Monday, June 2, 2008

Skin Care For Better Home Body Detox

Skin Care For Better Home Body Detox
There are many ways that we can tell that we might be in
sore need of a detoxification. When you feel tired,
mentally foggy all the time, snappish and irritable, and
simply uninterested in anything that you might have to do,
you'll find that there might be more at work than simply
feeling a little bit listless. When your body has become
too laden with toxins to function at its best, you'll find
that there are several body detox tips that you can use.
Throughout our day to day lives, we will end up putting
toxins our body, and so it makes sense that we should make
it regular efforts to get them out again. Believe it or
not, good skin care is one of the most important aspects of
making sure that your body does not carry too many toxins,
so take a look to find out how taking care of your skin can
be an instrumental part of the whole body detox.

When you think about it, it makes sense. Our skin is our
first line of defense against the various toxins that enter
our bodies, and it make sense that our skin would retain
some of the effects of these toxins and require attention
during a total body detox. Our pores can become clogged up
with oils that still hold toxins, dead skin sells that can
become infected and so much more. Because of this, it is
important that we keep our skin as healthy as possible, and
when you do that, you'll find that a dry skin rub can be an
enormous help when you are considering your best body detox

When doing a dry skin rub during a whole body detox, all
you need to to do is get a long handled bristle brush that
will allow you to brush your entire body. Start with your
feet and move up your body, and when you get to your chest,
brush towards the heart. Cover every inch of your body in
this fun natural body detox act, and make sure that it
lasts at least ten minutes. This can help clear up your
skin as well as improve your circulation, making it a great
addition to your body detox program.

When you are looking towards better skin care, make sure
that you break a sweat! Sweat will carry toxins out of your
body very quickly and efficiently, but due to the fact that
many people have sedentary lifestyle, wear synthetic
clothes that do not let them sweat, or wear too many
lotions that actually block the pores, sweat can be made
less effective than it should be. Take some time to
exercise to get rid of toxins and take a hot shower
afterwards; remember that a good body detox system is one
that can make you feel quite good.

One of the most enjoyable ways to detox and to take care of
your skin is to do a skin rub. After you have finished
brushing your skin, take some time to vigorously rub your
body with a pre-made mixture of castor oil and olive oil.
This is a great way to make sure that your skin come clean
and is wonderfully moisturized while doing so. This is a
great body detox tip that shows that you can have quite a
bit of luxury in your day!

Don't let a good body detox system take a back seat; look
around for a way to make it a part of your life through
good skin care!

John Khu is a health enthusiast and author of a new eBook
titled "Body Detox Tips". He is devoted to educate others
on the benefit of body detoxification. He is also the
owner of the website called
which provides complete and up-to-date information.

Is It Possible To Get Rid Of Acne Pimples In Record Time?

Is It Possible To Get Rid Of Acne Pimples In Record Time?
If you are an acne sufferer you'll know all about the
embarrassment and humiliation that this condition can
cause. Not to mention how it can affect your confidence.

But is there really a way to get rid of acne pimples

Well, it depends what method you use and what you mean by
quickly. Acne sufferers worldwide can tell you that they've
tried probably dozens of so called acne cures without
success. From acne ointments and creams to other chemical
remedies that have just not worked for them at all.

And every acne sufferer would tell you that they'd love to
have an escape from popping pills, their side effects, and
the daily grind of putting harsh unknown chemicals on their
skins, especially when often the best they can hope for is
just a mild reduction in their acne pimples, only for the
condition to break out in full force again very quickly.

A quick search online will prove the point that to get rid
of acne pimples with chemicals, ointments or pills is often
only a very temporary solution.

Chemical acne cures seem to be ten a penny online these
days, but you need to be careful who you trust and what
chemicals or pills you are taking as there are some horror
stories out there from people who have bought pills online
from dubious sources in an effort to get rid of their acne

So is there a more natural acne cure that really works?

Is there anything that can have your acne start to
disappear - if not TOTALLY be gone - at the end of say, 3

Well, it may take some fairly lengthy research to find this
type of acne cure, but with the internet on our side it is
now possible.

My son suffered from acne quite badly and was desperate to
get rid of acne pimples that were appearing on his face,
back and shoulders. Like most acne sufferers the condition
was making his life a misery and he'd tried various
prescribed pills and potions without success. His
self-confidence and self-esteem were at an all time low and
he would spend hours on the computer searching through
sites for an acne cure that would work for him.

It took him a long time and a lot of online research and
trial and error, but he eventually found something that
would prove to get rid of his acne pimples for good and
surprisingly quickly, proving that it is now possible to
get rid of acne pimples in as little as 3 days.

So don't give up on your own search for an acne cure that
actually works!

The solutions are definitely out there and there really is
no longer a need to suffer the acute embarrassment that
acne can cause.

If you'd like to save yourself days or perhaps even weeks
of research, check out what worked for my son and give
yourself the chance to Get Rid Of Acne Pimples In As Little
As 3 days!
Check out

10 Advantages Of Having ADD - How much better do you want to feel?

10 Advantages Of Having ADD - How much better do you want to feel?
There is a widespread and mistaken belief that having
Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD is a dreadful thing.
Even as the ADD afflicted brain without doubt holds out a
few risks, it offers a few 'less than obvious' advantages
as well. Provided below is a list of positive attributes
that have been observed over and over again in people with

1. Empathy - People with ADD have an incredible ability to
associate with other people. However it goes much further
than that. They also have a highly developed capability to
identify with others, and to see many diverse points of

2. Ingenuity - ADDers are invariably quite ingenious.
Painters, designers, sculptors, film makers, writers,
musicians, and comedians - the list goes on. Creativity is
abundant. Composers Mozart and Beethoven are believed to
have had ADD.

3. Enthusiasm - When an ADDer is fed up with a job,
finishing it can appear like torment. However, provide an
ADDer an attention grabbing task (something they're
interested in) to work on, and look out. When ADDers like
to achieve something, and have the essential tools to do
so, there is no stopping them.

4. Problem Solving Capability - ADDers flourish on
deciphering puzzles and problems. Provide them with an
attention grabbing problem to 'crack' and they will not be
able to leave it alone until they have come up with a
solution. Significant historical inventors such as Thomas
Edison and Thomas Jefferson are believed to have had ADD.

5. Hyper-Focus - The capacity to hyper-focus is something
that ADDers are very good at and this can be a significant
benefit. When the ADDer remains focused on a task (based
around achieving his or her objectives and dreams), it can
be an unbelievably positive feature that enhances their
ability to 'get the job done', and done well.

6. Sense of Humor/Flair for Comedy - Nearly all ADDers love
to laugh, and many have the ability to make others laugh as
well. Well known humorists such as Whoopi Goldberg and
Robin Williams are believed to have ADD.

7. Spirit - There is no doubt that despite the fact there
are many great traits associated with ADD, there are also
significant challenges. However ADDers have an amazing
ability to bounce back from those challenges, and the
condemnation of others.

8. Intuitiveness - ADDers often have an incredible sense of
perception. This may be as a result of extremely refrained
intensity of awareness, an innate knowledge of the human
mind, or something else that we have thus far not been able
to comprehend. Notwithstanding the explanation, it is an
extremely valuable gift.

9. Idea Generating - ADDers are brilliant proposal makers.
They do not (by and large) like to be troubled with
details, but they can crop up with creative thoughts in no
time at all. They offer real benefits in brainstorming

10. That "Special Something" - Many ADDers believe that
they have an exceptional way of looking at the world - very
often quite different to the perception of the general
population - a point of view that others simply do not
comprehend. You might say that they are on their own
wavelength. This can be quite unique and beneficial when
you're looking for approaches that are different.

Garry Macdonald & Kieran Smyth have established a website
providing little know information about attention deficit
disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD). To learn the insider secrets about ADD or ADHD, go
to .

Calorie Shifting - How I Lost 30lbs In 30 Days With NO Exercise

Calorie Shifting - How I Lost 30lbs In 30 Days With NO Exercise
Calorie shifting is a hot issue when it comes to rapid
weight loss ideas. I've been getting many emails asking how
I lost so much weight using Calorie Shifting so I am
writing this article in an FAQ style with some of the most
commonly asked questions you guys have sent in.

What is Calorie Shifting In A Nutshell?

The concept of calorie shifting is simple although
implementing it may not be as easy without some practice or
guidance. Suppose you were eating 2500 calories per day on
average and this was your normal caloric intake. What
happens is your body "expects" and anticipates receiving
2000 calories per day. So what you would do is the next day
eat say 1500 calories for a few days and your body tries to
adjust by burning more fat for energy. Then you would use
calorie shifting again and up your calorie intake. This
tricks your metabolism into maintaining a metabolic rate
conducive for fat loss.

Why Does This Work Better Than If I Just Cut My Calories In
Half Or Something?

Great questions. That's what I used to do when I was
exercising is just exercise and cut my calories way down.
What happens here is you will actually lose weight for a
short time but your body becomes "accustomed" to the low
calorie intake and says to itself. "Oh great, I'm only
getting x amount of calories a day and that's not enough. I
better store a portion of it as fat for energy later" THIS
is EXACTLY why you lose a good amount of weight for about a
week or so and then BAM it stops. That happened to me EVERY
time. So when you use calorie shifting you are constantly
tricking your body into a metabolism that will help you
lose weight. I didn't exercise for 30 days because of my
ankle and lost more weight than I ever had because of
calorie shifting.

What Kind Of Foods Can You Eat?

The concept of calorie shifting is simple but knowing how
to put it all together is the tougher part. The variety of
foods you can eat are pretty good. I pretty much was
already eating it or buying it at the store so that part I
really liked. Its combining the right foods in the right
proportions at the right times that make it all come
together. Here is a sample of one of my daily diets.

Meal 1 - Oatmeal

Meal 2 - Fruit Salad (my favorite!)

Meal 3 - Turkey Sandwich or I would have Fish quite often

Meal 4 - Cottage Cheese

How Much Weight Loss Should I Expect In A Month?

I hate this question because I did REALLY well on the
calorie shifting diet and with NOT a single day of exercise
lost about 26 pounds in 30 days. From the feedback I'm
getting this isn't normal and its closer to about 15-20 lbs
in 30 days for other people. Obviously 15-20 pounds in a
month is AWESOME for JUST dieting and no exercise. The
people that are exercising are losing closer to 15-25 and
remember as you exercise you are building muscle and muscle
weighs more than fat!

To learn more about the calorie shifting method I used to
lose 30lbs in 30 days with NO exercise visit

How to Look and Feel Younger with Anti-aging Foods

How to Look and Feel Younger with Anti-aging Foods
It is surprising that we live in a world where youth and
beauty are valued more than wisdom and intelligence. People
spend more time and money searching for the fountain of
youth by buying every anti-aging pill and potion they can
find, when the real answer can be found easily in the
grocery store.

By keeping your body healthy with the proper nutrition and
exercise you can have the youthful looks and beauty that
you are seeking. By watching your intake of saturated fats
and calories and eating more fresh fruits and vegetables
you will be on the road to a healthy body. If you are truly
interested in anti-aging foods then you should also east
less sugar, salt and white flour.

A wonderful source of vitamin E is the avocado. It is also
a good source of vegetable fat that helps to reduce the
level bad cholesterol and it helps in maintaining healthy

Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants that can be found in
berries. Favonoids actually work to protect the body from
damage caused by free radicals. Even though all berries are
good the best are blueberries, blackberries and raspberries.

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, kale,
cauliflower, watercress and radishes are great anti-aging
foods. They help your body fight toxin build up in the body
and cancer. For the enzymes that to do their work they need
to be undamaged so the best way to eat these vegetable is
either raw or very lightly cooked.

A clove a day keeps the doctor away. Garlic is a wonderful
anti-aging food. It helps to fight again cancer and heart
disease and the best way to have it is raw or cooked as a
part of your food.

You have probably seen garlic pills in the vitamin section
of the store, however the real thing is much better than
the copy in pill form. In an Iowa study it was found that
women between the age of 55 and 69 who ate a clove of
garlic at least once a week were 50% less likely to develop
colon cancer. In India it was found that garlic helps to
thin the blood and lower cholesterol.

For aches, pains and stiff joints try ginger. It is a spicy
root that is used in a number of Asian dishes. Ginger also
helps with your digestion and circulatory system.

Nuts are a helpful in lowering cholesterol and fantastic
source of minerals and high in vegetable fat. Raw almonds
are a good source of vegetable protein and walnuts are full
of copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, selenium and zinc.

Beta-carotene is a strong antioxidant that fights many
diseases such as cancer and aging. Carrots are high in
beta-carotene and studies show that people who eat carrots
on a day-to-day basis are at less risk to a number of

Another fact is that carrots are indeed good for your
vision and do help to protect your eyes from diseases
related to the aging process. You get the best results from
drinking fresh made carrot juice or eating raw carrots. Add
them to your salad for added sweet flavor.

Brown rice, raw seeds, wheatgrass juice, leafy green
vegetables, lentils and sprouts are all foods that help to
fight the aging process, Each have different nutrients that
your body needs in order to stay healthy, renew strong
youthful cells.

You should also make sure to drink plenty of water and get
the proper amount of rest. By drinking water you are
keeping your cells hydrated and giving them the minerals
they need and in order to renew on a daily basis sleep in a
major requirement.

Grab lots of health tips about health-related issues such
as living with diabetes, natural treatments for asthma, how
to stay healthy, and more, at .

Natural Skin Care: Treat Yourself To These Super After-Sun Formulas

Natural Skin Care: Treat Yourself To These Super After-Sun Formulas
Summer is coming around and many of us are spending more
time out in the sun. And though we may always apply
sunscreen liberally, at the end of long hot days our skin
will still feel the effect of the sun's rays. Friends in
that natural health sciences tell us that most damage from
sun exposure to our skin is our result of ultra violet rays
creating free radicals within our skins cells. Our skin
becomes inflamed as a result. Fortunately, topically
applied antioxidants can quench these free radicals, reduce
inflammation, and leave our skin with a happy healthy glow.
Application of the proper formula can have a marked effect
in reducing premature aging for yourself and everyone in
your family.

Natural essential oils are highly effective antioxidants.
Clove essential oil is one of the strongest natural
antioxidants known, with and ORAC value of over 100,000 --
though it might be a little spicy to use on your face.
There are a great many other essential oils with strong
antioxidant action packed are known healers to the skin
from which to choose. For example, a study just released by
French scientists note that Myrrh essential oil has a
profound oxygen quenching effect on free radicals produced
by the interaction of UV rays and the skin's sebum. All
essential oils used in skin care have the ability to absorb
oxidative radicals, and they each have specific healing
properties for the skin.

It's simple to compound your own formula: Choose from a few
readily available oils commonly used in skin care, add them
to one or more nourishing carrier oils and voilà! --
your own personally-tailored recipe. The obvious first
choice is lavender. Lavender reduces inflammation and has
natural constituents which stimulate healthy skin cell
regeneration. Lavender in fact began the modern
aromatherapy revolution with its quick healing of burns.
Really, when we come in from sun over-exposure, even
without a sunburn, we do have a mild burn on a cellular
level. Lavender can be used undiluted on burned his skin,
and will be an effective addition to any recipe.

Blue Tansy is a somewhat more rare essential oil with
profound anti-inflammatory action. Blue Tansy can be used
in very dilute amounts; it is often called for in recipes
at only a one or 2% concentration. Blue tansy's wonderful
aroma will have you bathing in your lotion just for its
sweet berry-like scent. Blue tansy is especially effective
for sensitive skin that may be prone to irritation. It is
included in many eczema and allergy blends for its
naturally-calming action. So if your skin is gentle, and
the Sun treats it a little harshly, a little blue tansy can
really help.

Helichrysum may be the most dramatically anti-inflammatory
and regenerative oil used in skin care. While expensive,
just a small amount will have important healing effects.
Helichrysum is used in wound healing and scar removal
blends, and will do just as well for daily facial care. For
folks with an eye toward really preventing any damage from
the sun's rays, Helichrysum is a must. Like lavender
Helichrysum can be used neat in emergencies, and at about
3% for a regular use skin recipes.

And for be perhaps most profound protective effects, choose
Sea Buckthorn. This essential oil has been studied by
Russian scientists as a protective agent for cosmonauts in
outer space. It's deep red color indicates a high
concentration of vitamin A like compounds, highly regarded
for their skin healing properties. Steam distilled from the
berries found across Europe, it too has a sweet fruity
aroma loved by many. Sea Buckthorn is useful in virtually
any skincare application, and most certainly for an
after-sun formula. Add at one to 3% in your carrier base.

Other additions to your formula include myrrh, as it's
antioxidant effects for the skin have recently been
elucidated (use at 1-3%); natural vitamin E (use at 10-20
drops per ounce) -- also an excellent antioxidant for the
skin; and ascorbyl palmitate, fat-soluble form of vitamin
C, recently becoming popular in support of maturing skin
(500-1000mg per ounce can be effective). All these oils
will go into a base of carrier oils. Carrier oils are
natural cold-pressed oils from seeds, nuts, and fruit. Good
choices for your after-sun formula are Avocado, Apricot
Kernel, Jojoba, Tamanu and Rosehip seed. Avocado is very
hydrating, with a plethora of nutrients. Apricot Kernel is
quickly becoming more popular in aromatherapy skin care for
its anti-inflammatory action. Jojoba is also hydrating and
healing. Tamanu and Rosehip seed are the ultimate exotic
skin care base oils. Tamanu is described in the
aromatherapy literature for wound healing and scar
reduction; Rosehip seed has been the subject of many
University studies, and has been shown to reduce the
appearance of sun damage.

Use your intuition to guide you for the best formula for
yourself. Here are a few examples to get you started: make
a base of one third Apricot Kernel, one third Tamanu, and
one-third Rosehip seed. For each ounce of base, add 15
drops each of Lavender, Blue Tansy and Sea Buckhorn --
include 15 drops of vitamin E and 1/8 teaspoon of ascorbyl
palimate for that extra nutraceutical enhancement. You
might also try a base of Jojoba, Avocado, and Tamanu; to
this add 15 drops each of myrrh, helichrysum, and Sea
Buckthorn. While simple, these formulas are highly
effective. They will reduce inflammation and quench
oxidative radical activity in your skin on a cellular
level. All of these oils are gentle enough for family
members of all ages, though for the very young ones use
only a quarter as much essential oil in the recipe. These
oils are gentle enough for frequent application, and
frequent application is encouraged for the long-term health
and vibrancy of your skin.

The author is a lover of the summer sun, and is an
aromatherapist with Ananda Aromatherapy at

Who Else Wants To Achieve Your Fitness Together Goals With 100% Certainty Every Time

Who Else Wants To Achieve Your Fitness Together Goals With 100% Certainty Every Time
A great way to start a fitness plan is with your friends.
Many people become quite nervous when they first attempt to
get into shape with an exercise strategy. The best way to
combat these feelings is by working alongside others with
similar fitness expectations and goals.

There are many fitness together groups, especially at the
fitness clubs, so you should have no problem finding a
compatible group in your area.

Perhaps the best advantage of doing fitness together is
that you receive that extra motivational boost. Your peers
are attempting to reach fitness goals similar to yours and
they want you to succeed as much as you do.

If you are feeling discouraged about reaching your
individual performance goals, your peers will remind you of
the benefits of working out and why you should continue to
participate even when you want to throw in the towel.

While a fitness trainer can provide this type of motivation
during a session, you may receive better results when you
are motivated by a friend or family member who is working
alongside you.

Lose That Fear By Doing Fitness Together as a Group

Another issue that bothers many people that wish to improve
their physique is that they have fear about the entire
process. By working with a group of peers, most people will
forget about their fears as their mind will wonder off to
other subjects as they communicate with their group of
friends while exercising.

When you are alone and exercising, your mind usually
concentrates on the negative aspects of exercising as your
body is not used to the exercise.

On the other hand, you can chat up your group about the
latest gossip and keep your mind from thinking about the
negative aspects of working out, such as the fear that
seems to strike us all at one point or another.

Make New Friends With A Workout Group

If you are looking to make new friends, joining a workout
group for some fitness together sessions is a great idea.
Not only will you treat your body to some well deserved
exercise, you will have the ability to meet new people with
similar interests.

This is an especially good thing for those who are new to
the area and are looking to meet some new faces in the
community. Many of the people who join these types of
fitness workout groups are looking for other individuals to
spend time with so you should not have a problem meeting
new friendly faces by joining one of these fitness together

The residents of are quite friendly and the fitness
together groups are no exception to this fact.

Manage Your Fitness Goals Better

Another great advantage of doing fitness together is that
you will manage your goals better. Since you are working
with other individuals with similar goals, you will be more
encouraged to complete your goals. You will also be less
likely to fail your fitness goals as you will have the
support of the entire fitness together group behind you.

This kind of support will allow you to manage your fitness
goals better. You will also obtain some pointers on
reaching your fitness goals as a member (or members) of
your fitness group may have been successful in completing
the same goals.

Free Fitness Groups

Finally, perhaps the best advantage of doing fitness
together with peer support groups is that a majority of
these groups are free. The fitness together groups are a
great way to reach your fitness goals without investing a
ton of money.

For those who are on a strict budget, or for those not
willing to invest a lot of money towards their fitness
goals, doing fitness together is the right option for you.

Zach Hunt is a fitness together expert, personal trainer
and owner of Physzique, a fitness coaching service in
Spokane, WA. Go here:
or you can go here for more fitness together tips:

Amount of Calorie in Honey

Amount of Calorie in Honey
What is the amount of calorie in honey? Does honey contain
more calories than table sugar?

One tablespoon of honey has 64 calories, and one tablespoon
of sugar has 46 calories. (Or has 22 calories in one
teaspoon of honey versus 16 calories in one teaspoon of
table sugar.) While the amount of calorie in honey is more,
we actually use less of it since it is sweeter than table
sugar. And for many people, honey is still a preferred
healthier choice because of its vitamins and minerals that
can aid in digestion, and its anti-oxidants which can also
bring health benefits. In fact, it is a carbohydrate that
is recommended in fasting because of its vitamins content
and antioxidants effect.

Honey contains the same basic sugar units as table sugar --
glucose and fructose. Granulated table sugar, or sucrose,
has glucose and fructose hooked together, whereas in honey,
fructose and glucose remain in individual units. Fructose
is sweeter than glucose, which is one of the reasons
fructose is used in so many food products today. However,
fructose does not convert to energy as efficiently as
glucose. As a result, processed foods containing granulated
sugar high in fructose convert to fat stores more easily
than honey. Honey, a natural sweetener, has only one
processing step involved - heating to prevent
crystallization and yeast fermentation during storage,
whereas, table sugar is highly processed, whereby all
naturally occurring trace minerals from the sugar cane
plant are removed, leaving us with "empty calories" which
are devoid of nutrition like vitamins, minerals, and
important enzymes. That is why ironically, in developed
countries, there are way too many overweight people who are
suffering from malnutrition!

Cut down on the simple sugars in your diet by eliminating
the chocolate and hard candies. If you simply cannot resist
the desire for sweet stuff, replace them with healthy
natural sweeteners like honey. Take regular meals with some
protein and fat in each, and eat complex carbohydrates that
contain ample soluble fiber-- fruits and vegetables for
example. Fat, protein and soluble fiber in the diet tend to
moderate swings in blood glucose. Other than the concern
that excessive intake of sugar and hence calories, could
lead to obesity problems, some people have a reaction to
sugar called reactive hypoglycemia which is characterized
by irritability, nervousness, headache, sweating and
confusion a few hours after eating a meal high in simple
sugars. These symptoms are caused by the pancreas'
overproduction of insulin in response to rising blood
glucose levels.

Ruth Tan is the owner of the website Benefits of Honey at which is an immensely
rich, quality resource on honey and its benefits, and a
plethora of health-related issues.

Gain Muscle Weight Fast with the Correct Number of Sets and Reps

Gain Muscle Weight Fast with the Correct Number of Sets and Reps
Are you finding yourself often confused with how many sets
and reps you should be doing if you want to gain weight and
build muscle as fast as possible? If you are, you are
definitely not alone. There are some general rules for
this, but there are about just as many exceptions for this
rule. But if you're concerned with bulking up and slapping
on pounds of muscle on you frame, then I'll make it simple

The general rule for size and strength is to use a
relatively high number of sets with low reps; 5 sets of 5,
6 sets of 3; something that looks like this. The amount of
reps means that you will fail at around that number, so
you're going to use heavy weight.

One thing to keep in mind is whenever I say "heavy"
throughout this article, I use it as a relative term. What
is heavy for one person is completely different to another,
so make sure you understand that.

So, if you want your shoulders to look like you got a pair
of football shoulder pads under your shirt, you would do
about 5 or 6 sets of between 3 to 6 reps each. Remember,
this is only a general rule. The point of low reps is to
build strength. If you have read any of my past articles
then you know that strength is a big key to size. The low
reps means you focus on heavy weight and allow enough rest
to increase the weight on a weekly basis.

In a nutshell, if you want to get bigger, you have to get
stronger in ALL of the major muscle groups. So structure
your sets and reps with this purpose in mind.

Here are some important points to remember:

-Keep it simple; training for size means getting stronger,
so don't do too many exercises per muscle group so you can
allow enough time and rest to recuperate and get stronger
in just one or two compound exercises per muscle

-Use as much power and force in good form during your reps,
DON'T do them slow so you can "feel the burn." This will
only limit the speed in which you will get stronger. Lower
the weight in a controlled manner, but push/pull with all
your might to get the weight back up.

-Take your time in between reps - that's right, I said
reps. Don't rush them. If you need, take a few quick
breaths between reps to gather your strength and focus.
This will help you push the extra rep or two that will
really boost your size and strength.

-When building up your strength, you will need to rest
longer then the normal 60 seconds. For upper body
exercises, take 2-3 minutes rest between sets to recover
your strength and 3-5 minutes for your legs.

Remember, if you're a hardgainer you need to train with
heavy weights. Push the weight up with all the power and
muscle you can, take a couple deep breaths, lower the
weight slightly slower then when you lifted it, and do
another rep. You don't have to count the seconds, but try
not to rush your reps or go too slow. You're not trying to
run a 50 yard dash but you're not doing tai chi either.

Derek Manuel is the author of the best-selling, "How to
Gain Weight and Build Muscle for Hardgainers". If you want
to learn how you too can gain 20 to 30 pounds of solid
muscle in as short as 8 weeks, or if you just want more
quality information on how to gain weight and build muscle,
please visit