Sunday, May 4, 2008

How to Stop Panic Attack

How to Stop Panic Attack
There are many ways to stop panic attack. If you are
anxious about how you could put an end to such an
embarrassing and alarming situation, it would be
appropriate if you would be reminded that indeed, you could
do something to alleviate the disadvantages and setbacks
you encounter by the inconvenient disorder. Stop panic
attack and have and live a more normal life.

If you are aiming to put an end to panic attack, you should
do the necessary measures right away. Stop panic attack and
live your life fully. If you are anxious and worrisome that
you know nothing about the endeavor, read on and discover
practical ways on how you could stop panic attack.

A panic attack is borne mentally. In some form, the
situation can be classified as a form of mental disorder.
But do not get it wrong. A panic attack is not at all
leading and directly related to insanity. A patient r
sufferer from a panic attack may seem like he or she is
going crazy and uncontrollable. Understand that a panic
attack is a product of too much anxiety and fear taking
over one's overall personality. Stop panic attack by
observing the following.

Control yourself

First, if you suspect you are having an episode of panic
attack, hold control of yourself. Paranoia and extreme fear
is part of the manifestations of panic attack. In most
cases, patients feel breathless, restless and really tense.
At its worse, panic attack often induces a feeling as if
death is near. Thus, there is extreme and further fear. In
such cases, overall relaxation and self assurance would be
necessary. Stop panic attack from further doing harm to
yourself by relaxing at the onset of an attack. Meditate,
practice quietness and simply relax.

A panic attack may last a few minutes to as long as several
hours. To ensure yourself, it would help if you would seek
medical and expert help. Doing so is not just ensuring
safety but is also psychologically giving assurance that
everything will be alright. Often, panic attack patients
mistake their attacks for something else, probably a heart
attack. This suspicion might further affect and worsen the
condition. If an expert or doctor would give assurance that
the condition is only panic attack, the patient may be more
assured that everything is controllable.

Medications and therapies

There are also certain prescribed medications that will
instantly prompt treatment. You could abruptly stop panic
attack by taking in prescribed medicines, usually
depressants, like serotonin reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic
antidepressants, benzodiazpines and monoamine oxidase
inhibitors. Such depressants help lower the rapid heart
beat that is greatly contributing to further onset and
possible setbacks of panic attacks.

Also, stop panic attacks by avoiding alcohol, illicit drugs
and most especially coffee, especially when there is
already an onset of the episode. Some people commit the
error of taking in such substances at the appearance of
initial symptoms of panic attack, wrongly thinking that hot
coffee, for example, can relax and warmth the system. Well,
now you know the opposite happens.

Another good way to stop panic attack is by taking
psychotherapy. Because the number of panic attack cases is
rapidly rising all over the world, there are many
psychologists and psychiatrists who are practicing
activities to control and curtail panic attacks. Stop panic
attack by subjecting yourself from such therapies, which
have already been proven to be very helpful.

Most of all, the most effective means to stop panic attack
is by taking a better grasp and control of yourself. If you
could control your fears and anxieties, you are most likely
to stop panic attack alone. Remember that medications and
therapies would render futile if you would not seek to help
yourself most of all.

For more help on how to stop panic attacks for good, visit

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