Wednesday, September 26, 2007

EPA Fish Oil for a Child

EPA Fish Oil for a Child
According to a study published in Pediatrics in 2005, fish
oil might be a good addition to a child's diet for a number
of reasons. This study suggested that learning problems
and behavioural problems at schools might be directly
related to the amount of essential fatty acids (as found in
fish oil) in the child's diet. By studying over a hundred
children between the ages of 5 and 12, the study found that
children improved their intelligence and behaviour within
three months of consistent supplementation. In fact, this
study proved to be so persuasive that some schools
considered implementing a supplement program as a part of
the UK school curriculum.

Why Does a Child Need to Take Supplements?

It would seem that children would be the least likely
candidates for starting supplement regimens. With their
high levels of health and energy, many parents think that
their children are developing normally and that nothing
more is needed so long as they are not sick. However, this
could not be any further from the truth. Fish oil contains
essential fatty aids, which are chemicals the body can not
produce on its own. In order to ingest these nutrients,
the child would need to eat foods that contain the
essential fatty acids. With the introduction of processed
foods and fast foods, this is becoming less and less the
case. These foods contain little, if any, nutritional
value, leading to essential fatty acid deficiencies.

When the Child is Still Growing and Developing

Though supplementation can begin when the child is of
school age, this is not the only time when fish oil can be
introduced. Pregnant women that take fish oil supplements
during their pregnancy will more likely have children that
score higher on tests and have more fully developed brains
and nervous systems. This development reduces the risk of
ADHD and other learning disabilities, while also helping to
keep moods balanced and positive for the child. The mum
can also help the child with their development by taking in
supplements of fish oil when they are breast feeding.
These essential fatty acids can also be fortified into a
formula for the baby as well.

Adding fish oil and essential fatty acids to the regular
diet for the child can aid in further development during
the crucial younger years. Because the most growth in the
brain and nervous system is happening in childhood, adding
these kinds of supplements will allow the body to develop
normally and to its fullest potential.

Helping ADHD Issues and Other Learning Disorders

Several studies have shown that using fish oil supplements
in children with ADHD, dyslexia and ADD issues is nearly as
effective and even more effective in some traditionally
used medications - like Ritalin. Because the supplements
help the body with cellular function, it stands to reason
that fish oil might be able to help with deficiencies that
are leading to problems with attention. In the study
published in Pediatrics, children that took the fish oil
supplements showed increases in good behaviour, while those
that took placebos did not show any improvement. When the
children that were given the placebos were then given the
fish oil, they began to have fewer problems with ADHD

Boosting Test Scores for Your Child

In addition, the study showed that spelling and reading
skills progressed as normal rates for those that were given
a placebo for their supplement. But those that took fish
oil noticed greater improvements in the same period of
time. There were also boosts in the short term memories of
those that took the fish oil supplements. With the
improved brain function and ability to concentrate,
children were able to recall words more easily and retain
that information for longer periods of time.

How Much Fish Oil Should a Child Be Given?

Of course, the next question is how much fish oil a child
should be given in order to see the kinds of results shown
in this particular study. It is advised that children and
adults have one portions of 500mg of fish oil perday.
This can be given in the supplement form or via fish, nut,
and seed sources. When the child is taking in primarily
fish based sources of essential fatty acids, the amounts
should be carefully monitored.


It is safe to conclude that fish oil is a safe and
effective supplement to give to children that are still
growing and developing. In those with ADHD or ADD issues,
this supplement may be able increase the child's attention
and focus, while also improving their intelligence and test
scores. It is important to note that fish oil supplements
should be free of excessive levels of mercury to prevent
any toxicity issues - especially in the smaller bodies of

Adding fatty fishes like mackerel, tuna, herring, kipper,
and salmon to the diet a few times a week can help to make
your child another star pupil.

Dave McEvoy is an expert in omega 3 fish oil EPA with over
20 years experience; for more information about fish oil
and how it can help come and visit.

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