Wednesday, August 1, 2007

How The Foam Roller Workout Helped Me Get My Life Back

It started with tightness in my hip flexors that no amount
of stretching could relieve. I limited my running and
cardio workouts, did more yoga, took more rest days and
still, I couldn't find relief from this darned tightness.

Fast-forward two months. Now, my lower back was talking to
me; stiff in the mornings and taking it's good old' time
loosening up. Next were the hamstrings they were so
reluctant to loosen up that I could feel them when I bent
over to tie my sneakers. I especially felt this in the
mornings. This pushed me over the edge.

I like to think I've always been athletic, at least
throughout my adulthood. I am passionate about anything
that breaks a sweat. I adore running and biking. I've
taught spinning classes since spinning began. I've
completed triathlons and half-marathons, all for kicks, and
mostly with no foundation of training. I just woke up and
felt like running a road race so off I went.

Or at least I used to. I have no patience for these nagging
physical limitations. I'm only 45 years old, for criminy
sakes (and 45 is the new 29, right?)

My husband (who I met at a 5K road race by the way) would
also want me to mention that my personality tightened as
well as my hamstrings. In the trickle-down theory, if I
cannot do my regular daily workouts, everyone in my family

I do believe in divine intervention though and about this
time I discovered the foam roller exercises through a
fabulous New York City teacher, Susan Hitzmann, owner of
Longevity Fitness, Inc. She offers a program called
M.E.L.T., which stands for Myofascial Energetic Length

I coincidentally ended up in one of her many workshops
about fascia and what to do about it. She offers tools
(many on the foam roller) to add length and to therefore
relieve muscular discomfort. Turns out that it wasn't just
my muscles that were tight but the overlying and
surrounding sheath of fascia that were giving me problems.

What's fascia? Think of it like a wet suit that fits snugly
over your muscles, like a web or a net. Some people have
more than others.

She showed us techniques of rolling on a foam roller that
rehydrates those fascial sheaths of tightness, eliciting
and immediate sense of length, space and release. Man! It
was a profound release too; like unbuttoning your jeans
after a big meal.

I was totally hooked after one workshop. I got myself a
foam roller, which looks like a yoga mat rolled up, only
bigger and made of foam.

I started rolling at home. In just a few minutes, my
muscles released. All it took was a few passes up and down
my thighs to feel my hips let go. With as little as five
minutes a day, three or four days a week, I noticed that my
hamstrings released their stranglehold. My lower back
didn't wake me up in the morning anymore. I kept rolling
and just focused on any areas that felt tight. Then I would
pick a few other areas on my body, depending on what felt

For example, my side hip and butt didn't feel tight when I
moved around all day but when I rolled up and down my side
hip-YOWL! There was tightness lurking that I didn't even
know was there until I used my super-duper rolling pin of a
foam roller on the dough of my thighs.

Over the next year, I continued to attend workshops and
classes worth the phenomenally talented Ms. Hitzmann. I
remembered her from her days as an aerobics teachers,
famous for making the Crunch Boot Camp Video. Her story was
similar to mine. After experiencing limiting soreness that
no amount of stretching could relieve, she set out on her
own to find some answers. After years of research and
diligent experimenting with herself as the guinea pig, she
developed this foam roller program, among other fascial
release techniques.

This tremendous fitness development is not just for baby
boomers, but especially for what I call "baby zoomers";
aging jocks who are not willing to give up or even modify
their fitness regime because of stiffness or increasing
lack of flexibility.

It is important to notice how you feel BEFORE you roll.
Compare this with how you feel afterwards. My hunch is that
you will sense that something has released.

My muscles melted, which loosened up my lower back, which
helped me sleep better. In turn, I woke up feeling not only
more rested, but more flexible. I was able to resume my
daily cardio and strength training routine. In the
trickle-down theory, this vastly improved my daily moods. I
was nicer to my husband and kids, and in essence, I got my
life back.

Penny Love Hoff, 20 year fitness professional . is the
author of the revolutionary CD workout program"Does My
Marriage Make Me Look Fat?", an eight week fitness program
for couples to radically change your body and reawaken your
relationship.You can find her at

Your Thyroid And Weight Loss

Your metabolism has a great deal to do with your thyroid,
any malfunction or disease afflicting this area may cause
you to have problems in metabolism leading to a drastic
problem with your weight – you may either gain weight, lose
weight, or may find that losing weight is harder than usual.

Those that plan diets do not take into consideration how
their thyroids and metabolism may affect their weight loss
program. Most experts and even the media generally
recommend that the best way to lose weight is cut calories.

Those with a condition called hyperthyroidism suffer from
an overactive thyroid leading to one having his or her
metabolism go through the roof. If this is the case, then
you will probably lose weight fast, which is a nice thought
for someone who wishes to lose weight. However, this can
actually be hazardous to the health to lose weight too
quickly, as you could see from shows such as "The Biggest

Aside from the medical difficulties such a disease brings,
one will also notice weight problems as a result. These
people have trouble keeping on weight and may notice
weakness and bulging of the eyes. This disease may need
special treatment from doctors.

Hypothyroidism on the other hand works in the other
direction – slowing metabolism until the body gains weight
at an incredible rate. Like hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism
causes a general weakness in the body. It too may need
special treatment and may cause serious health problems if
left unattended.

While cutting calories in itself can be very hard for most
people – imagine, the people involved in inner turmoil at
the supermarket regarding whether to buy that extra box of
sweets, some have exactly the opposite problem.

Instead of eating too much calories – which is a problem in
itself, they eat too little calories instead.

Problem? What Problem The problem with some is that they
believe that since the experts say that they have to cut
calories, cutting calories to an inordinate amount will
reap greater results. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that
way. While cutting calories helps diets, consuming too
little calories pushed the body into a hoard mode, the
body's metabolism slows to adapt to the lesser amount of
available energy.

If your body enters this mode, your body will work at such
slow metabolism that losing weight becomes impossible. The
technique here should be to reduce calories without the
body slowing its metabolism. Only then can losing weight
become easier.

Another problem that can arise from decreased metabolism is
that when your metabolism slows due to a drastic reduction
in metabolism, and then you suddenly eat a good, hearty,
calorie-filled meal, you are bound to gain more weight
owing to the increased surplus of energy.

This is why an imbalanced meal is highly discouraged among
those that seek to lose weight. The sudden loss and
increase of calories will cause an imbalance in one's
energy consumption directly affecting fat deposit.

Here is a simple computation to help you get to the right
amount of calories you will need per day so that you get
your nutrients in the right balance.

First of all, multiply your weight in kilograms by 30. If
you only know your weight in pounds, divide it by 2.2 to
get to its English equivalent. We divide this number by 30
because that is the number of calories you need to maintain
your weight per pound of weight.

For example if your weight in pounds is 150, divide it by
2.2. That will give you a figure of 68.18. This is your
weight in kilograms. Multiply this by 30 and you will
arrive at the amount of calories you will need per day to
maintain 150 lbs.

You may consult a nutritionist to help you come lose
weight. In the end it all comes down to math. If you
consume more that your body needs, it stores it as fat. Now
is probably a good time to start studying the back of those
grocery cartons.

Try to keep your diet at a 40% protein, 25% fat, and 35%
carbohydrate meals at 300 calories per meal. Spread out
these meals in a day for optimum results.

While it may be simple computation to get at numbers, do
not forget the earlier mentioned fact that the body adapts
to its condition. Expose it to extreme ones and you may
find yourself getting results you never wanted. Consult a
nutritionist for more advice.

Mick Reade is an Australian chef who has been cooking in
commercial kitchens across the country for over 10 years,
and has been teaching others how easy it can be to cook
healthy and delicious food, for more information please

The Dangers of Statin Drugs

Like the war on cancer, we have declared war on
cholesterol. We have become fixated on seeing cholesterol
as enemy number one to be defeated at all costs. But is our
war misguided? Despite evidence that there are far greater
dangers than cholesterol, the medical establishment and the
media continue to focus on this much-maligned substance.

To accomplish this end we resort to using statin drugs.
Statins are among the best selling medications available.
Some 12 million Americans take statin drugs like Lipitor,
Zocor, Pravachol, Mevacor and others to help reduce their
cholesterol levels.

Unfortunately, most Americans are not aware of the serious
side effects and dangers that these drugs cause.

Recent studies prove that statins lead to severe memory
lapses and forgetfulness for their users. On seeing their
patients, doctors often misdiagnose memory lapses as the
symptoms of Alheimer's, unaware that statins are
responsible. As a result they continue to prescribe these
drugs which lead to further memory loss.

Dr. Duane Graveline, MD was put on Lipitor in 1999 for
moderately elevated cholesterol. Just six weeks later his
wife found him wandering around the house unable to
recognize her or even his surroundings. His memory lapse
lasted a few hours. A former astronaut, Dr. Graveline was
in excellent health at and the lapse lasted only a few
hours. He suspected Lipitor as the culprit and since it was
the only medication he was on, he discontinued its use. His
mental health returned. Two years later his doctor insisted
he continue taking Lipitor. He did and within a short time
later experience another episode of TGA (transient global
amnesia). Convinced that Liptor was causing his episodes,
he again discontinued its use.

This is not an isolated incident. There are thousands of
reports that have come down from people using statin drugs
who have experienced amnesia, forgetfulness, disorientation
and other mental dysfunction.

Statin drug use can and does lead to liver damage, muscle
pain, weakness, fatigue and even heart failure! They are
known for robbing the heart of CoQ10, an important enzyme
required for the proper functioning of the heart. Repeated
use over time depletes this natural enzyme and leads to a
weakened heart and a weakened heart is a good candidate for
a heart attack, just what the statin is supposed to avoid!

Now it has been discovered that statins also lead to TGA,
amnesia and other disorders of the brain! The brain
requires cholesterol. It's found in the myelin sheaths that
act as insulators for the neurons and help speed up nerve
conduction. Cholesterol is so important that it is
manufactured by the glial cells in the supportive tissues
in the brain.

By reducing cholesterol, the brain is robbed of an
important element and cannot function properly. Suicide and
violent behavior has been observed in those using statin

Despite the growing evidence, many doctors continue to
prescribe these drugs to an unsuspecting public. Lipitor,
the best selling drug in America today, rakes in billions
for its manufacturer. While stitins do next to nothing to
promote the health of its users and worsens their
condition, there is no move to withdraw these drugs off the
market. Rather, a spineless warning has been issued. But
will that save the lives of the millions currently using

The use of such drugs are simply not worth the benefits
touted by your doctor. Natural alternatives exist that do a
far better job than ANY statins ever will. But you won't
hear about that from your doctor. Profits and not your
health is paramount.

If you know someone who is experiencing an adverse
reaction, don't assume it's due to oncoming Alzheimer's.
Get a second opinion and check to see if they are taking

Take an active role about your health. Don't assume your
doctor knows what's good for you. Question his reasons for
getting you on a statin drug. And if you experience any
mental-related symptoms, post your experience on or go to Dr. Graveline's site

Thousands of people have already written about their
experience with statin drug use and your input can make the
public more aware that taking the statins is a sure road to

Mario Carini lives near Ottawa, Canada. Among his many
passions are writing, graphics, gardening and a sincere
desire to help others achieve success through Internet
business and affiliate programs.

Understand Your Feet to Reduce Running Injuries

We have all had some nagging muscles like our hamstrings,
or discomfort in our side which we can run and train with.
Though when the feet start to hurt, it can lay us up for
weeks, months, or worse. Your feet and ankles are the
foundation of your running and cardio program. When are
feet are working correctly, they allows us to perform at
our very best.

The two worse runner or jogger injuries are plantar
fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis. Both of these injuries
can be cause by overuse, lack of strength, or lack of
flexibility. Though your feet are tough and can take a
lot, we have to understand how important they are to keep
them healthy and pain free.

Your foot is important in both the landing of your steps
and the pushing off as well. This is why getting the right
shows for your feet are so important. If you land or push
off poorly it can affect your entire chain from your
ankles, knees, hips, and shoulders. Most running injuries
can be attributed back to how people either land or push

When you land and your foot is stiff the stress can is one
of the causes of shin splints. When we land with a loose
foot, the effect is the runners' knees pointing inwards
which causes many critical problems.

Plantar fasciitis prevents more runners from running than
any other injury. The plantar fascia runs the entire
length of the bottom of the foot. The two main reasons for
this injury are overtraining and tight calves which put
undo strain. Because so many cardio injuries are overuse
they can be hard to notice until it is too late. The
plantar fascia has poor blood flow which makes it slow to
heal. Only rest will relieve the inflammation.

To prevent this injury it is vital that your build up your
miles slowly and are on a good training program. Don't
necessarily just follow your buddies program. Many cardio
athletes are over trainers by nature and don't understand
how they don't have to run in pain. If you have tight
calves active flexibility training can start to alleviate
the issues. Important for you to work on active stretching
over static stretching.

The Achilles tendon, which runs up the back of the leg from
the heal to the calf, is the other common body injured in
runners. Overuse and rapid increases in mileage are the
two main culprits that affect your Achilles tendon. Only
rest will take away the effects of Achilles tendonitis.
Getting a properly fitted shoe is one way to support this
issue from not happening.

If you see the trend that overuse is always the main
problem with running injuries. The reality is you don't
have to do so many miles like most people think. With
proper heart rate training, you can train with faster
workouts which are less miles and less wear and tear on the
body. Interval, tempo, and threshold runs are a bigger key
to running success and are a lot less miles.

About The Author: Charles Carter, BS in Exercise Science is
President of LIVE, llc of -
visit the website for more information on weight loss, core
fitness programs, optimal diets, and online personal
trainer and dietician services. For more information on
products go to
-10004.cfm?killnav=1 .

Food as Fuel to Stop Being Slugish and Tired During the Day

Do you have a tuff time making it through the day without
getting sluggish and sleepy? Does it ever happen to you
that once you sit down it is so hard to get back up as your
energy is zapped? If so it is more common than you might
think, and you are not alone. Most likely the reason for
your lack of energy is the food you give your body as fuel.

Your diet plays a vital role in your relationship with your
feeling of being tired or full of energy. As most people
always think they eat too much, it may actually be that you
are not getting enough energy which causes your problems.
More metabolisms are slowing down due to a lack of food as
fuel throughout the day than overeating.

If you fall into the one of following categories you are
probably not fueling your body to its adequate demands:
cutting carbs and meals to lose weight, eat high amounts of
fast food, eat from convenience stores and vending
machines, or use caffeine like coffee to make it through
the day. Each one of these habits creates a lack of energy
for your body which either stores the food into your fat
cells or burns muscle tissue for energy.

The problem lies in that once we start eating with these
destructive habits, it creates a harmful cycle. Once you
go to fast food for lunch for example, your blood sugar
will spike and store you food into your fat cells. Now,
around 2-3 pm you start to feel sluggish and starving so
you go on a Starbucks run to get a "pick me up." Though
because you didn't get your body proper fuel, when you get
home you are completely starving and you over eat dinner
(especially when you count all the snacking because you are
starving before you get to dinner). For many people the
cycle starts over again tomorrow. This same cycle happens
with people who cut calories and carbs to lose weight.

Most people if you ask them know what to eat, so why don't
we do it? It is just a matter of will power right? The
answer lies deeper than that. Once you have a bad choice
for the day your body will force you to make poor choices
because of the negative physiologically going on inside.

The biggest key to getting your energy and metabolism back
on track is breakfast. I know you have probably heard that
breakfast is the most important meal of the day, though it
is the truth. If you eat a sensible breakfast low in
saturated fats and low in simple sugars, you can get your
energy burning off on the right track. You will know it is
the right track because you will feel hungry in 2-3 hours
which is good. This means your metabolism is working and
wants more energy to keep burning. When you fuel your
metabolism you will train your body to burn fat as its
major source of fuel.

Prepare ahead of time is the only way to ensure success.
Pick items at the grocery store that you know will be
something you can eat in your lifestyle for healthy snacks.
You may need to bring your meals and snacks with you to
work. Believing that you will be able to just make good
choices at spur of a moment is false thinking.

Pick foods high in antioxidants. Antioxidants found in
fruits, vegetables, and whole grains remove harmful toxins
out of your body which can cause cellular damage and affect
your health and energy. With greater stress comes greater
build up of toxins in your body. I recommend taking an
antioxidant supplement on a daily basis. It may keep you
from creating metabolic syndrome from too many toxins in
the body. Metabolic syndrome is the leading cause of heart
disease, cancer, and strokes in this country.

WorldClassNutrition is a leader in discount nutrition
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What to Do When a Patient Goes Ballistic

Today was a bad day. A high-maintenance patient who has
been difficult in the past had a meltdown in our waiting
room (which was full), yelling at our receptionist for
having to wait longer than they would've preferred.

Now I realize the ball does get dropped in a busy practice
from time to time. Given the sensitive nature of our work,
I am relieved when it amounts to something relatively
trivial like accidentally keeping someone on hold, or
losing a call. I know those things are important to the
person-in-question, but it's nothing compared to, say, a
wrong prescription.

Our receptionist handled the situation like a professional,
but later she confessed to me that she was completely
unnerved. I told her she did fine, and shared with her a
four-step process for dealing with difficult patients that
I printed off of the Texas Medical Association website:

1. Listen Attentively. Spend several minutes letting the
patient tell the whole story without interruption. Be
careful not to become defensive, react sarcastically, or
appear rushed. Use good eye contact, and take notes, if
appropriate. If the patient gets off track, use phrases
such as: "Tell me more about …," "Then what happened?" or
"How did you feel then?" These phrases invite the patient
to continue the story rather than start over at the

2. Show Concern. After the patient has completed the story,
show appropriate empathy or understanding for the
situation. Use phrases such as: "I can see how you might
have gotten that impression of us," "I can see why you're
concerned," or "I'd feel that way, too, if I were in your
shoes." You don't have to agree with the patient's story or
point of view. Simply show understanding for the situation.
The benefit of listening and showing empathy is that the
patient begins to feel understood and respected as a
person, and that usually lessens emotions.

3. Clarify Details. The next step is to clarify any details
or points in the story that are important to reaching a
solution. Focus on those items that give you information
and clues about how to approach a situation.

4. Respond Assertively. Finally, once you have a clear
understanding of both the facts and the emotions of the
situation, you can choose an appropriate response. Use an
"ideal solution" question such as: "What would you like me
to do to solve this problem?" or "What would be your ideal
solution to this problem?" The patient may surprise you by
suggesting a perfectly acceptable solution. Using the
patient's response as a starting point, negotiate the best
possible agreement. Be clear about your policies and
possible exceptions, outline the patient's choices, and
work toward a solution.

The receptionist mainly did the first two, since the
problem wasn't serious, and the patient was just venting.
Still, the key for such incidents is to be as prepared as
possible. After reading the above list, our receptionist
made a copy and taped it to her computer.

You know, I can't get my kids to fill the dishwasher or
make their beds, so anytime someone listens to me, I feel
like doing a little dance.

VIVA Transcription provides medical transcription services
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