Monday, May 19, 2008

Choosing The Right Weight Loss Program For You

Choosing The Right Weight Loss Program For You've decided that you want to lose weight. You
start to check out all the different plans and diets on the
market. You wonder how all the dramatically different
options available can all help you achieve the same goal.
Here are some guidelines to consider when you are trying to
formulate a plan to lose weight.

The tendencies of Americans towards being overweight and
obese are a problem that has plagued America for many
years. The percentage of overweight and obese adults and
children has increased sharply every year for the past
three decades. This has created many problems on a
national level as well as for the overweight individual.
Increased health care costs and decreased productivity in
the workforce due to obesity affects all Americans.

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to be
ready to make some extreme changes in your lifestyle. You
have to be willing to devote time and effort to creating a
healthy, positive lifestyle and to stick with it after the
weight is lost. There are many different ways to lose
weight and they can be successful if they follow a simple
formula. The formula is to decrease food intake while
increasing activity to a level that allows you to burn more
calories than you take in. In simpler terms it is calories
in and calories out.

There is no perfect weight loss program that is right for
everyone. Nevertheless, all humans are similar enough that
there are broad categories, and many specifics, that are
correct for almost anyone. It is a good idea to meet with
your doctor as well as a nutritionist before starting a
weight reduction plan. They can help you assess your
situation and help you come up with a specific plan that
will work for you.

There is a large amount of scientific data from nutritional
research that indicates that a weight reduction plan should
have a proper balance of nutrients--that is Protein,
Carbohydrates, Fat, Vitamins and Minerals. Weight loss
programs that emphasize proteins, low or no carbohydrates,
or various other plans do not provide a good balance of
nutrients and will not usually allow you to lose weight,
keep it off, and maintain a healthy body.

So, what is a healthy way to lose weight? People
interested in losing weight and creating optimal health
should plan meals that consist of fruits, vegetables,
grains, calcium and a protein source. There are some
exceptions for those with special dietary needs; however
this basic formula will work for most people. From these
basic foods the body can create the necessary energy to
build muscle, repair cells, and other activities the body
uses to produce optimal health. Insoluble fiber from
fruit, vegetables and grains are not digested easily and as
a result it helps the body with digestion and in keeping
the digestive system clean. Certain vitamins and minerals
are needed for carrying out the thousands of biochemical
reactions critical to proper health. Nature, as discovered
by science, determines what the body needs - not marketing.

So here is the plan that will help you lose weight and
produce optimal health in the process. Meet with your
doctor and or a nutritionist and decide on a good plan that
will address your particular level of health and allow you
to achieve success. A calculation of RMR (Resting
Metabolic Rate) and BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) can be
helpful in determining the precise calorie level for your
individual plan. BMR and RMR are estimates of the number
of calories you will burn when your body is at rest. They
constitute the minimal amount of energy your body is
expected to need to keep functioning. Calculators are
available on health related internet sites, but more
precise calculations can be made by a nutritionist. Once
you know your BMR and RMR, you can calculate the calorie
level you need to maintain to achieve your optimal weight
and stay at that weight.

Certain nutritional supplements can be helpful in helping
you reach your goal. Medications and herbal remedies that
promise rapid weight loss, fat and carbohydrate blocking
are usually not healthy. It is good to eat several small
meals throughout the day, instead of a few large ones.
This helps you keep your metabolism operating at an optimal
level. You will burn more fat, create more muscle tone and
decrease tendencies to be hungry. A good quality meal
replacement can help you do this without constantly
preparing meals. Exercise moderately several times a
week. Don't overdo it.

A good weight loss program should emphasize high quality
sources of protein which are needed so the body can obtain
the essential amino acids. Amino acids are then utilized to
construct new proteins used for repairing muscles and other
important body components. A good weight loss program
should stress complex carbohydrates which are needed to
help the body generate energy to fuel all the other bodily
processes. A good weight loss program should also provide
a healthy source of fat. Fat helps in the absorption of
certain vitamins, helps maintain body temperature, and
slows the rate at which food leaves the stomach which
decreases the level of hunger. If you eat whole foods
which provide all the necessary nutrients, a vitamin
supplement is usually not necessary. A good quality
supplement can insure that you are receiving all the
nutrients and give you peace of mind.

When it comes to releasing excess weight from your body
remember that it took time to put it on and it will take
time to take it off. The habits that allowed you to gain
the excess weight didn't work and they must be changed.
When you start on a healthy eating plan, make it an
adventure. As you start to feel healthier and look better,
you will be grateful that you chose the healthy way.

Ric Henderson is a free-lance writer and Internet
Entrepreneur specializing in several different niches in
the home and family, finance, and marketing categories. He
has recently lost over 100 pounds using the information in
this article. Visit his website.

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