Saturday, October 13, 2007

Smudging and Smudge Sticks for Health and Aromatherapy

Smudging and Smudge Sticks for Health and Aromatherapy
Many of us have used smudge sticks for years and felt it's
many benefits. Smudging is such a common, continuous
practice that it almost seems modern. Yet smudging is a
practice so ancient that we don't know just when or how it
came to be. Perhaps quite by chance or by internal
inspiration people have come to realize that the smoke from
burning particular herbs had emotional, cognitive, and even
physical benefits. Modern science has proven that the smoke
from some herbs have cleansing effects changing the
molecular structure of air and energy. In fact the aroma of
sage has been found to actually increase the oxygen supply
to the brain and also produce a physical relaxation of
muscle tension.

We have come to experience that smudging has a purification
benefit for our bodies, our living space and our
consciousness. Some of us have come to believe that the
smoke from burning some herbs acts like a messenger to
realities and energies beyond our conscious comprehension
and understanding. People from China, India, Asia, Europe
and, of course, Native Americans have used smoke from
herbal mixtures in their healing and spiritual rituals.

Many of us have come to realize the benefits of a soothing
bath or shower to cleanse and refresh our bodies as well as
experiencing the emotional feeling of well being from the
cleaning. We have found that the use of water changes the
structure of our physical and emotional energy pattern.
Like water, the use of smudge sticks, a blend of certain
herbs, for smudging is equally effective. Like the Native
cultures around the world, we have found that the burning
of herbs for spiritual, psychic, and emotional purification
helps us relax and feel the balance of our physical and
emotional energy. The rational for how smudging works, is
that the smoke molecules from the herbals blends being
burned, attaches to the negative energy and clears it away
or actually changes the molecular structure of the energy.

Our sense of smell connects us to a deep instinctual part
of our brain. We have all experienced this with the use of
other forms of aromatherapy. Smudging is very effective
aromatherapy form and very useful when we have been feeling
depressed, angry, fearful, frustrated, resentful, grief or
unwell. We have also found it to be useful when we have
experienced irritation and conflict in our relationships.
In fact, a space, e.g. a room, can also be "cleansed" of
this uncomfortable energy. In addition, we can use smudging
to enhance a celebration, special occasion, or ceremony.
Smudging can help us experience a relaxed, open,
meditative, and calm state .

Sage is the herb we most commonly use for smudging. The
botanical name for sage is salvia which is from the Latin
root savare meaning to heal. Smudge sticks usually made of
white or another variety of sage or a are a blend of sage
and another herb. Lavender is well known in aromatherapy
practice, as a calming, soothing, balancing aroma.
Lavender when combined with sage in a smudge stick provides
wonderful benefit and experience. Cedar is a traditional
cleansing herb used by Native people. The "spirit" or
energy of cedar is considered to be very ancient and
powerful. Cedar can also be bundled with sage to create a
wonderful smudge stick. Sweetgrass is a toll wild grass
with a musty, sweet aroma. Sweetgrass is often woven into
braids similar to braiding hair and used for smudging as a
single herb. Sweetgrass has a wonderful essential oil
quality that contributes to it's burning slowly. Sweetgrass
has beome rare in the wild because of development.
Sweetgrass aroma promotes a very meditative, open conscious
awareness. Sweetgrass is often used after the cleansing
benefits of sage or cedar. However, blending and bundling
sweetgrass with sage in a single smudge stick, provides an
awesome aromatherapy and meditative experience.

There are various traditions and patterns of using smudge
sticks. One powerful method when using a smudge stick is
after lighting and adding the energy of breath to "fire"
the embers, is to move the stick from foot to head on the
left side of the body representing "female" aspect of
receiving, then on the right side of the body representing
the "male" aspect of taking action, than bringing the stick
around the body clockwise representing bringing one's self
into the "circle of life", and finishing with touching the
stick to the floor/ground acknowledging Grandmother Earth
and raising it above the head moving the stick in a
circular manor acknowledging Grandfather Sky/Sun. When
cleansing a space or an object, the smudge stick can be
moved in a counterclockwise circle representing unwinding
or undoing i.e. cleansing and releasing. Whatever tradition
or pattern of ceremony or method of use of smudge sticks
with which you are comfortable is quite acceptable and

When using smudge sticks, be sure to practice the
commonsense considerations that you would whenever using
something that involves fire and burning. Extinguishing
the smudge stick with water will ruin the stick for further
use. It is best to extinguish the smudge stick by
"smothering" the embers in a cup, bowl, jar, or other
nonflammable container.

Jenny has more than twenty years experience with all
natural health care products. More information about
smudge sticks, sweetgrass and aromatherapy is available at

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