Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fat Burning Supplement's Reviewed

Fat Burning Supplement's Reviewed
As the name suggests, fat burning supplements works towards
losing weight or fat from the body. With the increasingly
stressful life and the trend of fast food cravings all over
the world, people (including men, women and teenagers) have
become exposed to a fat body and various obesity problems.
Fat burning supplements work well in getting rid of those
flabby shapes and extra mass.

Before going deeper into the understanding of various fat
burners, you need to get over the myth that declares fat
burning supplements as a solution in whole to get rid of
heavy flaccid body. Truth is that without workouts and
exercise no supplement can help you look perfect and great.
In fact, nothing can make a thick skin vanish unless you
make yourself sweat out intensely with a good exercising
routine. Fat burners or supplements for losing weight or
fat are more or less like assistance in supporting such
activities. Many people tend to eat those calorific and
fattening foods, sit all day and in the end take fat
burners believing to erase it all from their body, but
without a good healthy diet and workout no supplement can
work the way it's designed to. To simply define a fat
burner, it is a supplement that reduces fat from body when
combined with a healthy diet and intense physical

There are many reasons behind attaining a fat in a body or
parts of a body and eating wrong unhealthy is one main
reason, also jobs that require you to sit all day or do no
activity is another reason for getting fat. Apart from
these common causes, a human body can also get large and
chubby due to medical disorder like nervous disorder,
diabetes, blood pressure and side effects from any therapy
or medication.

Fat burning supplements are crucial in supporting body in
losing fat and respond positively to body shaping
activities. But, these supplements have ingredients which
can be harmful a certain condition (for example,
pregnancy), thus it is important to consult a doctor or
specialist before beginning with the use of such fat
melting substitutes. It is also important to talk to a
doctor before taking any supplement, as it ensures risk
free fat loss i.e. this could help you in avoiding the
harmful supplements which may react with may of your
ongoing medication. Also, market is full of supplements,
some bogus and some worth it, so to use the right and safe
supplement it is sensible to be in touch with experts.

There is a simple answer to why we need fat burners. Fact
that with the obesity and ill-defined body a person is
exposed to various healths related problems like heart
diseases, diabetes, breathing problem, cholesterol as well
as blood pressure disorder. Apart from the mentioned
medical conditions caused by overweight or obese body, a
person also suffers from emotional stress caused by
shapeless body and large looks that he/she gets to see in
the mirror. Fat people also tend to get tired and torn out
easily. Cardiac arrest is one big problem seen in many who
are suffering from fatness.

The required dose of any fat supplement varies from person
to person considering their body type and their workout
sessions. Never take a supplement more than prescribed by
your doctor just for the sake of losing little extra, as
these supplements can be harmful if taken in excess for
they might mess up with body metabolism and balance.

To describe the working of various fat burning supplements,
one could say that these are supplements containing all the
essential ingredients or constituents that work towards
boosting energy and body metabolism. Fat burners are also
supposed to restrain excess hunger or craving for food
stopping body from in-taking food senselessly.

Some of the common fat burners are Green Tea, Caffeine,
Yerba Mate, Guarana and Coleus Forskohlii. Supplements like
green tea, caffeine and nut kola tend to support fat loss
if taken prior to a rigorous exercise. The supplement
mentioned above as coleus Forkohlii has the power to break
or melt down the fat stored in the body along with
functions like maintaining blood pressure level in the body.

Apart from the supplements mentioned above, there is a wide
variety of fat burning supplements being used by people
across the world to support their workout and diet in
resulting them with a great fatless body.


Ephedra extract is usually known for energy, stamina and
muscle building. It is also has the ability to support
weight loss. But, this supplements has some adverse
effects, thus it is advisable to consult a doctor.


This supplement for fat burning has properties similar to
those of ephedra and works to boost metabolism and calorie
burning process. Along with decreasing huger craving, this
supplement also provides energy to the body without any
side effects.

7 keto

This is a common supplement for fat loss or fat burning
process as it supports burning of fat from body by boosting
up its metabolism. The objective of this supplement is
aimed towards increasing metabolism by impinging on thyroid


Thermogenics works just like any other fat burner by
boosting body metabolism, calorie burning process and so
on. It is available in market under two categories known to
be thyroid regulators and stimulants.


Known for reducing cholesterol and fat in the body, Guggul
has a positive effect on metabolism and thyroid system.

White willow bark, spirulina, hoodia, Mucana Puriens,
Garcinia Cambogia, Konjac root, Naringin, CLA - Conjugated
Linoleic Acid, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Cayenne an pyruvate are
also some of the effective fat burners or fat burning
supplements available to get rid of shapeless bodies and
fatty mass present on a body.

These fat burning supplements may be efficient enough to
increase the metabolism of your body and stopping it from
consuming extra food all the time. But without proper
workout or exercise, all such functions of a fat burner can
fail to perform. Always keep in mind, you can not simply do
a workout, use these supplements and in the need of the day
have those calorific and unhealthy junk or fat foods. Only
with a healthy, balanced diet and an intense physical
activity routine will these fat burners help you in
removing your fat off your body.

This article has been brought to you by Jason Szova &
Positive Body Real Results Magazine if you would like more
free information on health fitness fat loss and
bodybuilding please visit