Monday, August 6, 2007

Overcome ADD/ADHD with Hypnosis

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or ADD with hyperactivity
(ADHD) is as common in today's schools as well, the common
cold. If you would like to explore alternatives to drug
therapy to help your child become more focused and calm and
do better in school, then hypnosis is a comforting and
natural choice.

Adults and children alike can suffer from the effects of
ADD and ADHD. Both are treated with similar medications
including Adderall, Stratera, or Ritalin. These
prescriptions tend to work only as long as they are in the
body, so most children have to take time out of their
school schedule to visit the nurse for a mid-day dose.
There can also be a drop off effect when the medication
leaves the body that manifests itself as an extreme change
in behavior based on the decreased ability to focus.
Hypnosis addresses the core causes of the inability to stay
on task by organizing thoughts and developing skills used
in concentration.

Hypnotherapy designed to alleviate ADD and ADHD starts as
other hypnosis sessions. First you are brought to a state
of total relaxation. From there you are able to shut out
all external stimuli and focus on the matter at hand. The
dialog used to battle ADD and ADHD works on developing
concentration by learning to focus on one specific thought
or task at a time.

If you or your child struggles each day to stay on task and
live a peacefully organized life, then hypnosis can help.
The cause may be a condition known to doctors and
psychiatrists as ADD/ADHD. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
or ADD combined with Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are
conditions diagnosed in approximately 5-7 percent of
children. It is also becoming recognized as a disorder not
exclusive to children, but in many adults. The growing
pharmaceutical hold on those who suffer from these
conditions is not the only treatment.

Symptoms of ADD and ADHD are an inability to concentrate
and complete tasks. It is believed to be a chemical
imbalance that causes these disorders. A hyper or extremely
active child does not necessarily have a problem, nor does
a scatter-brained adult. Much of a person's diet and the
way they process information, can lead experts to the
diagnosis of ADD or ADHD. Since hypnosis naturally works to
organize and sort through thoughts and stored bits of
information in the brain, it is extremely effective in
helping those who have ADD.

Because hypnosis is able to help a person relax it can go
into the depths of the brain where information is stored.
Often the information stored there is vying for attention
and comes to the conscious mind in the form of scattered
and disconnected ideas. Likewise, throughout the day the
brain is receiving millions of pieces of information
simultaneously and unless it knows how to organize it
quickly, it can cause distractions. Hypnosis, simply put,
is the way to file all of these stimuli and keep order.

Steve G. Jones is a board certified Clinical
Hypnotherapist. He is a member of the National Guild of
Hypnotists, American Board of Hypnotherapy, president of
the American Alliance of Hypnotists, on the board of
directors of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Lung
Association, and director of the California state
registered Steve G. Jones School of Hypnotherapy.

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