Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Discovering Your Life Purpose

Discovering Your Life Purpose
HEALTH AND WELLNESS Discovering your Life Purpose You Were
Born To Live

Never before has there been a time when healing and
personal growth has been in the forefront of Consciousness
in the Human race.

The state of the world and the changing climates has
brought consciousness to an all time high! People around
the planet are asking the questions of their mortality.

The Baby Boomers are almost at retirement age and are
asking the questions of Who they are, how they can heal
Body, Mind and Soul. Coming from a life or a school of
hard knocks I have had to learn how to survive, why to
survive, and what in the Bleep %^&@* I am on this planet
earth for anyway!

Fortunately I did not have to be a baby boomer to start
asking these questions. I have spent a life time asking
these thought provoking questions. Sometimes, standing on
a cliff screaming on the top of my lungs to the universe.
It was not until I was over 40 that I was finally heard. I
had lost my first child of 13 years to suicide that I
screamed so loud inside my head for meaning and purpose for
staying here.

I would like to back up a bit. My life of Trauma consisted
of everything you could imagine and I am not ready to write
a book of the details. Only that I was on the brink of
jumping off the cliff into the abyss if someone or
something did not hear me and give me some answers pronto.
It was at that point that I began to find answers and
miracles began to happen. I say that because doors opened,
books fell into my hands, people I would never have met all
came into my life. I began to channel spirit entities,
angels and receive books that expanded my consciousness to
work with energy, and was shown many ways to heal myself
and my inner wounds.

I was on an upward climb when I was knocked down with a
sledge hammer when I found my 13 year old son that fateful
April day in 95'. My journey started all over again right
from the beginning it seemed. I had to find the strength
to climb up out of the hole again. I repeated the whole
process of healing and had to search even deeper within.
My communication with my guides stopped. They refused to
come through me anymore until I practiced what they taught
me instead of making a parlor game out of them. I fell
apart once more. Eventually, when I felt I was on even
ground again my guides began communicating verbally through
me once again. My life seemed to gain some momentum. What
I needed was always provided when I asked.

Then 5 years later I got another panic and grief stricken
phone call. My second son who was 18 was found missing (
he just moved 2000 miles away from me). I had just dropped
him off at the airport from a short visit he had with me.
24 hours later he was found cold, he took his own life
also. Again, my life took a huge plunge into despair.

Only this time, with the tools and spiritual help from my
angels and guides I was shown meaning and a greater
understanding about our world, our purpose and why we are
here and what it is all about. Through all this my
children have found a way to communicate through me and
they drop in to say hi or to wish me a happy birthday or to
just say they love me.

Healing is a life time process. I now know why I am here
and what my purpose is. Through my experiences and all my
traumas I am a true healer because I have been there and
bought the shirt and own the tools for healing.

Last week, my third son who is 21 and my baby was in a car
accident and lost all four fingers on his left hand. We
are both very strong and together we know we are survivors
and I can teach him what I know because I have been there
and have been shown the way home.

The various forms of healing come in many different ways.
These are just a few that I have personally used to heal
myself. Hypnosis, Self Awareness, Healthy Diet, Reiki
(healing with energy) meditation, yoga, inner child work,
channeling, meditation, mind control, exercise only to
mention a few. Each one may focus on one aspect of self
but inevitability heals the body as a whole.

I know I am not finished my journey. I have been told it
has just begun. But I will smile more and be a beacon for
others. So, I will just accept and go with that!

About the Author
Patsy Gagnon is an inspirational writer, A wellness
practitioner, a Registered Certified Counseling
Hypnotherapist, Usui Reiki Master, a channeler, and a
healer. Connect with Patsy at

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