Monday, August 6, 2007

Advice about Body Toning Exercises for Women

The trick with many body toning exercises for women is that
you have to know how to perform them in order to get the
most benefit. But while the instructions can be lengthy and
your personal trainer may walk you through them time and
time again, you still might be doing the body toning
movements incorrectly – wasting your time in the process.
Instead of just going through the motions, here are some
great ideas for learning how to perform your fitness
program right each and every time.

Before you even begin the workout that you have planned,
you should look at the body toning exercises for women that
are included. If they're on a tape, try to watch the tape
all the way through once and even again to see what is
happening. You should also read any instructions thoroughly
when you are reading about a program from a website or a
book. Take the time to study any pictures that you might
find and try to imitate the model as though you were a
mirror image of them. You might also want to enlist a
friend to see how they might interpret an exercise.
Sometimes having another perspective will help you figure
it out for yourself.

When you're doing the workout, it's a good idea to perform
any body toning exercises for women as slowly as you can at
first. If you're in a body toning class for women, this
might mean that you will lag behind the other participants,
but this is okay. It will give you a chance to look at
everyone else's form – especially the instructor and those
that have bodies that you'd like to have. Take your time
for the first few workouts and only do half of the
repetitions if you can. As you build up your confidence,
you can add more and move more quickly. Until then, it's
best to figure things out before teaching your body the
wrong movements.

Other things to keep in mind with body toning exercises for
women is that you need to protect your joints. Try to avoid
bending are angles that can harm your body. For example,
when you're doing a lunge, you don't want your front knee
to extend past the toe of the same leg. When you cross your
toe line, you will be at a higher risk of hurting your
knees. This rule also applies for squat exercises too.
Listen carefully to the instructor to hear about any other
adjustments that might help you prevent injury.

When you're first starting a body toning exercises for
women program, you need to be aware that you might not know
everything right from the start. So, instead of learning
the ineffective ways of doing the routine, why not take
your time to learn what really works?

Machelle Lee owns and operates, The Invisible Gym in Santa
Cruz, CA. Her mission is to inspire people to become
physically active and enjoy the benefits of a balanced,
healthy lifestyle. For more information and questions you
can visit her website.

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