Thursday, September 13, 2007

Does Core Training For The Abdominals Work?

Does Core Training For The Abdominals Work?
A few facts about getting an abdominal six pack with core

You hear a lot about core training these days. There is a
lot of truth to what you are seeing however as per most
things in the media, its getting a little far out. Almost
daily in the gym I see trainers getting people onto swiss
balls, standing on one foot, rubbing their tummy with one
hand and patting their heads with the other. Well not
really but you get the point.

The fact of the matter is that without a strong core, you
have to power and are susceptible to injuries. The methods
to getting a strong core however are a lot less complex
then some people are making it.

Core training in of itself is a simple concept. You are
working the diaphram, multifidus transverse abdominis, and
pelvic floor deep inside. On the exterior you have the
prime movers. These are the more visible ones that everyone
wants to see.

If you work movements such as the overhead lifts that
directly involve the spine you are on the fast track to
productive core training. Yes, the stability ball has its
uses but there are limits and when the complexity of the
movement exceeds the effective results you can stimulate
with it you are heading down the "fad/gimmick route".

Looking out at the gym floor and watching the infomercials
you can see that it's getting crazy. Granted, most of the
movements are a hoot to try and fun to play with on an off
day, but that in itself does not make them the most
effective methods. It makes them fun to do with a
beneficial side effect.

Is training your core the fastest way to getting a six pack
of attention grabbing rippling abs? Absolutely not. Core
training makes your core stronger, more conditioned and
more muscular. This is a great thing and everyone that
wants pain free optimum performance needs a strong core.
However, getting your abs to show in the mirror is a result
of getting the fat off them. Take off the fat blanket and
voila, there are your abs.

Do you think a 359 pound Olympic lifter that can pull 551
pounds from the floor and then stand up with it overhead
has a strong core? The answer is yes without a single
doubt. Does that lifter have a set of strong and well
developed abs? Again the answer is yes. Now for the kicker.
Can you see them? Nope. Not even a hint of a six-pack to be
seen anywhere.

His abdominals are covered by a layer of fat.

So then if fastest way to getting a visible, beach ready
six pack is through fat loss, then how do we do that?

You burn off fat by creating a small calorie deficit
through several factors including a proper eating plan,
exercising your WHOLE body with multi joint, multi
dimensional movements like the clean and press or overhead
squat and including some high intensity cardio.

If this is really the case, then why is everyone and their
dog selling core training? Answer: Because everyone and
their dog is willing to buy a promised shortcut to the land
of easy six packs.

Really effective training is simple, but simple doesn't
mean easy.

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