? Keith Crovatt has assembled leading experts,
tips, tricks and techniques to guide you. "One Body, One
Mind, One Day-At-A-Time"™ Sign-up for the FREE newsletter and get the mini-course "Why
You Should Say No To Quick Weight Loss!"
Click here=>

Weight Loss without the Loose Skin

How many times have you seen someone lose a significant
amount of weight only to be left with layers of loose skin?
If this is a concern of yours please do not lose heart,
because there are a few ways to prevent this situation from
happening to you.

If you are planning to lose weight and want to avoid the
loose skin that accompanies fast weight loss, then lose
weight properly and slowly. This may mentally be the
hardest thing for you, but the ending reward is tighter
skin and a smaller body.

For best results, you should keep your weight loss at 1.5
to 2 pounds a week. Any faster and you could be losing
muscle, which is metabolically active. The less you weigh,
the slower you should lose weight.


Nutrition is the number one factor for weight loss. Those
of you who have been reading my articles for sometime now
know I preach this, and rightfully I should because it is a
fact. If you lose weight fast on a fad, starvation, or
liquid diet, then you are going to be left with a slower
metabolism, muscle loss, and loose skin.

Food is not the enemy in the weight loss battle. The wrong
food choices lead to weight issues. There is nothing better
you can put into your body than whole, natural, organic and
unprocessed food. If you are good to your body, it will be
good to you.

Quality nutrients are needed for digestion, and smaller
meals more often will shrink the stomach and increase your
metabolism. As you are well aware, a higher metabolism
burns more calories, even at rest!

If you are planning to lose weight, but don't want the
extra loose skin, then plan your meals. Know your caloric
intake for your body, and reduce calories a small amount
each week.

The biggest mistake you can make is going from a caloric
intake of 1500 to 1000. That immediately puts your body in
starvation defense and you will hoard fat, lose muscle,
reduce your metabolism, and have loose skin.

Eat several small meals a day, track your calories based on
your lean body mass and activity level and make small
changes weekly.

I also add water in the nutrition category. Your body is
70% water, and therefore you should be consuming at least
60 ounces a day, or more. Don't just drink tap water, drink
quality water from a filter or bottle. The more you weigh
the more water you should drink. Water is an internal
cleanser. It rids the body of toxins, excess sodium, and
fat. More water in equals more water out.

Resistance Training

Resistance training builds muscle under the skin, which is
important when losing weight. You want the muscle to take
the place of the fat that is being lost to prevent too much
sagging skin. The added muscle will also create natural
feminine curves. Muscle is lean and metabolically active
and it is the best thing for increased health,
self-confidence, and fat loss. Engage in light weight
training approximately four days a week.

Cardiovascular Exercise

Cardio is great for the heart and respiratory system. Many
people use cardio as a form of weight loss. While it is a
great calorie burner, I feel many take it to extremes by
combining it with a poor nutrition program that is low in
calories, resulting in the opposite desired effect.

If you are using cardio as a form of weight loss, then
there is some caution that goes along with it. It is
important that you don't engage in long and drawn out
cardio session on little calories because you will burn
lean muscle tissue.

It is best to keep the body guessing when it comes to
cardio and weight loss. Many find High Intensity Interval
Training (HIIT) effective and less time consuming.


If you lower your calories properly with small deductions
each week, you don't have to spend hours upon hours
engaging in muscle wasting cardio sessions. The idea is to
pull the bull by the horns and the tail so you are in more

Weight loss does take some effort daily with nutrition,
water, and exercise. However, you don't have to kill
yourself day in and day out. Listen to your body and take
needed breaks and get needed rest.

Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988.
She is a nationally qualified bodybuilder and holds two
personal training certifications. She has written 6 ebooks
on fitness and has helped hundreds of clients transform
their bodies.

7 Diet Secrets of the Stars

Celebrities always look fabulous. Whether appearing in
television or films or strutting down the red carpet during
movie premiers and awards, they never cease to fascinate us
with their larger than life presence. The truth is, it
takes a lot of effort to look the way they do, and being
the public figures that they are, they cannot afford to
slack off when it comes to taking care of their physical
appearances. Their livelihood largely depends on how they
look. Aside from the clothes, the hair and the makeup,
celebrities have to take good care of their bodies.

So it is no surprise that these stars have their own
secrets when it comes to staying fit and gorgeous. Their
health agenda can range from extreme workouts to
well-planned meals. Who doesn't want to know their secrets
in staying absolutely sexy? Here are some of the diet
secrets of seven women celebrities.

1. Jennifer Aniston The star of the phenomenal television
show Friends not only mesmerized audiences with her
adorable comic sense and her famous hairstyle, she was also
known for having one of the sexiest bodies in Hollywood, as
she appeared in countless magazine covers. To stay trim,
Jennifer follows the 40:30:30 diet method. The diet
consists of:

40% Low glycemic carbohydrates -Foods such as beans, fruits
and vegetables, legumes

30% lean proteins -Tofu, fish, chicken, turkey, beef and
low fat dairy products

30% essential fats -nuts and seeds, fish and olive oils

It is essential that every meal should contain
macronutrients to attain the balance of hormones and
maximum weight loss.

2. Kate Hudson The gorgeous daughter of actress Goldie Hawn
gained 60 pounds during her pregnancy, which she needed to
shed quickly before commencing on her next film. From her
previous eating plan, she switched to a higher protein
diet. She consumed high protein meals in smaller portions,
and she combined this diet with an exercise program that
includes weight training and cardiovascular workouts. After
getting a lot of flak because of her post-pregnancy figure,
Kate removed all that baby weight in only four months and
has gained abdominal muscles that gained the envy of many
in Hollywood.

3. Oprah Winfrey As one of the most successful talk-show
hosts in the world, there is no question that Oprah needs
to maintain her physical appearance for her millions of
audiences. Known as one of those celebrities who are
constantly battling weight gain, she has recently toned up
her figure and has never looked fitter at age 50 by
combining a regular exercise regime and diet plan. Oprah
works out five days a week, spending 30 minutes on the
treadmill and doing free weights. Her eating plan consists
of legumes, fish, nuts, fruits and vegetables, chicken and
dairy products that are lowfat. She limits her consumption
of white sugar and flour. Oprah also credits her trim
figure to her habit of not eating anything after seven in
the evening.

4. Gwyneth Paltrow A lot of people may find it hard to
believe that the perpetually slim Academy award-winning
actress actually needs to diet. Gwyneth actually follows a
healthy eating plan that resembles Oprah's, avoiding sugar
and white flour. She usually follows a macrobiotic diet,
eating foods like vegetables, brown rice, and lean meat.
She also eliminated dairy from her diet, and does yoga

5. Madonna The pop star known as the Material Girl has
always flaunted a body that is to die for, and has become a
true fitness paragon over the years. She keeps herself in
tip-top shape by having Ashtanga Yoga, and follows a strict
diet that mostly shuns junk foods. She adopted a
macrobiotic eating plan that includes organic foods rich in
lean protein.

6. Claudia Schiffer The stunning German supermodel eats
salad and steamed vegetables for dinner and eats only
fruits before the afternoon. While on locations, she
prefers to eat black grapes and drinks tomato juice and
herbal tea.

7. Christie Brinkley Long-time supermodel maintains her
all-American good looks by being a vegetarian. She does not
keep junk foods of any kind inside her home to make sure
that she does not eat them when cravings occur. She snacks
on sweet potatoes in place of candy bars, and she adopts a
liquid juice diet when she needs to slim down quickly.

Celebrities are just like ordinary people. They need to
maintain their figures just like anyone else, and there is
more pressure on their part since they are constantly in
the public eye. Ordinary folks can have celebrity-like
bodies, too, and by following these diet and fitness plans,
you can also look red-carpet worthy.

Mick Reade is an Australian chef who has been cooking in
commercial kitchens across the country for over 10 years,
and has been teaching others how easy it can be to cook
healthy and delicious food, for more information please

Urine Therapy. A cure for all illnesses?

Last year during one of my trips to the Philippines a lady
staying at the hotel got bitten by a jelly fish. Her leg
swelled up quite rapidly and she cried due to the pain. As
she seemed powerless, I approached her and suggested that
she pee'ed on it. She did not seem too enthusiastic about
it and claimed that she had just been to the toilet and did
not feel like peeing any more. I suggested her partner
pee'ed on it. Both started looking at me in a funny way and
declined. She put some chemical on the bite, the leg
swelled up and the pain remained so she had to take some
pain killers.

The same thing has just happened to me this morning. I felt
a sting half way through my swim and hurried back to my
hotel room leaving my girlfriend in the water. I was in
great pain. Puzzled by the statement I had made that I was
about to pee on myself, she quickly joined me in our room
to witness the event.

I stood in the shower and proceeded to pee on my ankle
where the sting was. Relief did not come immediately but
approximately 10 minutes later the pain had become
bearable. Half an hour later I had forgotten about the
incident and all pain was gone. The ankle never swelled up
and no marks appeared.

A magic cure for all illnesses?

Urine has been used successfully for hair loss, cuts,
bruises, digestive problems, eye or ear problems,
headaches, migraine, sinus problems, allergies, dandruff,
inhibition of blood clots (thus possibly avoiding strokes -
safer than aspirin), thrush, it can be used as a skin cream
and will effectively help fight wrinkles (the best facial
cream or after shave I know), asthma, bronchitis, cough,
rheumatism, arthritis, gout, warts, constipation,
diarrhoea, diverticulitis, haemorrhoids, kidney stones,
liver problems, sciatica, enlarged prostate, menstrual
problems, varicose veins, burns, sun strokes, herpes,
insect bites, jellyfish stings, scars, arteriosclerosis,
diabetes, hypertension, mumps.. in fact I have successfully
used urine with most health problems.

Urine has been used for centuries and often has been
described as the World oldest Medicine. Many doctors have
spoken favourably about it:

"Of interest to us is the use of urine in primitive
medicine, for there is scarcely a disease that has not been
treated with it, either by external application or internal
administration" Dr H Smith, Journal of American Medical
Association - July 1954

This remedy has been documented some 5,000 ago in the
Indian "Darmar Tantra" where it was named "the water of
Shiva". It was so successful at treating many conditions
that it found its way in Ayurvedic medicine.

The former Prime minister of Indian Mr. Moraji Desai saw it
as the perfect solution for his nation's health problems
and publicly encouraged his people to use it. He himself
used it and lived to the ripe old age of 99.

Urine was mentioned in England in 1693 in the book
"Salmon's English Physician, or the Druggist's Shop Open'd"
by Dr Salmon.

French, Americans, Chinese and most countries around the
world have recognised its healing properties but still it
is not widely recognised.

Let me answer the most commonly expressed objections to

Urine is full of Germs or Viruses

For approximately 15 minutes after urination your urine is
completely sterile, non-toxic available any time day and
night. No germs or viruses are present and it can be safely
used to clean open wounds.

Urine smells

Urine does not smell when properly massaged into the body
as it will be completely absorbed by the skin. It is true
that if left outside, urine will smell after a while as the
uric acid changes into ammonia.

Urine tastes bad

I would agree with you there if you are a meat or dairy
food eater. The putrefying flesh of the animal food you
have eaten will transport into the urine and it is to be
expected that the taste of urine will reflect this.
However, for those of you who do not eat animal food and
are on a good diet, you will find that your urine taste a
bit like water. Sometimes a little saltier depending on
what you eat. Asparagus and garlic makes urine taste bad.

Urine is a waste product

Your urine is the result of the filtration of your blood by
the kidneys. If you urine is of bad quality, this means
that your blood is also of bad quality. In which case, you
should seriously start thinking about changing your diet
and lifestyle.

Urine is composed of 95 per cent water, two-and-a-half per
cent urea and two-and-a-half per cent mixture of what is in
excess in the blood. So, if you have too much vitamin C in
the blood, the excess will go in the urine, too much
enzyme, too much hormones, too much antibodies etc. all
will go in the urine.

If your diet is good and your blood is of good quality,
then your urine will contain whatever surplus your body
does not need at present. Many nutrients such as:

hormones (aldosterone, androgens, androsterone, estradiol,
estriol, estrone etc..) Many minerals such as magnesium,
manganese, iron, calcium, zinc, Inositol, glycine, iodine,
alanine, ascorbic acid, biotin, cystine, dopamine, folic
acid, potassium can also be found, Vitamin B6, B12,
Enzymes, co enzymes and many more essential ingredients are
contained in your urine.

What is good in the toxins you pee. The Homeopatic effect
of urine

In homeopathy, a patient is given a small dose of a poison
that would cause similar symptoms to the ones he is
suffering from. The body will recognise the poison and
react against them and fights the disease.

We have the same process with urine. By re-ingesting a
minute dose of your own poison, you are going to force the
body to fight against something it does not like. So, as we
can see, even if some toxins are present in your urine, it
is also beneficial.

How to use Urine?

Drinking: The first urine in the morning is the most
potent. Your body has had a chance to regenerate itself
whilst you were asleep and excrete all the surplus it does
not need for the time being. This first urine should be
collected mid-stream (the first few seconds will clear the
tubes and the last few seconds may bring up deposits from
the bottom of the bladder). Drink it immediately whilst
still sterile. Do not wait for it to cool down.

Massage: Fantastic for all skin conditions. Massage it into
the skin until fully absorbed. It will not smell if done

Old urine (more than 3 days old) will stop smelling when
completely absorbed and is preferred to new urine for
chronic organ conditions.

You may also massage urine into your scalp to clean your
hair or it may even help control hair loss. Use new or old
urine for this (old works better).

A full body massage with urine is also recommended for most
health problems.

Compress: Make sure you do not use a synthetic material for
the compress. Use wool if tolerated on the skin otherwise,
cotton will do.

A compress over a problem area can be beneficial (i.e.
kidneys, liver, chest, lungs etc..)

Old urine is best (between 3 and 6 days old) Leave the
compress for at least one hour for maximum benefit.


Urine enemas will help cleanse your colon and regenerates
the intestinal flora. It is also a good supply of vitamins,
minerals, enzyme etc..


Use 5 litters of old urine to a full bath for a complete
skin and body regeneration. Only for the advanced
practitioners as the smell may be too much for you at the


The absolute best remedy for sore throats. I have never
found any other product that worked better or quicker.


Use this for sinus problems or when you suspect the
beginning of a cold or flu. I personally collect some urine
in my hand and sniff it into my nose. It works a treat. If
you have any form of sinus problems, try it.

I have personally been using urine therapy since 2002. I
have never read of or experience any adverse reaction to
it. But my recommendation of course has to be that you
should consult an experience practitioner if you are to use
this therapy. This is called covering your ...

Enjoy, it is a fantastic therapy. Free of charge and more
efficient than a lot of harmful chemicals used today.

Patrick Hamouy runs a school of Alternative Therapies with
branches in West London and Brighton (UK). He teaches Reiki
Healing, Indian Head Massage, Emotional Freedom Therapy
(EFT), Anatomy & Physiology, Oriental Diagnosis & Psychic
Development. He sees customers for
Macrobiotic, Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT) and Removal of
toxic products from the home environment Full information
on his web site at: