Monday, October 8, 2007

The 4 Steps of Personal Change for Adults with AD/HD

The 4 Steps of Personal Change for Adults with AD/HD
Adult Attention Deficit Disorder (AD/HD) offers many gifts.
I've never met an adult with AD/HD who wasn't creative,
compassionate, and driven, in one form or another. We hold
in abundance many qualities that the rest of world
sometimes seems to lack.

But while AD/HD has its upside, there is no denying that
many of us often find ourselves out of sync with the rest
of the world. Our time management skills are usually poor.
Our abilities to prioritize and organize often need work.
And a host of other challenges present themselves when an
adult with AD/HD tries to thrive in a world full of

Like everyone else, there are things about ourselves that
we find we need to change. If it were easy to change old
habits and thought patterns, there would be no need for
therapists, coaches, or self-help books. Life would be
simple. And it would be boring.

When positive, personal changes are adapted, like
sharpening time management skills or adapting techniques
for better focus, the result is a renewed sense of
confidence and an increase in the options that are
available to us. I've always thought of change as a 4-part


It's information that inspires change. Becoming educated
about AD/HD and the way it can affect adults is the first
step to identifying changes that need to be made. This
stage can last quite a long time before the next step is
undertaken. Knowledge is like a seed and the mind, all by
itself, is a fertile garden.

2. Awareness

Self-awareness is key when making personal change. It's
impossible to change that which we are not aware of. An
adult with AD/HD must practice self awareness in all areas
of life to determine what's working, and what isn't. This
is a time when one begins to realize that certain behaviors
and actions have propelled you forward, and others have
held you back.

3. Reframing

It's important to realize that every person always does the
best they can. No one purposefully under-performs,
under-achieves, or disappoints. When you give yourself
enough credit to explore why you might do certain things
the way you do, you can reframe your behaviors and actions
with the understanding that they are there for a reason,
and not because you are inadequate.

4. Action

The action step often happens on its own. When an adult
with AD/HD gains knowledge, practices awareness, and
realizes the positive reasons that change needs to take
place, action will unconsciously follow.

Change is something that we will practice our entire lives.
Real, lasting change takes time, and can't be rushed.

Jennifer Koretsky is the Founder of the ADD Management
Group, Inc. and the author of the new book Odd One Out: The
Maverick's Guide to Adult ADD. Jennifer and her team work
with ADD adults who are overwhelmed with everyday life in
order to help them simplify, focus, and succeed. For free
resources and information on adult ADD, visit . To learn more about Odd One
Out, visit .

Skin Signs of Good Health

Skin Signs of Good Health
Skin is the largest organ of the body and its condition can
be a reflection of a person's health. If a person's skin
looks unhealthy, it can often mean that the person as a
whole is unhealthy. This may be due to poor diet in terms
of their daily eating habits. Everything you eat and drink
will affect the appearance of your skin. Therefore, it is
very important to care for both the skin and body every
day. The skin works to prevent toxins from penetrating deep
into the body. It fights elements by electo-statically
filtering chemicals out of the air and concentrating these
polluted cells in the top layer of the skin before shedding
them. That is why polluted environments are so hard on our
skin. If you are not eating plenty of healthy foods, your
skin will show it. If you are drinking too much alcohol or
smoking, the same results take place. You must take care of
your skin on a daily basis to prevent aging. You can do
this by eating wholesome foods, drinking plenty of water,
cleansing properly, and avoiding numerous toxins that will
keep your skin from looking and being its best. You will
never have to reverse the damage that could occur
throughout the years, if good care starts early in life. If
you have already experienced damage, it is not too late for
you. Your body is always regenerating itself, and given the
right treatment, you can reverse damage. The sooner you
start the better. Some basic tips to start with are:
• Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.
• Drink plenty of water- 8-12, 8oz glasses a day.
• Use natural sun block for skin and hair.
• Eat plenty of healthy, vitamin-rich foods, as many
vegetables as you can each day. • Avoid smoking.
• Avoid excessive drinking of alcohol.
• Eliminate process foods from your diet.
• Eliminate high fat foods from your diet.
• Use natural skin care products; no mineral oil or
petroleum products on the skin.

I want to elaborate on the Eat healthy foods. I started
improving my diet 30 years ago in 1976; the difference in
my health and the health of my family and friends who still
consume fast foods, soft drinks, and processes foods is
unmistakable. Women's health is at great risk because of
the lack of quality foods and the consumption of process
high fat foods. At almost 53 I am in great health and
physical condition. My weight is stable even though I have
gone thru menopause. My energy is high even though I am
over 50, I feel as good as I did at 30 and did I mention I
have birthed and raised five children? Eat as many
vegetables as you can in a day is too vague. Eat
vegetables at every meal. If you are traveling and you
have a chance to eat a salad for breakfast, do it. Eat at
least two vegetables with lunch and dinner and snack on
vegetables. When you are home be sure to keep carrots,
celery, broccoli and cauliflower available to snack on. Do
not keep chips or candy in your home. Let your family
members know you intend to preserve your health or reclaim
it whatever the case may be and ask them to join you.

When I started 30 years ago this information was not so
available as it is today. Everywhere you look if you
become conscious of this conversation you will see support
for your wellness. I have a complaint with the health care
industry. I prefer to call it disease care when you are
taught to manage your disease not to preserve your health.
I am committed to helping you preserve your health and
wellness before disease strikes and I believe with a little
research you will see it is possible to avoid disease even
the common health problem of your specific family. Take
charge and have your health for the rest of your life. Take
this as an inspiration today and look for other daily
inspirations that move you to understand new levels of
health. Make a commitment to find an article daily, that
confirms your commitment to great health for the rest of
your life.

If you look around ,you will see everywhere there are
support systems to equip you in your quest for health and
wellness. I want this article to motivate and inspire you
in the direction of health and personal power. I know if
you have physical health it is more likely you will have
spiritual and emotional health as well. Start today! Get

If you look around, you will see everywhere there are
support systems to equip you in your quest for health and
wellness. I want this article to motivate and inspire you
in the direction of health and personal power. I know if
you have physical health it is more likely you will have
spiritual and emotional health as well. Start today! Get

Chelation - An Astounding Answer to Pain and Disability

Chelation - An Astounding Answer to Pain and Disability
In my many years of searching for the answers to difficult
health problems and in treating and coaching patients to
wellness, I discovered the underlying causes of most
degenerative diseases. Cells full of toxic substances can't
function properly because they are poisoned.

Most doctors have no clue about the poisoning of our bodies
and know even less about how to diagnose chemical and heavy
metal poisoning. Almost all medical tests either measure
what's in the blood or look at anatomy (x-rays, MRI, etc.)

Your body is so smart that it quickly moves any toxin out
of the blood to protect the organs that must keep you
alive, like the heart, lungs, kidneys and others. So it
stores toxins in the tissues. Eventually the toxin level
gets so high that you feel terrible. Your doctor takes a
blood test for heavy metals, finds none and tells you that
your blood tests are normal, "there's nothing wrong with
you" or "you just have to live with it."

I never believed those statements, so I kept searching for
answers for my patients with difficult problems.

That's when I learned that they needed to "get the lead"
out quite literally. But how do you prove they are toxic
and then how do you treat them?

Turns out that a process called chelation therapy does
both. Administer a chelating agent, then collect urine and
bowel movements and send them to the lab to test for heavy
metals. We saw a lot of lead, cadmium, nickel, aluminum
and mercury leave people's bodies.

As you clean up the cells, the tissues and organs begin to
function better and pretty soon you're feeling better.

Why is it called chelation therapy?

Chelate means "claw", to grab something and hold onto it.
In chelation therapy doctors administer EDTA, an amino acid
complex into the blood stream as an IV. As EDTA circulates
through the body it grabs toxic metals like lead, cadmium,
nickel, aluminum and even mercury, holds onto them tightly
and flushes those toxins out through the kidneys.

The IV administration assures that the EDTA reaches the
tissues that need to unload their toxic accumulations. If
you swallow a pill containing EDTA, very little of it
reaches your tissues because it is not absorbed well via
the oral route.

In fact, if you pass EDTA through your digestive tract
regularly, it may deplete you of the necessary minerals
that keep your cells running efficiently since EDTA also
binds to the minerals you need and flushes them out through
the kidneys.

You've probably read all the hype about taking EDTA orally,
but beware. I do not recommend taking EDTA orally. It has
limited effectiveness and can potentially cause mineral
deficits in your body leading to fatigue and other symptoms.

Here's the good news.

You can now chelate at home with a form of EDTA
administration that's well absorbed and may even be more
effective than administering EDTA intravenously. And it's a
lot cheaper than IV chelation, which costs well over $100
per treatment for 30 or more treatments. The at-home
chelation is safer, more convenient, more effective and
more affordable.

There's so much more to share with you about chelation
therapy. Here's how to jump start your learning process:
Take a look at the new chelation therapy for you .

Dr. Tillman, fondly known as Dr. Jo, offers practical
information and advice for regaining or maintaining optimal
health. She has coached thousands of peiople to higher
levels of health in her 36 years as an MD, including 25
years in integrative and natural medicine. Visit Dr.
Tillman's informative web site at:

Why it is so Important to Eat Breakfast?

Why it is so Important to Eat Breakfast?
We have been told time and time again that breakfast is the
most important meal of the day, yet nearly one-fifth of all
adults choose to pass on the Wheaties. What is the big deal
about breakfast? Can a solid breakfast really make or break
your fitness goals? Read on as I answer your most pressing
questions on this popular subject...

Why eat Breakfast?

Let's dissect the word 'breakfast'. When you take it apart
you find two words with an all-important hidden message.
Break - Fast. I can hear your wheels spinning on this one!
That's right, breakfast is the meal that breaks the fast
that your body goes into each and every night when you

When breakfast is skipped, your body continues to fast
until you eat later in the day.

Two Reasons Why You Shouldn't Skip Breakfast:

Reason #1: Your brain needs fuel to function at its peak.

This fuel comes in the form of glucose derived from food
and is needed to walk, talk and perform all other
activities. When you skip breakfast your brain is forced to
work extra hard in breaking down stored carbohydrates or to
turn fats and proteins into usable forms of glucose. Eating
breakfast has been proven to improve concentration,
increase your problem solving capabilities, enhance overall
mental performance and even boosts your memory and mood.

Reason #2: Your metabolism will go into 'famine' mode.

Three to four hours after you eat, your metabolism shuts
down and acts as if it needs to store food. This is a great
function to have if a famine were to break out, leaving you
without food for days. Since this is likely not the case
for you, it is pretty annoying when your body starts
packing on the pounds in an attempt to protect you from
starvation! Eating breakfast communicates with your body
the fact that you are healthy, well fed and not in need of
extra fat storage.

What about the cut calories?

"Skipping breakfast is how I cut calories out of my diet."
I can't tell you how often I hear this response when I
encourage people to eat breakfast. What these "calorie
cutters" don't realize is that they are the ones who turn
to snacking later in the day in an attempt to ward off low
energy levels. Allowing your body to become over-hungry
leads to distorted satiety signals, and leaves the door
wide open for overeating later in the day.

Start your day with breakfast and then continue to eat
smaller meals and snacks throughout the day for optimal
calorie burning.

What's for Breakfast?

Now that you are convinced that breakfast is worth your
time, it's time to decide what to have! A recent study done
by FoodWatch, a Minnesota-based consulting firm that
watches food trends, revealed that most people are
basically eating dessert for breakfast, due to the high
quantities of on-the-go breakfast foods that are processed,
packaged and pumped full of refined carbohydrates. Another
study recently proved that high fiber, low fat breakfasts
promote healthy weight control much more effectively than
highly refined breakfast foods.

Try the following On-The-Go Breakfast Selections for a
blend of hearty carbohydrates, protein and fat and
experience optimal morning energy.

* Low Fat Yogurt with Fresh Fruit
* Low Fat Cottage Cheese and a Cherry Oatmeal Muffin
* Hard Boiled Egg and Whole Wheat Toast
* Scrambled Egg White on Half a Bagel
* Whole Wheat Tortilla rolled with Scrambled Egg Beaters
and Salsa
* Soy Milk with Whole Grain Cereal and Fresh Fruit

Machelle Lee owns and operates The Invisible Gym in Santa
Cruz, CA. Her mission is to inspire people to become
physically active and enjoy the benefits of a balanced,
healthy lifestyle. For more information and questions you
can visit her website.

Diabetes In General

Diabetes In General
There are three different types of diabetes that are very
common today. Diabetes effects millions of people around
the world and it can be a life threatening disease if it is
not properly treated or treated in time. Many people may
not even know that they have diabetes. That is why it is so
important to talk to your doctor about your family history
and get regular checkups with your doctor.

Getting the right medications for your health conditions is
very important. With the right medicines and a good
exercise program, along with a good diet, you should be
able to take care of yourself with only some limitations.
Being able to lead a normal life after being diagnosed with
diabetes is very important and with the right care it
should not be a problem for you.

Some people are choosing to only try natural remedies,
which can benefit your diabetes symptoms almost as well as
a prescribed medicine, but others may not have a choice but
to have insulin injections, sometimes as often as six times
per day. Listening to your health care physician is vital
after being diagnosed with diabetes. He will be able to
assist you on what types of medicines that you will need.
He will also talk to you more about which kind of exercise
program you will need to start on. And, of course, your
diet which is vital to maintain.

After being diagnosed with diabetes you will have to
monitor your blood sugar levels every single day. Your
doctor might even ask you to keep a journal on these daily
readings so that he will have the ability to view them upon
your follow up visits. This will keep him informed on your
progress and allow him to make any slight adjustments that
may be needed to your medications. He will be able to
determine by these daily readings if your medications,diet
and exercise program are helping you as much as they should
be. If not, then he will know what needs to be done from
there. It is important to keep up with this kind of
information for him so you will have the proper treatments.

Different Types of Diabetes

There are three different types of diabetes that are very
common today.

Type1 Type2 Gestational

When a woman becomes pregnant she will find that during the
last trimester of her pregnancy her doctor will be checking
her for what is called gestational diabetes. Usually if a
woman is diagnosed with this type of diabetes during
pregnancy, after giving birth, their glucose levels will go
back to normal. The risk of diabetes is still there, up to
10 years after delivery or if she has a family history of
diabetes. If a woman develops this type of diabetes during
her pregnancy, her child will be at higher risk of becoming
diabetic sometime throughout their life.

The most common type of diabetes is Type 2 diabetes. This
is the kind of diabetes where the patient is not dependent
on insulin shots. Being overweight has a lot to do with
someone getting this type of diabetes, however, that is not
the only thing to blame for it. With some people it may be
genetic while with others it is caused by a high blood
pressure level. Becoming physically active can help when
treating this type of diabetes, along with a proper diet
and medicine that your doctor will prescribe. He can give
you an exercise program to follow along with the right
kinds of food you should be eating. It is important that
you follow everything that he informs you to do.

The other kind of diabetes is Type 1 diabetes. This type is
usually caused by pure genetics or your diet. This type of
diabetes means that you are insulin dependent. Depending on
the severity of this type of diabetes will determine how
many shots you will need each and every day. As with the
other types of diabetes it is vital that you put yourself
on a regular exercise program along with a proper diet.
Always get regular check ups with your family doctor. The
patients pancreas is not producing any amount of insulin at
all and that is the reason it is called autoimmune
diabetes. It is the most dangerous if not treated properly.

Enjoying Sweets With Your Diabetes

Many people believe that people with diabetes can not, in
any way, have the enjoyments of indulging occasionally or
ever, in getting to eat sweets. Those of you who are
suffering with diabetes, if you do not already know, will
be very happy to hear that you can in fact enjoy those
sweet pleasures once in awhile. It is all about moderation,
not just for people suffering from diabetes, but for
everyone. The problem with any foods that are bad for us,
is that so many of us eat entirely too much.

Studies have shown that people with diabetes that do enjoy
the occasional sweets do have to worry about their blood
sugars rising a little bit too quickly, but that also
happens with any kinds of fatty carbohydrate foods that a
diabetic might eat. I am not telling all diabetics to go
out and get sweets anytime they please but just that if you
choose to, if you crave it, if you feel like you need it,
go for it, just do not over indulge yourself too much ok.
It is important to keep your blood sugar in check at all
times when you have diabetes.

If you do decide you want sweets one evening, just plan for
the occasion, eat less carbohydrates throughout the day to
give your body a fair shot at a tasty treat. Just remember
to watch your portions. If you are creating your own
special sweets then perhaps you could consider substituting
the real sugar for one of the new substitues . That is very
helpful when trying to watch your weight and also keeping
an eye on your blood sugar levels. Having diabetes does not
mean that you are going to suffer from now on with cravings
that you can not ever satisfy.

Drinking Coffee For Diabetes

Now for the really good news for coffee drinkers. It has
been discovered that drinking caffeine coffee actually
reduces your risks of becoming a diabetic and it also helps
in the many types of treatments for people who have type 2
diabetes. Many people may not be aware of this, so you
should all consider doing a little research on the ways
that coffee can actually help your health and talk it over
with your family doctor. Several studies have been done on
whether or not this is really accurate and the results are
overwhelming in the ways that coffee can actually help your
health. Usually women have more of a resistance to
insulin than men do, so women may benefit from this
knowledge more than anyone else. The fact of the matter is
that with these studies, they have actually found that the
risks for diabetes is going down somewhat with the increase
of coffee consumption. Many people might be really happy
with these findings because drinking coffee is something
that many people all around the world enjoy, usually on an
everyday basis.

If you are suffering from type 2 diabetes, drinking coffee
several times a day will help with your insulin secretion
because of the effects coffee has on your gastrointestinal
hormones throughout your body. Coffee can lower the
absorption rate of your glucose, reducing your chances of
suffering complications down the road with your type 2
diabetes. Not only does your consumption of caffeine
coffees help reduce your risks of diabetes and helps in
treating some diabetes, it will also help in controlling a
woman's cholesterol levels.

Janice Lockeby has published several articles about
diabetes. They include how to lower your blood sugar by
exercise and proper diet. Being the wife and mother of
diabetics for many years, her knowledge about what works
and what doesn't is extensive. You can see for yourself by
visiting her at

Alternative Therapy: How to Get Started

Alternative Therapy: How to Get Started
If you are interested in alternative therapy you are not
alone. Although alternative therapy may not be known as a
standard way of practicing health, it has been shown time
and time again that this can work for some people. The
fact of the matter is that alternative therapy is on the up
and up, and this is only going to continue to hold true for
the foreseeable future. Of course, if you are interested in
alternative therapy there is quite a bit that you need to
know before you can get started.

Getting started with alternative therapy is a process in
its own right. Remember, you are taking a risk when you
start to use alternative therapy as opposed to a more
practiced form of care. But even then, you need to remember
that alternative therapy often times works better for some
people than the more standard practices that have been used
for many years. To get started, you first need to determine
what type of alternative therapy is available for the
illness you are attempting to treat.

If you are like most people, you probably begin your
research online. From there, you can visit a doctor that
specializes in alternative therapy. This will help you to
get a complete overview of what is available as well as
what you should move forward with.

There are many ways that you can find help regarding
alternative therapy. If you are interested in alternative
therapy, you should consider the many resources that are
available. Although you may not find as many resources on
alternative health as standard medicine, there are still
plenty out there for you to look into.

1. When it comes to finding information on alternative
therapy it does not get much better than the internet.
There are many websites maintained by alternative health
doctors, people who practice alternative health, etc. Just
remember, everything you read online is not necessarily
true. But with that being said, you should be able to find
plenty of information concerning alternative therapy online.

2. As of late, more and more books on alternative health
have been published. By purchasing one of these you will
get top notch information about this way of life. The nice
thing about a book on alternative therapy is that it is
more than likely written by somebody in the know. This
means that you will get top notch information.

3. There are many doctors who specialize in alternative
health. Of course, you are not going to find these doctors
at your local hospital, so you may have to search around a
bit. The best place to search for an alternative health
doctor is in the local phone book. You may be surprised to
find that there are many of these professionals in your

Once you find several of them all you have to do is choose
the right one.

Listed above are three places to find information on
alternative therapy. You may be aware of other resources as
well. If so, you should look into using them to find all of
the information that you need. It does not matter where you
find information on alternative therapy as long as it is
accurate and reliable.

The actual step of starting alternative therapy can be the
most difficult. This is when you have to decide whether or
not you are going to move forward with the treatment
process. If you do your research you will know what you
should do.

All in all, getting started with alternative therapy may
take some time if you are going to research every last

Visit her alternative therapy website at for information on
Chinese herbal medicine, feng shui life, Yoga, Meditation,
New Age, Subliminal Learning and much more.

Natural Acne Remedies

Natural Acne Remedies
Natural acne remedies are proven as an effective strategy
to treat acne. Acne is a common skin disorder that occurs
in most people. It is manifested in the different parts of
the body such as face, neck, shoulder, back and buttocks.
Acne can be ignored but, for people who are conscious about
their beauty and complexion, it will definitely be a
problem. Since the present world is after glamour, acne
requires special attention from the early stages. Even
though, many treatments are offered, such as conventional
and alternative, natural remedies have the cutting edge in
acne treatment.

Now, the popularity of the remedies is increasing since
people are becoming more aware about the side effects of
the chemicals used in conventional treatment. Natural
remedies have no such problem and are assured to be
completely safe, as the products used for the treatment are
purely natural, which most often does not have any side
effects. Also, the major drawback of acne is the left over

The natural remedies are supposed to offer permanent cures
for scars, if used continuously for longer period of time.
Moreover, they can act preventively against future acne

Natural remedies for acne were being used in the ancient
times as well - ancient literature specifies many of such
treatments for queens and beauties. The traditional
medicine systems such as Chinese traditional medicine,
Indian medicinal system-Ayurveda, and Kempo-the Japanese
medicinal system, are effective in present circumstances
too. Many of the alternative medicine systems such as
homeopathy also depend on natural remedies for treatment.
The natural treatment utilizes herbs, seeds, flowers,
leaves, roots and minerals.

These remedies are commonly used as topical application,
but oral remedies are also available. They can be utilized
in different preparation such as poultice, powder, and
decoction. They're focused to cure the basic underlying
cause of the acne. Acne appears because of the infection of
bacteria in the clogged follicle - the natural remedies
have active ingredients such as anti bacterial cleansers,
which help to heal the bacterial infection and open up the
skin pores. In addition to the acne treatment, they help to
improve the complexion of the skin, since most of the
natural remedies for acne are natural bleaching agents also.

Turmeric is one of the common ones. It can be mixed with
the milk or curd to apply on the skin. In some Asian
countries like India, it was a common habit to use turmeric
while bathing, as the cleansing agent. Honey is also a
proven natural acne remedy. It can be applied in the face
directly or can be mixed with other remedies such as sandal
wood or lemon juice. The vegetables and fruits such as
tomato, carrot, cucumber, and orange have also used as
packs on the skin. Some recommend streaming and massaging,
as part of the remedy treatment. Now, as a result of the
increased popularity of the natural remedies, many beauty
centers offer them.

Natural acne remedies for acne also suggest lifestyle
modifications, such as to follow a recommended diet and
regular exercise. The recommended diet must include zinc
and vitamins in sufficient qualities as they are proven to
be effective in the acne treatment. Mental relaxation
techniques are also practiced to avoid the stress and
strain of the modern living conditions.

For more about acne solutions visit - the only acne portal you
will ever need. HealthTM is also the one-stop portal for
other health topics, check it out:

What is Alcohol Addiction?

What is Alcohol Addiction?
Alcohol addiction is a devastating disease that affects
millions of individuals worldwide. When one experiences an
addiction to alcohol, they become dependent on it as the
factor that starts to control all aspects of their life.

The addiction is both physical and mental. These
individuals lose every ounce of control they have when it
comes to consuming alcohol. They feel as if they must
drink. Normally, these individuals do not stop drinking
until they have actually passed out from consuming too much.

Eventually, it gets to the point in which the person must
consume larger amounts to get the same feelings of euphoria
that the consumption provided in the past. If an individual
attempts to quit consuming the substance, they will
actually experience a withdrawal which includes anxiety,
nausea, and similar symptoms. The withdrawal that many
people experience is similar to those addicted to drugs who
cease engaging in drug activity.

Many individuals who experience an alcohol addiction find
that it leads to numerous complications in their life. This
may include problems at work, relationship troubles, issues
with health, and even problems that are legal in nature.
When an individual has an addiction to alcohol, they will
normally continue to drink even when these negative
consequences and issues keep occurring.

When a person experiences the demoralizing disease of
alcohol addiction, it lasts the entire lifetime. It does
not disappear, but can be held in a state of remission by
not drinking any more. There are many common risks that are
associated with developing this disease. Many individuals
simply make the wrong choices and ended up becoming
addicted to this substance. Many individuals have a genetic
predisposition to developing an addiction of this nature.
While there is no known cure for this disease, there are
many preventive measures that an individual with an alcohol
addiction can practice to avoid consuming this substance.

If you are a person who believes that you may be addicted
to alcohol, there are many common indicators that may mean
that you have a problem. They are:

• Drinking early in the morning

• Hiding your drinking

• Having feelings of guilt when drinking

• Others have mentioned that you may have a problem

• You feel as if you need to drink

• If you do not drink, you experience anxiety

• You want to quit, but cannot seem to control the urge to

• If you do not drink, you actually feel sick

If you find that any of the above situations sound
familiar, you may have an issue with alcohol addiction.
There are many places that you can seek assistance with
this medical condition. You should enlist the help of a
friend or someone in your family to help as far as
emotional support while receiving help for your problem.

It is important to understand, that while getting help for
alcohol addiction, it is best to completely eliminate this
substance from your life. Many individuals try to quit
drinking a little at a time, but since an addiction to
alcohol makes a person lose control, this may not work.
This is true even in individuals who have the best of

Alcohol addiction is a widespread disease. In the United
States alone, nearly forty five percent of people drink
large amounts of alcohol. In addition to this figure, there
are many preteens and teenagers that meet the criteria for
alcohol addiction.

This is a devastating fact. Not only can alcohol addiction
pose a severe financial strain on the individual that
suffers from it, it also increases the possibility of
experiencing a life threatening condition. Furthermore, it
can take a toll on those that you love and care about. If
you suffer from alcohol addiction, take a stand and get the
assistance that you need.

Pick up your Free 101 page Addiction Recovery Help Guide
just for visiting our site. Bill Urell MA.CAAP-II, is an
addictions therapist at a leading treatment center,
teaching healthy recovery skills. Visit:

Why Lipoic Acid Is Much More Than Just Another Anti-Oxidant

Why Lipoic Acid Is Much More Than Just Another Anti-Oxidant
Lipoic acid, also known as alpha-lipoic acid or thioctic
acid, is a vitamin like compound produced naturally by the
body in very limited quantities, but which may also be
obtained from various dietary sources.

The lipoic acid produced in the body is closely bound to
certain proteins and is essential to work in harmony with
the B complex vitamins for the release of energy from food.
No symptoms have ever been attributed to a deficiency of
this type of lipoic acid, suggesting that the body is
always able to manufacture a sufficient supply for this
purpose. Research has focussed, however, on the possible
benefits of high dose supplementation with what is known as
"free lipoic acid", which does not bind with proteins in
the body.

Lipoic acid functions as an anti-oxidant, assisting in the
destruction of the free radicals which may damage cell DNA
and membranes. However, lipoic acid is found in tiny
quantities when compared with other anti-oxidants such as
vitamins C and E, and the enzyme, glutathione. Moreover,
any increase in lipoic acid activity obtained through
supplementation is likely to be short lived. The real
anti-oxidant importance of lipoic acid, however, lies in
its capacity to recharge and renew these other
anti-oxidants, consequently enhancing their potency.

Lipoic acid has also been shown to stimulate the production
of glutathione in the body, a particularly important
consideration in the case of the elderly who commonly have
difficulty synthesising this enzyme and are consequently
more vulnerable to the free radical attack which may damage
cells and ultimately contribute to degenerative disease.

Research has suggested that high doses of lipoic acid may
assist individuals with type 2 (non-insulin dependent)
diabetes by improving glucose regulation and reducing the
resistance to insulin which is characteristic of this form
of the disease. Doses of 600 mg per day and more have been
shown to enhance the action of insulin in type 2 diabetic
individuals by as much as 25% after four weeks. It is much
less clear, however, whether such courses of treatment will
maintain similar benefits in the longer term.

There are also indications that lipoic acid may be
effective in the alleviation of the pain and weakness
commonly suffered by diabetic individuals as a result of
peripheral nerve damage, particularly in the lower legs and
feet. Close control of blood glucose levels has been found
to be the best means of preventing this diabetic
neuropathy, and although research suggests intravenous
supplementation to be the most effective, both oral and
intravenous supplements of lipoic acid are approved as
treatments in Germany.

It has been suggested that lipoic acid's role in improving
circulation and the general health of the vascular system
may be responsible for its mitigation of the effects of
diabetic neuropathy, but orthodox opinion is that more long
term studies are required to establish this link.
Supplementation in the case of diabetics should in any case
only be undertaken under medical supervision.

But the possible benefits of lipoic acid don't end here.
Lipoic acid is a valuable tonic for the liver, assisting
its regeneration and recovery from hepatitis and toxic
assaults such as drug, alcohol or fungal poisoning. A
number of animal experiments have also appeared to show
that supplements may restrict the activity of an enzyme
associated with the progression of multiple sclerosis. As
always, however, in the cautious world of orthodox
medicine, it is argued that more long-term studies are
needed before any definitive statements are made.

Likewise, although there have been some encouraging
indications that lipoic acid may have a positive effect in
slowing down memory loss, age-related cognitive decline and
dementias, including Alzheimer's disease, larger long-term
trials are needed before any definitive statements can be
expected from the scientific community.

As always with supplementation, however, it is a question
of weighing large potential benefits against the risks.
As indicated above, lipoic acid is approved as a medical
treatment in Germany and is freely available as a food
supplement in the US and elsewhere. The few adverse
reactions to oral supplements which have been recorded have
been confined to relatively minor skin irritations and
gastric upsets.

Moreover, good food sources are limited to the unpopular
offal and dark green leafy vegetables, and even the best of
these will provide only a tiny fraction of the
bio-available lipoic acid that can be obtained from
supplements. Indeed, because of the difficulty in
absorbing lipoic acid in the presence of food, this is one
of the very few cases where it's recommended that
supplements should be taken on an empty stomach

It needs to be stressed again, however, that because of its
potential effects on blood sugar regulation diabetics
should not embark on a course of supplements without first
seeking medical advice.

Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter specialising in
direct marketing and with a particular interest in health
Find out more at

Two Flat Stomach Secrets For Women

Two Flat Stomach Secrets For Women
Have you tried everything under the sun to get a flat
stomach, only to come up disappointed? Have you fallen prey
to all the gimmicks, fad diets and shameless infomercials
promising you that elusive flat stomach that you desire?

Well fret no more, I'm going to let you in on the two
'secrets' that will help you shed unwanted fat and reveal
your toned, flat stomach once and for all.

The first secret for a flat stomach is eating supportively.
While this doesn't seem like a secret at all, most women
get this wrong in spite of their best - but misguided -
efforts. Women have fallen prey to low-fat, low-carb,
Hollywood, grapefruit, South Beach and every other over
hyped diet that marketers can dream up, all in hopes of
shedding those unwanted pounds. But eating supportively is
isn't about dieting or deprivation; it's about moderation
and balance. While cutting carbs or fats out of your
nutrition plan might give you a temporary loss of a couple
of pounds, it's typically followed by a drop in metabolism
and a weight gain of more than you lost in the first place
once you go back to your old eating habits.

So what is eating supportively? Eating supportively is
having protein and carbohydrates at every meal. It's
grazing on 4-6 meals or snack each day instead of missing
meals and then gorging yourself. It's enjoying a healthy
breakfast and not drinking your calories. But most of all,
eating supportively is enjoying the foods you love in
moderation instead of in excess.

If eating supportively is the first secret to a flat
stomach, then what's the second? The second flat stomach
secret is resistance training. Unfortunately, just as fad
diets have stood in the path of women achieving the flat
stomachs they so desired, so have the myths of spot
reduction and cardio being the best method for fat loss.
Late night infomercials have long promoted gadgets that
promised to spot reduce those trouble spots that women
struggle with and sucked us in with testimonials from
fitness models that undoubtedly picked up a nifty paycheck
for endorsing their wares. But spot reduction is a myth.
Think about it - have you ever met someone with a flat
stomach and fat arms? Didn't think so. If spot reduction
was possible then undoubtedly one of these happy customers
would have toned and tightened their stomach, yet kept
their flabby arms.

The other myth that has led women astray is the belief that
cardio is the best solution for fat loss. Treadmill
manufacturers have sold the virtues of the 'fat burning
zone' and led us to believe that we could plod along on a
treadmill watching Oprah and before long a flat stomach
would be ours. These two myths have diverted us from the
path of what really does work - resistance training.
Resistance training is a flat stomach's best friend because
not only does an effective resistance training session burn
plenty of calories while you're doing it, but it keeps
you're metabolism revved long after you're done. One
recent study showed that you're metabolism would stay
elevated for over 36 hours after a resistance training

Try to get that out of an aerobics class.

And there's another benefit of resistance training when it
comes to getting a flat stomach. The lean muscle that you
gain will raise you're resting metabolic rate and help you
burn more fat all day long, each and every day.

There you have it, two 'secrets' that are guaranteed to
boost your metabolism and give you that flat stomach you've
been longing for. So ditch the diet books and the aerobics
classes and start eating supportively and resistance
training. Before long that flat stomach will finally be

Holly Rigsby is a nationally recognized women's fitness
coach, certified personal trainer (CPT) and the author of
the internationally popular e-book - Fit Yummy Mummy - Burn
Your Baby Fat & Get Your Body Back. Go to to get your FREE copy of her
special report: "The Five Ways To Boost Your Metabolism."

Sedu Hairstyle Tips

Sedu Hairstyle Tips
Almost everyone wants to be like the "rich and famous".
Most folks aren't able to have the same homes, cars, or
clothes, but a celebrity hairstyle is certainly within
anyone's reach! Your basic Sedu Hairstyle Tips will show
you a easy way to add glamour to a special occasion or perk
up a tired image. Unfortunately, many hairstyles require
expensive supplies and trained assistance, so it's
difficult to achieve that certain look of royalty figures
and A-listers. However, there is one way that the average
Joe or Jane can capture the modern allure of the slinky,
glossy hair modeled by today's celebrities. Sedu hairstyles
were fist made famous by Jennifer Anniston and Jennifer

Step 1. Prepare hair...Moistening shampoo should be used
on dry hair; volatizing shampoo should be used on fine
hair; anti-frizz shampoo should be used on uncontrollable
hair, and color enhanced products for dyed or highlighted
hair. All of these hair types should also utilize
conditioner and a wide-toothed comb for detangling.

Step 2. Dry hair...The hair should be thoroughly air or
towel-dried, since straightening damp hair actually "fries"
it, making it appear dry and frizzy. A Sedu or similar
Shine Heat Protector can be used to protect the hair and
increase its glossiness and controllability. (Other styling
products such as gel and mousse should not be applied prior
to iron use. However, if they are accidentally used and
burnt onto the iron, Professional Styling Iron Cleaner will
remove it from your Sedu Iron.)

Step 3. Determine Iron Temperature... Most flat irons warm
in just 25 seconds Sedu Flat Irons also warm within the
same range, after which time the user can adjust the
temperature control that best suits their hair type:
Fragile/Damaged Hair:

250°F - 300°F, Thin Hair: 300°F - 340°F, Normal Hair: 340°F
- 360°F, Wavy Hair: 360°F - 390°F, Thick/Coarse Hair: 400°F
- 410°F

Step 4. Style hair...Divide and clip the hair into 5 to 7
sections. Starting at the nape, a 1"-2" section should be
grasped between the iron's plates; the handles should be
squeezed, and the iron slid downward from the hair roots to
the ends without stopping. (The above temperature
guidelines offer necessary heat for hair to be flattened
after just a single swipe down its length.). For soft
curls, the hair can be then wound around the iron by
twisting the wrist, or flipped in or out by bending the
wrist. After the bottom sections are done, this process is
repeated in the other upper sections until all of the hair
is finished. The Sedu irons' use ceramic plates that won't
pull or damage hair.

One last Sedu hairstyle tip is to go slowly. The smooth
and steady use of any flat iron will insure that the style
holds for a long time, even without any finishing spray.

For these Sedu hairstyling tips to work, any ceramic flat
iron that are ultra-lightweight and ergonomically designed
should produce good results. Most are available in 1" and
1 ½" widths, with surge-protected 9 foot cords, and scratch
resistant plates. Flat Iron products are offered in
professional beauty supply stores and salons in 24 states,
Canada, South America, and the UK. Most Styling irons and
hairdryers carry a one year limited warranty and can be
returned if purchased from these locations. Because of Sedu
styling techniques used throughout today's hair industry,
some of the most beautiful faces in the media are known
worldwide for their lovely hair and fascinating hair styles.

Got Questions? For additional information regarding any
specific methods mentioned above try visiting your quality resource for
answers to all your hair related questions. Put our staff
of industry experts with over 70 years of hairstyle
experience to work for you. So don't delay, the answers to
your questions are only a click away.