Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Exercise At Any Age

Exercise At Any Age
So you've slacked off a bit and avoided exercise. Maybe
your job demands too much of your time or you simply fell
out of the routine. I have news for you. Whether you've
taken off one year, ten years or haven't exercised a day in
your life - it's never too late to start. You see there are
problems with living a life devoid of exercise. Big
problems. Your weight rises along with your blood pressure
and cholesterol. Your muscles and joints degenerate at an
astounding rate leaving you with daily aches and pains.
Your body becomes weak, making you susceptible to all kinds
of medical issues.

Why Should I Start Now?

You've heard about the benefits that consistent exercise
brings, but what if you haven't been consistent? Should you
even start at all? This has been the subject of many
medical studies and the results are unanimous: Exercise
helps improve your quality of life even if you start late.
Researchers are constantly finding new benefits to
consistent exercise. It's no wonder that Dr. Robert Butler,
of the National Institute on Aging, once said "If exercise
could be put into a pill, it would be the single most
prescribed medicine in the world."

Imagine if a pill could offer all of these benefits
(without harmful side effects):

· Substantially reduces the risk of coronary heart
disease and osteoporosis
· Decreases the risk for stroke, colon cancer,
diabetes and high blood pressure
· Helps to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight
· Contributes to healthy bones, muscles and joints
· Helps relieve anxiety and depression
· Promotes well-being and reduces stress
· Is associated with fewer doctor visits,
hospitalizations and medications
· Helps prevent and treat chronic medical conditions
associated with old age
· Increases energy levels and promotes sound sleep
· Strengthens immune system

Exercise may not be something that you can gulp down with a
glass of water, but it will offer you all of the above
benefits that can greatly enhance your quality of life. I
know what you are thinking. Those benefits sound great, but
I can't exercise because:

Exercise is painful.
Not if you do the type most suitable for you.

Exercise is boring.
Most people who exercise find it to be quite enjoyable.

Exercise takes too long.
It only takes 30-60 minutes a day.

Exercise is confusing.
Not when you work with a trained professional

Exercise if for young people.
Studies have shown that exercise if for all ages.

Get Started the Right Way
Many people have started an exercise program only to quit
days later. Now that you have decided that exercise may be
worth your time after all, ensure your success with the
following tips:

Make a Commitment
You know the meaning and value of a solid commitment. It's
in your blood. So don't view exercise as something you will
merely try. You will only reap the true benefits of
exercise when you stick with it. A great way to reinforce
your commitment is to solicit the support of your friends
and family. Tell them how you plan to improve your health
and quality of life through exercise - who knows, they may
join you.

Set Reachable Goals
This is an immensely important ingredient to your success.
Don't start your exercise program with unreasonable
expectations. If you expect to lose all of your unwanted
pounds, drop your blood pressure and cure your joint pain
all in one week then you will be sorely disappointed.

Remember that it took years for your body to fall out of
shape so it makes sense that it will take some time to
regain it. The key to unlocking all of the benefits of
exercise lies in one word: consistency. Only then will your
body be transformed.

Rearrange Your Schedule
They say that you can't teach an old dog new tricks. This
may be because his schedule simply didn't allow for it. The
truth is that as we age there is a tendency to become
'stuck in our ways.' The thought of rearranging your
schedule may leave you a bit squeamish. Remind yourself
that exercise is worth your time and then think long and
hard about your daily schedule. The fact is that you do
have time to lend toward exercise - you simply need to find
it. Set aside 30-60 minutes for exercise and then stick
with it.

Increase the Challenge
You should start your exercise program with the thought of
easing into it. Since you haven't exercised in awhile your
body will need to build up strength and endurance. Consider
a car that has been sitting in your garage for years. You
wouldn't turn it on and instantly slam down on the gas
would you? You need to warm it up. However, this warm up
period should not last forever. Your body has an amazing
ability to adapt to new challenges and will grow complacent
when asked to do the same exercises over and over. When
your routine begins to feel easy take that as a hint to
increase the challenge. Don't let another day pass you by.
You deserve the good life.

Take action now.

Machelle Lee owns and operates The Invisible Gym in Santa
Cruz, CA. Her mission is to inspire people to become
physically active and enjoy the benefits of a balanced,
healthy lifestyle. For more information and questions you
can visit her website.

How The Heck Do I Get This Belly Fat Off Even If I am Eating A Healthy Diet

How The Heck Do I Get This Belly Fat Off Even If I am Eating A Healthy Diet
If you find yourself struggling to lose the extra belly fat
and achieve the body you desire, even when you are eating
healthy there are many other things that you may not be

The rule of thumb is, if you are not seeing your body fat
going down or your clothes fitting looser after 3-4 weeks
on your fat loss program then you need to evaluate what you
are doing.

First you need to figure out how many calories you are
eating a day. Most women I find either under or
overestimate this.

There are many programs out there where you can easily
figure this out. Simply keep a log for a day of everything
that is going into your mouth. This includes drinks like
soda, coffee drinks, and alcohol. Believe it or not these
calories all add up and you could very well be drinking
your way to extra belly fat.

Which is the number one place women tend to find any excess
body fat appear due to too many calories. Particularly,
if the calories are coming from things that contain sugar
like soda and coffee drinks.

One soda contains about 40 grams of sugar a day. If you
were to measure that out, it would be equivalent to 12
tablespoons of table sugar. Alcohol, is empty calories.

Many times women will ask what is the better choice to
have. Since alcohol impairs the metabolism in losing
unwanted body fat it is always best to reduce your
consumption and just realize it really comes down to the
total amount of calories.

You don't have to give up your alcohol, but you do have to
keep it in moderation if you are serious about shedding the
extra fat and not to mention your health.

If you are not eating enough, which can also be the case in
many women, then your body can actually put the brakes on
fat loss. Many women believe that they must starve
themselves in order to get results.

The truth is, not only does this take you away from your
goal, but if you were to add exercise to any low calorie
diet, it becomes a recipe for disaster.

Your metabolism will eventually slow down, and once you go
back to eating normal your body will rebound. The next
thing you want to be doing is to see how many times you are
working out in a week.

If you are eating the right amount of calories for fat loss
but you are not working out enough then that could be the
reason you are not seeing results. At least 3-4 week of
weight training is a good start. From there you can add in
additional cardio too.

You also want to make sure you are doing workouts that are
effective in stimulating fat loss. Make your exercises that
you do within your workout count. Working larger muscle
groups and creating a program for yourself that you will
follow for about 3-4 weeks.

It is important to change things up after a few weeks, so
that your body doesn't get used to it. The last thing you
must do is track and measure your results. Taking your
body fat is a good way to measure progress and not the

To do this you can use a caliper, which is device that
measures skin folds on the body. Also, if your clothes are
looser than you know you are on the right track, without
doing any type of feedback system you will keep spinning
your wheels.

Even if you are eating healthy, it's important to realize
that there's much more than just diet to getting results.

Heather Picken, Female Fat Loss Expert, and Co-Founder Of
Fat Loss For Women online community:
Shed your belly fat now and get your FREE fat burning
updates on the best workouts for women and nutrition:

Attention All Healers And Nurse Healers

Attention All Healers And Nurse Healers
Late at night, one night after the time change, working an
extra hour at warp speed, I taught one of my nurse
colleagues how to do Mechano-Magic!

I taught her first by asking her to watch another nurse
friend do the treatment on me, then she received the

Now she needs to give me the treatment so I can evaluate
her touch.

She asked me: do patients think it's weird when you offer
to give them a treatment? Do they ever say No?

I had to think about this. No, no one has ever refused the
treatment, unless she is in active labor, at which time,
she doesn't want anyone to come near her. This is not
always true, but is true most of the time.

One of my patients is in the hospital for pre-term labor
prevention. She used her call bell to call out, and said
she was in excruciating pain.

She said she felt like her vagina was in flames.

Here, I said, come towards me on your right side facing
those windows.

Then I did the Mechano-Magic with a little Matrix
Energetics thrown in (as taught by Richard Bartlett).

After ten minutes, she was back to hooking a rug. Within an
hour, she had the rug hanging on the bulletin board in her
room, and was starting on another project.

She didn't seem to put the pain relief and the
Mechano-Magic treatment together. But that's OK!! She
didn't know what hit her, but pain relief was the result.

And the baby lived another day inside her womb.

Mechano-Magic was popular in the early 1900's in America.
Ella Kilgus originated the treatment and she opened her
first clinic in Newark, New Jersey.

I've seen pictures of this clinic, with long, sprawling
porches, balconies, long green lawns.

The patients came for Mechano-Magic, ate healthy food, and
relaxed under old growth oaks, sometimes for weeks at a

Dr Ella, as we all called her, then opened another clinic
in Atlantic City, New Jersey, where patients came for
treatments and extended stays, with the additional healing
of ocean power and lunar tidal rhythms.

This was Dr. Ella's favorite location, but she eventually
settled in Philadelphia and had a thriving Mechano-Magic
practice there until her death, well into her nineties.

I'd go there with Dr Ella's friend, Dorothea Williams,
whose husband, Hal, a homeopath and my family doctor,
learned the treatment and treated many of his patients,
including my family.

I learned how to do the treatment from Hal Williams.

Receiving the treatment from Dr Ella was an experience I'll
always remember.

She was old.

She was literally carried to the treatment table by two of
her attendants, one on each side of her.

But when she arrived at the table,she straightened up,
stood by herself, placed her powerful hands on my back, and
began her magic.


From a child's perspective, this was amazing, potentially
terrifying, maybe a bit odd.

But I was mesmerized by this experience.

Dr Ella was a healer of the highest order.

Now only a few of us know how to do the treatment.

I teach my nurse healer friends, I practice on my patients,
my husband and two dogs.

I go to the home of Dorthea Williams, who has since passed,
and exchange Mechano-Magic with her daughter almost every

This has improved my technique.

Mechano-Magic must not die with the few of us who know how
to do it.

I can only hope that this treatment will realize an
exciting renaissance now, in the twenty-first century!

The Internet is the vehicle.

Time is of the essence.

Kate Loving Shenk is a writer, healer, musician and the
creator of the e-book called "Transform Your Nursing Career
and Discover Your Calling and Destiny." Click here to find
out how to order the e-book: Check Out Kate's

How Did Canada Get So Fat?

How Did Canada Get So Fat?
I opened the paper this morning to find out that the
country I live in has just taken the number one spot as the
fattest country in the world. I don't know when it happened
but just like a cupcake sneaking onto the hips, Canada has
earned the title of having the largest obesity problem of
63 different countries in a recent survey by the American
Heart Association. I wish I could say this was another
American conspiracy theory but alas, it’s not.

To tell you the truth, I would have rather seen Canada in a
number one spot in the Olympics, but I guess for now, this
will be our claim to fame. It's baffling because as far as
resources go, we have access to everything we could
possibly need to stay fit. We have every tool we need to be
healthy and vibrant. We have access to medicare, lots of
money for food and gym memberships and plenty of leisure
time to use it all, and yet our men have the largest
waistlines short of the equator itself.

Maybe that is exactly the problem. We have it too easy.
Nothing requires the effort that would suck a few inches
off those thighs. While most countries are growing and
picking their foods in the backyard and biking to work, we
spend a couple hundred dollars on downtown parking and an
expansive, oops, I mean expensive meal. We need to get back
to basics and we need to do it fast.

We need to stop thinking that throwing money at fad diets
and fancy machines will fix our problem of obesity. What we
need to do is use our bodies the way they were intended to
be used, for working. We need to stop consuming more than
we need for optimum energy and performance and we need to

What's GOYA, well it means Get Off Your, you can figure out
the rest. Besides medical issues that are much more rare
than the number of people that use it as an excuse, you
only get obese by consuming too much and exercising too
little. When you think about that statement, that tells me
that a lot of people are wasting their lives standing on
the sidelines doing little more than watching TV and
stuffing their faces. That's sad.

It's sad because life is full of adventures to be had and
they can't be experienced sitting on the couch. Getting out
dancing, going to the beach for a swim, snowboarding in the
winter and dirt biking in the summer. These are all things
that make everyday of your life an experience worth the
living. An adventure.

I was recently on a trip to Mexico where a 40 something
couple had spent a couple of hundred dollars to do a tour
of a remote town. Once we got there this couple sat outside
the bus for a couple of hours until the tour was over
because they got winded when they tried to walk the
streets. I'm not talking crazy hills but normal rolling
streets that the villagers walk every day. They wasted
their money and didn't get to see some things that were a
once in a lifetime opportunity.

I'm upset that Canada has taken the lead on this dubious
title but my hope is that maybe it will be a wake up call.
Don't stand on the sidelines any longer. Get out and live
life to the fullest. Treat your body as your greatest asset
and GOYA.

How to lose stubborn body fat - bodybuilding champion Ray
Burton reveals all the secrets...
Check It Out ==>

Why Fad Diets Don’t Work!

Why Fad Diets Don’t Work!
For more than 20 years the media has bombarded us with a
perpetual diet craze. An avalanche of fad diets are
announced one after another as breaking news while
producing zero true results. Sure, you may lose 5, 10 or
even 20 pounds on a fad diet...but you'll gain it all back
and then some. How can I be so confident that your results
will be short lived? It's actually a simple concept, and
once you understand it you will be forever saved from the
tortures of yo-yo dieting.

Fad diets saddle you with unreasonable calorie restrictions
and some even cut out entire food groups just to produce
that short lived drop in weight - a process that is
actually harmful to your health. The fad diets also ignore
one major component to shaping up: exercise.

Most fad diets operate on one age old premise: cut
calories, cut calories, cut calories. By restricting the
type and amount of food consumed the fad dieter usually
sees an immediate drop in weight. If only it stopped
there... But it doesn't stop there. Life continues, and the
fad dieter returns to their pre-diet eating habits - with
one major difference in their body due to the sudden drop
in pounds. Their calorie requirements have gotten smaller.

In practical terms this means that the dieter will begin
gaining weight even though they are eating their normal
pre-diet portions. And since exercise hasn't become a part
of their routine, the unneeded calories will result in
pounds gained. So what's a dieter to do? Find a brand new
diet to follow - right? Wrong.

There is a way to drop pounds and firm your body, but you
won't read about it in the next diet book or hear it on the

The solution to your fad dieting nightmare is a lifestyle

What is a lifestyle change? To change your lifestyle means
to replace unhealthy habits with healthy ones, and to do so
consistently. It isn't something you do for a week or two,
only to revert back your old ways - a lifestyle change
redefines who you are.

Changing your lifestyle from one that is unhealthy to one
that is healthy will be the best thing that you ever do for
yourself. Trust me, I help people like you make this change
every day with amazing results.

Fact: The shape of your body is the direct result of your
current lifestyle.

So how do I change my lifestyle? That is a great question,
and the answer is actually easier than you might think.

Most people who are unhappy with their bodies are really
only holding on to a few bad habits. Once these destructive
habits are identified and then replaced with healthy habits
their body naturally transforms from one that they loathe
to one that they are proud of.

In other words, to get the body that you want simply
determine your unhealthy habits and replace them with
healthy ones.

Here are the most prevalent unhealthy habits:

* The habit of inactivity.
Failing to exercise on a consistent basis is one of the
most destructive obstacles for your health and figure. (The
key word here is consistent. If you aren't exercising at
least 3-4 times each week then you own this habit.)

* The habit of overeating.
Consuming calories in excess of your daily caloric needs is
one of the main reasons that more adults are overweight
today than ever before.

* The habit of empty calories.
Filling your diet with foods that hold little to no
nutritional value is a great way to expand your waist.
(Hint: if a food item is made up of mainly sugar and/or fat
consider it 'empty' calories.)

Machelle Lee owns and operates The Invisible Gym in Santa
Cruz, CA. Her mission is to inspire people to become
physically active and enjoy the benefits of a balanced,
healthy lifestyle. For more information and questions you
can visit her website.

Understanding Topical Antioxidants: How Anti-Aging Skin Nutrients Work

Understanding Topical Antioxidants: How Anti-Aging Skin Nutrients Work
Touch your face, what do you feel? Look in the mirror, what
do you see? You are looking at your largest organ and the
part of you that everyone sees: your skin. Though often
under appreciated, your skin performs many important
physiological functions and is extremely susceptible to
free radical damage. To function optimally and stay
healthy, your skin needs nourishing with antioxidants from
the inside and outside.

Free Radicals
Our bodies are under continuous attack by free radicals,
extremely reactive molecules produced by our environment
and our bodies that damage cells and tissues. Free radical
damage to skin causes wrinkles, loss of tone, hyper
pigmentation, aging, and skin cancer. On the inside, free
radical damage is implicated in various diseases including
cancers, degenerative diseases, and inflammatory illnesses
as well as the aging process itself .

Our body has a natural defense mechanism to protect itself
from the danger of free radical attack: antioxidants.
Antioxidants are specific vitamins, minerals, or nutrients
that inactivate free radicals before they can damage cells.
Hundreds of antioxidants exist; some, such as Alpha Lipoic
Acid, the body produces whereas others, such as vitamins E
and C, we must consume. They each function slightly
differently but work together synergistically to keep the
body and skin healthy.

Antioxidants and Skin
The skin is constantly exposed to free radicals produced by
harmful pollutants in the environment and, most
significantly, UV light. To maintain healthy, youthful skin
we must ensure that our skin has enough antioxidants to
adequately protect itself. We can deliver these
antioxidants to our skin through diet, supplements, and
topical products.

For our overall health, we need a healthy diet and
supplements, but for the health of our skin, internal
nourishment is not enough: topical antioxidants are
essential. Internal supplementation improves the levels of
antioxidants in skin cells, but research now shows that
topical application delivers these important nutrients to
the skin much more quickly . Countless studies demonstrate
that topical antioxidants protect skin from UV damage,
reduce inflammation, and protect against certain types of

Topical Antioxidants
Topical formulations contain many different antioxidants:
choose a combination for your skin. Some are stronger than
others and many offer additional health benefits. Vitamins
C and E, two well-known antioxidants, are both essential
for skin health. Additionally, vitamin C stimulates
collagen synthesis, and vitamin E provides excellent
hydration benefits. Astaxanthin, a carotenoid, is 500 times
more powerful than vitamin E and anti-inflammatory.
Pycnogenol®, another powerful antioxidant, helps
improve microcirculation and also enhances the function of
vitamin C .

These topical antioxidants, as well as others, will protect
your skin and optimize skin health, but choose topical
products carefully. Look for products that have effective
concentrations of these important antioxidants and avoid
products that contain potentially harmful ingredients such
as mineral oil, petrolatum, and parabens.

Sondra Miles has a BS in Brain and Cognitive Sciences with
a minor in Chemistry from MIT. She writes extensively on
natural skin care, topical antioxidants and skin botanicals
and is a member of the Research and Development team at
derma e® Natural Bodycare. For a free sampler pack and
catalog of derma e® products visit .

Bank of Good Health

Bank of Good Health
Now when you have a surname like Raison being seen eating
nuts at school was not something I really thought about,
believe me I had enough stick when they bought out that
everyones a fruit and nut cake advert. Do you remember that
one? I do!

Anyway, I'm much older now and know that nuts are too good
to be avoided even if I do still get the odd laugh now and
then and I love them. In fact, if you haven't got any in
your cupboards or anywhere in your house then, shame on
you. Go and get some right now...hold on, read the rest of
the article and see whats best for you first.

Let me introduce you to my Bank of Good Health which
started as a way for my clients to help remember some of
the great ways to stay on top of your nutritional benefits.
So why the Bank of Good Health?

Well, I've chosen some of the best nuts, seeds and oils
combined to make an all round improvement to your health in
days and its so easy to remember. I've called it the HSBC
diet, Hemp seeds, Sesame seeds, Brazil nuts, Coconut oil.

H- Hemp seeds are packed with the perfect ratio of omega 3
& 6s at a ratio of 1:1. With most of the population
consuming a ratio closer to 1:10 or even 1:20, hemp seed
should play a big part in our diet. The humble hemp also
contains essential amino acids, a great source of zinc,
calcium, iron and vitamin A. For those concerned, hemp
seeds have no intoxicating effect.

S- Sesame seeds help to protect the body from free
radicals. They are a key source of phytic acid, (Phytic
acid could inhibit cancer, specifically of the colon)
magnesium and calcium but, also have a good source of Iron,
phosphorous, vitamin B1 and zinc. Now the real unique
quality about the sesame seed is their contents of sesamin
(protects the liver from oxidative damage) and sesamolin
which provide a very beneficial fibre called lignan which
have been shown to lower cholesterol.

B- Brazil nuts have an incredible selenium content which
has been proven to increase cancer resistance. In fact,
even the supplement selenium didn't prove anymore powerful
than the nuts themselves. So if you want the anti-cancer
properties and a great source of selenium, then add a small
handful of nuts to your list of foods. Just make sure you
choose the nuts without the chocolate coatings.

C- Coconuts and coconut oil have a real hard time due to
them being not only a saturated fat but one of the highest
saturates around! So you'll probably think me mad that I'm
advising you to make it your new cooking oil. Let me
explain, coconut oil is actually lower in calories than any
other fat and can actually stimulate your metabolism, help
you lose weight, boost your immune system and give you
immediate energy, just like that! At only 6.8 calories per
gram of fat (most fat contains 9 calories per gram of fat)
this fat has a high content of MCFA (medium chain fatty
acids) that are broken down immediately and used as fuel.

So there you have a quick and easy way to remember a
selection of foods that should be part of our daily diet.
The great thing is, 3 out of 4 can be used as a snack to
carry around with you.

This really hasn't even got close to scratching the surface
so start off with the basics here and we'll get to work on
the rest in future articles.

Kevin Raison is fast becoming a sought after Personal
Trainer in the UK. Having been a senior trainer at Dax
Moy's Personal Training Studio in London. Kevin now has his
own Personal Training Studios in the midlands.
You can visit Kevin at

Pre and Post Workout Protein. Your questions answered.

Pre and Post Workout Protein. Your questions answered.
Each week I address a different component regarding fitness
programs. And I recently asked my clients to start
completing a food log. The purpose of the food log is to
make you aware of your eating habits including portion
sizes, eating times, calories ingested, and what types of
foods you actually ingest regularly.

After analyzing my clients’ food logs, the next step
is to have each client start to learn how to eat smaller
portions throughout the day and make an effort to eat the
right amounts during those times. This process will
increase the body’s ability to burn the food as fuel
rather than store the food as fat.

If you read my articles regularly you know I endorse a
circuit training or interval training type mentality. I
firmly believe that this style of training increases the
body’s ability to burn fat, it makes working out more
fun, less monotonous and it challenges your body and mind
without overwhelming it.

When you start to get into the 30-45 second intervals you
learn that if you really push yourself for short bursts of
time, you feel more energetic, you get stronger and you see
changes on your body you used to only dream about.

To get the most out of any training, but specifically
circuit and interval training you need to pay attention to
what you put into your body before and after your workouts.

There have been so many studies about this topic that all
you really need to do is type in ‘pre workout or post
workout nutrition’ into a search engine and you will
see tons of information pop up. But sifting through all
that information is sometimes the hard part.


If I wanted to be a smart-alec I would simply type
in…. eat/drink a protein supplement before and after
your workout. I could stop the article right there and be
done with it. But I know you like more information, so
here you go.

I recently read of a study conducted over a 14 week period
using the following parameters:

- Participants were physically active but did not utilize
resistance training frequently.

- They were instructed to consume nothing but a protein
shake and water within the two hours before and after their
training sessions, and eat healthy and regularly the rest
of the day.

- Participants ingested 25 grams of protein in a shake pre
and post workout.

It should come as no shock to you that the participants
they chose had less than ideal fitness levels. For
example, they didn’t frequently utilize resistance
training. That already puts you ahead of the game because
if you follow any of my programs you already workout with
weights. What might shock you is that the group achieved
significant gains in muscle fiber size, overall body fat
reduction, and increased strength by doing the limited
number of exercises they were asked to perform.

WIN, WIN, WIN- A result we always like to have.

Food logs often show me that until I start to review my
clients' eating habits, most do not get nearly enough
protein in their diet. This is an easy and efficient way
to get those much wanted supplements.

Many experts agree that a well trained male athlete should
ingest 1 gram of protein for every pound they want to weigh
and for women ½ to ¾ of a gram of protein for
every pound they want to weight. So let’s say a
woman wants to weigh 120 lean lbs, which means she should
ingest 60 – 90 grams of protein per day. And a male
who wants to weigh 180 lean lbs would need to ingest 180
grams of protein a day. This is very hard to do on food
alone. That is what makes the shake such a delicious
addition. I also recommend (whether you have issues with
milk or not) using just water as the liquid. It seems to
blend better and does not cause any side effects like
bloating or stomach discomfort.

Protein shakes can be really tasty too. There are so many
flavors out there - Chocolate, Vanilla, Orange Crème,
Cappuccino, etc. You can also add things like
strawberries, bananas, oranges, etc. to your shake to add
fiber and extra vitamins. Most of the companies put out a
reasonably good product and I am not one to endorse many

Most powders also come with some sample shake recipe books
for you to change things up a bit. For now try to get a
good shake in your diet before and after your workouts. It
will satisfy your hunger, help you work out more
efficiently, and give your body the proper fuel to get the
most out of your day. And they can be pretty darn tasty!

There have been so many studies about this topic that all
you really need to do is type in ‘pre workout or post
workout nutrition’ into a search engine and you will
see tons of information pop up. But sifting through all
that information can sometimes be confusing, if not
annoying. This straight forward article explains the
benefits of taking protein before and after your workout
and also provides clear guidelines on how much you should

For over 17 years Bobby Kelly has taken his passion for
coaching to a level not reached by many in the fitness
profession. Bobby has been interviewed and featured as an
expert advisor on CNN, Fox News, ABC, NBC, and CBS as well
as local affiliate stations in numerous markets. Bobby
knows the success of hard work, determination and
persistence, and he’ll get you where you want to be.
Visit Bobby today at

The Top 2 Exercises For Sexier And Thinner Thighs

The Top 2 Exercises For Sexier And Thinner Thighs
If you're looking to get leaner and thinner thighs, there
are a few exercises that are a must for women to shape up
whether they want to fit into your skinny jeans or a bikini.

There are also exercises that many women seem to do, but
are not effective in achieving their results. Such as the

Abductor and Aductor -these machines are the ones that you
"squeeze in with your inner thighs" and then push away.
You may feel the burn, but essentially it doesn't do
anything to shape and tone your thighs. A better exercise
would be squats, these target the thighs and glutes.

To perform these there are several different ways. Simply
stand with your feet shoulder width apart with dumbbells
and go down as if you are sitting on a chair. Now it's
important that your feet are pointed forward and not out,
as it can cause your hips to be tight.

Go down as far as you feel comfortable with good form and
your head is up and body upright. When you come back up,
squeeze your thighs and glutes.

This exercise also burn a lot more calories then the
abductor and aductor machines because of the way your body
is positioned. Keeping in mind as well, if you want thinner
thighs you must burn more calories.

If you stick with the best thigh exercises, not only will
you get results but you will save time from doing exercises
that just don't work.

Additionally, another great slimming thigh exercise is an
elevated one legged squat. To perform this you would simply
get up on a bench and put in close to wall. You can hold a
weight in the arm that is furthest away from the wall and
place your other hand on the wall for support.

While standing on the bench with one leg, the other leg
will be off to the side and then the opposite hand is
holding the weight as you bend at the knee and touch your
foot to the ground.

This is the same motion you are doing when performing a
squat. You can also do this exercise without any weight. Do
anywhere from 8-15 repetitions on each leg.

Leg lifts- This is a very old school approach that was
presented in the days when aerobics were popular. You lie
on your side, and raise your leg up and lower down and
squeeze your thighs and glutes. Again, you may feel it
working but it doesn't do anything to get the results you

You may have perceived that to be true, because the women
that were doing them in the classes were already in shape
to begin with, thus giving you the illusion that it works
to create slimmer, thinner thighs.

Again, if you're looking for only the best exercises to
firm your thighs. Side to side lunges are the ones to do.

For this exercise you need a set of dumbbells. Use weight
that is challenging. Stand with your feet together,
holding the dumbbells to your sides.

Then take a step out to the side and as you do that move
the dumbbells so that one is to the inside of your inner
thigh, and the other is to the outside of your thigh.

As you step to the side, you also bend down, much like you
would as a squat. Then step back to the middle. Perform
each side at a time, then move to the next.

Stick to doing what works, and you will see your thighs
getting slimmer and sexier in just a few short weeks.

Heather Picken, Female Fat Loss Expert, and Co-Founder Of
Fat Loss For Women online community. Learn the secrets to
the best hip, thigh, and glute exercises that work: Sign up
for the latest fat burning secrets and receive your FREE
copy of "Blast Cellulite Now"

Use Tryptophan To Boost Your Levels Of The Feel-Good Hormone

Use Tryptophan To Boost Your Levels Of The Feel-Good Hormone
Tryptophan is one of the "essential" amino acids;
"essential" in this context meaning that it cannot be
produced by the body, and must therefore be obtained from
dietary sources. The best dietary sources of tryptophan
are the animal proteins known as first class proteins
because they contain all ten essential amino acids;
principally meat, including poultry, fish and dairy
produce. Second class proteins are typically obtained from
vegetables, grains, nuts and beans, and contain some but
not all of the essential amino acids. Taken in appropriate
combinations, however, these food types can also help
provide the full range of essential amino acids.

As an essential amino acid, tryptophan has an important
general role, together with the other twenty or so amino
acids which have been identified, in the production of the
countless thousands of proteins which form much of the
body's tissue. Many of the enzymes which control the
countless biochemical reactions which are vital for health
are also formed from protein, as are the antibodies that
fight disease.

More specifically, there is good evidence that taking
tryptophan as an individual amino acid in the form of a
dietary supplement may increase the amount of serotonin
produced by the body. Serotonin has become popularly known
as the "feel-good hormone", or the body's own natural
tranquiliser, and the body's production of serotonin is
very heavily dependent on its intake of tryptophan.

The fact that tryptophan is the most organically complex of
the amino acids makes it the most expensive to obtain in
supplement form, but the importance of serotonin to health,
particularly mental health, may nevertheless make it well
worth considering in certain circumstances.

Good levels of serotonin are also required for the
production of melatonin, the hormone which is principally
responsible for the maintenance of regular cycles of sleep
and wakefulness, and consequently has a profound effect on
overall health. Tryptophan (or 5 hydroxy-tryptophan) has
therefore been commonly recommended for those suffering
from insomnia and other sleep disturbances, but it has also
been used to tackle a range of conditions including
depression, anxiety and panic attacks, migraine, obsessive
compulsive and attention deficit disorders, social phobias,
eating disorders and even autism.

Perhaps most excitement, however, has been generated by
tryptophan's apparent role in controlling the appetite.
Serotonin is known to be secreted on the digestion of
carbohydrate, helping to produce that feeling of
satisfaction and fullness following a meal which is an
important signal to the body to stop eating. There is some
evidence, therefore, that supplements of tryptophan may
help with weight loss for those following reduced calorie
control programs by reducing the sensation of hunger; in
effect by tricking the body into believing it is fuller
than it actually is.

Supplements are normally taken in three doses totalling
between 150 – 300 mg a day, preferably taken on an empty
stomach. Side effects are only very rarely seen at such
levels, and have been confined to minor digestive upsets
and headaches. Such supplementation should not be continued
for too long, however, because amino acids operate in a
complementary manner, and their proper functioning may be
disturbed if an imbalance is created through single
supplements. It is therefore not recommended that any
supplementation with tryptophan should be continued for
longer than three months, and it should be avoided in any
case during pregnancy and while taking anti-depressant
drugs. Tryptophan may also cause drowsiness and so is also
contra-indicated for use when high levels of alertness are
required, eg whilst driving. And, as always, the
holistic nature of the body's functioning should be
stressed; meaning that amino acids, including tryptophan,
are no different from any nutrient or supplement in that
they will perform correctly only when at least adequate
amounts of all the nutrients needed by the body are present.

So if taking supplements of tryptophan, you should ensure
that you continue to include good supplies of high quality
protein foods in your diet; and for maximum absorption and
optimum effect these should be taken with plentiful
quantities, including supplements if necessary, of all
necessary vitamins and minerals. But in the case of
tryptophan, in particular, it appears that vitamin B6 and
vitamin C are especially important, and in precise
proportions, if serotonin is to be released, and that 1,000
mg of vitamin C and 100 mg of B6 are required for each
2,000 mg of tryptophan.

Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter specialising in
direct marketing and with a particular interest in health
products. Find out more at