Monday, September 3, 2007

How Scratching Affects Psoriasis Development

Psoriasis is a skin condition that is more prevalent than
most people think. In fact, approximately less than 3% of
Americans are diagnosed to have psoriasis and thousands of
new cases are expected to turn up every year. The causes
for psoriasis are still undetermined; what they do know
however is that for a person to develop psoriasis depends
largely on several "triggers" such as stress, medication,
and skin infections and injuries.

Affected areas – referred to as plaques by dermatologists –
often feel dry and hot, making suffering invidividuals feel
the intense urge to scratch. Psoriasis can lead to more
serious complications, however, if pruritus – or itching
and scratching – isn't controlled.

Possible Effects From Scratching

Besides having more and worse problems with psoriasis,
uncontrolled scratching may have other medical and
non-medical effects on the affected individual:

Addiction – Once you start scratching, it's possible that
you'll never be able to stop. Consequently, the urge to
scratch may become a condition that you won't be able to
resist indulging in. This addiction is also known as the
itch-scratch cycle.

Distraction – Scratching can occupy your whole mind to the
point that it will distract you from accomplishing whatever
your objectives are efficiently, thoroughly, and on time.

Lack of Confidence – Individuals who scratch one time too
often in public are often viewed as people with
embarrassing hygiene problems. And since you can't explain
the reason why to each and every stranger seeing you
scratching, your confidence might suffer when you're the
recipient of not-so-friendly looks.

Relationship Problems – Constant scratching can irritate
people around you such as your family, friends, and even
your partner. Even though they know why you're scratching,
that doesn't mean they have to understand and tolerate what
you're doing, especially since scratching isn't at all
advised in your condition.

Skin Infection – Besides the development of new plaques in
your head and body (referred to as the Koebner phenomenon),
pruritus can also create openings in your body which may
allow bacteria to come in and cause you to suffer from all
sorts of infection.

Temporary Measures to Keep from Scratching Yourself

Curing yourself out of the scratching symptoms of psoriasis
is one that requires long-term treatment. If, however, you
need to stop your fingers from clawing its way to your skin
pronto, here's what you should do:

Using a Cold Compress – Place a cold compress or anything
clean and intensely cold next to affected areas can succeed
in keeping the urge to scratch at bay…for the time being.

Topical Medications – Also known as topical steroids, this
type of medication is usually the initial treatment you'll
receive from your physician for psoriasis. Some topical
ointments are sold off the counter while a few may require
you to have your doctor's permission. When applied to
affected areas, topical ointments can soothe away the
burning sensation for a short period of time. As topical
ointments vary greatly, it's best that you consult your
physician prior to trying anything so as to prevent
yourself from having undesirable reactions to the treatment.

Take a Bath – Taking a warm and soothing bath is usually
effective for people who want to get rid of their
scratching urges in an instant. Of course, stepping out of
the tub may allow the irritating feeling to surge back
after a few minutes.

Skin Love – Taking care of your skin can also help relieve
you from feeling scratching. Keeping your skin moisturized,
for instance, will significantly reduce the burning and

What to Do to Stop Yourself from Scratching

The best way to get rid of your scratching and itching
problems is to solve the root problem itself: psoriasis. If
you're able to treat psoriasis effectively, there'll be no
reason why you'll feel the need to scratch because there IS
nothing to scratch!

Methrotrexate – This particular medication can either be
taken orally in pill or liquid form or intravenously.
Caution must be exercised however as this drug can cause
liver or bone trouble.

UVB Photography – UVB light is used to eliminate visible
effects of psoriasis. To avail of this treatment, a person
may have to spend approximately half an hour in a life
booth and attend as much as thirty sessions.

Psoriasis may be a lifelong condition and without cure, but
this doesn't mean it can't be managed effectively. Having a
healthy lifestyle, a cheerful disposition, and continuous
medication can go a long way in relieving you from
psoriasis trouble…and scratching.

To find out more about psoriasis check out where we publish the most
up-to-date advice on the current psoriasis cures.

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